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Every time I read one of your stories, I remind myself that I need to raise the bar for my writing. Your descriptions and amazing characters set a standard for me as do the stories of other well known BookRix writes.
:D keep the awesome stories coming.

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It is always a pleasure reading something from you. I know it will be well-edited and chock-full of details. When I enter in to a story, I like to "see" where I'm going and your details were crisp and vivid. Great story and character development, awesome job!

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A relief to read a well-edited piece of writing as well as one which moved along logically and well and finished well too.
I enjoyed it.

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Couple the extremely visual elements and perfected writing itself with a REAL story that I think both men and women can relate to on a gut level, and you have told possibly the best short story that I've read in a long, long time.

Given the description of Andrew's character, his self-consumed modus operandi, Abby's inner dilemma in her life; I was expecting a much different ending. Expecting the worst. Delighted by that last... Show more

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I love this story, very well written, not exactly finding words to comment. Good story.

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Deleted User

Oooooh.... very well done. I enjoyed it.

I'm going to have to tell Stevie about this one; your seedy bar reminded me of this place she took me in Texas... :D

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Yeah! The bad boy develops a conscience and perhaps....happiness? Lovely short story, true to life and just long enough. A+

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Sometimes people can be nice.

Very well written as always.

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Deleted User

Before Andrew became an emotionally connected washout. I rather liked the bed- hopping model, he needs to open the door and leave. I'd like to read more of his sexploits!

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