heyy what type of music u listen to?
heyy what type of music u listen to?
I like rap n pop the.most.... n then rock hard metal n.many lol wbu?
i love rap music but some pop too
Oh yay
Hi there:-)
u temme
ok lol pm me
If u were killed I wouldn't be at ur funeral.... I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed u. We are true friends. We ride together we die together. Send this to everybody u care about, including me if u care... See how many times u get this. I want u to know u are an amazing friend till by death and forever. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for u. Once u read the letter u must send it to 15... Show more
you like twenty one pilots
India we don't work... Only after our graduation done we do
66. Thats how many unanswerd messages i have Abhi. Jeez i was only gone for a few weeks.
hahah yea yea fans uv got :D :P XD
Yep. Idk i had so mny. \(•-•)/
Haha nicee
hey! :D wassup?
nothin much yu :)
nun much bored as hell lol :P :D listenin to music..wait il pm you!
Heyoooo! Nice to meet you, Abhi-Abhi! Do you mind if I call you Abhi-Abhi? I like giving people nicknames, I know it's crazy, but I'm crazy, so, it works! :D
hahah its ok :D it sounds good :P ;)
Okay! :P
hahaah u have given me a name? now its my turn..so yeah what should i call you mysteria? ! :P :D
you can :D Most people call me Mystie, but Mysteria sounds awesome, too.
hahah okay mystie :D yay! niceee
Heyaaa wassup?!