I love Manga too. What is your favorite series?
Thanks for liking my books! What did you like about them?
pretty much everything i really cant pick just one thing
Thanks dude, I really appreciate it. I am checking out your stuff.
hey, I want to know why I got a friend reguest from you. I don't want to be mean or something like that. I just longing to know why. Sorry when my english is not that good, but I'm german.
Strawberrycupcake :)
Suuuuure. MMhhmm. I bet.
Huhu :)
whats the rumor ;)
I dont know xD
really u must know since you put it Hehe
Haha yeah i should. but its just an hey xD
Nice Profile ;)
yea itis
Maybe you should go to bed..:)
SWAGMONKEY - get the power!!
omg stop spamming my profile
ok ive been wondering why u haven't messaged me lol love u too hehe xoxoxo <33
Yes! Yesterday I messaged you but it wouldn't send!! Soooo annoying!!
xoxoxoxoxox luv u more <33333
Yay! It worked!! So, I replied to your 2 messages and sent you a new one. Kk? <333
Whoa, you seiriously are a DJ at clubs???? Oh my Lanta! And I LOVEEEE your quote. xoxoxoxoxo