Jeff have you received a load of porn sites, I have just had twelve sent to me from what seems to be from four different women????????
Jeff have you received a load of porn sites, I have just had twelve sent to me from what seems to be from four different women????????
I dropped a line to the agent who is currently considering "A Vampyre's Daughter" to see if I could get an update. It had been 5 months.
Good news = Still reading it! Not a "No" yet! And I should know the answer by the end of the month.
Bad news = I'll know the answer by the end of the month. (bites nails).
Feel ya.
Good luck, Jeff! I know that it is a process filled with blood sweat and tears. Perhaps mainly symbolic but painful nonetheless.
Thanks sir!
My friend
No not yet I have a week and a day left
Hope you nail your finals. Then go do something fun for yourself. :)
I will
After 11 months of work, drama, life, divorce, depression, a move to a new state, and day to day distractions that prevent me from writing, I finally got the 1st draft of my novel's sequel done today!
Fire to the spirit man.
Keep breeding those words,so we can transform thee planet Earth.
Way to go
Back from the dead back into the sun it is I the sunshine of all good things blooming the flowers of spring and drying up the years of snow
Wilst tho gent help Thy sun from the bunnies that come and consume as they please.
Thy good sir is one of a kind. I thank thee now.
Thank you for the warm welcome. We are writers, our words paint pictures of dreams.
Hey, kiddo. Doin ok?
For the most part but I'm going along just fine. Hbu?
Good atm. My life is by no means simple, but so far dong awrighty.
School ok? Family not driving you crazy?
I love to tell stories and I enjoy the company of serious writers. I've been a wordsmith, journalist, and editor for most of my career. I have never done fiction.
I have always wanted to try my hand at being a novelist. I knew from experience I had a gift for words. People adored... Show more
I've decided to turn a chapter from my shelved SF trilogy into a little novelette, and post it here when it's properly edited. I've always thought the chapter stood alone well, and it could be both fun, and a nice eventual promo for the trilogy.
I'll give a shout out when it's done.
That's cute :)
Do you mean John Lassater the Pixar Animation guy?
Yes, ma'am. She went to CalArts with Lassater and Tim Burton. She dished on them. And had some signed drawings (jealous).
Some good ones, some bland ones. Who'd a thunk that Gene would be the one to crack up most?
Young Frankenstein outtakes:
spammers. Apparently its been rampant in the last day or two.
Yes I see Judy on to it and they have been deleted
It's ongoing. I finally got a few, too. Seems like it should be harder to make a bot user profile. Like a confirmed email or something. Oh well.