Leader - Ashstar: dark gray tom with green eyes
Deputy - Stormblaze: smoky black tom with poderous shoulders and powerful muscles
Medicine cat- Dapplepelt: tortoisshell she-cat with many gray patches
Apprentice: Snowpaw
Warriors -
Birchflame: brown she-cat with white paws
Apprentice: Sparrowpaw
Lionclaw: ginger longhaired tom with emerald eyes and long claws
Apprentice: Mousepaw
Mapletail: big brown tom with dark gingerish patches
Apprentice: Lilypaw
Briarheart: calico she-cat with blue eyes
Whitefur: pure white tom with yellow eyes
Silvercliff: white tom with unusual silver legs and tail
Apprentices -
Sparrowpaw: light brown tom
Snowpaw: persian colored she-cat with icy blue eyes
Mousepaw: brown agile she-cat
Lilypaw: light gray she-cat with beautiful blue eyes
Queens -
Sageleaf: calico she-cat, expecting Stormblaze kits
Tigerstripe: brown tabby she-cat, nursing Lionclaw's kit, Bravekit
Kits -
Bravekit: dark brown tabby tom with white paws and golden eyes
Barknose: old, dark brown tom
Heronflight: white she-cat with bright yellow eyes
Leader - Silverstar: light gray she-cat
Deputy - Lightstream: gray and brown she cat
Medicine cat - Thornear: brown and black tom
Warriors -
Foxtail: dark ginger she-cat
Apprentice: Beetlepaw
Thistlepelt: big white tom with black patches and blue eyes
Apprentice: Squirrelpaw
Dustfur: brown tom with some more lighter patches
Robinsong: tortoisshell she-cat with green eyes with a russet coloured collar
Apprentices -
Beetlepaw: white, black,gray and brown coloured little tom
Squirrelpaw: pale ginger she-cat with a furry tail
Queens -
Leafpelt: calico she-cat, nursing Thistlepelt's kits, Ivykit,Rainkit,Hawkkit
Kits -
Ivykit: black she-kit
Rainkit: gray blueish tom
Hawkkit: brown tabby tom
Leader - Spottedstar: dark gray she-cat with unusual black spots
Deputy - Cougarheart: ginger and light brown powerful tom
Medicine cat - Blueeye: white she-cat with blue eyes
Warriors -
Jaggedtooth: big gray tabby tom with sharp claws
Apprentice: Mothpaw
Boltlight: smoky black pelted tom
Blackfang: dark brown longhaired she-cat
Apprentice: Thrushpaw
Cloudfur: white tom with gray stripes
Lightfoot: agile calico tom with long legs
Apprentices -
Thrushpaw: white she-cat
Mothpaw: tortoisshell tom
Queens -
Windtail: gray and white she cat, nursing Boltlight's kit, Oakkit
Kits -
Oakkit: brown tom with white belly and muzzle
Elders -
Sandclaw: light brown she-cat with ginger stripes
Pinefur: brown tom
A ginger colored tom entered a clearing with a small pool in the center. Behind him more cats began to appear from nowhere, dragging they light bodies like ghosts. "Is this the place?" a gray she-cat asked the ginger tom, "yes, i'm sure of it" he finished. Many cats lashed their tails happily and started chatting between them, but a loud youl made them stop "cats of Starclan!" the ginger tom was speaking from a rock near the pool "finally we found the perfect place to look upon our clans!", at his talking many cats agreed with mews. "But Firestar" the gray she-cat talked again "you can watch very good Fireclan from here, but I need to watch Leopardclan as well!" she complained. Firestar twitched his whiskers "Hawkstar, don't worry, from here you can watch Leopardclan very well, as well as Barkstar can watch on Rainclan" he added looking to a brown tom who nodded politely. A calico she cat padded quietly in front of Firestar dipping her head respectfully before speaking "Firestar, may I talk?" she asked, "of course you can, Icepelt". Icepelt turned to face all her clan "Starclan! I predict hard times to come for the three clans! Many will perish and die! And many others will experience horrendous pains!" many gasps and shocked mews crossed the clearing, all then facing Firestar who had closed his eyes to think. "What will happen?" a gray tom called preoccupied "I don't want my sons to die or feel any kinds of pains!" another she-cat youled angry. "Silence!" the roar spreaded quickly into the clearing like wind "Icepelt was never wrong before! Anyway..." he stopped to take a deep breath "we will see what will happen, we will send signs to our clans, and remember that we will always do what is in our power to help our clanmates!" he added determinately. All the cats nodded faintly, still many were insecure and unsure of the being. "Until then" Firestar continued "we can only watch and wait" and he layed down, together with Icepelt, Hawkstar and Barkstar to gaze into the pool.
Morning light filtered in the nursery, disturbing Bravekit's peacefully sleep. He slowly yawned and delicately opened his small, golden eyes for the first time, to look at the world. A huge gasp took place upon his little head "look Sageleaf! Bravekit finally opened his eyes!" Bravekit felt his mother tongue licking his fur kindly and repeating again the sentence to the other queen "yes,Tigerstripe, I can see he is tabby like you and strong like Lionclaw" Sageleaf added with a smile. Bravekit purred for the compliment and looked up to face his mother smiling at him "hi Bravekit! I'm your mother! Tigerstripe!" she squeaked, "hi mom!" he mewed to the motherly tabby she-cat. Bravekit heard noises from the nursery entrance, and turned his head to see a big ginger tom enter the den, his size was huge and Bravekit hid in his mother's belly scared "look Lionclaw! Finally our son opened his eyes!" Bravekit felt the tom's eyes rush on his body "Bravekit?" Lionclaw asked smoothly, Bravekit popped his tabby head from his mother's fur and saw Lionclaw smile "hi Bravekit!Why are you so scared? Don't you know that I'm your father?" he asked gently. Bravekit purred again and trotted near his father sniffing him and playing with his tail, Lionclaw chuckled and gazed to Tigerstripe "he seems so strong! I'm sure he will become a very good warrior!", at that saying Bravekit stopped chasing Lionclaw's tail and faced his father "what is a warrior?" he asked curious
Lionclaw blinked at Bravekit puzzled, just to close his eyes and remember that his son was still very young, and that he needed to learn an awful lot of informations. He sighed deeply to start to explain about the different ranks in the clan, but before he could speak a brown she-cat entered the nursery "Lionclaw! Stormblaze wants you in a border patrol! Quick!", Lionclaw nodded at Bircflame and did a "see you later" lick to Bravekit before walking out and follow Bircflame. "So, what's the problem for such a rush?" he asked, "we found many Leopardclan scents very near our border, Stormblaze thought that maybe Leopardclan wants to take a stripe of territory and he decided to make a patrol of him, you and me" Birchflame explained reaching the deputy "we're here", Stormblaze nodded and ran for the camp exit.
The slimy mud of the ground was slowing the run of the three warriors, the rain of yesterday hid the fact that it was still green leaf, as well as it just started now. Heavy drobs were annoying Lionclaw's ears and muzzle and he twitched his whiskers irritated. He slowed down as they reached the border and raised his chin to take a sniff: there was definately Leopardclan scent together with rain smell, Stormblaze muttered something angrily to himself and marked well all the trees near that patch, but a loud youl from Bircflame caught his attention "look out! I smell Leopardclan!" as quick as she finished screaming two Leopardclan warriors jumped out of some brambles, snarling at them and investigating the whole situation with their incuisitive eyes, "What are you doing in Fireclan territory?!" Stormblaze hissed calmly, but his muscles tensed, predicting a vicious battle to come "what are you doing in our territory!" Lionclaw could identify Cougarheart mean personality, and the other one was definately Jaggedtooth by his big size - Leopardclan send wisely its most powerful and experienced warriors.
Bravekit sighed bored "is everything all right?" Tigerstripe asked him, Bravekit nodded "yes, but i'm bored" he added, "can I go outside?" he asked hopefully. There was worry in his mother eyes but Sageleaf replied "come on, Tigerstripe! There are no dangers in our camp! And surely he will learn something going out of the nursery" Tigerstripe nodded "okay Bravekit, but I'm gonna call an apprentice to take an eye on you", his mother got up and called at the nursery entrance "Sparrowpaw! Can you do a little tour of the camp for Bravekit?" Bravekit saw a light brown cat come and nodding, he was bigger than him but still smaller than his parents, Bravekit smiled and followed Sparrowpaw that started talking "ok, then, my name is Sparrowpaw and I'm training to become a warrior" Bravekit looked at him puzzled, and Sparrowpaw sighed before explaining on "when a cat borns, he or she is a kit, when a kit is six moons old he can become an apprentice; apprentices train to hunt and fight, so they can become good warriors" Bravekit finally understood and purred happily "when I will become an apprentice?" he asked "how old are you?" Sparrowpaw asked "hmm, I think one moon" "you'll have to wait a lot more before becoming one" Sparrowpaw replied. Bravekit felt sadness fill his heart, he so wanted to become an apprentice! "This is our den, in here all apprentices sleep" Bravekit saw a big bramble den with different cat smells and followed Sparrowpaw that was still trotting to another den "this is the warrior den, in one moon and a half I will sleep here!" he raised his chin and puffed his chest proudly "wow! I'm so happy for you Sparrowpaw!" Bravekit squeaked jumping excited as he was for becoming a warrior. "This is the elders den" Sparrowpaw indicated with his tail "in there live old warriors that retired for their age, they are very experienced and respected, but for me they're just old grumpy cats" "careful with what you say!" Bravekit saw a white big tom trot near them "you shouldn't talk bad of your clanmates! Especially for elders, whom have defended and hunted for your clan before you've been even born!" Sparrowpaw dipped his head embarrased "sorry Whitefur" Whitefur nodded and then looked to Bravekit "who is him?" "he's Bravekit, Lionclaw's son" Bravekit felt Whitefur's dark yellow eyes burn on his pelt "Lionclaw's son..." he repeated the sentence "be careful" Whitefur grunted and padded away. Sparrowpaw rolled his eyes and continued the tour "this is Dapplepelt's den" Bravekit saw himself look into a small hill with a dark entrance "in there lives... a-a monster?" Bravekit asked half scared "in the contrary! Dapplepelt is the most kind cat in the whole world! As well as our precious medicine cat!" "what is a medicine cat?" Bravekit asked "is the cat that heals you of any kind of wounds! And also they are very special! They can communicate with Starclan, our ancestors that live in Silverpelt!" Bravekit listened to all that Sparrowpaw was saying and again followed him "last but not least! This is Ashstar's den! Our proud leader!" "thanks for the compliment!" Bravekit saw a dark gray huge tom appear from the tree stump and looking at them "oh, Ashstar! I didn't know you were there! Sorry!" Sparrowpaw dipped his head half for respect and half for embarassment, Bravekit didn't know what to do and dipped his head as well. "Sorry? Nonsense!" Ashstar smiled "you just said a compliment, you don't have to apologize!" and then Ashstar looked down at the kit "and you should be Lionclaw's son, Bravekit, isn't it?" "yes" Bravekit replied faintly "I'm happy to see that you're very polite" Bravekit felt the huge paw of his leader on his head "be a good kit, ok?" and Ashstar padded back to his den.
Lionclaw felt Jaggedtooth sharp fangs sink in his tailtip, he cried out of pain and twisted his body to claw Jaggedtooth's face. The Leopardclan warrior let go his tail and backed off, blood spilling on top of his eye. Lionclaw quickly took a look on Stormblaze and Birchflame, they were two versus one, but Cougarheart was tough enough to cope. Lionclaw dodged a bite from Jaggedtooth and jumped on his back, biting his neck and clawing his spine, the enemy youled and rolled making Lionclaw's grip fall. And then, quick as a fish, Jaggedtooth bit his ear hard. Lionclaw closed his eyes from pain and tried to retire, but Jaggedtooth teeth were sank in his skin, warm blood flooding his muzzle. Birchflame pushed powerfully Jaggedtooth away "are you ok Lionclaw?" Lionclaw nodded "yeah, but go back to help Stormblaze!" "I would mind a thanks!" Bircflame retorted. Jaggedtooth was spatting blood but he was smiling as Lionclaw was breathing heavily " have enough?" his foe asked, "never!" Lionclaw hissed and sprang again on Jaggedtooth, he was so quick on doing a front paw and clawing his eye that the Leopardclan warrior mewed of shock and surprise and growled of pain at the same time, squeezing his paw on his bleeding eye, Lionclaw felt happiness in his chest "your half blind Jaggedtooth! Why don't you go back?!" Lionclaw spat, and Jaggedtooth roared of frustration. "Lionclaw! Stormblaze is seriously wounded! We have to retreat!" Lionclaw looked at his deputy, he seemed half dead and he was bleeding from everywhere, Lionclaw nodded and ran towards their forest, behind him Cougarheart yowled of victory and Jaggedtooth roared "I won't forget you this, Lionclaw!" Stormblaze's gray fur was full of wounds, Cougarheart was certainly a temerar warrior. But most of all Stormblaze needed Dapplepelt before something goes wrong... Finally the three of them reached the camp entrance and bursted in, "Dapplepelt! Stormblaze is wounded!" Lionclaw said as loud as he could.
Bravekit looked as his father and other two warriors entered the camp, he quickly ran towards Lionclaw "dad! are you all right?!" he asked preoccupied "of course I am, little one! Is just some scratches..." Lionclaw dropped on the ground and closed his eyes "dad?dad!" Bravekit youled faintly, "don't be afraid, he just fainted" a tortoisshell she-cat reached the three warriors and Bravekit "oh, Stormblaze! You're very bad! Come to my den" "thanks Dapplepelt" Stormblaze replied following her "Snowpaw! Help Lionclaw! Take some marigold and cob webs!" Bravekit watched as a beautiful persian she-cat popped from the medicine cat den with a mouthful of herbs and inspectioning Lionclaw. "Is he going to be all right?" Ashstar asked "yes, he is strong, there is no worry, he just needs rest" Snowpaw replied. Bravekit felt her mother pad near them and look at Lionclaw with sad and worried eyes "oh, Lionclaw..." she whispered nuzzling her mate. Bravekit watched with interest as Snowpaw chewed the marigold and put the poltice on the wounds with cob webs. "What do you need those for?" Bravekit asked, Snowpaw looked at him smiling kindly, making Bravekit feel something warm in his chest, a feeling he didn't recognize; "the marigold is for the infections and healing wounds, and the cob webs for stop bleeding" Bravekit nodded and sat down still watching the agile gray paws of the apprentice rolling the cob webs on Lionclaw's tail, Bravekit burst into laugh after Snowpaw wrapped at least all his father's body "he seems a ball of of cobwebs!" Bravekit snickered, Snowpaw laughed as well "yes, your right!Oh! Dapplepelt is calling! See you again Bravekit!" and she trotted back to camp, makin her tail touch Bravekit's neck while she goes. Bravekit sat down staring in the direction where seconds ago Snowpaw passed and then shook his head, raising his ears to hear the conversation of Birchflame and Ashstar "there were just two, I tell you! But they were fighting like all of Tigerclan! Especially Cougarheart, he coped with me and Stormblaze like we were kits! In the other hand Jaggedtooth was doing great with Lionclaw! It was horrible, a very bad defeat for Fireclan, we loose a stripe of our territory..." Ashstar listened closely to her, nodding time to time and then spoke "don't worry, you fought well, and your clan will be proud of you for time to come. And for the territory... we have time to take it back, we need more warriors and more border patrols, but for now lets just rest and hope that Stormblaze gets better" Bircflame dipped her head and Bravekit felt sadness flood him. The sun was hiding behind the horizon and Bravekit heard her mother call him, he hurried back to nursery and settled himself in Tigerstripe's belly "did you have a good day?" his mother asked "yes! but will Lionclaw feel better?" he asked. Tigerstripe licked kindly his ear, making Bravekit purr "of course! Your dad will be better in no time! No need to worry!" Bravekit nodded smiling and dipped his head and closed his eyes falling in a deep sleep, that night he dreamed of a beautiful persian she-cat touching him with her tail...
Lionclaw squeezed his eyes before opening them, he rolled in his back and felt pain through his entire body, but still it was dull feeling. He tried to get up, but as he walked outside the den full of strong herb scents, he limped seriously, but at least he could walk. He was the second cat awoke, the first as always Ashstar who greeted him as quick as he gazed him "good morning Lionclaw! Feeling better?" the old gray tom asked, Lionclaw dipped his head respectfully before raising it to reply "yes Ashstar, I should thank Dapplepelt for this, and most of all Starclan" Ashstar nodded and spoke "today I've decided for you three to rest, we have other warriors to do the patrols and plenty of apprentices for hunting" Lionclaw nodded as well "thanks", Ashstar got up and lashed his tail before returning to his treestump-den. After, Birchflame reached him as well "slept good?" she asked while sitting down and licking her paw, "yes, thanks. Do you know how Stormblaze is?" Lionclaw asked, "Dapplepelt said it was serious, but he is recovering fast. Luckily we came here in time..." Bircflame sighed. Lionclaw couldn't think of Stormblaze dead, he has been deputy ever since he was born, and for him he will always be as a fatherly figure, as well as his best friend. Lionclaw hurried limping to the nursery, Tigerstripe was sleeping and Bravekit was doing a pleasant dream by the smile on his face. Lionclaw nuzzled his mate making her wake, and Tigerstripe purred faintly "oh, Lionclaw! Your all right!" Tigerstripe smiled, Lionclaw licked her ear and looked down at Bravekit "was he good yesterday?" he asked, Tigerstripe nodded "Sparrowpaw gave him a tour of the camp and also he explained to him the ranks", "that is beautiful!" Lionclaw mewed "he is such a quick learner, I can't wait for teaching him how to snap the neck of a rabbit, or how to blind a mouse-brain of a Leopardclan warrior" Lionclaw snickered. Tigerstripe looked at him sternly at first, but then she laughed as well "yes, but he is just one moon old, you'll have to wait a lot of time until then", Lionclaw nodded and prayed to Starclan for him to grow strong, proud and loyal. He kindly licked Bravekit, nuzzled Tigerstripe and went out of the nursery. The pain on his tailtip returned and he needed some poppy seeds from Dapplepelt.
Bravekit opened his eyes and yawned, he got up to strech his muscular little body. "Good morning!" Tigerstripe said, "morning mom! Can I go out?" he asked, Tigerstripe nodded "for everything ask the other apprentices or warriors, ok?" but Bravekit was already out of the den the time her mother finished the sentence. He ran towards the apprentice den and called "Sparrowpaw!?" but as he entered, the den was empty and the scent was fresh. He saw Whitefur approach him, and his fur raised for something he didn't know, he just didn't trust the white tom "don't spend your breath, all the apprentices went out early" Bravekit nodded and tried to ran away as quick as he can but Whitefur caught him by his tail "hey! Leave me alone!" Bravekit squaked, Whitefur laughed "and why? I'm having so much fun!", Bravekit felt anger flood him and with unusual agility for a kit, he twisted his body and bit the paw of the older warrior with his small but sharp teeth "aww!" Whitefur yelped, Bravekit smiled and ran away, too busy finding a hide place to see the shocked face of Whitefur. Bravekit hid behind a rock and watched as a calico she-cat spoke to Whitefur "are you all right? Your face is so pale, like you saw a ghost!" Whitefur shook slightly his head "no, is nothing Briarheart", Briarheart shrugged and padded away while Whitefur grinned at Bravekit for some more moments and walked away. Bravekit sighed of relief and felt proud of himself, he just attacked and defeated a warrior! Bravekit smiled, he would describe this to Sparrowpaw for sure, the apprentice will be so jealous of him! The young kit sneezed as a butterflie flapped its wings near his nose, for revenge Bravekit tried to catch it, and just when he nearly did he crashed on another warrior "oh,did I hurt you?" a white tom asked from above, Bravekit raised his tabby head and shook it, the gray-footed warrior breathed of relief "so you would be Bravekit! My name is Silvercliff by the way" as Bravekit looked at him closely he seemed a lot like Ashstar "are you searching something?" the question broke Bravekit's thoughts, Bravekit nodded "Sparrowpaw" he said briefly, "Sparrowpaw and the other apprentices are all out, they will return by sun high, I think", Bravekit looked at Silvercliff sad "but, if I see him I will tell to Sparrowpaw that you need him, right?" Bravekit felt the sadness go away and nodded jumping "sure! Thanks!", Silvercliff chuckled and trotted away.
Bravekit sighed bored, he had found every hidden corner of the camp, well, except the leader's den, but in there he was sure he wasn't permitted to go. His mind went blank and then a she-cat filled the nothingness "yeah! I should go to see Snowpaw!" Bravekit quickly got up and padded for the medicine cat den. Snowpaw was cleaning the pelt of Stormblaze whom was still sleeping, the white she-cat raised her head and smiled at him "hi Bravekit!" Bravekit smiled back "can I stay here? I don't have nothing else to do", Snowpaw nodded "sure! You can help me! Lets see... can you go and count the poppy seeds so I can know if I have to fetch other? Poppy seeds are small and black little seeds" Bravekit nodded, and happily ran towards the herb corner, in there the smell was strong of different smells, but still pleasant. He looked a bit around until he found the little black seeds, one... two.... three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! "Snowpaw! There are ten poppy seeds at both sides!" Snowpaw looked back at him "okay, thanks Bravekit! Can you now go and soak this moss into water? The pool is in that corner!" Bravekit grabbed the moss and ran to the other end of the den, he soaked the moss in the cold, fresh water, some drops sprinkled on his muzzle making him twitch his pink nose, and quickly he returned to gave it to Snowpaw "thanks again Bravekit! You're such a good helper!" she squeaked, Bravekit purred "is something else you need?" "no, but you can still stay here, so we can talk if you want" Bravekit nodded and sat down, watching Snowpaw order the herbs.
Bravekit greeted the apprentices from hunting, he trotted happily to Sparrowpaw and kindly touched him with his little tail "wow Sparrowpaw! This rabbit you caught is huge!" Sparrowpaw lifted his tail proudly and blinked a thanks back to Bravekit, " this other two apprentices are Mousepaw" Sparrowpaw indicated a brown she-cat behind him "and this is Lilypaw" he said indicating a gray she-cat near Mousepaw. Bravekit greeted both of them with a smile and followed them to the fresh kill pile where they dropped respectivally a rabbit, a squirrel and a woodpigeon. They then padded to their den and Bravekit followed them. Mousepaw was the first to speak "did you hear about that Riverclan kit that went missing?" Lilypaw nodded "yes, I heard Birchflame say that his name was Ivykit, they thought that maybe a falcon caught him or twolegs" Sparrowpaw twitched his ears "poor, little mite" he sighed "anyway, in half a moon I will be made a warrior! I can't wait for it" "don't worry, we will become as well a moon after you, so don't make it so special for yourself!" Lilypaw snickered, Sparrowpaw sticked his tongue out and all three of them bursted to laugh. Bravekit, in the other hand, was still wondering about the missing kit, and he trembled from the top of his ears to the tip of his tail, he sat down to groom his pelt and warm himself. Sparrowpaw looked down at him "how did you pass your day Bravekit?" bravekit smiled "magnificent! And do you know what? I fought Whitefur and I bit his paw! He just didn't do nothing about it!" Bravekit squaked, Sparrowpaw lashed his tail, surprised "really?!", Lilypaw and Mousepaw were suspicious " I don't think he even touched Whitefur, he is not such a easy warrior" "I swear on Starclan that I bit his paw!" Bravekit bursted angry, he then smelled a familiar scent near them... Whitefur! The big white tom entered the apprentice den and stared at Bravekit, Bravekit just saw to another direction, he didn't want to meet his cold gaze, Lilypaw padded near Whitefur "is it real that Bravekit bit your paw?" she asked, Whitefur chuckled "what? He can dream of!", Bravekit shivered, how can he lie about it? Was he afraid of losing reputation? But Bravekit thought there was something else, something deep and dark he couldn't now find. Bravekit got up, he ran out of the den while he heard Lilypaw and Mousepaw laugh of him, he entered the nursery and sprinted under his mothers belly, "is everything allright?" Tigerstripe asked, Bravekit closed his eyes "yes, I just learned that most warriors are liers and selfish, especially rude ones like Whitefur", Bravekit felt his mother's fur bristle but maybe he just imaginated it, Tigerstripe sighed "you just wait and see Bravekit, you just wait and see...".
Lionclaw yawned, nearly a moon has passed since that tremendous battle, thanks to Dapplepelt he has recovered fully and he is better than before. He twitched his ears as he remebered that it was the Gathering day, and wondered what will Spottedstar say about her warriors. Lionclaw lazily padded to the fresh kill pile and picked a mouse, after he finished eating it, he grabbed a rabbit for his mate and son. Lionclaw entered the nursery, Tigerstripe purred at him the moment he set paw in the den, while Bravekit was chasing a fly, he dropped the prey near Tigerstripe and sat down watching fatherly Bravekit "I can't believe now he is more than two moons old" Tigerstripe nodded "today is the Gathering, isn't it?" the she-cat asked,"yes, Ashstar decided that I'm going, together with Stormblaze, Birchflame, Whitefur and the three apprentices". A loud youl roared through the camp "let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Ashstar spoke from the Bigtree, Lionclaw trotted to the center of the clearing followed by Tigerstripe and Bravekit, together they sat to face their leader. Ashstar nodded as everyone approached "today, we have a warrior ceremony to uphold! Sparrowpaw! Step forward!" Lionclaw gazed the brown tom walk under the Bigtree, his pelt was shining and groomed at perfection. "Sparrowpaw, do you swear on Starclan to truly follow the warrior code and defend this clan, even at cost of your own life?" Sparrowpaw's eyes glittered as he replied "I do", Ashstar nodded "and then, by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior name: Sparrowstrike! Fireclan sees in you your bravery and loyalty and accept you as a true warrior in return!". By Lionclaw's surprise, his son was the first cat to congratulate the newly warrior "Sparrowstrike!Sparrowstrike!" Bravekit mewed, quickly followed by everyone else. Ashstar lashed his tail for silence "as we all know, today is the Gathering, Sparrowstrike will take the night vigil afterwards" Sparrowstrike nodded politely to the leader before walking near Mousepaw and Lilypaw and talk to each other. Lionclaw saw also Stormblaze full of proudness gazing at his old apprentice, he hoped that he will feel this as soon as possible with Bravekit.
Bravekit ran towards his best friend "Sparrowstrike!" he youled brushing his pelt to the newly warrior's "I'm so happy for you!", Sparrowstrike smiled and licked kindly the kit's ears and puffed his chest proudly "that's right!" and looked jokingly to Lilypaw and Mousepaw "I'm a warrior now!And you shall give me respect", both apprentices rolled their eyes, and Bravekit started to laugh. His father approach them to congratulate Sparrowstrike, Lionclaw touched noses with the brown tom "congratulations, Sparrowstrike. I'm sure you will be a very good warrior", Sparrowpaw dipped his head to the ginger senior warrior, he was a warrior now too, but still he had to respect older ones! Sparrowstrike then padded near Stormblaze, the deputy smiled at him as his former apprentice sat to talk with him. Bravekit sat down to groom his pelt, Lionclaw still taking an eye on him. Tigerstripe walked in the nursery after purring to her mate, Lionclaw then gazed Bravekit "I'm going to a hunting patrol, I will bring you a juicy mouse!" Bravekit jumped excited "yay!" he squeaked, his father chuckled and headed for the camp exit, Bravekit saw as Birchflame and Silvercliff followed.
Bravekit heard cats entering the camp, and he looked back as his father and the other two warriors returned from hunting, Lionclaw was carring three mices by their tails, Bircflame was carryng a squirrel and Silvercliff two voles. Bravekit ran to greet his father, Lionclaw purred and dropped two of his preys to the fresh kill pile "take this one, is the best one, I caught it specially for you and your mother!" Lionclaw spoke as he dropped a gigantic fat mouse near Bravekit, Bravekit thanked the warrior and started to drag it slowly to the nursery "it is so heavy!" he grunted. Sparrowstrike saw his friend in difficulty "may I help?" Bravekit saw as Sparrowstrike carried the mouse to the nursery near Tigerstripe, the kit thanked him and sat down to eat, sharing it with her mother. After they finished Bravekit heard Ashstar's loud youl, he popped out of the nursery as warriors padded near them and, leaded by Ashstar and Stormblaze, padded out of camp "where are they going?" he asked to his mother,"to the Gathering at the Roundstone, is a place at the center of all the three clans boundaries. At the Gathering time, is a night of truce, where the three leaders share their news, but they must not argue or fight, Starclan will always watch on them, especially at this times" Bravekit nodded "it seems interesting! Why can't I go?", Tigerstripe sighed "you can go from when you become an apprentice" Bravekit layed down "oh" he sighed, his mother licked his back "you have just to be patient, just wait three more moons and you can become one", Bravekit sighed "but is a long time!" he retorted and closed his eyes to sleep.
Lionclaw widened his eyes, the full moon was glittering on his clanmates pelts, one by one, they entered the clearing around Roundstone, the ancient silver rock from where the three leaders speak was the symbol of their truce. Lionclaw twitched his ears, as they entered, every cat of Leopardclan gazed at them and some started to whisper something,how much he wanted to just rip their fur out of them! Lionclaw saw as calmly Ashstar greeted Silverstar and Spottedstar before sitting near them on the Roundstone; Lionclaw definately saw Spottedstar looking at his leader tornly, but Ashstar didn't see it, or maybe he didn't even care about it. He felt Briarheart sitting near him "I bet Spottedstar will say how brave her two warriors were on our fight!" she hissed, Lionclaw nodded "do you think she will take that stripe of our territory as Leopardclan's?", Briarheart sighed "maybe, I just hope Ashstar won't let that happen very easily, I don't want the other clan to think we are weak!" Lionclaw understood her very clearly and took a deep breath. He lashed his tail to say bye to Briarheart and sat near a group of Rainclan warriors, he could identify Foxtail, Thistlepelt and Dustfur talking to a bunch of Leopardclan apprentices, "we still didn't find Ivykit, but one of our patrol found a trail of the kit's scent directing for Leopardclan territory, does any of you know something about it?" the ginger warrior asked to the apprentices, all three of the young cats shook their heads, fear in their eyes, are they saying the truth? Lionclaw asked to himself and wondered if Leopardclan was so desperate of warriors to steal even a kit, or maybe for something else... A youl from the Roundstone roared to the clearing, all the cats stopped immediately to speak and sat down near the Roundstone, Lionclaw sat between Whitefur and Silvercliff. The first to speak, as for the oldest , was Ashstar "welcome, cats of all clans, to this Gathering! Silverstar, would you like to start?", the silver pelted leader nodded "prey in Rainclan is running well, we also have plenty of water, this greenleaf is doing good for us" the she cat stopped and sighed "as you all may know, Ivykit has disappeared now from more than one moon, one of our patrol early this quarter of a moon founded a scent trail of the kit towards Leopardclan territory" Silverstar looked to Spottedstar "Spottedstar, in name of Starclan, do you know something?", Lionclaw saw desperation in the Rainclan's leader eyes and he felt pity for her, otherwise, Spottedstar's gaze was cold and firm as she shook her head "Leopardclan is sorry for what happened, but we know nothing Silverstar", Silverstar nodded and dipped slightly her head. Ashstar broke those moments of silence "Fireclan has plenty of preys and water as well. Also, today, a new warrior was made, Sparrowpaw will be known as Sparrowstrike from now on" all cats youled his name "Sparrowstrike!Sparrowstrike!" and Lionclaw saw as the new warrior smiled to himself, he looked back at his leader, but to his surprise Ashstar had back off to let Spottedstar share her clan's news how couldn't he talked about the fight?! Lionclaw hissed to himself. Spottedstar lashed her tail "the same is as in Leopardclan: we have plenty of prey and nothing to worry about the water" Lionclaw saw an evil look on her face, she was for talking about the fight! "More or less one moon ago, my patrol had to fight one from Fireclan" Lionclaw felt his fur bristle you foxdung!, Spottedstar smiled contemply "for sure, Leopardclan won and now that stripe of Fireclan territory is ours!", many shocked and surprised mews came from Fireclan and Rainclan, in the other hand every cat of Leopardclan was smiling of victory, especially Cougarheart and Jaggedtooth. Lionclaw steadly stanted Jaggedtooth looking on him, the foe warrior had a blind eye now, and Lionclaw felt a spark of happiness in his heart you won't easily forget that battle in a hurry! he said to himself, like Jaggedtooth read his thoughts he looked at him full of pure hate and desire of revenge, Lionclaw looked back at the leaders "Ashstar?" Silverstar spoke to the old tom, their leader has closed his eyes to think "that stripe is rightfully our territory Spottedstar! We will never let it to you, you just won a battle, not the whole war" many cheers came from Fireclan, Spottedstar curled her lip in a snarl and jumped off the Roundstone followed by her clan, Ashstar nodded "this gathering is at end! May Starclan always lighten your paths!" Lionclaw felt proudness for his leader and happiness at the same time, he looked as Silverstar purred and whispered to Ashstar something, curious he tried to go more near them but as he approached his leader padded out of the clearing and he had to follow him what was happening between Silverstar and Ashstar? he was thinking about this all the way back to the camp.
Lionclaw entered the camp after Ashstar and Stormblaze, the deputy was still limping from that fight. He saw Tigerstripe trot near them and Lionclaw brushed his pelt with hers, "what happened?" she asked sitting down, Lionclaw sighed "for sure, Spottedstar argued claiming that stripe of the territory as theirs", Tigerstripe opened her mouth in surprise "she didn't!" she squaked "what did Ashstar say?", Lionclaw looked at her "well, he didn't let that pass of course! He said this exact words "Spottedstar! You won a fight, not the whole war!" Lionclaw imitated the grumpy voice of Ashstar, his mate bursted into laugh "keep your vouce down!" she said "or Ashstar really hears you!", Lionclaw smiled. Tigerstripe took a deep sigh to recover from her silly mood "anyway, did Rainclan say something about Ivykiy?", Lionclaw nodded "Silverstar said a patrol had found a scent of the kit towards Leopardclan territory" at that saying Tigerstripe immidiately stopped licking her paw to concentrate on what Lionclaw was saying, "she begged for Spottedstar to tell her if her clan knew something about it, but..." "...but Spottedstar firmly replied she didn't know nothing" Tigerstripe quickly finished the sentence, Lionclaw looked at her puzzled, "what? Everyone knows how that cold hearted of Spottedstar acts", Lionclaw rolled his eyes and started to kindly lick her back.
Lionclaw raised his head to watch at the full moon, the white and sparkling light was dancing in the sky, making it quite magical. Lionclaw nuzzled his mate whom fell asleep on his legs at the center of the camp, "Tigerstripe..." he whispered "wake up and go to the nursery to sleep, it is late now", Tigerstripe lazily got up and yawned nodding, showing her sharp fangs, she smiled at him "good night Lionclaw", Lionclaw purred "good night to you, and Bravekit as well", Tigerstripe smiled back, lashed her tail and walked back to the nursery. Minutes later, Stormblaze sat near, so silently, Lionclaw didn't heard him and nearly jumped "your awake?" he asked to Stormblaze, the deputy nodded "as you all know Lionclaw, I'm getting old, I might still have a moon or so remaining before joining the elders, if not joining first Starclan", Lionclaw looked at him sadly "don't say that..." he tried to whisper, but Stormblaze lashed his tail to silence him, the old tom sighed "I have talked with Ashstar about this, and he understands completely, we have both a good idea of who will take my place", Lionclaw nodded, not daring to ask who they thought was best as the next deputy. "I just wanted to say this to you in private... good night, Lionclaw" and he padded away, Lionclaw looked at him go "good night, Stormblaze..." and sat still, breathing in the scent of the night. Some moments later, he returned in the warriors den, and the clearing was once more empty and silent, except for a sleek shadow running around the camp entrance...
Bravekit squeezed his eyes puzzled, he looked around lostly, he didn't know where he was, "Tigerstripe?! Lionclaw?!" his squeaky voice echoed in the clearing of a dark forest, he heard some rushes from the brambles around him "kit!kit!" the first voice said, Bravekit turned around but nothing was there, "dark!dark!" a second voice said, Bravekit turned around but again no one was there, "who are you?!" Bravekit hissed losing his patience, the voice roared across the space "you don't know?" strangely to Bravekit the voice didn't echoed like hims, like that voice was part of the forest... "Of course he doesn't know Storm! He is just a kit!" another voice, more sharp followed the other's question, Bravekit sighed "what do you want?" he tried to ask, there were some seconds of silence, but still so long that Bravekit thought they were gone, "I'm Sky" a gray tom appeared from nowhere, he was big, bigger then his father, and even Ashstar, his powerful muscles were showing their energy on the wide shoulders, the muzzle was short but sharp, something to be aware of. Bravekit backed off a bit, but stayed still, something was holding him to continue the conversation with them, even if he didn't know why. Quickly another cat appeared at his side, tom, big size as well but with more kind eyes, Bravekit felt a bit more comfortable just looking at him, "and I'm Storm" the second tom mewed "don't you know us? Not even heard in stories?" Storm asked, Bravekit shook his head, Sky sighed and looked at his companion "what do they learn nowadays at the kits? It is so easy to forget us so quickly?" Storm shrugged and sat looking directly at Bravekit "young one" he started "we are the ones that created your clan, Rainclan and Leopardclan as well", Bravekit opened his mouth shocked "really?!", Sky nodded "we were originally from the mountains, those you can gaze far north from your camp, we were just loners, but then, me and Storm decided to become good friends, even cause it was easier to catch prey" he smiled with a bit of humor, Sky continued "the other loners admired us, so they wanted to join us, we didn't have problems, so we let them live and hunt with us, at that moment a clan began", Storm nodded "but still not completely a clan, no rules were in there and many started to argue about prey and power, even me and Sky had some arguments, and we ended up splitting in two, those who wanted to come with me, we moved more a valley, where you are now", Sky twitched his whiskers "and those who decide to stay with me stayed in the mountains, but prey became scarce, and we moved near Sky anyway, a bit more later". Bravekit listened all and gave them a questioning look "if you divided in two groups of cats, why there are three now?", Sky sighed sadly "you see, back at that time, our warrior ancestors still didn't share our dreams, but we did have a kind of deputy, and mine was called Dark, he was dark hearted, just thinking of power, he even tried to kill me to take control of my clan, but he failed, and I kicked him out , for all I know he fonded a new clan with other loners like him, I'm sure they are now called Leopardclan" Bravekit nodded, now he could unterstand why those Leopardclan members were so meany headed! "And whom Fireclan is from?" Bravekit asked, Storm nodded "I am who created Fireclan, but..." "but, many kits were from parents of our two clans, and until now, Fireclan and Rainclan are still good friends" Sky finished the sentence. Bravekit nodded "you came to my dreams just to tell me the history of the three clans?" he asked, Storm shook his head "we are not part of Starclan, as it started after we died, but still we sometimes help chosen and special cats through their life" Sky blinked "and we chose you Bravekit", Bravekit ruffled his fur "what? Why?", "because we can see an extraordinary future for you, you are special " Sky replied, Bravekit didn't know what to say and he just nodded faintly, Storm and Sky nodded at unison, and started to faint away "one last thing before we go" they mewed at the same time "be aware of who you trust most, trust most who you are aware of", Bravekit looked puzzled at them "what does it mean?" he screamed, but darkness fell when he finished speaking and he woke up with a rush. He sat and took deep breaths, it wasn't a normal dream, cause he could remember all what happened very well, while he easily always forget normal dreams. Sageleaf looked at him preoccupied "are you ok, Bravekit?", Bravekit looked at her "wha... yeah!" and he hurried out of the den to do a walk to calm himself "be aware of who you trust most, trust most who you are aware of" what did that mean?
Bravekit ran quickly in the medicine cat den, surely, as she was waiting for him, Snowpaw was sitting by the den entrance gazing at the sky, while cool breeze ruffled her fur. Bravekit halted to greet her "morning Snowpaw!" he called, Snowpaw looked at him and smiled kindly "morning Bravekit", "can I help today?" he asked, Snowpaw shook her head "no, thanks, thankfully no-one is wounded this days", Bravekit sighed "I just need to go out and fetch some herbs" she finished looking around the clearing. Bravekit's eyes shone "can I come with you?", Snowpaw looked at him sympathetically "sorry, but you're just a kit now..." "I'm five moons old!" he mewed puffing his chest "isn't that enough?", again Snowpaw shook her head "you know the rule, apprentice at six and six moons only", "please Snowpaw!" but Snowpaw didn't change her mind, "I thought we were best friends" Bravekit mumbled frustrated, the white apprentice looked at him and then around the camp, she padded more near him "ok then" she whispered "be quick" and she quickly walked gingerly towards the camp entrance. Bravekit followed excited, belly touching ground as Sparrowstrike has shown him, and together they finally got out. Snowpaw breathed of relief "that was easy, but we have to be careful anyways, be quick before your mother finds you gone" and she sprinted towards some trees in the distance, Bravekit ran as best as he could, new energy was rising in his limbs as new scents were flooding inside his nostrils, he so wanted to check every sound, every strange thing he saw around, but he was eager to follow Snowpaw. Finally, the apprentice slowed down to stand near some bushes and sniff at them. Bravekit felt the ground become more sandy, and he found himself standing at the edge of a cliff and gasped "what is this?" he asked, Snowpaw didn't stop looking at the bush, searching for something "it's Sandscar, an old river bed" she replied at last, picking at the same time some red berries. Bravekit nodded and looked down, it wasn't very deep, but he didn't dare checking, he was afraid to be trapped. On the yellow sandy bed there were many rocks and puddles, also Bravekit took glance of a small vole wandering from rock to rock. "There is a vole!" he purred to Snowpaw "can you catch it?" he asked, now Snowpaw was sniffing to some dark leafs "I'm a medicine cat, not a warrior" she retorted, Bravekit felt disappointet and hurried to catch up with her, Snowpaw was already heading elsewhere. After wandering in the forest, they reached a small pool and Bravekit smelled interested in all the different scents: the smell of water, of moss, of the leafs and... of mouse! He could definately scent a mouse, and as a promise, the creature was nibbling at a nut under a old oak. By istinct, he crouched down and silently neared the mouse, but he wrongly set a paw on some dead leafs, the mouse raised his head alarmed, and in a heartbeat it was gone, Bravekit sighed and sat down, angry with himself for not being careful. He heard some rustles by the bushes nearby and a white tom appeared, Whitefur!
Bravekit's fur bristled and showed his teeth, Whitefur snorted "what? Are you seeing a Leopardclan cat?" Bravekit hissed at the joke, it wasn't funny! "What are doing here?" Bravekit asked, "I would ask the same thing to you" Whitefur replied calmly, but there was a hint of amusement in his yellow eyes. "He is with me" before Bravekit could answer, Snowpaw appeared with a mouthful of herbs "why?Have you any problem? A tick you can't take off, Whitefur?", Bravekit tried not to burst and laugh aloud,anger was rising in Whitefur's mind "and you ask me if there is any problem?" he growled "you have taken a kit out of the camp" he concluded. Snowpaw lifted her head "this is my problem, go away Whitefur", Whitefur hissed and tried to grab Bravekit, but Snowpaw jumped in between them unseathing her claws "don't make me fight you Whitefur" she growled. Bravekit was surprised, he thought of Snowpaw as a gentle and kind cat, now she was determinately defending her reputation. Bravekit saw Whitefur back off "don't worry, in the contrary of you, I'm still following the warrior code, I couldn't attack a medicine cat" and with a last glance at Bravekit, he ran away. Bravekit saw the tense in Snowpaw's eyes flow away and looked sternly at Bravekit "I'm sorry we had to argue like this" she sighed "is best if we go back now, we will have to face Ashstar's verdict with our secret adventure" she picked all the herbs and started to trot away, Bravekit standed to her side brushing his pelt against her's "don't worry" he mewed "I will take all the responsability"
"Where have you been?!" as soon as he set a paw in the camp, his mother came rushing to lick him fiercely and ask him questions. Lionclaw was shaking his ginger head disappointed, making feel Bravekit very embarassed of himself. Ashstar hopped on the Bigtree looking directly at Snowpaw, around, the whole clan was sat down, waiting explanations. "Well Snowpaw?" the leader asked "what is this story about you taking Bravekit out?", Snowpaw flattened her ears "I went out for herbs, and I thought Bravekit could help" she mewed faintly, Bravekit felt very sad for her and sprang to his paws raising his voice "it was all my fault! I asked Snowpaw to take me out!", Tigerclaw cuffed his ears with her paw and silenced him with a glare. "I don't care what you said, it would have been Snowpaw's fault if something happened to you!" Ashstar snapped back angry, making Bravekit tremble "and if she wanted help she should have asked an apprentice or warrior, not a kit!" he continued, then he calmed a bit more before going on "Snowpaw, really, think if something happened to Bravekit while you were out. We don't have the rule that just apprentices can go out for nothing" he mewed, Snowpaw nodded "I understand and I'm sorry Ashstar", the gray tom blinked at her "I hope you really are" he sighed and lashed his tail making this meeting at an end. Bravekit felt utterly frustrated why can't everyone else understand that it was his fault?, his mother padded to the nursery without saying nothing, and all the other warriors restarted the jobs they were doing before. He was left alone at the centre of the camp, even Snowpaw had returned in her den hurried by her mentor. He felt a cat approach him, Whitefur looked blankly at him, "thanks for telling everyone!" Bravekit rasped, "I was thinking at your own safety" the warrior replied politely, "yeah, right! And even to embarrass me in front of all the clan! Now I will never be an apprentice!", "you have to learn a lesson from this, don't you?" Whitefur growled "think before acting! " Bravekit was for leaping at him, making him see how good he can act, when Lionclaw stepped between them "It's all right Whitefur, I will deal with him" Whitefur looked at the ginger tom and nodded, but before he could walk away he looked at Bravekit "you could have catched that mouse if it wasn't for those leafs" and he trotted towards the fresh-kill pyle. Lionclaw looked at Bravekit puzzled "what did he mean?" he asked, Bravekit stared at Whitefur "nothing" he replied, and thought to himself really could I?!
Lionclaw licked kindly at Bravekit, but the kit pushed him away irritably "I'm big now to be still licked!" he hissed, Lionclaw let a mroww of laugher "ok, ok!" he smiled "was it funny though?", Bravekit looked at him blankly and trotted away without replying. The ginger warrior looked at him go and sighed, he heard Stormblaze approach him, his sight made Lionclaw nearly gasp of shock: the once most powerful and poderous cat in the clan looked very scrawny and skinny, half limping and the eyes clouded of age.... "So, are you coming?" the deputy's words made him back from his thoughts, "W-What?" Lionclaw stuggered, Stormblaze lashed his tail "I'm going to lead a patrol near the Thunderpath where we picked the scent of a fox, I was wondering if you would like to come", Lionclaw nodded but Ashstar padded to them "no way, Stormblaze! Even the feeble breeze would knock you down now! You need to rest, Birchflame will lead it", Stormblaze hissed of annoyance and limped back to the warrior's den "I might as well join Starclan now" Lionclaw heard him mutter under his breath. Birchflame joined the crew looking back at Stormblaze with a concerned eye, before calling out the names of the cats joining the patrol "Mapletail and Silvercliff?! Come here! We're going on fox patrol!" Silvercliff bursted out of the den followed by Mapletail "can we take the apprentices?", "sure" Bircflame replied, and Lionclaw heard squeaking noises from the apprentice den and the two she-cats trotted towards them. Birchflame nodded and ran out of camp, Lionclaw followed just behind her taking a close look at Mousepaw.
They halted just behind the bushes near the Thunderpath, its stench was making Lionclaw feel ill. He concentrated on training his apprentice "ok Mousepaw, what can you smell", Mousepaw lifted her brown head and took a good sniff "well, apart from the Thunderpath, I can smell..... squirrel!", Lionclaw nodded approvingly "spot on" he smiled "anything else?". The others were all making sure that no fox was on sight, Silvercliff was wondering between the thorns while Mapletail and Lilypaw were searching every tree of the area. Lionclaw redirected his attention to Mousepaw "so?" he asked, Mousepaw lashed her tail " also a mouse and.... fox!"
"Lionclaw! Behind you!" the scream from Silvercliff made Lionclaw turn around. There, not even a rabbit lenghth from him, the scratched muzzle and snarling fangs of a fox were pointing at him. The ginger warrior jumped quickly past it missing for a hair the snapping jaws on his tail, Lionclaw then diverged his body to bounce on the creature's back and trying to bite his neck. At the same time Birchflame hit the fox making it fall, Silvercliff and Mapletail pounced in unison meanwhile the two apprentices bit the fox's legs. The russet animal yelped of pain and shook powerfully all the cats away, and narrowed its eyes with even more anger. The fox then charged on Mousepaw scraping the ground with its claws, "Mousepaw! Quick, run!" Lionclaw yowled as much as he could, but it was too late, after a brief fight making rise dust and tuft of fur, the fox was shaking violently the powerless body of the young apprentice. Lionclaw ran and hit hard the creature's chest, the fox gasped and dropped Mousepaw on the ground. The other three warriors restarted to attack, while Lilypaw was pulling Mousepaw behind a bramble. "We need to drive it away!" Birchflame hissed, under the furious claws of the cats, the fox began to back off. Lionclaw made a final blow on its muzzle, the fox barked of pain and ran away on the Thunderpath. In there it stopped to shook its pelt, and narrowed its gaze again at the cats, hissing and spitting furiously, "that mousebrained is not going away!" Mapletail said. Lionclaw tensed his muscles ready for another match, but a loud roar trembled the ground beneath its paws, a dark shape was approahing rapidly towards the fox. The enemy turned its head with shocked eyes just moments before being hit, Lionclaw squeezed his eyes in fear and opened them when the roar was far away. "That Monster killed the fox!" Silvercliff gasped indicating with his tail, on the Thunderpath layed still a ginger furred body, "well, I guess the twolegs saved us" Birchflame murmured, "yeah, right! And hedgehogs can fly! Come on, lets help Mousepaw" Mapletail growled. Lionclaw hurried to Mousepaw behind the bushes, Lilypaw was licking clean her fur. "Are you all right?" Lionclaw whispered to his apprentice, Mousepaw nodded faintly and tried to get up, but instead she just fell on the ground heavily. Lionclaw nuzzled the young she cat kindly, he put Mousepaw on his back to carry her, and they finally headed back to camp.
Bravekit walked slowly in the medicine cat den, Snowpaw was counting the red berries, her gaze was clouded with sadness. "Snowpaw?" he whispered "I'm sorry, it's all my fault", at first the white apprentice looked at him with narrowed eyes, but then her gaze softened "but still the greatest fault was mine for letting you come" she sighed, Bravekit nodded, not knowing what to say "can I help for something?" he then asked. Snowpaw shook firmly her head "no sorry, there is nothing to do", "what about for later? Or tomorrow, maybe?" the kit asked. Snowpaw let out an annoyed sigh "look Bravekit, I don't think you can come to help me anymore", Bravekit was shocked "why?!" he mewed, Snowpaw looked at him "sorry, but Dapplepelt said that it's not good for a kit doing medicine cat stuff, I think Ashstar asked him to keep us away from each other". Dapplepelt padded to them "exactly Snowpaw. An when I'm gone just for some moments I don't want to find you with Bravekit" the old medicine cat looked sternly at his apprentice before blinking at Bravekit "come on, we have work to do in here! Go play elsewhere". Bravekit twitched his tail irritably "for your information I wasn't playing, just talking!" he hissed angrily and walked away.
Lionclaw looked concerned as Dapplepelt was placing cobwebs on Mousepaw's neck, meanwhile Birchflame, Silvercliff and Mapletail were reporting to Ashstar and Stormblaze. "Snowpaw! Give me more moss!" Dapplepelt mewed putting pressure on the wounds "these blood it's not stopping to spill!" he yowled nervously. "Is she going to be all right?" Lionclaw asked, in that time Bravekit and Sparrowstrike entered asking the exact same question. "Out! All of you! This is not a parade!" Snowpaw hissed to them, Lionclaw walked away relucantly together with Bravekit and the other young warrior. Tigerstripe padded to them "I'm so sorry Lionclaw for what happened" the ginger warrior nodded quickly a thanks and pricked his ears to hear what was happening in the medicine cat den. "More cobwebs!" Dapplepelt hissed, rustles of dried leafs indicated Snowpaw searching the herbs, "marigold!" this time Dapplepelt demanded hissing of annoyance as the blood was weaving on his paws "Snowpaw, put pressure on here!" he mewed urgently "she is losing too much blood! What do we do now?" Snowpaw's voice was cracked by fear "I'm putting moss as well, but it's not stopping!", Dapplepelt sighed "I don't think we can do something anymore" he whispered gently, a gasp came from Snowpaw. Lionclaw rushed into the den shocked "what?!" now all the clan was around. Dapplepelt walked slowly in front of them, his paws marked of blood "I'm sorry, but Mousepaw hunts with Starclan now". Many cats gasped of shocks, others dipped their heads in understanding and grieving. Lionclaw nuzzled Mousepaw's cold fur "I'm so sorry Mousepaw, for letting you die" "It's not your fault" Bravekit whispered near him "her wounds were too much to handle". Lionclaw sighed looking at his former apprentice "you would have been made a wonderful warrior, goodbye Mousepaw, may Starclan always lighten your path"
Lionclaw looked as Ashstar sighed "that was a terrible loss" the old leader mewed, Lionclaw nodded "the clan is mourning for more than three days now, we need something to cheer them up". Ashstar looked at him as an idea came to his mind "your son, Bravekit, he is now six moons old, right?" Lionclaw was thinking of Mousepaw so much that he forgot about his son being ready to be apprenticed "yes!" he yowled "he is!". Ashstar nodded "then we should uphold the ceremony today, that would easen up the clan". Lionclaw dipped his head before running into the nursery, he then looked to Tigerstripe "it's time" he whispered to his mate's ear so that Bravekit couldn't hear a thing. Tigerstripe's eyes glittered and started to lick at perfection Bravekit's fur. His son hissed "hey! I can lick myself", Tigerstripe purred "not today that you are being made apprentice!", Bravekit's eyes widened of astonishment and surprise "yes!" he squeaked excited.
"Lets all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Ashstar call roared through the clearing. Bravekit took a deep breath "it's finally my time" he whispered to himself, and trotted to the Bigtree with his parents. All the clan was now sat down, and some turned around looking at him. "Bravekit, step forward!" Ashstar mewed, and the kit sat more near the Bigtree. "Bravekit is now six moons old, and more then ready to be made an apprentice! Bravekit, from now until you will be given your warrior name you will be known as Bravepaw!" Bravepaw puffed his chest proudly as his clanmates were cheering his name "Bravepaw! Bravepaw!" his parents were yowling, "Bravepaw! Bravepaw!" Lilycloud and Sparrowstrike chanted. Ashstar lashed his tail for silence and looked at Whitefur "Whitefur, you have done a good job mentoring Silvercliff, I'm sure you are ready for another apprentice" Whitefur nodded "I'm honoured" he mewed calmly. Bravepaw's fur bristled what?! Not Whitefur as his mentor! and then, not knowing why, the words from the two ancient cats echoed in his mind "be aware of who you trust most, trust most who you are aware of" does that mean that he has to trust Whitefur?
Author: Bravefoot
Year: 2014
Graphic: Bravefoot,Goldstripe, Snowflake
Author's Note: for everyone that reads this book, don't expect to have a Nobel price reading experience, this is my first ever book, and I've wrote this just fur fun and master my skills.There might be some grammatical issues that I might not be aware of. Fireclan it's not related to Erin Hunter of Harper Collins. You can find me on for questions and comments .
Publication Date: 08-29-2014
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