Aw Lucky Star fan! I haven't watched much but I love it so far. You rock girl!
Aw Lucky Star fan! I haven't watched much but I love it so far. You rock girl!
true, oh so true. so annoying.
Scarlet key Part one is finnished for those who wanna read, part two is in progress, jest saying :3 thanks for those who read it already ungah! Now i want some ramen:3
For some reason, your profile picture puts me to sleep. I've caught some of Lucky Star. Funny series. XD
I'll have a look at Scarlet Key sometime. So much to do in preparation for college...
humm... seems pretty cool, but i never really heard of it before. i can't finnish reading it today, but maybe tommarow :3 jest remmember anime has to be exciteing with unexpected twists and killer plot, suspence is always good.( jest don't confuse people or write things that... Show more
Looked up J-Pop in Google. Had a feeling it had to do with music. ;)
Oh, thanks! Didn't know you started reading it, hehe. No worries - I put all my heart into all the stories I write. This one will have all the above you mentioned. 8)
i never realized how much hetalia is popular with the German community... swheet
unga! Scarlet key minni series comeing soon!
hey manga and anime is amazing
i knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow :3
Hehe Tsukasa is my favorite! Who's yours (I have a feeling it is Konata)
it is konata :3
I. must. cosplay. as. Tsukasa! hehe hehe
horray for cosplay!