
I Lie



I Lie, just like everybody else.


But my eyes betray me, all the time.




Look away, look away now!!




repeat to myself, multiple times.


But I'm too weak and




and too in love...






Ji Yong sighed, not knowing what else to say. "I spend some time with Choi Seunghyun Oppa too, and we do way more skinship than I do with Ji Yong Oppa." I objected. "Why don't they notice that?" I asked him.


"I don't know." The president answered sincerely this time. He briefly glanced at Ji Yong, then laid again his eyes on me. "But they see something more between you two than between you and Choi Seunghyun." He said, glancing at Ji Yong again.

"And what is that?" I was tired now.

"Love." He answered in a straightfoward tone.

"...Love?" I asked, pretending that I was confused. Because inside, I was shaking with a terrible fear. What betrayed me? What? I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Where?" I asked.





01. End of the act



To realise a dream, you need a lot of time. And to regain happyness again after a loss, you need  even more time.

When there are other people around you, and your friends and parents know about your dream and cheer for you, this dream can become a reality in no time. All thanks to their support. Because nothing can be achieved by yourself.

But what if, the people you care the most about disappear...die. What can you do then? Can you continue to run after that dream even without their presence? Without their heat? Can you even continue to live without them? That's what I kept asking myself when my parent died.

My name is Lee Yun Mi Maria Martelli and I had a dream back then: to become a YG singer. I had planned out everything. From when I would have finished high school, leave my country, Italy, and then fly to South Korea and partecipate in YG's auditions. Go through training and then debut. I wanted to go there not only because my favourite group, Big Bang, was there, but also because I was unconditionally attached to the country itself. I was super excited to go there. But then ...on a bright day of July, me and my family calmly driving on our way to the beach for the holidays, got into a car accident.

Even when we were trapped in the car, all of us bleeding and badly injured, I seriously thought that we would have survived. Even till the end. But things never goes the way you want them to. So.. I lost my parents. I lost the people I cherished the most. When I woke up from the coma, the reality hit me twice hard then I expected. That neither the physical pain could be compare to the one of my heart. A real bad awakening don't you think? Maybe it would have been better to just sleep...forever.

I don't know how we made it, but we made it. My brother and I healed from all those wounds after many months. Almost a year to be exact. After we passed through that phase, we had to face the psychological consequences of the accident. Taking pills has been helpful, especially with my brother. After he left the hospital, he went back to uni, He graduated and met a nice girl there named Claire. They rented an apartment all for them, and went to live together. Now they're even planning to get married on June 5. And naturally I was invited as the bridesmaid.

As for me, I went to live with my uncles and watched from afar as my brother carried on with his life. Happy, without worries or desires to die like me. My body didn't have any problem, it was my mind that wasn't still able to move from the loss of my parents. And nightmares kept haunting me day and night and I didn't know what to do. My brothertried several times to help me and even hired a psicologue, but it served nothing. Then he gave me an ultimatum, saying that if I kept going like that, he would have no other choice but to send me to a mental hospital. So, with that threat and because I was tired too of being depressed all the time, I rolled up my sleeves and worked out for a better life. I restarted to run after my dream as well.

I convinced my uncles to let me go to South Korea. They accepted, on condition that my uncles from mother side would have took care of me during that time. So I went there, formed my own band, Sweet Stones, formed by Me the main vocalist and lyricst/producer, Yang Suk Ki(24) the lead singer and bassist; Yun Baek Ki(16) the producer/rapper and guitarist; and last but not least, Kim Min Hae(19) the drummer. We auditioned and waited for the response. I wasn't sure they would have taken us in, since we only did rock music. Many told us that we were fools and to not let the hunger for popularity obscure our music and lead us to wrong paths. But I followed my guts, that never ever disapointed me, so ignored all those people and waited for their response anyway. I don't know if Yang Hyun Suk sunbaenim was crazy just like me, for choosing to audition for them instead of going to Woolim Ent, but he took us in. We got accepted. The first rock band debuted under YG ent and also thanks to those girls, I stopped having nightmares and panic attacks everytime I stepped into a car. Yang Suk Ki has been the most helpful one. She always stayed by my side and showed me the brighter side of the world when I wasn't feeling even living in it. Spending time with BIG BANG's member helped me a lot too. Choi Seung Hyun Oppa,  and Kwon Ji Yong, helped me with care and gentilessy. And I'm really thankful for that.

But to some people all these attention from Ji Yong were suspicious, and so they started to spread the rumors that there was more than a simple friendship between me and Ji Yong. Even though it was true that I had a crush on him, I knew It wasn't mutual.  Well, I was sure of it until the president called me and Ji Yong into his office. He said he had some news for us. Bad news.



"WHAT? Why can't I go to the Talk Show with Ji Yong Oppa and the others seniors?" I almost shouted in the president's face. Looking at him from the opposite of his desk, he didn't flinch nor got annoyed by my boiling temper. Maybe he knew that I would have reacted that way.

"Because the rumors says that you two have a relationship. And I suspect that they invited you, Just to question you guys about your ...hypothetical relationship." He explained.

"What? We aren't together, why people don't get that?" That was what I wanted to get in everyone's head, and by everyone, I meant Ji Yong's jealous fans. They were really starting to get on my nerves. It wasn't just annoying but also painful because I did have a crush on him, but wasn't mutual. I mean, He is G Dragon rapper/producer/composer/king of fashion and I'm just Lee Yun Mi. The odd girl with only a little talent for singing. Nothing special.

"Listen, the paparazzi sent me some pictures of you guys. And in the pictures you're clearly doing...stuff." He added with a calm voice. But his face revealed a little embarrassment

"Stuff?" Ji Yong finally spoke. There wasn't any sign of irritation on his voicee. On the contrary, he looked like he wasn't interested at all. That hurted me even if it shouldn't have.

"You know what I mean, don't make me say it." The president replied, a little annoyed now.

"We.. never did stuff. Ever." I cleared up. At that moment, I could feel my cheeks getting hot just by imagining us doing that kind of stuff.

"These pics say otherwise." The president replied, bringing me out of my daydreams. He put the above-cited pictures on the desk and pushed them forward so we could see them. The pictures showed me and Ji Yong.. kissing. I blushed and frowned as I looked at them, but I knew that something wasn't right. Because we never ever kissed. Not even accidentally, like I sometime dreamt about.

"They're fake." I said looking away from our united pictured faces.

"No dear. They're absolutely real." He said. "These were taken two days ago."

"But we weren't..kissing." I insisted. "It's just the angle that make people believe we are. I'd remember if we had kissed." You can swear that I would have remembered such memorable event.

"Is that true Ji Yong?" The president asked him. But i already knew he would have confirmed it.

"Yes, it's true." He answered as we looked at him. "I was just fixing the lace of her fluffy hat." He added with an absent-minded voice.

"The one she's wearing now?" The president asked, pointing at the hat I had on. I always had it on mostly because it was a gift from Ji Yong.

"Yes." He replied, relaxed. "It always comes out, so I fixed with a nod."

That day. The day paps shot us together. I was returning back from where I had thrown the trash away, and we casually met in front of the back-door. The one YG's artists and staff used the most. We met there, and the annoying lace came out again and fell on the ground. Ji Yong complained for the tenth time about it. He grabbed it from the ground and fixed it with an undestructible nod. While he were doing it, our body got really close. We were so close that I could smell his body scent. And Yes.. It was absolutely intoxicating. He didn't show any trace of annoyance or embarrassment. Nothing. He just fixed it, greeted me and went on his way.

That's when I understood that he felt absolutely nothing towards me. I was just a friend to him. I'm still trying to convince my heart of that fact so it would have stopped sinking.

"Hmm. I get it." The president nodded. "Then there's really nothing between you guys?" He asked to the both of us.

"Nothing." I answered first. I couldn't hide better the sadness in my voice very well though.

"Ji Yong?" The pres. asked him when he didn't answered.

"...Nothing." He paused before answering. I didn't pay too much attention to it. I just thought that the problem was solved and I could go to the show. That's what I believed.

"So now I can go to the Talk Show with the others right? Everything is solved now right?" I asked, hoping in a response that would lighten me up.

The pres. sighed and crossed his thumbs. "I'm sorry, but no." He said with a grave voice. "The situation is much more complicated than you think."

"How it's complicated?" I was irritated now.

"First of all, no one will believe that you two aren't together." He replied. "These pictures aren't the only problem. Paps sent me some videos too. I wanted to buy them, but they published the pictures and videos on web sites and magazines right away. As soon as they saw it,  the more malicious people said that you, Yumi, are using Ji Yong to promote yourself And when Ji Yong's fans saw it too, sasaeng fans included, they went nuts and they are planning on blowing Sweet Stones's performance, the next week at Hongdae Mall." He revealed, sounding more sad than angry.

"WHAT?" I shouted in sync with Ji Yong. I looked at him as he finally showed a reaction.

"And it's not all." He said and I thought What? There's more? "All your web profiles, even if you don't check them daily, received tons of insults and wishes of death." He said, looking at me.

I sighed, relieved. "I already knew that." I said back. "I saw them. They're not so bad."

"They really did that to you?" Ji Yong asked me, worried.

"De." I nodded. "But they don't bother me so much." I tried to act cool, but I avoided his eyes.

"They're not bottering you so much, because I purposely hired a PC expert to delete the other 16.000 insults you received. All this without you knowing of it. Well, until now." The president revealed.

"Borago? 16.000? But that's insane..Why..I-I don't understand.." I was shocked and wordless.

"You're not exaggerating just to scare her right?" Ji Yong asked him.

"No, I'm sorry." The president replied straight forward.

"All this because we're friend.. It's ridiculous. It's totally absurd..absurd and insane.." I was disbelief. How people can be so cruel to me, just for a matter that didn't even exist? 

The president came out with the only solution he had. "I'm sorry to say this, but you guys have to stay away from each other from now on. For a long of time. Or at least untill the dust settles." He said, looking at both of us. "You, Ji Yong, will go in Europe or to some other place; While you, Yumi, will stay with us here and do that silly reality Show, We Got Married, with some other artist. People will be distracted and will eventually forget about this whole issue with Ji Yong. And none of you will contact each other. Too many hackers can track your devices these days."

"This is ridiculous!" Ji Yong complained for the first time. "I'm not going anywhere." He refused, crossing his arms and legs.

"Ji Yong don't be stubborn." The president scolded him. "I'm doing this just for your own good. And Yumi's good too." He tried to reason with him

Ji Yong sighed and took some deep breaths to calm himself down. "Even if I leave, things will stay the same. Nothing will change. People will continue to compare what I do with what she do. Or vice versa, I don't know. All I know is that nothing will change if I leave." Well, he was right. Some people could be really persistent on their theories and such.

"Maybe. Or maybe they'll calm down." The president said back. "And maybe they'll even understand that there's nothing between you two. And that you're just simple friends." He added.

"I don't believe things will go so smoothly." Ji Yong replied. "I'm not being pessimist, it's just the reality. And your plan sounds too easy to me." He added, unconvinced. I wasn't convinced either.

I was still caught up by the evilness of the fans and malicious ones. "I really can't understand. I mean, I would never use Ji Yong to promote myself." My forehead crinkled at every word I said. "Why do people..think so badly of me?" I asked mostly to myself than to the others.

The president answered though. "Not all people think badly of you Yumi-ha." He tried to comfort me with fatherly voice. "Just a part of it thinks like that and they're composed mostly by Ji Yong's fans. Don't let them put you down. They're all overly jealous of any woman that get close to Ji Yong. So don't mind them too much."

"But why her?" Ji Yong asked him. "I'm closer to Chaerin than her." He was more annoyed by the matter. At the beginning he always stayed silent..quiet. Now it was unrecognizable.

"Because One: She's beautiful an-" The pres. started to say, but I interrupted him right away.

"I'm not that damn beautiful!" I shouted for real in his face. Even though I felt instantly guilty, that was the truth. Because if I was so damn beautiful, Ji Yong would have already fell for me Or at least showed some interest. But he never did. He never said anything. Niente di niente(Nothing at all.)

After he had thrown me a deadly glance, the president said: "Let me finish first ok?" I obediently nodded, but the anger didn't left me. "Like I was saying..One:she's beautiful and Two: You spend too much time with her. Much more than you spend with the other girls. And all this in front of the camera. You have to admit that It's suspicious, kid." He ended and looked at Ji Yong.

"You're exaggerating now." Ji Yong said back.

"No. Not at all."

Ji Yong sighed not knowing what to say. "I spend some time with Choi Seunghyun Oppa too. And we do much more skinship than I do with Ji Yong. Why they don't notice that?" I objected as well.

"I don't know." The president answered sincerely this time. He briefly glanced at Ji Yong then got back at me. "But they see something more between you two than between you and Seunghyun-ha." He added and glanced at Ji Yong again.

"And what is that?" I was tired now.

"Love." He answered straightly.

"..Love?" I repeated like I was confused, but I was shaking with fear inside actually.  What betrayed me? What? I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Where?" I asked anyway.

The president's gaze lingered on me for a long time, then he moved onto Ji Yong, but the guy sitting next to me broke eye contact right away. The president sighed, he looked at me and said the most incredible thing my ears ever heard. "Right there." He said, motioning for me to look at Ji Yong, who was still not making eye contact with any of us. "In his eyes. And now, unfortunately, I see it too."

I stared at the old man in front of me, totally and completely in disbelief. I would even have laughed if I wasn't so shocked. My head spun. "W-what?" My voice was hysteric and amused. "It's absolutely impossible that Ji Yong is in love with me, sunbaenim. He never showed any interest for me, figures.."

The old man looked at me like I was naive and..stupid. "Maybe you didn't tried to know him better. After all the time you guys spent together too.." He said, sounding as if he was disappointed. What the..? Then he looked at Ji Yong again. "I have to admit that he deceived me too with his act."

"I'm not acting." Ji Yong said back, making eye contact with the old man.

"Oh give me a break! Stop it already." The president replied, annoyed. "At beginning I believed that you were just trying to be friendly with her, but now I see it too. It was all an act. It's all an act. You might had studied acting, but I know you better than anyone else here."

"I'm not acting." Ji Yong replied more firmly. "And plus, I never said or did nothing more than be gentle to her. Nothing else." He added, angry. And I knew better than anyone else that he was right.

"I know that." The president nodded. "But.. your eyes..speaks for you. They never stopped speaking since you first saw her. Unfortunately I wasn't there when it happened, but I see it now. And you can't hide it anymore, kid."




"That's not..true..I." I tried to deny. But I was trapped anyway. Damn it! Acting indifferent to her all these months and treating her like a common girl. It hasn't been easy. At all. I never showed the feelings I felt for her in front of the cameras. People at home would have certainly understood everything, Hide the fact that I liked the way she sang, Or the way my heart skipped beats everytime we touched, Or even that she was always on my mind, even during my schedule's routine. You have no idea how difficult it was for me. I didn't even realize to like her, till three month ago. Before Sweet Stones's debut. When she was still a trainee.



It was past midnight, but everyone was still awake. I was playing cards with Youngbae and Choi Seunghyun in the living room. Seungri was listening to the music with the headphones on. While Dae Sung was eating some fruit in the kitchen. Everything was ok, except for the fact that Yongbae had won three times in a row. And I was getting tired of this.

So I quit the game like a polite person would have done. I stood up and I harshly threw the cards on the mini table. "Ok. I'm done. I quit." I said. "I'm tired of playing against you." I said looking at the damn winner.

He smirked. "Oh, Come on! We've just started." He complained with the smirk still placed on his face.

"And this is the third time you're winning." I said back.

Choi Seunghyun, who had lost as well. Stood up "Ji Yong's right. I quit too." Then he stood up and headed to the kitchen.

"You can't quit like this! Come on!" He winned still sat on the carpet, and with the smirk still on his face.

"Sure we can, watch me!" I said and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" He asked.

"To Yumi-ha." I said. Her name was Lee Yun Mi, but all of us, her included, prefered to be called Yumi. "Do you want to come with me hyun?" I asked to Choi Seunghyun.

"Sure, why not!" He exclaimed, smiling.

Dae Sung must have heard us, because he said: "But hyun, it's past midnight. She's probably already sleeping!"

"Ah Right." I tapped my forehead. To tell the truth I didn't even considered the idea that she was sleeping. I supposed that if I was awake, she was awake too. Damn it. I  hoped that she wasn't already sleeping. It was just midnight after all. I got an idea. "I'll text her." I said, still standing in front of the door.

"Since when you have her phone number?" Youngbae asked me. Now laying on the couch.

"I asked her after that I went to her dorm several times." I replied. "Just to announce myself, you know."

"How come you go there so much time anyway?" Choi Seunghyun wanted to know. I didn't know why, but his question annoyed me more that I thought.

"Because it's the closest place to the recording room. I like to go there to relax when I finished to record." I said to him. "Done with the questions?" I asked annoyed.

"Calm down Ji Yong. I was just asking." He looked taken aback by my reaction, but I didn't pay anymore attention to him and wrote my text.

 *Are U sleeping?"ME

YUMI *No Y?* 

 *I'm coming.*ME


 *With Tabi.*ME

YUMI*Ok. I'll wait for you.*

"See!" I shouted showing off the phone screen to Yongbae and Dae Sung. "She's still awake. Let's go hyun." I said to him, more happy now. He followed me, shaking his head. I didn't know why and I didn't really care.

We said goodbye to the others and headed to Yumi's dormitory. It wasn't so far away, we were in the same building after all. They still didn't have a boarding house for themselves so they had to stay in the YG bulding till the president had found one for them. We arrived at destination in less than five minutes. I knocked at the door and I heard her footstep coming towards us. When she opened the door I got surprised by the view, but the most surprised between us, has been Choi Seunghyun.

"OMG! What do you have on you face?" He asked her.

She had on those beauty mask for the skin care. It covered her entire face expect for her her beautiful green eyes and mouth. I've already saw her like that. Her mask was orange this time, that's why I was surprised. Weird. Anyway.. She glared at Choi Seunghyun. "As if you didn't know that it's beauty mask. It's good for your skin." She spat at him. He didn't replied. "Nobody followed you right?" She asked, glancing behind our backs. She hated the cameras as much as I did.

"Nobody." I said smiling at her.

She let us come in and she closed the door. Entering, I noticed that Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae were nowhere to be found. Maybe they're already sleeping. Their shared room's door was closed, so I supposed that they were really sleeping. Anyway, following her in the dining room, I also noticed that she had nothing on but a simple pair of blue shorts and a grey sweatshirt upon them. The sight of her bare legs has been..more pleasant that I could admit. I shook my head and snatched my eyes away from her smooth legs. Lifting my eyes, I saw Yang Suk Ki. When she saw us, she greeted us, waving her left hand, because the other hand was holding her cellphone.

"Hey!" She just said and then returned to texting. To texting her boyfriend I supposed. She was sitting on the chair, with her bare legs leaning near her chest and the table. She had shorts on too. No, not shorts. I'd say boxer. I bet they're of her boyfriend's. The sight of her bare legs distracted me too. Damn it. I have to solve this legs's problem.

The dining table wasn't at its usual spot, but it was standing under the windows of the living room. Weird. When we sat down I asked them why they moved it there. Yumi answered, because the girl next to her was busy texting with her boyfriend. "Oh Well. There's a full moon and we wanted to watch it." She pointed her thumb towards the moon out of the window. I followed her thumb and I saw... A giant, beautiful and stunning full moon towering the building. White like milk, cold like the night.

"Wow. Beautiful. I've nothing else to say.." I exclaimed admiring it.

"You forgot to add amazing." Choi Seunghyun said to me. He stared at her too.

"Allora.."(So) Yumi started saying catching our attention back. "Why did you come here Oppa? Shouldn't you be already sleeping?" She asked while fixing her beauty mask.

"Look who's talking!" Choi Seunghyun said before I could open my mouth. "Why are you still awake?" He asked her, and he looked at both girls.

Yang Suk Ki proved that she was listening, even while she was texting. "I always text my Oppa at night." She said glancing briefly at us, then she returned to her texting.

"And you, miss?" I asked to Yumi. We knew each other for a year now, so it was natural to address to each other in a casual way. But I like calling her Miss.

"I couldn't sleep, so I asked Yang Suk Ki eoni to keep me company." She said,  shrugging. "Now is your turn Oppa." She added looking at me.

"We were playing cards with Youngbae.." Choi Seunghyun started.

"And we kept losing. So we quit the game and decided to come here." I ended.

"To tell you the truth Yumi-chan.." Choi Seunghyun started saying, and suddenly he grabbed her hands. "I'm here because I missed you too much." He even made the shining eyes. That surprised everyone, Yang Suk Ki included. I knew that he was joking, because he did that every time he saw her. In the recording room, the corridors... everywhere.

Yumi looked at him and lifted her brows up with an annoyed expression. She was clearly tired of that scene. She took back her hands and she repeated the same sentence she always said when he acted that way. "How many times do I have to tell you Oppa, My heart belong only to Rain Oppa!" RAIN. The love of her life. Or should I say obsession? She fell in love with him since she saw him dancing and singing on tv. Dancing... it's an euphemism. Rain flew when he was on the stage. I never saw an asian guy dance so good like him. Anyway..She didn't have a chance with him. Because One: he was Rain and Two: he was already hooked up.

"But he's already hooked up!" Choi Seunghyun always reminded her.

"I don't Care. I love Him!" She replied. That sentence was new. Very Original.

"Why do you like him so much anyway? He's 30 for godness sake!"

"Because One: He's hannnnnnndsome." She squealed like a crazy fan.

"Two: He's super H.O.T!" The other girl added giving her an high five.

"And Three: When he dances...Wooo. I melt like ice in the sun." She confessed, blushing, even with the beauty mask on. The two girls giggled and moaned like cats. Unbelievable.

"Ya! Stop it! Stop it!" Choi Seunghyun exclaimed at the scene. "You look like those crazy fans on tv." He said disturbed by their moans. And he wasn't the only one.

"Okay." They stopped. "And age is just a number, baby." She added more serious.

"Don't' ever do that again. That scene was disturbing." He complained to her.

They laughed at him. "You ask, I answer. That's how it works." Yumi replied.

"And now I'm regretting it." He said back. After that, a comfortable silence spread around us. Sweet silence, how I love you. The only thing you could hear was the tapping of Yang Suk Ki's cell phone, but it didn't bother me at all. I was really glad that I decided to come.

Yumi suddenly stood up. She asked us if we wanted some chamomile. "It helps when you can't sleep." She said.

"Sure, why not." Choi Seunghyun nodded.

"Yeah. Me too." I said. "And thank you."

"Oh don't mention it. I do it with pleasure." She said back and walked towards the kitchen. I stared at her. While she was holding the pan, she stopped. "Oh I just forgot..." She exclaimed looking at us.

"What?" I asked her.

"The president told me to tell you guys, that tomorrow after the photoshoot, you have an interview with some radio station. I don't remember the name though." She thought of it while she was putting the pan on the burner.

"What time?" Choi Seunghyun asked.

"At 10:30 am."

"But we already have another interview at 09:00am!" He complained.

"Hey, don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger." She defended herself.

"F*ck! Another full schedule day." And I was just starting to relax on this comfy chair.

Choi Seunghyun gave me a nudge. "Behave a little your bad mouth." He said. 

Yumi probably heard him, because she replied: "Don't worry Oppa, I'm used to it." She checked the water temperature. "Nobody is pure here anyway."

"See! She's okay with it." I exclaimed showing off my tongue at him like a little kid.

He shook his head, looking at my childishness, then, as if he had been hit by something, his head turned rapidly at the the girl in the kitchen. "WHAT? You're saying that You're not virgin either?" It exited from his mouth with a surprised tone. My eyes weren't the only that popped out at his words. Yang Suk Ki eyes grew wider than mine.

"YA!" She shouted in his face. Choi Seunghyun shuted his mouth right away. He was clearly scared of her, and I was afraid too. "How can you ask so easily something so private? Are you a crazy?" Her voice lowered, but she remained always f*cking angry. "How would you feel if I ask you about your first time EH?" She asked him.

"Well.." You could see how Choi Seunghyun didn't know whether she was actually asking him or if it was a rhetorical question. Luckily Yumi came to his rescue.

She left the kitchen and went to sit next to the mad girl. She tried to calm her down by patting her back and shoulders. "It's alright Eoni. We're friends aren't we?!" She said looking at her. Yang Suk Ki broke eye contact with a scared Choi Seunghyun and moved her gaze on Yumi. When she saw the relaxed face of Yumi, she relaxed too. "Talking about it with him doesn't bother me."

"Are you sure?" Yang Suk Ki asked her.

"I'm sure." The girl answered calmly.

"Ok. Alright." Yang Suk Ki nodded and returned to texting to her boyfriend.

Yumi looked at us and answered Choi Seunghyun's question. "Yes, I'm not virgin anymore." She confessed blushing slightly.

Those words provoked odd sensations inside me. I knew that she could have done it with someone. She was 22, for crying out loud. It was normal to not be virgin at that age anymore. My brain tried to explain it to me, but my heart felt only pain inside her words. I stayed silence lost in this new feeling as they kept talking.

"It's that all you wanted to know?" She asked him lifting her brows.

Choi Seung Hyun looked at Yang Suk ki first and then at her. "Y-yes." He mumbled, still afraid of Yang Suk ki. The girl, hearing him, lifted her head and pointed her gaze towards him. A simple smile was on her face, but I couldn't tell if it was a good sign or not.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not mad at you anymore." She said with a normal tone of voice. "If it's okay for her to talk about it, it's okay for me too." She ended, Then returned to her phone. Choi Seung Hyun sighed in relief.

"How come you're single now?" My mouth spoke suddenly without my permission, but I desired to know more about her private life. Maybe like this odd feeling would disappear. That's what I believed.

She seemed surprised by my sudden interest. She blinked a couple of times before  answering. "Well... Davide and I really loved each other, but.."

"But what?" I was too eager to stop myself.

"We had different dreams. So..we broke up." She finished, stood up and went in the kitchen to control the water, but I think that she just wanted to escape from me and my questions. I thought about what she said. She broke with her boyfriend. Of course she didn't wanted to talk about it. Neither I wanted people to ask me about my ex fianceé Kiko. I could understand her, but that didn't mean that I was happy about it. That was the problem.

She returned from the kitchen with three cups with the tea envelop in them. She laid them on the table and went to take the teapot. She came back with another cup on her left hand too. She served us and then herself too. She sat down and we drank our tea in silence. I never rested my eyes on anything else but her figure.

I put down my cup and continued to stare at her. "Forgive me if I insist but.. you certainly have had others boyfriend right?" I didn't know why, but my voice sounded accusing. It's just that I felt mad, yet sad towards her, for an unknown reason.

"Yes. Like any other girl." She felt the poison in my voice and replied in the same way  too. But she never made eye contact though. Yang Suk ki and Choi Seung must have felt the tension around us, because they didn't speak out.

"How many?" I asked.

"Two." She answered, annoyed.

"And you broke up with them, right?"

"I'm single now, so yes?!" She replied and finally lifted her head making eye contact with me. She smirked evilly. "One was a JERK.." She spat at me, like she was talking about me. "..And the other one cheated on me. Remind all this is really upsetting, so if you don't mind..." Her rigid jawbone was a clear sign of irritation, but I had to ask one more thing.

"One more thing." I said less jerkily.

"What?" She was on the edge to explode, I knew it.

"Did you at least beat them up?" I asked trying to lighten up the mood. And I smiled too.

"Well.." She tried to resist, but the tension around us was already lightened up and she  smiled too in the end. "Of course I beat them up. Who you take me for?" Her beautiful smile grew wider. At first stiffened, Yang Suk ki and Choi Seunghyun visibly relaxed.

"Well done Yumi-chan." Choi Seunghyun said giving her an high five.

When I was sure that everything was really okay, I apologized to her. "Sorry I got you mad." I said. "I just.. wanted to know. But I think I exaggerated. Sorry."

"Nah..It's okay." She replied waving her hands. "Friends can get you mad sometimes, but it's okay.." She added shrugging.

That word. Friends. It's starting to get on my nerves. Let's say that I started to hate it. And the worst thing is that I didn't even know the reason. I could stand that Yang Suk Ki, Chaerin, Sandara, Lee Hi and any other girl in YG thought of me as a friend, but not her. I didn't understand why but..the word sounded wrong to my ears. So I tried to replace it with another one, like Advisor or Confident..But nothing. It didn't work. At least until a little voice in my head whispered...Her boyfriend. Is that possible? I asked mentally to myself. We..During all the time we spent together, I always had strange feelings towards her. Like when I felt annoyed by Choi Seunghyun or any other guy that got too closer to her; Or like when I had the huge to lean my mouth upon her mouth, every time I stared at her lips; Or even like earlier, when I get turned on just at the sight of her bare legs, and I wanted to caress them, not like a friend would have done, but more like a..boyfriend would have done. Her boyfriend. Just imagining what I could have done with her legs or simply hold her tightly in my arms, was really thrilling. That's when I realized that I liked her.  But I cannot do those things if I stay just a friend to her. I thought then. I would have to make the first move as soon as possible.

"Oppa?" I heard someone calling me, but I was too lost in this revelation to reply. Then the voice got louder. "OPPA!"

I blinked a couple of times, like waking up from a dream. He took me a bit of time to   understand who was calling me. It was her. "Oh..sorry." I apologized. "I was lost in.. my thoughts. What did you say?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"I was asking you if you ever had a girlfriend?" She asked curiously.

I wasn't expecting such a question, but since I asked her about her private life, I should have expected it.. "Well yes." I answered shrugging. She got sad for one sec, but I noticed it anyway. So I hurriedly added: "But it didn't work out, so we broke up. What can I do?!" I said nonchalantly.

"Oh." She seemed disappointed for just one sec but that expression was replace with a smile in the next second, a smile that she she tried to cover with her hand. I knew her feelings for me since forever. So I better show what I feel too. I thought back then.

"So now I'm single too." I said caressing my lips on purpose.

"H-how come?" She blushed slightly.

"I don't know.." I narrowed my eyes for a moment, and then I lifted my head and stared at her. Directly in her eyes. "Maybe I should look around more.."

After our little chat ended, she didn't ask me anything more about my past, and talked with Choi Seung Hyun instead. I didn't even hear a word of what they were talking about. I was busy staring at her, and melting at the idea of kissing those sweet and inviting lips of hers. She noticed that I kept staring at her, but acted like if she didn't notice it. Even if her cheeks were all red. Anyway, She and Choi Seung talked to each other for the entire time,  01:30am came and we were obliged to go. Because she was starting to fall asleep and Yang Suk ki was already sleeping on her shoulder, even if she was trying really hard to keep her eyes open.

Before leading us to the door, me and Choi Seunghyun wished goodnight to Yang Suk Ki, who was going to their shared room. Arriving in front of the open door we said goodbye to Yumi too. "Goodnight, Oppa." She said to him first. "It has been a pleasure chatting with you."

"It has been a pleasure for me too Yumi-chan." He replied, smiling at her. "Goodnight!" He said, and then he stepped out of the dorm, waiting for me.

Yumi then looked at me finally. "Oppa, you didn't talk too much tonight." She complained, with a sad yet cute face.

"Sorry, my mind was somewhere else tonight." I felt guilty not having chatted with her more, but it was like Choi Seunghyun wanted her to chat only with him. He didn't let me say even a word. So I had no choice but to stare at her. I could have stayed there watching her for the entire night if I had the chance to. "Let's chat more another time, ok?" I said and then laid my hand on her shoulder and patted it.

"O-okay." She stuttered every time that she was embarrassed. "So Goodnight! Or should I say Good morning since it's 01:30 am?" She asked herself.

"Let's pretend it's still night." I proposed and she nodded. "Anyway. I better let you go to sleep, since you have a full trainee schedule tomorrow." The trainee's days were always full and I didn't want to steal her sleep from her.

She sighed. "True." She mumbled.

"So, Goodnight and sweet dreams." I used on purpose a deep and sexy tone of voice to hit on her, and it worked. But when she smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back at her too. I must be went nuts...I liked it though.

"G-goodnight to you too, Ji Yong." She replied, flushing red. I continued to act sexy, even if I was suspecting that the stupid smile I had on my face was ruining everything.

I exited the dorm without breaking eye contact with her and she blushed like I expected. Was I blushing too? I greeted her by waving my hand for the last time, before she closed the door. I stretched, walking through the corridors. "Wasn't it a good night hyun?" I asked him smiling widely.

"Are you serious?" Choi Seung surprised me, not for the question itself, but mostly for the seriousness in his voice.

I stopped in my tracks and he did the same. "What do you mean?" I asked him, frowning.

"Don't play dumb with me bro." He replied smirking. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He sounded irritated too.

"No, I'm sorry, but I don't understand at all." I replied, frowning.

"Oh come on, Ji Yong!" He exclaimed annoyed. "I know you since we were trainees, I understand right away when you got a crush on someone. And tonight you just got a deep crush for Yumi." He added, surprising me.

He's one of my best friend. I couldn't hide it from him, since he knew me so much. "Well, you got me." I admitted putting up my hands. "I admit it, I'm...completely crazy for her." I confessed blushing as soon as I said it.

"Even crazy?" He asked in disbelief.

"Y-yes. I really think so." I shyly nodded. "And if I don't make the first move, I'm sure I'll go crazier." I added remembering every time that I wanted to hug her or kiss her and I didn't have the chance to. Or couldn't do it. The thing made me go crazy, without knowing the reason.

"I'm happy for you man but.. I don't think that would be a great idea. Hooking up with her. Absolutely not." He surprised me again, because I thought that he would have been on my side.

"Why are you saying that?"

He looked at me like I was stupid. "Because if you two get together, things might...No. I know that they'll become too dangerous." He warned me.

"I'm not that weak you know." I replied. "I ca-"

He didn't let me finish. "I'm not talking about you." He shook his head. " I'm talking about her. It would be mostly dangerous for her and I'm not kidding."

I knew what he was referring to. And I didn't agree with him. "You're exaggerating." We finally arrived in front of our dorm.

"No, I'm not, Ji Yong. You should know better than anyone else how jealous and crazy your fans..and sasaeng fans can become. If I were you, I wouldn't challenge them." He said and then opened the door and walked in the room.

I knew he was right, But I didn't like it anyway. I mean, I've just realized to like Lee Yun Mi, and now I had, was obliged, to break apart from her. What the f*ck! I didn't have any desire to follow his advise, but lots of nightmares bothered me in my sleep. So in the end I gave up and did like he said. From the following day till today, I acted as if she was just a common girl and I was just a simple friend to her. I treated her like a simple friend would have done. A simple damn friend. Gosh, how I hate that word.



And now here I am. Trapped, with nothing but a wall behind me. I closed my eyes and sighed. I looked at the boss. He looked back at me lifting his brows, as to say "So?" I sighed again, not knowing what to say. Why the hell he had to bring up the whole story in the first place? I snorted irritated. Aish! What do I do? What am I suppose to say? Aish! I angrily stroke my head and sighed.

"Just split everything out!" The president pressured me. "It's too late to deny it anyway.." He added more gently.

I saw in the corner of my eyes Yumi. She looked surprised, confused and also..a little angry. And I knew that within two or three minutes, she would have figured out everything...and exploded in rage. I sighed. "Can you at least give us some privacy?" I asked to the president.

"Eh? W-what?" He stammed in disbelief. " my office you know?! Or you don't remember?"

"But I can't talk about it in front of you." I complained.

"This is ridiculous, why should I le-"

Yumi interrupted him, speaking after a long silence. "President!" She called him out loud. "I think it's better if you go out." She said impatiently. "I want to hear what this guy has to tell me." This guy. She used to use this word when she was amused or angry. Guess how she feels now. Exactly. I'm doomed.

The president thought about it, but did as he wanted at the end. "I don't think that's necessary." He said crossing his arms and staying right where he was. "Do you want to know the truth..Here it is. That guy there.." He said pointing his thumbs at me. "He acted like he felt nothing for you, but he can't even stay away from you or lay his eyes off you, though he should act indifferently. Even if he never confessed to you, his fans understood however that he was and are even now in love with you. Because his eyes never stopped talking for him. For all this time. It's just that I noticed it too late." He revealed without breaking eye contact with me. It was as if he read in my mind. Creepy!

Yumi looked even angrier than before. "W-why would he act like that?" She asked him, like I wasn't there, but I knew she knew that I was there. In fact, while she kept talking, she gradually stopped to stare at him and turned her gaze on me. "Why he let me believe that he didn't feel anything towards me? Why? Why KWON JI YONG?" She used to call me by my name only when she was deadly serious. And now she was damn serious and mad. I could hear not just the anger, but also sadness in her voice. She stood up from the chair and towered over me.

I looked at her from below, a little scared that she would have kick my stupid ass. "Well..B-because of the fans." I whispered.

"The fans?" She got closer my chair.

I sighed, frustrated. "Yes, My lovely fans." I said at low voice. Just thinking about them, made me mad. Since they started to interfere in my private life, my life became a mess. Since they started to interfere, I didn't succeed in finding for myself a single girlfriend after the story with Kiko. The girls I hit on in the clubs, didn't stay with me too long, because they always ended up to avoid me after a few days. All because of my adorables fans had targeted them. Everywhere and anywhere they went, the sasaeng fans followed them and threatened them on the web and in the real life too. In the end, I never saw them again. I should have stayed single for my entire life according to their wishes. What kind of fans would want his Bias depressed and all alone? Just cruel people. If it wasn't for them, I would have already confessed to her and hooked up with the girl I liked, but they didn't let me be with no one. Don't misunderstand me I loved them, but they were such a pain in the ass, when they acted like that. You can't imagine.

The president tried to catch back her attention again, and calm her down too."Yumi." He called her. "It's what I was trying to explain earlier." She took her terrible gaze off me and laid it on the boss. "Ji Yong's fans can get really jealous, mad, and dangerous to any girl that goes too close to him. Or in your case, spend too much time with him. That's why he acted like that with you. That's why he treated you like a friend, but unfortunately they didn't fall in his trap. Don't get too mad at him and try to understand." He invited her to think on it. Luckily she calmed down, did as he said and she sat back on her spot.

Well, It hasn't been a bad idea that he stayed here after all. I thought thanking him with a smile. He sighed tiredly, but smiled back too.



There had been a time that I believed he liked me back. A certain night, when he came to our dorm, with Choi Seunghyun Oppa. That night he questioned me about my past love stories and shamelessly flirted with me. It's just that, during the following days, weeks and months, he totally ignored me and acted as if nothing happened. He treated me like I was just an acquaintance. He visited me at nights, like he used to do, but it was like he wasn't really there. When I caught him spying on me, or sending me weird glances, he quickly turned his head away from me. And when I went to ask him why he was secretly looking at me, he made up lame excuses or just denied it. That thing got on my nerves. For all the time I kept asking myself if he was really interested in me or I was just imagining things. Luckily, now it all made sense. People don't stop to talk to you from a day to another. His cold attitude towards me has been all an act to protect me from his crazy fans. One side of me was angry at him for making me suffer for such long time, while on the other hand, I was...overly happy. He did all this stuff to protect me, because he likes me. I wanted to be sure thought, before jumping out of joy. "Is he telling the truth Ji Yong?" I asked him looking him directly in the eyes.

"Yes, it's true." He replied without breaking eye contact with me. He even smiled as to forgive himself for the bad attitude he had towards me.

I was breathless and wordless. And in disbelief too. Yes, really in disbelief. "Then that mean that.." My heart was already beating too fast to pronounce the following sentence. "That mean that you are in love" I felt my hands and back sweating like never before.

He smiled. Not a friend-smile, but like he did that night that he shamelessly flirted with me. It was the kind of smile the boys give you when they try to hit on you. I wasn't prepared so I blushed redder than a tomato. "Of course." He said like it was the most natural thing in the world. "I can't tell exactly when it happened.." He tried to remind me, pausing. "Our first meeting certainly had a big effect on me...I will never forget that day, but I think it happened slowly. And that night that I visited you with Choi Seunghyun it hit me. I realized that I wouldn't have like to stay just a friend to you." He said shaking his head. "I mean, I got jealous at every guy, Choi Seunghyun included, that got close to you. Or even touched you. I didn't understand why I felt so angry and jealous till that night." He confessed blushing. Wow. "Then I shamelessly flirted with you and wanted to do more, but Choi Seunghyun warned me that it would have been too dangerous to date you." He revealed. 

"I tried to stay away from you to protect you, but apparently it didn't work." He sighed frustrated. "It seems that staying away from you it's more difficult than I thought.." He said, then got more closer to me and touched my left hand lightly, which was resting on my legs. That simple touch made my heart skip a beat. "..It's strange have the chance to touch you so freely without cameras around.." He said continuing to caress me. But then he remembered that we weren't alone, so he stopped doing it. "I can't tell you if it's just a crush or actually love though..sorry." He apologized for not knowing his feelings for me.

But I didn't really care about that in that moment. Well, I cared a little, but not so much in that moment. What mattered to me was being sure that he liked me. We would have lots of time to discuss if it was just a crush or actually love. "Then you really like me? I'm not daydreaming am I?" I asked a little worried. I pinched one of my kneels to be sure to be awake. Yes, I'm awake..and that hurts, but it's ok.

"No, you're not daydreaming." He answered smiling amiably to me. "I really like you Lee Yun Mi." He said, blushing a little bit. I waited that he could add something cruel like. "I'm kidding you idiot! Who do I like? You? You're kidding right!?" But luckily he didn't say nothing like that. He just stayed there, waiting for a reaction from me. It was a little late because I was shocked. Ji Yong is in love with me. For real. I'm about to faint, I can feel it.

I detached my red face from him, and looked at the floor. Ji Yong was really right when he wanted the president to give us some privacy. But now it was too late to complain. Even if I was embarrassed till death to say this thing in front of him, I had to take some courage and spit everything out. He's waiting my reply after all. I kept torturing my fingers before lifting my head and looking straight at him, while confessing my feelings for him. "I..I always liked you too Kwon Ji Yong. Since the first time I saw you." Why It was so difficult yet so easy to confess to someone?

He smiled embarrassed and happy. "I knew it." He replied.

"Everybody knew it." The president added, speaking after a long period of silence.

"Well..I tried really hard to hide it." I defend myself in a winny voice.

While the president shook his head unconvinced, Ji Yong kept smiling at me lovely. "I think I'm better at acting than you." He said, smiling innocently, without arrogance in his voice. So I smiled too.

"I think you're right." I replied.

And so we smiled at each other. He's really in love with me. I still can't believe it. I didn't know either if it was just a simple crush or actually love, with capital L. But we will have had a lot of time to find out what it was. All I knew now, was that I was happy. Completely and extremely happy. I think I started liking/loving him, when I had a panic attack on what seemed to be a normal day. That day we were reading mangas in the living room, and the girls were in the kitchen doing something. At that time, I thought that he just wanted to be friendly with me, so I didn't took him too seriously. When suddenly Yang Suk Ki screamed and said that she cut herself with the knife, I totally panicked When I saw the blood flowing out of her finger. The sight of blood started to freak me out ever since I had the car accident, and it had always provoked me with anxiety and panic. He had been the first person who came to comfort me. He held me in his arms and whispered sweets words to calm me down. He kept comforting me with sweets words and caresses till I calmed down. And there, in his arms, I realized I would have loved to stay like that forever. That's how I realized it. And now here I was, staring at the guy I liked/loved, and he liked/loved me back. Nothing could have stopped me from jumping out of joy like a mad woman. Yes, I really want to jump now.

That's what I thought.




02. I'm fucking tired






I have never, not even once, thought that my friendship with Ji Yong would have one day turn into love. With all the contrasting messages he kept sending me, I was confused all the time. Like when he flirted with me one day, but acted like nothing ever happened the following days. Now everything has sense. It wasn't a one side love. We didn't know either if it was just a simple crush or actually love, but we had have plenty of time to find out what it was. Just thinking about him as my...Boyfriend.. made me smile automatically. I thought I would have fainted along, right there, on the floor of the president's office. However my smile fade away when I remembered something.

"Hey..what's wrong?" Ji Yong asked me, looking worried. Just a minute ago he was smiling back at me too.

It was their fault that my smile fade away. Ji Yong's sasaeng fans. Ji Yong's damn, crazy and psychopathic stalker fans. "The president's right, you should go to Europe." I stated, surprising him, and not in the good way.

"What?" He frowned asking.

"Go to Europe." I repeated more firmly. The president was definetely right. It was too dangerous for me to date him or simply stay near him, without being insulted or threatened on the web. So who knows what they would have done to me, if they found out that we were a real couple... I don't even want to imagine..

"Why?" He at least wanted to know the reason of my sudden choice.

"Because.. it's the right thing to do." I said not looking directly in his eyes. But I immediately lifted them back when his hand gripped my upper arm. Not painfully but almost. "What..?"

He had a stubborn and confused expression when he spoke. "Tell me the truth, I don't want to hear lame excuses." He said firmly.

"I've already tol-"

He didn't let me finish. "Tell me the real F*cking reason!" He shouted on my face, more frustrated than angry. He looked at me, just waiting for a sincere answer. Like if he really needed for his life's sake.

I had no other choice but be frank. "The true is.." He let my arm go. "I don't want to be the target of your fans. And I don't want Sweet stones's name be ruinued by your overly jealous fans." I didn't want them to target my band mates because of me.

"But their already targeting yo-"

This time I interrupted him. "I know." I replied. "But if we don't follow the president advise, and start to date, I'm sure things will get worst." I explained, looking straightly into his eyes. "Look, I dreamed of becoming a singer since I was five years old, but then I had that car accident and stayed in the hospital for months and months. That's why I auditioned late. That's why I'm the oldest after Yang Suk ki-eoni. But now I finally made it. I realized my dream, and I don't want to ruin everything by dating you." The more I said, the madder he got. So I tried to soften my words as much as I could. "It's true, I like you, but come on, Sweet Stones has just debuted. I don't want their name get ruined because of us. Mostly because of me. I don't want to let them down. I couldn't deal with it." I ended, almost on the edge to cry, but I hold back the tears and didn't let even one escape from my eyes. I waited for a reaction from him, but he didn't say a thing. Instead, he rudely brushed his hair off his face and sighed heavily.

His face was a mask of frustration... and hate. "I understand what you mean, but.." It was the first time I saw him like that, and I didn't like it at all. "The thing that confuse me and quite irritates me is that you don't.. you didn't even considered the idea of dating secretly."

At least he understood how I felt. I felt less angry at him. "Of course I considered it."I replied. "But it could be dangerous and wouldn't work either."

"Why?" He asked full of annoyance.

"I'm a bad liar and a bad actress. You just said it too!" I replied with the same hatred he was sending me with his eyes. "I'm sorry, but we have no choice, and I don't want to throw at the wind all my efforts, just to date you... My dream is more important now." I felt guilty as I said it, but he wanted the truth and that was the truth.

He sighed, frustrated. His body laguage mirrored his mood: Black. But when he spoke, I felt more bitterness that anger in his voice. "It's more important than me. That's what you're saying..."

I felt the accusation in his voice and I knew it wasn't fair. "Yes, but try to understand." I said. I begged him with my eyes because he looked like he didn't want to be touch.

"No. I understand perfectly." He said, but the poison in his voice made me think that he was more mad at me than to his precious fans. He turned his face away from me. I tried to make him reason. I extended my hand and laid it on his shoulder. I tried to turned his chest towards me, but he rudely shook me off


"It's better to not touch each other, the world might be spying on us." He cruelly joked. I was astonished and... pissed off too now. How can he treat me like this! It wasn't  my fault if we were in that situation: it was his damn fans's fault.

The boss stayed in silence, leaving the matter to us. I think he believed that we were mature enough to solve the problem by ourselves. Well, if that guy sat next to me kept up that attitude, there wouldn't have been any resolution. But I would not let him treat me this way. "You're acting like an assh*le.. and you're also being selfish right now." I spat at him. I stood up because I couldn't sit on the chair. I was too agitated to do that.

Hearing me saying that, he stood up too and came towards me with a threatening look. "The selfish one here.."He said then he pointed his finger at me. And raising his voice he said: "IT'S YOU!" He shouted in my face.

His shout didn't scare me. In fact, it had the opposite effect. "ME? IT'S YOU, YOU IDIOT!" I replied raising my voice too, with the same anger he had in his voice.

"NO PICCOLA, THE SELFISH ONE IT'S YOU!" The fact that he called me Piccola, which meant baby in italian, didn't soften me at all.

The president, who had been staring at us, had to stand up and come over to calm us down. He stood in between us so he could stop possible attack. "Guys! Guys! Calm down. There's no need to shout. Okay?!" He begged us to stop, glancing at both of us, but we continued to argue as if he wasn't even there.


"WELL YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE IT!" He waved his hand in front of my face.

"WELL HERE'S THE NEWS MR., I AM FRUSTRATED TOO." The thing that angered me the most was that he was so concerned about himself, that he thought that I couldn't be frustrated as well. "AND YOU ARE THE MOST SELF-CENTERED PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!"

"I'M NOT SELF CENTERED!" He replied.


"I WANT.. I Just want to be with you." He said, lowering his voice to a whisper. He grabbed my hand in his. "I really want to." He squeezed my hands to emphasize his point.

I tried to take back my hands, but his grip was too strong. "You're talking about it as if it was an easy thing to do, but it is not Ji Yong." I couldn't believe to what I was about to say. I also couldn't believe that I would have ended up in that kind of situation, but here I was. "We can't be together. At least not now." I said, bitterly.

He sighed once again. "But this is too frustrating.." He said it with such a sad voice that I was about to give up, jump in his arms and tell him that I wanted to be with him too. More than anything in the world. And send his damn jealous fans to hell.

But I couldn't grant myself such a luxury, So instead I closed my eyes, so I could talk without being influenced by his gaze. "I'm sorry, we have no other choice but to wait until the dust has settled."

"I have no intention to do such thing." He replied though. God, he's so stubborn!

"Then this is not love, but a simple crush. You're gonna forget me in just-" I tried to take back my own hands, but he pulled me towards himself and interrupted me in the only way I would never have imagined, neither in my wildest dreams. Meant by grasping my face in his hands and kissing me. I was so surprised that I couldn't enjoy fully the moment, because I knew what he was trying to do. Pursue me and shut me up too. But if he believe that he can defeat me like this, he's really an idiot. I detached my mouth from his mouth and pushed him off me with all the strength I had. I glared at him.

"This is not a simple crush." He talked first, before I could even open my mouth.

"Oh really?! You know everything right?! For you it might be easy to say it, but it isn't for me." I replied without raising my voice, but you could tell that I was beyond angry. "After this.. I'm not so sure that is mutual.." How such handsome guy, can have such bad attitude?

I didn't know if he understood that he did something wrong, but he tried to get closer to me again. "D-don't say that Yumi.. try to understand me a little bit.." He tried to grab my hand again, but I slapped it away.

"NO! You have to understand that if we can't, it mean that WE CAN'T! GOD!" I shouted in his face. And since I couldn't stay in there any longer, I stormed off the room and slammed the door behind me. A billion emotions filled up my chest. The hatred and the sadness were the most difficult ones to manage. Since I couldn't bottle up everything inside myself, I ran to Yang Suk Ki and cried my heart out in her arms.




"F*ck!!" I swore like never before when she left the room. How could you be such a prick when it was clear that she was right. I scolded myself. I kicked the chair I just sat in, and brutally pulled my hair."Idiot! You're just a damn Idiot!"

"At least you know it." The president scolded me too. He grabbed my shoulders so he could face me. "Why did you kiss her without her permission? What were you thinking?" He asked both confused and in disbelief.


I didn't even know. "I.. I don't know." I said without looking at him. I felt too ashamed. "I believe I thought that maybe she would have accepted me. But now.. everything is..gone" Just like her. At that moment I really wanted to kick myself.

"Absolutely." He agreed. "But you know that she's right, don't you?" He asked me.

"Of course I know it. It's just that... it's too frustrating." I replied.

"I know it is." He said, pausing and then speaking in such a serious voice that I had to look at him. "You should know better than anyone else how far your fans can go when they're jealous of someone. You surely don't want them do something worse than just threaten Yumi on web, don't you?!" He asked me rhetorically.

"Of course I don't want that to happen." I already felt guilty for putting her in such a situation. What if we had shown ourselves to the public? I could only imagine the worse..

"Then bear it, until things don't get back to a normal state." He said to me gently.

It was always the same story. I fall in love with a girl, we start dating, but we can't show ourselves together around. So I have to date secretly or wait untill my fans get used to having her next to me and finally date her openly. "I'm really sick of all this stuff." I expressed my thoughts out loud.

"If you're really sick of it, then reconsider your feelings for Yumi." He replied straightforward. "It's possible that she's right and this is just simple crush, as she said. You can't reject this possibility completely. You have to think deeply about it." He let go of my shoulders since I was totally paying attention to what he was saying now. "While you're in Europe think deeply about it, please." He proposed.

Even if an odd feeeling told me that it wasn't just a simple crush, I nodded. "De. I'll think about it." It was better to do as he advised me and don't do impulsive things risking to ruin everything... again.

He patted my shoulder as to comfort me and nodded too. "Good boy." He sounded just like my father.

"I would like to go now, can I?" I asked him.

"Sure." He replied right away. "Just remember to apologize to her." He added.

"Of course I'll do it, who you take me for?!" I replied, a little offended. "But it won't be easy.." I'm lucky that she didn't punch me in the face.

"You made your bed, now you have to lie in it." He replied, shrugging. I sighed knowing that he was absolutely right.

I briefly bowed to him as I said goodbye, and headed out of the office. I wasn't happy that he threw at my face my wrong doing. I wasn't happy at all. But he was right, I had to apologise to Yumi as soon as possible. My head was filled with hatred though. Hatred towards my so called fans and their bad attitude towards Yumi. People that should  just stay by my side and cheer for me, without interfering in my private life, were the ones that did the opposite. I mean, they always cheered for me, but interfered in my private affairs as well. According to them, I should have stayed single for my entire life. The most insoportable thing was, that even if I wanted to shout "Mind your own fucking business!" to their faces, I couldn't. Have the pleasure and chance to do such a thing, would havr been really satisfying, but because they were my fans I couldn't. I should have them by my side during both good and bad times. No matter how insupportable and insufferable they could become sometimes. Just thinking about the whole matter made me even angrier.

As I walked through the corridors, with every step I took, my anger intensified. I didn't greet back the people that passed by me: instead, I walked directly towards the elevator without making eye contact with anyone. As soon as I was in the elevator, I pressed the bottom for the last floor, the underground parking lot. I didn't notice, however, that there was another person inside the elevator until she touched my arm. At the beginning, I believed that she was Yumi, and I was too ashamed to look at her. But when I saw that it was Park Bom, I relaxed. Not totally though. She seemed to notice my black mood when I briefly glanced at her.

"Hey Jiyong-ha? Gwaenchanha?" She asked if I was fine. "Something's wrong?"

I talked to her without making eye contact. "Aniyo. Nothing's wrong, noona. I just need to get some stress off my chest." I replied just to not worry her any further.

"You know you can talk to me whenever you want." She said, trying to make eye contact with me. She was so insistent that I gave up and looked at her.

I tried to soften my expression, hiding my bad mood behind a naive smile. "Talking won't help me really. I prefer do something else.."

"And what is that exactly?" She asked, curious.

The elevator's bells rang at that moment and I replied before walking out. "Destroy the objects I have at my place." I answered without preamble. I bowed to her andd smiled along, but it didn't reach my eyes. I knew it.

"WHAT?" She exclaimed, shocked. I acted as if I didn't hear her and walked on my way.

I arrived at the car parking, found my car and stepped in. I drove all the way to my apartment at full speed. Maybe people would think that it was a little extreme to destroy the things I had at my place, but that was the only way for me to release my anger. And I have to say that it always worked in the past. Replacing all the destroyed objects was damn expensive, but it was worth it.

When I arrived in front of my apartment, I quickly opened the door, entered, and closed the door behind me in the same manner. Finally inside, I took off my jacket and hung it on the clothes hanger. I rolled up the sleeves of my suit to my elbows, loosened my tie and grabbed the baseball bat I always hid behind the giant flower-pot near the entrance. I walked into the sitting-room, stood in front of the little glass table in front of me, raised the baseball bat and then..



Choi Seunghyun

"Why are they taking so long?" I asked more to myself than to the other guys. Ji Yong and Yumi had been in the president's office for almost an hour by now. "What the hell are they talking about in there?" I asked myself, while I was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling. The other guys were playing cards and joking around like always.

Youngbae heard me and replied. "Why don't you go check up for yourself?"

"Hmm..Nah. I'm too tired." I replied. But the real reason was that I didn't want to eavesdrop their conversation. I was sure that when they finished, Ji Yong would tell me everything, like he used to do. We aren't best friend for nothing.

So without worrying any further, I closed my eyes and relaxed on the couch. I was about to fall asleep when someone slammed the door. Aish! What the.. I stopped swearing when I saw who walked in. It was Park Bom. She was breathing really fast, like she had ran a marathon. What caught my eyes though, has been her super-worried face. I immediately stood up and went to her. The other guys did the same.

"J-Ji Yong.." She mumbled, breathless. "He.."

"What? What happened to him?" I asked her. I couldn't understand because she was too agitated. "Okay, calm down. Take a deep breath and tell us everything." I said to her.

She did as I said and calmed down. Not completely, obviously. "Ji Yong. You have to stop him. Palli!" She said, grasping my arm.

"Why? What he wants to do?" Youngbae took the words out of my mouth.

"He said that he's gonna destroy the objects he have at his place." She answered. Then she looked back at me. "You have to stop him. Immediately!"

"Wait. let's reason this out." I said and tried to calm her down. "Why in the world he would do that for?" I tried to understand whether or not it could have be a damn good reason for him to act this way.

"Has he gone mad or what?" Youngbae couldn't understand our leader's twisted mind.

"I don't know. He just said that it's the only way, he has to release the stress off his chest." Bom said to us.

"WHAT?" We all exclaimed in disbelief.

"Has he gotten crazier?!" Seungri mumbled.

"I think his craziness has gone too far this time." I shook my head, still in disbelief.

"You have to stop him before he hurts himself!" Park Bom said, looking at all of us.

We all nodded in agreement. "Don't worry Bomi-ha, we'll go right now." I assured her. squeezing gently her shoulder to comfort her.

Youngbae took our jackets from the hangers and gave them to us. "Don't worry we will be at his place in no time."

"We'll take care of him, don't worry noona." Seungri added.

She nodded. "I hope that it's not too late." She mumbled.

Before we walked out of the room, I lingered a bit, staring at her. She did the same, a confused look on her face. Since I didn't know what to do, I patted her shoulders again and say "I hope so too." Then I left the room with the others. We took my car and I drove at full speed to Ji Yong's apartment.


I had destroyed almost half of my apartment. Now I was busy with the  plasma TV, which was worth $3.000. I still had a skinned couch, the italian dining table, the English service set for tea, a couple of pots signed by a famous spanish artist, bottles of champagne and Vodka, and other expensive stuff that I wasn't able to list out at the moment. I was already wounded from the first object that I destroyed, the glassed table in the sitting room, but I didn't really cared about it. The pain of those wounds felt nothing compare to the one I had inside me. I desperately wanted to be with Yumi,. I really wanted that, but my fans were in the way as always. F*UCK!

I was still destroying things around the apartment like a madman, when I heard a loud noise, like a door slamming. I believed it was just me, that's why I didn't pay attention to it. I didn't do it untill I heard another sound, as someone was calling my name. I heard it far at the beginning, but the sound grew louder as the seconds passed. Until I heard it clearly shout "JI YONG!"

I recognized the voice of one of my best friend, Choi Seunghyun. I stopped destroying things and turned my head to see him in the middle of the destroyed dining room. The other guys were with him too. I noticed that the door was opened and figure that it was him who slammed it. He had a weird expression on his face that I couldn't understand at first. My view was a little blured. So I rubbed my eyes to focus them better, but they still seemed far away.

"Ji Yong!" He called me again, as if he knew that I was still out of it.

"What.?" I asked squeezing my eyes to focus on him.

"Stop it." He cautiously.

"Stop what?" Weird, I'm not doing anything.

I didn't understand what he meant until he answered, exclaiming "Destroying the hell out your place!" He shook his head in disbelief.

When I understood what he meant and clearly saw his angry, yet worried expression, I wasn't happy about it. I looked at the bat in my hand and reminded myself why I was doing such a thing. To get the anger and stress off my chest. I grasped the bat and raised it, preparing myself for another round. "I can't now." I replied.

"Sure you can!" Choi Seung hyun and yongbae said in sync.

"Please let that bat go, hyun." Dae Sung prayed. He looked the most worried.

"No, Let me finish first, then I'll be all yours." I replied, avoiding their glances.

"Ji Yong, I beg you, come back to your sense, please!" Choi Seunghyun tried to persuade me, but I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't pay attention to any of them and started destroying stuff again. After I had finished destroying the plasma TV, I went to the italian furniture. But before I could do something to it, some strong hands grabbed mine, stopping me. They were Choi Seung Hyun's hands.

"Let go my hands!" I threatened him with a death glare.

"This won't help you." He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"It will!" I replied trying to free myself.

"How?" He asked, his forehead frowning.

I sighed and answered to his annoying question. "It'll set me free from stress and anger." I said staring him. "Similar to you when you drink all that alcohol."

He stayed silent, knowing that I was right. Then I looked at the others. "Or like Dae Sung does with KickBoxing Or like Youngbae does with baseball Or even like Seungri does while clubbing." I said, looking at them, one at a times. Then I looked back at Choi Seung Hyun. "So don't make me that speech. No one of you have the right to do it."

"But somebody have to do it." He replied, still grabbing my hands.

"But not you, Mr. alcoholic!" I affirmed, pushing him off me. "If you excuse me.. I'm doing some work here." He stepped back before I could break the furniture in front of me and injured him with the pieces of furniture. After I destroyed it, I went to the next one.

"You're crazy." Yongbae stated and they all nodded in agree.

"Like you didn't know that already." I replied while I was at "work".

"I meant crazier."

"It's the only way for me t-"

Choi Seunghyun finished the sentence with me "To get the stress off my chest. Yes, yes I got it." He said with a bored tone of voice.

"At least tell us why you're so stressed out." He claimed.

"I'm not just stressed out. I'm f*cking mad!" I exclaimed raising my voice.


I resumed everything with just two word. " fans."

Later, when I finished reducing my apartment (which had been worth millions dollars) into into trash, we all sat down on the plain floor. The dining room didn't exist anymore and neither did the chairs, so we were obliged to sit down. Avoiding the billion of pieces of broken glasses and wood laying around the place. I told them the entire story from the beginning and what happened also in the president's office. When I finished, Seungri and Dae Sung were the most surprised, but not Choi Seung Hyun and Youngbae. They already knew about my crush for Yumi. Dae Sung and Seungri knew that I was more close to Choi Seunghyun and Yongbae, so they didn't make a big fuss over it. But all of them had been surprise in equal measure when I arrived to the end of the story. "Did you really kissed her without her permission?" Choi Seung Hyun asked in disbelief.

"..Yes." I bowed my head, ashamed of myself.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" He shouted at me.

I nodded ashamed "Hyun, Even I know that it's a giant mistake." The maknae said to me.

"You're lucky that she didn't punch you in the face." Youngbae said, shaking his head.

"Or somewhere else." Dae Sung added, and I knew what he meant. Somewhere lower than my face. Very lower.

"At least you know what you have to do, right?" Choi Seung Hyun asked rhetorically.

"Apologize." I said still not making eye contact.

He lifted my head, forcing me to face him. "Apologize, but also beg for her pardon. And you have to do it while kneeling on the ground. Arasseo?"

"What? Kneeling on the ground?" I asked, frowning.

He nodded, letting go my chin. "Yes, you have to do this and that to a woman when she's mad at you." He replied.

Kneel in front of her...Well after what I've done, it's the least I can do. So I nodded. "Okay, I'll do it." I said back and he patted my shoulders smiling.

"Now, what you plan to do?" Youngbae asked me.

"About what?" I asked, confused.

"About the fans's problem!" He exclaimed, exhausted.

"Moleugesso.." I replied, sighing. I really had no idea of what to do about them. I didn't want to get mad again, so I took a few breaths to calm myself.

"So, are you really going to go to Europe?" Dae Sung asked.

"I think I have no choice, if I want things to calm down." I answered.

"Things are that bad?" Seungri asked.

I looked at him with a fake smile. "My adorable fans are planning to blow up Sweet stones's performance the next week at the Hongdae Mall. So yes, things are bad." I ended, my real mood comig back. Black. The rage started to boil in my chest again and I immediately took a deep breaths to calm myself.

Everyone eyes grew wide hearing the news. "What?" They all screamed.

"That's insane." Yongbae commented.

"And totally unfair." The maknae added.

"You tell me." I replied.

"Then that mean that you have to go in Europe!" Choi Seung Hyun stated.

"I know." I said.

"But don't you dare do stupid things like hang out with foreign girls and stuff."

"I would never do such thing." I replied, a little offended. I would never cheat on Yumi. Even if we weren't an official couple, that didn't mean a thing to me.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that when a man it's all alone in a foreign country, surrounded by beautiful foreign girls... anything can happen." He replied shrugging.

"Anything." The other boys said and nodded in agreement.

Well.. I couldn't deny that they were right. The heart may be strong, but the body is also weak. Hey don’t judge me, I'm human too. "Ok. Ok. I got it." I replied a little pissed off though by their lack of faith in me. "But how am I suppose to stay away from temptations, if I go there all alone? Eh?" I complained.

"Don't worry, I'll come with you." Youngbae replied, smiling.

I looked at him, and I didn't think that it was a great idea. "Really? You?" I didn't mean to sound offensive, but.. Youngbae was restless-irresponsible, and younger than me. I looked at Choi Seunghyun "Wouldn't it be better if it were you instead?" I asked him.

"What the..?" Youngbae started swearing, taken aback by my words.

Luckily Choi Seunghyun stopped him. "Hey stop." He said to him, Youngbae continued to complain at low voice. Then he looked at me again. "I can't anyway. I have a full schedule this month and the next one too. I'm sorry." He said to me, then he got back to Youngbae. "But I'm sure that Youngbae is mature enough to keep you and himself out of troubles." He added, sounding sure of what he was saying. If him, the oldest of us, said that we were able to make it by ourselves, I should trust him.

So I nodded. "Okay. Then it's a deal." I looked at Youngbae with a wide smile. "Let's be responsible Youngbae-ha!"

He fussed for two seconds, but then smiled back at me again. And then we exchange an high five. "You bet Man!" He exclaimed, smiling. After that, a pleasant silence spreaded around us, and the mood finally lightened up.

"Ji Yong?" Choi Seung Hyun suddenly called me in that silence.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"Don't tell me you reduced your place like this every time you're stressed out, I mean mad?" He asked looking around the place, shaking his head. The other guys did the same.

"Hmm yes." I mumbled.

"And how the hell it cost you to replace all these destroyed stuff?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"A..lot." Lucky me that I'm rich enough to replace all of them.

"That's crazy." He replied.

"Very crazy!" Dae Sung and Seungri said.

"You're incredible." Youngbae shook his head in disappointment.

"Kamsahabmida." I thanked him.

"That wasn't a compliment hyun." Dae Sung and Seungri said in sync again.



03. Molla



After I shamelessly cried my heart out in Yang Suk ki's arms, I didn't feel like sleeping alone, so we slept together. With her beside me, I didn't have any nightmares, because she comfort me saying that everything was going to be alright, someway. She also told me to not get too mad at Ji Yong, because everyone makes mistakes. According to her, the important thing was to solve the matter before it broke us apart. Then I felt asleep and I couldn't hear her voice anymore, but it was okay as long as she was next to me. While I was cuddled up in her arms, I granted myself the luxury to believe in her words so I could sleep in peace.

But when I woke up the next day, I was back to my pessimist self. The sun had already risen and Yang Suk Ki was gone. But I heard her voice, mixed with the voices of the other girls in the dining room. She didn't wake me up because she wanted to leave me some privacy after what happened yesterday. How thoughtful of her.

I pulled off me the blankets, stretched, stood up and then headed towards the bathroom. I snorted when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My beautiful sleek, black, and wavy hair looked like a birds' nest. My nose, inherited from my father, was all red, as if I had caught a cold and.. Achiu! Yes I caught one. Damn it! My dark-green eyes were barely visible, because they were all swollen and had bags under them. What a lovely awakening. I would have killed the one that invented the expression "A good beginning makes a good ending." However, I put aside my anger and focused on my bad appearance, so I wouldn't look like a drunk, depressed and mad person to everyone. I took a long shower, put my favourite skin cream on, combed my hair and put some decent clothes on. A simple pair of black leggings, a long-sleeved denim t-shirt,  and a pair of cute blue All Stars with white laces.

As I walked out of the room, I remembered that I didn't have any makeup on. I cursed at myself for being such a daydreaming head, but it was too late, so I masked my bad mood behind a smile. "Annyeong haseyo." I greeted everyone. They were having breakfast. Fried eggs with toast and a glass of oranges juice. I sat next to Kim Min Hae, because the spot next to Yang Suk Ki was already occupied by Yun Baek ki.

"Good morning to you too." Yang Suk Ki greeted me back warmily. She was a remarkable girl, not only on the inside, but also on the outside. She had long hair, almost like mine, but hers were shiny brown. Her face was heart shaped, but rounded towards her jawline. She had dark brown eyes, like the rest of the band's minus me obviously. But her nose wasn't potato like at all. The most beautiful part of her face was her sweet and amiable smile. Even though she used to smile more often in the past, before her parents divorced. There was still some concern for me in her voice, but when she smiled to lighten me up, I smiled back at her as well.

"Annyeong haseyo eonni." Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki greeted me too.

The first one had medium-lenght, dark-blonde hair. Her face has a slight round shape, her eyes were like Yang Suk Ki's. Her nose was more Occident like than Asian-like and the shape of her mouth made her look like she was always sulking. When she was younger, everyone believed that she looked older because of this. But now she looked exactly like her age: 19 years old. She may look arrogant and spoiled, but she wasn't really like that. It was only her character on stage, but she was gentle and friendly with people. Yun Baek Ki though, was the personification of the youth. Teenage body problem, twisted moods, naiveness and cuteness, she had it all. And thanks to her really short dark brown hair, big brown eyes, her heart-shaped face and the chubby cheeks, it was damn hard to resist to her.

"Annyeong haseyo to you too girls." I greeted them back. They didn't have a glue of what happened yesterday because they were shopping at DDM. I didn't tell them anything because I was closer to Yang Suk Ki than them. It's not that I didn't trust them, it's just that Yang Suk Ki had more experience with this kind of stuff than all of us put together.

"Did you sleep well?" Yang Suk Ki asked me.

"Yeah..Well, thanks for letting me sleep in your bed." I mumbled, thanking her.

"You're welcome." She replied simply, going back to eat her breakfast.

I started to eat mine too when Yun Baek Ki spoke. "Why did you sleep in eonni's bed?" She asked me.

Damn it! What do I say now? "Because.. I had a nightmare and I didn't want to sleep alone." I said randomly. But I also looked her straight in the eyes, to make her believe the lie, even if it wasn't completely a lie.

"Ah." She nodded and then got back to eating like nothing.

"Eonni!" Kim Min Hae suddenly called me out. "Your eyes, they are all swollen!" She exclaimed pointing them.

"And your nose. It's all red." The maknae added staring at it. I involuntary touched my face. Damn it!

"Ah..yeah." I mumbled without knowing what to say. "I think I caught a cold." I confessed in the end.

"Did you cr-" 

Yang Suk Ki interrupted her before she could end the sentence. She changed the topic to distract them. What a luck "Is your voice alright? Can you sing?" She asked me, acting like she was actually challenging me.

"The vocal coach is always strict with this kind of stuff. He's not gonna like it when he finds out eoni." Yun Baek Ki reminded me. She looked worried. Instead, it relieved me because now I was sure that she had totally fallen for Yang Suk Ki's trap.

I waved my hand as to brush away her worries. "Don't worry." I replied. "It's nothing serious, I can sing." I assured her. I secretly thanked my eonni for the help and winked at her.

She secretly blinked at me and then she continued with her act. "Really? Prove it! Sing something." She challenged me, perfectly knowing that I was excellent at singing.

"You don't believe me? I'll show you!" I played with her. I lightened my throat and I started to sing You've Got The Love by Florence and the machine. Just the Intro and a piece of the Chorus.

* *  Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air * *

I know I can count on you

Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"

But you've got the love I need to see me through

* * You've got the love (x3) * *

The youngsters applauded like crazy fans. "Woo! Brava!" They shouted in italian. I obviously taught a lot of other words when I came to YG.

"Grazie! Grazie!"(Thank you) I thanked them, doing little bows, then I glanced at Yang Suk ki. "Allora?"(So) I asked her.

She surrendered. "Ok Okay. I got it. You’re a monster of a singer, even with a cold." She added.

"I told you so."

She lowered her hands and crossed them. "But you still have the swollen eyes. What are you gonna do about them?" She replied seriously.

"Molla.." I confessed, losing my boldness.

"I knew it." She shook her head.

"Ooh." Yun Baek Ki raised her hand up, like she was in class. "I can help you with that eonni!"

"Really?" I looked at her with hopeful eyes. She was the only hope I had so that people wouldn't point at my big, swollen eyes in the corridors.

"Sure!” She replied, confident in herself. “With a little foundation cream, those bags will disappear in no time." She added, making me happier.

"Komawò Baek-ya! Sei proprio un tesoro!" I said grabbing her hands.

"What's that mean?" She asked smiling but then frowning.

"It means that you're really a treasure, silly!"

"Oh Thank you eonni." She thanked me, but I think I was the one to thanking her more. Then I let her hands and got back to eating my breakfast.

"I hope it works." Yang Suk Ki said, unconvinced. A minute later, she suddenly added. "I think that only a man's love can really make them disappear." She said without making eye contact.

"Men are all idiots." I said before I could stop myself. Aish! It was all Ji Yong's fault. That Pabo! How could have he kissed me just to shut me up? Without even asking me first? If I see him around, I’m gonna punch that damn beautiful face of his! No wait...beautiful? Get back to yourself girl. I shook my head. Remember, he’s the one that kissed you without asking you first. Don’t get fooled by his pretty face. I focused on that fact.

"Not all of them.” Yang Suk Ki replied. “Ji Won oppa is not an idiot. Well, sometimes he is, but that’s not the point.” She kept talking and eating at the same time. She paused then and lifted her eyes to meet mine. “Haven't you ever asked yourself why I look younger than my age?"

I heavily sigh. "Let me guess, it’s all thanks to your oppa?!" I muttered tired. Tired of her and her boyfriend. How can you brag about your boyfriend when I'm in this situation? I glared at her.

"Aish! Enough eonni!” The two girls complained with her. “We're tired of you braging about your boyfriend all the time!"

"I wasn't bragging about him. It was just saying." She defended herself.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I said annoyed. “I don’t need a boyfriend now.” I replied irritated.

"I'm really sorry to say this eoni, but she's right." Kim Min Hae said, as I glared at her. "I'm sorry eoni, but it's true. When I was with my ex, I noticed that I didn't have any bags or swollen eyes." Then she pointed at her eyes. "But now look at me, My eyes are always swollen."

"See!” Yang Suk Ki exclaimed. “I’ve told you so! Only the love of a man, can really make them disappear, you don't need any make up because he takes care of you." I snorted even though I knew that she was right, because I remembered that when I was with my ex, Davide. I had a flawless skin too.

"Jinjia? Wah.. How I'd like to have a boyfriend too." Yun Baek Ki melted at the idea of having one, but for me and the other girls, that idea was intolerable.

"NEVER!" We exclaimed at the same time.

"Wae? Why can’t I?" She looked at us, confused and sulking.

"Don't you dare think about boys till you're 18." Yang Suk Ki said strictly and firmly, and we all agreed with her, except for Yun Baek Ki.

"Waee?" She complained.

"Because you're too young, for crying out loud!" Yang Suk Ki replied in hard voice. She stared at the maknae’s face to make her understand the point. “And plus you know you're parents would say the same thing. So you couldn’t date even I wanted to. You have to have their permission first.” She added more gently.

The maknae didn’t reply, but her expression said everything. She stood up from the chair and went back towards our shared room. I heard though a rumble sentence that sounded like: "Always the same story..It’s not fair.." Before she slammed the door behind her. Kim Min Hae ran after her to comfort her.

Yang Suk Ki sighed tired. I knew exactly how she felt because I felt the same way. We partially felt guilty, for treating her like that when we always talked about dating. The thing was that she was so young and so careless. And be careless with boys wasn't the greatest thing to do. Me and Yang Suk Ki felt like we had to protect her from the world. Well not the entire world, just from the Jerks.

When we stayed alone, I glared at her. "Why did you bring that up? You know that she's sensitive."

“I didn’t do it on purpose.” She replied. "I didn't bring it up because of her, but because of you." She said, then she looked up at the two cameramen who were recording us. “You’re gonna cut that scene right?!” She asked, referring to Yun Baek Ki’s drama scene of earlier. One of the two man nodded.

I acted like I had seen and heard nothing and continued to chat normally with her. "Well, like I already said earlier,  I don't need a boyfriend now." I repeated.

"Your face says something else." She said referring to my damn bags.

"I'm just stressed out. That's all."

"And what do plan to do about it?" She asked. “The fondation cream can only cover the outside, not the inside.” She let me notice.

"I’ll just resort to music again.” I replied. “It’s been already more than a week that we last did something. We don’t have anything else on our schedule except for that episode of Weekly Idol tomorrow." I said.

“Yes, that's true” She nodded.

“That’s why I was thinking... about a new album.” I blurted out. An entire album would have taken up a lot of time, and I would have been very glad to fill up our void schedule with some real work. Everything to keep my mind occupied.

Her eyeballs instantly grew wider at the word ‘album’. "What? A new one?" She asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

She frowned. "But you mean a another mini album or.." She let the sentence hang and waited for me to finish it.

"I mean a big, full, entire album." She didn't expect that, I could tell by her surprised expression.

She looked worried too. "Are you sure about this?" She asked me. “I mean, that's gonna take a really long time, and I’m totally sure that the girls won’t be so enthusiast about it. You know how they are.”

“Yeah, I know.” I could already hear their complaints in my eras, but I we couldn't possibly lay on our beds doing nothing all day forever. “But it’s not like we’re gonna write the entire album in a day. It’s not just to get rid of my stress, but also to keep us occupied, instead of doing nothing all day." I explained. Music really helped me when I was depressed, angry, or sad.

She nodded understanding. "Okay. I got it. I'll help you. We're all gonna help you.” She added including the other two members.

"Thank you. I really need some distractions." I thanked her.

"Don't mention it. It's a pleasure." She replied waving her hands. “Plus your proposal isn’t so unreasonable. I’m getting bored of this routine too frankly. We haven't done anything interesting in the past five days.” She concorded with me. “So don’t worry about the girls, they won’t complain too much if you explain in detail what you want to do.” She ended the sentence squeezing my right hand.

"De eonni." She was such a great girl sometimes.

She suddenly let go my hands annoyed. "Aish! Don't call me like that!"

"How..eoni?" I asked confused but amused at the same time.

"Yeah, I feel old when you say it." She replied more annoyed.

"But you are old. You're the oldest member of our group, remember?" I told her.

"Yes I know, but please don't remind me of it."

"Then how the hell should I call you?" I asked her.

"Yang Suk Ki, just like that."

"Okay.." I paused. "Eooooni!" I made fun of her, left the table and ran away.

"Ya! How you just called me? Come back here!" She run after me and tried to catch me. I ran around the saloon and room, but she catched me in the end. She blocked me on the bed and pinched me a few times. I begged her to stop and she did, not before had gave me a last one squeeze.

"Come one, get ready, we have to go to gym. The coach is waiting." Damn! I forgot that we had gym. Like every morning.


Gym went well, even if I didn't want to do it. It’s like school, you don’t want go, but you have to go if you don’t to be an ignorant for your entire life. The same applies to gym, you have to go to not get fat. Simple. As we were walking in the corridors directed to our dorm, the other girls kept chatting about how the coach has been hard on us today, but my mind was somewhere else. My head was full of thoughts about a certain person. A person I should have punched right in the face, but then I thought that it wouldn't be nice of me to do such thing. Because deep inside, I knew I enjoyed the kiss more than I showed. He was still a prick, but I could understand why he did that. Aish! I really have to talk and solve this problem with him.

"Right Yumi?" I heard someone asking me.

"Eh..?" I was so zoned out that I had to ask twice like a dumb head.

Yang Suk Ki, probably the one that asked me the question, glared at me. "You were not listening, weren't you?"

"Ehm..No. Mian." I apologized.

"What's on your mind eoni?" Kim Min Hae asked me.

"It's..It's just that I want to go practice quickly for the new album." I ably avoided her question, but caused a bad reaction instead.

"What? A new album?" Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae exclaimed in sync. Oh crap! I totally forgot to tell them about it.

"Ehm..Yes." I mumbled embarrassed.

"But..But.But.." Only mumbled Yun Baek Ki, while Kim Min Hae knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"We've just debuted eoni, we need a break." She complained.

"Well..We debuted 3 weeks and a half ago, to be exact." I mumbled.

"But.." Kept saying Yun Baek Ki.

"We need some more time to compose songs again. We don't have the gift of songwriters like you. It's too stressful for us." I knew she was right, but in the other hand I didn't want to spend our time doing nothing. In fact the promotion of our mini album was at his ending and people could have easily forgot us, if we wouldn’t have done something about it. I looked at Yang Suk Ki and begged her with my eyes to help me. She rolled up her eyes, but came to my rescue anyway.

"Ya! The break's time is over. No more complains allowed." She stated with her firm voice.

"But.." This time it was Kim Min Hae turn to stutter.

"No Buts! It's time to get back to work. And plus Aren’t you guys tired to do nothing either?" They remained silent, but kept complaining at low voice. I didn't want them to be upset with us and creat tension in the band, so I made a deal with them.

"Listen girls, I don't say that we have to write the whole album today, it’s impossible to even think about it.” I begun. “I just want to write two or three songs and guides, nothing else. We'll write whatever run through minds without get too stressed out. And when we’re done with them, we'll go to Spa. Okay?" I asked waiting for their reply, but inside I knew that they were weak to the Spa.

"Okay." They said together after a while. I smiled and hugged both of them.

"Good job." Yang Suk Ki whispered in my ear when I let them go.

When we finally arrived, we took a shower and changed clothes. Then we went to the
Rehearsal room and got started. But it hasn't been so easy like it sounded. Because first of all, we had to create a base for each song, think of each story behind it and then write the catchy or deep memorale lyrics.We firstly created the bases and guidelines, Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki did the most of them, then we all  wrote randomly. Mostly catchy lyrics, because they were the easy ones. We wrote three song of that type, all with different themes obviously. One was about partying to get rid of the stress of life. The second one was about people not giving up on their dreams no matter what; it had also some discutable words in it, but I didn't really care about what people would have thought about it. I mean, they were just two words. Sh*t and hell. Not some exagerated curse. Anyway, the third one was about friends with two faces, better known as Volta Gabbana from where I came from. But I casted it aside right away with another one, Let's Party, because they didn't convince me much. Seeing that one song was definitely not enough to fill an album, I wrote other two songs by myself when the other girls took a break. One was related to my pals and the other one talked about first love. Practically a song about a girl that never experienced the first real love, but just crushes, and she she kept asking herself how it felt like and how she was supposed to act, was it real or was it another stupid crush. Am I too obvious? Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

Anyway... I showed to the girl the songs and they really liked them. Yang Suk Ki sent me some glances, knowing exactly who the love song talked about. I pretended to know nothing. In the end we had three songs, but her and I weren't still satisfied. "Aish! I'm 
going crazy!" I whined stroking my hair. “I know that I said that we would have wrote just two or three songs, but I don’t have the confidence to go to the president and show him just three songs. That I’m not sure about too.”

"Da too. Da too!" Yang Suk Ki whined too. Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae were absorbed, staring at the blank papers on the table, like if the words could magically appear.

"Let's write the other songs another day." I stated after had thinking about it. “It’s no use to stare at the paper if we don’t have a shred of idea.”

"Yes, you're right. We can't write the whole album in a day." She concorded.

"Ah batta!" Kim Min Hae exclaimed standing up suddenly from her chair. She was smiling like a fool and we all stared at her. "We could write a song dedicated to our fans!"

I was almost at tears. "Min Hae-ha! You're a genius!" I exclaimed happily. We all complimented to her.

"Oh well thank you." She blushed a little, then she sat down.

"And.. we could write other songs with other artists too. Like collaborations!" This time it has been Yun Baek Ki's turn to stood up from the chair.

"Yes. That would work too." I said smiling at her. "And I’ve just found another topic for a new song." I added grinning.

"Which one?" They asked me curious.


"Heroes?" They said in sync.

"Yes, heroes. Not the classic and old ones, but moderns that help people in trouble."

"That sounds too simple and over used to me." Yang Suk Ki said unconvinced.

"I know that it sound simple, but if we deepen the lyrics, I'm sure people will love it." I replied. "Come on! Everybody loves heroes." I added because they looked still unconvinced.

"Okay. Let's give it a try." She said in the end. So after a few hours later, we finished. When we finally finished, I exulted. "Aah..We finally finished!"

"Yeah! Finally!" Yang Suk Ki agreed too, while stretching her neck and arms.

"Aah.. Appa!" Whimpered Kim Min Hae patting her shoulders.

"We have still more songs to write eonies" Yun Baek Ki reminded us.

"We still have plenty of time to write other songs." I replied tired. "Let's rest for now, we'll think about them later okay?" I asked, but it was more like a beg.

"Okay!" She responded and instantly laid her head on the table.

"Eoni, you said that when we finished, we could go to the Spa!" Kim Min Hae reminded me then.

"Oh. Right. Let's go." I said standing up, even if all I wanted to do was to lay my head down like Yun Baek Ki just did and sleep.

"WAIT!" Yang Suk Ki suddenly exclaimed out loud, freaking me out.

"What?" I asked her confused.

"Firstly we have to give the songs to the president."

"Ah..You're right." I sat down.

"You guys think that he's gonna like them?" Yun Baek Ki lifting her head up. She had a worried expression.

"I don't know, sincerely." Kim Min Hae admitted and I agreed with her. For how much I liked our songs, I didn't know if he would have liked them or not.

"You should give them you to him." Yang Suk Ki stated suddenly looking at me.

"EH? Diga Wae?" I winned.

"Because you’re the leader!" She replied simply.

"Shirò!" I said back.

"Yang Suk Ki eoni's right, you should go." Yun Baek Ki said.

"Yeah! Yumi eoni fighting!" Cheered for me Kim Min Hae.

"But.." I didn't want to go alone. And I had the feeling that they wanted me to go, to get their revenge for the idea of the album.

"You were not afraid of the bullies at your school, but you're afraid of him?" Yang Suk Ki challenged me, raising her eyebrows.

"Those bullies were nothing compared to him." I replied muttering.

"Oh please! We all know that you're his favorite. I'm sure he'll love them."

"I'm still not convinced."

"Eoni, are you so scared of him?" Yun Baek Ki asked me.

"I'm not afraid of him personally, I'm scared that he won't like the songs. That's all." I confessed.

"Our songs are fantastic, he'll love them!" Kim Min Hae said to me.

"Ya! Just a sec ago, you said you weren't sure if he would have liked them." I reminded her.

"Yeah, but I changed my mind." She simply replied raising her shoulders.

"So fast?"


"Do you know you're a weirdo!" I said pointing at her, she just shrugged again and smiled.

"I think he's gonna like them too eoni." Yun Baek Ki cheered for me.

"They're right. Don't be afraid and go." Yang Suk Ki agreed with them.

I sighed."I wish I had your confidence." I said.

Yang Suk Ki stood up and pushed me towards door. "That's it! Stop talking, take the memory stick with the songs in it, the music-sheets and go to his office. Now!" She ordered me and her eyes showed no complains allowed.

"Ok Okay! Stop pushing me!" I whimpered. Before she closed the door, they shouted "FIGHTING!" Like those dolly-like cheerleaders. I deeply sighed and surrendered. I headed to the president office.


I arrived in front of his office in just three minutes. But I stared at the door like a dumb head for more than three minutes. Someone coughed behind me, and when I glanced behind my back I saw the two cameramen looking at me confused. Aish. I forgot that they followed me. So sighing, I had no other choices but to take a few breaths, and knock on the door. A voice inside invited me in and I did like he said. Inside there were the most envied music groups of all music industry. 2NE1 and Big Bang, the king and queens of digital sales. Ji Yong included obviously. That jerk. I instantly thought. Ignore him, ignore him. Act like he isn’t even there. I said mentally to myself stepping in the room. But they all looked likebthey were busy with something. "Oh Je som hamnida. I didn't know you were occupied." I said to the president. “I’ll get back later.” I said and I was about to walk away when he called me back. I stayed next to the door though.

"We were just fooling around.” He said. “Come ahead.” He invited me in.

"But I don't want to disturb." I replied still staying next to the door.

He stood up from the chair. “You don’t disturb at all.” He insisted. “Just come ahead and tell me what you have to say. What are you squeezing over your chest anyway?”  He asked me.

“ These are..”I mumbled shyly. Damn it! They’re all staring at me. Better make it short and go out of here! “These are the guidelines and some songs, that me and the girls wrote for the new album, this morning untill afternoon.” I said in a hurry.

But everybody’s eyes grew wide at the word ‘album’. Just like Yang Suk Ki eoni when I told her about it. “Eh?” They exclaimed, all very surprised. The president was surprised too, but not like them.

“Borago? You have already wrote a new album?” Choi Seung Hyun asked, the most disbelieved of all.

“Aniyo! Kuge anira.” I instantly waved my hands. “We’ve just wrote a few songs and demos. Just that, for the new album.” I said. I couldn't understand why they were all so surprised. I mean they surely could  write more songs in a day than anyone else in the building. Especially that guy with blond hair that was avoiding my eyes. “I just wanted to give them to you president.” I said in a hurry again.

“I heard from your manager that you were composing new songs.” The president said smirking. “I think it’s a great thing.” He smiled proud.

I smiled too. They all nodded, but some looked still surprised. "Why did you decide to write another album so suddenly Yumi-ha?" Chaerin eoni asked me.

“Well..we were tired of doing nothing so..” I said shrugging. To tell the truth, it was me that was tired of doing nothing but read mangas. But I kept that for myself.

“But it hasn't been even a month since you've debuted!” Choi Seung Hyun insisted. “Shouldn't you enjoy your break?” It sounded more like a complain than a question.

“Hyun's right.” Dae Sung concerned.

“I know but..we were..bored.” I mumbled.

“You’ve worked hard for your mini album. And now that you’ve just debuted, you start to work again.” He said concerned too. “Slow down, take a rest and enjoy completely your break Yumi-ha. I can even see the bags under your eyes from here!" Like always Choi Seung Hyun was right and he also had that damn eagle-sight of his. Aish. What’s the big problem with working anyway? It’s my choice not his. I thought and glared at him.

I moved uncomfortably on one foot and another. “I don’t have bags.” I replied, but he and Youngbae were already coming towards me and tease mean. I acted normal till they started to touch it “kumane!” I winned in the end.

"Look here! Waaa..They're so big!" Yongbae said to his pal.

“Ok.Okay! I have them. Now stop it!" I confessed in the end and begged them to leave me alone. Yongbae returned to his chair chuckling, but that damn Choi Seung Hyun didn't leave me in peace. "What do you want Oppa?" I asked him a little irritated.

“Can I take a tiny peak at your work. Eh? Please!" He begged me, doing an aegyo face.

“No.” I replied right away. “Nobody can listen to them but the president." I holded tightly our songs upon my chest.

"Oh Come on!" He whimepered.





"Noooo!" We continued like this for a while. Everybody laughed seeing us "fighting". It took me a lot to not check if Ji Yong was laughing too. The president lightened his throat catching my attention back. I pushed aside that annoying yet funny guy, known as Choi Seung Hyun and went directly in front of the president’s desk.

"Sorry president. I got carried away." I excused myself. Then I layed on the desk the Lyric’s sheets and the memory stick with the songs in it. “Here they are.”

He asked to Youngbae to lend me an empty chair to sit in. And when the both of us were comfy sat on the chairs, he spoke. “So.. How many songs you guys wrote today?” He asked taking a look at the sheets.

“Three with all the members and two by myself.” Well I wrote three songs, if you want to include the one about the heroes, but I didn't want to brag.

“Did you used all the instruments? I mean for your own songs.” He asked while he kept leafing through the Lyric’s sheets.

“I just played the piano and Yang Suk Ki eoni inserted a few layers with both her voice and classic guitar. For the other one, it seemed more suitable to play it as a band, but with more delicacy of the violin of Kim Min Hae and les hard beat of the drums. A simple song that everyone could sing and play without trying too hard. But I have to admit that there are still some parts that I'd like to improve." I said pausing just one time. "Fix some ambushes in the lyrics and record the songs immediately to not lose too much time."

“There're not enough for entire album, you know that right?” He pointed out.

“Yes, I know.” I nodded. “We're gonna write some more songs obviously. We thought that we could do also some collaborations with others artists, to fill up the album you know. In case we don’t reach the appropriate number of songs.”

He nodded, put aside the music sheets and looked at me. "And did you think with whom you'd like to have a featuring?" He asked. He looked around the room and I knew what he was thinking. But it was too early to have a featuring with those gods of the music industry. And plus I wanted to have a featuring when our band was more popular. By its own, without the help of any yg artists.

“Well..we didn't think that that..for now." Of course I wanted to collaborate with some artist, I would have loved to work with Nell or Radio Head, but the problem was, do they want to collaborate with us? 

“Okay, I'll take a listen to these songs and then we will think about the collaborations." The president replied. "I'm going to wait also for the others songs you guys will write.” He added.  While we were talking everyone remained in silence. That made me uncomfortable.

“De. I hope you'll like them.” I mumbled.

“I hope that too.” He replied smiling at me.

“We worked hard on them.”

"I know you've worked hard.”

"Yeah we really worked hard.”

The president looked annoyed by my chatter now. "Okay, kuman." He sounded also concerned. “Relax. You're too nervous." Everybody nodded in agreement.

Choi Seung Hyun approached me from behind, and patted my shoulders. “You should really relax more Yumi-chan. I'm sure they'll be amazing.” He comforted me.

“I am relaxed.” I replied convincing nobody. Neither myself.

“Of course you're not Yumi-ha. You're hands are all sweating." Park Bom said pointing at them. Actually the hands weren’t the only things sweating at the moment. The president probably noticed that and tried to comfort me.

“The songs sound promising, I'm sure they'll be good.” He said. Then he stared at me with a serious expression. “But you have to be realistic and understand that if one or two of them need to be re-wrote or even deleted, you can do nothing about it okay?"

I sighed. “De.” I muttered.

“Then relax already. Too much stress isn’t good for your health." He advised me.


“Right, we don't need another crazy person here!" Youngbae said.

“Who's the other one?” Dae Sung asked him confused.

“This guy obviously.” He said pointing his thumb at Ji Yong. When everybody looked at him, I allowed myself to do so too. We briefly exchanged glances and stared at each other, before he broke eye contact and looked away. He looked afraid to look at me, probably because of what happened yesterday, when a certain person kissed another one without her permission. Yes, that guy kissed me and it has been even a good kiss, in a certain way, but the fact that he kissed me not because he wanted too but because he wanted to shut me up and pursue me to give in ruined everything. I did had a crush on him, but I that didn't mean that he could behave like that. I really didn't like those type of attitudes. We really need to have a talk.

Everybody agreed again and so he got mad at Youngbae. “Who's the crazy one?” He asked annoyed.

“Are you saying that you're not? With all the weeks, no months, you spend in the recording-room without taking even a nap?" Youngbae replied looking at him straight in the eyes. Ji Yong didn't reply. He knew youngbae was right.


"For Godness sake.." The president exclaimed catching my attention back. “Don't exaggerate like him arassò?” He warned me.

“I don't exaggerate so much..” Ji Yong mumbled, but the president ignored him.

“Ji Yong-Oppa…” I begun bringing all eyes on me again. "He's surely crazy...and a idiot." I couldn't help myself, I was still angry at him. The girls didn't know what happened between us, so they were shocked when I said that. Those who knew about it, like the president and I think Choi Seunghyun too, nodded agreed. "But he does what he needs to do because he has a goal, not because he likes it. He wants to be a good and respected artist and I admire him for that. We all have to sacrifice something to have something in return and he sacrificed the sleep for his dream." I said simply and it was indeed true. I really admired him for that.

A silence spread around the room when I finished. Daesung broke it first. "Ah my thumbs! My thumbs they're curling so much!" He squealed making a face like he had too much sugar.

“Da too! Da too!" Seungri exclaimed along. I could see that Ji Yong was happy, but also something else.. I couldn't understand.

“Me too! Ah Yumi-ha, why you alwyas make such cringy speeches?" Bom asked.

“Well..It's just what I think." I replied blushing. "Je som hamnida." Sometimes I was too cringy. I knew that.

“What you said can be true." The president cut out. "But don't ever exaggerate like him. I don't want to send you in hospital okay?” He claimed.

“Oh please not that place again." All my human's senses refused to even have a sight of that place. Just the word hospital, reminded me of all months I spent in there. No, no more hospital for me. I'm sick tired of it.

"Then don't overwork and I won't have to send you there." He replied.

"De!" I exclaimed.

"Now you can go." He ended and I couldn't wait to leave the room.

"De." I stood up and walked towads the door, when he called me back. "De?"

“You do remember that tomorrow you have that appointment with Weekly Idol as guest star don’t you?” He asked me. I nodded. “Well, we decided to send just you and not the full Sweet Stones’s members." He revealed.

"Ah." I nodded. I was a little disappointed that the girls couldn’t come with me. "Okay." I replied.

“And Choi Seunghyun will come with you.” He added. The above-cited guy smiled at me.

Weird. I just couldn't help but think. “But why with Choi Seunghyun oppa?” It's not that I didn't want to go with him, it's just that I knew that Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae would have loved to go at his place. They really loved that show.

“Because the hosts literally begged me to." He said back. "Since Ji Yong had infortunately made a promise with them, I had no choice.” He explained.

"Ah." I only mumbled.

“I know you'd prefer to go with your members, but I don't want you all in one place. And I don’t want to give you to the tv shows all at once too." He added.

“Ah. Okay, I got it.” I mumbled again. I turned my face to Choi Seung Hyun and greeted him. "See ya there Oppa!"

"I can't wait Yumi-chan!" He replied smiling at me.

“Okay then..Annyeong Haseyo! Bye!” I greeted everyone.

“Annyeonghi kaseyo.” They greeted me back. 

I glanced briefly at Ji Yong. He didn't make eye contact. He looked lost in his thoughts, because everyone greeted me back expect for him. I walked out and closed the door, I felt suddenly observed. I turned around and saw all my member's eyes staring at me. "So, what did he say?" They asked me.

I pushed them a little far from the door. "Well..He said that he'll check them out later.” I answered. “Since he's busy with thw sunbaes." I added and glanced at the door.

“Ah.” They looked both disappointed and relieved. I felt the same way.

“Okay then, there's nothing we can do about it.” Yang Suk Ki said. “We have to wait.”

“Mm.” Me and the other girls mumbled agree.

She clapped her hands once and said.“Okay then..Let's go to the Spa!" She exclaimed raising her arms up to the sky.

We did the same. "YEAH!" We exclaimed.

Someone shouted along suddenly behind us. When we turned around we saw Big Bang's members, minus Ji Yong, shouting like crazy fans. What is he doing in there? I asked looking at the office's door. I looked away when I saw the cameras filming us again though.  “WE GO TO THE SPA! WE GO TO THE SPA!” The boys kept singing along. We were all shocked, but I had to admit that they were funny to watch.

"Ighae beo-ha?" Kim Min Hae mumbled staring at them. "You can't come with us." She said when they didn’t stop.

The annoying one, mean Choi Seung Hyun, came closer her. Waaaeeee?" He whimpered like a baby.

Kim Min Hae closed her eyes to resist to his charming gaze. "Because it's just for us." She replied.

He then used his voice to persuade her. "Jebal! Let's us come too!" He whispered in her ear. The other boys joined too. She was in trap.

Knowing that she wouldn't have resisted any longer, Yang Suk Ki went to her rescue. She stepped in front of her. "Please stop it oppa. We're doing this just for Yumi-chan. Do you remember your Yumi-chan?!" Then she grabbed my elbow and made me come in front of her. "See! She worked so hard that she even have bags under her eyes. See!" She pointed at my adorable bags.

“Thank you for pointing at my bags.” I sarcastically thanked her.

“But we want to come..” Choi Seunghyun insisted though, making a sad yet funny face and the others followed him.

Yang Suk Ki didn't know what to else to say. So it was my turn to convince them that they couldn’t come with us. "Oppa, If you come too, it won't be relaxing at all, with your fans screaming outside the building." And they might get also jealous. I added in my mind. I don't need others crazy fans insulting me on web, Ji Yong's fans already do  that and it's enough. I went closer to him and patted his shoulder. “I'm sorry Oppa, but you know I'm right.”

I stepped back and took my members's elbows. “Now, let's go girls!”

“Yeah!” They shouted happily.

“See ya Oppas!"” We greeted them and they greeted us back. Then we left and went on our way to the Spa.

When we were far enough, Kim Min Hae sighed relieved. "I thought I would have die  lost against his aegyo eyes. Mamma mia!"

"But you resisted much more than I expected, I'm proud of you." Yang Suk Ki congratulated to her.

"Kamsamida eoni!" She thanked her back.

"Telling the truth, I would have liked them to come with us." Yun Baek Ki admitted pecking a glare from me.

"Ya! Did you forget what we've already told you." I said.


“Good.” I nodded. “I'm too tired, I don't want to hear their fans screaming while I'm in the hot tub." I added.

Yang Suk Ki nodded agree. "Me too, I don't want to be disturb."

"Don't misunderstand me, it's not that I hate them, it's just that we worked really hard today. And I really need peace and relax." I quickly added to not receive more insults on web from them, since the cameramen kept following us. Inside I hoped that they would have cut out that part though.



"What?" The president exclaimed surprised. Everyone had already left the room, there was just me, the president and Choi Seunghyun that re-entered in the office. Me and Choi seung Hyun were sitting in front of him and we, I mean, I was begging him with my eyes.

"Just for the time I stay here!" I begged him.

"But why do you want to go too?" He asked back.

“Because you owe me sunbaenim! I'm leaving Korea because of those damn rumors." I replied standing up from the chair. I was quite angry at him.

“Ji Yong, calm down." Choi Seung Hyun said to me, and forced me to sit down. Then he turned his face to the president. "Come on sunbaenim, allow him to come." He prayed him.

“Are you alright with that anyway?" The president asked him.

“Of course, and plus people won't suspect anything. They already know that I’m friends with Yumi-chan." He said. I already knew that he was on my side.

“But his fans won't be happy about that!” The president replied.

“I'm really sick to live according their rules." I exclaimed, feeling the rage boiling inside of me.

"Even risking their love for you?" He challenged me.

"Obviously not." I quickly replied, even if the illogical side of my brain said something else. "I just want to spend sometime with her before I go in Europe. Just. Some. Time.” I insisted.

He sighed. "Then you'll go to Europe?" He asked.

“Yes. Jebal!” I knew that my voice sounded desperate, but I really didn't care.

He surendered. "O..kay. But I warn you, if you.." I didn't let him finish and hugged him tightly. "Ya!Ya! What you think you're doing?" He complained.

"I'm just thanking you sunbaenim!"

"Yeah yeah. Cut it out! Let go of me!" He pushed me away. I was so happy, that I could have jumped around like a fool.

"Jinjia kamsamida!" I shook his hand multiple times.

"Kumane!" He said taking back his hand and crossing his arms. "You can go with them, but don't you dare do stupid things. Don't forget that our cameras and paps’s cameras follow you everywhere. If they see you and Yumi-ha doing 'stuff'.."

"Stuff?" Choi Seung Hyun asked confused like me the first time I heard of it.

“He means cuddles and snog session." I whispered to him.

“Ah.” He smiled understanding.

“That stuff! If you guys do it in front of any camera, you're screwed, and that mean that I'm screwed too. Arasso?!” He warned me, serious like never before.

“I promise that it won't happen.” I said serious too. I didn't know myself if she would have ever let me touch her after what happened yesterday. "She doesn't want to even look at me or talk to me. She's mad at me.” I confessed to him.

“I'm sure that if you apologize like I advised you, she'll forgive you.” Choi Seung Hyun assured me.

“I don't think it'll be so easy.” I said unconvinced.

“I never said that it will be easy.”

"Thank you Hyun, you're truly helpful." I said sarcastically, then I looked back at the president. "I promise I won't cause you trouble president."

“Really?” He asked unconvinced.


“Okay..” Even if he said that, you could tell that he was still unconvinced. "At least tell me how much time will you spent with her before you go to Europe." He claimed.

“Three days. So people won't make a big fuss over it.” I planned to spend more time with her, but I didn't think it would have been a great idea. My lovely fans were already posting insults on her social profiles, just because I started to follow her on twitter. Unbelievable.

“Just three days?” While Choi Seung Hyun looked disappointed, the president seemed relieved instead.

I nodded. “Yes, just three days.”

“And what exactly you're gonna do in that time?” He asked suspicious.

“Nothing scandalous..” I mumbled. I smirked before I could stop myself and he got mad.

“Kwon Ji Yong!” He threatened me with a glare.

“I'm telling the truth.” I insisted more serious. "We won't cause you trouble! I promise!" He didn't fall for it and instead looked at Choi Seung Hyun.

“Do me favor, keep an eye on them, mostly on this guy.” He begged him with his eyes.

“Don't you worry sunbaenim. I'll watch them all the time!” He assured him.

“I'm counting on you, don't let me down okay?”

“I won't let you down.” He energetically nodded.

“President you should trust me more, I'm not a child anymore.” I reminded him.

“Maybe you're not anymore, but you still act like one.” He replied looking at me. “Being in love doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want.”

"I know that too, that's why I assure you that I won't cause you trouble. I mean it sunbaenim." It hurted me a little that he didn't trust me.

“Okay I'll trust you, but be careful okay?”


“And responsible!”


“And careful!”

“You've already said that!” I reminded him. Then we greeted him and walked out of the office. Another full schedule was waiting for us, but all I could think of, was what I could do with Yumi in those three days, after that I got her pardon obviously.




When we arrived at our favorite club massage, me and Yang Suk Ki immediately run to hot tub’s room, while Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki went to the massage’s room. The bubbles and the hot water  shook out all the stress I had in me. Later, we exchanged rooms and now I was lying on a tiny bed with my face down; Yang Suk Ki were an half meter far from me, lying on another but same tiny bed. We were half naked with nothing on, but just a towel covering us from the chest to the upper tights.

When I spoke, I was beyond peace. Let's say that I mostly mumbled than actually spoke. "Yang..Suk Ki." I didn't open my eyes.

"De.." She answered with a sleepy voice. Probably she didn’t open them either.

"I wanted to talk...about..something. But I'm too.. tired now." I yawned at the end.

"Then..Let's talk... about it later.." She suggested.


"O.kay.." Her voice seemed too far, because I was already sleeping.


I heard someone calling me, but I didn't want to woke up and check who was, so I kept sleeping. It was too good to stay there. Peacefully and without worries in mind. There was a beautiful silence, except for that stupid noise, that kept repeating itself, no matter how hard I tried to ignore it. How annoying!

“Yumi-ha Irona!” The voice kept saying.

I yawned loudly. “Hmm..Just five more minutes.” I mumbled.

“We're doing late. IRONA!” I realized that it was Yang Suk Ki's voice, but I didn't want to woke up either. For a while I didn't hear her voice, but then I suddenly fell on the floor. She pushed me down without even a warning. Ahi che male! (Ahi, that hurts)

“Why did you that for?” I shouted at her angrily.

“Because we're doing late.” She replied.

“That's why you pushed me down?”

“YES!” She replied angrily too. “Now, hurry up and get dressed, we have just 30 minutes to get back to our dorm." Then  she opened the lockers in the wall behind her and started to get dressed.

I stood up massaging my back. "We have a manager remember? He would have been already here telling us if we’re doing late or n-" I didn't even finished the sentence, that he showed up slamming the door. There were also Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki behind him.

"Ah you're awake. I thought you were still asleep.” He begun. “We have no much time, come out. Palli!" He said in a hurry, but when he noticed that we were half naked, he immediately blushed and covered his eyes. Yes, our manager is a man. “Oh Sorry! I didn’t notice you were still undressed. Put some clothes on and come out when you're ready.” He mumbled with his eyes still covered.

“Okay.” We replied.

Then before closing the door. Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki hurried us too. “Palli eonis. We want to eat before going back to our dormitory.” They said and we nodded.

When the manager closed the door, Yang Suk Ki glanced at me with a told-you-so-look on her face. “Oh Shut up.” I said glaring at her.

When we finished to get dressed, we reached the girls in the bar/restaurant. They were already eating, so we sat next to Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki and started to eat too. While the others ate noodles with pork belly, I ordered kimchi with rice. Hmm mashiketa.

“Eoni!” Kim Min Hae called me while I was eating, I lifted my head from the kimchi’s boll and I looked at her, with my mouth still full of food. Just like that, without thinking.

“D.e..” I mumbled because my mouth was full of food. Big mistake. She had her phone in her hand and she took advantage to capture me that exact moment. I swallowed the food before asking what the hell was she doing. "Ya! What you think you're doing?" She just giggled and ran away, I was about to run after her, but Yang Suk Ki eoni stopped grasping my arm. I looked at her confused. “What?”

“Don't you remember that you nominated her as your instagram's admin? Since You stopped to post sefies of yourself” She reminded me. I knew it but I didn’t like it anyway. She let go of my arm. “She had to take it.” She added.

“Yeah, but I'll look ugly in that picture for sure!” I exclaimed whimpered.

“You were not ugly, puffy and funny I'd say.” She replied and chuckled lightly.

“That's not the comfort I was looking for.” I muttered. I sat back on my seat. She restarted to eat and so did I. But then she stopped and looked at me. “What?” I asked.

“Earlier, in the massage room, you wanted to talk about something right?” She asked me.

“Ah..Ye.” I nodded.

“So?” She said eager to know. Firstly, I checked that there weren't any damn cameras filming us  around. “The cameramen are eating just like us. So don't worry and talk.” She assured me.

“Ok then, here it is.” I begun. “How am I supposed to act with Ji Yong? I mean, after what happened.” I asked her. I really needed a friend's advice.

“What do you mean?" She simply asked me.

“Well You know..He kissed me without asking me first? How am I supposed to act the next time we meet? It’s not like I can stay mad at him forever.”

“First of all, tell me how you felt when he kissed you?” She asked.

I was embarrassed, but I had to tell her, to solve this problem. “I..enjoyed it obviously.” I felt my cheeks burning, but I continued. “But when I understood, that he just wanted to persuade me and shut me up, I got mad at him.”

“And you told me yesterday that you pushed him away right?”


She nodded. “But what you really wanted to do at first?” She asked then.

“Well, I just wanted to punch him, but then I reminded that he is a celebrity and he can't have scars on that perfect skin of his.” Damn perfect skin!

“And now that you calmed down, what you wanna do?” I hoped she had a point.

“I just want to solve this situation.” I expressed what I felt. “Just that.”

She nodded again. “Then here is what you have to do. When you the two of you meet again, Tell him that you want to talk with him. A private room would be suitable. Then when you’re alone in the room, punch him right away in the stomach. It's not a visible part of the body, so nobody will notice that you punched him." She suggested me. “Then solve the problem talking and.. sucking each other's mouth.” She said at the end. And smiled too.

“EONI!” I exclaimed blushing like a tomato. I fanned my face.

She rolled up her eyes. “You know that you want it too.” She replied. “Plus if you act too shyly in front of him, it might misunderstand it for indifference.” She added.

“But..” I complained even if she was right.

“No buts.” She cut me off. “You have to be sincere with your feelings Yumi-ha. If you're not sincere, you might get confuse with what you want and what you need, Araccì?" She explained serious.

I nodded. “It's that what you’ve done with your boyfriend before making up with him?” I asked her.

“Of course.” She answered. “I was confused with my feelings too, but in the end I knew what to do.”

“Ah. I got it.” I had no choice but to talk with him, and hope in a happy ending.

“Why didn't you accept his propose of dating secretly anyway?" She asked curious.

“You know, I'm bad with lies, figures dating him secretly. People would understand that I'm lying in no time.” I said remembering the time I criticized him, in front of the cameras, in the president's office, calling him crazy and idiot. I sighed.

She sighed too. “True.” She admitted. My phone rang right then. It was a message from the above-cited guy. I instantly read it. “What it says?” She asked spying on it.

“He says *Hey Yumi, I want to talk to you about what happened yesterday in the president's office. And give you also some news.* Finished.” I read it unsatisfied.

“Wait? What? There's nothing more?” She asked.

“Yeah, just. *Bye GD*”

“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “I don’t know why, but I was expecting more.” She frowned.

“You tell me.” I said. I was agree with her. “I hope that at least the news are good.”

“I think they're gonna be good.” She said and sounded convinced of what she was saying, but I wasn't so sure of it.

“How's that you're so sure?” I asked her.

“Because the positive side of me says so.” She simply replied.

“Well, the negative side of me, tells different.”

“You're always negative!” She complained.

“And you're always positive!” I objected too.

“Touché!” She gave up. “Now, let's stop and let's go back to our dorm, so you guys can finally talk.” She said standing up from the chair.

I did the same. "Okay.”

“Without cameras obviously.” She added while reaching the other girls.

“And how the hell we're supposed to do that? They're cameras everywhere.” I complained next to her.

Molla..” She simply replied.  Sometimes she was helpful. Sometimes, like back then, she wasn't. At all. I sighed.




04.More than a crush


When we returned to YG building, I searched him around with my eyes, but nothing.  He was nowhere to be found. So I sent him a message saying that I wanted to talk with him and that I was waiting for him at our usual reading-spot, known as the dining table of our dorm. While waiting, I read some mangas. A lot of mangas. But he didn't show up. I started to doubt he would have ever came; the pessimist inside of me went nuts and made me imagine every possible and impossible reasons why he didn't come. Maybe I exaggerated when I pushed him away! Did he take it that badly? I was about to go crazy, when someone called me. I turned my head to see the president.

“De sunbaenim?” I quickly stood up and bowed to him.

“Come with me.” He simply said. He didn't look angry, so I followed him. I left the room under the curious glances of the girls.

I followed him all the way around the corridors untill we arrived in front of the Big Bang’s studio door. He knocked on it and a voice inside invited him to come in. We entered in the room. I saw Choi Seunghyun reading some magazine laid on the sofa. I greeted him waving my hand at him and he did the same. Then inside, the president closed the door with the keys. I frowned. I was nervous and quite confused.

“Yumi-ha.” He president called me catching back my attention.

“De?” I mumbled confused.

“Ji Yong told you that he has to talk with you right?” He asked.

I nodded. “But how did know that?” I asked.

“He told me about it when we were in my office.” He answered in a hurry. I nodded even if I didn’t understand the situation I was in. “Anyway, he's waiting for you in his room. You can talk with him there.” He said.

“But why didn't he come himself to me?” I asked, since I waited for him or all this time.

“Because I didn't want the cameras to be around filming you guys.” He explained. In fact there weren't any cameras around.

“Ah.” That made some sense. He headed towards Ji Yong room's door and opened it without knocking on it. Inside there were Ji Yong and Youngbae, who wished good luck to Ji Yong and left the room as soon as he saw us. The president pushed me inside and glanced at Ji Yong.

“Don't take it too long, I can't stay here forever.” He said to him.

“De.” Ji Yong answered politely.

“And don't do stuff', just talk okay?” He claimed.

"De." He replied not more so politely. We can do that only when we solve our problem. I wanted to say, but I didn’t open my mouth.

“Yumi-ha.” He called me.


“If he tries something on you, scream and I'll come right away okay?” The president said to me.

"Okay.” I nodded.

“Okay then see ya.” He ended and closed the door leaving us alone.


We stayed silent for quite a while when he left. Awkward. Three more minutes of silence passed, but I didn’t know how to break it without sounding mad. Luckily he broke the silence first. I was still standing in front of him, so I noticed how much he was nervous and ashamed he was.

“Yumi..” He begun looking suddenly at me, with those shiny brown eyes of his. “I want to apologize for what I said and did yesterday. I know I've been a real jerk, to hush you by kissing you, without your permission too. I don't deserve your pardon, but I hope that you'll give me at least the chance to proove you that I'm really, a good guy. And not the prick of yesterday.” He said with a sincere and apologetic voice. He had already convinced me with that speech, but it looked like that wasn’t the end of his apologies. He sudenly started to slid down, kneel down and bowed his head on the floor. OH.MY.GOD! What’s happening? I thought shocked. I covered my mouth in disbelief.

“Please forgive me Yumi.” He said, with his face still facing the floor. I couldn't believe it, but I had to stop him. Because I felt like the bad character of a comix.

I got closer to him. "Ji Yong." I called him, he lifted his eyes up from the floor and looked at me. “Stand up.” I said.

He stood up slowly and I even helped him a  little, but as soon as I faced him from the high of his 1.77cm, I punched him right in the stomach. A soundless noise came out his mouth, he grabbed his stomach and fell on the ground moaning with pain. I moaned in pain too, because it really did hurt to punch someone. I massaged my knuckles for a few seconds, before kneeling down next to him. I approaced him and whispered next his ear. “Now you're forgiven.”

"Th-thank you." He barely mumbled back.

10 minutes later. We were on the bed. And he was still massaging his stomach. “Does it hurts so bad?” I asked him worried. “Did I hit you too hard?”

“” He said. “Maybe a little.” In the end.

“I'm sorry, I didn't want you to feel so much pain.” I started to feel bad. I didn’t think I hit him so hard.

“No it's okay. You had your reasons.” He said waving his hand.

“Well, I punched you because you kissed me without asking me first, but.." I paused blushing like a tomato, mostly because he was looking at me now.

“But what?” He asked.

I brushed off my hair. “Well..I punched you also because that was.. our first kiss.. and it wasn't like I imagined it would have been." I confessed narrowing my head.

His eyes grew big as he realised it. “Oh man..Oh God.” He exclaimed standing up suddenly and he grasped his hair. “That was our first kiss. Why am I so stupid?” He shouted angrily. He then looked at me again. “I don’t think that punch was enough. You should punch me one more time.” He blurred out of nowhere.

“EH?” I mumbled disbelieved. I stared at him to check if he was serious and.. he was. “No!” I exclaimed right away. “How can I punch you again, when I feel so bad after the first time?” I asked him.

“You should instead!” He insisted.

“No, I don't want to!” I shook my head.

“Please!” He begged me. I was astonished, but he continued anyway. “At least slapped me. Look, here! It’s easy.” He slid on his knees again and pointed at his left cheek.

“No.” I said back. Instead of slapping his cheek, I caressed it. “I don't want to hurt you more.” I said softly looking at him.

He sighed heavily. He grabbed my hand and stood up. Then he sat down again on the bed and never let go my hand. “You're too good to me.” He whispered avoiding my eyes. “If I were you, I would have already kicked myself multiple times.”

I squeezed his hand in mine, to force him to look at me. “Don't even try to do such thing.” I said when he finally looked at me. “And you can’t kick yourself, it’s physically impossible” I added trying to lighten up the mood. I think it worked, because he giggled a little. I smiled as well.

“I'm gonna follow your advice, I'll go to Europe.” He stated serious. “I think that it's the only way to calm the boiling spirits of my fans down.” He apologized for that again.

I waved my free hand. “Ah gwenchana Oppa. You don't need to apologize. It’s not your fault.” I replied. “I also think that you don’t have other choices but to go.” I added shrugging.

He nodded in agreement. “But here's the good news..” He announced with a brighter face. “Since we're alright again, the president allowed me to spend sometime with you, before leaving the country.” He revealed smiling.

Oh finally good news. “Jinjia? How much time we're talking about?” I asked curious. My mood finally lightened. I hoped that it would have been at least a week or maybe more.

“Three days..” He mumbled with an apologetic face.

“Borago? Three days?” I exclaimed. A week my ass! I stood up and looked at him disappointed. He didn’t let go of my hand though. “But..” I faced him.

He stood up too and grabbed both my hands. “Hey look. I know that there aren’t so many..” He started to say.

“No, for nothing.” I instantly stated.

“I know. I know. But.. The president told me that we can do whatever we want during those days.” He said back and smiled to lift up the mood. I smiled along in the end. “Well.. Not in front of the cameras obviously.” He added.

I nodded. “But starting from today or..” I asked. I was really hoping in at least three days starting from tomorrow, and not from today, because we would have had only two misery days to spend together then.

“Starting from tomorrow dear.” He said smirking.

“SI!” I exulted and hugged him along, without thinking, because I was too happy. I let him go after had lingered a little bit. “I would have preferred to have much more time, but I'm glad that they're three days instead of two.” I confessed.

“I’m glad too.” He replied keeping his arms around my waist. I tried to not get distracted by that. “And.. Tomorrow, I'll come with you and Choi Seung Hyun to Weekly Idol.” He revealed.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“The president allowed me to come with you guys.” He said grinning.

“But wouldn't it be risky and suspicious?" I asked a little worried. Who knows what those crazy sasaeng fan of his could do if they saw us together? Even with Choi Seunghyun, I was still worried.

“Yes I know, but.. I promise to act indiferent and cool like I always do when I'm in public." He replied. "As long as I'm by your side, I won't let anyone touch you though.” He added seriously and got more closer to me. “And to tell the truth, I don't want to spend just a few hours with you, but the whole day tomorrow.” He admitted.

I blushed thinking about what we could have done in those three days together. “But don't you have.. schedule tomorrow?” I asked whispering. My heart was beating fast with him so close.

He smirked softly. “No.. I Don't..” He whispered back. He then, slowly leaned on, like if it was about to kiss me, but he stopped. He looked at me, with those charming eyes and asked me. “Can I kiss you?” Oh my god.

I blinked surprised, but then I figured out that he probably learnt the lesson and didn't want to do the same mistake again. I smiled softly. “Sure you can..” I replied and blushed like I always do when he’s so close. Our faces just inches away, leaned closer untill we finally kissed.

This time the kiss was gentle and very sweet. Not rough like the first one we had. His lips were soft yet so firm. His tongue asked for my permission to enter, by licking at my lower lip, and I opened slowly my mouth. He tasted sweet, like the sweetest candy on earth, and I found myself pressed closer to him, to taste him more, to feel him closer.. I didn’t know that I was starving untill we kissed. So I pushed him on the bed and got on top of him. We kissed again. Yang Suk Ki eoni was really right. It’s so good to make out after had a fight. I enjoyed every single moment of it. I explored his hair and he did the same. His right hand came up to my face and caressed it softly, before grasping my hair and pressing me even more closer, but when he opened briefly his eyes to glanced at me, I drawed back.

My body asked me then what the hell was I doing instead of keeping to kiss him, but my brain advised me, that it was time to stop. Because I knew deep inside, that if we had continued, I would have ended up doing something more than kissing him.

“What's wrong?” He asked panting and a bit surprised.

“I think, we should stop here..” I said panting too. I lowered my eyes to behave myself from falling for his gaze again.

“Yes, we should..” He agreed as well seeing my expression. But.. Like if they were magnets, our eyes met again and my brain went on holiday instantly. I can’t describe it with words. I just couldn’t resist to those eyes. Our mouths crushed together and the soft, gentle kiss, had turned bruising and almost brutal. I didn't know if it was because I didn't kiss a guy since two years or because it was him, but I put all the passion I had in that kiss. Rubbing myself against him and moving my hips upon his intimate parts and did the same. By sliding his hands inside my jeans and grasping strongly my butt.

We thrusted like this for a few minutes, untill he slowly stopped and he looked at me. For a long time. “You know.. I think that this is not just a crush.” He said sincerely. “I think.. I love you.” His mouth blurred out. My eyes popped out when he said that. Oh My God. Oh My God. Oh My precious God.

“Y-y-you shouldn't s-say things.. y-you don't mean.” I stuttered a lot because I was beyond shock. I lowered my face too, because I knew I was all red. The three words that shouldn’t be said so early. At least not until the 100th day of anniversary. Why did he say it now? “J-j-just because we’re kissing and rubbing on each other..” I said uncomfortable. He stopped me though by placing his thumb on my lips. I looked up at him again.

He had a serious yet relaxed expression on his face. “It's not because of that.” He said, but when I looked down at him as to say “Oh please, who do you want to trick?” He sighed. “Ok maybe a little. But I really feel something more than just the lust for your body. I feel.. oddly happy.” He explained. Why are you saying this now of all time? Couldn't we just do stuf and that's it? I secretly wanted to ask him.

I didn’t think that was an enough of a justification. “I'm happy too, but that doesn’t mea-” I started, but he interrupted me. Again.

“No, it's not just simple happiness.” He replied. “I feel happy or should I say, I feel in heaven just by staring at your beautiful eyes..” He said lovingly. I blushed harder. Oh mamma mia. He surrounded me with his arms. “I think that nothing can describe it but love. Don’t you think so too?!” He whispered on my lips, I didn’t have the time to reply that he restarted to kiss me. My head spinned. Thousand of question filled up my mind. Did he really said it? Did he really mean it? Did I hear right? It was so easy for him to say it, I didn't know how or what to reply. Because he was kissing me too hard and that didn’t help me think clearly. Ah, why does it feel so good to kiss him, when I have to think properly about what he said? I complained inside of me, but continued to kiss him and battle with his tongue though. A question popped in my mind right then and freaked me out to death. What if he ask me too? That was the crucial question.

A sudden noise distracted me from my random thoughts. Ji Yong was moaning, not pleasure but pain and he was insistedly touching his head. I found out that he hit his head on the bed's canopy. I didn't know why, but I screamed, more than I intended. I believed I saw blood, but looking more closely, I stated that it was just a red scarf hang at the canopy. I sighed in relief.

“Oppa are you ok?” I asked him though.

He stroke his hair as to brush off the pain. “No. Damn it.” He complained. He looked at me frustrated. “You shouldn’t have screa-” He didn't even finish the sentence, that the president entered in the room slamming the door and shouting:

“JI YONG! YOU DIRTY PERVERT! I KNEW YOU WOULD HAVE DOn..” The sentence died in his mouth as soon as he saw the scene.

Me, on top of Ji Yong, on his bed, with my shirt totally unbuttoned and my bra in sight. With my cute pinky slip appearing under Ji Yong's hands, which were possessively gripped on my butt. Who knows what could have happen, if I have had a skirt on. As I looked in the president's eyes, I knew I was screwed anyway. Si, sei proprio fottuta! (Yeah, you’re really screwed.)


Damn canopy. If it hasn't been for it, we wouldn't have been in that situation. I sighed. The boss looked very mad, better say furious. He had that look on his face that scared the hell out everyone in the YG building. There were also Choi Seung Hyun and Youngbae behind him, both surprised. While Youngbae kept grinning, Choi Seung Hyun kept shaking his head in disappointment instead.

“Lee Yun Mi Maria Martelli.” The president called out her full name. What a long name! “Get off him, now.” His voice was calm, but I knew that was just the peace before the storm.

She did like he ordered. She buttoned her shirt, hiding her beautiful and soft skin from my sight. She also lifted up her jeans and closed the front in no time. She fixed her hair and tried to hide the hickeys I left on her neck. I tried myself to not stared at them along, because she was still tempting. I noticed then, that she was trembling and not a little, but from head to toe. I realized that she was scared to death, for have been busted in the worst moment ever. The thing that confused me though, was that the president looked more angry at her than at me.

“Ji Yong.” He called out my name this time. Now it's my turn. I thought and sighed, not scared, but annoyed.

I stood up from the bed and stroke my head, because it still hurt the spot where I hit my head. “De?” I answered.

“Get out of the room, me and Miss martelli here have to talk.” He slowly started to raise his voice, but I knew that he was just waiting for me to exit, so he could have shouted as much as he wanted on her. I didn't move. I stayed right were I was, meant next to my love. There’s no way I can leave her now. I thought. If he wanted to scold her, he had to scold me too. I was guilty as much as her after all.

“I don' Repeat.. Myself.” He said threatening me with his glare.

“I want to stay.” I said firmly.

His brows raised up slowly. “What?” He exclaimed and made a step towards me.

“I'm guilty too, so you have to scold me as well.” I was obviously scared of the consequences of my choice, but I didn't want to let her alone in this delicate moment.

“Oppa..” She whispered with her sweet voice, catching my attention. “You can go. I can make it.” She said, trying to convince me to go, but there was no way that I could leave her alone.

“No. I'm staying. I won't leave you.” I replied firmly and grabbed her right hand. I squeezed to transfer my strenght to her.

“But..Oppa..” You could tell that she was super-worried and feeling guilty. Her eyes were already wattering ready to cry, even if the president didn’t start to scold us yet.

“Then stay! You're both in big trouble.” The president allowed me in the end.

Youngbae, who stayed silent all the time behind him, tried to lighten up the mood. “Sunbaenm, come on. They were just..” He started to say, but the president cut him off.

“OH SHUT IT!” He shouted at him, and then pushed him and Choi Seung Hyun out of the room. He closed the door with the keys, so they couldn’t disturb him. Where the hell he got them?

When we remained alone, A death silence spreaded around the room. None of us even breathed. I didn't want to break it and be the one to be scolded. “YOU.” He muttered pointing his eyes on me. F*ck! He walked straightly in my direction and stood in front of me. “Do you hAVE,  ANY IDEA, OF WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED, IF SOMEONE ELSE HAD ENTERED IN YOUR ROOM, YOU IDIOT?” He shouted in my face. “CAN'T YOU CONTROL YOURSELF OR NOT? ARE YOUR DOWN PARTS STRONGER THAN YOUR BRAIN?” He asked/shouted. I didn’t answered back because I knew that was a rhetorical question.

Then he turned his terrible gaze over Yumi. “AND YOU.” He stepped in front of her now. “I THOUGHT THAT HE WAS THE PERVERTED ONE, BUT NEITHER YOU ARE SO INNOCENT! AM I RIGHT?” He asked/shouted, paused to breathe and then he restarted again. Louder, if that’s even possible. “IT'S THAT WHAT YOU'RE MOTHER TAUGHT YOU TO DO WITH BOYS? ARE YOU THAT CARELESS?”

“” She whispered back, but it was like he didn't even hear her.


That wasn’t my first time being scolded, so I was used to it. I just had to wait till he cooled down a little bit and then apologize. But when I glanced at Yumi, she was crying and sobbing like there was no tomorrow. The tears were falling down like a waterfall. I felt so bad, and powerless. I wasn't able to comfort her in that tensed moment, so I just squeezed tightly her right hand, without making me notice by the president. But it seemed that she didn't feel it.

“Listen.” The sudden calm voice of the president surprised me by its volume. It was unexpectedly lower and his face wasn’t red of anger anymore. It was relaxed instead, but still worried. “It's not that I don't want you two to be together. You look perfect to me.” He confessed looking most of the time at Yumi, probably because he felt guilty seeing her cry. I never cried when he scolded me in the past, I usually used to wait for him to calm down or I got mad too. I wanted to comfort her as well though.

“I'm-I'm-I'm sorry, sun-sunbaenim.” She said between sobs and stuttered a lot too. The president couldn’t make it anymore and he pulled his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He whispered sweet words to calm her down and stroke her head too.

“Hush..Hush now.” He whispered. “Stop crying.”

“I'm sorry.” She just continued to repeat with her head squeezed on his chest. “I didn’t want to get you mad. I should have been more cautious with him.” I’m him. I'm the guy.

“Yeah, but now stop crying. I'm not mad at you anymore.” He replied.

“Re-really?” She asked sobbing and lifted her head up to look at his face.

He smiled warmly. “Yes.” He nodded. “Seeing you like that, shocked me. I mean, I'm not used to it you know! I always have a specific image of my artists, that’s why I was so surprised..and mad.” He confessed blushing lightly.

“I'm sorry too sunbaenim.” I apologized. “I should have stopped whe-” I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

He waved his free hand as to brush off my lame excuses. “Yeah yeah.” He replied annoyed. “I don't want to hear the details.” He said. Then he patted Yumi's head for the last time and looked at her. “Are you ok now?” He asked her.

She nodded. “D-de.” She stopped sobbing, but tears kept falling down her cheeks. She brushed them away miserly.

“Then let's sit down and talk.” He said and let her go. He sat down first, then we imitated him.

Yumi looked worried though. “What?” She asked still scared that he would have scolded her again.

“I'm not gonna shout, I promise.” He assured her.

She relaxed a little bit. I helped her brush away the tears from her cheeks. She slightly blushed and thanked me. She was so beautiful, even when she cried. I wanted to kiss and cuddle her in my arms, but I behaved myself and just patted her shoulders. When I then took my eyes off her, I saw the president staring at us. Well, he already saw the 'stuff' so..


“Now, I scolded you guys just because I'm worried.” He begun like he saw nothing. “Worried that someone with bad intentions, might take pictures of you guys while you're together.” He talked  concerned. “And if they ever had the chance to do so, they might blackmail you or worse, they can  publish the pictures on web and magazines. And things might get worst than ever.” He explained.

I nodded understanding his point. “We understand.” We both replied.

“That’s why I beg you. Please be more careful, responsible and watch your back. Every single moment.” He prayed us. “They might caught you when you least expect it.”

“We'll keep our guard up.” Yumi said nodding.

“Yes, we will.” I agreed with her.

“Promise me.” He claimed.

“I promise sunbaenim..” Yumi exclaimed serious and suddenly she kneeled, and bowed her head on the floor. “I'll be more responsible and will not let you down.” She promised. That surprised both me and the president.

“Ehi There's no need to kneel down Yumi-ha.” He tried to lift her up from the floor. “Come on, stand up.”

I kneeled down and bowed my head on the floor too. “I promise too. If I ever let you down again, I'll kill myself.” I said serious like never before.

He tried to lift me up too. “Ya! What you’re saying now?”

“Yes, I'll kill myself too president.” Yumi said too.

“Yes, we’re both gonna kill ourselves.” I added. “Because I can't live without you.” I whispered to her. She blinked and stared at me for a couple of second before blushing like always.

“YA!” The old man got tired of us. “You two are too much now. Stop fooling around and act seriously!” He scolded us.

We both looked at him and said at the same time. “But we are serious!”

“Death serious.” I added.

“Okay. Okay I got it.” He allowed at the end, but looked still annoyed. “But don't say things like ' I'll kill myself '. It freaks me out.”

“You wanted us serious.” I reminded him.

“Yeah, but don't say those things again.” He replied. “There’s no need to swear on your life. Okay?”

“DE!” We answered together.

Then we returned to our originals positions, Yumi hugged him right away though. And thanked him multiples times. “Kamsamida! Grazie mille! sunbaenim. ” The president hugged her back for a while, before letting her go.

“Okay.Okay, but don't you forget what I've told you.” He said to the both of us.

“I’ll keep that in mind. I won’t absolutely forget it! I promise!” She replied sincerely.

“I promise too.” I said.

He shook his head, but smiled anyway. “You guys are gonna get me old.” He stated exhausted.

“But sunbaenim you are old.” I reminded him, when it was clear that he wasn't mad anymore.

“I meant older.” He stood up and went in direction of the door. He disclosed it and talked before walking out of the room. “Be in love, but don't exaggerate or you gonna surely get caught, Arassò?”

“DE!” We both replied smiling.

“Ahh my head!” He complained leaving the room.

We stood up and greeted him with a 90° bow. “Thank you for you understanding sunbaenim.” We thanked him. He didn't replied but just waved his hand like nothing had happened. That meant that everything was ok now.

We both sighed in relief when he left the room. As soon as he walked out, Choi Seung Hyun and Youngbae rushed in the room and asked what he said and such. We all sat down again, since we were used to it. “He scolded us, you know like he use to do with us.” I told my pals, they nodded understanding. "And he begged us to be more careful with what we do. And watch our backs. Constantly.” I added.

They nodded again. “From who?” Youngbae asked me.

“From who wants to blackmail us.”

“Did you cry Yumi-chan?” Choi Seung Hyun asked getting immediately close to her. He caressed her cheeks and brushed away the tears, even if I had already brushed them away. His constant interest in her didn’t please me. I felt jealous even if I didn’t want to. And I couldn't either stopped myself from lightening my throat. All eyes turned on me, even Yumi's eyes.

“What was that?” Youngbae asked, looking at me with an odd expression. Like he was confused.

“Nothing.” I quickly replied.

“It wasn't nothing.” He stared at me and squeezed his eyes. “It was definitely something.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” Choi Seung Hyun agreed with him.

Aish. Why are they so suspicious today? I thought. Yumi was looking at me, so I tried to act normal as much as could. “I said it's nothing.” I smirked.

They examined my answer and my face. “Maybe I got it..” Choi Seunghyun mumbled. I could picture his mind working out. He firstly looked at me, studied my expression, then glanced at Yumi. And then at his hand on her face and.. He squealed like a girl when he figured out what was going on. Damn it!

“Omona! You're jealous! He’s jealous! Oh my god!" He exclaimed. "I can't believe it!” He mumbled excited and in disbelief.

“Jealous?” Youngbae and Yumi exclaimed.

“This guy?” Youngbae asked. Choi Seunghyun nodded energetically.

They all looked at me. Their insisting stares made admit it. “Yes, lets' say that...I'm a little jealous.” I confessed embarrassed.

“Jinjia?” Yumi looked the most surprised of all.

“..Ne.” I lowered my head in shame.

“Wa-wae?” She asked disbelieved. "Wae?"

Choi Seung Hyun took off his hand on Yumi's cheeks and got closer to me. “You shouldn't be. I mean, seriously man.” He said grabbing my shoulders.

“De! Oppa's right.” Yumi agreed with him. “I see him just like a big brother. Nothing else! I swear!” She stated firmly.

“And your brother always touch you so freely like hyun do?” I asked her, still not satisfied. 

She nodded. “He's more protective and possessive towards me, because I'm his little sister.” She said. “And the only left member of our family.” She added with a bitter smile.

“See! There's nothing to be jealous of.” Choi Seunghyun exclaimed. “I see her like a sister to take care of.” He said as well.

“But you already have a sister to take care of.” I complained though.

“Yes, but I like to take care of Yumi-chan too.” He simply replied.

Yumi smiled at that statement. “That's so kind of you Oppa.”

He smiled at her too. “I do it with pleasure sweetheart!” He replied. And so they both smiled widely at each other. That irritated me.

“Well..” I begun, going closer to her. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her towards me and far from that good, but too charming guy know as TOP. I didn’t know if I was acting rationally or not, but it didn’t really matter at the moment. “Now we're a couple, so.. I can take care of her from now on hyun.” I didn't mean to sound so possessive, but I couldn't help myself.

The two guys exchanged an accomplished look and replied in sync, scanning the word. “O-kay.” In the most annoying way possible. That really pissed me off.

Luckily my lovely girlfriend took a step in. “Don't make fun of him just because he’s in love.” She defensed me. “I bet that you will act the same way when your turn it's going to come.” She added and then looked at me. “I actually like this jealous side of you.” She whispered with a sweet yet sexy voice.

The blood rushed faster inside me and into my heart too. Making me happier than two minutes ago. “Really?” I smirked crookedly at her. I stroke her beautiful hair, grasped them and gently pushed her head more closer to me. “Really?” I asked because she didn’t answer.

“Uuh.” I heard Youngbae squealed excited. "Don't tell they're gonna..”  He whispered to Choi Seunghyun, leaving in the air the sentence. I couldn't check on him, because I was too busy staring at my beautiful girlfriend. Oh why it feels so good to think fo her as my girlriend?

“Ne..” She answered then. “It makes me feel loved. I think that every girl love that side of their..boyfriend.” She stated. Wow, she thinks of me as her boyfriend too. Why am I so extremely happy?

I grinned like a fool. “So now you believe me when I say that I love you?” I whispered almost near her lips.

“Omo! Omo!” Youngbae exclaimed surprised. “Did he say it? Did he really say it?” He asked to Choi Seung Hyun.

“I believe he did.” He replied disbelieved too. I could tell from the tone of his voice. “But why so early?” I heard him asking back to Youngbae at low voice. That made me think. Did I say it too early?

“Yeah..I start to believe in you.” Yumi’s voice distracted me from my thoughts. And her red cheeks sent me in heaven.

“And you?” I asked innocently. But I was actually dying to know her feelings for me.





“And you?” He asked me.

Oh Cavolo!(shit) I knew that this question was coming, but I was still hoping it didn't come at all. Oh You don't know how much times I prayed to not hear even a single syllable of that question. Because once your loved one says it, you have no choice but to answer back. The problem was that I didn't know what to answer. So now I was trapped with no more excuses to blurt out. I knew that he loved me, I could read it all over his face. His bright, shining and smiling face, that was waiting for an answer. And do I have one? I didn't know. I mean, I liked him, very much I'd say, but say that I loved him was another story. I already said those three words to another person before him, and it didn't work out. Do you remember my ex Davide? Exactly. I wasn't yet ready to give myself to someone again. Even if that someone was Ji Yong. An unfair consequence of bad relationships I suppose. I had already too many scars on my body and heart to repeat the same mistakes again. I didn't have the strength to face another love's delusion, but neither to let Ji Yong down. I sighed frustrated. I drawed back a little. What the hell am I suppose to say now? I was nearly desperate.

“I.. I” I stuttered. Oh man! What do I say? “I need time.” I said in the end. That was the only thing I could say that couldn’t disappoint him too much. His face saddened a bit like I expected, but he smiled to hide the disappointment. Why am I so horrible?

“It’s okay.” He replied with a bitter smile.

I couldn’t endure his disappointment. “Look.” I tried at least to grant him something more than that simple explanation. “Let's say that I.. love you, a little, but only time will tell me if it's more than a little, okay?!” I said and it sounded even more pathetic than I thought it would have been, but that was really the most I could grant him. I still felt bad though.

“It’s okay.” He repeated. “I think I'm satisfied with that. I mean it.” He assured me and he looked satisfied for real. I hoped he really was.

I thanked feeling still bad. “I bet that wasn't what you were expecting to hear from your girlfriend was it?.” I mumbled guilty.

He smiled warmly. For real this time. “well not exatly I admit, but I could never get mad at you for that. You just need time. I understand that.” He said sincere. "Not everyone can be Yang Suk Ki and Park Ji Won." Those two fell in love at first sight. I was almost at tears when he said that. How can you not love this guy? A part of me said disapointed. He's tall, handsome, talented and he loves you! What more do you need than that, you idiot?

“I love you more than a little now.” I whispered back, unsatisfied with that answer I gave him earlier. I  blushed whe he looked at me. “And I think that my love will grow even more, with time.” I added and looked straightly in his eyes to make it clear. I still didn't love him fully like I should, but I still feel the need to grant him at least something. That seemed to be enough for him.

His face lightened up instantly as I said that, brushing away the disappointment he had just a sec ago. “Really?” He asked trying to hide his grin.

I nodded energetically. “Yes.” His happiness contaged me and I smiled along.

He stayed silent for exactly two seconds, before standing up and jumping around like a fool. Shouting: “SHE LOVES ME! SHE LOVES ME!” On and on. “SHE REALLY DOES LOVE ME!”

What the..? I quickly stood up and covered his mouth. “Oppa! Ah jungmal!” I shuted him. I was surprised and in disbelief. “I only said I loves you a little. There's no need to shout it all over the place.” I told him. I was also scared that someone might have heard him. He grabbed my hands and took them off  his mouth, just to.. kiss me. I blushed even if it was just a simple kiss.

He pulled away smiling. “I have to shout it though.” He said to me. “To you it might sound unnecessary, but I have to brag. I really have to.” He said sounding so cheesy yet sincerely happy that I let him go do his thing. Meant, shouting his love’s declaration, all around the room. I shook my head sitting back down. And so they did too Choi Seung Hyun and Youngbae.

“Ji Yong, you're losing your image.” Youngbae said to him.

“And our respect too.” Choi Seunghyun added.

Those comments embarrassed him. He chilled down a little bit and looked a little ashamed of himself too. It was indeed true that I was shaking my head like they were doing, but I wasn't shaking it because I was disappointed, but because I was deeply and extremely touched. I mean, the guy I liked/loved was jumping around the room like a fool, just because I said that I loved him a little. That was amazing. And I didn't want that his happiness got ruined by their cynical comments. So without thinking I did the only thing that came up into my mind. I stood up and started to jump around like he just did. Shouting my love for him. “HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME! HE REALLY DOES LOVE ME!”

“Oh no, he's contagious.” Youngbae muttered, smiling though.

Choi Seunghyun was smiling too. “I think so.”

“Isn't she lovely?” Ji Yong asked them staring at me, I smiled at him and kept shouting my love for my love. Sorry for the cringyness.


The two boys nodded. “There's only one thing to do at this rate.” Youngbae stated standing up.

Choi Seunghyun stood up too. “If you can't beat them..” He left in the air the sentence.

“Join them.” Youngbae ended it for him.

And so they joined my random and crazy dance of joy. So did Ji Yong too. We were still dancing, when Dae Sung and Seungri stepped in the room. “Ighe boeya?” Dae Sung exclaimed looking at us.

“I think they all went crazy.” Seungri replied.

Dae Sung nodded. “It must have been hyun's fault.” He said pointing at Ji Yong.

Seungri nodded in agreement. “I think so too.” He said, but after a few seconds they joined as well. And our voices grew louder by the time.

I never fell so happy in my life than in that moment. Well maybe also when I joined YG. But it doesn't count now. Anyway, I always had crushes, and I think that even the one with my ex-boyfriend Davide was a crush. A very deep crush, but not love. Not the real inexperienced love with capital L. Thing will be certainly difficult, dangerous and even frustrating sometimes. I knew that, but I also knew that there will be also lovable and happy moments, like the one I was having now. That’s why I didn't want to worry too much about it. But like Yang Suk Ki said, I just had to wait five or six months and things would have settled by themselves. I really hoped things would have gone that way. I mentally prayed God to help Ji Yong and I. Just to be sure.

I gradually stopped to dance and scream, because I was tired, and also because I wanted to say something to Ji Yong. “Oppa.” I called him out.

He stopped too and faced me. “Yes?” He looked surprised and then worried. “Wae? Wae? Wae? Why are you crying?” He asked caressing my face and brushing away the tears.

I didn't notice that I was crying at all. I talked before he could ask me something more. “I’m just happy. This moment I just love it and I don’t even love you like I should, and I feel bad about it, but I don’t want to give up on us so easily.” I said sobbing. “I’ll try to love you more.. and feet your word more than I can. I promise.” I added more calmly.

At first worried, he smiled so widely, that the smile reached his ears. I smiled shyly. He then hugged me and held me tightly in his arms. I hugged him back the same way. “So do I.” He whispered in my ears. The feels of his arms around me was priceless. Indescribable.

“Don't worry Yumi-chan.” Choi Seunghyun stood in front of us. “We will stay by your side, no matter what. I always did that for Yong-ha and I’m gonna do it for you too.” He surprised me for the seriousness of his voice. I nodded quite intimidated, but at ease at the same time. He got closer us, and he embraced us tightly. The other guys did the same. “Yeah, you can count on us too guys!” They all added.

While we were all amiably embraced, only I noticed Ji Yong crying in silence. “They really care for you Oppa.” I whispered at low voice when the boys pulled away and started to chat.

“I know.” He replied with a low voice too. Still embracing me.

Later, I returned to my dorm. I thought about what Ji Yong’s pals said to the both of us. I decided to tell everything, not only to Yang Suk Ki, but also to Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae. It was time to split everything out. I didn't like to keep secrets from them either; they were part of Sweet Stones too and it wasn't a good to keep secret such important thing. So when I arrived, I told them the whole story, thank God there weren't any cameras around. They got a little mad that I didn't tell them before, but they said that they were happy for me anyway. And they would have cheered for me and Ji Yong. Yang Suk Ki cooked chapchae to celebrate. This day can't improve more than this. I thought while eating with my pals.




I was lying on my bed, with the blankets over me and my beauty mask on. I was fixing it, when my phone rang. It was a message from.. My Boyfriend. Ah This feels too good.

KJY *Hey sweety, R u sleeping?*

ME *No, why?* I instantly answered back.

KJY *I wanted to call you, but I don't think it would be a good idea.*

ME *Probably not. There are cameras everywhere. They're recording even now.* I texted. I turned back to glare at the above cited cctv with the red light pointed on our beds.

KJY *Damn it. I wanted to video chat. It’s unfair! ,>_<,*

KJY *I want to hear your voice.*

I felt frustrated too. ME *I..want to hear your voice too.* I blushed testing those words. I still had some difficulties with feelings’s declaration.

KJY *Yumi.*

ME *Yes?*

KJY *I know I shouldn't say this but..*

ME *But what?*

KJY *I already miss your lips.* I felt my cheeks burning at that statement. And I blushed even more when I texted him back.

ME *>///< me too.*

KJY *Aish..I don't think I can make it.*

KJY *Stay six months away from you..I think, no, I know it's gonna be unbearable.*

ME *It's gonna be unbearable for me too, but at least we have these three days for us to spend. We have to use them wisely.*

KJY *You're right.*

ME *I still think that it will be risky for you to come with us tomorrow to Weekly Idol.* I was still very worried about that.

KJY *Don't worry.*

KJY *I prepared a speech that will conquer my fans hearts. And Choi Seung Hyun said that he will distract them someway.*

ME *It sounds too easy..The negative side of me is not convinced.*

KJY *Well, tell her to not worry. Or she'll get grey hair.*

ME *YA!*

ME *Why do you want to risk so much?*

KJY *Because I think it's worth it.*

KJY *You are worth it.*

Oh mamma mia. My heart skipped a bit and then started to beat so fast that I had to calm myself down, before replying to him. ME *>////< Oppa! Don't say things like that. My heart is beating too fast now.*

ME *It'll be hard to fall asleep now.*

KJY *Then I'll stay with you till you fall asleep.*

ME *But it's 01:00 am.*

ME *We have work tomorrow. I mean today.*

KJY *I'll stay, it doesn't bother me.*

ME *It's very sweet of you, but we have to sleep or we'll have bags today.*

KJY *Damn it. Maybe you're right.*

KJY *To tell the truth, you're ugly with bags. ^_^*

ME *YA!*

ME *What did you just said?*

KJY *Nothing.*

ME *What?*

KJY *I was kidding babe. You're beautiful. Even with bags.*

KJY *I would like to kiss every part of you.*

KJY *Even your bags.*

ME *Don't try to distract me.*

KY *And your nose too.*

ME *Enough.*

KJY *Your cheeks.*

ME *stop it.*

KJY *And then your sweet lips.* While I kept reading his texts, I felt like if he was really there. And he was really kissing the parts he mentioned in the texts. I started to feel hot. Hot in places censored to people under 15 years old, better 19.

KJY *And after had kissed your gummy lips. I would slid down and down and down..*

ME *Ok that's it. I'm done. Goodbye!* I texted back, then I locked my cellphone right away. I hid it under the pillow. I took a few breaths to calm myself down and lightly slapped my red cheeks to returned in myself. But after a few seconds, I received another message. Since I was too weak to ignore it, I grabbed it and read the message in a sec.

KJY *Goodnight babe.* Simple. Without perverted words in it. And that was the first time he called me babe. I had to reply.

ME *Goodnight to you too.* I texted back.

KJY *I Love you.* Here’s again that sentence.

I couldn’t ignore it, so I reply right away. ME *Love you too.* And with those last words and a grin on my face, I fell asleep.






05. Smiles bugs the enemy


The next day, I woke up with the same grin I had on my face yesterday night. Or should I say this morning? It didn't fade away for the entire morning anyway. Yang Suk Ki and the other girls knew the reason of my happiness and kept smiling too. The boy I fell in love, was none other than Kwon Ji Yong, better known as G-Dragon. And the best part was that he loved me back! I liked him, but he loved me, so it wasn’t so easy to define how deep I loved him. Everyone know that like and love has a very different meaning. That’s why I didn’t want to say it too early. Our love shouldn't be shown to the cameras and Ji Yong's sasaeng fans too, or I would have got in danger. Yes, his dear fans can be also dangerous when they're jealous of someoneMy negative side knew that better than anyone else, that’s why she kept telling me to forget this story and look out for another guy, but the positive side didn't want to give up on this relationship. So they were constantly in war and that always caused me headache.

I knew I liked him and that was all that mattered. And I planned to enjoy every single moment we would have spent together. So I got up from the bed with a brighter mood and went to get a shower. After then I dressed up with my favourite color, blue, so the day would be even more pleasant. I wore a mini blue dress, with the black hinge behind in sight. It had half sleeves, that arrived on my elbows. It was certainly short, but it wasn't too scandalous. I put upon it a black skinned jacket and added a nice white-blue bracelet on my right wrist. I combed my hair, making them look more sleek and presentable. They are very long, so it took me quite a times to comb them. At finished work, I put some make up on, but not too much, because Ji Yong said that he liked me more without too much on me. I didn't put the heels on, because I had sensitive feet; so I put on a cool pair of black skinned boots on, to look rockier.

It was 13:30 pm. Ji Yong, Choi Seung Hyun and I had to be at the third basement, where Weekly Idol aired, at 14:30 pm. So I took advantage of the remaing time and prepared a few pizzette, an italian dish for the hosts of the show, Jung Hyeon Don and Defcon. The girls knew that I had to go to the talk show by myself and they were envious. Mostly Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae, because they were huge fans of that show. I felt guilty yet excited at the same time, but I didn’t show my excitement and acted normal. They kept staring at me, while I was preparing the dish and even after I finished. I sighed frustrated, but I continued with my work. I put the pizzette on a decorate plate, then I put it inside a light pink small box. And in the end I took a violet ribbon, enveloped it around the box and then made a lovely nod. Yang Soo Ki that was watching me as well asked. “Are you taking all of them with you?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“And are you gonna give them all to uncles Doni and Coni?”

“Yes.” At that answer, the two youngers complained.

“But that's unfair!” Yun Baek Ki complained first.

“They're piggies! They don't need so much food!” Kim Min Hae followed her. When she said  piggies, part of the cameramen, that were recording us, laughed out loud. It was true indeed that Doni and Coni were a little chubby, but I wanted to make a good impression on them.

“At least give us some pieces to eat. Eh?” Yang Soo Ki begged me with her eyes, but I didn't fall for them.

“Mian chingu-ha, but I can't.” I apologized. I took the box with the food in it and grabbed my bag. I kissed them on the cheeks, italian's style and we said our goodbyes. “See ya!” I greeted them.

The president told me yesterday to come to his office, before heading to the show. So I headed towards his office. When I walked in the corridors, the cameras followed me along. What a breaking balls! When I entered in the room, Choi Seung Hyun and Ji Yong were already in there. At first, I unconditionaly wanted to greet Ji Yong hugging and kissing him, but my brain reminded me of the the cameras behind my back, So I greeted him normaly.

“Annyeong Haseyo!” I greeted everyone.

“Annyeong Haseyo!” The president greeted me. “Please sit down.” He invited me.

I sat down next to Choi Seunghyun. Who greeted me with a bright smile. “Annyeong Yumi-chan!”

“Annyeong Oppa!” I smiled back as well. Then I greeted Ji Yong too, who was sitting on the left of Choi Seunghyun Oppa.

He greeted me back with a normal smile. “Annyeong haseyo Yumi-ha.” He sounded normal as well, but he secretly winked at me behing his black sunglasses. I felt happy because it was exciting to have a secret just between us.

“What do you have in there?” Choi Seunghyun asked me, catching my attention back.

“Ah..I prepared some pizzette for uncle Doni and Coni. Since I had some free time” I answered.

“Ahh.” He nodded. “Did you prepare some for us too?” He asked with hope. He already had them one and he really liked them, that's why he was anticipating them.

“De.” I nodded.

“Ahh.. I can't wait to eat them.” He replied acting all cute. I giggled.

“That's a good thing you did Yumi-ha.” The president said to me. “They’re certainly gonna appreciate your deed.” He added.

“I hope so.” I said not fully convinced.

“Of course they will.” He insisted, so I nodded. He then spoke more seriously. “Now, when you're done with Weekly idol, come to my office. I need to talk to you about the songs you gave me yesterday.” Oh I totally forgot them! Lucky me, he reminded me of them.

“De sunbaenim.” I responded bowing at him.

“Deal.” He stated. “Then you guys can go. Use..” He paused looking briefly at Ji Yong, but it seemed that I was the only one that noticed that. “Use the same Van. I think it’s more convenient.”

“De.” We answered. We stood up, greeted him and went to our meeting. In the car, Ji Yong and I sat next to each other, while Choi Seunghyun sat in the front. I was so relieved that the cameras couldn't film us in the car. More privacy for me and Ji Yong once in awhile.



I sighed in relief. “Ah finally! Those damn cameras almost made me go nuts.” I exclaimed, talking mostly to myself than to someone in particular.

“You tell me!” Yumi replied though. “I can relax now.” She stated sitting more comfily on her spot. And she looked visibly more relaxed here than in the president office. Our managers, sat in the front seats with Choi Seunghyun. They got surprised by our comments.

“Ji Yong, there're always cameras around you guys.” My manager commented looking briefly at me in the wing mirror. He was the one driving. “Why are they bothering you now?” He asked.

“I know that they’re always around us.” I replied “They don’t bother me so much, it's just that I don't want them around while I'm with Yumi-ha.” I explained looking at my lovely girlfriend.

“Then it's really is true. You two are together.” He stated, surprising both me and Yumi.

“How did you know that?” We both asked him.

“The president told us.” Mine and her manager responded in sync.

I snorted. “Should have known.” Choi Seung Hyun muttered.

“So do I.” I added. While Yumi-ha just nodded and mumbled “Ah.”

“And he told us, to keep our eyes on you guys.” My manager added. “For the whole day.”

We both sighed frustrated, but Yumi's manager who was too kindhearted and said. “Then do whatever you want while we're still in the car.”

My head instantly lifted up. “Jinjia?” I asked him disbelieved. Yumi had a hopeful expression on her face too.

“What? NO!” My coldhearted manager objected right away though. He was in his forty, but his voice sounded just like a 15 boy's voice. And he  complained just like one of them. Unbelievable.

Yumi’s manager tried to persuade him some more. “Oh come on! They're young. Let them live their love.” He said. Yumi and I crossed our fingers.

“But what if someone see them?” My manager replied.

“This car have tinted windows and curtains. No one will see them but us.” Choi Seung Hyun replied, proving once again to be on my side.

“Right, but I don't want to watch them doing..stuff.” My manager stated. No, not this again. It was like to listen the president voice. He contaged him too. I sighed so heavily that I bet I could have been heard even outside the car. Yumi giggled at that. I couldn't help and I smiled along.

“Then, don't watch and drive.” Yumi's manager replied a little annoyed now. The cold one wondered on it for a while and finally gave up.

“Ok fine!” He agreed stubbornly. Halleluya! “But don't you dare make any sound. I don’t want to hear anything. Arassò?” He claimed and we nodded energetically.

“Grazie sunbaenim.” Yumi thanked them, but mostly her manager.

Di nulla sweety.”(You're welcome) He replied in italian. Yeah, she had influenced him too.

“Kamsamida manager.” I thanked my manager too, I knew that he complained mostly because he didn't want us to get busted.

“Yeah yeah, make it short.” He replied avoiding my eyes.

I nodded and looked over my love. She was so beautiful and lovable, that I couldn't resist and grabbed her right hand and kissed it, like a real gentleman. “You look really beautiful with this dress on.” I said and she blushed like always. I loved that.

“Ah..Oh..Thank you.” She stuttered embarrassed. “You too look good Oppa.” She whispered back.

I had a normal pair of black jeans, that combined with the jacket I had on, and chic pair of sneakers on my feet. All signed Yves Saint Laurent obviously. I added a casual light-pink shirt under the jacket. It had catch phrases printed on it, to not look too formal. It was a Comic talk show after all. “Thank you.” Even if I thanked her, she looked more beautiful and fashion than me. But her entire figure and face were the real center of my attention.

“Earlier, in the president's office..” She begun. “I wanted to greet you better, but you know..cameras.” She said with an apologetic face.

“Greet me how?” I asked sincerely curious.

She instantly avoided my gaze.”Well..” She blushed, probably because it was something she was too embarrassed of. “I..wanted..hem..”

I pulled her closer to me. I didn’t want to rush her, so I said. “You know you can tell me, whatever it is.” I said calmly.

She took courage and confessed her feelings. “I wanted to hug you and..kiss you.” She whispered, too shy to say it out loud. How cute!

I unconditionally smirked. “You know..I wanted it too.” I replied smiling. “Too bad they were those cameras.”

“Jinjia?” She asked surprised, like she still didn't believed that I loved her. I realized I had to proof her that I did love her. Surely with actions.

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Ah.” She simply mumbled. She was too shy to make the first move, so I did it.

I got even closer. “Well..We're already hugging so..” I said and didn't finish the sentence on purpose and instead pressed my lips on her mouth. I kissed her lightly and then pulled a little away.

“Is that enough?” I asked her and smirked knowing already the answer.

She amusely glared at me and she replied confidently. “Like if you were satisfied with just one kiss.” She said lifting up her brow along.

I smirked even widely. I knew she was right, because as soon as our lips touched, I felt my heart beating twice as fast and the logic side of my brain turning automatically off. A bad yet good consequence of being so close to her. “True.” I admitted.

“I knew it.” She replied, but then blushed again. “Now kiss me.” She whispered. She expressed her desire, even though she was embarrassed, and that made me understand that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. The difference was that she was too shy to ask me something out loud. How sweet.

I leaned closer again and I kissed her, again. The amazing feel of my lips pressed on hers, wasn’t unknown to me, but this time I wanted to bask myself into that feeling. I wanted to taste her more than the last time, since we had been interrupted by the president. So I deepened the kiss and our tongue battled like crazy. We passed the sweet part and digged into the passionate part. Our tongues crossed and I enjoyed the sweetness of her mouth. While I kept kissing her, one of my hand kept pushing her head towards mine, while the other hand caressed her legs. Her bare soft and smooth legs, that I got carried away and I raised the hand to arrive under her dress. Touch her slips drove me totaly insane. My mouth lowered and I licked and sucked her neck. She moaned with pleasure and It has been the most beautiful and erotic sound I ever heard. But before I could enjoy fully the moment, my beloved coldhearted manager, skidded the car on purpose and obliged us to stop.

“YA!” He shouted super annoyed. I could see even the veins on his neck pulsing. “THIS IS NOT YOUR ROOM! YOU CAN'T DO THIS KIND OF STUFF HERE!” He yelled at us. “I can’t believe this!”


I sighed annoyed. “What a breaking balls.” I muttered angry. It was almost like being interrupted during sex.

“I'm sorry to say this G-Dragon-shi, but he's right.” Yumi's manager said uncomfortably. Choi Seunghyun didn’t say anything because he had his headphones on, but he pulled them out when my manager yelled at us.

“I.AM.RIGHT.” My manager stated angrily. “We're almost there, you can't continue to do stuff in the car.  Fix yourself now.” He added in the end more calmly.

My eyes popped out. “WHAT? We're almost arrived?” Yumi asked surprised.

“That was suspiciously fast.” I commented looking at the driver.

“I drove normally like always do.” He replied avoiding my eyes.

I didn't believe him a bit, but I had no choice but to fix myself. I looked at myself, I wasn't so messed up, well not like Yumi was. Her hair was total mess and her dress had raised upper than I thought. I could see her white and pink slip, and the feel of her butt under my touch was still palpable. I looked away, because I was getting turned on again. I lifted up my eyes from them and looked at her face instead. She probably felt my gaze, because she blushed.

She looked at me and said.“Stop staring at me Op-” She didn't finished the sentence and blanked. “Oppa!” She exclaimed loud enough to freak me out.

“What?” I asked her.

“Your face!” She pointed her thumb at it.

“What's wrong with my face?” I asked. She didn’t answer and giggled instead. She then inserted her hand in her bag and pulled a kleenex out of it. She came closer to me and started to clean my face with it.

“Your mouth is all messed up.” She said cleaning it.

“Messed up?”

“Yes. It's full of marks of my lipstick.” She finally revealed.

“Ah.” I smiled. She cleaned up the lower part of face, but she lingered too much on my  lips for her standards. And her narrowed eyes and continuous stare, were a clear hint that she was thinking about dirty stuff.

I grabbed her chin, she looked at me surprised. “It's not a good manner to stare at people's lips milady..” I whispered near her mouth, scanning on purpose the latest words. She blushed and looked away.

“I-I wasn't your lips.” She tried to reply.

I moved my thumb upper to feel her lips. I caressed them while I kept talking to her. “If you want to kiss me, just do it. I won't mind it at all. I'd rather like it.” I said with a low voice. She took me literally, leaned on and kissed me. That surprised me. I didn't lose time though and I kissed her back.

“YA!” My adorate manager shouted again. “I just said to stop kissing and you two start again. Are you two deaf?” He yelled us again. Yumi's manager hid a laugh with a cough. I gave up and stopped kissing her. I sighed angrily. What a breaking balls.




You could tell that we were almost there, the screams were almost unbearable. The fans's screams. So loud! We were at the traffic-light, more than 500 meters from the building, but we could hear them anyway. Before the traffic light turned green, Ji Yong and Choi Seunghyun’s manager turned his head to look at us. “Choi Seung Hyun, Ji Yong.” He called them out.

“De?” They answered looking at him.

“Exchange your spots.” He ordered.

“Wae?” Ji Yong asked confused.

“Just do it. I don't want problems.” He replied annoyed. Ji Yong obeyed and exchanged his spot with Choi Seunghyun’s.

I was confused too, but then I figured out. Ji Yong's fans would have gotten jealous if they had seen him sat next to me in the back seats. Ah Jinjia. When we finally arrived, paps and journalists surrounded our car, the screams grew so louder that I couldn’t understand what Ji Yong's manager was telling us. I asked him to repeat louder.

“DON'T CAUSE ANY TROUBLE TO THE PRESIDENT.” He shouted at me and Ji Yong.

“DE!” We responded together.


“DE!” We nodded again. Ji Yong had to exit first, he secretly sent me a flying kiss before and then stepped out of the car. The crowd went nuts and screamed even louder. Calling his name here and there.

His manager sighed. “That boy is gonna drive me crazy.” He mumbled shaking his head.

“Yumi-chan are you ready?” Choi Seunghyun asked me cheerfully then. I didn't replied, my eyes were too lost in the view. The view of Ji Yong’s fans, which was causing me bad thoughts.

The sight of his fans freaked me out. I knew that behind those overly happy and lovable faces, there were the same people that posted all those insults and wishes of death on my social profiles. It’s true that I acted like it didn't bother me, but now that I was about to face them, I was terrified. I could have won against two or three of them, but if all the crowd had started to shout bad words and throwing things at me, I didn't think I would have made it. I'm not that strong! My mind went crazy and started to picture me in all sorts of bad situations.


Someone shook me energically off my trance. I looked up to see Choi Seunghyun. “Yumi-ha listen to me!” He exclaimed. He was visibly very worried.

“..yes?” I answered absently.

“I know what you're thinking, but I assure you, they won't do a thing to you.” He tried to convince me with a smile. "For real, you can do it." He said less tensed.

“How do you know that?” I replied not smiling at all. “They are not normal fans. They are Ji Yong sasaeng fans. Not all of them, but most of them hates me to death.”

“No, they're just norm-”

I cut him off immediately. “We're talking about Ji Yong's sasaeng fan! They are not absolutely normal! Neither inoffensive!” I said before he could say something lame like ‘They’re normal”. If people like that are normal, Naega mol?(then what the hell am I?) “They're going make a piece of me ON LIVE TV FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! DON'T TREAT ME LIKE I'M STUPID!” I ranted on him. My heart had never beat that fast in my life.

He stubbornly shook his head. “No no no no..Listen to me.” He insisted. “They're not gonna do such thing. I assure you Yumi.” He said serious.

“I don't believe you.” I expressed what I thought.

“I swear, trust me.” He replied firmly. “The aggressive fans, never do such things in public or most of all when there’re so many cameras around. They'll risk to be arrested. They aren't so many to be scared of either. In fact on a large scale from one to ten, they're barely three.” He explained. “So please don't get so afraid of them.” He added.

I thought about what he said. I had to admit he was convincing, but still.. “Three people can do a lot of things together." I replied because he could not ignore the reality.

“But you're not letting three idiots ruin your day with Ji Yong, are you?” He changed tactic, and challenged me instead. “Are you?” He asked again.

“” I never thought that way before. “I don’t want that.” I admitted.

His face lightened up a little. “Then go out with me and show them you're not afraid of anything.” He knew he was on the right path, so he kept talking. “I know that you're not that weak either.” He said,  knowing better than anyone else how many times I destroyed him in wrestling.

My heartbeat got back to his normal beat. I also stopped torturing my fingers. “You’re right.” I stated slowly.

“Of course I’m right!” He replied a little arrogantly.

I smiled. “I can do it.” I couldn't gave up on Ji Yong, just because of those three idiots. I made a promise to him. Choi Seunghyun was right. “I won't let them take me down. I can’t let them do this to me and Ji Yong.” I stated.

He smiled widely. “Si, brava!” He exclaimed. Yes, I influenced him too with my italian.

“That's it. I've made up my mind.” I said. “Let's get out of this car.” I added. I was mentally stable now, I just had to physically fix myself.

“You know Yumi-shi.” Ji Yong's manager said catching my attention. “You shouldn't worry so much about them. If you give them attention and worry about what they say to you and keep worrying about their reactions, you’re not gonna live in peace. They’re just happy in seeing your weak side.” He stated. “So I suggest you to not show anything to them, but bug them with a bright smile instead. It's ten time more effective than an insult.” He suggested me. I thought that he was coldhearted and insensible, but after what he said, I changed my mind. He was indeed a good man.

Grazie mille for the advice sunbaenim.” I thanked him and bowed along.

"You're welcome." He just replied back.

“Do not cry like this because of those no life people okay sweetie?!” My manager begged me, brushing away the tears on my face. I didn't even notice that I cried. “The make up is almost all gone.”

“De, je som hamnida.” I nodded. When he finished fixing my face, I hugged him and I thanked him for the help. “Komawò bujang-nim.”(manager)

“You're welcome sweetheart.” He said hugging me back.

I pulled away and looked at Choi Seunghyun. “Thank you too Oppa.” I said and hugged him as well. “If it wasn't for you, I still could be carried away by the bad thoughts.” I confessed.

“Don't even mention it.” He replied squeezing me in his arms. We pulled away, I grabbed my bag and was about to take also the box with the food in it, but my manager said to leave it to him. He would have took it himself.

“Now, let's go!” Choi Seunghyun exclaimed when we were ready.

I nodded. “Yeah, Let's do this!” I added. After that he opened the car's door and stepped out of it. I did the same.

The first thing that hit me, has been the shining sun. And then the crowd. A rowdy mass of people, screaming Ji Yong's stage name all over the place. But when they noticed Choi Seung Hyun, or should I say TOP, they started to shout his stage name as well. I was still nervous, but I straightened up  my shoulders, lifted up my chin and faced the crowd with a confident expression.

The shout of someone frightened me though. “YUMI!” The voice shouted.

At first I thought that he was my manager, but he couldn’t be him, since he couldn’t reach such high pitch note. So I looked around, I searched in the crowd and I found a girl, shouting my name. She was also waving her hands to catch my attention because she was shorter than the people around her. That's why I couldn't see her right away. “YUMI! YUMI-EONI! HERE! YES HERE!” She squealed insanely excited when I looked in her direction. And when other people recognized me along, they all started to call my name out loud as well. It was surreal. Almost unbelievable. Am I daydreaming again?







Just a few people shouted my name at the beginning, but later almost all the crowd started to shout it too. The joy I felt inside, couldn't be described with words. Tears tried to come out, but I blinked a couple of times and held them back. Some fans kept screaming Ji Yong and Choi Seunghyun's stage names, but they shouted my name along with their name.

I took a deep breath and headed towards the first fan that called me out. When I arrived in front of her, she covered her mouth with her hands and looked at me with her eyes almost popping out. “Annyeong Haseyo.” I firstly greeted her. She greeted me back, with a very low voice. And she bowed to me along. “Are you the one that called me out right?” I asked her. She nodded shyly. “What can I do for you?” I asked calmly.

She uncovered a little her mouth to speak. And it’s then that I saw them. Two pairs of adorable dimples placed on her cheeks. Ah jungmal Gwi yeo weo! “C-Ca-Can I have..your signature eoni?” She asked, after had stuttered several times.

“What's your name?” I asked patiently without pressuring her.

“jeonun Kim Pil Suk Imnida.” She answered with a tiny voice.

“What a beautiful name, it's the same name of the character in Dream High. How cool.” I exclaimed amazed. And I acted relax to make her at ease. And it worked.

“Kamsamida Eoni.” She replied less shy.

“You’re welcome sweetie.” I replied. “Now, give me your block notes so I can sign it.” I said to her.

She nodded. “De.” She gave it to me along with the pen and I signed it, adding lots of hearts all around.



As soon as I finished, I gave it back to her. The little girl read it and her brows raised up to the sky. “It's full of hearts!” She exclaimed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn't stop myself.” I confessed. “You don't like them?” I asked a little worried.

“Aniyo!” She quickly replied. “I LOVE THEM! KAMSAMIDA YUMI-EONI!” She said, or I’d say screamed.

I sighed in relief. “I’m relieved.” I admitted. “But Pil Suk-ha, can you please..don't scream..” I said the more delicate possible to not hurt her feelings.

She covered up her mouth instantly. “Ah..jae som hamnida Eoni.” She apologized lowering her voice down.

I nodded. “Now, Do you want to take a picture as well?” I asked her.

“Ah De! De! De! Jebal!” She nodded energetically.

“Okay let's do it.” I replied. We shot more than one pictures and I also hugged her. And since I didn't want to forgive her face, I asked her if I could take a picture with my own phone. 

She looked surprised. “With me?” She asked pointing a thumb at herself.

“Yes.” I nodded. “You don't mind, do you?” I asked.

“I don't mind at all.” She accepted. Still in daze. She posed for the picture. We shot it and when she saw the picture, she started to.. cry. For real. Omg what did I do? I panicked.

“W-W-What's happening?” I asked her grabbing her shoulders. “Did I do something wrong? Why are you crying?” I kept asking and brushing away the tears from her face. “Pil Suk-ha?”

She brushed away the tears. “Kuge anira. You didn’t do anything wrong eoni.” She finally answered. “I-I'm just happy.” She explained between sobs. 

“Oh my god.” I sighed in relief. “I was so worried. Please don’t cry!” I said to her stroking her head. “Okay sweetheart?”

“O-o-okay.” She mumbled back.

My manager approached me right then and whispered in my ear: “Yumi-ha we're doing late. Please hurry up.” I nodded.

I hugged Kim Pil Suk for the last time. “I'll never forget you Kim Pil Suk.” I whispered near her ear. Then I let her go, she was still crying again, but as much as earlier. “See ya! Take care!” I said waving my hand at her.

I was already far when she waved her little hand back and shouted. “BYE YUMI EONI!” I smiled thinking that even if she was that short, her loud voice wasn’t a joke.

I signed some other blocknotes, shot pictures and hugged a few more fans, then I followed my manager inside the building. Before entering in it though, I turned my head. I don’t know why, I just felt like someone was staring at me. So I turned around and noticed three pair of fans, hid in the back of the crowd. They were dressed up normally, but the black surgical masks they had on, covered half of their faces. Their bare eyes made me uncomfortable, because they were glaring at me. Their intense hate flustered me, but I reminded what Ji Yong’s manager told me in the car. They're happy when you’re scared of them, so bug them with a bright smile. It's ten times more efective than and insult. So I did like he advised me. I smiled widely at them and even winked. Their surprised expressions were so priceless that I almost laughed at their faces. But I didn't give them further attention and went on my way.

Finally inside the building, I sighed in relief. The silence inside, was really a gift from heaven I ever desired in that moment. A good, sweet silence, with no screams around. “Ah.. That has been, the most surreal moment of my life.” I confessed more to myself than to anyone.

“You’ll get used to it.” My manager replied facing me. And he patted my shoulders.

“I never thought that I would have loved so much this silence either.” I added chuckling and he chuckled too.

“You’ve made it till the end.” He said. “You should be proud of yourself.” He said looking at me.

I nodded. “I am proud.” I replied. Those three individuals couldn’t scare me anymore. “I thought that all those fans were Ji Yong and Choi Seunghyun's fans, but Kim Pil Suk really surprised me.” I change subject, because I didn’t even want to think about them.

“Who is she?” Someone beyond us asked.

It was the charming voice of Ji Yong that asked it. He was standing on the other side of the corridor, with Choi Seunghyun and their manager. He smirked and walked towards us, followed by the others.

“Oppa!” I exclaimed more happier than I could admit. I felt like years has passed since I saw him in the car. And when he finally stood in front of us, he came closer to me and greeted with a low voice. He probably believed that there were hidden cameras around.

“Hey piccola.” He whispered sensually to me. Someone behind him, certainly his manager, coughed warning him with his eyes.

Ji Yong didn't take seriously his warning and he continued. “What I meant was..Hey love.” He said and I couldn't help but giggle. I was half worried too but inside..I had to admit that..I was melting. I had to look away to not droll, But I saw him smirking in the corner of my eyes.

“Ji Yong, jebal!” His manager begged him this time.

“Okay! jeez!” Ji Yong gave up. He talked to me again, acting more normally. “Like I asked ealier, who's this Kim Pil Suk?” He asked.

I tried to act normal too. “A fan of mine.” I said. “She has been the first one to shout out my name. You should've seen her, she’s so adorable.” I bragged a little.

“Ah that's good.” He concorded smiling at me. “How old is she?” He asked interested.

“Well.. I didn’t ask her, but I think that she is 14 or 15 years old.” I said.

“Did she say something about me?” He asked.

“Sorry, but no.” I replied a little taken aback.

He made up a sulked face. He looked so cute. “Don't worry. I'm sure that she knew that you were there too. It's just that she got me first.” I comforted him, patting his, hard yet soft chest. But when I lingered my hand too much on it, someone coughed behind me. I knew for sure that he has been my manager. So I took my naughty hand back.

Luckily I took it off on time, because a woman appeared behind the boys. She had short brown hair, a classic bob. With a bang covering her forehead. She had also a cute yet fashionable pair of black glasses. The giant and squared type. Her face was small, little round shaped, with big brown eyes. She was taller than me, all thanks to her heels. When she saw Ji Yong, she instantly blushed, but she tried to cover up her face. It took her a few seconds to get back to her right senses. “Annyeong Haseyo.” She bowed and greeted us, but mostly Ji Yong.

“Annyeong Haseyo.” We greeted her back bowing too.

“I'm Lee Ga Young, Jeon Hyeong Don and Defcon-sunbae's assistant.” She introduce herself. “I’m here to guide you to the studio in the third basement. The PD is waiting for you, please follow me this way..” She spoke like a pro, even if she secretly kept glacing at Ji Yong.

“De.” We said in sync.

We followed her through the corridors, untill we stopped in front of an elevator. Lee Ga Young-shi pressed the lower bottom and the doors opened. We entered in. She then called for the last floor, the basement. Everyone stayed in silence, included me. It was an annoying silence though. Please someone say something! I mentally begged and right then luckily, my phone rang and broke that annoying silence.


The short "mixtape" of Yang Soo Ki. I thought it was cute the first time I heard it, but now... When the others heard it, everyone, Lee Ga Young-shi included laughed so much, I swear I saw tears falling out their eyes. I was certainly embarrassed by my idiot bestie's voice, but thanks to her, the mood inside the elevator lightened up. I picked up the phone like the voice ordered, or should I say "rapped", but I couldn't hear what Yang Soo Ki was saying, because they were still laughing.

“Hush.” I begged them to lower their voices “Oppa please! I don't hear anything.” I complained yet smiled too. They stopped laughing, but kept grinning.

“Yumi-ha, how are things going there?” Yang Soo Ki asked again raising her voice.

“Hm..Fine.” I said. “But we didn't reach the studio yet.”

“Then what are you doing? Where are you guys now?” She asked.

“We're in the elevator, with uncle Jeon Hyeong Don and Defon assistant Ga Young-shi. She's guiding us to the basement where they record the show.” I explained.

“Ah.” She just mumbled. "Is Ji Yong in there too?” She asked lowering her voice.

“Yes, but..Eoni..I don’t think this is the right moment for-” I lowered my voice too.

She cut me off. “Hey look that I don’t want to gossip about him.” She explained. “I just want to greet him and Choi Seunghyun.” She said a little annoyed.

“Ah..Ok.” I mumbled embarrassed. “Then I'll put you through him.” I said and I passed him the phone saying “She wants to talk to you.” He grabbed the phone giving me a confused look.



“Oppa?” Yang Suk Ki called out my name to be sure.

“De?” I answered.

“I was wondering.. Would you like to hang out with me and Park Ji Won Saturday night?” She asked. I knew the guy, he was her famous boyfriend.  The question was so random though.“With Yumi obviously.” She added.

Now the thing had sense. But.. “I'd like to come, but..I don't know..” I replied uncertain. It wasn't a great idea to hang out at night, with all those paps spying on my moves every second. And it could have caused troubles to the president, If I especially went with Yumi by my side. People would have think that it was a double date.

She felt my hesitation. “I invited also the other seniors, so people won't think that it's a double date.” She revealed. That was great a great solution she came out with.

“That’s a very good solution you came out with.” I infact told to her. The elevator's bell rang right then and we followed Ga Young-shi out of it. We followed her  through the corridors. “Then I can’t help but accept your invitation. I don't know how to thank you.” I said to Yang Soo Ki.

“Ah don’t even mention it.” She replied. “But can you do me a favor?" She asked. 


“I know that you can be trustful, but I also know that boys can’t hold back their sexual impulses when they are surrounded by beautiful women. So when you go overseas, can you please don't cheat on my best friend. Promise me that you won’t cheat on her while you're in Europe and I'll be satisfied.” She stated and claimed seriously.

I felt the tension even through the phone. She certainly knew how the boy’s mind worked, so I couldn’t deny the part of the sexual impulses, but I could at least promise her that I wouldn’t have cheated on Yumi.  “I promise, I won't it.” I said back serious as well.

“That’s all I wanted to hear.” She replied. “Keep your promise and I'll never bother you in future. But break it and you'll have to be prepared to be hospitalized. And I’m dead serious Yong-ha.” She muttered fearlessly. “And I don't give a damn on what the people might think of me. I never cared about them when I was younger and I never will if that time comes.” She added to make herself clear.

“O..kay.” I stuttered a little intimidated. “I'll keep that in mind.” I said though, because I really believed she would have done what she just said.

“Okay.” She exclaimed talking back with a normal tone of voice again. “Then see you at the date, I mean party.”

“It’s better say party to everyone.” I said normally too.

“Yeah, you're right.” She agreed.

Looking forward I saw the entrance of the studio. We were almost there. “Sorry Yang Soo Ki, but we're almost arrived to the studio. I have to hang up.” I said.

“Ah. Okay then I leave you.” She replied. “Bye Oppa!” She greeted me enthusiastically. Is she bipolar? I couldn't help but think. I better never get her mad at me.

“Bye!” I greeted her back anyway.

“Greet Choi Seunghyun Oppa for me too.”

“Okay. Bye now!” I said my lastest words and then I hanged up. After that I gave the phone back to Yumi. She looked at me with an interrogative point on her face, I leaned on and whispered in her ear. “I'll tell you everything later babe.” And she nodded.




06. Hope


As soon as I saw them, I could tell without a minimum doubt, that they were lovers. Their attitudes was intimidating and cool, YG style. They didn't whisper things in each others ears like couples use to do, neither they touched each other continuously. But it was enough the continuous glances they exchanged, to say everything. They insisted saying they were just simple friends, but I knew that it was all an act, to not upset Ji Yong's fans, and sasaeng fans. The latest, were the crazy and dangerous ones. I could understand why those youngsters had decided to act that way. And when I glanced at Defcon, I knew that he was thinking the same thing.

When they finally reached us, they greeted us and shook hands with us. “Annyeong Haseyo!” They said together. All serious.

I couldn't resist and I started to joke around to lighten up the mood. I targeted first Choi Seung Hyun and Ji Yong. “Hey! T.O.P ma bro!” I exclaimed walking towards him. “How you're doing?” I scanned his stage name like a rapper.

“Everything's fine Hyun.” He replied chuckling.

“You..” I pointed my eyes on Ji Yong then. “You came back because you missed me Eh?!” I asked acting arrogantly, and I jockling punched him on the chest.

“Of course.” He replied acting cute. “I thought of you every single night hyun.” He added. Sometimes he was so overly cringy.

“Aih Kojimal!” I replied unconvinced. “Jinjia?” I asked, with an aegyo tone of voice.

“당연하죠 Dangyonhajyo!”(of course) He nodded. “I'm not lying! I swear!” He used the same cheesy tone of voice I used. He couldn’t be more evident that he was joking around.

“Jinjia?!” I acted even cheesier. “OMO! I can't believe it!” I exclaimed excited like an ajumma.  Everyone laughed at that scene. Yumi included.

“Ya! Kumane Aish!” Defcon yelled at us while smiling. “Stop it already! You're so disturbing!” He complained. “Do it when we're recording, not now!”

I acted like if I was really offended by his comments, even if I kept grinning inside. Yumi laughed harder that she had to cover up her mouth. She was truly adorable when she laughed. I decided to approach her. I purposely gave her an intimidating look when I faced her. She stopped to chuckle instantly. “Then, you're the one." I muttered on purpose. Everybody stayed in a curious silence.

She looked confused and a little worried too. “..The one?” She repeated frowning.

“Yeah” I said. I put my hands on my hips, just like Beyonce on stage. “You're the one that know everything about mangas  right?!” I asked surprising everyone, Yumi included, acting all cute and fuzzy once again. I got even closer to her. I pulled out of my pocket, my favourite manga, One Piece, showed to her. She looked lost at first, but she nodded anyway. “Can you tell me when this manga is out in the newsagents?” I asked politely.

I felt her relaxing and sigh in relief. “Well..You can't find it there.” She begun a little uncertain. “Well, you can actually, but I think that you better order and buy it in a comixbook store Oppa. The employees knows everything about the releases of the mangas. And plus you can ask the owner of the store, to keep it apart for you, when they’re release.” She explained confidently. Just like a real passionate would have done.

“Ah..” I nodded impressed. “Then I shouldn't go to the newsagent anymore?” I asked.

“No.” She answered sure of herself.

“Waah!” I was really impressed. “You're really a true fan! Daebak Ida!”

She blushed. “Well, I just like to read them.” She said lowering her head.

“Omo! Don't feel embarrassed.” I replied. “I like to read them too.” I tried to make her comfortable.

“D-de.” She said back shyly.

I went back to Ji Yong and I put my arm around his shoulders. “Uuh.. I now understand, why you're always around her.” I said with a low voice. “She's so cute when she blush.” I said out loud and the girl heard me and she blushed again. I felt him stiffen, probably figuring out that they couldn’t hide a thing from me.

But he took a deep breath and surprised me replying: “I like more be around you sunbaenim.” And he hugged me tightly.

“Waah!” I squealed excited. I was also very impressed by the way he distracted people around by leading the attention on us. He was a pro in distracting people and keeping secrets, that I didn't have to worry about them. The fact that he announced on his social profile, that he would have gone to Europe for a few months, was surely the right move.

“GD, Not Here!” I acted embarrassed. “There're people here. They might get jealous!” I joked acting like a shy girl. People around us laughed disbelived. Someone behind us cleared out his throat. It was our PD-nim. An ordinary old man, with a tiring job. He smiled to the guest stars as soon as he faced them.

“Annyeong Haseyo G-Dragon-shi, T.O.P-shi.” He greeted them and they greeted him back, bowing and shaking hands with him. Then he greeted Yumi too. “Annyeong Haseyo Yumi-shi.”

“Anyeong Haseyo!” She greeted him back a little intimidated.

“Here.” He handed them a couple of papers. “Those are the scripts.” They took them and bowed again. “We thought that it would be better to interview you, Yumi-shi, at the beginning, and then introduce you guys after she had finished.” He explained and they nodded understanding.

"Then after had talked about your friendship, Sunhwa-shi of Secret will join too.” He revealed. “She'll appear almost at the end of the show, just to greet you G-Dragon-shi and make some gags along.” He added. That girl was too into Ji Yong, to let this chance to meet him, escape from her hands. I couldn't help but shake my head.

“Sunhwa?!” Ji Yong asked surprised.

The PD nodded. “De. She's a great fan of yours, that's why we invited her too.” He said. “You don't mind it right?” He asked him.

“No, I don't mind at all.” Ji Yong replied. “But I didn’t see her. Is she not here yet?” He asked and looking around.

“No. She’s not here yet.” The PD answered. “She had a CF to do, but she will be here within 30 minutes before the show ends.” He stated.

“Ah Okay.” The boy nodded.

“That’s all.” The PD said satisfied. “Let me know if something on the scripts is unpleasant to you, so we can fix it now that we're here.” He talked to all of them.

“De!” They all replied nodding along.

“And G-Dragon-shi?” He approached him.

“De?” Ji Yong looked at him curiously.

“Thank you for coming again.” He thanked him and shook hands again with him. “I know that you're currently very busy with your album.” He said guilty.

Ji Yong waved his hand. “Don't even mention it!” He said. “I'm glad to be here.” The boy replied smiling.

“Thank you anyway for being here.” The PD insisted.

“You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.” The boy just replied.

Then the old man talked to Choi Seunghyun and Yumi. “Thank you too TOP and Yumi-shi for being here.” He thanked them shaking their hands as well. “I'm very glad that your president let you come to our show.”

“We're glad as well to be here PD-nim.” Choi Seunghyun said smiling.

And so did the girl next to him. “Yes, I'm glad too PD-nim.” She said shaking his hand too. She looked more relaxed and less intimidated of him.





And suddenly, just like earlier in the elevator, my phone rang again. The melody, or should I say rap, was the same, but this time Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae's the "rappers".






Omg. Those two idiots ended the 'rap' with laughs. It wasn’t enough one time, the song kept repeating itself unfortunately for me. Everyone laughed, included the the serious PD-nim. I sighed heavily. "This isn't happening.." I muttered shaking my head.

“Don't you answer?” Choi Seunghyun asked me through laughs.

I glared at him. I turned my head to look at the PD. “Jae Som hamnida PD-nim. Jungmal jae som hamnida.” I apologized myself and went in a quiet corner to answer to the phone. I answered and talked first. “There's better be a damn good reason, for you two idiots, to call me in the middle of a meeting with the PD.” I threatened them. Words couldn’t describe the shame a felt when that phone of mine rang.

“..Hem.” I heard someone mumbled. I recognized the younger’s voice immediately. I heard the other younger's voice too in the background. She was whispering something to her pal. Something like “What do we do now? She sound really pissed off.. Ah Otoke!” That made me go even more nuts.

ALLORA?”(So) I shouted to the phone, catching glances of some people in the corridors.

“Jungmal Mianhaeyo eoni!” They apologized together. “We just wanted to wish you good luck..”

Ah. I felt instantly so bad. I took a deep breath to calm myself. “..Thank you sweeties.” I thanked them first. “You caught me in the wrong moment, you should have just sent me a text.” I complained though.

“We’re sorry.” They whispered back still frightened. “We’re just gonna text you the next time.” Yun Baek Ki said.

“Look. I'm sorry for yelling at you girls.” I still felt guilty.

“No, we shouldn't have called you, we're really sorry.”

I sighed. “No, it's okay.” I replied. “You did it with good intentions. It wasn't just the right moment.” I replied. My manager signalized me that it was time to go. “Sorry, but I have to go. We’re starting the rehearsals.” I said in a hurry.

“Ah,Okay. Bye eoni!” So they said their goodbyes.

“De, bye!” I said them back and I hanged up. I headed back to the others and apologized again for earlier. We then started the rehearsal. The script said that I had to answer to some normal yet funny questions about my life, through a profile they made up for me. Then Ji Yong and Choi Seunghyun would have appear, did some gags and talked about our friendship. But before that Ji Yong would have explained that he and I were just friends despite what the rumors said about us. Not an easy task though. I could only pray his acting skills were better than mine. Then Sunhwa eoni would have showed up, greeted no one but her bias Ji Yong, and she would have done some cute yet funny gags. Then the show would have ended. That was all.

30 minutes before the show started, I felt hungry, so I asked my manager if I could eat something. “Nothing heavy.” He said firmly. "And don't drink too much either, the show last for an hour and a half, Arassò?” He added.

“Okay!” I replied a little annoyed because I wanted to eat some of the pizzete I prepared with the girls. But I guess we would have ate them after the show.

With no other choice, I grabbed my bag and I went in quiet corner. I sat on a empty chair, behind the camera's crew and next to the make up’s spot. There wasn’t any rest room there, so I had to be content with that spot. I pulled out from my bag a box of Mikado, and I gradually started eat the chocolate's sticks by myself. While eating, I kept my eyes on Ji Yong and Choi Seunghyun. Well, it wasn't quite easy to see them, surrounded how they were by so many fans. Yes, they have fans even here. The difference was that these fans, were actually Weekly Idol's staff. They were mostly females, obviously. Some guys asked me autographs, but none of the female asked me something. You can't compete girl! They are TOP&GD! They're recognized even before the President of Seoul! An annoying voice said in my head. And unluckily she was damn right. When they finished with Choi Seunghyun, they concentrated all their attention on Ji Yong. Choi Seunghyun left the girls and he walked towards me. He sat on the chair next to me, pulled out a chocolate's stick from the Mikado's box in my hand. “So, what you’re doing?” He asked and ate his stick.

“Eating.” I just replied. He nodded and then he laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. That kind of skinship didn't bother me at all, because I was use to it. “And staring at Ji Yong.” I added.

“Hmm.. I wonder why he's so much wanted than me.” He asked opening his eyes. He stared at him too.

“I don't know..maybe because he's young.” I replied randomly.

“I don’t think that’s the reason.” He replied. He looked at me. “Are you jealous? I mean, when you see him surrounded by all those girls.” He asked me suddenly, at low voice.

I wondered on it. “Yes.” I answered dryly. He looked at me surprised and kinda worried, but I talked before he could say something. “But I’m not jealous of them personally.” I said firmly. “I'm just taken aback that they didn't ask me anything. Not even one autograph.” I explained.

“Ah..” He mumbled lifting up his head from my shoulder.

“I know that I can't compete against him, in terms of popularity, but I would have liked that at least one of those girls, had ask me an autograph.” I stated. It wasn't a complain, though.

“I get what you mean.” He replied nodding. He patted my back as to comfort me. “But you don't have worry, I'm sure someone will come to you. You just have to wait.” He advised me and he patted my head too.

I sighed. “I hope so.”




I could barely see Yumi through all those girls. Choi Seung Hyun was lying his head on her shoulder and that didn't bother her at all, I knew that, but it did bother me though. I want to lie my head on her shoulder. I sighed frustrated. I signed the block notes hurriedly, So I could run to my girl. When the assistant of the hosts, miss Ga Young, appeared suddenly in front of me, I blinked surprised. She stood in front of me, trembling a little with her cheeks flushing red. I remember then that she had a crush on me. I realized it when I first saw her in the hallway.

“G-Dragon-shi.” She said with a tiny voice.

“Yes, Ga Young-shi?” I answered patiently.

“Can I have an autograph?” She asked me blushing even harder.

“Sure!” I replied more enthusiast. A block note and a pen appeared from her back and she handed them to me. “Now here you go..” I wrote down a dedicate and signed it up. I gave back the block note and watched her reaction. It was my favorite part of signing autographs.


Dear Ga Young-shi, Keep blushing only for me

I'll never forget you. Stay always healthy and beautiful.

Love GDragon


She blushed when she read it, just like I expected. I smiled full of myself. I didn’t hold back myself and I hugged her. The girls around us squealed surprised, also because I was hugging her more tightly than I did with them. Some looked even shocked. I acted like if I didn't notice them and I patted her head and shoulders. I let her go after a while and I looked at her. “Do you want to take a picture too?” I asked her.

“hm…” She could only nod.

“Then give me your phone.” I said since she wasn't moving at all. She extracted it like a robot from her jean's pocket and handed it to me. While shooting the picture, she never stopped to look at me. I found it quite funny. I gave back her phone when we finished. “Here. Are you happy?” I asked her already knowing the answer.

“De.” She whispered and bowed her head to me.

“I'm glad you’re happy.” I said back. She nodded again and then she moved backwards and walked away. Luckily she has been the last one, so I could rest now. I sighed in relief. Following the girl with my eyes though, I noticed that she was heading towards Choi Seung Hyun and Yumi. Don’t tell me that..





The assistant of the hosts, Lee Ga Young, appeared in front of me. “Yumi-shi!” She called out my name. I saw the whole scene between her and Ji Yong, and I looked away. It was frustrating seeing even her asking an autograph from Ji Yong but not to me. So sudenly seeing her in front of me, really surprised me.

“De?” I mumbled still surprised and confused.

“Can I have your autograph?” She asked normally. Without blushing like she did with Ji Yong. Even so, it was terribly surprising.

“Eh?” I blurred out like a dumb head. “재가요 Jegayo?정말로 jungmallo?” I exclaimed pointing at myself.

“De!” She replied without doubts.

“Really?” I needed to be sure I heard right.

“Yes.” She repeated. “I already have TOP and GD Oppa autographs, but yours.” She said.

“But aren't you just their fan?” I insisted.

“Yes, but I'm your fan too.” She replied simply.

“But I thought that Ji Yong's fans hated me, because we're close..friends.” I stated. I added friends on time luckily.

“Aniyo! I don’t hate you at all!” She fervently denied. “I'm not absolutely like those crazy sasaeng fans!” She added.

I couldn’t believe my ears. “Really?” I asked impressed.

“Really!” She said nodding resolutely.

I stared at her dumbfounded. Ji Yong reached us right then and he stood next to her. She didn't notice him and she kept talking. “I like you Yumi-shi. For real. Well, I can't tell that I'm not jealous of you, but it doesn't bother me that much that GD oppa spends some time with you.” I couldn't believe what she was saying. Is certainly not a small thing to hear from his fans. The three people I saw before entering in the building, that sent me death glares, made me believe that all his fans were like that, but now, thanks to this awesome girl, I wanted to believe that there was still hope for me and Ji Yong.

I stood up from the chair, laid down the Mikado’s box and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Really?” We all asked in sync, Ji Yong included.

She jumped surprised when she noticed Ji Yong next to her, but she answered anyway. “Yes. I told you. I rather prefer you to be his girlfriend then another girl.” She said. “You're beautiful and more honest than other girls in the music industry. And you're kind even with antis. I think that you have a great personality. I admire you for that.” She revealed.

I almost felt the tears falling on my cheeks. “You..You know that you're the first and only one that ever said something like that to me?” I said to her.

“Well, it's not..such a big deal..” She mumbled embarrassed.

“It sure is though!” I insisted hugging her, more tightly than Ji Yong did. “Grazie mille!” I thanked her. “You don't know how much it mean to me. You're an angel!” I told her and I really meant that.

“..You're welcome Yumi-shi.” She said shyly hugging me back. I let her go after a while.

“So, this autograph..” I begun. “I better give it to you, before I start crying of joy.” I mumbled still caught by the moment.

“De.” She nodded in agreement. “Here’s the block note Yumi-shi.” She said handing it along with a pen. I signed the paper and gave it back to her what I finished. “Here. I finished.”


Dear Ga Young-shi, thank you very much for being my fan.
I hope you'll always cheer for me, Ji Yong 
and Choi Seunghyun Oppa. I’ll keep you in my heart.
Love, Yumi


I didn’t exaggerate with the hearst this time. “Do you like it?” I asked her though, because she stayed silent for a while and that worried me.

“Oh..Ah. Yes, Yes I like it.” She answered snapping out of her trance. And she smiled at me too.

“I’m glad.” I replied smiling too.

“Did you really think what you’ve just said?” Ji Yong asked her suddenly. I looked at him with a confused look.

She looked at him surprised. “Yes.” She answered firm again.

“Wae?” Choi Seunghyun and him both asked her. It seems like that they didn’t fully believe in her.

“That’s because GD Oppa is already 26 years old and I think that it's normal for him to spend time or even date someone.” She simply explained.

“And you'd be alright with me dating..someone?” Ji Yong ask her. I could see, behind that relaxed face, the hope in his eyes. I had to admit that I was hoping too in a positive response.

“Yes.” She answered without doubts in mind.

“How's that possible?” I asked her disbelieved.

“Well, is not like GD Oppa didn’t date in his life.” She said obvious. “And to tell the truth, I'm almost the same age as GD Oppa and I have a boyfriend too. That's why it wouldn't bother me that much.” She revealed.

“What?” I exclaimed shocked. “You’re almost the same age?”

“Yes, I’m 25.” She said calm.

“Omona.” I mumbled. She didn't look like her age. She still looked like a teenager. Is she a vampire?

“You look younger than your actual age Ga Young-shi.” Choi Seunghyun said to her.

“Kamsamida Oppa.” She thanked him bowing her head.

“And you have a boyfriend too?” Ji Yong asked her.


At that answer, he acted like he really suffered. “Ah Appa!” He mumbled sadly. He laid his right hand on his heart and squeezed the shirt like it really hurt. “Then your heart is already taken. Why?”

“Well..” Ga Young-shi mumbled feeling half guilty. “It's true, but there's always place for you in my heart oppa!” She quickly added. Like I expected from a fan of his. "You'll always be in my heart oppa!"

“Really? You’re not saying it just please me, are you?” He asked her with a sad yet cute look. When she nodded, the sadness disappear in no time. He grabbed her hands, folded them with his hands, and joyfully jumped around with her. The woman smiled from ear to ear while staring at him. What is this? A drama?

Choi Seunghyun felt casted apart, so he grabbed one of her hands too and asked. “And I?” With a cute and pouty expression on his face.

“Ah..Of course! Of course!" She replied. "You too have a place in my heart Oppa.” She said, but I could see her a little burdened.

“Jinjia?” He asked anyway and she nodded. So, they all started to jump around happily. I stared at them shaking my head, but I had to admit I was happy.

The PD arrived right then. He told me that they were ready to start, so I prepared myself. I fixed my figure as much as possible and I even checked up if there were eventual pimples on my face. Expect for the mole next to the right eyebrow, there wasn't any problem with my face. I thought about taking off the jacket two or three times, but I choose to not take it off in the end. I liked the chic-rock-style it gave me. Then after several hairstyles, I decided to let my hair free. Just like I always do and my stylist agreed with my choices. The make-up artist fixed my makeup, but I still lingered in front of the mirror.

“Stop staring at yourself already.” Ji yong complained behind me. “You're beautiful, like always.” He lovingly added though. Oh my.. I blushed glancing at him through the mirror, but I broke eye contact with him right away, when I reminded that we were still in public.

“Thank you.” I simply replied.

“You can do it Yumi-chan.” Choi Seunghyun filled up the silence between me and Ji Yong. Thank God Choi Seunghyun is always here to help us. “Don't worry too much and do your best.” He cheered for me.

“Thank you Oppa.” I thanked him. “I’ll do my best.” I added.

“I'll cheer for you too Yumi-shi.” Ga Young-shi joined him.

“Thank you very much Ga Young-shi.” I thanked her too. “Or should I call you eoni?” I asked.

“Nah. Just Ga Young, it’s fine.” She said waving her hands.

“But doesn’t it bother you if I call you by your name?”

“I feel old when someone call me eoni.” She explained.

I smirked. “You know, you just remind me of Yang Suk Ki. She said the same thing yersterday.” I said smiling and she nodded understanding. Then, without further delays, I followed the PD in the recording area, not before had greeted Ga Young-shi and the boys. The PD told me to stay for a few minutes behind the mini-cameras. Doni and Coni would have done their gags and then announced me. Doni and Coni went to their spots and prepared too. And 3. 2. 1. Oh mamma mia! I hope to not make a gaff. Has been my last thought before they turned on the cameras.





They shouted like they always do, but it was surreal to watch them on live. I felt my stomach twisting nervously and my hands were sweating too. Okay calm down Yumi-ha..Breath..You can do it. I repeated as a mantra. Breath. “Good morning everyone!” Defcon greeted first.

“Yeah, Good morning, Fabulous people of South Korea.” Doni greeted too, but more jockly. “Today, when I first heard that we'd have had another business with YG, I didn't believe it at first.” He confessed.

“But we do have another an affair with them right?!” His pal asked.

“De, we have it.” He nodded.

“It seems like our staff's wishes really become true.” Defcon joked around looking at the staff beside me.

“De.” Doni concorded. “They must have prayed the Good Lord to make their wishes come true all night long.”

“Even our PD-nim prayed him.” They made fun of him. but he just laughed at that comments.

The two MCs laughed along with him. “This time is a girl.” Doni announced.

“From YG Baby!” His pal said with a rough and funny tone of voice.

“And we didn't even have to make much efforts to invite her, unlike that other GD.” Doni let know. “She actually seemed more available to chat also on kakao than him.” He added. Yes, I have a Kakao profile. Ji Yong wasn't so into Social chat. Or more precisely he preferred to text to me and to his close friends.

“She's the leader of her band, but she never forget to mention her members.” Defcon said this time. 

“Her band reached the top on music’s charts for more than five weeks. And also conquered the 5 place in the Europe charts.” Doni added.

“Yeah man! They're unstoppable!” Defcon exclaimed making the horns sign. “And their leader will lead you in a world made of rock, with just her voice. She'll blow your mind baby!”

“But mostly your heart.” His pal stated squeezing his chest, like if his heart really did hurt. The cameras framed me for a few seconds, I took advantage and acted cute in front of them. Then they got back to the MCs.

“She might look cute, but she's a beast on stage.” Doni said smiling. “There's a beast under that pretty face. I assure you people.” He insisted.

Defcon sighed. “Ah. I never saw a girl act like that.” He said referring to how I act on stage with my bandmates. We certainly didn't act like others girl groups did, all cute and nice and.. boring. Rock isn’t for everyone.

“Now we’re gonna announce her.” Doni said. “From the new first YG pop-rock band, Sweet Stones, ...YUMI!” They shouted out loud. And I walked in, with the intro of our debut’s song on the background. *Blow Your Heart*. They even sang along the lyrics of the chorus.


♫♫ say you’ll Leave your doubts behind♫ ♬
Is not funny when you’re so far
Baby Come closer, You’ll be fine
I promise I’ll blow your heart
♬ ♪into mine♬ ♪


They shook their heads back and forth, impersonating my moves on stage and I joined them, but they had to stop because their neck hurted. “Ah Enough! My neck hurts.” Defcon complained giggling.

Doni concorded. “We're too old for this Defcon-ha.” He said stretching his neck. “Please introduce yourself Yumi. We'll fix our necks in the meantime.” He told me.

I giggled looking at them. Then I looked at the cameras. “Annyeong Haseyo, Jeo nun Sweet Stones Leader Lee Yunmi Imnida. Nice to meet you all!” I introduced myself bowing respectfully.

“Thanks for being here.” Defcon replied. I nodded.

“Why are you moving backwards. Are you scared?” Doni asked me. I didn't even notice that I was moving backwards untill he motioned it.

I got closer them again. “Kuge Anira.” I waved my hands denying it.

“Don't be scared..” He said.

“Yeah, we're normal people.” Defcon added.

“Yeah.” Doni concorded. “Normal piggies that like to eat..and roll in mud.” He added. "Normal." I laughed with everyone else at that declaration.

“Normal people, not piggies Hyundon-ha." Defcon complained.

“It's the same thing..” Has been the distract reply of his fat pal. We all laughed again. “Let’s continue comfortably from now on, Okay Yumi-ha?” He said looking at me.

I nodded. “De.” I answered feeling more comfortable now.

“Your song is very catchy and cool, but has a rock feeling that I really like.” He complimented me and I thanked him. “But.. Did you really act like this on stage? Doesn't your neck hurt when you do this over and over and over..” He asked moving his head back and forth again, but not hard like before.

 “Aniyo.” I stated, but it wasn’t totally true. “Well, not so much. Just a little.” I admitted. “Just a little.”

“Ah.” They mumbled. “That’s good. Because your neck would have already broke down.. Like mine.” Defcon confessed caressing his hurted neck. I felt bad.

“I’m sure you’ll recover defcon.” His pal comforted him, then he concentrated his attention on me again. “Why did you choose Sweet Stones as a name anyway?” He asked me. “I can understand why you choose Sweet, but why Stones?”

“Ah Well, because..” I begun. He approached me more and he touched the skin of my arm.

“You don't feel like..Stone.” He mumbled pinching lightly my skin. “I'd rather say that your skin is very soft.”

That made me giggle. “Well..Stones doesn't mean literally..Made of stones.” I replied. “We chose that name because we wanted a name that was related to us. A name that impersonated us for how we really are.” I explained.

“Ahh. That means that you’re Sweet like candy, but fierce too, right?!” He asked my confirm.

I nodded. “Yes, Exactly.”

They nodded understanding, then Doni came out with a discutable statement. “I think that I'm made of kimchi and Bap.” He blurred out. Everyone laughed, included me.

“Borago?” His pal asked him in disbelief. “Why would you be made of kimchi and Bap?” He asked.

“Because I eat them everyday at my place and you have to admit that people sees me as a funny fat man, Kind and delicious inside, but I'm also very spicy outside.” He answered.

“Jinjia?!” I exclaimed giggling.

“Then you must be pooping just kimchi and Bap all these days..” His pal stated.

Doni and I laughed so hard. “Now that we're all comfortable, we'll move to the segments..” He announced getting slowly back to himsel and he looked at me. “I’ve told you about this beforehand right?!” He said and I nodded. “Since she’s a rocker, From now on, we have a new segment. It won't be Random Play dance, but.. [Random Play Live].

“We did the same thing with Jung Joon Young and we'd like to do it with you as well.” Defcon informed me. I nodded.

“So, now..” Doni begun. A female staff came towards us, with my electric guitar and she handed it to me. “Yumi will play and sing a couple of songs from Sweet Stones’s mini album.”

“Live!” Defcon added and his pal nodded. He asked me if I was ready.

“De.” I nodded.

"Then play whatever you want.” He replied. I took my time, took a deep breath and played *Blow Your Heart* first and they sang along again. Like he said before, we had a mini album with just four song in it, so I decided to play them all. After Blow Your Heart*, I played  *Listen to Me*, Then *Obsessed* and then *Chills*. Just 4 songs, since it was a mini album. The hosts seemed to enjoy all of them. Mostly Jung Hyun Don. His immersed expression was priceless.

They applauded loudly when I finished. And Doni even asked me if there were more songs. With a sorrowful heart I had to tell him that there weren’t any. “That’s such a pity!” He stated. “I’d love to hear more songs.” He confessed.

“Jae som hamnida uncle.” I apologized. “The other members and I are currently writing other songs for another album though. An entire album this time.” I revealed because I knew they would have felt better and so Sweet Stones’s fans.

“Ah jinjia?” They exclaimed happy again.

“But isn’t it too early?” Defcon asked though. “I mean, You’ve debuted just a merely a month ago.”

“Ah..De.” I felt a little embarrassed.

“Shouldn’t you guys enjoy your break?” Doni pal asked me.

“Yeah, but since we received so much love from just this mini album, we want to do more.” I explained.

They nodded. “That guy must have influenced her.” Doni whispered to Defcon. I knew who they were talking about, but I acted like I knew nothing.

“Yeah. I think so too.” Defcon whispered back to him. They shared a lot of comments between them.

I acted like nothing was going on and I keep smiling. “Stop it, she’s looking at us!” Doni said hurriedly to his pal. “You were really good though.” He complimented me to distract me. "You have definetly a rock soul."

“Jungmal kamsamida.” I thanked him bowing at him.

“And you played really well the guitar too.” Defcon added.

“Kamsamida.” I said and bowed along.

“Okay. Now let's move on to the next segment.” Doni stated. Then the PD shouted ‘Cut’ to the camera’s crew and they stopped recording. A couple of girls, part of the staff, came towards us with a pair of chairs. They put one on the right side, where the two MCs were supposed to sit and they put the other one behind me. I handed back my guitar to one of them, who handed it to my manager. Then they bring an easel and put it in the center, and laid on it my detailed profile. We sat on the chairs and they gave me a blanket to cover my bare legs. The PD then told us to get ready and he shouted the order to record again to the cameramen. And 3. 2. 1.

“Here we are with the FIRST PROFILE!” They both announced shouting.

“You’re profile is very detailed Yumi.” Doni said to me. “It’s the most detailed among all profiles.” He added. I nodded in agreement, because the profile was indeed full of my personal information. From the fact that I liked to put the vinegar on every meat, to my favourite type of underwear.

“ Usually, rookie artists would show us their schedule.” Defcon said.

“Really?!” I was surprised. “I have nothing on my schedule, but being on Weekly Idol.” I confessed. Since the promotion of our mini album was at his end.

“But Sweet Stones made many hot issues since their debut.” Doni revealed. “I can understand why you don’t have anything more on your schedule now, but I think this is just a break before the real work.” He said. “Let's look together.” He invited us. “Maria Martselli.” He exclaimed. I didn't correct his pronunciation to not look impolite. “You're half italian?!” He asked me.

“De.” I nodded. “I was born and raised in Italy.” I said.

“Then you must know italian. Can you teach us some italian sentence?” He asked me excited. “I'd really like to brag with my friends.” He confessed.

“Ah De.” I replied excited too. “One of the the most common expression used in Italy is : Ciao come stai?” I said.

“And what's that mean?” They both asked me.

“It means : Hi, how are you?” I answered.

“Ah.” They mumbled out loud. “I already love it. Let me try it.. Shiao kome stai?” His pronunciation was so bad that everyone laughed.

I couldn't resist anymore and I corrected him. “It's C-i-a-o uncle.” I said, scanning slowly the letters.

“Ahh.” He nodded. “Ciao..Ciao come stai?” He improved in no time. Even if he sounded like a southern italian. The south and the North had very different accent. Just like the difference between the korean in Seoul and the one in Busan.

“Waah! 잘한다 Jal han dah!.”(You're good) I was really impressed. “Your pronunciation improved really quickly uncle Doni.” I added and applauded too.

“Jincia?” He asked and I nodded. “Kamsamida.” He replied smiling widely. He looked at his pal arrogantly. “See. Now I'm italian. No one can beat me.” He declared.

무슨 말이에야 Mu seun mariya?! You’ve just learnt one sentence.”(What are you talking about?) Defcon exclaimed. “It doesn't mean you’re italian!” He objected chuckling.

“I'll brag anyway.” The fat man replied. “And how you answer when they ask you that Yumi-ha?” He asked me.

“Well, you answer : Bene!” I answered.

“And what’s that mean?”

“It mean : I'm fine.”

“Ahh.” He nodded and he tried it right away."Bene..Bene!” He repeated happily. He laughed, full of himself. “See.” He snapped at his pal in a funny way. “Now I know two sentences. I'm Italian. Don't you see?!”

“Yeah, almond-eyed you're surely italian.” Defcon replied sarcastically. That made everyone laugh.

“I could hide my eyes with a sunglasses and nobody would recognize me.” He tried to convinve us and himself too.

“I don't think that would be enough, Mr Kimchi and Bap.” Defcon replied patting his belly. We laughed even harder.

“Let's move on the experiences.” Doni quickly said. “Wah! You know other languages than italian?” He asked me amazed.

“De.” I nodded. “I also know english, french, spanish and japanese.” I said. “I learnt them all by myself, when I was still in Italy. I actually graduated from a Language's High school. I couldn’t go to college for financial's issues, so I learnt japanese and english at home.” I added.

“Wah.. Daebak!.” Defcon exclaimed.

“And can you introduce yourself in all those languages?” His pal asked me.

“De.” I answered sure of myself.

“Let's hear then.” He claimed excited. “Introduce yourself in..English!”

“Ok.” I lightened my throat. And Then I looked at the cameras. “Hi everybody, my name is Yumi, nice to meet you!

“Now, French!”

Bonjour à tout le monde, je m'appelle Yumi. Enchanté de vous rencontrer!


"Hola a todos. Me llamo Yumi. Mucho Enchantada!"

“And Japanese!”

Ohayo Gozaimasu. Watashi wa Yumi desu. Ajimemashite.”

"And last Italian!"

"Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Yumi, piacere di essere qui."

They stood up from their chairs, applauding and complimenting me to no end. “Daebak! I've never heard so much incomprehensible words in my life.”  Doni exclaimed. “You were cool though!”

“Really Amazing!” His pal nodded in agree. “It’s so satisfying to certify that you really know those languages. It has been too disappointing when we asked the same thing to Jung Joon Young and got scammed.” He added.

“Kamsamida.” I thanked them bowing my head multiple times.

Then they sat down again. “I see that you also can cook? Is it true?” Doni asked me pointing at my profile. “Usually pretty girls don’t know how to cook.”

“I can cook though.” I said back thinking about the food I cooked for them. A female employee, signalized me then to come pick up the pizzette I prepared. I looked back at the hosts. “Actually, I cooked something for you today.” I said to them.

“For us?” They exclaimed surprised.

“De.” I replied. I stood up and I got to get the light pink box with the food in it. The girl followed me though with a small table and placed it in front of Doni and Coni. Then she run away.

I laid the box on the table. “What is this?” Doni asked excited. “Ah..I’m really anticipating this!”

“Me too.” His pal added. “Can we open it?” He asked me. I nodded. They hurriedly opened the box and when they saw the dish, their face shinned of joy.

“You really made these?” Doni asked me and I nodded. “I think I saw them before, but I don’t remember them now. How are they called Yumi-ha?” He asked.

“It’s an italian dish.” I answered. “They're call pizzette.” I added.

“Pizzette?” He repeated.

“Yes. They're like the small version of the real pizza.” I explained.

“Aah.” They exclaimed when they finally got it. “I ate pizza once.” He said excited. So he grabbed a piece and tasted it. Defcon did the same. 
맛있어요 masisseoyo! They're really good!”(it's delicious) He exclaimed lifting his thumb up.

“Really!” His pal said too.

“Kamsamida! I’m glad you like them.” I bowed.

“Ah wait wait wait!” Defcon suddenly exclaimed.

“What?” His pal asked confused. Actually I was confused too.

“We can’t eat them like this. There’s must be some music in the background.” He said, we both looked at him like he was a little crazy. “How about..You Yumi, sing something in italian while we eat?” He looked at me all exited.

“Eh?” I mumbled dumbfounded.

“Wuagureee? Why must she sing?” His pal asked him. "Just eat and that's it!"

“It'll seems like we're really in Italy.” He replied smiling. “Eh what do you think Yumi-ha? Can you sing something in italian? Please!” Seeing that it would be impolite of me to refuse, I accepted.

“Ok.” I lightened up my throat and sang a classic italian song called: Oh Sole mio

*Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole,
n'aria serena doppo na tempesta!
Pe' ll'aria fresca pare gia' na festa
Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole.

Ma n'atu sole
cchiu' bello, oi ne'.
'O sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te!
'O sole, 'o sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te,
sta 'nfronte a te!*

While I was singing, they both looked like they were in heaven and they even closed their eyes to feel, I don't know maybe the scent of Italy. I ended with the applauses of everyone. But Doni was still daydreaming. “Ahh I feel it. I feel the scent of Italia!” He mumbled and kept eating the pizzette. There was only one left.

“Ya!” His pal nudged him lightly. “Wake up! The trip in Italy is over.”

The fat uncle opened his eyes against his will and whimpered like a baby as soon as he came back to reality. “Ah! Wae! I don't want to be here!” He whimpered in a sad yet funny way. We all laughed at him. The girl of earlier came back again and took the empty plate and grabbed the little table too. Then she run away again. Without making herself see too much by the cameras.

“Now.” He begun when he was back to himself again. “The time has arrived.” He announced in a serious yet funny way.

“There’s no turning back again.” His pal blurred out in the same way.

“Yeah.” Doni added. He looked at me in a odd way that I couldn't understand though. “Yumi-ha?!”

“De.” I sighed nervously, knowing already what it was about to ask me.

“Here..” He said and he tapped insistently on the last information on my profile. “It says that you are coupled up with NONE other, than my sasaeng fan GD!” He exclaimed sulkily. “Can you please explain this?” He asked glaring at me amusingly. I could see that he was holding back a laugh. It was all an act.

“That's a misunderstanding.” I said back. “We're not a couple.” I said firmly. Even if I knew that he was just fooling around, I wanted the share the half truth. Well, Ji Yong and I were actually a couple, but we couldn’t show ourselves in public, so technically we weren't a real couple. I know that it sounds lame! But that was the only way for me to lie without feeling guilty. “People saw us on tv spending some time together and they immediately thought that we are together, but we aren't a couple. We're just good friends. As I'm just friend with Choi Seunghyun-Oppa too.” I said serious and then I waited for their reactions. "but this reactions are creating some awkwards moment between the sunbeas and I, so I'd really like to solve this misunderstanding and get back to a normal state."

“Ah.” Defcon nodded satisfied. “It's fine for me. Let's move on.” He stated.

But his pal didn't think so. “NO!” He exclaimed standing up. “It's not enough for me. I want to hear GD's version too.” He claimed.

“Then what are going to do about it?” His pal asked him.

“I'll call him.” He answered arrogantly.

“But if he never once returned your calls.” His pal replied.

“This time he'll return my call.” Doni said back. And so he started to shout out loud Ji Yong’s stage name. “GD!” He shouted, but no one answer back.

“Try again.” Defcon suggested. “And call out also TOP.” He added.

Doni nodded. “Ok. I'll try again.” This time he shouted louder. “GD!TOP!”





07. I can't resist


15 minutes before the shouts begun, Choi Seung Hyun said something unexpected. We were waiting, behind the camera's crew, for the hosts to announce us. Ga Young-shi had left us to go do her job of assistant. And we stayed in the same spot Yumi were earlier. Hide in a quiet corner, where no one could disturb us. That's then that he called my name. “Ji Yong.”

“Yes?” I answered, without breaking eye contact with Yumi. She was talking and laughing at the funny gags of uncles Doni and Coni and now she was even singing. I knew that after those laughs and jokes, the moment of the truth about the rumors, about a certain love story between her and I, would have arrived. And I could tell that she was nervous even though she was laughing, because her thumbs were crossed, and not relaxed at all. To tell the truth, I was nervous too. It’s true that we were a couple now, but my adorable as well as overly jealous fans, wouldn't have liked our relationship at all, so we were obliged to keep it secret.

“Do you remember when I told that I would have distract the public from you and Yumi's issue?” He asked me.

“Yes.” I mumbled still looking at my love.

“How about, I split out my crush for Bom.” He suggested.

My eyes popped out of eyeballs. I slowly turned my head towards him and I looked at him. “Say what?” I knew he had a crush on her since we were trainees, and when I always asked him why he never make the first move towards her, he always answered me saying he wasn't enough mature yet for her. And that he would have confessed his love for her the right time. But I was absolutely sure that this was not the right moment. Absolutely. “WHAT?” I exclaimed louder than I wanted. He instantly hushed me. Luckily the microphone we had on weren't turn on.

“I think that it's time.” He stated verifying that no one was ovesdroping our conversation.

“Time for what you idiot!” I said back. We were friends enough to call each other idiot, even if he was older than me,that was the stupiest idea I've ever heard. "Are you insane?"

“It's time I tell you.” He replied stubborn. His expression tensed up sudenly. “Ji Yong, earlier, when you walked out of the car, Yumi had a panic attack.” He revealed.

“..What?” That really broke my mood and.. heart. I looked back at the girl, my girl, that was smiling and laughing in such a lovely way. She didn't look like she had a panic attack at all. I looked back at Choi Seunghyun when he talked again.

“She saw your fans and she got terribly scared. She ended up thinking they would have done something bad to her. I mean she really freaked out.” He said worried. “And I think that she even thought to ditch this whole thing because of them.” He stated sure of himself.

“I..I didn't know.” Has been my only reply. “She didn't say anything me.” I was wordless and a bit bitter to be honest.

He sighed. “Maybe she didn't want you to worry.” He justified her. “She might look strong on the outside, but she's not so strong. Don't forget that she had a car accident and went into coma, and lost her parents along. She suffered way too much through the past years, she doesn't deserve this.” He said concerned. 

Of course I knew that. But the thing angered me was that, I wanted to be the one to know that she had a panic attack, I wanted to be there to comfort her and I wanted to know everything from her and not from him. But obviously, I couldn't stay in the car with her because of my fans. If I had stayed for too long, they would have suspected something and would have certainly got jealous. Jesus, what Am I suppose to do with these girls? And plus there were paps everywhere, ready to capture my moves with their cameras. Even in the car. F*ck!

I sighed frustrated. “But why do you want to split out your crush for Bom noona now?” I asked him tough. "On tv of all places?!"

“Because, before I walked in the building with you, I noticed three suspicious girls glaring at her. They were clearly sasaeng fan. I could tell  from their attitudes and outfits. They were clearly hating on her, but they didn't do anything because you know..there were cameras everywhere..” He revealed surprising me once again. “That's why I’m sure that If we don't do something about it, they surely will do something someday. That's why I thought that distracting them, revealing part of my private life, could be the only way to lead the rumors away from you guys. Or at least distract them untill you’ll go to Europe.” He concluded with an apologetic face.

“That's very thoughtful of you hyun.” I told him and I really meant it. “But I can't let you do this for me. I can’t let you solve all my problems everytime.” I added though because I wasn't a kid anymore.

He waved his hand as to brush away my worries. “A man do this and that for his friend.” He said like it was an obvious thing. “It’s not such a big deal anyway.”

He was irritating now. “Seriously hyun. I can't let you do this.” I repeated, but he didn't take seriously my words and looked in direction of Yumi. I could tell that he was determinate to put into practice his plan. So I tried to pursue him differently. “Bom noona won't like this.” I warned him.

That finally seemed to get in his stuborn head and made him look at me. “R-really?” He asked looking suddenly really worried. I knew she was his weak spot.

“Really.” I nodded. “Girls don't like that kind of stuff. They say they like it, but I regret it as soon as they're experience it.” I said without breaking eye contact with him. If you look away he's never gonna believe in you. I kept repeating inside of me. “Especially grown up women like her.” I blurred out, just because.

“Are you sure?” He asked though.

“Yes. I tell you!” I insisted and acted like I was taken aback by his little trust. “She told me more than several that she don't like those type of things.” I even made up. “So, it’s better do not do it at all.”

He wondered on it though. I got angry for real this time. “Are you trying to deceive me Ji Yong?” He asked serious.

“I'd never do that.” I assured him. “Trust me, don’t do anything. And plus it wouldn't be a thing a matured man would do either. You certainly don't want to give such a bad impression to her.” I added grabbing his shoulder.

He sighed discouraged. It's then I knew I won. “Maybe you're right.” He fell in my trap. Finally. “But what we can do then?” He was worried for Yumi anyway.

I granted myself to smiled then. “Don't worry.” I replied patting his shoulder. I had already an idea. Both luckily and unluckily for Sunhwa-shi, she would have been an important part of it. “I know exactly what to do to lead away those annoying rumors from me and Yumi.” I said and I looked back at my girl.

“And what is that?” He asked unconvinced.

“You'll see.” I replied. The PD signalized us to get re ready, because Doni and Coni were about to call us. So without losing time, we followed one of the staff behind the cameras and waited the signal to show up.





“Here I am hyun!” Ji Yong exclaimed finally showing up. 

Choi Seung Hyun followed him along. He chuckled for the way Ji Yong was acting in front of the cameras. I was surprised too, but I was most of all nervous. I acted cool. I smiled and put up a relaxed face. Choi Seunghyun shook hands with Defcon, while Ji Yong went directly towards his favourite host, the fat uncle. Ji Yong tried to hug him, but the old man stopped him.

“Hyun, what's wrong?” Ji Yong asked taken back.

“Wait.. Firstly, I want to ask you something.” The fat uncle replied. He fake serious face wasn't serious at all, but made my heart beat nervously anyway.

“What?” Ji Yong didn't seem influenced by the fat man's mood.

He took a breath before asking him: “Did you cheat on me..” He didn’t even finish the sentence that the people behind the cameras laughed amused. Not the reaction I was expecting. “..with Yumi-ha?” He asked direct without preambles. A silence spreaded around, My heart stopped or a sec. That’s the reaction I was scared of. Mamma che ansia(How anxious am I) I really hoped that he knew how to answer and break that uncomfortable silence. Luckily, he proved to be ndeed a better actor than me.

Firstly he didn’t deny it over and over, like guilty people use to do. Like me. He just answered it calmly, cool, without pressure. “Kuge anira.” He stated. “We're just good friends. Just like you and I uncle.” He added. But all I thought was: Please God make them believe! He then changed completely tone of voice and expression too. The cuteness and fussiness replaced his calm expression. He became almost too cheesy for me too.

“How can you not trust me Hyun!” He even put up a sulked face. “I came here again because I missed you!” Unbelievable.

Luckily the fat uncle played along. “Jinjia?” Doni asked in a cute way too. I shivered because of all the sweetness around.

“Of course!” He replied. “I only have eyes for you hyun!” When Ji Yong added that, the host gave up and he hugged him. And he even laid his hand on Ji Yong's butt. How dirty! They stayed like that for quite some time. Luckily Defcon interrupted that disturbing and touchy scene.

“Ya! Enough!Tessò!” He exclaimed. “Infinite Challenge finished long ago!” He split them apart. Then finally shook hand with Ji Yong.

“Annyeong Haseyo!” Ji Yong greeted him. “Ah..Hyun.” He let go off his hand and pulled Choi Seung Hyun in front of him. “I came with Choi Seung hyun too.” He introduced him to his bad-hand-hyun, known as Doni.

“Ah..Annyeong Haseyo TOP.” The Mcs greeted him.

“Omo you're really tall.” Doni exclaimed looking at him.

“De.” Choi Seung Hyun just nodded embarrassed.

“How tall are you? 190cm or maybe 200cm?” Doni asked raising his hand up to measure their heights. He was a smurf compared to Choi Seunghyun.

“Just 181cm.” He answered.

Doni’s eyes popped out. “Wah!” The two hosts stared at him amazed.

“I wish I was tall like you.” The fat uncled mumbled. “Destiny it's so generous with some people.” He complained shaking his head. He faced the cameras again and he introduced them in the end. “GD and TOP ladies and gentlemen!”

“De. Annyeong Haseyo Yeorobun.” Ji Yong begun first. “Jeo nun G-Dragon Imnida. I’m glad to be here again.” He greeted and bowed to the cameras.

“And I'm TOP. Bangabssumnida.” Choi Seunghyun greeted and bowed too. And he waved his hands towards the hypothetical public behind the cameras.

The PD signalized to stop recording again and the cameras turned off again. Some female’s staff came towards us with a pair of chairs. They told me to sit in the middle of Choi Seung Hyun and Ji Yong. I did like they ordered. They then grabbed the easel with my profile on it and they disappeared from the cameras lenses. Ji Yong sat on my right and Choi Seunghyun on my left. I briefly greeted them and they greeted me back in the same way. The PD motioned to his crew to record again and 3. 2. 1. We were recording again.

“Here we are with YG's artists.” Doni announced. “Ahh I'm so excited!” You could tell that it was indeed true. He never stopped to smile for the entire time. “Let's start with Choi Seung Hyun, TOP.. Did GD recommend you to come here or..” He asked letting in the air the sentence.

“Actually, Yumi-chan recommended me to come.” Choi Seunghyun said indicating me. Actually it just wanted to be an advise to me. I didn't think he would have really decided to come. But I was glad though.

“Jinjia?” This time he has been Defcon that asked him. Choi Seung Hyun and I nodded.

“Wait..Yumi-chan? Did you really called her Yumi-chan?” Doni asked him instead.

“Ah..De.” He answered nodding.

“Wah! Then you two are for real friends..”

“De.” We both replied.

“And how did you guys become friends?” He asked curious.

I looked at Choi Seunghyun. He nodded and I talked for the both of us. “Well..Oppa and I found out to like to prank on people, Chocolate, Art, Poetry and other stuff. That's how we become friends. And we also like to do skinship a lot too.” I explained.

“Ahh..” They both exclaimed.

“But how do you resist to his gaze?” Doni asked me. “I mean, everyone have hard time because of his glance. Do you fall under his gaze too or not?” He asked me.

“Well..I don't..have problems with his glance.” I answered a little bluntly confused.

“Jinjia?” He replied disbelieved. “Are you telling me that you're not stunned by his gaze?” He pointed at Choi Seung Hyun's eyes still unconvinced.

I nodded. “Choi Seunghyun Oppa is handsome, but for me they’re just a nice pair of eyes.” I stated. 

Both the MCs looked amazed. “Can demostrate it though?” He requested.

“De.” I shrugged nodding and then I looked at Choi Seung Hyun. The situation was a little awkward, but I did it anyway.

“Wait.” Doni stood up from his chair and come towards me. “No one can see your face from there. Why don't you two stand up and get in front of the cameras. It’ll be easier to see your expressions.” He proposed, inviting us to go in front of the cameras.

We stood up a little awkwardly and we faced each other. Then we stared at each other's eyes. Certainly Choi Seunghyun was a good looking guy, I can’t deny that, and he had beautiful eyes, but they weren't beautiful as much as Ji Yong's eyes. No one could beat the beautiful eyes of my boyfriend. The boyfriend I couldn't look at it, in that moment. So unfair. “Oh you're too strong!” The voice of Choi Seunghyun brang me out of my thoughts.

“Ahh! He likes her! He surely likes her!” Doni laughed. “That’s why his gaze doesn’t work with her.” He stated.

“Yumi-ha, your gaze.. amazing!” His pal complimented me.

“Ah. Kamsamida.” I thanked him. 

“I was almost sucked up in her gaze too.” Doni confessed. “She almost hypnotized me with those dolly eyes” He blinked a couple of times to get back to himself. Choi Seunghyun and I returned to our spots. “And how did you become friends with my namjachingu instead?” The fat uncle asked me then. Namjachingu was boyfriend in korean, so when he said that, everyone exploded laughing.

“We became friends thanks to mangas.” I answered cautiously. It has been the third thing that attracted me to him honestly. The first one has been his music, the second one his stunning brown eyes. But I kept that for myself.

“Borago? Mangas?” He asked disbelieved.

“De.” Ji Yong and I nodded.

“Was it that easy?” He said still disbelieved.

“Hem..Yes.” I mumbled shyly.

“It’s true GD?” He asked him.

Ji Yong acted cool again. “Yes.” Has answered.

“Wah!” The hosts were amazed.

“People tries this and that to become friends with him, and it was enough a simple comix.” Doni said. “Incredible.” He mumbled.

“Simplicity is always the best way.” His pal stated and Doni nodded agreed.

“But it’s good be their friend Yumi-ha right?!” The fat uncle asked me with an accomplished look. His brows raised up one, two, three times.

“Yes..” I begun, but an exagerated grin appeared on his face anyway. “But, things aren't all kisses and roses obviously.” I ended. Be Choi Seung Hyun's friend was the most difficult part.

“Wae?” He asked me as if he was really concerned about my feelings.

“Well, Sometimes I feel burdened.” I confessed.

“When did you feel burdened? Come on! Tell everything to me.” He acted all fussy. I chuckled.

“Oppa like to pranks people, but he also like to pranks on me as well.” I whimpered with a sad yet cute voice. “I thought we were a team, but he always betray me pranking me too. And I can't prank him back because his fans might get mad at me.” Even if his fans weren't evil like Ji Yong's fans, I didn't want more enemies.

“Jinjia?” He asked surprised. I nodded. He looked at choi Seunghyun. “How can you pranks such cute little girl?” He faked to scold him.

“Aniyo!” Choi Seunghyun denied it waving his hands. “I never done pranks on her.” He lied with a smirk on his face.

“Kogimal!” I snapped at him. Obviously in a funny way. “He's lying. Don't believe him Oppa!” I told him.

“I'm not lying.” He tried to deny again, but his face convinced nobody.

“Yah!TOP!” The fat man exclaimed disappointed, but still smiling. “Enough! Enough! We have a clip that proof you did pranks on her.” He revealed.

“Ha!” I spat in his face. That made everyone laugh.

The clip started showing him first during one of his errands to find something to prank me with. And that was the time he pranked me in the worst way you could imagine. Mean, when I was sleeping. The me in the clip was resting peacefully on the couch of our dorm/dungeons, when he approached me cautiouly, with a fake snake in his hand and a large grin on his face. He firstly placed delicately the snake on my chest, then he woke me up whispering sweets words in my ears. She opened slowly my eyes and looked at him with a confused expression. He took advantage of her confusion and pressed a button on the controler of the snake, and the fake reptile started to crawled on her. She screamed like never before when she saw the snake. While Choi Seunghyun laughed his ass off very loudly instead. “Wah! TOP you’re really a bad guy!” Defcon exclaimed. He scolded him, but I could see that he was holding back a laugh.

“GD!” Doni exclaimed catching Ji Yong's attention. “I saw you! You were laughing too in the clip.” He revealed.

“Aniyo!” He tried to deny, but he failed and he laughed too.

“You guys were really bad to Yumi-ha.” He scolded them. “You must have suffered and endured a lot because of them haven't you Yumi-chan?” He asked me using a concerned yet cute tone of voice.

“De.” I nodded adding the puppy's eyes to look more fragile.

“Then you know what we're gonna do?!” He begun looking at me.

“What?” I asked already excited. An assistant silently came towards him right then with a plastic hammer in his hand. Oh My God don't tell me.. The assistant gave it to Doni and ran away. “This time, you'll have your revenge on TOP.” He stated smiling widely just like me. 

“Jinjia? Jinjiaro?” I asked him excited. When he nodded I applauded with joy.

“Hyun..” The beg of Choi Seunghyun reached our ears. “Jebal. Don't.” He sounded so desperate yet so funny. “She's a violent type, she’s gonna hit me really hard. I can feel it.” He tried to say. And everything he said was true. He could bet that I would have hit him really hard! I smirked evilly. "Please!"

“TOP?” Defcon called him.

“De?” He answered with a hopeful voice.

“It's too late.” The fat uncle said waving his hand. He was so funny. He stood up from the chair and went in front of Choi Seunghyun. “Irona! The time has arrived.” He stated grabbing his elbow and guiding him in front of the cameras. I stood up too and followed them.

“Now, you come here..” He placed a surrender Choi Seunghyun in front of me. “And Yumi-ha..Here.” He gave me the hammer. I tried it by hitting the air. It was light, but not too much. Let’s say that it weighed enough to give pain to a certain someone.

Choi Seunghyun saw me practice with the hammer and whimpered again. “Hyun..”

But the old man silenced him instead. “SHUT UP!” He shouted at him. That caused even more laughs.

Then he turned his face to me again. “Yumi-ha..Hit him with all the strenght you have Arassò?” He suggested to me.

“De!” I nodded and jumped all excited too.

“How do you feel Yumi?” Defcon interviewed me.

“I feel like a child at Christmas's eve!” I replied clapping.

He laughed happily. “I never heard of this before!” He exclaimed. Then he stepped back with his pal to leave us the proper space. “Yumi-ha?” He called me again.

“De?” I looked at him.

“Remember..With all your strength!” He insisted anticipating the thing.

“De!” I nodded again. Before hitting Choi Seunghyun though, I took off my jacket, raised invisible sleeves to my elbows and brushed back my hair. “I'm ready!”

“Ya, she even took off her jacket.” Uncle Coni said to his pal.

“Like GD the last time.” Uncle Doni mumbled.

Choi Seunghyun tried to beg me one last time, but I acted like I heard nothing.  “Oppa, this is gonna hurt you more than it's gonna hurt me! Mianhae.” Has been my last words to him.

I prepared myself and raised the hammer. I counted mentally to three and then, I hit his head harder as I could. I heard some surprised exclamations from the Mcs and the staff too. He dropped on his kneels and moaned with pain. I felt so happy seeing him like that though. I know, I'm a bad girl. But for once that I had the chance to hit him, with the permission of the hots, I wanted to hit him hard as I could. He caressed insistly his head as to brush away the pain, but it didn’t help much.

“Wanna do it again Yumi-ha?” Doni asked me smiling evilly.

Defcon patted Choi Seunghyun’s shoulders instead. But when Choi Seunghyun heard what the fat uncle said, he instantly stood up from the floor. “Hyun! How can you be so cruel to me. I already payed for my debit!” He complained with a sad/cute voice.

“Okay, calm down.” He nodded still smiling. “Let's Sit down.” He said. I grabbed my jacket from the floor and went back to my spot. And so Choi Seunghyun too. “Are you satisfied Yumi-ha?” The fat uncle asked me.

“De Uncle Doni.” I answered smiling widely at him.

“Because if you're not satisfied, you can tell me..Arasso?!” He insisted. Choi Seunghyun glared at him. “Ok ok. I got it. No more hammer on TOP.” He stated surrendering.

“I think that one shot was too much for his head.” His pal stated laughing. 

Doni nodded agree. “Now, let's move on GD.” He said looking at him. “Is it true that you were afraid of TOP when you first met each other?” He asked.

“Ah..De.” Ji Yong nodded a little embarrassed.

“Wae?” They both asked surprised. I was surprised too, I didn't know that about him.

“Well, Choi Seunghyun is so tall and back then he had that gangster vibe that scared me too.” He explained. Well Choi Seunghyun was fearsome back then, but now he was totally different. Now he was a kind and gentle Bingu.

“Ah..” The hosts nodded understanding.

“But now you’re comfortable with him right?” Doni asked him.

Ji Yong nodded. “De. Now we're very close.” He said.

“Really?” Doni asked again though. And Ji Yong nodded again. “OK then the two of you come out a second!” He said to them standing up. Choi Seunghyun and Ji Yong stood up too not knowing why. Clearly confused and so was I too.

“Let's see if you’re really that close.” His pal added.

“Bring out the apple!” Doni shouted and they understood instantly. An assistant came towards us and gave him the apple. Oh my God this is gonna be so awkward.

“Oh no.” Ji Yong complained. “That apple again.” He smiled though. Choi Seunghyun sighed very heavily instead.

“I know that you're not happy about it, but we have to settle this matter.” Doni explained and he motioned to the both to come in front of the cameras. “Now, hold each other waists.” They did like he said even if they kept complaining. “From your forehead, you need to bring it down to your stomach.” He explained to Ji Yong, which had to do it this time. He nodded sighing. “Now. Start!” The fat uncle exclaimed and Ji Yong started to slide down little by little, never letting fall the apple on the ground. His face was all red though, and Choi Seunghyun’s face was red too. But Ji Yong kept going down, getting calmer by the time though.

“Wah.. They really are close!” Doni mumbled.

“De.” His pal concorded. “Even if they all red like tomatoes.” He added chuckling. When they finally finished and Ji Yong arrived on Choi Seunghyun’s stomach with the apple, he clapped happily. “Congratulation!”

“You’ve Succeeded!” His pal exclaimed too.

The boys didn’t smile at all, they just sighed embarrassed to death instead. “Why? Why me!” Ji Yong whimpered, he was too funny to watch though. I couldn't help myself and I giggled at the sight. He briefly glanced at me and smiled. How can anybody resist to that smile? I know I shouldn’t have smiled back, but I did it anyway. I'm sure neither you guys could have resisted to his stunning smile. So don't come to me saying is easy to lie.

“It won't be easy to forget this thing.” Choi Seunghyun mumbled too.

“Me too hyun. Me too.” Ji Yong replied and they sighed again, while the MCs and I kept giggling.

They sat back on their spots. We make another break and while the cameras weren't filming, I drank a little of water. An assistant placed another chair, this time next to the hosts. I was confused at first, but when I saw Sunhwa of Secret next to the camera's crew, I figured out that it was for her. The break ended in just two minutes and they restarted recording again. “Now..” Doni begun again as soon as the cameras were on. “We know that GD is the ideal type of many girls..and boys.” He said looking at Ji Yong.

“..boys?” I mumbled surprised.

“De. Boys also like him.” He said to me. Ji Yong shook his head disbelieved next to me.

“Mostly to Lee Joon-shi, if you remember.” Defcon said to his pal and the two fat men laughed. Poor Lee Joon-shi!

“But this girl..” Doni continued. “That is going to enter, she's the most crazy of all girls out there. She's the most noisy, annoying sasaeng fan I ever met. And she’s also absolutely not secretive about her feelings for-” He was describing funnily the crush Sunhwa had for Ji Yong, when the above-cited eoni interrupted him.

“Ahh! This is too long.” She complained with an aegyo voice.

“SHUT UP!” But Doni hushed her right away. They were so funny. Then he spoke normally again. “Sometimes she leave an impression that she's secretive, but she's not when you nominate GD's name.” He continued with his description.

“I can't take it anymore!” Sunhwa whimpered louder this time. Doni’s teeth were clinging now, but he was still funny to watch.

“Yah.” Defcon mumbled catching his attention. “Let her come out or she'll keep that attitude up forever.” He advised him.

Doni sighed. “Maybe you're right.” He replied. So since he didn’t have other choice, he  announced her. “Ladies and Gentlemen,  Secret's member..SUNHWA!” He shouted with his classic gesture.

“YAY!” She exulted coming out. She introduced herself and she greeted to the cameras, then she greeted me and Choi Seunghyun. But before she could greet her beloved Bias, the two MCs stopped her in her track. “What’s going on?” She asked sulking.

“Where you think you're going?” Defcon snapped at her in a funny way.

“To Yongie Oppa!” She replied smiling widely and pointing at her bias with her thumb. Ji Yong chuckled when she said that.

“We have to check you out first!” His pal said.

Her sulked face changed in a fearless one. “Check me out! I'm clean!” She replied sure of herself.

“We'll see about that!” They both replied. “Now put your hands up.” Doni ordered. She did like he ordered and even raised her hair too.

The scene looked like a police's frisk and it was so funny. They even checked out her pockets. She had on just those pair of jeans and a light pink shirt without sleeves, but it didn't have pockets, So there weren't anymore places to check. “Do you have any hidden objects that we don't know about?” Doni spoke like a real police officer.

She sulked again. “No, I don't.” She answered tired.

“Weapons? Sharp objects?” Defcon joined to the questioning too. We laughed even harder.

“Nooo!” She shouted in their faces.

“Ok. Ok. Now you can go greet him.” He granted her in the end, but not without warning her before letting her go. “But we'll keep our eyes on you girl!” He muttered funnily. She nodded excited.

When they moved away, she ran right towards her Bias shouting: “Yongie Oppa!” Ji Yong stood up opening his arms ready to welcome her.

She wrapped her arms around him as soon as she reached him. Ji Yong held her so tightly though that some of the staff squealed shocked. A lot of surprised exclamations spreaded here and there. And when I focused more on them too, I couldn’t help but think: Should I get jealous? I asked myself. I looked at the bright and shining smiles they had on their faces and thought Oh yeahShould I do something about it? I thought then. No, if you don't want to make a fool of yourself on live tv and confirm the rumors about you guys! My brain replied. So after the little chat with myself, I decided to do like my brain advised me and I did nothing but stared at them. My teeth clinging a little though. Damn it.

Luckily for me, Doni went to split them apart. “YA!” He shouted at them. “NO SKINSHIP! NO SKINSHIP!” He exlaimed looking really pissed off. Sunhwa was all red, but not Ji Yong. That guy looked  rather relaxed and kind of satisfied too. I suppressed a snort and forcely smiled instead. Bear it till the end! You can do it! I repeated to myself. You’ll get him later.

“Ah Jungmal! Jinjia Waegurae?” He scolded her.

“We really shouldn't have let her run to him.” Defcon said regretting his decision.

While they were still scolding her and Ji Yong, Choi Seunghyun leaned on me and whispered comforting words. “Don't worry, it was all planned.” I nodded more relieved. 
“Now laugh so they won't suspect anything.” He added and I followed his advice. He laughed along with me. When they stopped to scold them, they all sat down. Sunhwa on her spot next to the hosts and Ji Yong next to me. As it should be.

“Now that I calmed down and don't have the huge to scold Sunhwa again..” Doni spoke normally again. “Yumi-ha?!” He called me.

“De?” I answered a little nervous.

“I heard that you're too a sasaeng fan like Sunhwa.”

“Ah, De!” I energetically nodded. Happy for the chance to change topic.

“Don't tell me that you're a fan of My namjachingu too?” He asked me sulking a little.

“Aniyo!” I quickly replied waving my hands. “I'm actually a huge fan of Rain-Oppa.” I said smiling widely while thinking about him.

“Rain-shi? Jinjia?” He asked surprised.

“De! I really love him!” I replied. I couldn’t help but act all cute and fuzzy, and obviously I perked a weird look from Ji Yong. But I ignored him.

“TOP, why are you shaking your head?” His pal asked chuckling. “Did you perhaps knew about her crush on him?” He asked.

The tall guy nodded. “De.” He answered. “And she keep talking about him all the time.” He sounded exhausted, but I knew that he was just exaggerating because of the cameras.

“She's noisy and annoying just like this girl next to me right?” Doni asked him referring to Sunhwa.

“De..” He acted tired.

The fat uncle stood up and approached him. “I feel the same way TOP.” He comforted him patting his shoulder. Then he looked at Ji Yong. “Does she annoy you too GD?” He asked him.

“You have no idea.” That idiot answered acting tired too. So Doni comforted him as well.

Then he got back to his seat. “Ah these girls..” He mumbled sighing. “Why they go crazy like that?” He asked to Defcon.

“I really don't know..” Defcon replied shaking his head.

Their comments didn’t affect me at all. That’s why I asked. “Can I send a video message to him?” I would have really love to send a message to him. Since Sunhwa had her hug, I had the right to send my message.

Doni sighed heavily again. “Ye ye. But make it short Arasso?” He granted to me.

I nodded energetically. “De.” Then I looked at the cameras with a wide smile. “Ji Hoon Oppa..” I used a sweet voice that made everyone shook their heads and laugh. “I always watch whatever you do. When I eat, when I cook, when I read mangas, when I brush my teeth. I always have my IPad with me to watch” I said mimicking his moves a little bit. Everyone laughed again.

“Ighe boeya?” Doni mumbled. “You can watch him on your IPad and read mangas at the same time? Do you have multiple eyes?” He asked me and his pal laughed along with him. I ignored them and kept talking.

“I'm really attracted to guys that can dance like you do on stage Oppa. I know that you're busy, but I hope that you'll see this video message.” I blushed saying that, and I even caressed possessively my hair. I couldn't help myself. “I always cheer for you and I hope that you'll cheer for Sweet Stones too. Annyeong!” I ended the video message and waving my hands to the cameras. “Ah Otoke?!” I mumbled touching my flaming cheeks.

The old men and the boys snorted and shook their heads. They were obviously jealous of Rain, I knew that. “If I had his body, you think girls would cheer for me too like that?” Doni asked to his pal conforming my suspects.

“I don't think that would be enough..Mr Kimchi and Bap.” Has been Defcon answer. We all laughed.

We made another break and another assistant came with a table and put it in front of us. They were actually two assistants. They laid three glasses filled with water on the table, three plastic plates and three pairs of chopsticks too. And they prepared also the location of the man that always cook the meat on the mini-grill behind the two MCs. When everything was prepared, they restarted to record. “Hanwoo Fairy! Doni Coni with Idols on the GRILL!” The MCs shouted. We all applauded. I knew that segment and I was already hungry.

“Do you know this segment TOP?” Doni asked him.

Choi Seunghyun nodded. “De. We play a game and the one that win, gets the chance to eat the meat.” He answered.

“Wah! You've really watched our show!” He exclaimed impressed. “Then let's begin.” He proposed.

“De.” His pal nodded.

The first game has been an aegyo battle and Choi Seunghyun won right away. I knew that he would have won. No one could win against his aegyo eyes. He ate his meat like it was the best food on earth. I was so envious..and hungry. We then did the singing battle and I knew that I would have won. Ji Yong sang some part of his song Without You, while Choi Seunghyun sang one of his own song too, but they were rappers not singers. He sang well, but when my turn came, I sang all my heart out. I sang Florence and the Machine - Shake it out. I sang just a little part of it.

≈Our love is pastured, such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues drawn
But it's always darkest before the dawn≈

≈Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out Ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out Ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with the devil on you back 
So shake him off, Oh Whoa.
If it's hard to dance then shake him off...Whoa!≈


I finished. I heard nothing but my breath and I immediately thought that it wasn't a good sign, but when I  unconditionally looked at Ji Yong, he raised his thumb up for me smiling warmly. And then everyone, included him, applauded. I sighed in relief. “Wah! I have chills! Daebak!” Doni exclaimed brushing his arms.

“Daebak! Jinjia Daebak!” His pal added raising his thumb at me too.

“You sure have won!” Doni stated given me the meat. I ate it in no time. Enjoying the sweet yet salty flavor of it. The boys looked at me with with envious eyes. I grinned.

Then, there has been the Rap battle and they eliminated me right away. But it didn't bother me, because I knew I wasn't good with rap. The crucial and important match was between the two boys. I didn't know who would have won. For me they were all good rappers. “Let's see who’s gonna win!”  Doni said anticipating the battle.

“I vote for Yongie Oppa.” Sunhwa cheered blinking charmily at Ji Yong, who smiled at her. Again, I suppressed the anger.

“Yah!” Doni snapped at her before his pal had the chance to. “They didn't even started!” He complained.

“It doesn't matter. I'll vote for him anyway!” She replied. “Yongie Oppa FIGHTING!” She cheered for him.

Doni sighed heavily. “let's begin already!” He claimed. Ji Yong started first.


Hey Yo!

This is GD on the microphone

Now listen up, This sick rap

I like your style and I cannot lie

But watch me if you can

I'm the baddest here man


Hide that face, Find your right place

Set up your mind, if you want to rap With high class

Cuz the moment you’ll realize I ain’t playing

I’ll already be over the charts,  just like this morning


Everybody thinks I’m crazy

crazy for writing night and day

Everybody don’t know  what I’m doing

All these works of art, for my Bae VIPs

The only babies of my H E A RT! Peace!

WAH!DAEBAK! I was dumbfounded. Stunned, amazed...speechless. I clapped hipnotyzed like a fangirl, but Sunhwa has been the loudest. The MCs has been loud too, but not as much as the girl sat next to them. Then Choi Seunghyun turn arrived. I was really anticipating his rap, since Ji Yong's was no joke.


What's Up everybody

Your Tabi is in Da house

Don't get tricked by that pretty face

You know who's the best mate


I can no longer stay silent

This bro challenge

I have to say something

So you better grab your guts Man


I’m too high to be grounded

too right to be wronged

too wanted to even count

all the girls with my one two three four five oh this is too hard

Perfect time, right in timing

Just I can lift you to the T.O.P babe. Yeah!


Mamma mia! Che mostro!(What a rap monster!) We all applauded when he finished. Doni and Coni didn't know who to choose as the winner. Sunhwa didn't have doubts on it and she voted obviously for her Bias, like she said before. In the end, the hosts decided that  they were even and gave to the both of them the meat. They offered some of their meat to Sunhwa, but me. I knew I had already had ate, but seeing them eat made me hungry again.

“So, we had a great time with the three of you.” Doni begun and I was very very happy that we were about to end with the show. Finally! “A very meaningful time!”

“Ye.” His pal agreed.

“There's a ceremony that we've done with GD..” He said. I remembered that funny ceremony. “And now we'd like to do it also with you two.” He said to us. We accepted and did it as rapidly as we could. Then we prepared ourselves to greet everyone and end the show.

“Did you have fun today?” Doni asked us.

“Yes. Very much!” I said and the boys nodded too.

“I'm glad you kept your promise GD and came with TOP!” He added.

“It was a pleasure.” Ji Yong replied.

“And thank to you too Yumi-ha and TOP for coming here.” He thanked us too.

“Don't even mention it!” I Choi Seung Hyun replied smiling.

“Please make a greeting to your fans..” He said to me and Choi Seunghyun.

“It has been my first appearance on Weekly Idol.” I begun first. “I am very happy and I had a pleasant and funny time with Doni&Coni. I hope I can come again. Bye!” I greeted to the cameras. Then it has been Choi Seunghyun turn.

“It has been my first appearance too and I had pleasant time too. I hope I can see you again. Bye!” He said and he greeted the public waving his hands.

“These has been GD, TOP and YUMI!” Uncle Doni shouted to the cameras. We waved our hands to the cameras and greeted again. The Sweet Stones's single played and we sang the lyrics. The two hosts acted as a rockers again and then the show ended.

Thank God!




08. We can make this work


It’s finally over. I just though when the cameras stopped recording. All I could think of was that I wanted to go home, lie down on the bed, and sleep for the rest of the day. And if Yumi wanted to join, I wouldn’t mind at all. How I'd love that! Jung Yong don and Defcon said their goodbyes and thanked us again, but I was still daydreaming. When the PD-nim came towards us though, I quickly had to come back to reality. He asked us to pose for the ritual shoots, which would have been posted on their web-site. We posed for the pictures and when we finished with them, we were ready to leave.

Before we could leave though, I reminded that I had to do something. Something very important for my plan to end in the good way. So I walked directly towards Sunhwa. I know it was somewhat hypocritic and selfish of me, to flirt with her, just to lead the damn rumors away from my love and I, but I didn't have other options. I had to take this opportunity no matter what. But don’t worry. I obviously planned to explain everything and apologize to her, once the dust around Yumi and I had settled down. Anyway, when I arrived in front of her, she looked at me surprised. I smiled warmly at her and she blushed like I expected. I acted as if I didn't notice it, like a gentleman would have done.

“G-Dragon-shi?” Her voice was normal, not loud and all fussy like when we were recording.

“Sunhwa, I was wondering..” I paused on purpose, to see if she was really into me or if it was just an act she made up to promote herself.

“What?” She asked. And I felt the curiosity flow out of her mouth like a waterfall, so I talked again.

“I was wondering, if you don't mind to give me your phone number. Since we’re already this close, I think that have you phone number is the least a friend can have.” I said pretending to be very shy and a little embarrassed. “So, what do you think?” I asked putting all the charm I had in my voice.

She blinked a couple of times and stayed open-mouthed. Shocked I’d say. Her manager and the staff around her looked shocked as well. And no one of the them breathed a single word. That made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I exaggerated. Maybe I shouldn’t have ask so shamelessly her phone number.. “If you’re not sure abou-” I started to say, but she interrupted me in the middle of the sentence.

“NO no no no..” She repeated shaking her head.

What.. well, damn. “So you don't want..” That was unexpected, and quite disappointing too. But before I could walk away, she grabbed my upper arm. And I can say that her thumbs almost penetrated in my flesh.

“Don’t walk away Oppa!” She exclaimed. “What I meant to say was yes. Yes, I don't mind to give you my phone number.” She quickly added. You could see that she was indeed happy. Her smile was shining so brightly that it hurted my eyes. I smiled back too. So, she gave me her number, I asked her to shoot a picture together too and she accepted right away. While shooting the picture, I kept my eyes on her, in a way that my fans, but also any girl out there would have found way too daring.

I posted the picture on my profiles right after we shot it. I was sure that within a few seconds, my adorable fans would have let her know what they thought about the whole thing. But deep inside, I still hoped that they wouldn't be too hard on her. I thanked her, then I walked back to Choi Seung Hyun and Yumi. My kind and gentle Yumi, which was sending me death glares, even if she tried to hide her feelings. Certainly seeing me flirting with another girl wasn't a pleasant sight. Who knows what she even thought, when I let Sunhwa wrap her arms around me so tightly, when she was sitting just a few inches from us. I heard her laugh while I was holding Sunhwa, I couldn’t see her face though. I thought that she was alright with it, But now.. Uuh. Now she was far from comfortable with it. I'd say she was really pissed off. Yumi is Jealous. I felt oddly happy. I know I shouldn’t have been, but I was anyway. I was happy that she was jealous of Sunhwa, which wasn’t my type at all. I smirked when I appraoached her, but she avoided me and walked forward, alongside Choi Seunghyun.

My smirked grew wider, as I followed them. How could she be so jealous of Sunhwa? That bratty brain of mine replied though: How could she not be after what you did? A sigh escaped from my lips. I know I exaggerated, but I didn't any other options than that. I sighed again. I knew I would have reacted in the same way if she had hugged some guy beyond me, like I did. Another sighed. She ignored me for the entire time, until we arrived in the hallway of the building. We could see even from 30 meters, that the fans double, no, triple sized. And the damn paps as well. The doors were closed, but I could still hear their screams when some of them saw us. That's when I reminded what Choi Seung Hyun told me. I couldn't let no one. Jealous fans or invasive paps, lay a finger on my girlfriend. I closed the distance between Yumi and I, because I needed to talk with her.

She looked at me with uneasy eyes. “They double sized.” She mumbled and she looked at them. “I wonder if we can make it..” She said worried. I had the feeling that she wasn’t referring just to the crowd outside.

I was worried too, but I looked at her and said what could have comforted and assured her for once in that moment. “Frankly I don't know, it would be hard for anybody, but I think it could be easier for us, since we’re together. And I assure you that I’ll stay by your side all the time, so you don't have to worry.” I said sincerely. I desperately wanted to kiss and cuddle her in my arms, but paps certainly would have posted the pictures all over the magazines. And my fans would have gone nuts. So I just patted her shoulders. “I’ll be always by your side love.” I added at low voice since our back were facing the crowd.

She blushed. “Thank you Oppa.” She shyly thanked me. “I’m less worried now.” She said. I smirked proud of myself.

“Don't you worry guys.” It was Choi Seung Hyun spoke then. He stayed in silence for so much time, that his voice startled me a little. He moved from our manager and he went next to Yumi. You could tell he had an idea, because his eyes were sparkling and his bright smile was making me blind. “I just got an idea. When we exit, You..” He indicated Yumi. “..stand in the middle of us. Along with the bodyguards we will be a wall to those invaders.” He stated sure of himself.

“Can you really do that?” She asked him, somewhat unconvinced. “Can it work?”

“It'll work for sure with our help.” My manager said at Choi Seunghyun place. “With the boys covering up your front and back, and us your right and left side, no one will have the chance to touch you.” He cleared out for her. Yumi's manager nodded in agreement.

She was speechless, I could tell. “Wah! I don’t know what to say..You guys are amazing. Thanks to all of you.” She thanked us. “I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble.” She said that to the managers.

“Don't be.” My manager replied blushing lightly. I was about to thank them too, but he cut me off instantly. He didn't like when I thanked him. Don't ask me the why, I don't know it either.

“We better hurry up or there will be no longer space to pass through.” I said to them. The crowd in fact was slowly blocking our way to the cars. I looked at Yumi and squeezed her shoulder as to ask her if she was ready and she nodded. I looked at my pal and the managers and they nodded too. “Let's go then!” Has been my last words before walking towards the exit...and inevitably towards the crowd too.



Screams, shouts, people pushing here and there. Everyone, the fans to be exact, wanted an autograph, so they kept screaming out loud to catch our attentions. Too bad we were busy trying to get to our van. They screamed our names, but mostly Ji Yong's stage name, since on a popularity chart Choi Seunghyun was second and I was third.



My poor ears were almost bleeding for the overload rumors around. And to make all more insupportable, the paparazzi and journalists joined them along with their questions and flashy cameras. One of their cameras even microphones almost got in my mouth, for how close they were to us. A little closer and I could eat their damn microphones. God, step on me while you're at!





No, I cannot Answer! I wanted to shout in their faces. Get of my face before I hit you! I just wanted to leave that place as soon as possible. They were like mosquitoes, ready to suck up all my blood, if they had the chance to. They sure were annoying the hell out of me, but above all that giant amount of rowdy voices, I heard someone raise her voice loud enough to be pierce my ears.

What she said was destined to me. Only to me. “He pitys you, that's why he's always beside you!” The female stated, putting all the hate she had in that unique sentence.  How cruel...  I knew she was referring to Ji Yong. Nobody could understand the pain I felt in my chest when I lost my parents. My mind unconditionaly ran back at that horrible moment.


..too much.. there’s too much blood.. That was the first thing I saw right after the crash. Mamma.. Papà.. Ale. I thought then. I lifted up my eyes and tried to look for them, even if with something real big giant piece of the glass piercing the left side of my waist and I was sure I had something inserted in my head too, because it hurted me everytime I blinked. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one in bad shape when I looked around. Everyone, just like me, was covered with blood and they had multiples wounds. But they were still breathing, I could tell, because it was the only noise that filled the car. My mom even smiled at me, while the blood flowing out her head. My dad instead was just staring at her and smiling warmly. Oh ti prego..Signore, non portarmi via nessuno di loro.. (I beg you...God, don’t take with you none of them..) I prayed before passing out. ..I saw nothing else but black after that.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the plain ceiling of a room. I looked around. At my right there was an opened window. I blinked a couple of time at the sight of the sunlights. I looked away and I saw the screen of a television, hung at the wall. It was turn off. The room was really neat.. almost annoyingly clean. And then that I heard someone snoring near me. I immediately turned my head to the side to see who it was. A mysterious man was sleeping and laying comfy his head on my lap. He looked familiar. Curled dark-brown hair, big hands, long eyelashes and a mole on his upper cheek that I could have recognized everywhere. Ale.. My brother. Lee Jung Hyun Alesandro Martelli.

He had an orthopedic collar around his neck, bandages on his left arm and looking down, I noticed a pair of crutches. That meant that he wasn't fully able to walk by himself too. He was in a real bad shape, but I was terribly happy that he was still alive. Grazie mille signore (Thank God) “..a-Ale?” I cracked his name, but my throat was too dry.

He didn't hear me, so I squeezed his hand held in mine. His eyelids began to slowly open and he finally looked at me. His eyes popped out right away. He looked surprised and kinda shocked too. “Y-You..woke up.” He mumbled in disbelief.

I nodded. “Hey..” I waved my free-hand at him, just to find some plastic-threads and a needle inserted into my right wrist though. I followed the threads, untill to arrive at a kit-bag filled with...water, I think. I frowned then, when I noticed an odd machine near my bed. It kept making weird noises. Like Bip..Bip..Bip.. “Cosa..?”(What) I mumbled lost.

“It's a machine that control your heartbeat.” My brother explained.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“In hospital.” He answered with a low voice. I looked back at him. The overwhelming happiness in his eyes had turned into tears. He didn't brush them away like he was used to, since he didn’t like to cry in front of people. But I wasn’t the people, that’s why he comfortable or him to cry in front of me.

“Hey.. Basta piangere.” (Enough crying) I mumbled. It hurted me to see him cry. I felt like breaking down too.

Perchè non dovrei...You stayed in coma for more than three months!”(Why shouldn’t I cry) He replied between sobs.

“What?” I exclaimed disbelieved. To me, they felt like just a few hours of sleep. Not something so terrible like.. coma. “I've been in coma?” I asked still disbelieved.
“Sì.. For more than three months.” He answered brushing away the tears. “The doctors had first to heal your head trauma. Even though you had sa few wounds on the skull, the glass didn't touched your brain, so it has been more simple for them to operate and heal with time. Along with two broken ribs As for your stomach, the intestines were pierced, so they had too shorten it, while the liver was completely irrecoverable."
"I don't have a liver?" I panicked.
"No. Absolutely." He quickly replied. "They replaced the damaged one with a new one. They then induced you in coma so you could heal in total peace. Then they tried to reanimate you.. but you didn't woke up for almost two fucking days. I was so mad that I would have beat them up for that, even without a leg. They tried to call me out and reason with me but only a shot of tranqillizer could knock me out.” He revealed sad. “As soon as I was able to walk again, I visited you everyday though. So you wouldn’t have felt lonely when you had woken up.” He added smiling a little.

“Ah.” I only mumbled feeling terrible, or him, for his lost leg. "I'm sorry for your leg. Mi dispiace tanto."(I'm very sorry) I felt like at fault.
"Mi dispiace anche a me." (I'm sorry too) "Let's not think about it though. We're both alive, that's what matter the most." He said as to comfort the both of us.
“Yeah.. I'm glad I'm awake now.. and not alone. Grazie mille.” I thanked him and he smiled again. I smiled too. But when I tried to lift myself up a little, a flash of pain passed through all my body. I was ready to scream, but I made an effort and held back the scream, since we were in hospital. I held them stubbornly, but the tears fell down my cheek like a waterfall. Mamma mia che male! (God that hurted)

Ale stood up someway from the chair and calmed me down a little. “No, don’t try to get up. You’re too wounded to make it.” He said and he brushed away my tears along. “The doctors told me to tell you to not move too much. Your body isn't ready yet.” He added worried again. He sat down and held my hand with both his hands and he kissed them.

“It hurts so bad..” I let out though.

He caressed my hands again. “Lo sò tesoro..”(I know Sweetheart) He replied sorrowfully. “But you have to endure it. Remember that you're alive. The pain will eventually go away someday, but your death can't be cured.” He kissed my hand again. “You should be thankful for that..We both should be thankful.”


“You're.. right.” I concorded. He was right, pain apart, this was a good thing. I'm alive, I feel pain, but better than eel nothing all. My heart was beating, that certainly meant something. I smirked. In your face death! “I'm alive, you're alive, mom and dad are alive too..Oh, about that, where are they? Are they ok?”  I asked remembering them. “Allora?”


“Well..” Jung Hyun mumbled only.

I didn’t pay too much attention and I kept talking. “The last thing I remember.. Is the two of them..bleeding really badly. But they were still breathing, just like you and me. So they must have been recovered too.” They weren't in the room with us, I supposed they were in a different one. I hoped they were in a better shape than me. I didn't want them to suffer like me.

I looked at my brother, waiting for an answer. But he had an odd look on his face. “Yes, you're right. I saw them too in the car.” He finally spoke. “They were still breathing..” He concorded with me. But his tensed and nervous face wasn’t encouraging at all.

“Exactly.” I replied. “So, where are they? They're fine right?” I asked innocently, even if I had bad feeling. “I want to see them.” I pressured him.

He patted my hand to calm me down a little. “Maria..” He begun, using my italian name. The bad feeling pushed even more. He took a deep breath before speaking again. “Mamma e Papà..” His voice trembled though. “They were in worse shape than us..” He said, but I didn’t want to hear the end of that sentence.

"...B-but they're doing fine right?" My voice trembled too. "Tell me they're doing fine!"

He squeezed more tightly my hand. Then he took a deep breath. "I'm..sorry, terribly sorry, but.. they didn't make it." He finally confessed with tears flowing down his face.

"Cosa?..No no nononono.." I closed my ears with my hands, like I used to do when I was little. It did hurt, but that pain, was merely nothing compared to the one inside my chest. "Non può essere vero!It can't be true.. I repeated to myself. I don't want this! I wanted run back and help them. I din't want to live in this void world without them. The tranquility and peacefullness of the coma didn't seemed to terrible now.

"Tesoro.."(honey) He tried to calm me. He grabbed both of my hands and held me in his arms. "Hush..Hush..Everything's gonna be fine. I promise you." He whispered sweetly to comfort me. As if simple words could comfort me.

"No.. Everything is ruined." Damn you death! "How can we carry on now.." I mean, the people whom were litteraly the definition of home were gone. Dead. Those words seemed wrong, unnatural. How could destiny could be so unfair and cruel to us. My brother's chest was solid, like Dad's, and warm like Mom's. That saddened me even more. My head started to spin, I felt dizzy..and near to faint.

"I ..I don't think I can make it without them oppa.." I stated. "I want to die too." I felt lifeless.. I didn't have  a shred of desire to fight back the death. No one could beat him anyway.

"No!" He shook energetically his head. "I'm not gonna let you die. I don't want to be the only one alive. I don't want to be alone, I couldn't bear it." He held me more tightly, as to keep me there with him.

"I don't want to leave you alone, but.. how can we survive to this?" I asked him. Our future was already uncertain without them, without their heat. I can't even..

"We will survive. I'm sure of it." He moved backwards to look at me. "I mean, you out of coma. Coma for God sake! You have to admit that somebody from heaven certainly loves you." He insisted.

"Mom and dad?" I murmured.

"..Maybe. No, I know they love you. As much as I love you."

"They love you too Ale." I reminded him.

"Yes, I know." He whispered and tears filled his eyes again. Seeing him crying made me cry too. He held me again in his arms. "They love us both. You know, I think I saw them smiling at us, while we were trapped in the car.." He revealed.

"I think a saw them too oppa .." My voice lowered untill you could hear nothing but my breath. The dizziness took over my sight and I knew I was near to faint. So I took advantage and spoke before falling into the dark world. "Oppa..Please don't leave me.."

"I won't leave you if you promise me that you'll fight to stay alive." He replied looking at me.


"Then I promise, I won't leave you."

"Thank you." I said with my eyes already closed. "I think I'll sleep now.." I whispered.

"I'll be here when you wake up, again." Were the last words I heard, before falling into a deep sleep.

I slept well, even though the tears didn't stop falling on my cheeks. I dreamt of my parents, smiling and telling me that they loved me. I wanted to follow them,  I couldn't follow them, even thought I promised I wouldn't give in, that incredibly bright and warm light around them was way too inviting. I really, really wanted indeed to give in and run to them, but if God gave me another chance, I couldn't possibly reject it. So I carried on with that thing called life. I spent six months in hospital, before healing fully from the wounds. When we got out of the hospital, I went to live instead with our uncles. My brother went to live with his girlfriend instead. People around me had the word PITY written on their foreheads all time. It didn't bother me at first, but when my friends started to treat me with gloves, I bursted out and left them. I mean, I knew I had a rough time, but there was a limit to everything.



That's why I can recognize the Pity's look when I see it. And Ji Yong didn't have itIf he ever had that kind of look, I would have noticed it for sure. That girl knew how to hit, and she hit in the right spot. I had to admit that she succeeded, I was hurt. But not for the reason she thought I was. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction to see me taken back by her comment, so I smiled and acted as if I didn't hear her.

One of the journalist probably heard her too and asked me. "What you respond to those who hates you Yumi-shi?" A real question, above the annoying ones the others journalist kept asking us.

I didn't want to leave the impression that I was weak to that girl, so I took advantage of the situation and answered before getting into the car. "I say, they waste their free time, I don't. I had a good time with Uncles doni&Coni, and their hate towards me won't ruin my good mood. Have a nice day." Plain and simple. Even The journalist nodded in agreement with me.

"Thanks for the answer Yumi-shi." He thanked me.

I smiled and nodded back at him. Then I got in the car. I sat next to Ji Yong, despite his manager's advice to not sit next to each other in front of Ji Yong's fans. But even if I acted fierce and strong on the outside, I still felt extremely lonely inside. And the only person that could comfort and make me feel loved was him. So while Choi Seung Hyun took seat in the front, I sat in the back with my boyfriend. I waited that we were far enough from the crowd's eyes to let myself go.

I sighed loudly and cuddled myself into Ji Yong's arms. He warmly welcomed my need of snuggle. "You've been really brave." He whispered on top of my head. Choi Seung Hyun, their manager and mine, agreed with him.

"I knew you were strong enough to answer back to that girl." Choi Seung Hyun added raising his thumb at me.

"So you heard her too?" I was surprised, I thought she spoke only to me.

"We all heard her." Ji Yong answered at his place. I glanced at him, but he didn't look back. His jaw was very tensed and the lips were tightened as well. His mind was melting in bad thoughts. I knew that.

"I know they won't go easy on you from now on, but at least you showed them what you're made of Yumi." His manager told me while driving. He glanced at me through the wing-mirror and smiled at me. I smiled back to him, but then I looked back at Ji Yong.

He still looked very upset, probably because he couldn't do something to defend me. But I didn't need help and I had to tell him. I grabbed his chin so we could face each other. "Hey, it's ok. I'm fine, a little sad, but still fine." I said. "That girl just reminded me of the car accident, and also of my parents." I narrowed my eyes. "It's ..still a open scar, that's why I'm a little sad. But I swear I'm fine." I let go of his chin and embraced him again.

"I'm sorry." He said like it was his fault.

I looked up at him again. "Don't be. They passed away, what can you do." I cracked a smile, even if the tears were pushing behind my eyes. "It's difficult to move on, that's all." His arms instantly wrapped even tighter around me. He kissed my forehead too.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"And plus, I know that you don't pity me. I would have noticed it right away, if you have had that kind of look on your face." I added.

"I love you, because you are you, not because you had that car accident." He said firmly staring at me. "Don't ever doubts that."

"I won't." I replied smiling. "And I love you too mr." Those three words didn't scare me then. Right then, I really meant it.

He smiled back and kissed me on my forehead again, but I wanted more. I needed more. I freed my right arm and lifted it up to his face. "Kiss me." I said pulling his face towards mine. He smirked. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. It hasn't been a snogging session like that morning. I needed to be comforted and feel loved, and he has been gentle, sweet and passionate. Nothing more. He didn't try anything on me, but just kissed me. And it was fair enough for me. When we pulled away, he looked at me in the eyes with a serious yet warm gaze.

"I love you. Things will be a little difficult, sure..but that doesn't change the fact that I do love you. And I'll make this work." He promised.

I loved hearing those words more than I could admit. "I'll make this work too." I promised as well.

He nodded happily and gave me a quick peck. Then he hug me again. Very tightly I'd say, but it didn't bother me. I rather loved it. "Yes, we're definetly gonna make this work somehow." He mumbled above my head. I didn't need to look up to see his expression. I knew it was the same as mine. Meant, determinate.

I was determinate as much as him to make our relationship work. No matter how many obstacles, pain, sufferences, we would have met on our way. Love is not always easy, it's most of the time painful if it's unrequired. But our love wasn't like that. I was 200% sure of it. Our love was passionate, but also sweet. Active and mutual. I loved him, he loved me, there wasn't nothing more to say. Things would have became bad if one of us, did have stopped to love one another. That's when I should have started to worry. Worry seriously.

Everything was irrilevant but him.



The car had already left, but I didn't. I stared at the people in front of me instead. Some were going on their way home, while some were still chatting about what just happened. They were teenage girls, mostly middle school students. They were all fussy and excited for the B*tch that just went away. tsk.

"Ooh Yumi was so beautiful!" A teenager with dark blond hair squealed to another girl with brown hair.  Probably her friend. They still had their school uniform and that meant that they ditched school. "I just couldn't stop myself from staring at her." The other girl nodded in agreement.

"Ooh did you see how TOP and G-Dragon-Oppa protected her from those annoying journalists?"

"Wah..They were like her bodyguards. So cool!" Her blond friend agreed with her. I was about to walk away, with my two pals, because they were getting on my nerves. But I stopped in my tracks, when a voice joined them, and said something that irritated me to hell.

"Did you perhaps think that she's with GD-oppa?" The new girl asked them. Short brown hair, big almond eyes and she had dimples too. She was the girl the bitch saw first and signed her blocknotes. She looked armless and innocent. I could have left without doing nothing to her, but because of the following phrase she said, I lost my temper. "Wouldn't it be awesome if they were a couple for real?" She asked all excited.

"Say what..?" I muttered. "YA! What did you f*cking just say?" I shouted at her little group.

My pals and I were ten meters far from them, but they heard me right away. We approached them. I could see the fear spread in their eyes and I liked it. There was no way I could let slide away what she had the courage to say. Dimples or not dimples she would have payed for that. "What did you say?" I repeated again when we reached them.

"..N-Nothing." She whispered, near to tears, even if I didn't do anything to her yet.

One of my pal, Jimin, got closer to her and rudely pushed her. "Are you taking us for dummies? Eh? I'm talking with you, you dwarf!"

My other pal, Sun Hye, joined too. "So?" She pushed her by pressing a finger on her forehead.

One of her friend, the blondie, tried to defend her. And barged between the two of thtem, blocking Sun Hye's way to touch her friend. "Leave Kim Pil Suk alone, she didn't say nothing bad." She had the guts to say.

"Nothing bad?" Sun Hye asked smirking evilly. "
애새끼 Aesaekki-ha 죽고싶어 Jukgo shipho?"(you brat want to die?) She spat in her face.

"I'm not scared of you." She bravely replied.

"Oh..Really?" I evilly smirked and got closer to her too. She looked older than her actual age, and was taller than me too. But that was just thanks to her insole. I stared at her, she stared back,  I sneakily moved backwards my right foot and trip her up. She screamed like a little girl and hit the ground with her butt.

"Moon Hae-ha!
괜찮아 gwaenchana?" The dimpled girl, Kim Pil Suk, went to her rescue. And so did the other girl. They were so funny to watch. The shorter one was trying to lift up the bondie, Moon-hae, from the ground, but was too weak because she was the thinnest among them. She tried and tried, but failed everytime. We all laughed of them.

Before the other girl could help them, I dropped down and towered on Jeon-ha. Sun Hye pushed away Kim Pil Suk and the other girl. "Back off!" She shoved them away.

While Jimin covered the sight of me and Moon Hae, to undesired people. "Are you still not scared of us?" I asked her. Already knowing the answer. But the girl surprised me once again.

"..No." She answered with a tiny voice. Convincing nobody.

I laughed, impressed by her fearless attitude. But I grasped her hair anyway, tightly enough to cause her pain. "I'm impressed, but that won't stop me from getting rid of your precious long hair. You got that?" I muttered in her face. Tears flew down her cheeks. I knew it. She was all talk and no action.

"P-p-please don't..Jebal.
잘못했어 Jalmotaesso!Jalmotaesso!"(I did/was wrong) She begged me crying and rubbing her hands against each other. "죄송합니다 jae song hamnida!" (I'm sorry)

"You know, I was about to walk away.." I held more harshly her hair, making her moan with pain. "But your good little friend said that thing and I couldn't possibly ignore it. You understand me, don't you?" I asked her and she glanced at Kim Pil Suk. The dimpled girl was crying too. How disturbing!

"Punish me, not Moon Hae-ha. She didn't do anything wrong!" She whined between sobs. "It's my fault, take me instead!"

I stared at her for a moment. I could pick on her, but I didn't want to beat someone like her. Too weak to fight back. "No, I prefer to beat up girls like this one." I said, harshly shaking once again Moon Hae's head. She moaned louder. I smirked.

"You were all bold earlier, and now look at you.." I snapped. "Begging and crying for mercy. How funny life is." I laughed while she was cried.

"She didn't do anything wrong. Leave her alone Jebal!" Kim Pil Suk begged me.

I'm not a bad person. Not at all. I was just a innocent sasaeng fan, tired of girls around my boyfriend to be Bias. I was tired mostly of miss B*tch Lick asses, better known as Lee Yun Mi. She was different from the other girls around him. She had something that even Ji Yong couldn't ignore. And since then, he never stopped to hang out with her. Too much for my taste. I knew she was into him, you could see that from space, but what I didn't like one bit was that he seemed to start liking her. Even my pals noticed that. Every f*cking sasaeng fan of south-korea noticed that.

And you bet that I wouldn't have let her, have the chance to date my, and I repeat, my Oppa. For nothing in this world, I would have let that happen. Not in a f*cking milion years. NEVER! I heard someone moaning out of pain, almost screaming. I got back to myself and saw that it was Moon Hae. I didn't let go of her hair, but loosened the grip a little bit. I didn't want to attract the attention of someone. "Thank your little friend for this." I spat in her face. "If it wasn't for her, I'll be on my way home now."

"Boss Look!" Sun Hye and Jimin suddenly called me out.

"What?" I replied irritated, but when I glanced at them, they motioned me to look at their right side. I followed their eyes and saw a Samsung's display, with a phone number appearing on it. It was the emergency number to call the police.

The other girl, the one who tried to help Moon Hae and Kim Pil Suk, was showing us the number with a challenging look on her face. "Let go of her right now, or I'm gonna call the police." She treathened me by placing her thump above the CALL button. Ready to press it.

I smirked. "Well.. What do we have here." I let go of Moon Hae's head. Then I stood up and approached the threating girl. "I completely forgot about you. You stayed silent the whole time. I should have suspected something."

"Yes, you should have." She grinned.

"You grin Eh?!" I smirked evilly. "But you know what? I can take from your f*cking weak fingers, that f*cking phone and break it in two pieces in two minutes, you know that?" I said. "But I won't." I added and stepped back. I went next to Sun Hye and motioned to Jimin to join us.

The unknown girl with the phone, slowly moved backwards, probably because she was afraid of me, and she joined her friends too. They were all trembling and shaking, all scared the hell out of us. What a chicken! When they finally succeeded in lifting their blondie friend up from the ground, they checked if she was ok, caressing possessively her head and cheeks. They even brushed away her tears for her. Aww... disturbing.

I snorted catching the eyes of Kim Pil Suk. She was complementing her friend for the brilliant idea she had, bur then she looked at us with a confused look. "W-why you let us go?" She asked curious.

To tell the truth, I didn't want to face the police, but I didn't show my fear and smirked instead. "Because you guys are too weak for us." I paused when she didn't look convince. So I tried to make a simple step towards them. They all got scared immediately. I knew it. They were all scared little lambs.

"And plus.." I kept talking. "Our real target aren't you, but miss Yumi the B*tch."

"Yumi-eoni Wae?" She asked all worried. And so they were her friends as well. That got on my nerves.

"BECAUSE SHE'S A DAMN B*TCH!" I shouted at all of them. "SHE HAS NO  RIGHT TO STAY NEAR OR F*CKING DATE JI YONG! YOU GOT THAT YOU IDIOTS?" Words couldn't described how I felt just by thinking of her.

"B-b-but she didn't do anything.." The Unknown girl with dark hair tried to defend her.

"Oh she did a lot already." Jimin replied and I thought the same thing. "But you little sh*t are too blind to see it."

"What did she do?" Moon Hae asked with a low voice. Hiding herself behind the dimpled girl. Incredible!

"She dare had the guts to talk back to me.." I begun when a twinkle appeared in their eyes.

"Then you were the one, that said that horrible thing to her?" Kim Pil suk seemed the most surprised of all of them.

"Yes." I answered and smiled. "It was me."

"Do you have a problem with that?" Sun Hye asked. "Eh?"

"She thinks she can make it against us, but I'll proof her she's f*cking wrong." I muttered. "I'll make her life so unbearable, that she'll regret ever had came to South Korea!" I finished. We then went our away, leaving Kim Pil Suk and her little stupid group of lambs behind us.

Yumi, You damn B*tch! You'll pay for your boldness.

She crossed a line that she shouldn't have never crossed. The line that divided simple friendship from love. And the incredible part was that she somehow succeeded in making fall in love Ji Yong with her. They kept saying that they weren't a couple, but their eyes talked for them. I didn't know how far I would have gone to put in her, but certainly, I wouldn't have let her in peace even a sec. "As soon as Ji Yong leaves the country, we'll f*cking bombard her. No breaks allowed." I ordered to Sun Hye and Jimin. They nodded.

Dear Yumi, I hate you.

I hate you more than you can imagine. You want to challenge us?
Well.. You better start praying the dear God to help you, Because we won't have mercy for you!

Sincerely, You're worst enemy.


09. Friendship feels good.


I have a bad feeling.

And that feeling hanged on my shoulders, even when we arrived at YG building. I felt odd, uneasy, but as soon as Ji Yong grabbed my hand, every bad feeling disappeared, like ice on the sun. I looked up at him, while we were walking through the corridors hand in hand. I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and gave me a quick peck. I gave him back that peck. He gave it back again and so I did too. But then he kissed me for real this time.

"Omona! That's a french one." Someone commented in front of us.

I pulled instantly away from him and saw that it was Bom. I got agitated and flushed red for the scene we had in front of her. How embarrassing! I instantly bowed to her. "Jae song hamida!" I apologized. Damn me and my dumb head! I bet she was thinking that I was a shameless girl.

"Why are you apologizing?" Everyone asked me at the same time, Choi Seung Hyun included. To be honest I forgot he was still there. It was really dificult to notice my surroundings while I was kissing Ji Yong.

"Hem..well.." Now how do I answer to that now?

"You don't need to apologize Yumi-ha!" Bom told me. She gently lifted up face. "I already knew that you two were a couple pabo.
It was so obvious that you and Ji Yong were in love. I knew you would have hooked up in the end someday." She said like it was obvious.

I nodded. "I shouldn't have been so careless in front-" I was saying anyway but she cut me off waving
 her hand as to stop me.

"You didn't do anything bad." She said patting my shoulder. "And plus we are all grown up people here, so don't get paranoid about me okay?"

"De." I replied.

"Hi bomi-ha." Choi Seung Hyun suddenly greeted her. His voice was odd and his expression too.

"Hi." She greeted him back in the same odd way. What's going on in here? Ji Yong covered his mouth, but I saw his grin before he could hide it behind his hand. He knew something that I didn't know. Before I could ask him anything, the president appeared behind Bom.

"Ah! Here you are Yumi-ha. I was just looking for you." He said in a hurry. "Can you come to my office for a moment? I need to discuss something with you."

"Sure sunbaenim." I said and followed him right away.

"See ya later babe!" Ji Yong shouted back at me.

"De Oppa!" I said back and glanced briefly behind me. He sent me a flying kiss, I couldn't help but giggle. I sent a flying kiss back too as I turned the corner.





Ji Yong kept smiling even when she had already turned the corner. I shook my head at that sight. Not because they were all lovey dovey and almost too overly cheesy, but because I was envious. I want to be all lovey dovey and cheesy with someone too. Send flying kisses and cuddle the fragile yet incredible creature named female in my arms. And that someone was in front of me. Gorgeous in her simpleness. With her big brown eyes, long black hair and milky, soft skin of her. Oh..calm down Choi Seung! This is not the right moment to fantasize. Ji Yong and I stayed quiet, but I knew he was grinning inside. Stupid idiot, you should helping me, not stand there chuckling. I mentally sent him, but it didn't any effects on him.

"AH!" Ji Yong suddenly exclaimed from nowhere. I frowned looking at him.

"Someone's calling me suddenly.." He said extracting the phone out of his pocket. "I reaaaally have to answer. See ya guys!" He said and ran away. I knew he was faking, he continious glances and winks as he passed me by were so annoying. I glared at him, but the idiot just grinned running away. I heavily sighed, but I could not run away like him.

Come on Choi Seunghyun! Get a grip already! I encouraged myself and spoke again. "Bomi-ha?!" I begun.




"Bomi-ha?" He called me.

"De?" I answered, but something felt weird. Why you're so nervous? I asked myself.

I didn't know why, but I felt strange staring at him. It wasn't like that in the past! Of course, it wasn't like that. Because in the past, my hands weren't sweating, my legs weren't wobbly and mostly my heart wasn't beating so fast. Why are you beating so fast? 진짜 왜구래 Jinjia waegurae? I narrowed my eyes, laid a hand upon my chest and took a deep breath to calm it down. It worked, for like two seconds before it started throbing in my chest again. What's the matter with you today?

"I tell you something.." He said and I had to pay him more attention. Damn it! He looked serious, everything about him was screaming "Big Deal" Oh Oh.

"Is it a bad thing or a good thing?" I asked kinda worried.

"Actually it's..kinda good." He answered shyly. And even blushed. happening?

"Tell me then." I replied putting aside my nervousness. I was kinda anxious though. He stayed silent. I started to feel somehow impatient. Why it takes you so much to say it? I wanted to ask him, but I kept my mouth shut.

Why are you so impatient anyway? It might not be something so important anyway. My brain replied. Right, I should stop to worry so much. I mean, we never talk about serious stuff in the past years. We've always chitchatted and fooled around. It always has been like this, untill a few months ago. Everything started with odd glances from him during our daily work. I didn't know how to react to those glances honestly, so I acted as if I didn't noticed his odd, charming, eyes looking secretly at me. Wait waht?..Charming? I shoved out of my mind that word. This is Choi Seunghyun..Choi Seunghyun..You can't be fal.. I shook again my head because I didn't even want to hear the end of that sentence. It's not true, it can't be. My brain reminded me. Of course is not true, You're way too old for him.  I looked at him again and felt even more annoyed.

He brushed his short, dark-brown hair back. He looked better with that color on, simple and natural. Not like when he had those extravagant colors on. Well, he looked good with them too, but I liked him more when he had that natural color on. Focusing, I saw the frustration and nervousness though. "왜구래Waegurae? Why you're so nervous?" I approached him. "You said it's a good thing, so what's wrong?" I grabbed lightly his upper arm. He looked straight in my eyes and seemed like he would have finally talked. Come on already! This suspense it's f*cking killing me!

But the response I got, has not be pleasant like I though it would have been.




When I looked down, down because she was shorter than me, her big eyes dazzled me and the courage build up, packed up and left me in a sec. I'm not proud of the following thing I did. Don't you dare do it! My manly-side threatened me, but my chicken-side was already on his way. "AH!!" I exclaimed. "I think someone's calling me too!" I repeated like a dumb parrot. I know, I suck.

"..Eh?" She mumbled taken off guard. "Really? I didn't hear anything.." She frowned.

"It was on silent mode, that's why." I made up. Wow, you're really..I can't even.. My manly-side commented. I felt deeply ashamed of myself, but continued with my act anyway. "Sorry, I really have to answer." 

"Okay, sure."

"Bye!" I waved my free hand at her and left.

"Bye.." She said back emotionless. I acted like I was talking to someone on the phone and headed in the same direction Ji Yong went. As soon as I turned the corner, I laid my head on the wall and heavily sighed. This isn't working like I planned. F*ck

"What the hell are you doing here?" Someone asked behind me. I turned my head and found Ji Yong staring at me, surprised and disbelieved.

"And you?" I asked back. "Why are you hidding here?"

"I was spying on you guys!"

"And you say it like that?" I asked back. He looked more disappointed than angry at me.

"Why you didn't do anything? Why you ran away?" He asked me instead, avoiding my question. "You said you would have confessed to her!"

"I know that too!"

"Then why the hell you didn't confess?" He asked. "No one was around, no cameras but just the two of you. It was the perfect time!" He insisted.

"Lower your that freaking voice! She might hear you!" I moved over hushed him. Then I checked on Bom. I silently sneaked my head out, but there was no one in the corridors. She was gone. I was both relieved and disappointed. "She's gone." He looked at me shaking his head, I knew he was disappointed. I'm disappointed too.

"Why you ran away?" He asked again.

"I don't know.." I replied sighing heavily. "I..think I just lost my confidence as soon as we our eyes met. I panicked." I bitterly confessed. We both sighed at the same time.

"Then you must really love her." Ji Yong stated then.

"Of course I love her." I replied. "I love her since I was a simple trainee."

"Then why you don't confess to her already?" He asked as a habit. We already had that conversation before.

"Because I'm not ready. You saw me earlier." I said. "She's also too mature for me, I've already told you that, many times."

"I know, but hyun, I think that you're idealizing her too much." He replied. "She's a woman after all, no matter how mature she might be."

"And what's that suppose to mean?"

"It means, that she might be maturer than you, but deep inside she's like every girl in the world." He stated. "You shouldn't be so chicken in front of her." He added.

"I never have been a chicken in front of her!" I spat at him.

"Oh really?! So can you explain me, what just happened? like two minutes ago? Eh?" He asked raising his brows as to challenge me to say reply.

"Ok." I gave up. I shook my head as I thought about that embarrassing scene of mine. "F*ck! This wasn't supposed to happen." I brutally brushed my hair.

"Come on!" Ji Yong conforted me with a pat on the shoulders. "I'm sure there will be other chances for you to confess. I can't tell when though. You have to decide it by yourself when you're ready."

"I think you're right." I sighed.

"But you better hurry up hyun, or someone else will make the first move." He said. "She's already 30 after all. The perfect age to get marry and stuff.." He added. I was wondering why she wasn't married yet.

"Again, you're right." I said. Bomi was indeed beautiful, funny, clumsy, kind, gentle and sweet. She was 30, but it didn't matter at all. Age is just a number. What mattered, was her beauty and personality, nothing else. And if someone else had noticed all this, he would have befriend her and then took advantage and confessed to her. Choi Seung, you better stop acting like a chicken and confess to her like a real man. Before it's too late.




"What do you wanted to discuss with me president?" I asked sat in front of his desk. There was also Sweet Stones rock music producer, Park sung ho. A very flexible man that I was always content to work with.

He looked at me. "The songs..remember?" He asked frowning. Probably he knew that I was still daydreaming.

I shook off my mind, the intoxicating and addictive sensation of Ji Yong's tongue wrapped around mine, and focused on what the president was saying. It was difficult though. "Ah, yes." I mumbled blushing. "What's about them?"

"Well, they sure are good." Park Sung Ho begun. "Your songs, First Love and Thank You Chingu, are the best. I really love the lyrics." I smiled proud, but it didn't last long because he added. "I can't tell the same thing about the others songs though."

"Why? What's wrong with them?" I felt uneasy.

"Well, Hereos and To you (Fans) are likable, and Don't give Up too, but the lyrics don't really match with the music."

"The lyrics?"

"Yes. You did a great job with the songs you wrote by yourself, but these lyrics..are different." He said. "They aren't deep and inspired enough to match with the theme of the music's base." He explained. "Do you understand what I'm telling you?" He asked looking at me not convinced.

"" I admitted. "Can you be more direct sunbaenim?" 

He sighed. "Look, I know that you're very close to your pals and everything, but they're not good enough with songwritting. They may have talent for producing the music's grounds, but they're totaly off point with lyrics." He sighed again. "Your songs, Yumi, are more mature and has deeper meaning in them, while the other songs sounds simple can I say this nicely. Hmm..Commercial. You told me once that you wanted people to take you seriously, show them that you didn't lose your roots, but with these stuff, it's not going to be a good performance. People won't take you seriously if you come out with these kind of songs."

That really brung me down. Why did he have to be so brutally direct? "But..Then what do you propose to do?" I asked feeling bad for the girls..

"You, by yourself, have to re-write the songs. Heroes and Don't Give Up." He replied straight.

"By myself?"

"Yes. You're a really talented songwriter. believe more in yourself." He said serious.

"Well.." I didn't know what to say. I mean, the girls and I worked really hard on those songs. All together. And now I had to re-write all the songs by myself. I didn't know how they would have reacted at that news. They're gonna be so disapointed and upset at me.

"To you is a good song, since it refer to your fans." Park Sun Ho talked again. "And it contain each thought of you guys. I'm sure your fans will be touched by it." Well, at least he likes that song. "But the other ones, absolutely need to be re writed.. I know, they might feel disapointed at first, but they will certainly change their minds, when they'll see what a good job you did re-writing the songs." He smiled at me, but I still felt sorry and bad towards my bandmates.

"I hope you're right sunbaenim." His faith in me was too way high. What if I end up doing a bad, certainly horrible, job instead?

"Of course I'm right. I know how musician's mind works since forever." He replied.

"I hope they won't get too upset at me."

"They won't, I assure you." He patted my shoulder.

"I hope so." I said again, still not fully convinced.

And that was it. there wasn't other problems, so he said his goodbyes and let the room. I stood up and bowed to him, then I bowed to the president. "Don't worry too much Yumi okay?" I only nodded and left the room with heavy steps. I arrived at my dorm, walked in, closed the door behind me and sighed laying my head against the door. "Hey Yumi-ha!" Someone called my name. It was Yang Soo Ki.

She was in the living room, sat down on the floor. There were also Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Ki with her. They were watching tv. "Eoni! You're back!" They exclaimed running towards me.

"Yeah.." I mumbled cracking a smile. What caught my eyes though, has been the damn and annoying presence of little crew of cameras behind them. Don't you have a life? Even if I was starting to get mad at the them, I ignored them and greeted my pals. I hugged them and kissed them on their cheeks. I'm Finally home.

"How was the show?" Kim Min Hae asked me.

"Are uncles Doni&Coni funny in real life as well?" Yun Baek Ki asked. "What did you do with them?"

"Did you played Random Play dance?" Kim Min Hae asked all excited. 
"Eh did you?" 

"HEY!" Yang Soo Ki came to my rescue. "She just got here, let her breath!" She pushed them delicately aside and hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ear.

"Your welcome sweetie." She let me go and looked up and down at me. "I think you need to relax yourself, with a long bath."

"I think you're right." I nodded in agreement. I bet my body was smelly. My muscles hurt too. Before following her advice though, I looked at the girls. "I'll tell you everything when I'm done with?" I told them, hoping they weren't too disappointed.

"Okay eoni!" They said in sync.

"Sorry for had bombarded you with all those questions." Kim Min Hae added and Yun Baek Kee nodded in agreement.

"It's okay." I replied. "Now, if you excuse me.. A long bath is awaiting me." I added, then ran in our shared-room and closed the door behind me. I threw the bag on my bed and took off the boots. I quicly slipped jacket and mini dress off me. I did the same with the bra and white&pink slip. I grasped a towel, covered myself and ran in the bathroom. I took a shower first and then I slid into the tab filled with hot water. It didn't feel like being in the tot tub at the Spa center, but it wasn't so bad either.


Oh mamma.. This is good.. I smiled widely as I chilled in the hot water.

The day went somehow well. If you don't count my panic attack in the car and the girl that shouted that horrible thing at me. Obviously. Ji Yong's face appeared into my mind and my smiled grew even wider. Well, of course I didn't like to see Sunhwa-shi wrapped so tightly around him, but when Choi Seung Hyun told me that it was all planned, I didn't hold a grudge against her. I didn't like it though.

I tried to relax more in the Tub and think about better things. Like how it was amazing to kiss Ji Yong again. In the car when we were heading to the Weekly Idol studio. While we were kissing, my brain just melted and all I could think of was how sweet yet firm his lips were. I didn't believe that someone could make me forget the word around me, but he did. I forgot everything. Even that we were in the car with other people and not alone with him in his room. I forgot my damn name for that matter. Truthfully, I was starting to get turned on even now. Just thinking of his hands that caress my legs and his tongue on my neck. Woo..Calm down Yumi! Breath.. I tried to think about something else, but my imagination had already took control over my mind. So now, I wasn't only imagining his fantastic tongue licking my neck, but also my chest, breasts..and nipples. Then my belly and in the end.. slid down to the inner space between my tights.. Oh God. I can't continue like this.

"Ora basta."(That's it). I stood up, grabbed the towel and stepped out of the tab. I briefly glanced at myself in the mirror. My face was all red and even if I wasn't in the tub anymore, I still felt really hot. This your all fault Ji Yong. But lowering my eyes on my naked body..the fantasies shattered for all. What a freaky body you have there Yumi.. A voice inside my head mocked me. Who would ever want to kiss, or even touch it? Ji Yong? Keep dreaming Girl! I knew that voice, It was with me since the car accident, but I always ignored it. Or at least tried. I sighed. I held tightly my towel and stepped out of the bathroom.

While I was putting the skin-cream on me, I thought about the whole lyrics's issue. Here's a serious stuff to think of. I sighed. How the hell am I supposed tell the girls that the president didn't like their lyrics. I sighed even louder. Someone knocked at the door. "Yumi-ha, can I come in?" It was Yang Soo Ki.

"Are you with the camera crew?" I asked instead. I'm still half naked for God sake! I didn't want to display my naked body to the mass of viewers and camera crew along.

"Yes!" She answered.

"Then wait! I'm still half naked!" I said back. I put a blue&white pair of slip on, a white bra and my pijamas of hello kitty upon them. "Ok, now you can come in!" I shouted at the door. She opened the door slowly and checked if I was truly dressed up. She saw me and my plain pajamas and stated that it was safe to let enter the camera crew in along.

"You stayed in the bath for.. more than 30 minutes!" She said towering me, since I was sat on my bed. "How come?" She asked me a little concerned.

"I got carried away, that's all." I said shrugging.

"Come on. Tell me." She insisted. "Did something bad happened at the tv show?" She asked and I did wanted to tell her about that girl hid in crowd. But not in front of the cameras though.

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about it now." I looked straight in her eyes, she understood.

"Ok." She sighed and sat down on the floor near me. "At least tell me how the show was. I'm curious too." She revealed. Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Kee entered then and said the same thing. They joined us and sat down on the floor with her. I gave up and told them everything. From when I stepped out of the car, untill Choi Seung Hyun and I did the hand-printing thing. I really had a great time, if you don't count again what happened out of the building.

"I can't wait to watch you on tv eoni!" Yun Baek Kee squealed all excited.

"Me too!" Kim Min Hae joined her. The show always aired every Wednesday at 18:00 pm, but today was Thursday, so we had to wait untill the next week. Yang Soo Ki noticed that I stayed silent though.

"Did something else happened?" She asked looking worried.

"Well.." I begun. "When we got here, the president called me in his office." I said.

"How come?" They asked me all together.

"Well, he wanted to talk about the songs we wrote, remember?!" Their eyes grew wide, looking both anxious yet excited.

"So?" Yang Soo Ki asked when I stopped talking.

"Well.. He liked all the songs." I begun and they all smiled, expect for Yang Soo Ki.

"Say the rest. I know there is." She said never breaking eye contact with me.

I sighed. "He really liked our songs, but.."

"But what?" They all asked in sync.

"But, he wants me to re-write two of them." I said in a hurry.

"Which songs?" Yun Baek Kee asked me.

I stayed still, didn't know how to soften the pill. "Come on! Say it!" Yang Soo Ki pressured me. "We can handle it!" She encourage me to continue.


I sighed again. "Heroes.." I didn't feel bad, because I've proposed that song and because I knew I wasn't such a good songwriter. "And Don't Give Up." I ended. Yang Soo Ki seemed taken back. Ah jinjia! This so awful..

They stayed silent too long for my taste. I felt even more guilty. I stood up from the bed and sat down next to my bandmates. The ones that were making me worry to death. I sighed. Say something. Anything. But they didn't. I sighed again. Per favore (Please)..say something! I didn't know if she heard my internal pray, but Yang Soo Ki finally spoke. "And did he explain the reason?" I sighed again.


"He said that they're commercial and that I must re-write them. All by myself." I felt so bad just by saying it.

"And what he said about your songs instead?" She asked me.

"Well..He said that they are good. That's all." I shrugged as if it wasn't such a big thing.

"Oh Please! Just say the truth already!" Yang Suk Ki replied didn't falling in my trap.

"Ok Ok!" Sometime she was very pushy. Anyway, I paused before speaking again. "He said that they are mature and have deep meaning in them, or something like that. And that, they're too different from the other songs, who are simple and commercial."

"So, if we want to be taken seriously by the people, we have to leave to you the writing parts from now on, am I correct?" Yun Baek Ki said surprising us.

"Hem, yes." I answered still surprised. "But I think that I'll always need your help. I mean we are a group after all, not a solo-group. I can't take all the responsibility of the songs we wrote. I can't do it all by myself." I expressed what I felt inside. I brushed my hair frustrated.

"But you're not alone." Yang Suk Ki Finally spoke after a few minutes of silence. I was quite worried when she didn't talk to me.

"You're not mad at me?" I asked with a low voice. She closed the distance between she and I. She took a deep breath and then spoke, "Of course I'm mad, but not at you silly."


"Of course not." She finally smiled and that get rid of all the tension on my shoulders. "I'm mad at myself. I thought he would have like the songs we wrote, but it comes out that I was wrong."

"Don't be. I mean, we just have to re-write them. At least he didn't put them totally aside."

"You mean, you have to re-write them." Yang Suk Ki said back.

"Well, yes."

She nodded. "Then, there's no other options. We'll have to pass you every songs we write, so you'll give them that deep and mature feeling of yours."

"And you're alright with that?" I asked her.

"Well, yes. As long as me and Yun Baek Kee can sing, for me it's ok." She shrugged.

"You're alright with that too Baek-ha?" I asked her to be sure.

"Yes, I'm alright with that." She nodded and smiled too.

I sighed in relief. "Thank God. I thought you guys would have get mad at me.."

"Noo.." Kim Min Hae waved her hand denying it.

"We know that you are a better songwriter than us." Yun Baek Ki added.

"Yes, she's truly right." Yang Suk Ki nodded agrees. "So,We just have to create the music's ground and you wrote the lyrics on them. Simple." She proposed.

"That's sounds fair enough." I was agree with her, but.. "But i'd like you guys to continue to write songs too. I think that it will keep us united." I didn't want to be left alone either. No good things comes out when you're all alone. Especially from me. Loneliness bring bad thoughts with his self. And I don't need others bad thoughts fill up my mind.

"I think you're right." She wondered on it for a few minutes. "Yes. You're absolutely right. We have to stay unit as much as possible."


"Then it's a deal." She concorded. "We'll stay with you when you'll re-write the songs."

"And I'll profit and watch you and learn how to write in the good way the songs." Yang Suk Ki added.

"Me too! Me too!" Yun Baek Kee said.

"I..I'll just watch. I don't think I can write songs." Kim Min Hae said instead. "I'm a drummer, not a songwriter."

"That's alright though." I said looking at her. "The important thing, is to stay together." Then I looked also at the others and they nodded agrees. Oh thank they didn't get mad at me.

"Yumi-ha?" Yang Suk Ki called me.

"De?" I looked at her.

"Why you put on your pajamas? Don't you know that it's just 16:00 pm?"

"Ah..True." I exclaimed looking at myself.

"Always daydreaming aren't you?" She snapped, but still smiled though. I smiled too, because she was right. My head was always in the clouds. Full of thoughts. 

"I'll come to you guys, when I change clothes Okay?"

"Okay." They said in sync exiting the room. With the cameras too.

I changed clothes and put on normals ones. A nice pair of blue shorts and a cute green shirt, rigorously with long sleeves. No one must see this body. I combed my hair and then I stepped out of the room too. I walked into the kitchen to take some snacks and then went into the sitting room, sat down on the carpet next to Yang Suk Ki and the girls and watched tv.

"When will you get to work and re-write the songs?" Yang Suk Ki asked me, never breaking eye contact with the tv's display.

"Tomorrow, now I'm too tired." I answered hypnotized too like her.

"Okay." Were her last words. Later, when we were still watching tv, my phone rang. I grabbed it instantly. It was a message from Ji Yong. Yang Suk Ki noticed it too, but when she saw that it was from Ji Yong, she acted as if she didn't hear anything. Because there were still those damn cameras around us. I secretly checked up the message.

GD *Hey piccola, I just wanted to tell you that I'm busy recording with all my pals. I'll come at night though. Wait for me ok?! Bye!*

I sneakily replied back. YUMI *Okay. Bye!* Then I returned to my favourite drama with Kim So Hyun as lead actor.. Mamma, Che figo!(He's so hot)


AT NIGHT..(22:00 PM)

What a beautiful moonlight. I thought while staring at the moon.

The damn cameras had already left. Grazie al cielo. Me and Yang Suk Ki moved again the dining table under the window, so we could have looked at the moon. Like we were used to. This time, there were also Baeki-ha and Mine-ha. They didn't go to sleep, because they wanted to see me and Ji Yong. They never saw us together as a couple before. So they were all excited. They even had their phones with them, ready to shoot some pictures. I did wanted too, to shoot some selfies of me and Oppa, mostly to proof to myself, that this whole story wasn't just a dream. I had to warn the girls, before they got started with the shooting though.

"I can't wait to see you with Ji Yong-Oppa!" Kim Min Hae squealed, all trembling on the chair.

"Da too! Da too!" Yun Baek Ki agrees too. Yang Suk Ki shook her head smiling.

"You guys are really crazy." She mumbled and I was indeed agree with her.

"Baek-ha, Mine-ha calm down please Eh?!" I tried to calm them down with my voice. "Ji Yong will certainly be tired when he's gonna come. Please don't bother him too much okay?"

"De." They said in stereo.

"Shoot a couple of pictures and that's it."


"You talk as if you aren't excited too, but I know that you are." Yang Suk Ki said looking at me.

"Of course I'm excited too." I said back. Who said I'm not? "But I don't want him to feel burdened. You know, he was already upset with the journalists. I don't want to upset him more."

"Oh..Speaking about that. Would you tell me what happened after the show?" She asked, remembering that I didn't want to tell the story in front of the cameras. But now there wasn't any camera around. So I was free to talk about it. Even if I was starting to get mad. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Then I spoke.

"We were just out of the building, Ji Yong was in the front and Choi Seung Hyun Oppa was behind. I was in the middle of the two." I begun. "People were pushing us here and there. Fans were shouting our name to get our attentions and the journalists were doing the same."

"Waa.." Baeki-ha and Mine-ha exclaimed amazed and a little scared their self.

"Keep talking." Yang Suk Ki invited me to continue.

"Well, above that amount of rowdy voices, one caught my ears. It was a female voice." I said. "I didn't saw her though."

"And what did she said that made you so much upset?" Yang Suk Ki asked me. She truly know me. I couldn't have never hid something from her.

"She said that Ji Yong Oppa pitys me, that's why he's always beside me."

"What a slutty B*tch!" Was the first reaction of Yun Baek Kee.

"Baeki-ha!" Yang Suk Ki scolded her.

"Sorry eoni." She apologized. "But you have to admit, that girl has been indeed bad to Yumi-eoni."

"Ye!" Kim Min Hae nodded agreed with her pal.

"I didn't say she hasn't been bad to her." Yang Suk Ki replied. "But watch out your mouth." She said to the maknae.

"De." Yun Baek Kee nodded.

"But can I, at least use the word damn?"


"Then, damn her!" The youngster exclaimed. Yang Suk Ki sighed but smiled too.

She turned her head towards me again. "And what happened after that? Did you talk back at her? What did you do?"

"Well, one of the journalist near me, ask me what I say to those who hates me. I think he heard her too."

"Ah." They all exclaimed

"And what did you reply eoni?" Yun Baek Kee asked me.

"I just replied that, I had a great time with Uncles Doni&Coni and that their hatred towards me, wouldn't have affected my good mood. Just that." I replied shrugging.

"Good girl." Yang Suk Ki smiled raised her thumb up at me. "You have been polite, but also fierce. Good Job. A real good job!" I smiled too, proud of myself. 

"I wouldn't have reacted the same way as you, eoni." Kim Min Hae admitted.

"Yeah. Definitely!" Yun Baek Kee nodded agree with her. "You've been too kind to her eoni."

"Better be kind than look vulgare and bad mouthed in front of the journalists. And paps too." Yang Suk Ki said at my place. "Don't ever forget that we are popular now. You can't act like you want in front of the cameras."

"Damn it!"


"We surely have to act politely.." I said. I wasn't quite agree with what Yang Suk Ki said. "But stay always ourselves."

"And how the hell we're supposed to do that?" Kim Min Hae asked me.

"Well.." I wondered for a while. "You must answer to every question the journalist ask you, but always tell the truth. Not the real truth, but the soft and tricky one.." I tried to explain.

"I didn't understand that." She said.

"Me neither eoni." Yun Baek Kee added with a confused look placed on her face

"You're surely brave with speeches. But with explanations...You suck!" Yang Suk Ki stated shaking her head.

I didn't have the time to reply, that someone knocked at our door. "Hey piccola it's me!" It was Ji Yong's voice.

"Waa!" Yun Baek Ki exclaimed all shaking out of excitement.

"Omo! Did Oppa just called eoni..piccola?" Kim Min Hae asked to her. She was excited too.

"I believe he did! Oh My God!"

"Waah! I'm so excited!"

"Ya!" I scolded them. "Act normal! Please!" I begged them. I stood up and went towards the door.

"Prepare your phones. Palliwa!" Yang Suk Ki pressured them. I shook my head. And I thought she was the most normal one here. Before opening the door, Iglanced back at them. "Don't bring up the story about that damn girl up. He's already upset about it, Araccì?" I whispered to them. They nodded. I took a deep breath, fixed my hair and finally opened the door.



10. This is too good



What a Super-Stunning sight..I thought as I saw him.

Kwon Ji Yong. My..Boyfriend.  Hi hi! Sorry, I'm still not use to it. Anyway, he had a nice pair of casual black pants, and a white t-shirt on top of it. Casual, but always cool. What caught me first though has been his stunning and sexy eyes.  Is it possible to fall in love with someone just by looking at his eyes? I believe I do..

"Hey love." He greeted me with a simple kiss. It was a simple plain peck, but I blushed though. Why are you blushing? You've already kissed before! My brain asked me disbelieved. I don't know! I replied. Anyway, behind him there was also Choi Seunghyun. I greeted him and let them enter in. "Sorry, I'm late.." Ji Yong said, getting closer and closer to me. "Did you missed me in the meantime?" He asked grasping my waist, with both his hands.

I laid mine on his chest. "Yes, a little.." I acted as if I didn't miss him.

"Oh..No..They're starting again.." Choi Seunghyun wined shaking his head. He left us and went where the girls were. Or so I thought they were..

"Oh, Really?" Ji Yong played too, distracting me from Choi Seunghyun. "A beautiful lady like you, shouldn't lie so shamelessly.." He even used a british accent.

"I'm not lying sir." I used it too.

"I believe you are miss.." He kept talking. "Your overly red cheeks, says you do are lying." When He said that, I blushed even more. I covered my face in shame.

"Why you're hiding your beautiful face from me, my lady?" He gently moved my hands off my face. Moving one thumb at the time. "I have to confess, I missed you too miss."

"Really?" I asked still shy.

"May a lightning strike me this instant, If I lie." He replied, placing his right hand on his chest, as to swear on his life.

"Ok..Stop it now." I said tired of his british's act. But a giggle still escape out of my lips.

He held back a smile too and he kept acting up. "May I burn in the bloody hell, If I dare lie to you."

"Ok. Okay. I got it." I closed his mouth, by placing my hands on it.

"Seriously, I really missed you. Every single moment." He said gently taking off my hands off his mouth.

"Me too. " I confessed too.

"Then, Can I kiss you my lady, as it should be done?" He asked me, with a crookedly smile.

"Y-yes." I answered blushing.

"Omo. They're gonna kiss!" He leaned in and was about to kiss me, when we heard Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Kee's voices.

"Keep recording Mine-ha! We can't absolutely lose even a second of it!" Yun Baek Kee said to her pal all trembling out of excitement.

Her loyal pal nodded energetically. "You bet Chingu-ha!"

"Wha-what..are you guys doing?" Ji Yong asked both confused and amused.

I sighed and shook my head. "Quiet my ass.." Those two idiots weren't at their spots as I thought. They were instead standing one meter and an half from us. Holding their cellphones in their fingers and posing just like paps used to do. I wanted me too, have some pictures of us, but not this way. At least Yang Suk Ki didn't join them. Has been my only comfort.

They had at least the descent, to show their self embarrassed. "We..we just wanted to take some picture of Yumi and You, Oppa." Yun Baek Kee was the most embarrassed.

"D-de. Just some pictures." Kim Min Hae explained to him.

Ji Yong stayed silent for two seconds, before bursting out. "YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!"

"Eh?" I just blurred out.

"Cincia?" The girls asked him in the same manner as me.

"Of course!" He looked at me. "I totally forgot about the pictures. We should definitely shoots some of them, before I go in Europe."

"True!" I exclaimed, remembering that within two days, he was going to go in Europe. Stupid me! I definitely have to use this time with him more wisely! "I totally forgot it too. How stupid!"

"Then, let's profit and pose for the pictures!" He advised.

I nodded happily and posed. We made some funny and cute poses. About nine poses. While we were posing, I saw in the corner of my eyes Choi Seunghyun and Yang Suk Ki, sat next to each other. They were shaking their heads, but they still had a smiled placed on their faces. I had a smile too on my face. When we were about to finish, the girls asked us to kiss each other. I wasn't comfortable with that. I knew I already had kissed him in front of Choi Seunghyun..and Bom-noona too. But now it is another story, when you have to do it in front of the cameras. I knew they were cellphones...But come on, you got me! I might look rocky and fierce like a lion while I'm on stage, but out of the stage, I'm just a little shy girl.

Ji Yong wasn't embarrassed like me. On the opposite, I'd say he was more than ready to show his kissing skills to them. Boys, All the same. "Come on eoni! Just one kiss!" Yun Baek Kee encouraged me.

"Yeah! Come one!" Kim Min Hae echoed her.

I blushed even more. I turned my head away, so no one could face me. I glanced back though, when Ji Yong talked to me. "What's the matter Yumi?" He gently asked me.

"I..I'm just shy." I confessed. "And kinda don't like to kiss you in front of people."

"But If we've already kissed in front of My manager and Yours too." He replied frowning. "Choi Seunghyun, Yongbae-ha and..Bom-noona, just a while ago."

"I know. I know." I said back. "But that was different."

"How was it different?"

"Well, because those kisses were natural. Without Pressure!" I said a little irritated.

He grabbed my chin. "You feel pressured now?" He asked me curious.

"Well, a little." I shilly shrugged.

He wondered for a few seconds and then proposed : "How about, I release you from this "pressure" by kissing you?"

"The problem still remain.." I frowned a little confused.

He pursued me with his stunning gaze. "I promise, I'll make you forget everything around us." That reminded me of the time when we we kissed, in the car. The time I moaned with pleasure for the first time under his caresses. Oh, cavolo...(Oh shit)I started to feel hot again. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Mostly my body's heat down.

"Everything, but us kissing on the moonlight.." He added. Then he grabbed my face with both his hands. Our faces were so close, that our foreheads touched each self possessively. He leaned in, but didn't kissed me as I was expecting. I desperating waited in need, but he just stayed like that..frozen.

I could still hear the cars driving outside the building, Yun Baek Kee and Kim Min Hae's voices near us, but mostly, their cellphone's lenses pointed on me. And I didn't want that. I wanted his lips on my mouth and make me forget everything around me. "Please, do it.." I finally expressed what I wanted. And it is a big thing, counting that I was and still am, a shy girl.

He smirked. I frowned. "That's what I was waiting for.."

"What?..You-" I've been cut off by his lips, suddenly pressed on my mouth.

I wanted to complain about his tricky attitude, but my complain died as soon as I taste the sweetness of his lips. The kiss hasn't been like the one we had in the car. It has been better. A lot better. Because I instantly forgot everything like he promise. Like always, we started slowly, with caresses and stuff. Then we took the highway of passion. I opened my mouth and our tongues battled against one another for dominance. He obviously won. But It didn't matter to me. He bit, lightly, my lower lip and I wrapped my hands around his neck. I explored his soft, blond hair with my fingers. While he was holding me tightly and caressing erotically my back, trailing his thumbs up and down. That sent chills down my spine over and over. I pressed myself more closer to him instead. More closer.

"Okay. That's enough." I heard Kim Min Hae mumbled.

"You're exaggerating now.." Yun Baek Kee added too, when we continued to kiss.

I, and I repeat me Yumi, pulled away. Because Mr tight arms here, didn't seem willing to let go of me. Even If I was into the kiss and wanted to melt into it more, I behave myself and pulled away. Ji Yong winned. For the first time ever, I hated too have been interrupted in the middle of a snogging session, but I couldn't continue in front of everyone. And mostly not in front of Yun Baek Kee, the maknae. "But why?" Ji Yong asked them. "I thought you wanted us to kiss, am I wrong?" He asked innocently. He did sounded innocent, but I knew he wasn't at all. In fact, his arms were still firmly wrapped around my waist. Nearly ready to let go of me.

"Yes, but.." Kim Min Hae didn't know how to continue.

"Ya! Ji Yong!" Choi Seunghyun called him out from the table. Ji Yong turned his head to look at him. "Don't forget that there's a minor here. Behave yourself please." He said and Yang Suk Ki nodded agree with him.

He sighed. "Yeah. Sorry, I got carried away." Then He looked at the girls in front of him. "Sorry Yun Baek Kee." He apologized to her.

"Anio. I'm not traumatized." She said. "I'm 16 years old, not 5."

He nodded and let go of me. I missed instantly the heat of his body, so I crossed my arms, to keep the rest of his heat on me. He got closer to maknae and all of sudden...started to make fun of me. "You know, I did wanted to stop, but Yumi..Waa..She was all wrapped around me."

"Borago?" I asked annoyed.

He briefly glanced at me, but then continued like if he didn't hear me. As if I couldn't kick his ass right there, If he had continued further more. "I mean, did you see how she didn't want to let go of me?" He asked them, with a sly smile placed on his face.

"Ya! What did you just say?" I spat at him.

He looked at me. "You have to control yourself Yumi-ha!" He had the courage to say.

I was so pissed off. But his wide smile contaged me, And I ended up milling too. It was true that I was smiling, I still wanted to tell him what I thought of my, or I'd better say, his "clean" behaviour. "Control me? What about you Mr. Innocent guy?" I asked in return.

"I know I'm not an innocent guy, but you seduced me! It's your fault!" He accused me. The girls laughed at that scene.

"Waa..You really are something, you know that." I was so pissed off. But my smile didn't fade away. I moved closer to him and the girls. I punched him lightly on his chest. "If I'm so tempting, then the next time I'll put the Burka on."

"Noo.." He quickly replied and he hugged me. "I was just kidding. Don't ever put that thing on." He gave me a quick peck on my left cheek.

"Well, I wasn't." I replied and turned my head to the side. No wanting to surrender to his kisses. "You really pissed me off."

He moved away my hair and started to kiss my neck. "I'm.." (Kiss.) "Really.." (Kiss.) "Sorry.." (Kiss Kiss.) All of them placed on different part of my neck. I felt chills flowing down my spine. I softly sighed. "Am I forgiven?" He asked. His breath near my ear.

"Yes." I looked at him and surrendered.

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiled. I smiled too. "Oh Kiopciò! You're so cute!" Yun Baek Kee exclaimed next to us.

I blushed and tried to lead away the attentions. "Ok Okay. Now that we had shot the pictures and..the kissing one too. Let's move on!" I said to all of them. And so we did. We went to the table where Yang Suk Ki and Choi Seunghyun were. Me and Ji Yong sat next to each other, while Yun Baek Kee and Kim Min Hae grabbed the chairs too and sat down. They started to check up all the pictures. I was too curious and i asked them to show them to me too. I smiled while watching them.

Then it really is true. I'm not dreaming. I sighed in relief.


Aish! That Pabo! Why he didn't tell me what he wanted to tell me!

I was lying on my bed, still awake. The other girls were already sleeping. We had a very busy day, so we were all tired. Mentally and physically. I was tired too, but insisting thoughts were keeping me awake. Thoughts about a certain person called Choi Seung Hyun. In fact, Earlier this afternoon, he wanted to tell me something, but made up instead an excuse, the same Ji Yong used before he left us, and ran away. Leaving me in the corridors, while the suspense was still killing me.

"If you have something to say, just say it!" I said out loud, but then covered my mouth, remembering that the girls were sleeping.

I didn't know why, but I felt like it was something important. Very important. I didn't know the reason why I was so sure of it though. I tried to shook them off my mind, but it was no use. They kept flowing in my head like water. There was even an odd feeling that made my heart beat twice as fast. I knew that feeling, but I ignored it, because It couldn't be true.

"What he wanted to say?"  "Was it really important or I just imagined the whole thing?"

"What's gonna happen If I don't ask him what he wanted to say?"   

You're not gonna sleep in peace! My logical brain replied. So get up and go ask him for yourself!  I followed his advice. I have to settle this matter, before I go mental. I was determinate to find out what the hell he wanted to tell me. And if he doesn't talk again...He'll see what I'm made of. I harshly took off me the bed sheets and got off the bed. I put my fluffy pink slippers on and headed out of the room. Without making any noise, I closed the door behind me and headed to Choi Seunghyun's Dorm.

I walked through the corridors, faster as I could. Luckily there wasn't anyone around, or I would have lost all my determination. I arrived in front of his door’s dorm and I quickly knocked on it. I heard footsteps of someone coming towards the door. My courage shattered a little, but I didn't run away and stayed there to confront him. Unfortunately he hasn't been him that opened the door. He has been Yongbae-ha. "Oh.noona..Agnon haseyo!" He looked a little surprised when he greeted me.

"Agnon haseyo Yongbae-ha!" I greeted him back. "I'm looking for Choi Seunghyun, Is he in there?" I quickly asked him, to not lose my determination.

"Oh sorry, but hyun went to Yumi's dorm with Ji Yong." He said with an apologetic look.

"Oh." I frowned. Why he went there for?

Yongbae-ha might have read in my mind because he replied. "They always go there since Ji Yong got a crush on Yumi-chan."

"But why Choi Seunghyun went too?"

"Well, I think to be in his company and also to fool around with the girls as always. You know how he is.."

"Yeah, I know." I nodded understanding. "Then I'll go to Yumi's dormitory. See ya!" I smiled and greeted him again. He greeted me back and closed the door, while I was going on my way to Yumi's dorm. I hope he's really there, because I'm losing my energy..


Ji Yong and Yumi were still watching the pictures they had just shot. They were sitting on different chairs, but that didn't mean they weren't close. Ji Yong had closened his chair to her chair, And He was embracing her from the back, by placing his arm around her shoulders. Yumi in the other hand, had comfortably curled her head under his chin. They looked so lovely.

I wasn't jealous of them, neither annoyed by their continuous flirt. I felt something else watching them.."Aah.. I'm so envious!" I said out loud and brushed my hair out of frustration.

Everyone looked at me. While the girls were surprised, by my sudden outburst, Ji Yong wasn't surprised at all. "If you're so envious, why don't you get yourself a girlfriend?" He said with an accomplished look. I know who it was talking about.

Yang Suk Ki agreed with him. "Did you already have someone in your heart Oppa?" She asked me, with the same accomplished look. The others girls started asked me tons of question. Yumi included.

"Well.." I mumbled a little embarrassed.

"He sure have someone in his heart! Look how he's blushing!" Kim Min Hae pointed her fingers at my face and everyone stared at me.

"Waa.." Yun Baek Ki was all trilled out. "Is she a dancer?"

"Is she famous?" Her pal asked me. "Maybe a singer too?"

"Do we know her?" Yang Suk Ki asked too. "Is she from YG too?"

"Is she Bom-eoni by chance?" My eyes popped out, when Yumi asked it.

"Bom-eoni?" The girls shouted. They looked at her and then at me. "Bom-eoni? Cincia?" They asked me. All their eyes pointed at me. Waiting for an answer. Ji Yong was amused, he didn't obviously show it openly, but I was sure he was. His eyes had a sparkle inside of them.

Luckily someone knocked at the door. Saved by the bell! "You better go check, who is it." I said to Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae who looked anticipating too much, for my taste. They were debating whether go check the door or stay still and continue with their questions. Luckily Yumi came to my rescue. "Palliwa!" She hurried them with a firm voice, when the mysterious person knocked for the second time. They instantly hurried towards the door. "Who could it be at this hour?" She asked mostly to herself than to us.

I was thinking the same thing while Kim Min Hae was asking who it was. All eyes grew wide when we recognized the voice, or should I say Her voice. Bom's voice. What..what.. is she doing here? "Eoni." Kim Min Hae stammed several times before saying her name.

"Agnon haseyo Mine-ha!" She greeted politely Kim Min Hae.

"Oh..Eh..Agnon haseyo eoni!" The girl bowed to her and so Yun Baek Kee.

"I was looking for Choi Seunghyun, is he in there?" Me. Why.Me? I was confused. I looked at Ji Yong and he had the same expression.

"Ah..Yes. Yes, he's here with us." Kim Min Hae said. "I'll call him." She turned her head to me and I could see a wide grin on her face. She must have figured it out. "Oppa!" She called me and giggled like a little girl. Well, she is indeed a little girl.

I looked at Ji Yong with a need of help look, but he just winked at me and replied. "Fighting Hyun!" Yumi joined him too.

I snorted, but stood up and went towards Bomi-ha though. Don't be a chicken..Don't run away again..And mostly be a man, not a chicken! My manly-side ordered to me, while I was walking towards her. I hoped to succeed for real this time too. Be a man! Be a man! Be a man! I kept repeating to myself. "Hey..What's up?" I asked with nonchalance. Good beginning..My manly-side said. But I couldn't tell if he was making fun of me or he was sincere. I didn't have the time to have a chat with him, I mean myself.

She looked a bit nervous, but then she took a deep breath and talk again. "Can we talk.." She glanced at Kim Min Hae and Yun Baek Kee, who were enjoying the scene. "In private?" She added.

"Oh..Sure." I pushed gently, the girls's persistent heads inside the room, and finally closed the door. "So..what you wanted to talk about?" I asked innocently, even if my heart was beating really fast.

She had an instant of hesitation. That made me frowned. "I.i." She begun a little uncertain. I could tell, because she kept avoiding my eyes. "I CAN'T SLEEP!" She suddenly shouted. Her eyes popped out realizing that we were in the corridors, at night (23:40pm to be exact.), when everyone were probably already sleeping. "Oh sorry..I didn't mean to shout so loud." She excused herself.

"Hem..No, It doesn't matter." I was still shocked by the powerness of her voice. "W-why can't you sleep?" I asked at low voice.

"Well.." She was visibly nervous and I didn't know why. "You!" She pointed her big brown eyes on me.


"You..Wanted to tell me something earlier." Oh crap! "I want to know what it was. And I want to know it now. I..i can't sleep because of it. So you have to tell me Choi Seung-ha. Right Now!" She pretended to know.

Now, you have no choice! That damn voice said. It's time to let everything out. I felt the chicken-side getting slowly, but constantly approach me. "It..It was nothing..Just.." I tried to say, but the manly-side of me threatened me Don't you dare run away again Mr! I did wanted to not run away again, but..

"NO!" She spat angry. Woo..what a voice! "I know for sure that it was something. Something very important! So, stop being So CHIKEN and say it already!"

She even noticed it too that you're just a chicken. Waa..The voice mocked me. I couldn't take it any longer his attitude, so I say what I wanted to say, since I was a trainee. Since my eyes laid on her figure. The need to confess my feeling towards her, never have been so unsustainable. Back then, I could control my emotions, but since three months ago, everything chance. And I think that my precious wall, broke down, letting flowing out everything. Not only my body was claiming all of her figure, but also my mental's sanity. Because I was sure, I would go insane, if I had delay further more this moment. So, are you really a chicken or..a fearless man? The voice asked me. I could even picture his expression. A challenging on for sure. F*ck off, I'm a real man! I answered back. I took a deep breath and finally confessed everything. "I wanted to say..I Like You Park Bom." I wanted to say that I loved her, but I thought it would be too much. Better start with something not too serious.

Her eyes widened. "W-wh-what?"

"I..I said I like you. I'm in love with you Bom." When I repeated it again, She stayed at loss of word. I was surprised too, by my courage. But I was also very very relieved to have finally confessed my love to her. Finally!

I heard some annoying noise behind the closed door. Those meddlers were certainly eavesdropping our conversation. I tried to ignore them and concentrate on the woman in front of me. She covered her mouth in disbelief. She looked also a little lost. Her cheek flushed red. "..I-i don't..know what to say.." She bit her lower lip and brushed her hair off her face. "I-i really don't know what to say.."

"Just tell me, if you feel the same way..or not." I said with nonchalance. Actually I was dying to know her answer. Oh please please please make it be a positive answer..I prayed God.

"I-i don't know." She repeated narrowing her eyes. "You caught me off guard. I mean, I knew you since we were trainee, And I never felt like this back then."

"And how you feel exactly?"

"I..I feel really hot. I bet my face is all red right now." She confessed, finally making eye contact. "And my heart. My heart is beating like never before."

I get closer to her and gently touched her left cheek. "Did you have.. fever?" I asked naturally as if I wasn't waiting for her answer.

She got closer too."I don't think that's the reason." She shilly smirked.

"'s perhaps because of me?" The atmosphere around us seemed surreal. Like the time has stopped and everything and everyone (meddlers included) were waiting for her to answer.

My hand was still laying on her soft cheek. But this time, the distance between us was much more reduced than before. I could feel the heat of her body and breath too. Our faces were just a few inches from one another. I didn't know if it was true, that her heart was beating so fast, like she said. But I knew my heartbeat was beyond fastness, when I locked eyes with her. I needed an answer, but there wasn't such hurry to know it at the moment. It wouldn't have been either a good thing to pressure her, so I left her all the time to think of. It wasn't quite easy, with her lips so near to mine. I kept repeating myself to resist. But my mouth, took control over me and pressed itself on her mouth in the end. Oh dear God..This is too..good. I pulled away instantly and tried to control myself, before my hormones could ruin everything by forcing her into something she didn't want. I detached my, uncontrollable, mouth from her. "Is it?" I innocently asked and stepped backwards, only to be grabbed by my upper arm.

I looked down at her grip and then at her face. A surprised look was obviously placed on my face. I was about to ask her why she grabbed me, when she put her free hand behind my neck and pulled me back to her. "Yes." She said and smiled like she couldn't believe what she just said. What a beautiful smile. It's all I thought. She narrowed her eyes for a few seconds, then lifted them up again. "I believe.. I do like you too." She giggled a little embarrassed.

I do like you too. The most beautiful words I ever heard. Well, they weren't like the word I love You, but it was still good to hear that sentence too. Words couldn't describe my  happiness. I neither didn't know what to say.."This...You don't know how much this mean to me." I whispered looking straightly in her eyes.

She visibly blushed. "I had the feeling that you were somehow into me, but I always thought that it was just my imagination playing bad jokes to me." She revealed. "Frankly speaking..I'm very glad that it wasn't fruit of my imagination.." She whispered the latest words near my lips. Almost close to kiss me.

I purposely and crookedly smiled at her, to see if she would have blushed. And...she did blushed. "This moment is so perfect. I still can't believe it's really happening.." I admitted.

"This is not a dream." She replied firm. "Because it's much better.."

"You sure are right." I was agree with her.

I profited of the moment of closeness and kissed her. Not before had said one last thing. "I like you Bom. I might sound too serious and kinda cheesy too, but I really mean it." I confessed.

She stared at me for a while. Then she replied. "Yes, you sure sound cheesy, but it doesn't matter to me. I like cheesy guys."

That sentence reminded me of the time I wanted to lead away the rumors from Ji Yong and Yumi, but the guy said that it wouldn't have been a good idea. And that she wouldn't have liked it. I knew it was deceiving me. Anyway..I Put apart my randoms thoughts and focused on the beautiful, charming, funny and sexy girl in front of me ..I gently kissed her and she kissed me back the same way. When I tried to deepen the kiss, she didn't drawed back, but instead opened fully her mouth. Oh God.. I thought those moist lips of hers could kill me right there. Her sweet tongue battled against mine. I pressed myself against her and she did the same. I trailed my hands from the top of her shoulders to her back, that made her moan inside my mouth, while we were still kissing. When our lower parts rub against one another, it was my time to moan too with pleasure. She had a cute pair of pink flannel pants and a simple blue shirt with short sleeves on, not the kind of clothes that could turned me on, But I got Hard though. Too Hard. For God sake, stop before you guys end up doing it right here, in the corridors! My logical brain warned me.

Luckily the meddler's whispers bring me back to think clearly. Meant also don't do dirty, even if addicting, stuff in the corridors. "Omo! Baeki-ha don't watch them!" Yang Suk Ki warned the maknae. "This is censored to people under 18."

"Let's say 19 or 20." Yumi added.

I sighed and stopped kissing her. She sighed too. That made me smirked. So she hated too have been interrupted, Interesting.  Anyway..When I turned my head to look at the door, that I believed was closed, I saw all of them staring at us. Yang Suk Ki, Yun Baek Ki and Kim Min Hae were in the front. While Yumi staid in the back, with Ji Yong. Yang Suk Ki had covered the maknae's eyes with her hands and Kim Min Hae was instead looking very intently at us. I surely put up a nice (Dirty) show.

We pulled apart, but I put my arms around her waist and kept her near me.."Sorry, we got carried away." I didn't succeeded in hiding my happiness.

"We noticed.." Yang Suk Ki said raising a brow. She let go of Yun Baek Ki's eyes and the little had clear disappointed look placed on her face.

"Noo..You already finished.." She winned.

"It wasn't such interesting show anyway.." Bom tried to act as if we didn't just do something scandalous. I glanced down at her, her face was less red than when we were kissing. I finally kissed her. I still couldn't believe in it. And she kissed me back. That was the most incredible part. I proudly smirked. Proud to have finally made it.

"Waa..Look at his smirk.." Yumi pointed at me and everyone, Bom included stared at my face. But it didn't bother me. I'd say that my smirk grew even more.

"I can even see the happiness irradiate from his whole body.." Ji Yong waved his hand up and down at my figure. He walked towards me and lifted his hand as to give me an high five. And I gave him the high five with lots of pleasure. 

"Good job Hyun!" He exclaimed happily.

"Thank you Bro!" I replied in the same way.


After that, We asked  to Choi Seunghyun and Bom if they wanted to spend some more time with us, but Bom said she was feeling tired and sleepy, so Choi Seunghyun accompanied to her dormitory. Me and the girls were feeling sleepy too, so we decided to go to sleep. While Yun Baek Kee and Kim Min Hae were already sleeping in our shared-room, and Yang Suk Ki were in the kitchen doing something, I was at the door, greeting goodnight to my beloved boyfriend. With a lots of kisses. And caresses. Everywhere..

"Oh Yumi.." He said between kisses. "You're gonna drive me crazy.."

"You too.." I said, catching the air for a brief moment.

"I want to be with you.."

I stiffened. He noticed it and stopped kissing me. Crap! Before he could speak though, I kissed him. "I want to be with you too.." I said still kissing him. He kissed me back. "But..not tonight.." I said moving backwards.

"Of course I know that we can't tonight." He replied less confused by my answer. "I was just saying it like that.."

"Maybe another night." I proposed, hoping in a positive answer. Please say yes. I'm not ready yet for sex. I was praying inside of me. My body isn't ready for it yet.

"I can't wait!" He smiled and got closer to me. He kissed me again and I kissed him back. I was being carried away again by his, toxicating kisses, but I stopped. Gently stopped. So he wouldn't have brang up the sex topic again. I also faked a yawn and acted as if I was really, really, really, sleepy.

He fell in it. "I see, no, hear you're sleepy." He said raising his brows. "I better let you go to sleep, before you fall asleep right here."

"Yeah..Aaw." I yawned again.

He caressed my cheek, gave me one last peck and  wished me goodnight. "See ya tomorrow piccola." Were his last words, before leaving me go to sleep.

I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief, only to find Yang Suk Ki staring at me. "What?"

"So..You guys didn't do it yet?!" She asked curious. Probably she heard our conversation.


"And may I ask..WHY?" She looked both confused and disbelieved and angry too.

"We didn't have the time to." I replied calm. "And.."

"And What?"

"You know.." She frowned at first, but when I got closer to her and lifted my shirt to show her my, beloved freaky body. She understood.
Her face relaxed a bit, but her brows were still frowning. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious." I lowered my shirt. "Do you really think he would like to see my freaky body?" No one would like to see my body..That sure made me sad, but it was the reality. You have to accept whatever destiny gives you. No matter how painful, it might be.

She deeply sighed. Then she grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yumi-ha..I'm 200% sure that Ji Yong, won't mind the scars on your body." She spoke serious as ever. "If he really loves you, he won't make a big fuss over them."

"It's so easy for you to say it." I replied. "You don't have a terrified scar that started from your back and end up on your stomach." I really wanted to believe in her words.

"Even if I would have one, I'm sure Park Ji-Won would still love me. Otherwise, I would have already broke up with him." She replied without preamble.

"Really?" That was a big thing, considering that they were together since high school. Almost six years. While, I'm with Ji Yong since two days. Just Two misery days.

"Of course!" She nodded. "When we got together, I told him everything about me and he did the same. I confessed my secrets and he did it too."


"You guys already know each other since we were trainee, so you can pass that phase and directly confesses your secrets. Even that one about your scars." She advised me.

"And you believe things will work out?" I asked still unconvinced.

"Of Course you silly girl!" She said smiling. "I tell you, if he really loves you, he will accept you for who and how you are. Scars or no scars. Otherwise, dump him."

"Dump him? Wouldn't it be better to have a surgery?" I said a little worry.

"Well, yes." She agree at first. "But don't you forget that within two days, he'll go in Europe. And you haven't so much time to recover from the surgery." She reminded me.

"Ah that's true! I keep forgetting that he'll go in Europe." I brushed my hair frustrated.

"So you really must tell him about your scars. And when you'll solve the "problem", don't be shy and have sex." She said in the end.

"You sounds always so sure and positive. Why?" I asked normally, even if my face was flushing red for her ending sentence.

"Because...It's better to be positive to life and see the bright side of things, than melt in desperation and illusions." She answered after a moment of wonder. "Truth is like a sticking plaster, when you take it off, it sure hurts a little, but you'll feel surely better after that you had take it off." She said with a wise voice.

"Ok Ok. I'll think about what you said."

"Good girl." She lovely brushed my hair. "Now, let's go to sleep." Then directed to our shared-room.

"De." I followed her too. She was definitely right. I had to tell him about my scars and solved the problem, before it was too late. Before he goes in Europe. Of course I wanted to have sex with him, but not before had solve this thing. I also hoped he would have reacted like Yang Suk Ki said, and accepted me like how I was. Scars or no scars. I prayed God before go to sleep. Just to be sure.






11. Tenacious admirer



I woke up the following morning, with my well known grin totally shining on my face. Ji Yong and I went really overboard yesterday night. I mean, he really was ready to with me. But I wasn't so ready for it yet. I mean, of course I wanted to have sex with him. My downparts were pulsing for it. outside body wasn't ready for it yet. Let's say that it wasn't presentable for it. In fact I had many scars on my body, caused by the car accident. On my upper body, arms, shoulders, upper back and stomach too, there were a lot of them. They look like if someone had fun cutting me and deepening the knife inside my pure flesh. I had a terrible big scar though, that started from my back and ended in the front, upon my stomach. Almost near my belly bottom. The scars on my shoulders and upper arms, weren't so visible, but that one..Was the most visible scar on the planet. While I was drying myself with the towel, after had took a shower, I glanced at my naked body reflected in the mirror. Well, it's not such a bad body. I sighed, knowing that I was just lying to myself. How the hell Ji Yong can like this.."body" of mine?

"YUMI-HA! Hurry up, I have to go to the toilet!" Yang Suk Ki shouted behind the door's bathroom.

"OKAY!" I shouted back.

I hurried up, rapidly dried myself and opened the door. She rushed inside as soon as the door was open. "Palliwa! I have to pee!" She exclaimed, pushing me harshly aside. And she slammed the door behind her.

I shook my head. I walked towards my bed and sat on it. I put my usual skin-cream on and thought about the problem about my scar in the meantime. I thought about a lot of ways to deal with it, but in the end, I had to talk with Ji Yong. Just like Yang Suk Ki advised me yesterday. The sooner the better. He had to go to Europe within two days. I have to stop goofing off and talk to him. So, after had decided, I grabbed my phone and I was about to call him, when I received a text from..Him. Woh. That surprised me.

It said : Mio Oppa<3 *Good morning babygirl, I hope you woke up well. I wanted to come to you, but 2NE1, Winner, Yongbae-ha and I had to go to that famous talk show..Sketchbook, and after that, Chaerin and I have to go to Hwashin too. It was on our*

ME *Good morning to you too Oppa. Of course I remember. Hwashin It's the program the president didn't let me go with you guys, because of the rumors about us.* I texted remembering that episode. The one we had when Ji Yong confessed to me, and I did the same. I smiled. Of course I wanted to go with the other seniors, but it didn't matter anymore. Well, it did mattered a little, but not so much.

Mio Oppa<3 *Exactly!*

Mio Oppa<3 *I really would have loved to have you here with me, but you know..*

ME * Yeah I know >_<* It was surely annoying not have the chance to go somewhere with him because of the rumors, but I didn't think about it and concentrate instead on what I had to do. Meant talk about the my problem.

ME *When you come back, I have to talk to you about something.*

Mio Oppa<3 *Uuh. That doesn't sound good.*

ME *I know. But is not such a..bad thing.* I kept repeating it to myself, even when we ended to text.

Mio Oppa<3 *The show last almost two hours and when we finish, I just want to go rest at my place sashil. Would you like to come? We can talk there..* His house? I've never been there.

ME *But wouldn't it be risky?* I wrote my thoughts down.

Mio Oppa<3 *No, Choi Seung hyun, Bom-noona and Yongbae-ha will come too. So there won't be any problem.*

ME *Ah..Ok.*

ME *No, wait. How am I supposed to go there. I don't even know where you live..*

Mio Oppa<3 *True!*

Mio Oppa<3 *No Problem. I'm gonna come pick you up.*

ME *Okay then. I'll wait for you.*

ME *Have fun at the show.*

Mio Oppa<3 *Thank You. I'll try to have fun even without you.* Always so cheesy. But I love it though.

Mio Oppa<3 *Sorry, I have to go. We're starting the rehearsals.*

ME *Ok.*

Mio Oppa<3 *See ya later babe. Ciaoo!* I smile at his text. My italian really got in him.

ME *Ciao!* I texted back.

I laid the cellphone back on the bed and got dressed up. I wore black skinny pants and a blue shirt. I combed my hair and put a little of make up on too. Just a bit of eyeliner and a light red lipstick. Then I stepped out of the room and saw Baek-ya and Mine-ha having breakfast. There were also the cameramen in the living room, but I ignored them and greeted my two pals. I sat down and started to eat too. Yang Suk Ki came out of the room then and she greeted me and sat down to eat with us. "After Gym, you have to re-write the song Yumi-ha." She reminded me.

"Oh..Yeah." I mumbled while eating. "Ok, I'll do it after I finish with this." I said pointing at my breakfast.

"And we're all gonna stay with you. As we concorded." She added

I nodded. We finished our breakfast and went to Gym. I did my usual exercises. The girls complained less than the last time. After Gym, I worked on the two songs, explaining to the girls how to deepen the lyrics. Not so easy like it sounds. Then we finished, I went to the president's office and gave him the sheets. He said that he would have controlled them and let me know the response later. I headed back to my pals and told them what he said to me. "Then we can do nothing but wait." Yun Baek Kee stated. We nodded agree.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked to all of them. 

Kim Min Hae talked first. "I'd like to go see the YG's dancers down on the second floor."

"Can I come too?" Yun Baek Kee asked her.

"Yes, if you want."


"Then let's go!" They stood up and were about to go, but they stopped and looked back at us. "Would you like to come with us eoni?" Kim Min Hae asked us.

"No thank you. I  have to go to Oppa's school. I want to give him the lunch I've prepared and spend some time with him." Yang Suk Ki said.

"Ah." The younger nodded. "And you eoni?" She asked me.

"Sorry, but I want to go to the comixbook store." I said. It was exciting to watch the dancers practice, but I had to go to collect my mangas that had been release that day so.. "I have to go pick up Say I Love You, One Piece and more so.."

"Ok. Then it's gonna be just the two of us." She said to Baek-ya and the girl nodded. "See ya!" They greeted us and flew away.

When they were already gone. With the cameras following them, I sighed relieved. "How are you gonna go there anyway?" I asked to Yang Suk Ki.

"I have a car, remember?" She said back.

"Ah." I had totally forgot that she had a car. She's not afraid to drive car like someone here..

"Yeah." She stood up and prepare herself to go. "Do me a favor, when finish with the comixbook store, can you take some fashion magazines for me at the newsagent?" She asked.

I nodded. "Okay."

"Here." She handed me some coins. "Those should be enough."

"Yes, they're enough."

"Okay, then see ya." She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and then went on her way. I didn't lose time and prepare myself too, to go to the comixbook store. I put on my grey shoes with white laces, and a cotton grey jacket on too. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the dorm too.

It's true that I still had some problems with cars, but it didn't mean that I wanted to be licenseless and walk to go everywhere. So, after I came to korea, I did the Motorcycle exam and got the license. Now, I could go wherever I wanted, without being force to walk every time. I went to the car's parking, walked in direction of my cute little blue Vespa (Totally Italian) and Got on top of it. I put the helmet on and turned on the motor. I drove all the way to the comixbook store, that wasn't too distanced from our dorm. The weather outside was still wasn't nice, there wasn't any trace of snow around, but the air was still cold though, So I drove faster. I parked the Vespa in front of the store and I headed towards the door. The cool thing about the store was that it wasn't so frequented, that's why I choose it. Less people less problem. Some place where I could still go to like a normal person. When I got inside, I kept my helmet on though. The place was less frequented but it didn't mean that I could go around showing off my face like nothing. In fact since I said in a few interviews that I liked mangas and that I like to but them personally at the comixbook store, my fans started to check every comixbook store in Seoul. So, now I had to be careful even in this one. Anyway, I entered in the store, headed towards my favorite section without making eye contact with anyone. The owner of the store knew me, so it didn't make a big fuss over the fact that I had the helmet on. Luckily there weren't so many people in the store, so no one gave me too much attention.

I went to the Shoujo session first and took : Kimi Ni todoke, Cynical Orange, Maid-sama, Say I Love You and Vampire Knight. Then I went to the Horror and Logical sesion : Black Lagoon and Attack of Titans. The comedy sesion : Gintama, GTO and One Piece. Action session : Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist. I had in Total 12 mangas, curled in my arms when I finished. Not bad. I walked towards the counter and laid my mangas on the desk. I pulled out of my bag the wallet and I was ready to pay.

"Can you take off the helmet miss?" A deep voice asked me.

I looked up and saw, not the owner's face, but a guy I've never seen before. He had short black hair, just like me (Just the color). His hair had a little shade of brown in them though. He had dark brown eyes, a perfect jawline and his nose too was perfect. His skin was more pale than normal, but it didn't matter, because it really suited him. He sure was handsome..Very very very handsome. And not because of his handsomeness, but mostly because, he had that dark-gloomy-mysterious-sexy gaze that bad boys had. I gulped and blinked a couple of times before getting back to my right state of mind. He sure was...HOT, but something was missing..I didn't know what though.

Anyway... I got back to myself when I noticed that he looked pissed off. "Oh Sorry, I thought you were Uncle-Jung Shin Hae.." I apologized. I grabbed the helmet and slowly slid it off my head. "Nice to me you, I'm...Yumi." I whispered the latest words, so no one could hear me but him. I also covered a little my face with the right hand.

He blinked looking at me. "Nice.. to me you too." He said with that deep voice of his. Wow. "I'm..Jung Dae Hoon. The son's owner." He introduced himself.



At first, I was really pissed off. I mean she entered in the store without greeting anyone and without taking that helmet off her head. Who you think you are. I thought. But when she took off the helmet and I saw her face..Woh..She got me instantly. I mean, how someone can possibly resist to that face of her. Her slim figure and certainly soft skin. Oh God, how I'd love to touch that skin of her. She had gummy lips, a beautiful nose, and most importantly her stunning dark green eyes. Green eyes? An asian girl with green eyes? How strange, but beautiful though. My bad boy attitude couldn't certainly resist to them. The arrogant mask I had on fell down instantly when she met my eyes for a few seconds. After that, even if I couldn't think clearly, I try anyway to get back to myself. And I acted as if I wasn't dazed by her stunning beauty.

"Ah, you're the son of Uncle-Jung Shin Hae.." Her voice was sublime too. Like she was talking and singing at the same.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Sorry for the helmet." She said with an apologetic face. She looked irresistible even doing that expression. "And sorry for haven't greeted too, it's just that I'm in a hurry and I didn't want to...catch the attention of people." She covered her face again, like earlier.

"Why..?" I asked curious. She looked like she was debating whether answer or not. "If it's too private.."

"No, It's just that paps had already followed me and I don't want to be surrounded by..the fans." She revealed.

"Paps? Fans?" I asked a little lost. "What are you talking about?"

"Your dad..didn't tell you anything?" She asked back. "About.. me?"

"Should I know you?" I smirked.

"W-well.." She lightly blushed. Ah, Interesting. "I know it might sound snob, but I'm kinda famous...around here..An-And your dad know me." She tried to explain, avoiding constantly my eyes.

"Famous?" I wasn't joking, I was really lost.

"Yes." She got closer to me and whispered "I'm a singer of YG Entertainment."

My eyes popped out. Y-Y-YG. The most famous agency of artist, of all. Most famous than JYP and SM put together. The Agency where G-dragon came from. That guy surely bragged a lot, but if I had his talent in music, I'd brag too. "YG?" I played dumb, but she didn't buy it this time.

"I know that you're playing dumb now.." She smirked. And her smirk was more beautiful and sexy than mine. She handed me the cash.

"You got me.." I admitted smiling. She smiled too. I grabbed the cash and handed her the receipt. I didn't have the time to chat more freely with her, that someone shouted her name behind us.

"YUMIII!!" It has been teenager girl, about 15/16 years old. Her voice has been so loud that I had to cover my ears.

"Cavolo.." Yumi mumbled. I didn't know what that mean, but her expression wasn't the happiest kind.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

She looked at me. "It mean that my cover has blown. And that I'm screwed." She answered.

I couldn't help myself and I laughed. "Your cover has blown? What are you, an hidden spy?"

"Stop laughing, this is serious." She said, but a smile appeared on her face anyway. "If I don't get out of here now, I'm screwed."

"Don’t exaggerate.."

"I'm not." She said serious. Any trace of happiness disappeared from her face. She stared at something behind her and I unconditionally looked too. I saw what she was looking at, and understood that she wasn't kidding. At all. In fact, out of my father's store, there was an uncoutable amount of people that was pushing to enter in the store and have an autograph of their favourite Singer. Yumi, the girl in front of me, whom looked really worried. A lot of other people outside were trying to enter in the store, while screaming her name here and there. What a chaos.




Everybody were ready with their phones, pens and blocknotes. There were students from the middle school and from High school too. There were also common people, and obviously guys too. All eager to see and shoot some pictures with their favourite singer. When I heard Yumi repeat Cavolo again. I didn't lose time and knew exactly what to do. I Jumped over the cash's desk and went standing in front of her. "GUYS! CALM DOWN!" I tried to calm the crowd.

"What?" A bunch of teenager girls spat back.

"Calm ourselves down? You calm down ajussshi!" Some other spat at me.

"Who do you think you are ajusshi?" I heard from somewhere in the back of the crowd.

"Get out of our way!" Some Middle school students spat at me.

"We're not here for you!" Another group exclaimed.

"Yeah! We're here for Yumi-eoni!" The teenagers added.

"BORAGO? Ajusshi?" I exclaimed disbelief. Rage filled up my whole body. "I'M 24 years old. 24 years old, you Kiddo!" I spat at all of them.

"24, Oh Please! Who do you want to trick? A Middle school student said back.

"If you're 24 years old, I'm 50!" Another student from the same school said and she laughed at me.

"YA!" I shouted louder. "Shouldn't you be at school anyway? Eh?"

"Today we have the day off! In your face ajusshi!" She even showed me her tongue. Rage..Full rage. Those little girls continued to make fun of me. What annoyed me the most, wasn't Their  annoying voices, but the volume of their voices. So loud. I heard Yumi giggle behind me though. "Hey, stop laughing. This is not funny." I said glancing back at her.

"I know, but.." And she laughed again.

"They're calling me Ajusshi. Ajusshi. Unbelievable!" She laughed again, contaged me too this time.

"Eoni! We just want an autograph!" The little girls shouted louder to catch her attention.

"Just one autograph!" Another teenager said with a sad voice."Jebal!"

I spoke before they could continue with their whimpers. "YA! How she's supposed to sign autographs, if you're all pushing like mad people? EH?"

They stayed silent, knowing that I was right. Yumi sighed behind me and stepped in. She was about to speak, but before she could open her mouth, her cellphone rang. She tried to hid the screen from me, but I saw the name of who was calling her. Mio-Oppa<3 That's what appeared on her cellphone's display. Damn it! She already has a boyfriend! Was what I instantly thought. But it could be her brother..I thought after. I didn't know what Mio meant after all. She didn't answer to the call as I expected, but hung up instead. I frowned. Then she opened her address book and called another phone number. A certain guy named Choi Seunghyun...Where did I already hear this name?

"Oh Agnon Choi Seunghyun Oppa." She greeted him first. The group of middle school student in front of me screamed even louder than before when they heard the name. This can't keep happening...





"YA! Would you lower your your annoying voices down?!" I spat louder. "She's on the phone for crying out loud!" Some of them argued with me, while others understood and stayed silent. Yumi in the meantime, profited and talked to the phone. Only I could hear her.

"I'm at the comixbook store. Ne. I needed to buy the new mangas came out. Ne..Ah, it's near the clothes shop. Yeah, the red one, with the big sign." She said. "Ne. And unfortunately they double sized." She said probably referring to the crowd. I couldn't hear what the guy said back, because of the noise in the store. "Tell him that I'm sorry, but I thought it would have been too risky to answer to his call right now. The store is full of fans and there are also those damn paps out of it." I looked out of the store, and yes..There were some guys with giant lenses pointed at me and her. I didn't like them right away. "Okay." Yumi kept talking. "Then, I'll try to calm them down a little, while I wait for you guys to come pick me up. Ne. Ne. Agnon!" She ended up the call and put the cellphone back into her pant's pocket.

"So.. what's the plan?" I asked her.

"The plan is.. to keep the fans occupied by signing autographs and wait for Choi Seunghyun Oppa to come get me out of here." She said.

"That's sounds good!"

She nodded agree with me. "I just hope they come quickly." She said looking at the crowd in front of us. I hope so too..

I ordered to the crowd to form a line and don't make too much noise. I sighed. The more I looked at them the more they were too much. Way too much. I prepared a table and a chair where she could seat and sign all those autographs. The line seemed to never end.. While she was signing the autographs and shooting pictures here and there, I did my job. Meant stay at the cash register and control the normal clients. The problem was that my beloved clients had left the store as soon as that student recognized Yumi. So now, I had nothing to do. I sighed again. Can't they at least buy something? I thought while looking at the teenagers in line.

I looked over at Yumi and she looked happy on the outside. Her smile was bright and lovely, but I noticed that she kept massaging her wrist and glancing at the door every now and then. She's tired and they don't even notice it. I headed towards her, with a glass of water. "Hey." I greeted her handing her the water.

"Hey." You could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"Do you need a break?"

"Yes, Please." She replied at low voice.

"Ok, Break it is." I turned my chest to the crowd still in line and informed them that their idol needed a break. They complained at first, but when I seriously glared at them, they drawed back scared and accepted my decision. Yumi greeted them, stood up and followed me in the back of the store. In a quiet room, where she could fully relax in peace. There wasn't any door though, so I covered the sight of her figure with my body, so the paps couldn't have bothered her with their lenses.

"Finally a break.." She sighed in relieved. "My wrist hurt so bad." She complained massaging it.

"Don't tell me.. It happen every time that you come here?" I asked her.

"No, of course not." She replied. "Your father know me. He wouldn't have never ask me to take off the helmet." She was angry now.

"Are you saying that it's my fault?" I was angry too.


I snorted. "Well, sorry if I didn't know you." I spat back a little annoyed. "It's not like I know every single artist of YG." I knew just a few of them.

She sighed. "Well, maybe you're right." She apologized. "Sorry."

I sighed calming down. "No, it's ok." I felt guilty for got mad at her. "It's my fault if you had to sign all those autographs. Did it still hurts?" I asked looking at her wrist.

"A little, but I'm gonna be fine." She assured me. "I like my fans, but once in awhile I'd like to do normal stuff like come to a comixbook store without causing such noise everytime."

I nodded understanding her frustration. An awkward silent spreaded around then. I wanted to ask her something, but it would have been too rude to ask her such a personal question. I tried to ask her in the most delicately way possible anyway. Without sounding too invasive. "About earlier..." I begun catching her attention.

"What?" She looked at me.

"I..saw who was calling you." I said at low voice.

"Ah..O-kay." She looked a little reluctant to talk about it.

"It was your..Ehm..Oppa. Am I right?" I asked anyway.

"Hm..Ah..Y-yes." She nodded distractly.

"Was he..Your brother or your.. boyfriend?" I kept asking to eager.

"No. No" She denied, but she didn't convince me at all. She noticed it, but kept denying it. "No..He was just..My brother. Yes, My biological brother."

"Oh really?" I lifted my brows.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I assure you."

"Ah ah."


"Ah ah."

"You don't believe me, do you?" She asked after a while.

"Of course not." I said smiling. "You're so bad at lying."

She sighed. "Ok, I admit it, he was my boyfriend." She confessed. "But please, I beg you, don't ever say anything to anybody." She begged me and got closer to me. She rub her hands against each other. Like she was praying me.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." I said to her. "I don't want to be involved in the rumors and in the life of celebrities. I don't like to see paps around my father's shop either. They really bugs me." I said and I meant it.

"Oh grazie! Thank you very much!" She shook hands with me multiple times.

"Your welcome." I shook hands back with her. But I wasn't as happy as her right now. "That's a pity though.." I said after had shook hand.

She looked lost. "Why?"

"Well.." I got closer to her. Slowly and looked straightly in her eyes. "It's a pity, because..I started to like you, Yumi." I knew that she had a boyfriend, but try costed nothing. So I made the first move, I wasn't the type of guy who ruin relationship of others, but she..she's was different. A hot sexy girl like her, couldn't be certainly ignored. She blushed earlier, when were chatting freely, and that certainly meant something. So, I captured the moment and confessed what I felt.


I blinked a couple of time before replying. "Like, me?" I asked disbelieved. I was sure my eyes were bigger than normal. "But we've just met!" I exclaimed.

He simply shrugged. "I know, but it doesn't matter that much. We can have time to know better each other." Mamma mia..He's so shyless, And so confident too. How I wish I was confident like him too.

"You can't be serious.." My voice was hysterical.

"I am." He replied.

I shook my head. "This..This is insane." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh come on! Who would not like a girl like you?" He said. "I mean, look at you.."

I looked at myself and then at him. "I'm just a normal girl." I said back. "You perhaps are more attractive than me."

"Me? Oh please, don't try to deceive me. Those annoying girls kept calling me Ajusshi." He waved his hand in direction of the crowd. "Didn't you hear how they screamed your name instead..Yumi! Aah..Yumi! Waa!" He impersonated their girly screams and moves too. That made me laugh.

"Ahahahaa.." I laughed louder. "You're so funny."

He laughed too. But after a while, he returned serious. "Anyway..I really mean it, I like you Yumi." He said with that deep-raspy-sexy voice of his.

That caught me off guard and I didn't have a clue on what to say. I mean, How the hell you reject a sexy and..quite funny like him? My brain came to my rescue saying. Remembering that you have a fantastic, awesome, sexy, nice and funnier boyfriend, known as G-Dragon, that he's coming to pick you up! You Idiot! I thanked my beloved brain before speaking back. "Sorry, but I have a boyfriend. Like I said before." I said without blinking even once, because I really meant those words. "And I don't only like him. I Love him." I added serious.

He didn't get sad nor flinched. He just stared at me. That made feel uncomfortable. "Like I already said, That's a pity." He said getting more closer to me. I stepped backwards.

"For me it's not." I said firm. Even if I was trembling inside.

"I have doubts on it."

I smirked. "You sure are tenacious.."

"Yes, Someone has already said that to me." He smirked too and I blushed. I was sure of it.

Luckily for me, a fan of mine, screamed distracting him. He glanced back to see why in the world the little girl screamed so loud. He went to check out personally. While he was away, I took a couple of breath to calm myself down. When he came back, I was more relaxed and calm. His eyes were widely opened. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him a little worried.

"Hem..Someone is looking for you." He said still in his shock's state.

I worried more. "Who?"

He finally made eye contact with me. "G-Dragon."



"Yes. G-Dragon." I said looking at her. She was shocked, but not as much as me. "He's in the entrance, asking for you." She didn't reply and instead stared at me. Well, not at me, but at the guy behind me. The most famous guy in all South Korea. G-Dragon. Oh God..This must be a dream. And to think that I didn't want to come at work in the first place.

"To be exact, I'm right behind you." He politely said behind me. He didn't act up or brag like he used to do on Tv and I liked that.

"Oh Annyeong hashimnikka G-dragon-shi." I greeted to him, bowing my head.

"Annyeong hashimnikka to you too.." He hung the sentence in the air, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"My name is Dae Hoon. Jung Dae Hoon." I said.

"Nice to meet you Dae Hoon-shi. Don't be too formal with me.." He shook hand with me. Everything seemed so unreal. I mean, I'm shaking hands with G-Dragon..That's unbelievable!

He let go of my hand and glanced at Yumi. I didn't look at her, but focused on him instead. He was super dressed up. Like always. He had on a cool black suit, that was surely a little formal, but thanks to the skinned boots and the hip-hop hat, he didn't look formal at all. On the opposite, he looked like the bad son of a rich ceo. I really liked his style, and music too. He had sunglasses on, but I could still see the bright color of his eyes. Light brown. Unique in all the country. Behind him there was a giant pair of guys. Probably his bodyguards. Well, if I were him, I would go around with them too. Knowing  how crazy his fans were. I still could hear them from here too. Screaming like mad women and pushing the bodyguards to have an autograph..or just see their Bias.

"You know you shouldn't go around without your bodyguards." G-Dragon spoke catching my attention back. He was talking to Yumi. In a way that I would have said very confidential. Like they were friends. Of course they're friends, they came from the same agency. My brain reminded me. Aah...I mentally mumbled.

"I know." Yumi looked both embarrassed and annoyed. "But I still feel strange around them." She justified herself.

He sighed and got closer to her. "It doesn't matter if you don't feel comfortable around them. They are your bodyguards, they just have to protect you Yumi-ha. Not be your friends." He reminded her.

"I know." She repeated a little annoyed. "I just came to get my mangas. I didn't think I needed them." She glanced at me and G-Dragon followed her eyes.

I felt guilty. "Yes, It's kinda my a certain way." I said.

"Your fault Dae Hoon-shi?" He asked me.

"Yes." I nodded. "She entered in the store wearing the helmet and I asked her to take it off." I explained.

"Why?" He wanted to know.

"Well, I had to ask her that, because of security's matter. You know.." I tried to explain and he understood right away. Thank God! "If I had know that she was so famous, I wouldn't have.."

"No..You couldn't know it." He interrupted me waving his hand. "It's not your fault, you were just doing your job."

"Thank you for understanding." I smiled. He smiled too.

He then returned to look at Yumi. "Are you ok?" He asked with a concerned voice. He checked her up, looking up and down at her figure. Looking for any possible wounds on her skin.

"I'm okay." She assured him, then she looked at me. "Dae Hoon Oppa protected me from the fans. And from the pap's lenses too."

G-Dragon instantly thanked me. "Thank you. Thank you very much Dae Hoon-shi!" He took off his sunglasses and...Hugged me. Yes, you got it right. He hugged me. Like men do obviously. I wasn't attracted to men, but I had to admit that my heart skipped a beat.

He let go of me and thanked me again. "You don't know how much it mean to me." He said, I shyly nodded. Yumi gave him a nudge whispering something incomprehensible to him. He nodded and put his sunglasses back on. Way too confidential..

"G-Dragon-shi." One of his bodyguards called him. "The crowd is growing up, we have to leave the place." He revealed. Damn those fans..I hope They didn't break anything. I glanced behind his bodyguards to be sure, but I couldn't see a thing, because the guys were giant like mountains.

"Okay I got it." He answered. He looked at me. "Is there a back-door here?" He asked me.

"Ah De." I nodded.

"Can you guide us to it? I don't think we can make, it if we pass through the crowd."

"Sure." I was about to guide them, but I stopped in my tracks remembering something. "Wait a sec..I'll be back in just a few seconds." I said to them. They watched me, leaving with a confused look on their faces.

I avoided the bodyguards, not an easy task. Avoid the fans too, it has been double time difficult. They kept screaming, shouting and..even crying, because of their Bias. Freaks.. Anyway, I passed through them and finally I arrived to the destination. Meant, the cash register. Yumi had laid her mangas on the desk and forgot to take them up. I had to give them back to her. She paid for them after all. I grabbed them and put them in a small plastic bag. Then I got back to her and G-Dragon. "Here.." I handed the bag to her. "Your mangas."

"Oh..Thank you Oppa. I totally forgot about them." She thanked me with a hug. Her perfume was really intoxicating. In the good way. She let me go when the bodyguard pressured us to hurry up.

"You're welcome." I said. "Now, if you would like to follow me.." I didn't finish the sentence on purpose and started to walk ahead of them. While we were walking, the two singers started to chat. I wanted and didn't want at the same time to eavesdrop their conversation. In the end the curiosity won and I eavesdropped.

"You shouldn't have come here." Yumi said to him. It was like she was scolding him. Noo..It can't be possible..

"You didn't answer to my call, I had to come." G-dragon replied. "I've never been hung up before." He sounded a little angry.

"I had to hang up." She defended herself. "There were fans everywhere, and paps too. Someone would have see my display and figured out that it was you."

"How would they knew that? You didn't use my name do you?" He asked back.

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid." She sounded a little offended.

"Then why you look so worried?"

"It's..Just that.." She didn't know how to continue. "Here, it's better if you see it for yourself." She said. Then I heard some noise. I believed she was showing her phone to him. But wait, the only one who called her, has been..Her boyfriend. Don't tell me that..

"Hm..I don't think someone thought that it was me." G-Dragon said after a moment of silence.

"Just don't use this nickname..Is too obvious. Use another one." He proposed.

"Like what?"

"Like something in Italian, that no one can understand." He said. "No one, but us." He added. Us?

"Nothing comes to my mind now." She said. "I'll think about it later."

Unfortunatly they stopped chatting when we reached the door. I didn't understand if he has been him that called her earlier or not.  "Here we are.." I said turning my head to face them. They were more close to each other than I thought. His shoulder was possessively rubbing against her shoulders and I noticed from the corner of my eye, their hands rubbing against each other too. Could it be that..He was really him calling before?

"Thanks for all your help Oppa." Yumi thanked me again.

"Ah you're welcome Yumi." I replied smiling.

"I'd like to thank you too." G-Dragon thanked me too. "If it hasn't been for you, she would have been swallowed by the crowd."

"Don't even mention it!" I waved my hands.

"But I'd like to add something too." He said with a serious and grave voice. That made me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't show it. Real guy never show their fear. I heard it somewhere.

"What?" I asked in the same manner.

"The paps will stay around your store for a couple of weeks. They're gonna ask you this and that about what we said. You can whether answer to their questions or don't answer at all."

"I won't ever.." I begun but he cut me off.

"Let me finish." He gently said and I closed my mouth. "They might pay you... with a lot of cash, just to have their f*cking scoops."

"Oppa.." Yumi scolded him for his bad language.

"As I was saying..You can whether answer to their question or not. It depends on you." He kept talking as if she didn't speak. "They're gonna try everything that it is in their power to make you split everything out. And I mean everything."

"That doesn't sounds so good." I was a little worried.

"And it is not good." He said. "My advice for you, is to not answer. To any question. Because if you say something, just because they bugs you and you want to make them go away, your life will be displayed on every front page of every magazine all over South Korea. And the life of your entire family will become complicated and unbearable." He revealed.

That frightened me a lot. "All over South Korea?"

"All over South Korea." He nodded, not so happy about it. Neither I was happy. "It's all up to you Dae Hoon-shi. I hope you'll make the right decision."

I wondered for a couple of minutes, before answering back. "I'll make the right decision. I promise you G-Dragon-shi."

"I hope so." He said back. "Anyway, Thanks again for helping Yumi-ha. I appreciate that. Oh and let me know if our beloved fans destroyed something in your store." He added and I nodded. After had said that, one of his bodyguard went ahead of him and opened the door for him. What I meant is, that he checked if the road was free. Unfortunately there were some fans and paps too, but they weren't as much as the crowd inside the store. "Goodbye Dae Hoon-shi." He greeted me shaking hands with me for the last time.

"Goodbye to you G-Dragon-shi." I greeted him back.

"See ya the next time Oppa." Yumi greeted me too. Her smile contaged me and I ended up smiling too.

"Sure Yumi."

They stepped out of the store and walked towards a car that was waiting for them. G-Dragon-shi sat in the front, next to..Choi Seunghyun-shi, known as TOP, his band mate. While Yumi-ha sat in the back with Taeyang and Park Bom of 2NE1. All of those stars, in just one car. Incredible! I watched them, driving all the way to..wherever they were going. Paps tried to follow them, but TOP drove too fast for them. I kept asking myself, whether it has been G-Dragon that called Yumi earlier or not. And if it really has been him, that meant that he was the mysterious boyfriend and that..I hadn't even a chance with the girl with green eyes. I sighed. Why the hottest one are always taken?





12. Trust me more




I love cars..It was pity though that those damn paps never left our backs since we left the comixbook store. The Speed target on Choi Seunghyun's car, said that we were driving at 60 km per hour, but for me it was like we were driving much more slower. The traffic-lights weren't helping either. They were red all the time. Just like the one in front of us. As soon as it became green though, I hurried up Choi Seunghyun. "Come on! They're still behind us." I knew it was rude of me, but I couldn't help myself, I was too tired of them.

He briefly glanced at me. "I'm driving as fast as I can Ji Yong. Stop to whimper, I'm tired too you know." He compained. "They're really getting on my nerves now.." He glared at them, looking through the wing mirror at his right side. We all knew the reason why they were so insistent.

"You tell me!" Yongbae-ha said. He was sitting on the seat behind mine. Next to him there was my love, Yumi, and next to her there was Bom noona. Sat right behind Choi Seunghyun. She took advantage and tried to calm him down.

"Just ignore them babe. Ignore them and drive." She said and profited to caress his shoulders, to get rid of the stress. An attitude that I thought I would have never seen if hyun wouldn't have confessed to her. And yesterday he did it.

Finally! It was since our trainee period that he was in love with her and finally he confessed to her. I knew they were perfect for each other since I first saw them. They were and are so perfect for each other. Just like my love and I. I glanced back at her, Her eyes were lost in the view out of the window. I don't know if she felt observed, but she turned her head in my direction and she met my eyes, possessively staring at her. She instantly smiled at me, I smiled back and she blushed. How cute she can be sometimes. We smiled at each other like stupid lovers, till my phone rang and interrupted our moment. What a breaking balls.. Luckily It was just the president. "Agnon President. What's up?" I greeted him first.

"Agnon to you too." He greeted me back. He sounds angry. Not the mood I was expecting. "How the show was?"

"Good. Smooth."

"And may I ask, why you and that Double Idiot of your Hyun, are in his car driving all the way to ...where exactly are you going?" He asked raising his voice. I should have known that he would have come to know. We were followed by the paps after all. I bet they were even filming us, and airing the thing on the web right this instant.

"To my" I said a little shy and scared.

"Didn't we project that you would had came here at YG building before going to the interviews on your schedule?" He asked rhetoric.

"Y-yeah. But I was tired and..I wanted to relax at my place." I mumbed scared.

He sighed, but not as if he has calm down. On the contrary..."Ok. Ok. May I at least know why YUMI IS IN THE CAR TOO?" The volume of his voice raised more and more. And now..What do I say?

"Hem..Well.." I mumbled unable to find the right word. The point wasn't what to say, but how to say it. And...I knew he wouldn't have liked what I would have said anyway. I looked briefly at my hyun, he looked briefly back at me. He noticed my I'm-doomed-expression and an interrogatif point appeared on his face. He didn't speak, but I knew what he wanted to ask, so I covered with the palm of my hand the phone and whispered "He's f*cking full of rage."

"Why?" He asked with the same tone of voice.

"Because I'm here and not at YG like we have planned beforehand." I explained.

"Ah. I can understand that. I don't understand though why he shouted at you." He said frowning.

"He shouted mostly because of.." I motioned at Yumi behind him.

"Aah." He nodded understanding.

"Otoke Hyun? What do I say now?" I asked in panic.

"I don't know! You should know the reason for her for being here." He replied. 

I sighed frustrated. I took off my hand on the cellphone and deal with him. "Well.." I awkwardly begun.

"So.." He said less angry, so I profited and split everything out.

"I was tired president. So I decided to go to my place instead of going to YG." I said avoiding on purpose to mention Yumi's name. But he wasn't stupid.

"I get that." He said."What I don't get..Is why Yumi is there too? Do you perhaps forget what we discussed the last time?"

"No, I didn't forget it..."


"It's not what you think president.." I tried to calm him down, but it was no use. He continued as if he didn't hear me or like he didn't care about what I had to say.

"It's not what I think? THEN HOW THE HELL THINGS ARE LIKE? PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT TO ME.. AND DON'T FORGET TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOUR FANS TOO!  Remember that they won't understand it. Whatever insane thing you have to say. THEY WON'T UNDERSTAND IT. Even if it's the truth or not, they won't understand it Ji Yong. THE ONLY THING THAT WILL STAY IN THEIR MIND, IT'S YOU AND YUMI TOGETHER IN YOUR APARTMENT. And what do you think they're gonna do about it? EH? You promised me that you wouldn't have cause me any trouble. IT THAT HOW YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISES? IT'S LIKE THAT YOU DON'T CAUSE TROUBLES? Do you want to lose all your fans? Certainly not all of them will leave you, BUT I KNOW FOR SURE THAT MOST OF THEM WILL LEAVE IF YOU KEEP DOING THESE STUFF. Is that what you want Ji Yong? Seriously?" He asked me more relaxed and serious than ever.

"Of course I don't want that to happen. It's n-" I begun thinking that this time he would have let me finish the sentence. but it hasn't been like this.

"THEN WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS? DO YOU AT LEAST CARE HOW THEY FEEL? DO YOU AT LEAST LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU? OR YOU JUST SHUT YOUR EARS AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT? Do you intend to throw away all your efforts to be a respected artist in the trash? AND I MEAN ALL..Just for a girl?" He continued over and over. Without even taking a break to breath. I didn't like what he was saying, but I couldn't reply either, because his speech seemed to never end.

"President-" I tried to say when he paused, but he rudely cut me off.

"Shut your mouth! You restless Kiddo. I'm still talking." He said without even thinking of the consequences.

Kiddo. To me. I was already 25 years old, 26 in August. But that doesn't matter. What really mattered, was that I always listened to what he had to say to me. I always.. well almost always, did what he ordered me to do. But mostly I never, broke the rules. And I didn't believe that going to my place with my girlfriend to just TALK, would have been against the rules. I didn't believe either that we would have done something more than talk, with the others in the apartment. It's true that I was still young, but that didn't mean that I was restless like he said. How can you not trust me president after all this time? I wanted to ask him...

"Ji Yong." The voice of Yongbae-ha reached my ears, even if the president's voice kept shouting in them. I glanced back at him. "Give me the phone." He said. I was a little lost. I asked him why, but he just repeated to give the phone to him. I did like he said.

"President..President." He tried to stop his chatter. "Let me talk..Please, just for two minutes." I didn't hear what the president replied, but his voice was calmer than when he was "talking" with me.

"Nothing's gonna happen." Yongbae-ha assured him. "I'm sure that if Choi Seung hyun was free to talk with you, He would say the same thing. De. De. There's me, him and Bom-noona, So you don't have to worry. Seriously. We're just gonna be in his company for an half  hour or even less than that and then return to YG. De. Yes, she's here too. I'll pass you through her.." I glanced back and saw that he was passing the phone to Yumi. I sighed knowing that he would have scolded her too. Good luck love. I mentally sent to her.


Now is my turn..I didn't want to be scolded again, like the last time, but Yongbae was already passing me the phone. I surrendered and grabbed it. "Annyeong haseyo presid-" He cut me off instantly and spoke for his self.

"Ye ye. Now listen." He started hurriedly and rudely. "I know perfectly that is almost impossible to stay away from our loved ones when we are in love. I can understand that. I passed through that phase too. It's ..very difficult mostly at the beginning. At my times, things were different though. Fans weren't so obsessed with idols. Things were easier, but now everything is different." He didn't shout at me, but he had still a firm and resolute voice when he talked.

"De. I understand that, but-" I started, but he cut me off again. What the..

"I'm not finish yet." He paused. "The type of fans that exist now, is completely and totally different from the past one. This new kind of fans are extremely sensitive when there's Ji Yong's life as topic. They get jealous over insignificant stuff. Like the simple exchange of glances. Figures, if they find out that you're going at his place. They'll certainly go nuts. And this would be really irresponsible of you, after my efforts to lead away the rumors from you two." He had a point and I understood it. I wanted to tell him that I got what he was saying, but he never let me even say a word. "Before you two can show yourself to the world as a couple, it must pass at least a year. Or even more. You can't go to his house like that, without telling me nothing. Without thinking that his fans won't take some revenge on you Yumi. So, what I'm asking is Why? Why Yumi?" He granted me finally the permission to speak.

"Because I need to talk with Ji Yong about something. And he proposed to go to his place, because he is too tired to go YG. That's all. Really." I assured to him.

"And wouldn't have been better to talk about whatever you had to talk at night, At YG building, where nobody could disturb you." He replied.

"Ah..Well." Damn it, he was right.. But. "Yes, it's true, But it's really important that I talk with him now. I really need to talk with him before he goes in Europe president." I whispered at low voice the latest part.

He heavily sighed and I knew I won. "And what do you have to talk about? Is it really that necessary to talk about it today?..At his place? with paps still following your car?" He insisted.

"Hem.." Aah Otoke? I can't talk about my scars with him, neither about sex. "Yes." I still answered to his question.

"Is it really that important?" He asked again.

"Yes. It's Really important." I nodded even if he couldn't see me.

He sighed again. "Okay. I got it. If it's really important for you, I can't do nothing about it. You're almost arrived at his place after all." He stayed silent for a while, then he spoke again. "Just talk..Eh?"

"Yes. Just talk. Nothing else." I assured to him.

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else." But what the heck he believe we can do, with the others constantly checking up on us?

"Okay. Alright." You could tell that he was less worried than at the beginning of our conversation. I sighed relieved.

"Thank you sunbaenim for understanding." I said.

"No problem sweetheart. As long as you and Ji Yong talk and do nothing else. I'm alright with that."

"I promise."

"Just don't stay too much at his place."

"De. Algaesumnida."

"And to not have further problem..please film everything and everyone when you guys arrived at his place. It would be a proof that you guys didn't do nothing suspicious. So his fans won't have any excuses to make a big fuss over it." He suggested.

"Film? But I don't have a camera here with me. Just my phone." His idea was brilliant, but we couldn't have put it into practice without a camera. And now? What do we do? How come that when I need those damn cameras they're not around?

"Ask to Bom, she always have a cam with her." He said.

"Ah. De." I asked her right away if she had a camera with her. She nodded and searched in her bag.

"Otherwise I can send to you guys, one of our cameramen." He added when I didn't reply.

She probably heard him, because she replied right away "No. No. there's no need." And she grabbed the cellphone from my hands. "I have my own camera with me sunbaenim." She said to him.

"Ye.Ye." She nodded energetically. "I'll film everything. You don't have to worry president. I'll keep my eyes on them." She said smiling, and even launched me a warning yet funny look. Suddenly she became serious though. Wue?


Damn it. I should have known that he would have came to know it. But how the hell he came to know it? "Bomi-ha, are you still there?" He asked after that I stopped talking for a moment.

"De. I'm still here." I said a little worried. "I was just thinking." I couldn't help but say the truth.

"Well, if you're asking yourself, how I came to know it. It's very simple." He paused and that killed me, because I hated suspense. "Cameras. YG building is full of them. Both externally and internally. Don't tell me you forgot them.." He asked rhetorically.

"Well...Kind of." How the hell I forgot the cameras. Pabo! Pabo! You stupid girl you are!

He sighed, but not like he was mad with me. Is tone of voice was oddly..amused when he spoke. But I didn't understand if he was really amused or it was a trick. "Did you really thought that I wouldn't have found out about you and Choi Seunghyun, making out in the corridors, do you?" I knew it was stupid of me, but I really hoped it back then.

"Hem..A L-little." I mumbled embarrassed.

"Really Bomi-ha? Really? The corridors? The most survey places of all YG building."

I sighed surrendering. "Mianhae-ho. jungmal Mianhae sunbaenim." I quickly apologized to him. "I really shouldn't have done...that stuff in the corridors. I'm really sorry." I continued to bowed to him, even if he wasn't there. The others were looking at me with confused expressions.

"Ye. Stuff." He paused. And just for one second, I swear I heard him chuckle. The president that chuckle..Nah, It can't be possible. It must be my imagination. "I don't want to talk about what happened yesterday now." He added.

"Yeah. I think so too." I was totally agree with him.

"Not now, but in my office." Darn. I sighed frustrated and brushed my hair. I really didn't want to talk about my snogging session with Choi Seunghyun with that old man. It would be funnier and less embarrassing to talk about it with my pals. Ten times better. Yes, I didn't tell them yet. Only because I didn't have the time. Too much stuff on our schedule.

"Aah Otoke?!?" I mumbled to myself.

"Bomi-ha?" Someone called me. It hasn't been the president like I thought, but Choi Seunghyun's. He wasn't at the driving seat anymore. On contrary, he was staring at me from where there was supposed to be the car-door. "We have arrived." He said.

I looked around. And yes, we were really arrived. The car was in the underground parking of the building of Ji Yong's apartment. The guy in fact was exiting the car, just like the others. And as soon as they were out, they headed towards the hallway that reached the elevator. The only one left behind, was me. And Choi Seunghyun too. "Ah. That was fast." I mumbled stepping out of the car.

"Here, let me help you." Choi Seunghyun offered his hand to me. I wasn't still used, to  this whole I-Like-You-story with him. I already have had boyfriends before, but I never felt like this around them. I never felt so nervous like when I was with him. It's true that I was already 30, but it didn't meant that my heart didn't continue to beat like a teenage girl's heart, when he held my hand in his. I also felt butterflies in my stomach and I flushed red. Omo, how can this young boy make my heart beat so fast?

"K-kamsamida." I shilly thanked him, without making eye contact with him.

"Your welcome." He replied with that husky-deep-sexy voice of his. Aah..Breath Bomi-ha..Breath.. "Oh. Are you still talking with the president?" He asked noticing Ji Yong's cellphone still held in my hand.

I looked at it too. "Aah. I completely forgot about it." I put it back near my ear. "Oh Jeo som hamnida sunbaenim. Are you still there?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm still here." He said calm. "I was saying, can you pass me through Choi Seunghyun. I'd like to talk with him."

"Ah." I was a little surprised.

"I need to talk with him just for two minutes." Then he added. "There's plenty of time to talk about what the YG building corridors. In my office obviously.." Again, I felt like it was he was chuckling, but I wasn't so sure. Ah..Bulla. I gave up.

"O-okay. Now I'll pass you through him..jakanman-yo.." I said, then I handed the cellphone to Choi Seunghyun whispering that he wanted to talk with him. He grasped the cellphone with both confused and worried expressions. Ah..I really hope he won't talk about what happened yesterday with him. Has been my last thought when we followed the others towards the elevator.


What he want to talk about now? I thought as soon as I grabbed the phone from Bomi-ha. "Agnon Haseyo president." I greeted him normally, trying to hid my worries from him.

" tricky guy." He said with a tone of voice, more funnier than angry. It was playful.. A thing that surprised me, counting that he was shouting at Ji Yong earlier, and Bomi-ha looked worried too when she was talking with him.. But why would he be angry with her? she didn't do anything wrong..

"I don't understand sunbaenim." I confessed. "Why am I a tricky guy?" I asked him, while me and Bomi-ha were heading towards the elevator with the others. I wanted to hold her hand, but I was still too chicken and paranoid to do it. Paranoid..because of the possibility of being busted by the paps, hide in the car parking. Ready to take pictures of us.

"Like you already don't know..Eheheheh." He giggled like a little girl. What the..?

"Sunbaenim. I really don't know what you're talking about." I said. "Cincia!" I insisted.

"Aish. Are you dumb or what?" He said back, more frustrated than angry at me. "I'm talking about you and Bomi-ha making out yesterday, in the corridors, like there was no tomorrow."

"Ah." I flushed red like a tomato. When we entered in the elevator, I hid myself in the back, where no one could see me. Ji Yong, Yumi and Yongbae-ha stayed in the front, and I tried to hid my face to Bomi-ha, who were behind with me. I should have known that he would have come to know it. He's the president, it is obvious that he would knew that. With all those cameras in the building too. My brain reminded me. I sighed while we were in the elevator. I knew everyone was staring at me. But I couldn't help myself, I was too worried. But wait a sec...The president doesn't sound angry at me. Did he was perhaps..happy? Better check again. "Ah. And Is it a..good thing?" I asked cautiously.

"OF COURSE IS IT, YOU KID." He shouted through the phone. Everyone heard him. "Weren’t you in love with her since...forever?" Luckily he lowered his voice. Even if my ears were pulsing with pain, I was still happy. Happy that he was happy for me.

"CINCIA?" I shouted in return. Not louder like him, but it has been enough to attire the attention of the others. They asked with their eyes what was happening, but the president was still talking, so I didn't have the chance to explain. We shared a lot of laughed and he congratulated with me. He even tried to sing to me the Congratulation's song through the phone. That made me laugh louder.

"Choi Seunghyun?" He suddenly called me, but the good mood never left him.

"De?" I answered calm.

"How about we keep it secret from Bom?!? And make her believe I'm mad at you guys?" He asked with the little voice filled with amusement of his. There wasn't the need to answer, because I really loved to do pranks on people, mostly on her. So, I accepted and acted as if I was being scolded and stuff. She was such a believer that she fell in our trap in no time.

"What is he saying?" She kept asking me, even after we arrived inside of Ji Yong's apartment. "Choi Seung! Tell me!" She begged me with her puppy eyes. How cute! I thought, but didn't fall for them.

"See ya later Choi Seunghyun." The president was giggling too, just like me while I was secretly glancing at Bomi-ha.


"Don't be too late."


He added too. "But mostly keep an eye on Ji Yong and Yumi for me. Eh?"

"Don't worry president. I'll never break eye contact with them." I said glancing at the two of them. They were looking at me with a confused look. But Ji Yong seemed to figure out what I meant with that sentence. Because he snorted.

"Don't tell anything to Bomi-ha."


"Okay then Bye! See ya later." He greeted me.

"See ya later. Bye!" I greeted back. I chuckled inside, anticipating what will have happened later, in the president's office. I can't wait to see her face!


When Choi Seunghyun finished to talk with the president, he looked relieved, but also worried and scared at the same time. He didn't told us much after he hung up, but just that the president was mad at him for not have telling him that I was coming with them too. He said that he wanted to talk also to Bom eoni at the return. It seemed that he was mad at her too. Ahh..Otoke? I felt guilty for having put them in such a situation. And when Choi Seunghyun added that the president wanted to talk to me and Ji Yong too, I felt more guilty. I sighed tired and sad for what was waiting us. I sat on the couch next to him and cuddled myself in Ji Yong's arms. I heard him sigh too above my head. Poor us..

"I'm too tired now. I'll think about our problem later." Ji Yong said, then he stood up. He kissed me and before walking in direction of his room, he said that we would have talk after a bath. I nodded.

"Ah!" Bom exclaimed suddenly when Ji Yong left the us. "I better start recording now." She said then took out of her bag the camera. A normal one. Well, normal If you don't count the multiple heart's stickers place on it.

"How should I act eoni?" I asked her counting that I was starting to be afraid. Afraid to say something. Something that I shouldn't have said. And we were between friends, I knew I would have said something wrong. After what the president told me about Ji Yong's fans, I was scared to say a single word. 

"Don't worry Yumi-ha." She said. Even if she was on the opposite of the couch, with Choi Seunghyun and Yongbae sat next to her, She comforted me by patting my shoulders. "Just don't mention Ji Yong's name too much and everything will be fine." Has been her advised.

"O-okay." It couldn't be so difficult.

"Let's talk for the most about his apartment and everything will be alright." Choi Seunghyun added.


"Don't over think too. People might notice it." Yongbae added too.

Okay..Now it's gonna be a little bit difficult. "Thanks for the advises." I thanked all of them anyway.

"Okay, then..Let's Start!" Bom-eoni shouted enthusiast, before turning on the camera. She pressed the Rec's bottom and started to record herself first. "Yorobun. Annyeong haseyo! It's me, Bomi Bomi!" She waved her hands to the camera.

"There's us too bomi-ha. Remember?" Choi Seunghyun looked both annoyed and amused by her funny introduction.

She looked at him and I swear I saw her slightly blushed. I blushed too because they were so lovely. "Ah mian. Here's T.O.P!" She acted like a gangster and impersonated him too. "From BIG BANG!" She shouted his band's name and chuckled at the end.

Choi Seunghyun looked at her shaking his head. But the smile never left his face. "And people keep saying that I'm the weird one.." He mumbled.

"Borago?" She asked annoyed.

"Nothing. Nothing." He said back. "Hey everyone. What's Up?!" He greeted too to the camera. Getting slightly closer to her. I blushed just  looking at them. What people will think, seeing them so close?

"What's Up?!" She repeated in such a funny and adorable way, that I couldn't help myself and I laughed like mad girl. "And now I introduce you.." She paused on purpose and turned the camera, so it was pointed at me now. "Yumi!"

Aah..Otoke? I thought while waving my hands to the hypothetical public. "Annyeong haseyo!"

"From..SWEET STONES." She added acting all fierce and sexy. That made Choi Seunghyun glanced at her with a surprised look. She noticed that he was staring at her, she blushed, but continue with her act. Even if her face was all red.

"Oh..Yeah." I added too, but not in the same manner as her. Just a simple - Oh. Yeah.- avoiding to look at the camera though.

"And here's Yongbae-ha..Ani, I meant Taeyang!" She introduced him with a cheerful voice, that I instinctively clapped.

"Ah..Yeah. Hi everyone!" He greeted too.

Then she framed herself again and added. "Isn't he cool with that outfit? Say it! Say he's cool!" She said referring to his fantastic clothes. She threatened the camera and she also moved it up and down, as if it was nodding at her. Unbelievable.. "Taeyang's COOL!" She cheered for him, lifting her fist to the sky.

I joined her too. "Yeah Very Cool." And I clapped again.

He shook his hand smiling and he looked at me. "Cincia why are you clapping so hard anyway?"

"Kunian.." I shrugged while smiling too. He shook again his head.

After we calmed down, Bom talked more normally to the camera. "We came  here, at Ji Yong's place. A very nice apartment. Very chic and luxurious. Igoba.." She framed it for a couple of seconds before returning to herself. "Me, Choi Seung and Yongbae-ha already saw it. Twice. But Uri Yumi-ha never saw it. This is the first time that she come here. Sooo...Yumi-ha, What do you say?" She asked me and framed me.

"It's very beautiful." I said right away.

"Do you want to take a look around? So I can show it to you better.." She proposed like she was the owner of the apartment.

She noticed that I didn't know what to say, so she signalized that it was ok to say yes behind the camera."O-okay." I shilly accepted. 

"Then Kachi Kaja!" She stood up and I stood up too. She grabbed my elbow and we walked arm in arm around the apartment. She stopped in her track though reminding of the others. "Wait..Do you guys want to come too?" She asked to the boys.

Yongbae's phone rang in that exact moment. "No thank you, I've already seen it." He said taking off his pocket the phone. "If you excuse me.." He said before answering to it. He stood up and went in a quiet corner to talk.

It remained just Choi seunghyun. "And you T-O-P?" She scanned his stage name. She was clearly in a good mood that day. Who knows why?! I secretly smile, while she was looking at him, lifting up and down her brows. Nobody could see her, but me and Choi Seunghyun, so she took advantage and winked at him. Omo..they're too cute.

He didn't resist to her funny face, neither I could to tell the truth. "Ok.Ok. I'll join too." He said standing up.

"Ji Yong's apartment Tour begin. Kaja! Kaja!" She then shouted cheerfully.

We started from the living room, where we were. There were those two couch we sat on earlier, an expensive fabulous glassed little table and in front of it, there was a skinned comfy one-seat couch. There was obviously a Tv plasma, worth 3.000$ or even more. There were also a lot of decorations, accessories and paints of famous artist all around the apartment. I don't remember much of them, but I remember that there were a lot of gold made and steeled stuff here and there. I was amazed and..envious too. I think everyone would have been envious of him and his...Gorgeous-fabulous-stunning and luxurious house. Anyway...After we visited the living room, we visited the kitchen, fabulous too. Like the modern and chic kitchens you see on the magazine dedicated to the houses. My mouth kept dropping and my eyes kept growing big, every time I came to see something that had the invisible word Expensive wrote upon it. Aah.. I shook my head when we reached the boudoir space. Bom described everything like an Anchor/Sasaeng fan. She was so funny that Choi seunghyun looked both amused and scared of that side of her. But after a few minutes he joined her too. What a couple...out of space and yet so cute. When we were at the end of our Tour, lasted 20/25 minutes, they interviewed me. I wasn't prepared for that. So I was kinda nervous. Bom asked me if I had fun and if I liked to have an apartment like that one. I nodded, but I wanted it near the sea. So I could admire it every time I woke up. The Choi Seunghyun said that he had an house bigger that Ji Yong's and that it was more surveyed and controlled than Ji Yong's place. Bom then said that she would have liked to see his house. Maybe when 2NE1 wouldn't have been so busy, maybe in the summer, when they wouldn't have had any schedule. And also when Ji Yong would have came back from Europe. She couldn't also wait to show herself in bikini and I was sure that Choi Seunghyun couldn't wait to see her.


Yongbae had already finished to talk at the phone and he was sitting like us, in the living room. "If you're asking yourself, where is the owner of the appartment, Ji Yong..Then It's simple." Bom-eoni continued to talk to the Cam. I didn't know where she had the strenght to do such thing. I wasn't tired, but I didn't want to be record or record someone either. I thought that the record of earlier was enough for the fans to not misunderstand us, but apparently it wasn't enough to her. "He's in the bathroom, taking a nice LONG and ENDLESS shower." She said emphasizing the words Long and endless, like she wanted to be heard by him. "Cincia..what is he doing in that bathroom?" She complained to the camera. I wanted to complain too, mostly because the president advise me to not stay too much time at his place. Is He sleeping in the Tub or what? I thought. Then finally after a few endless minutes, we heard the door of his room opening, and we saw him exiting from it. I didn't know if it was my imagination or it was real, but it looked like he was glowing. All his skin, was shining to me, like he was reborn after...have had..a shower. Is it possible? I couldn't help myself either and I smiled at him, when he walked towards us all smiling.

"Waaa...Look at him?! All fresh and clean, after had a shower. Smiling like a fool." She joked around. She stood up and came towards me. She sat down next to me, so she could record him better. But I believe she just didn't want him to sit next to me, so people wouldn't have got jealous and stuff.

"Yes. I feel really reborn." Ji Yong exclaimed sitting comfortably next to Choi Seunghyun. "Sorry for being late, but I love too much taking showers." He justified his self.

"We've noticed." Choi Seunghyun commented.

We chatted about all and nothing in particular. The atmosphere was good and all, but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell him about my..scars. The sooner the better. So, while they were lovely chatting, I waited a few seconds and profited when they paused. I motioned to Ji Yong that I needed to talk with him. Luckily he noticed me and secretly gave a snudge to Choi Seunghyun, who motioned in a odd way to Bom to stop recording. Apparently she understood him and stopped filming. I thanked her and instantly stood up. Ji Yong stood up too and I followed him. He stopped in a quiet corner, not too far from where the others were, but it wasn't enough private for me. "Can we go to your room. I need to show you something and I don't think that the dining room is the best place for it." I said.

"O-k." He looked at little confused, but I was sure he would have understood when I would have showed him..the problem.

"Here we are." He said when we were in his room. Fabulous and chic like the rest of the house. Obviously. Focus Yumi-ha, You're not here to admire his room. I remembered to myself. You're here for another reason. Your scars. I nodded. Let's stop goofing off and let's face the problem. I walked towards the door and closed it behind me. With the keys.



13. Way too Tempting





I really hope that is a good thing what she is about to say..or should I say, show. Was what I kept repeating to myself. When she closed the door, with the keys I worried more. "Ji Yong." She called me.


"Yes." I answered. I tried to act normal and don't look too nervous. Looking closely at her though I noticed that she was nervous too. She kept torturing her fingers


"You know that I had a car accident, right?" She asked.


"Of course." I answered.


"Well, after the accident, I had to stay in hospital for more than six months before recovering fully from the injuries, internal and external I had."


"I know. You've already told me once." I replied confused. "I don't understand..what's the point?" I asked her.


She didn't reply and grabbed my upper right arms and guided me towards the bed. She gently forced me to sit on it. "After the accident, I had..I-i.." She didn't know how to continue. "I-I think it's better if I show you what I mean." She decided to do at the end. And suddenly she started to strip. For real.


"Wait. What are doing?" I exclaimed standing up. I went directly towards her and stopped her from continue. "What are you doing?" I asked again.


She stopped me from grasping her upper arm and forced me, gently, to sit on the bed. "Please let me do it. I really need to show this thing to you." She begged me to sit and stay silent.


I did like she said. I let her do her thing and I stayed there, on the bed, watching her undressing in front of me. My breathing mode stayed under control till she took off  her red shirt off too, showing inevitably to me, her smooth and soft skin. My breath accelerated twice as fast. I was sure my face was all red too. Who wouldn't be embarrassed by seeing a girl undressing in front of his eyes? Who raise his hand is not straight. I tried to not look at...her perfect slim and sexy figure. Or at the way her smooth skin was inviting me to touch her. And mostly, I tried harder to not look at her breasts, that were totally filling up her bra. Almost pushing to exit out of it. It would be enough to extend a little my arm...and unhook without problem the front of the bra. (It was a bra with the clip in the front. The ones I loved the most.)...And free those attractive-big-smooth breasts of her out. Oh God..I couldn't make it anymore at the sight of her bare body (Even she still had her pants and the bra on) and her big two inviting friends, so I lowered my head and covered my eyes.


"Ji Yong look at me." She dared had the courage to say.


"No." I answered without still making eye contact. "I can't, I'm sorry."


"Am I so disgusting?" Her voice was trembling, like she was about to cry.


"What? Why in the world would I be disgusted by you?" I instantly lifted my head, just to find tears falling down her cheeks. "What..?" I stood up from the bed and got closer to her. "Why are you crying?" I was totally lost.


"Y-y-you clearly s-said that you don't want to look a-at me." She stuttered when she spoke. "I really shouldn't have did such thing. I better get out of here.." She said and  directed towards the door. I quickly grabbed her arm before she could open the door. When I looked at her face, sadness was filling up her eyes, becoming tears that kept falling down her face. She brushed them off, with violence, like she was sad and angry at the same time.


"Wowowo. Why are you saying that? What's the matter?" I asked her, because I was completely lost. I grabbed her chin and forced her to face me. "To be exact I said that I couldn't look at you, not that I didn't want to look at you." I said to her. "I'm a man after all you know."


"A man? And what the hell that supposed to mean?" She asked looking more angry now.


"It means..." I didn't continue for the embarrassment.


"What?" She claimed to know.


I let go her chin. "Well.It means every man..I get..turned on, when I see a woman undress in front of me." I didn't look at her, because I knew that I was all red. I blushed even harder when I noticed that she was staring at me.


"T-turned on?" She sounded disbelieved. So I glanced at her and she had an odd expression on her face. Like she couldn't believe in it. "Then, that mean that you're not disgusted of my body?"


"Of course not." I replied frowning. "Why would I be disgusted?"


"Well, because of the scars." She said like it was an elementary thing.


"Which scars?"


"These." She pointed firstly at her shoulder, then at her arms and in the end at her stomach. I avoided to look at her chest and focused on what she was pointing at.


She had some scars. A lot of them to tell the truth. They weren't so visible, till you didn't focus. It looked like someone had fun leaving cuts on her skin. Or like a lot of pieces of glasses, were ripped apart her skin. I stated that all those scars has been caused by the accident she had. Who knows how much she suffered..I had the huge to grabbed her in my arms and comfort her, right there, but a scar much more visible and giant, catched my attention. It begun from her lower back and it ended in the front, almost near her belly bottom. Wow. I extended my fingers and touched it. It had the sensation to touch a burned scar or something like that. The others scars on her shoulders and arms were nothing compare to that one. I continued to stare at it and caress it at the same time. I caressed her shoulders and arms too, as to make them disappeared, even if it was impossible. Then I looked at her, straightly in the eyes. She looked nervous and agitated. "Why did you think that I'd be disgusted by them?" I asked her sweetly.


"Well..Y-you said earlier that you couldn't look at me, so I figures that.." She didn't finish and lowered her head.


I lifted her chin and met her avoiding eyes. "I'd never be disgusted by your body." I used a resolute tone of voice. "Like before, I didn't even notice them. I swear, my mind was somewhere else." I confessed blushing.


She blushed too. "So they don't bother you?" She asked, like she needed to be assured again.


I put both my arms around her waist and squeezed her against myself. "No they don't bother me at all. I swear." I gave her a quick peck on the lips.


"I thought about having a surgery, to take them off you know.. But Yang Suk Ki eoni said that you would have been already gone, for the time I recovered from it." She revealed.


"Why having a surgery now?"


"Well.." She moved uncomfortable in my arms. And she blushed too. "B-because you said..y-you wanted with me yesterday night. So.." She mumbled avoinding my eyes because too embarrassed.


"Aah." I figured out right away and blushed too. "That's why you stiffened yesterday when I said it." She nodded. I sighed. "I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to pressure you. I was..just..saying."


"Ok.." She avoided to look at me and I did the same.






An embarrassed silence hung on us. What do I do now? "I'm glad you didn't run away from me." I said because I was really happy that he didn't refuse me because of my freaky body.


"You're welcome." He replied smiling. "To tell you the truth. When you started to strip in front of me, I didn't even notice them."


"Really?" I needed to hear him saying it. Again and again. Till I would have been 100% sure of it.


"Really." He squeezed myself to him. "Your chest was distracting me way too much." He  confessed blushing, but he never stopped to break eye contact with me even once.


"Oh my." I squealed like a shy lady, remembering that I was still undressed. I covered my chest. "I should put my shirt back on." I said and searched for it. It was laying on the floor, with my jacket, a few inches from us. But when I looked back at Ji Yong, his eyes got darker and the lust filled them up in no time. Way too far..I thought instantly   contaged by him. He gently grasped my hair and played with them. He trailed his fingers on my neck, in a very erotical way and that sent a lot of chills down my spine. "Ahhh.." I moaned.


"Your skin.." He mumbled with a deep voice. He caressed my spine and trailed slowly his fingers, up and down. "It's so smooth.." He added, then laid his entire palm on my ass, grooped it and pushed his clothed member against my intimate parts. Still clothed too. A warm feeling filled my stomach.


He raised up his hand back to my head and caressed my neck. He looked at me, right in the eyes with so much desire that I inevitably blushed. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff. Mostly after what the president said." It was like he was apologizing to me, for not be able to control himself. "But..You're so tempting..miss Yumi..." He added though. And he came closer and closer to me and I unconditionaly walked backwards, till my back touched the wall. When he spoke, his lips were almost touching mine. "Way too tempting.." Were his latest word. After that our mouth crushed against each other.


We kissed more freely this time. Mostly because nobody was around but us in the room. And the windows were covered by long heavy awning, so no one could see us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself more against him. Our kiss deepened more and more. I explored his blond hair, while he slid instead his hands in my pants and felt my butt.


It was like when we kissed in my dorm, in front of the girls and Choi Seunghyun Oppa. But this time the fire burnt more harder between my thights. Our  lower parts rub against each other and that made me moaned again. I wanted him closer, I wanted him inside me.


He stopped kissing me. I thought it was to catch some air, but he also let go of me and stepped backwards. "I really should stop now." He said covering his eyes with a hand. "Before I end up doing something more than kissing you." It looked like he was talking more to himself than to me.


Regarding me, I knew I should have said something. Something intelligent like "You're right." Or "Yes, I think we kissed enough.", but deep inside I knew perfectly that I desidered more. And I wouldn't have stand to end like that our moment. So without thinking too much, I grabbed the hand that was covering his eyes and forced him to look at me. "I'm already burning..Just finish it." I said and made him get closer to me again.


He smirked putting hi arms around me. "Miss, If you say something like that, I can't possibly refuse you." He replied a few inches from my mouth. And then he kissed me. Deeply. Exploring every part of my throat. I moaned again when he pushed his clothed dick against me. I could feel it trying his way through his pants. it was hard like a rock, but neither I wasn't less turned on. My slip was already wet.


He suddenly grasped my tights and lifted me up. I squealed like a scary girl. All while we were still kissing. He smiled when he heard me. "Don't laughed, that surprised me." I whispered near his lips.


"Sorry love." He apologized making the puppy eyes.


I wrapped my legs around him. "And now?" I asked and bit his lower lip.


The lust's expression returned stronger than before. "We're going on the bed." He breathed. He walked towards the bed, still carrying me like I weighed nothing. He didn't show sign of tiredness, so I didn't worry too much. He kept kissing me till we arrived on it. He stopped kissing me and he took off his shoes. I did the same. He gently laid me on the bed and got on top of me. The blankets were a little cold against my skin, but it has been a temporary thing. All the coldness disappeared when he restarted to kiss me. My body burned with pleasure as he continued to kiss me. Then he slowly slid down, he firstly left kisses on my jawline, on my chin, on my neck and then he arrived on my bare chest. He placed one hand upon one of my clothed breast and started to fondle it. He traced invisible draws on it with his thumbs. That drove me crazy. He liked seeing me moaning, so he  continued to pkay with them. He kept playing with both of my breasts till you could see the nipples getting hard through the bra's material.


I moaned louder. "Ji Yong..Per favore."(please) I begged him panting.


He briefly glanced at me and smirked. "Per favore..what?" He asked innocently.


"Basta..Stop teasing.."


"Hmm.." He wondered for a few seconds the idea to stop, but he keeping to play with my nipples anyway. In the end he finally made a decision. He stopped to torture me. He looked at me, while I was still trying to breathe some air. And without being noticed, he unhooked my bra, showing off my stuff.


That really surprised me and I wanted to cover myself for the embarrassment, but he has been faster than me, and he grooped my breasts greedly. He poked my nipples. I gave up on resisting to his teases and melted umder his caresses.


"Ahhh Ti prego..Ahh."(I beg you/please) I moaned, even louder when his tongue tickled the tip of one  of the nipple. He then reached out for the other breast and did do same. He firstly kissed it softly and licked it. very slowly. Oh my God. He tugged it and sucked it and licked it the harder he could. I arched my back and my breasts got on his face. He  pleasantly grabbed both of them with his hands and sucked them, one at the times. I moaned very loud and stayed with mouth open at every slippery lick.


He stopped after a while with the -breast sucking session and I could breathe normally again. Well, not totally normally. "They're so beautiful." He mumbled with his lips all swollen up. He looked at me for a brief moment and then he returned to admire my breasts. I flushed red under his gaze. "I could stay here sucking..and licking them all day." He admitted and unconditionally fondled one of them.


"..Non dire queste cose..Ahh.."(don't say things like that.) I said fighting the urge to moan again. "It's embarrassing.."


"Scusa..But they're so tasty.."(sorry) He apologized and took another lick to them. "I can't stop myself."


"AAhhh..Nnn.." I moaned again. I took a few breaths before speaking back. "It's Ahh..It's not fair..I'm the only one..Nnn Ahh..Having pleasure. A-and you're still dressed up." I said in the end.


Hearing that, he let them in peace, me included, and slid his shirt off him in no time. Just his shirt though. And he tossed it on the floor. He looked at me and replied: "Now we're even."


Well...I had to admit that he was right in a certain way. I took off my shirt and my bra too, unhooked by him, but not my pants. So he was correct.


The sight of his bare chest, muscles and packs included, turned me on a lot. And see his giant dick erect under the boxer and ready to do his job drove me crazy. I extended one hand and touched his solid chest. I lifted the other one and did the same, they moved in perfect sync and crassed him erotically. He didn't move, but I could I heard his breath accelerate under my caresses. I lifted myself and staying on my knees, I bent down and kissed one of his nipple. I felt him shiver, that gave me the courage to continue. So I kissed both of them and to be more even with him, I sucked them.


"Your chest is tastier than mine." I whispered licking him one more time.


He was all red.  And he was panting fast, but his smirk never left his face. "I don't think so love." He said back.


"Ah No?" I challenged him.


"No." He shook his head smiling at me.


He gently pushed me down and restarted to play with my breasts. He stopped before I could explode though. Always leaving me at the edge. He left them in peace and slid down and kissed every parts of my skin. Even those with the scars. So he really don't mind them..Che sollievo.(That's a relief) He slid down till he arrived at the most burning part of my body. My pussy was still clothed, just like his member, but when he placed his thumb upon it, I felt like he was really touching it. He traced a line up and down on it. I shook inside with pleasure and wanted to moan, but I kept my mouth closed, to not be busted by the others.


He glanced at me and kept torturing me. "I bet this spot taste better than those two." He said pointing at my breasts. He got closer to my hottest spot. "Are you already losing your mind, my dear?" He asked knowing already the answer.


He kept looking at me and tracing his damn lines at the same time. Oh God.."Aah Anio.." I denied convincing nobody.


"That's strange." He acted confuse. "Because I know I've lost mine, as soon as I saw  your two beautiful tasting breasts." He said staring at them.


Then he returned to play with my still clothed pussy. He was staring at it so intently, that he made me blush harder. How's that possible? "I know too that..If you were doing this kind of stuff to me..I would have already exploded.." He added and then he pushed his sneaky thumb forward.


The pant's material was thin so it was like he was really touching me there. My eyes popped out when he did that. I could have resisted the first time, but thanks to his mischievous mind, he did it again. One. Two. Three. and Forty times. Each time it was like I was having little orgasmes sending me in ecstasy. I moaned so loud that he had to cover my mouth. "Hush. Piccola. Hush." He grabbed my back and lifted me from the bed, to face me. My head was spinning and my heart was racing. "You don't want us be busted, do you?" He asked. I was at loss of air, so I chosed to nod.


He stayed still to listen if someone was coming towards the room. Nothing. We heard nothing of nothing. We sighed in relief. Then he looked at me, Any trace of lust suddenly disappeared from his eyes and he became serious. "Should we stop here?" He asked me.


I considered the idea. For real this time. I didn't want to put us in trouble, neither get the president madder at us, the same.. I didn't want to to leave Ji Yong's embrace. My brain and my lower part battled against each other, but nobody of them won. So in the end I decided what to do, according to what he would have decided to do. "Do you want to stop?" I asked him serious too.


His answer has been unexpectedly immediate though. "No." That made me smile.


"Neither I want to." I said without worrying anymore.


Our eyes got darker again, filling up with the eager lust. Our mouths crushed together, sucking each other lips. His hands returned to fondle my breasts and butt at the same time, and I strongly pressed myself against him. His dick was pressing too through his jeans, tired of waiting as much as me. We thrusted slowly, but strongly, at an hypnotized ritm.  "Ah..Nn. ahh.." I moaned with pleasure.


He panted more and when I seeked my tongue deep down his throat, his entire body trembled with pleasure. He groaned too before speaking out again. "Yumi..Nnn Ahh..I can't take it anymore. I want to be inside you." He said. "Let's take these pants off."


"Sì." I agreed keeping kissing him.


"Now!" He exclaimed at the edge to explode.


And now, you're probably thinking that we were about to to do it right? Wrong! I believed too that we were about to do it, but fate had others plans for us. Unfortunately, it seemed that we made too much noise, and that catches the attention of the people outside the room. The attention of Choi Seunghyun to be exact. Followed by his fianceé Bom eoni. It happened when, we were in the middle of taking off our pants. It happened when we had nothing on but our underwears. His boxer was containing his giant erection. And that sight turned me on more than I thought, I didn't resist, I extended my hand, freed it and to touch it. It happened right then, when I was caressing his member, trailing my thumbs up and down. From the top till his balls. Making Ji Yong's eyes rolling back with pleasure. My womanhood was begging me to put it inside her, when we heard the voice. Choi Seunghyun's voice. "Ji Yong, Yumi. What are you doing in there?" He asked at high tone of voice.


Yes. Right then. I closed my eyes and sighed in very platonic way. Why? Why? Perché? I winned inside me.


"Y-yumi..Piccola..Oh God..." Ji Yong called me with a panting voice.


I looked at him. "What?" I asked.


He kept close his eyes and his mouth opened in need of air. It was like he was in pain..I didn't know how he was feeling, till he spoke and said.. "I know you're annoyed too.." His voice was a blend of pain and pleasure. "B-but your sweet little hand..I-is squeezing it too..much.Ahh."


"Squeezing.. it?" I frowned. He motioned to look down.


Oh sh*t.. "Ah..Sorry. I'm sorry sorry sorry.." I took back my hand, releasing him and apologized thousand times. "I wasn't aware of it. I'm really really really sorry."


He breathed for a couple of minutes before talking back normally. "Mamma mia..You know you have a strong grip." He smiled at me even if he was still in pain. "I had to admit though...that It was painful and oddly pleasant at the same time."


I shook my head smiling. "Che scemo.."(what a dummy you are) I commented. Then I glanced at the door. "Do you think he's gone?" I asked him with a little hope.


Ji Yong put back his boxer on and he glanced at the door too. He didn't have the time to open his mouth, that Choi Seunghyun's voice rise to the max.  "So, Are you not gonna answer to me?"


We both sighed frustrated. "We should answer." I stated, even if all I desired was to return to our "activity".


He nodded. "And get dressed too." He added.


"Yeah." I said without a seed of enthusiasm.


We dressed up again. Well, It hasn't been an easy task, with Ji Yong glancing at me and I kept doing it too. Looking at him get undress before and now get dress back, has been pleasant in the same way. My heart was still racing, but less fast than earlier. The hickeys he left on my body, were still burning, as much as the more primitive part of me. Which was pulsing and desired to have a certain part of Ji Yong inside her. Why the hell did he had to interrupt us? Why now? I had an huge desire to beat up Choi Seunghyun Oppa in that moment. I mean, nobody would have liked to be interrupted in the middle of...If I think about it I just want to..Aah..I'm so mad right now! I tried to calm myself down by breathing deeply and slowly. Respira.. Yumi-ha..Respira(breathe).. It's too late to complain anyway...


While I was still trying to get back to my right state of mind, I glanced at Ji Yong. He was already dressed up, like me, but he had an hurtful expression on his face. I got closer to him. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him a little worried.


"Hmm..It's nothing." He replied automatically. "I just have a tiny problem with my.."He said pointing at his...You got me.


"Ah. How come?" I asked blushing a little.


"It's just a natural consequence of being interrupted in the middle of.." He paused and looked at me. He got closer to me. "..A delicious moment with my love." He whispered near my lips.


He tried to kiss me, but the adorable voice of Choi Seunghyun interrupted us again. "Ji Yong!" He shouted louder.


"I'm Coming already!" Ji Yong shouted back at the closed door. Then he returned to look at me. "Do I look ok?" He asked.


I checked him up. "Yes." I nodded smiling at him. "And I?"


"You're always perfect love." He whispered near my lips and then bent down and kissed me. Luckily no one interrupted us. "We'll continue next time ok?!" He said. I nodded. He gave a last kiss and let me go, to go towards the door.


The taste of his lips lingered on mine, even when he opened the door. But when I saw  Choi Seunghyun and Bom enter in the room, I left against my will the fantastic world of fantasy and got back to the real one. They firstly checked up the bed. Luckily we did it as soon as we dressed back. Then they checked us out, looking up and down at our figures. Luckily Ji Yong didn't leave hickeys on my neck, because it has been the first thing Bom  checked up. I tried to act the most innocent possible, adding the puppy eyes too.


"What were you two doing in here? With the door close?" Choi Seunghyun asked to Ji Yong.


"Just talking." Ji Yong replied with calm.


"Yeah no. With the keys inserted in?" He asked disbelieved and he turned his gaze on me.


I moved uncomfortably on one foot and the other one. "De." I nodded.


Bom got more closer to me. "Hmm.." She squeezed her eyes and stared at me. "And having the lips all swollen up is a consequences of talking? Eh Yumi-ha?" She asked  pointing at my, overly swollen lips.


Damn it.. "Well..W-we talked and..kissed a little." You could tell that I was on the defensive path, but I couldn't help myself. Please don't ask me more! I prayed inside me.


"Ah Ah!" She spat at me like in the comedy movie. "I knew it! The case if solved Choi Watson." She said giggling at the end. I couldn't help and I giggled too.


Choi Seunghyun still unconvinced, asked to Ji Yong if it was true. Ji Yong  answered with nonchalance. "Yeah. Just the usual things."


His band mate sighed giving up. "Ok. Fine." He said, then looked at me and Bom. Only I has been able to see the real face of Ji Yong.


"Anyway, the president called, we have to leave Yumi-ha." He said in a hurry.


"Oh Okay." I was a little disappointed. First I'm interrupted in the middle of something I knew it would have been a fantastic sex session...and now this...Sono proprio sfigata.(I really have bad luck.)  I couldn't complain about it either, because it was an order from the boss.


Ji Yong probably noticed my change of mood, he got closer to me and embraced me. "Don't worry love." He whispered near my ear. "I'll come to your dorm at night like I always do." He comforted me kissing me on the cheeks.


"Aaah..You're so cute together!" Bom squealed all excited.


I smiled a little. Ji Yong let me go, but left his arm around my waist "And you, what were you doing in the meantime?" I asked innocently, but it seemed like I hit a fragile spot, because she immediately blushed too. Hm..Something's fishy..


"Nothing." Bom carefully avoided to look me in the eyes. I looked at Choi Seunghyun and he acted in the same way.


"Nothing Eh?" Ji Yong asked not convinced too.


"Yeah Yeah. Nothing." Choi Seunghyun sounded annoyed by his question. "Now let's go, before he calls again." He said referring to the president. He exid from the room, followed by his overly red fianceé.


"He act like a monk, but he's like everyone behind that mask." Ji Yong commented when they left the room. "Isn't it?" He asked to me smiling.


"You're absolutely right." I was totally agree with him.


We then left the room too. I grabbed my bag from the couch and I was technically ready to go. Looking around I noticed that someone was missing. "Oh..Where is Yongbae Oppa?" He was no where to be found.


"Ah. He left 20 minutes ago. He said he had to go somewhere..I don't know." Bom said next to Choi Seunghyun, who was staying in front of the door.




"Okay. Are you all ready?" Choi Seunghyun asked to me. I nodded, even if my body didn't have the intention to move. I glanced at Ji Yong for the last time. This isn't really the last time..My brain reminded me. Then Why I feel so sad? I cuddled myself in his embraced and lingered much more than it was granted to me. Ji Yong must have understood how I felt and he squeezed me in his arms.


"I don't want you to leave either." He whispered close to my ear. "Believe me, when I say that I desire you even right now." He confessed at a very low voice. I blushed on his chest. "But we don't have choice. And plus, I have to go to a radio station and then at a music program. I'll be busy for two hours. Then I'll be free to come to you. I promise." He promised and then he looked at me to check if I had understood.


I nodded. He bent down and got closer to my mouth. "See you later love." He whispered near my lips and then kissed me. I clearly heard Choi Seunghyun clear his throat, when the kiss lingered for too long. It hasn't been for so long..just 30 seconds.. So we stopped anyway. When Ji Yong released me and I turned my chest to face them, I saw Bom giving a nudge to him, with an annoyed face.


"Okay. I'm ready." I said catching their attention. "Now we can go."


"Alright. Let's go." Choi Seunghyun exclaimed right away.


"WAIT!" Bom exclaimed to him. We all looked at her with confused looks. "I have to record ourselves when we exit from the apartment." And the she looked for the Camera in her bad. She motioned to me to come closer to her and Choi Seunghyun, to be framed next to Ji Yong, while she was pressing Rec.


"It passed an hour since we came here. And now we have to leave." She announced framing herself first. "The work is calling baby! For all of us."


Then she framed Ji Yong. "Uri Ji Yong also have to leave within 15 minutes his apartment for an appointments on his schedule, isn't true Ji Yong?" She asked him.


His eyes never left mine when he talked. "Yep." He nodded.


"Yes. It's time to leave." She said walking towards the door. Choi Seunghyun opened it for her. Then he stepped out and I did it too. Bom framed again Ji Yong and greeted him. "Bye Ji Yong!" She waved her hands at him.


"Bye Bom!" He greeted her at the door.


Me and Choi Seunghyun greeted him too. "Bye! Bye!"


"Bye Hyun! Bye Yumi-ha!"


"Bye!" I greeted him again. For the last time, before he closed the door. I felt the huge to go open the door and jump in his arms. But it was too late. We were already entering in the elevator. That would have take us down the underground parking, where Choi Seunghyun's car was waiting for us. As soon as we were in the car, he stepped on the accelerator headed out of parking, leaving Ji Yong's apartment behind us at full speed. I thought about what would have happened when he would have left for real.We had just a day left to us after all.  If I feel this sad now, how will I feel when he's gonna leave the country? I felt the tears pushing to come out just by thinking of it. I felt like someone was about to take the bridge off my feet and leave me with just a rope to rely on. How much will I last without him? How will I defend myself from his overly jealous and dangerous fans? How will I resist to temptations? Oh God..Help me. Please. I prayed mentally. I did it only when my parents died. I asked him to take care of them and protect me and my brother. Now I was praying him to take care of me and Ji Yong, when we would have been apart from each other. When I finished to pray, I embraced myself, sat alone in the back-seat, and brushed off my face the tears I didn't notice I shared. I squeezed myself to keep the heat, his heat, on me. 


I'll have to be stronger. Again.





14. Why Her?



When they left. When she left, I felt cold. A cold loneliness, that I knew too well. I couldn't hold myself back and I opened the door that I've just closed. Nothing. There was nothing and no one in the corridor. He took her away from me in no time, that damn monk.. There was nothing that I could do, so I closed it back and prepared myself for my schedule.

But first of all, I had to absolute do something first. I headed to my room again, then hurried in the bathroom and carefully closed the door behind me. I slid down my pants and my boxer too..and there he is .. was rising like a tower between my tights. A rockily hard and pulsing tower, with the veins in plain sight. I had to release him, from the interruption of Choi Seunghyun, of doing his job with Yumi's pussy...Just thinking about it now..Made my member harder. I took off the rest of my clothes and tossed them on the bathroom's floor. Then I entered in the shower and turned on the water, settling it on mid-hot temperature. The heat's water with the heat of my body, would have certainly help me to release myself.

While the water kept pouring on top of my head and then all over my body, I remembered of earlier. When Yumi and I were in my room, before my hyung came to interrupt us. When she grabbed my dick and stroke it slowly up and down. I was sure that she was also about to lay her sweet mouth upon it and.. "Oh God...Ahhh.. Ah Man..Ahh.." I moaned grabbing and pulling him back and forth. My moans grew louder and louder as I was reaching the edge. Just imaginating her place her moistful mouth above my dick and give me a bowjob, drove me crazy and I came multiple times. My knees were weak, but I stayed still under the water's shot. The steam was all around me, but I could still see the sperm flowing on the shower's wall. My body kept shaking even after it finished. 

Regarding me...I just kept panting, in total ecstasy. "I can't wait to have sex with you for real piccola.." I mumbled, thinking of Yumi. Who would have waited for me after I finished my schedule's routine. I better hurry up. I said to myself. I took a quick cold shower, to calm my boiling spirits down, cleaned the shower and I put some new clothes on. Newer and more fashionable. Six minutes later my manager called me. He said that he was already here, and that he was waiting for me down in the car parking. I was already dressed up, and all I needed to do was to take my phone, a men's bag and some other things. Then I was ready to go. When I arrived down in the car parking, I saw my manager waiting for me in the SUV, with the rest of my crew. Meant, bodyguards and my make up artist. A nice and professional old woman.

I stepped in the car and sat in the back, in the middle of my two bodyguards. There were other two. One was sitting in the front with my manager(the driver) and the other one was sitting in the mid-back, next to the make up artist. This has always been the practice. Because like you already know, my adorables fans could be..a little..too excited and wanted to touch me, that's why I had to go around with all these bodyguards.

In fact, when we were about to reach the building of the radio station, I heard their screams already from hundred meters. I love the fact that they was so devoted to me. The surprise and happiness I felt the day I first heard them, never left me. Even today, hearing them from such a distance, was an extraordinary and most beautiful thing that ever happen to me. Everytime that I came to see them made me the most happier artist in the world. Their love for me, sometimes really filled up my heart and brang tears to my eyes. But like everything in the world, they had a dark side. Really dark. Not all of them was so obsessed with me obviously, and not all of them acted in such abnormal way. The real problematic fans erano le sasaeng fans. They weren't obsessed of me, they lived through me and everything I did. The problem was to individuate them in the crowd. Externally they were like all the fans, with their love's declaration and such, but internally, a few of them they weren't so candid and purehearted like they wanted people to believe. But how to single out those freaks? The question of the century.

I knew perfectly how jealous and..dangerous they could get. Mostly when I gave too much attention to one girl and viceversa. They got mad at that girl till she was mentally nuts or worst. If they would have ever found out that Yumi was my girlfriend for real..I didn't really know what they would have done to her. Well no, I knew what they would have done, but I didn't know how far they would have pushed themselves. I didn't want to know it either. I absolutely have to lead away the attention from her. I stated. I don't want to be alone again like before... Luckily an idea came in my mind right before we arrived at the building.


The anger I had towards that B*tch called Yumi, didn't disappeared when the car that carried our favourite Oppa, headed towards us. Towards the radiofonic building of MBC to be exact. It didn't fade away at all, I just put it apart. Guarded in a box as it said. Because in that exact moment all I wanted to do, was to melt in the sight of Ji Yong, our Oppa, handsome and strictly fashionable. There were a lot of others fans apart us. All normals fans that kept screaming like chicks since they saw the car getting neaer the building. All those chicks were nothing to us. They believed they knew the handsome guy that would have stepped out of that car, but they knew nothing. They hadn't try to scratch under the superficial image his manager kept dispensing to the world, but we did. No, they were satisfied by just admiring him from far away, without try even once to get closer to him, or know deeper his personal life like we've done. Better for us. I thought while we were waiting in the back of the crowd like always. Less dummies on my way. We didn't need to follow him on his schedule's routine. Even a five years old girl can do it. What interested to us was to follow him during his life's routine, and if we were lucky we could even get into it. Our, but mostly my dream, was to intrude myself in his apartment at night...get silently in his room..and find him there, happily asleep under the blankets. I would have get closer to him, silently and slowly approached him, and I would have leaned on him and then...


The disturbing scream of a teenager girl in the front line of the crowd, snatched me violently out of my daydreams. What the F*ck?!Damn screaming chicks. Anyway, I didn't have the time to swear as it has to be done on her, that the doors of the SUV, that carried Ji Yong, opened themselves. Oh My God.. I had been fascinated instantly. Love at first sight, just like the first time I first laid my eyes on him. The expensive clothes, the bad boy attitude, and his blond hair shining under the sunshines. I liked all of those things right away, but I felt deeply in love with him, when I first saw his light-brown eyes. The same eyes that were smiling at the adoring crowd of fans. I can't really resist to those eyes of him. I thought raped by his gaze.

My love for him kept growing till to increase in a real and serious obsession . So, too eager to stop, I decided that I would have gone beyond that superficial wall, formed by concert, Fan meeting and such. No, I want more. I thought back then. Watching brief videos of his personal life wasn't enough for me. I claimed more from his manager, his president Yang Hyun Suk, and from himself too, leaving continuous messages on their Official website and social profiles too. But nothing ever came out. They never answered to me or any other hungered fans of South Korea. Never. So I had no choice but to join the sasaeng fans club. It hasn't been easy at the beginning, and sometimes I had doubts on the choice to join them. Mostly when they did disgusting and dangerous actions, till to make me sick and have fear. Mostly Fear to be arrested than anything else. I don't want to go in jail at 18 years old. I thought often back then. But none officer ever busted us. So it has been easer to get used to their actions and did them too. I became so brave at it, that the group nominated me their president. It hasn't been all roses and kisses thought. Every once and a while there was always someone that challenged me, not openly, but proving that they were better than me, pushing me in the shadows, just to take my place as president. So I had to proof, everyday, that I was more intelligent and full of inventiveness than anyone in the group.

Even right now, while they were screaming and crying for Ji Yong, I knew that they were planning to declass me, even if we were in the same team. Same team, same goal, but pure and simple selfishness. I also knew that if we would have reached our goal, mean get rid of that damn wipe*sses called Yumi, and finally get to Ji Yong, they would have get rid of me as well. Probably hitting me in the head with something hard and take advantage of my unconsciousness and have Ji Yong all for them. Keep dreaming girls. This man is gonna be exclusively mine. I thought as I watched both of them. Kang Hye Sun wasn't such a problem. The one I had to keep my eyes on was the other one, Park Jae Mi. 

Infact, when Ji Yong entered in the building, she didn't lose time and start to attack me. "So, do you know his next destination after this right?" She asked me seriously and arrogantly too. And say that she was screaming like a middle school girl just a few second ago. Unbelievable.

Her big head and sharp dark-brown eyes were really getting on my nerves, but I answered anyway. "Yes. He has to go to the music M!Countdown an-" She didn't let me finish. Like always.

"I know that too." She said getting more on my nerves.

"Then why you asked it?" I replied annoyed.

"I wasn't asking you about his schedule..Boss." She spat the word like an insult. And I hasn't been the only one that noticed it. Sun-ha didn't do anything, she stared at us. Moving her small head left and right. Her body was relaxed, but her black eyes showed her real mood. meant tensed.

She looked at us waiting to see who would have won. "I was asking you where he would have gone..after had fulfilled his schedules." She said in a very annoying way. She was taller than me just about a few inches. And she was younger than a year than me, but she has no education nor reward towards me. She has the aggressive attitude, and I had it too. My advantage was that I was also sly though.

"I don't know, but I payed a taxis driver to follow his car without be busted." I said lifting my chin at her. "And naturally, you're gonna pay for the extra, if Ji Yong go out of the city." I added looking at both of them.

Sun-ha nodded, quiet like the first time I met her. While the other one, ditched the thing with a move of her right hand, as to brush off my words from her. "Yeah.Yeah. But did you succeed in tracking the b*tch phone number? You know the girls are waiting just for it." She raised her brows. As to say "I know you didn't succeed."

"No I.." I lifted my hand to stop her before she could annoy me with her complains. "Not me, but an hacker friend of mine said that is donna do it for me. He'll give us her number as soon as he have it." Reply to this b*tch. I challenged her raising my brows too.

"And how you convinced him?" She wanted to know.

"I have my systems." Forget that I reveal my secrets to you b*tch. To tell the truth it hasn't been enough to pay him with the money my parents gave me every weekend, and half of my paycheck. Yes, I have a job. I worked at a restaurant/sauna, where they worked too. I also had to let him...feel my breasts and butt. Don't worry I had my bras and pants on. But I would have never said it to her.

She looked bad at me, but she could say nothing. If she had an hidden trick, she didn't show it. Or maybe she hasn't a f*cking thing. "Good. I'm happy anyway.." She said faking sympathy for me. After that she shut her f*cking hole of a mouth.

One more word more and I would have f*cking punched her ugly face. I took off my eyes on her and looked at Sun-ha. "Did you buy the tickets for M!Countdown?" I asked her. I had already payed for the tracking of the phone number of that damn Yumi. I didn't want to pay again.

"Yes." She said and handed them to us right away. Like she had them ready in her hands.

I put them in my bag and pulled out my Ipad. "Now, let's see what he's gonna say about the Yumi-at-my-apartment story." I said and turned on the Ipad. I went on the web site of the MBC radio station, to watch it streaming the interview. Just like the other fans were doing.

"Let's hope that those idiots ask him about it." Jaemi-ha commented. We laid our bodies on the wall of the building next to the radio station's building. The entrance and the road in front of it was obstructed by the fans, so we have been obliged to move in a quieter corner. Luckily they shut up when the interview started.

"Annyeong Yorobun! We are back with the One and Only G DRAGON!" The first host announced with a vibrating voice. They framed Ji Yong.

"Annyeong haseyo Yorobun. Cio nun G Dragon Imnida. Glad to be here." He greeted the public through the microphone in front of him. His amiable and shameless smile, made my head spinning like always.

"Annyeong haseyo to you too G Dragon-shi. We're glad to have you here." The host replied. "And it's a pleasure to have your lovable and loud fans in front of our building as well." He added.

"De. They are very devoted and I loved them for it. Kamsamida GD Lovers." He whispered sensually through the microphone. That made the fans next to us go nuts.

"Wooo..They must have heard you." The host commented. "I bet we're gonna have a high rate for the entire interview. Thank you very much GD’s Lovers. All MBC staff thank you."

Saying that, they begun the interview. They mostly questioned him about his album Coup D'Etat and the upcoming comeback of BIG BANG in the scene. And they also aked about the upcoming of his journey in Europe. He didn't say much about the last thing, except that Taeyang would have gone with him and that they would have toured all over the european cities. And that it would have participated to the fashions weeks.

"Ask him about that damn b*tch, you moron" Jaemi-ha gave voice to my thoughts. We didn't succeed in reaching the comixbook store in time, that they were already gone. And that got on our nerves, mostly because it hasn't been our fault, and neither the taxisman fault. But because of the damn traffic jam.

"G Dragon-shi." Continued the host, and I thought that he was about to ask him about the apartment story, but he didn't. And talked instead about the episode, not aired yet, of Weekly Idol. Where there have been Ji Yong Oppa, T.O.P and the b*tch.

"Oh Come On!" Complained at loud voice Jaemi-ha.

"Wait." I said to her with calmness. "I want to hear what he say." The calm and gentle tone worked. She closed her damn mouth.

"Now we're gonna show you in exclusive, a sneakpeak of the episode." The other host said. "For those who want to see it, you just have to go on our web site and you'll see it in streaming."

"Or you could watch it comfilly at your place, on the tv's channels starting from tomorrow afternoon." Added the other one.

"And now here is the sneak peak!" Squirted the first host and motioned to the staff to go ahead and show it.

In the brief trailer, just one scene caught our interest and hit us like a real slap. It hasn't been the insane and funny dance Doni&Coni did when they announced the name of the b*tch; it hasn't been seeing her bragging about her italian origin and to have made a italian dish; it hasn't been the introduction of T.O.P and Ji Yong or the scene where the b*tch hit in the head T.O.P. Which was kinda funny and made me laugh, but I kept my laughs inside me. We don't want to give a reason to Jaemi-ha to attack me again. Anyway..As I was saying, what made my body boil of rage, has been a certain scene where Sunhwa-shi of SECRET, was running towards our Ji Yong, calling him Yongie Oppa and she..hugged him. Very tightly I'd say. And Ji Yong..hugged her back in the same way. In the corner of the video, you could see the b*tch and T.O.P, watching them with their eyes wide opened.

Just like mine in that moment. Jaemi-ha has been the first one to explode. She was so out of herself, and full of rage, that she didn't succeed in composing an entire sentence. She kept repeating one world though. F*ck. "What the F*ck that..means..what..F*ck I just saw?..I-I don't what F*ck. Understand. Really F*ck.." As she continued she headed far from us and started to walk back and forth. And she continued like this for quite a while. "I want to know what the F*ck means that F*cking hug, with that F*cking doll!" She claimed to know, shouting against me and my Ipad. She waited for an answer. 

What? I don't have the f*cking answer. I wanted to say."I want to know it too you know." but just I answered back. The anger filled her and made her glince her hands.

I was mad, but I wanted to go deeper to that story scene. "There's something wrong here.." I said to the both of them. "There's something fishy. It has to be."

"And what the hell is it?" Jaemi-ha rudely asked me.

"I don't know you Idiot, but there is.." I replied using the same rude tone of voice she used. "We know better than anyone else that Ji Yong, doesn't hug people casually. He does it only with the YG people, his friends and with the b*tch too. So what I'm asking myself is why? Why he decided to do it with Sunhwa-shi that he barely know. And in a television program and in such platonic manner." On the opposite of me, Jaemi-ha wasn't suspicious of everything and everyone around Ji Yong. She has the bad behaviour to go to conclusion too fast.

My reasoning seemed to calm her down and make her reason luckily. So she does have a brain. "The video has ended girls. They're interviewing Ji Yong Oppa again." Sun-ha Informed us.

Jaemi-ha returned quickly back to her spot next to me,and watched with us the interview. "Wooo..Woo.." Even the host was wordless. "Ladies and Gentlemen..I'm at loss of words. And I'm sure at 100% that your fans are wordless too. What do you say G Dragon-shi?" He asked him.

"Well..Let's say...That I got carried away by her enthusiasm.." He showed himself embarrassed. And he even blushed. "Seeing it it's even more embarrassing." He covered his face too ashamed. But that sneaky smile never fade away.

"For those who didn't see the sneak peak. We are talking about a certain scene, where Sunhwa-shi of SECRET, run towards Uri G Dragon-shi, shouting...YONGIE OPPA!" His impersonation of her voice has been terrible, but funny at the same time. Everyone in the studio laughed like mad people. Ji Yong Oppa included. "Hahahaha..Hahah I can't talk. I'm airless..Oh God.." He mumbled and kept laughing.

"What my colleague was trying to say.." The other host talked for him. "Was that in the scene, when Sunhwa-shi ran towards G Dragon-shi screaming Yongie Oppa..Hahaha..She launched herself in his arms and hugged him tightly. And Ladies and gentlemen..and kids. Uri G Dragon-shi returned her hug in the same way." The fans at 10 meters from us, screamed like damn little girls. Their screamed of surprise sounded more of something else that I didn't quite understand. It's better if it isn't happiness or I'll f*cking rip off  your dumb F*cking asses. "Why did you do that G Dragon-shi? I ask you this because I know your fans want to know it. Really badly." He asked him.

"Hem..I-I got carried away. I don't have excuses." He said. "I heard that she was a fan of mine..and I wanted to give her that hug as a thanksgiving." He said more serious this time.

"Aah..She is a fan of you. Then it's all clear now." The first host commented nodding.

"And plus..She was so adorable while she was running towards me, that I wouldn't..No, I couldn't refuse her embrace." Ji Yong added. That got on Jaemi-ha's nerves. "I really couldn't resist.." He shook his head and he shrugged to emphasize the thing.

"Aah..She was adorable Eh?" The host asked him and Ji Yong nodded blushing. How's that possible? Why? I kept asking myself when he did that. The host bent down on the microphone in front of him. "Okay. Ladies of South Korea. This is your favourite radiofonic host that he's speaking. I have to annouce that.. The War is over.. and Sunhwa-shi is the winner." He talked to the mic like we were in the 50'.

"We repeat it once again. The War is Over. The absolute winner of G Dragon-shi heart is Sunhwa-shi of Secret." They said in sync.

"Sunhwa-shi is the winner in absolute." The second host repeated again. "I'm sorry for all of you, but the pain of your lost will disappeared soon. Well, not so soon. Maybe after five or six years.." He added sadly yet chuckling at the same time.

Ji Yong chuckled as well, but tried to denied it. "Kuge anira..It's not like that." He said, but when they said that they were joking he relaxed.

"Getting serious again..or almost. In the scene we saw TOP-shi and Yumi-shi from SWEET STONES. The first pop-rock group of YG in the history." Said the first host. "They looked surprised by the two of you doing bear's hug."

"Yeah. Hem..Choi Seunghyun never saw that side of me." Ji Yong said smiling a little. "I become..Cute, when I'm with my fans and with Sunhwa-shi I did the same." We knew and loved that side of him too.

"Yumi too, looked surprised. How come?" The second host asked him. "I mean I heard that you two are friends, and I think that she has to know that cute side of you." The host said to him.

And the second joined him. "Yeah. Infact I heard that you two are more than friends. It's true G Dragon-shi? Uri Sunhwa-shi already have to worry to be replaced?" He asked winking at Ji Yong.

Is useless to ask him, we already know the truth. And the both's gonna continued to deny it, for who knows how time. I thought when Ji Yong was about to answer. "Kuge anira. She knows this cute side of me. And not just her. I think that every girls in YG know it." He said serious. "We're just simple friends, that's all." He denied it once again. Why are you doing this Oppa? I would have wanted to ask him face to face, if I had the chance. Why her of all girls out there? "And plus, She confessed to me that.."

"What she confessed?" The first host didn't let him finish.

"Shut the F*ck up, so he can say it you moron!" I couldn't help myself and shouted at him.

Ji Yong seemed annoyed too by his interruption, but he continued anyway. "She confessed to me to have a crush. A crush for.." He paused

"Whoever is, I don't give a shit." I replied.

"Well said." Jaemi-ha complimented to me. I smirked.

"Who is it? It's me?" The host asked hopefully. He was young, but kinda old at the same time. He sure had some sort of plastic surgery.

Ji Yong chuckled. "No, I'm sorry." He said sadly giggling. "Her crush is for Kim Woo Bin." He said at the end. Well Kim Woo Bin Oppa was a hot-handsome guy. And I could understand why she liked him. Tall, thin, bad boy gaze, just like the one Ji Yong's. The only difference, was that one was a rapper, while the other one was an actor.

"Aaah Kim Woo Bin..Interesting." The two host exclaimed surprised.

"Kim Woo Bin. If you're listening..We inform you that you stole the heart of a young lady named Lee Yun Mi, better known as Yumi." The second host talked to the microphone, like Kim Woo Bin was really listening to him.

"So, don't be afraid..and make your move boy." The other one added.

"She even asked me to arrange a date with him." Ji Yong added. He was so natural, that I couldn't distinguish the truth from the lies. He went to act's courses at the Institute of Traditional Art of Seoul after all. So it was extremely difficult to understand if it was lying or not.

"Cincia?" They exclaimed. "Waa.."

"Kim Woo Bin...Kim Woo Bin.." The first host returned to called him. "This is the MBC radio station who's talking. The girl likes you. I repeat, she likes you very very much. So don't lose time and make your move..Or someone else will do it. Over and Out." He ended.

Ji Yong kept laughing, but I didn't understand if he was laughing because he was amused by the host's gags or because he was happy because they fell in his trap. I absolutely have to take some act's class. "Did she have other crush beyond Kim Woo Bin?" The first one asked.

Ji Yong wondered for a few seconds. "Well..There's also..Yong Junhyung of BEAST and Bang Yongkuk of B.A.P." I knew itThey're all rappers, just like he is. But that only proved that she had a crush for him too, not the opposite.

"Woo..Rappers." The second host seemed to noticed it too, but he didn't insisted on the thing and act like a dump again. "I believe that you have to warned them my friend." He said looking at the other host.

The host leaned on the microphone again. "Yong Junghyung, Yongkuk, Kim Woo Bin. This is destined only to you guys. Lee Yun Mi, the angel with black hair and green eyes of Sweet Stones have a crush for you guys." He said like a pro-speaker. "Hurry up and make your move."

"Palli Palli!" The second host added. "I can't wait to see who will win her heart first!"

As long as Ji Yong kept smiling with his eyes, my suspects about this whole story grew even more. There were only two possibility. One: he was telling the truth and she had a crush for those boys, meant there was nothing between them. But I don't believe in it, even if you pay me. Or Two: He was shamelessly lying to the hosts, to his fans, to us and to all South Korean people. Hiding like that the truth. Meant that he was dating secretly that B*tch, but he didn't want to let it know to the people, to not put her in danger. Whatever was the the truth, I wouldn't have stopped my plans in getting rid of that B*tch. And get rid of Sunhwa-shi that hugged Ji Yong, without our permission. Which we would have never grant to anyone.

"And now Ladies and gentlemen and girls in front of our building.." The first host announced after had laughed with his pal. "Uri G Dragon-shi's gonna perform for us. He's gonna sing firstly Crocked from his last album and then That Xxx from the album One Of Kind."

"Here's to you G DRAGON!" They announced together, when Ji Yong Oppa finished to prepare himself.

We staid all in silence when his song started to play and he started to sing. He has an hypnotic voice, beautiful, but also impudent and shameless to enter better into his character. I didn't believe that it was all an act though, I believed that character's attitude was a reflection of his attitude. Not totally, but at least an half for sure. The song's lyrics are the reflection of a singer, So it has to be something of him in those songs. I Liked that kind of boy, a little ribelle a little sweet. Manly but a little womanized. And Ji Yong had all those characteristics. He was like Mr. Right or Superman that once in a while like to play Joker's role and have fun. Well not like Joker do in movies. I love you much. You're my obsession Kwon Ji Yong. I didn't know what I would have done if I had found out that he was really dating that B*tch.

"We absolutely have to find out the truth about those two." I muttered grasping painfully my Ipad in my hands. "I can't stand to know nothing. And I have to know this one for God Sake or I'll go crazy." I said mostly to myself than to someone.

"Then you have to pressure that hacker. You have to hurry him up, so we can start with your plan Boss." Sun-ha replied.

"Yeah. She's right." Jaemi-ha said.

"You're right. Both of you." I granted to them.

"After his performance at M!Countdown, I have to pay another visit to him." I said referring to the hacker. I should have let myself touch again, to hurried him. What a breaking Balls. I really can't stand nerd's touches. Their hands were always sticky and needy. Damn Pervs. I did all this kind of stuff to reach my goal. Meant destroy more mentally than physically, that damn B*tch. Damn you Yumi! You're gonna pay for this too.


Text: Mia Lafreve Pedretti
Images: Mia Lafreve Pedretti
Editing: Mia Lafreve Pedretti
Publication Date: 08-21-2015

All Rights Reserved

To all asianfanfics that insperied me to write my first fanfic. Thanks to the amazing Beta Readers that helped me with my poor grammar. Also thanks to my ex boyfriend for showing me that just sex is not love.

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