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Well hello Bookrix, haven't been round for a while :/

I will be getting back to writing and updating from today, I hope. My apologises for those who were waiting for me to update books like A Moonlit Path and School of Mystery, I got writer's block doing AMP and couldn't actually bring myself to work, but all my planning will be pointless if I don't continue, so I will get up and running soon. :)

I am also begining fresh with... Show more

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I love your books!

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Finished Hope after my long hiatus. Oh yes.

Sequel is being planned....

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Hey Megan! =D
There's a Sims group on here (Sims 1, 2, and 3!) and the owner really wants people to join it. Why don't you? I'm there =D
- Bethan ;)

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Hi - Thank you for the friend request!

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Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! :)

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Bored, so here's a short sneak peek at 'On Top Of The World':

As the bitter wind chilled my bones, I spotted a car coming up behind me. The driver raised one hand to me, indicating me for stop. I did so, and the driver wound down the window. It was a young woman in her early 30s with short ginger hair and hazel eyes. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"Could you tell me somewhere I could go?" I asked pleadingly. "I'm lost and... Show more

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... Show more


Okay, I think this is just annoying now. xD

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Debating which book I should do a massive update on, here's my list and short reason why (because i'm just that bored :D) (* means not released yet)

Hope - Want to finish before summer
School of Mystery - I've got nowhere with this book XD
*On Top Of The World - Have first chapter completed and I want to release it
A Moonlit Path - Needs major update
Dark Shadows - Also needs a pretty major update to correct spelling and grammar... Show more

13 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

Calm down, I won't release it until May or early June, lol.


Okays xD


Mehhh I'm going to talk to you on Skype, make yourself appear online or I kills you >:)

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Finally released Hope, my newest book and the first the in the Light series. Heck that took forever to write the storyline -___-


Heyyy :)


:o stalker alert!


-_- Anyway, I'm reading Hope right now :)

Deleted User

I love that book forbidden love. it is good wright more please.

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Aww, it's my teeny tiny teenage sister xD
(I'm taller than Megan =O It's trueeee)

1 Comment
Deleted User

i have a sister that is named megan she is older than me. her user is peeta123

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