Bad parenting for Halloween (some actual good parenting mixed in).
There's a few really good ones, and a bunch of blah ones. The little girl who says, "No thanks, that's too freaky" is precious.
Bad parenting for Halloween (some actual good parenting mixed in).
There's a few really good ones, and a bunch of blah ones. The little girl who says, "No thanks, that's too freaky" is precious.
Kids getting pranked on Halloween.
Some good ones, some "meh" ones. The kid at the end, "this is not spooky," is hilarious.
Kinda disappointed. I used to be a big Clive Barker fan (books mostly), and thought Hellraiser was pretty cool. Watched it yesterday, but it just doesn't hold up over the years. Looks like 80's schlock now.
That stuff only works if it's funny now, which Hellraiser isn't.
Not the funniest, but its worth a giggle. I do like the white outfits. ;)
This is funnier :)
Oh yeah I cracked up when that first came out. Still one of their better ads. ;)
I know the Scary Movie films were parodies of horror movies, but the original to do it was this one:
It has its genuinely hilarious moments, and... Show more
How terrible a person am I if I find this the funniest thing I've seen in a long while?
The mental imagery is really gross. I can't stop laughing. But Ear Juice? I don't care what ethnicity it is. So not appetizing.
Mmm. Shrimp flavored crack. What I always wanted.
That has to be one of the most appetizing of the bunch. XD
Mystery solved: Is Michael Meyers a "Pepper" too?
Sometimes, monsters just gotta be chillin'.
Who doesn't love this movie?
Alice rocks, and so do you. :) He's a funny guy too.
I was clueless about him when i was a kid until he went on the muppet show. Instant respect and interest. :)
And yes, anyone who doesn't love Princess Bride is a loser, and shouldn't be allowed to waste oxygen.
He's real! I saw him!
Nevermind that he looks like a dog with WW1 googles.
You calling me old?
Hmmf. I resemble that remark.
Its the same with most of the 80s horror. Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Puppet Master, etc. aren't what they were when they came out.
Mostly agree, although there's something in the original idea of Elm that still survives, I think. I don't recall schlocky effects in Halloween. Seems like that was ok last I remember (2 years ago saw it last?), but most of the creature/body parts-fx in 80's movies don't stand... Show more
Mostly agree, although there's something in the original idea of Elm that still survives, I think. I don't recall schlocky effects in Halloween. Seems like that was ok last I remember (2 years ago saw it last?), but most of the creature/body parts-fx in 80's movies don't stand if its not intended to be cornball.
I love The Howling, but the FX in it are passe' now (the 2D scene was always embarrassing). The 3 scenes with Robert Picardo creeped me out ages ago. Not so much now. Same with American Werewolf.
Some schlocky effects work fine though for films like The Re-Animator, or Return of Living Dead, etc.