Couple the extremely visual elements and perfected writing itself with a REAL story that I think both men and women can relate to on a gut level, and you have told possibly the best short story that I've read in a long, long time.
Given the description of Andrew's character, his self-consumed modus operandi, Abby's inner dilemma in her life; I was expecting a much different ending. Expecting the worst. Delighted by that last... Show more
Couple the extremely visual elements and perfected writing itself with a REAL story that I think both men and women can relate to on a gut level, and you have told possibly the best short story that I've read in a long, long time.
Given the description of Andrew's character, his self-consumed modus operandi, Abby's inner dilemma in her life; I was expecting a much different ending. Expecting the worst. Delighted by that last page. This one belongs at the top of your publication--Short Story Collections by Alsam2.
If there was one small, minor, perhaps nit-picky thing I noticed, it was the use of the phrase, "male chauvinist pig". It hit me as cliche when I know you have the power of more inventive words at your fingertips. But that is so small, and stopping at it is probably just off the mark by me.