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Deleted User

All I can say is that I loved it!


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could there BE a higher compliment, silasandsheba?

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Well I certainly didn't expect that ending, my stomach dropped and my innards shifted. Effing hell. This is brilliant.

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Ripples just sent me a message with a link of this story. It was BRILLIANT! I know that many writers on this site will be able to relate to this. :)
great job on this piece

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Glynis Rankin

Wow, yeah that was certainly worth sending a message tell all of my friends. Good luck!

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happy to have you recommend it to your group friends.

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Kind of how many of us feel at times! In certain respects as I finished reading (you're an amazing writer) I had visions of John Kennedy Toole.
But your story has such depth and power-the neurotic preoccupation with hygiene; a glimpse at a brilliant mind gone south. Depression.
Great writing, Bram.

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you're spot on.

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Brilliantly written with an ending I would never have suspected. You captured the OC personality perfectly, yet surprised me with the real fear that must have been inside this woman..the fear of success.

Well done indeed.