

Slap is like my nickname. The only weird thing about it is that I am a girl. I don’t rule the school or anything I am just the type a girl no one messes with I have a certain group of friends I hang out with and I am not going to change them. I am going to tell you how I got my nickname is back in the 5th grade. I was sitting in my seat and back then boys played this stupid called slap strap. I was one of Chase Tyis victims. They would you know pop girl bra straps well the ones who actually wore bras and I was like the main one back then (I had to it wasn’t my fault). He pop my frigging bra strap so hard I had a frigging bruise there but before I get into that. I turned around and slapped him so hard it wasn’t funny. He had a hand print on his face for about three hours and the next day had a bruise. It was what it was. He gave me a bruise I gave him one back. But that was how I got my name though. It was ridiculous but I mean it was 5th grade. So, well me and Chase has a love and hate relationship we don’t talk to each other and we don’t mess with each other no more unless of course when we have an encounter with each other at community or picnic with the family (his and my family are really close). Chase and I have known each other since like forever but we aren’t like best friends or anything. Well let’s get on with the story though. Oh yeah forgot one thing welcome to my life as Slap.

Chapter 1: Zleeps and Sleeping in Class

Sleeping in class is a real bad move. Watching Zleeps asleep in class, I was about to wake him up until Chase walked in okay so me and Chase we aren’t like friends were more like acquaintance’s we aren’t mean to each other or anything we just talk to each other when we encounter each other and nothing more than that.

“Hey Slap.” Chase said. Yeah, that is my nickname got it in 5th grade; but I am not going to get into that right now.

“Hey.” I said back to him. He sat down and I just went back to help my friend Zleeps.

“Zleeps get up.” I said hitting his head with my hand. Zleeps finally gets up right before the teacher walks in. He mouths thank you. I laugh a little. Zleeps is a whole big video gamer and hacker, so he is up half the night, so I am so use to him falling asleep in class. I and Zleeps have been friends since 7th grade, like me and Keela (a.k.a. Babble), Jason (a.k.a. Jace), Wendy (a.k.a. Girl), and then finally the top boy in our group Tennyson (a.k.a. King). Babble she got her name in 8th grade she is the non-stop talking friend everyone has, Jace got his name because he is the most mace guy in the school and his name is Jason, and well King got his name because well he is like the king of the school. We’re not popular were just that group of friends that no one messes with. Each of us has went out with only one person in the group. Like me and Zleeps we went out for a while but we broke up. Now King wants a shot with me but Zleeps won’t let him near me. King has dated almost any girl that refuse to like him. Well, that isn’t a lot of girls but I and King do flirt a good bit. King got in late as usual but this time he had got in right after the teacher and the teacher let it slide. When he went by I said “and safe”. He laughed when he sat down. Okay, so only 5 minutes into class and I got three texts to me. One from King, one from Chase which is unusual, and the last one from Zleeps.
Do you think we could hang out after school today?
I sent back "That wouldn't make Zleeps happy." Then i went to the one that Chase sent me.
Hey, we need to talk after school. It's important.
I sent back "Yeah. Okay." Then i went to the one Zleeps sent me.
Hey what's this teacher talking about?
I laughed at before i sent back "I don't know I am not paying attention." Then I went to the message King just sent back.
Who cares. You shouldn't let him control you.
I sent back "I'm not but he is my best friend still and I don't want to hurt him." Then i went to the one that Chase sent me back.
Ok see you then thanks.
Okay so before i sent anything back to him i wondered why he was actually using my real name in his phone. I sent back "Okay. No Problem. Bye." Then I went to the message Zleeps sent back.
Hahaha. Yeah that's true.
I sent back "Hey, the bell is fixing to ring soon so bye." and then went to the one King sent back to me.
I understand. Hey maybe another time then like tomorrow maybe.
I sent back "Maybe. Got to go bye." And that was the end of the messages I was so ready for school to be over already. After class I really just wanted to disappear so I went to the band room I have a passion for music. I go sit behind a piano and start playing something I had learned a long time ago. Then someone walks in and ruins it by playing a flute I couldn't see who because well the piano is in another room. I pick up the song and put a up beat to it. It made everything seem really cool though. With the flute and the piano playing and all of a sudden I made a song up for the beat and all. The song :
There's a life out there for me
Somewhere I belong
I don't where at but I do know
Ima get there someday
I will have the courage to tell everything
The real me is not me
Then the flute just stopped and someone had left out really fast. I got up, looked out the seperate room into the band room and no one was there. Whoever came in there was really good at playing flute. After that person left all i wanted to know who it was. I would have to ask Mrs. Purfew she probably recongnize a talented flute player (hopefully). Most likely the person would be in a band class but who knows. I put the music up and run to get to my next class. I got there right on time, my class is Science or whatever. You wouldn't believe who is my lad partner though well he's not Zleeps or King and I didn't pick him so yeah. My partner ended up being Chase. Chase isn’t someone I would really pick as a lab partner but hey it is what it is. Which when I got there Chase was acting weird towards me the whole class which was kind of making me mad. Class went by fast though so I had said nothing once so ever to him.
School ended so I went and met up with Chase at this park usually no one goes to. It has this very small playground that's kind of an older generation one, not like the new ones around mine or Chase's neighborhood. There's a swin set with only two big kid swings and one toddler/baby swing on it. When I got there I was wondering why did I come here? My answer was I guess my curiosity. When I approached Chase he didn’t say anything he just all of a sudden kissed me. What scared me though was that I was kissing him right back for some reason I got butterflies in my stomach. What I came to assumption that I might have been in love with Chase for years and didn’t know it. When we stopped kissing I had to sit down on a bench or something. This was all too much.
“Cecialla?” Chase asked questioningly.
“I’m sorry I am just in complete shock at this. I liked it and I wanted to continue but at the same time it just all seemed unreal. Chase, when did you start feeling this way?” I asked.
“The day after you slapped me in 5th grade I just never told you.” He said.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I asked.
“I was scared and I wanted to know how you felt before this happened.” He showed me a paper my father and mother signed.
“What is it?” I asked.
“You parents signed this when your mom was six months pregnant with you. It says that were like in arranged marriage or something. But I wanted to know before this happened if you didn’t love someone else because if you do I won’t let you marry me. I promise you that because I don’t want my wife or whatever to resent me all our lives.” He said. I could see he was being honest and trust me I think he was being really sweet about the whole thing.
“How long do we have before then?” I asked.
“To the end of the year, which I know is five months and then I got us until spring to get to know each other but that is as far my mother will go for.” He said.
“So, are you up for the challenge Cha Cha?” I asked he laughed at the fact I called him his old nickname.
“Yeah I am. And I don’t think you want anyone to know either?” He asked.
“Not right now.” I said.
“Understandable.” He said.
“Can we kiss again?” I asked.
“Ummmmm………okay.” He said laughing and kissing me. I pulled away.
“Has anyone told you, you were a good kisser.” I said more as a statement then a question.
“Nope.” He said. And then we started kissing again. We talked a little more but I had to go home.
“Wait can we this our first date?” He asked.
“Why?” I asked.
“Well first dates are always a huge fail. So can we?” He asked.
“Yeah, it was a good first date though. When we going to have our second?” I asked.
“How about this Saturday?” He asked.
“I can’t this Saturday I am going skating with my friends.” I said.
“I could sneak and see you right?” He said.
“Maybe.” I said. He kissed me one more time and I went home. When I got there though King was waiting on me. Okay, let me just say King is HOT with a capital H but I mean it doesn’t mean I am going to fall for him. Right? Ughhhhhh I don’t know when did this turn into one of “those movies”.

Chapter 2: Premission Granted Half Way

Standing on my porch at dusk of the afternoon was the one guy I wasn't expecting to see tonight.
“Where have you been?” King ask.
“Zleeps is not going to be happy about this.” I said.
“What Zleeps don’t know won’t hurt him.” He said while we were walking into my house. Parents aren’t home for a week so ummmmmm yeah this is probably going to be like on of “those movies”. I hate those movies the girl always ends up picking the wrong guy.
“King, you know how I feel about you but, it’s not going to work out.” I said.
“It could work. We could make it work.” He said. Great now he’s in love with me. Anybody else. Hmmmmmmm maybe the little boy next door too.
“King I…………” I was saying before he cut me off and started kissing me. Okay, was it so wrong I didn’t want it to stop this time either. I knew it was wrong towards Chase and Zleeps but I couldn’t help it no more. King knows how I feel about him but I wouldn’t never act on them because of Zleeps. I pushed him away.
“I can’t do this and you know it.” I said looking away. I looked at the clock and saw that Zleeps and everybody else wouldn’t be here until 6pm and well it was only 4:45pm.
“Why can’t you stop thinking and just let go?” He asked frustrated.
“Because I just can’t okay.” I said. He came up to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I can’t do this to Chase so; I pushed away one more time.
“I know that you need to ask permission from your secret.” He said.
“How do you know about that?” I asked.
“I kind of followed you after school and I sorta hacked your phone too.” He said.
“I will see, but I still need time.” I said walking upstairs to call Chase. King wasn’t as good of a kisser as Chase but he was good. I called Chase to see if I could just use King as a cover up story for us and explained it all he was on board with it too. After that I went and told King everything he was on board as well. He wanted a chance and I guess this seems like the only one he’s going to get. He walks in my room and kisses me once more gently on the lips only this time I kiss him back. He laid me gently on the bed and kissed down my jawline and then he started to kiss me on my lips again. I wanted to stop it but at the same time I didn’t want it to stop. He kissed me one more time gently on the lips and stopped and laid down on the other side of me.
“Why do you tease me?” I asked.
“Because you do the same thing to me.” He said.
“How?” I asked.
“You’re so beautiful, you have the prettiest eyes ever, and I love the way when you smile and it lights up the whole room.” He said. I kissed him on the lips and he was shocked at first but soon enough he got into it to. I heard somebody come into my room so me and King jumped up really fast. It ended up being Zleeps he ran out and well I guess you can say we were busted.
“Zleeps don’t go.” I said to him when he was going outside he stopped.
“Why should I stay you have all you need? Or should I what you wanted?” He said. Okay, I will let that one slide.
“I’m sorry.” I said now with tear falling down my cheek. No one has ever made me cry the way I would cry for Zleeps.
“Why?” He asked.
“She didn’t want it to happen, she was so worried about hurting you. You knew how much and how far I would go to get her and to love her. And you knew how much I wanted her to love me back. What is so wrong about that? And why blame her?” King said.
“Don’t you turn this on me King. You know something and you know that I can’t say that thing because I am afraid to but you’re supposed to be my friend.” Zleeps said.
“Y’all both need to stop. Zleeps you will always be my first love and first boyfriend but we broke up. I’m single, I can date who I want to. You’ll always be my friend and you’re always going to be a big brother to me. I want to try and see what happens between me and King and if it don’t work out I will let you say I told you so. I don’t want to hear another word about it okay?” I said.
“Fine.” They both said at the same time. We walked back in and we waited for the rest of the group got there so me and King can tell them. We waited silently and thought maybe this isn’t right towards Chase. Something in me wanted to be with Chase and something in me wanted King too. King was sweet and maybe it might work but in the end I am going to have to marry Chase. Which hey that’s not too bad.
“What are you thinking about?” King asked.
“Nothing.” I said picking up my cell phone and texting Chase. I texted: “Are you sure about this?”
And sent it. I had a text from Zleeps.
To: Slap
From: Zleeps
Are you seriously going with him?
I texted back “Yes I know you mad but……” I sent that, I know I couldn’t finish the sentence but I need you give this a try. I kind of miss Chase, weird thinking that. I got a text back from both Chase and Zleeps. I looked at Chase’s first it said:
To: Cecialla
From: Chase
I might get jealous but it is what you want, yes.
Okay, could he make this any harder. I texted back “I just don’t know……can we have a date tonight at 11pm?” I sent that and went back to see if Zleeps sent one back but he didn’t. That made me come to the conclusion that he was really mad. I walked over to him.

Chapter 3: The Talk, Faint Dream, and Date

I wanted to get near him enough where he could hear me and not King hear me.
“Can we talk?” I asked.
He hesitated at first, but he eventually walked upstairs with me. When we got to my room I shut the door.
“Please talk to me, Zleeps.” I said.
“Why? You don’t need me you got King.” He said.
“Zleeps I will always need you, your one of my best friends I can’t just lose you.” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
“I have been holding back on going out or being around King alone for almost a year now, and you know why? Because I didn’t want to hurt you.” I said.
“You want to know why though? Why I tried to keep you away from you?” he asked.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because I thought I was still in love with you.” He said (Great, ughhhh…’s officially one of “those movies”). I was speechless, why didn’t I know this? I thought he didn’t love me no more after he had suggested we break up. Yes I said it was a mutual decision but in the end I didn’t want to admit that he broke up with me. The worst thing I could’ve done right then………...happened I fainted. The darkest overcame me but then next thing I know it my scenerie changed. I was having the weirdest dream I was sitting on my bed in a beautiful white princess looking dress. I get up walk downstairs and there stands Chase, Zleeps, and King. They were all holding a corsages in their hands and also all in different tux colors too. Chase was wearing an all white tux with a black bow tie, Zleeps was wearing an all grey suit with a pink tie, and King was wearing an all black suit with a black tie. I was suppose to choose one. I look at Chase’s first it was a simple beautiful red rose, Zleeps was a perfect pink rose, and King was a white rose. I stare at their hands I look at the red rose I start to walk towards it but then Chase disappears out of thin air, so I walk towards the pink rose Zleeps disappears out of thin air, and then I got towards King he just all of a sudden walks out of the house leaving me there. Then I woke up I was laying my bed I walked downstairs to see if anybody was here but there was no one. I look at my phone and see that I had a text from Chase.
To: Cecialla
From: Chase
Ok, be there at 11
I look at my clock it was 10:45pm, I had to get up and get ready. I fixed my makeup and stuff and then went downstairs to cook some popcorn and make a little bowl with candy in it. Finishing the bowl with candy I sat it on the coffee table then went back to put the popcorn in a bowl and set it on the coffee table. Chase was there at exactly at 11pm. When I opened the door I was shocked that he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black tight shirt he is like every girl in schools dream. He walked in and I led him to the living room. My living room had all this nice fruniture, but this very huge wrap around couch that could probably sit 10 people, the floors were dark wood, and the walls were this off white. My family is something I usually don't like talking about but to clear things up we aren't poor, we are actually pretty wealthy.
“I thought that since we might not get but like half a date at the skating rink maybe we can have one before then.” I said sitting on the couch.
“I like the way you think.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“So, about the King thing.” He said.
“If you don’t want me to see him……” I was saying before he interrupted me.
“No it’s fine. I just thought you were having second thoughts about us. But then you called and they went away.” He said.
“I wouldn’t have second thoughts about us.” I said. He grabbed my hand and laced them together. He gave me one soft gentle kiss on the lips, which made my heart skip a beat.
“You’re so sweet.” I said.
“What do you mean?” he said.
“I don’t know how to explain it.” I said.
“Well, you’re pretty and I can explain what I mean.” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes, but your actually more than pretty you’re beautiful.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Your very welcome.” He said. I smiled a little and started to get up but then stopped because at that time I remembered what Zleeps told me.
The words played over and over in my head. I had totally forgotten about what I was doing and who I was with.
“You okay?” Chase asked making me snap out of my thoughts.
“Ummmm……yeah I was just thinking.” I said.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
“Your making this so hard.” I said. He looked kind of hurt.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“At the end I will have to choose between you or King. You’re making it a hard decision.” I said.
“I’m sorry if I am doing that. I really didn’t mean to make you mad either.” He said.
“How about we just watch a movie?” I asked then told.
“Yeah, but first. He said before kissing me. Okay so yeah that was great.

We watched a movie, did a little kissing, then at the end he had to go.

Chapter 4: A New Girl And A New Bad Feeling

I got up in the morning and found a note on my bedside table. It was from Zleeps he must have wrote it when I fainted. I opened it and it said:
I’m sorry that I told what I did but you didn’t let me finish. I was going to say at the end that I thought I was still in love you but now I am not so sure. I want you to know that I will always love you and I guess you can be King even if I have no say in it at all.
I wanted to say sorry to him or do something to make it up to him. Instead I texted Chase Good Morning. Then I took a shower and got ready to go to school. I got on a bra and new panties, a pair of white skinny jeans pre ripped/slit, with my rainbow spiked white belt, a neon pink tank top, with a white with black letterings that said “Nirvana Rocks”, and my black converse with neon shoe strings. I put a white, black, neon pink head band on, applied mascara and eyeliner, and then finally a little clear lip gloss. I go to my jewelry box get out all my wrist bands that say random things like ‘Life Can Be Awesome’ to ‘Whatever’ I love them, I got a lot over the years and it takes some time to put them on but it’s worth it. I look at my phone and Chase sent back Good Morning Beautiful and I texted back a smiley face and I miss you Handsome. I wanted to see his reaction to that. I went downstairs to get a water and a granola bar, eating that I went and watched a little soccer before I went to school. When I sat down though somebody was ring my doorbell. I get back up and answer to see that it’s King I start smiling.
“Can’t stay away uh?” I said with a smirk.
“What if I said No?” he said with a smirk.
“Then I would absolutely be right.” I said smiling. That set him on the edge he picked me up bridal style while shutting the door. He took me all the way upstairs to my room and shut my door. I started giggling. He start kissing me all over my face and then he laid me down on my bed and started kissing kissing me. I started kissing back too, he trailed kisses up and down my jawline and neck. And to be honest I was loving every minute of it. I pushed him away first I thought we were going too far and that it was time we went to school. I got up looked at my phone forgetting that I had texted Chase earlier saying something and when I read the text he sent back and it said I miss you too beautiful and a smiley face. He’s so sweet. I sent back Aww. And then went downstairs wondering what is taking King so long. I look at the time and see if we don’t leave soon well be late. He comes down looking like he was mad. We didn’t have time for this, we had to get to school he took his keys off the counter and left out. I got my keys and went to my and drove to school. Walking inside school finding people going insane with gossip more than usual was crazy. I was walking to my locker I saw this girl messing with my locker.
“Excuse me, not to be rude or anything but that’s my locker.” I said.
“Oh my bad.” The girl said. Something about the girl gave me a bad feeling. She had red hair and I really didn’t pay attention so yeah. I open my locker, I look at all the pictures I had in there of me and Zleeps, or me and the group, or just one person in the group. King had snuck up on me and I jumped.
“Well, I got you something. And I was going to give it to you but you left before I could.” He said.
“Thank you, but you really shouldn’t have.” I said.
“Too bad.” He said. Taking out a wrist band saying ‘Fire And Ice’.
“It’s great thank you.” I said. He gave me a hug.
“You’re Welcome.” He said while still hugging me.
“We got to get to class.” I said. We walked to class together. When we got there Chase was there, Zleeps, and more people. I walked in by myself it felt like I was alone now all alone like no one was there for me and then it hit me I am being a serious drama queen so I kind of laugh at myself. When I get to the back (no one can see me and Chase back there) Chase laces our fingers together which makes me want to blush. I know it was too early to say this but I am in love with Chase I think. I was so close to lean and kiss Chase when King walked in and smiled at me. I feel guilty I should have never gotten involved with King. Class went by faster than usual when it was over though I stopped and pulled Zleeps away so we could talk.
“I’m sorry that I fainted last night I just have a lot of things going on right now.” I said truthfully.
“It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m sorry I was judging you I didn’t mean to make it seem like that. I will try to support your decision.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said hugging him.
“Are we going to tell the crew about it during lunch?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said looking behind me with that red headed girl giving me like daggers with her eyes I mean like really someone needs to put this girl in check.
“Hey, that new girl is kind of cute.” King said walking up to me and Zleeps.
“Really now?” I said.
“I’m sorry but she is.” He said.
“I agree with him.” Zleeps said.
“I have a really bad feeling about her.” I said.
“Awhhh that’s too bad I could’ve asked her out.” King said sarcastically.
“You wanna ask her out go ask her out I am not going to stop you, but remember I am not going to give you another chance.” I said. Zleeps had already walked away.
“I was just playing with you, baby.” He said.
“Yeah but you know that I cross the line at acting like you’re going to go ask out some girl who is frankly bad news all we know. I don’t like that crap.” I said.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“Let’s just go to second period so we can hurry up and get over with so we can tell the crew that were dating.” I said.
“Okay.” He said.
Time past by really fast. It was time for lunch I wasn’t really that hungry so I went outside to our usual table and sat on it and waited for everyone else. Two minutes later the first to show up was King then came Jace, then Babble, then Zleeps, and then girl. They all had food they tried to tell me I needed to eat but I didn’t feel like eating but for them I ate a apple. When everyone was done eating I thought it was time to tell them.
“Guys I got to tell you something.” I said.
“What now?” Babble said.
“Yeah what’s going on?” Girl said.
“Go ahead spill it.” Jace said.
“Me and King are dating.” I said.
“What?!?!?!” Babble said. She looked upset.
“I decided to give him a chance.” I said. I didn’t know Babble would react like this yes Babble went out with him before but she broke up with him. Babble ran off.
“I will go talk to her.” Jace said.
“I didn’t know she would react like that. I didn’t want to hurt anybody.” I said.
“It not your fault.” King said. I just got up and went to go find Babble. I had heard Babble and Jace talking, Jace said something like ‘You’ll always have me’ and Babble said ‘I know.’ And that’s when I was fixing to see what they were talking about and then they kissed. I was really confused then. I stopped in my tracks. I started running I didn’t know where I was running to until I got to the football field and saw that I was a lone I fell. I just fell out and lately that has happened a lot. When I was out though I felt somebody pick me up bridal style carry me to the nurse told her that they found me past out near the football field; the nurse told the person to just lay me on the little like flatbed chair thingy.

Chapter 5: Not Again

I woke up soon after with my head throbbing. I asked the nurse who had found me she said Chase Tyis and in my head I was like that was sweet but on the outside I just said figures. She called my parents they told her to let Zleeps bring me home. The principal had told her to tell me not to bother showing up until Monday which that means I will miss two days of school and I never miss school. I was mad but the nurse said that I wouldn’t count against me if all my work was done. I was a little upset but I took it. She told me to lie down and that she would wake me when Zleeps came to get me after school.
I don’t how long I slept because when the nurse woke me up I was shocked at what time it was. Zleeps had come and got me at the end of the day and it was which I was shocked that it was. We had rode home in silence but when we got inside the fight began.
“Why haven’t you been eating like your suppose to?” he asked.
“There has just been a lot going on I just haven’t felt like eating.” I said.
“Well, I am going to cook some spaghetti and you’re going to eat a full bowl before I leave got it?” he said.
“I ye captain.” I said. And he did he spent about an hour cooking the food which that is the only dish I will let him feed me because he cooks it so well. I go to my bedroom and change into something comfortable. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I get my IPod set an alarm for 30 minutes because that is how long it is going to take for Zleeps to finish cooking. I go to the songs on my IPod and I play some random song. When it came on I just started to relax. I kind of day dreamed about Chase and a little about King. I got woken u though by the alarm I set. I got up shut my IPod off and went downstairs. When I get down there I find him setting two plates of hot spaghetti.
“I can’t tell how long it’s been since I had this meal with you.” I said.
“On the day we broke up.” He said.
“Oh.” I said just sitting down and started to eat. I hadn’t noticed how hungry I was. After eating about two bowls he decided maybe that I ate enough that he could go he told me to get some rest and left. I got dressed in my night clothes which were a silk tank top with white shorts. I heard somebody knocking at the back door so I went downstairs to see who it was. I found Chase looking worried as ever.
“Chase, what’s wrong?” I said.
“You scared me.” He said.
“How?” I asked.
“Today at school, I thought you were……and well, it just really scared me to find you that way.” He said.
“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry.” I said wrapping my arms around him.
“That’s kind of hard when I am the one who found you.” He said.
“I am fine. All I have to do is eat more often and I need some time off of school.” I said.
“Okay, I am going to be bringing your homework by every day until you come back.” He said.
“I’ll be able to see you more often.” I said smiling and standing on my tippy toes so I can kiss him. He had to lean down the rest of the way so I could.
“I like that idea.” He said.
“What idea?” I asked.
“Being able to see you more often.” He said.
“I wish it was like that where we could.” I said.
“It could, you were close to doing it today.” He said.
“I know I am sorry.” I said.
“No, I actually wanted it to happen.” He said.
“What about your friends and what will they think?” I said.
“They probably make jokes, be rude about it, and most likely be mad that I hid it from them.” He said.
“Mine too, they probably want to kill you.” I said.
“I don’t want that for us but I also don’t want us to lie.” He said.
“I think we should just keep doing what we’re doing and anyways it’s our business not theirs.” I said.
“I agree.” He said kissing me again.
“But…” I said.
“No, no buts.” He said while kissing me again.
“Mmmkayy.” I said while kissing back.
“Chase, I think we should talk some about what’s going to happen during spring.” I said looking down. He took his hand and lifted my face so he could see me face to face.
“I love you. I need you to know that. Spring is going to be the best day of my life.” He says kissing my lips softly. Today was what Tuesday or Wednesday……I can’t remember dang. I just knew one thing right then I was in love with this guy.
“I love you, too.” I said back. He kissed my lips one more time then he showed me the work I missed and helped me finish it.
“So, I guess I have to go.” He said kind of disappointed our time was over.
“Or you could stay and lie to your parents saying you stayed at a friend’s house.” I said.
“You really want me to stay?” He asked looking me into the eyes.
“Of course.” I said kissing him.
“Okay, I will be back.” He said kissing my forehead walking out the front door. When he left out the door I ran up to my room and made sure it was totally clean. I love Chase and I can’t let King know I am letting Chase spend the night either. I clean the bathroom just in case he wanted to take a shower before school in the morning. I heard the doorbell so I went to get it as I went and opened the door I saw Chase there with a small duffle bag.
“Come on in.” I say as he walked in and I shut the door. I showed him to my room where he could put his stuff at.
“So, where am I sleeping tonight?” He asked I am sorry there is a huge king size bed in my room he’s definitely not sleeping anywhere else tonight.
“In the bed with me. Is that okay?” I asked smiling.
“Yeah that’s just fine it will get me for how our married life is going to be like.” He said smiling kissing my cheek. I already had my pajamas on so I told him he could put his on he said he slept in his boxers my heart just started racing.
“That’s fine.” I simply said.
“What do you usually sleep in?” He asked.
“Boy shorts or short shorts with a tank top.” I told him.
“Cute.” He simply said wrapping arms around me.
"What do you sleep in?" I asked him. 

"Boxers." He simply said.

"Cool." I said. We watched another movie and I just laid there in his arms.

 "Baby, do you think you will be marrying me in the Spring?" Chase asked me out of the blue after a marathon of chick flicks. 

"I don't know. I mean Chase I have known you forever and well you track record with keeping a girl sucks." I said brutally honest. Which I guess hurt him a little because he looked down probably thinking that he messed that up.

 "With you it's different. I won't deny that I cheat on girls or that I do get a new girl every other week, but you are not like those girls the only reason I went out with them was so it would make them happy. With you I want us both happy." He said looking into my eyes pulling me closer to him. 

"I will believe that when I see it happen. I like you a lot Chase I might say I love you, but I don't want to fall so hard for you if you're just going to break my heart." I said to him. He looked at me and nodded his head. I continued talking. "Chase, I want to be with you now and I hope I am still with you when Spring comes but I also don't want a guy who doesn't want the same or who wants to keep doing old habits. I mean I have no room to talk but King is my back-up plan honestly which sounds really stupid and kind of selfish of me but still. He's been waiting for his chance for awhile and well it's also a good cover-up story." I finished talking and looked at the blue screen since we haven't put in a new movie. Then all of a sudden Chase pulled my face to his and starts kissing me like crazy. 

"I refuse to let you go. I want you forever and I don't want to lose you to King. You're everything to me now and till you don't want to be with me anymore." He said to me kissing me on the forehead. 

"Good, now let's get ready to bed." I said kissing him one more time. 

"Okay baby girl." He said picking me up taking me upstairs. 

"What are you doing? I can walk you know." I said giggling.

"Yeah, but it's funner this way." He said chuckling. I opened the door that was mine also where I put his bag earlier. He gently put me down and I went to my closet and changed in some black boy shorts and a silky blue tank top. He was changing to when I came out he was already laying in bed waiting for me. I got in bed with Chase, he said nothing which was great and it made me feel at ease when he just held me in silence so I fell asleep fairly quickly that night.

Chapter 6: All By Myself

 Waking up with Chase next to me I knew that King would be pissed if he found him here. I told Chase that he had to hurry up and get to school so he got up and started to get ready in my bathroom. While he did that, I went downstairs and made some breakfast for him. I got out a skillet and some eggs, bacon, milk, and some cheese. And made me and Chase a nice bacon and cheese omlets. I finished up and got a plate and some orange juice for him set him a place at the table and put everything there. Finishing up Chase comes down the stairs all dressed for school and to be honest just looking at him made me weak in the knees. 

“Can’t you just stay here with me today?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry, honeybun but I have to go to school or you won’t get your school work.” He said kissing my cheek.

"What if I wanted you to lay with me in bed all day?" I asked him.

"As tempting as that is, I can't hun. I'll be back right after school. I promise you." He said smiling at me. After he finished his omelet he thanked me and kissed m y forehead and said goodbye. About 10 minutes after he left and I had just dinished cleaning the dishes King knocked on the front door. The first thing he did when I opened the door is shut the door and locked it. He smiled one of those cocky boyish smiles at me. The next thing I know it he had me up against a wall kissing me deeply. 

"I missed you too." I said to him once he stopped kissing me and I caught my breath again.
"We really need a day where it's just me and you." King said still giving me a cocky boy grin.
"King can we talk." I asked him.
"I don't want to talk about tomorrow or two months from now. I just want to hold you and kiss you while I am able to." He said looking at me with a serious face.
"Okay, but you have to go to school at least by third period, if you miss math more than I know you already are you're going to get kicked out of Advanced Placement." I said to him. His face relaxed and he smiled at me kissing me deeply once again. We watched a movie and cuddled but then he had to go.
The next few days were pretty relaxing I would see Chase every night mostly some nights he would even stay over and King during the day before school and while Chase was at football practice. They didn't have a game this weekend but they were having a party. But I didn't know that yet, because Chase was trying to keep it from me till last minute. It was Wednesday and well I told King that it would be best if he didn't come over at all today because I needed to just be alone tonight. Which was true I did need just alone time. But Chase wouldn't take that message so he came over.
"Chase I really just want to be alone tonight." I said to him.
"Really, because I think King will be here tonight and you just don't want to tell me." He said bluntly looking really pissed off.
"Here..." I said throwing my phone at him to show him the text between me and King.
"I'm so stupid."He said.
"Yeah, well next time how about you just ask King yourself." I said taking my phone from him and going to the couch to lay down.
"I wouldn't have to worry about you lying to me if you weren't with him." He said.
"Well I told you all you have to do is tell me you don't want me to be with him and I won't be." I said honestly, which is true mostly. It would hurt me deeply to hurt him like that but I would do it.
"I'm not going to do that, it'll just make things even worse for us when we finally do have to get married." He said still getting mad at me.
"Whatever just leave!" I yelled at him. He left without saying anything to me.
I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut. I laid on my bed pulled my pillow to me and started to cry. I heard someone come upstairs I was hoping it was a serial killer to just come and kill me. But sadly it wasn't, it was Chase coming to talk to me. He sat next to me on the bed.
"Cecilia, I am so sorry. I'm such a jerk. I hope you can forgive me." He said putting his face in his hands.
"Chase, I just want you to understand that I am trying to make a decision that will effect the rest of my life." I said to him sitting up.
"I've made you cry..." He said wiping the tears from my face. "I really don't deserve you."
"When I sent y'all both those messages it was because I needed time to myself to figure out what I really wanted." I said to him.
"I'm guessing I made that decision for you easy." He said looking down.
"No, but it also showed me I can't keep being with both of y'all." I said to him as he looked at me.
"So, your going to break up with one of us." He said.
"Yeah, but I need time. Can you just come see me Friday? We can talk about it then but for now I just need to be myself for awhile." I said looking at him with my puffy red eyes.
"Yeah, I will. But I have to be at a party that night right afterwards. Still have to keep up the appearance." He said looking away.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"Meaning, I have to act like the person you hate." He said looking at me.
"Just leave." I said turning away from him. And he did, he left for good that night. He tried texting me to say sorry but he had to and I told him whatever. I just didn't have time for it.
The next two days I woke up not being bothered by anyone, I really wasn't eating or sleeping that well. I looked really bad actually, I made sure everyone stayed away from here because I wasn't feeling up to having company.

Chapter 7: Learning That Not Everything Is What It Seems


Chase and I had been texting each other every day for those two days. When friday came around we both knew that he had to go to that party which also meant that would be all over him. He didn't want to talk about it but I did. It wasn't fair to him I was with King during the day and while Chase is at football practice and it's not fair to me he had to keep up his playboy act. He came over before the party like I asked him to. When he got there though the tension between us was just too much.
"We have to talk about this." I said to him.
"Cecilia do you really want to get into this. All it's going to do is start a fight between us." He said getting upset with me.
"I rather fight about then act like it's not going to happen." I said looking at him.
"Fine. I have to be at that party, also I have to dance with probably some slut I have no interest in. And yes she'll porbably throw herself at me, we'll probably make out some and she'll tell everyone we slept together. But at the end of the night I will be going home alone wishing you were there with me." He sat there explaining all this to me. It was honestly making me sick. My tummy was churning with sickness. He shouldn't go to that party and he definitely shouldn't be with any slutty girls.
"You want me to call it off with King I will. I don't want you going to that party." I said to hime tearing up. Thinking that he wants to go to that party and he wants to be with a slutty girl killed me on the inside.
"I know that will hurt you. So, no you don't need to call it off with King. And I can tell it would hurt you because your about to cry over it." He said looking at me.
"I'm not crying over King. I'm hurting because I feel like you want to go to that party and you want to be with a slut." I said turning away from him.
"All I want is you." He said putting his hand on my face turning it to look at me. I didn't want to look at him, I wanted him to realize I just wanted him to stay with me instead of go to that party.
"Then don't go to that party." I said looking at him.
"I have to." He said dropping his hand from my face.
"Fine, then you have to live with the fact that King will be in my bed with me tonight." I blurted this out before I thought about it. I immedately regretted what I said but I knew it effected him the same way him going to that party was effecting me.
"Why would you say that?" He said looking at me hurt.
"Because you want to continue this charade that your some souless douche and I am sick of it. I know me being with King is the source of it all but until you want to be with me infron of everyone you'll have to just deal with it." I said moving away from him.
"You want to be like that fine. Maybe I will sleep with the girl too." He said grabbing his keys off the counter.
"Chase.." I said as he was about to leave out the door.
"What?" He said without turning to face me.
"You sleep with her, we're done." I said without hesitation. He turned around to look at me. I looked a mess I wasn't eating again and with twhat's been going through my mind today I had no appetite. I was pale and kind of sick looking. Sleep was definitely was not coming easy to me thae last two nights.
"Cecilia, you don't mean that." He said looking at me.
"Chase I mean it. You sleep with anyone at that party don't even come see me tomorrow." I said looking at him trying not to cry.
"Cecilia, I will see you tomorrow." He said walking out the door. I went to the living room and called King to see if he wanted to come over. He said he would be over in ten minutes I said okay I would see him then. After that I laid on the couch and pulled a blanket over me. I laid there thinking what has happened to my life. Everything was going great when I was with Zleeps. Now things are just going downhill and fast. I was with King at school but with Chasse at home behind closed doors where no one could know. But King and Chase both knew they were both daynig me. They were okay with it but I wasn't anymore. Yes, Kind made me feel things but it was excitement and lust that he made me feel. Chase made me feel secured, loved, cared about, and passion.
The door bell ranged through the house. I didn't really want to get up.
"Come in." I yelled.
The door opened and closed. King walked into the living room and took one look at me and was about to flip out.
"I'm calling Zleeps." He said walking out the living room. He called Zleeps I guess to tell him how awful I looked and that he needed to get over here ASAP. King walked back into the living room and sat on the couch next to me. He pulled me into his arms.
"King I am fine." I said.
"No your not. You are really pale and you have bags and dark circles under your eyes." He said this looking at me.
"It's fine, I just didn't sleep well the last two nights." I said to him.
"Where is Chase?" King asked me.
"He had to go to a party." I said.
"He left you like this." He said getting upset.
"We got in a fight." I said looking away from him.
"He shouldn't have left you looking like this. I don't care how bad the fight was." He said. I turned around to look at him.
"I told him 'you have to live with the fact that King will be in bed with me tonight.' So yeah." I said to King.
"Cecilia, what the hell?!" He asked.
"King he flat out told me that he would be at the party dancing with a slut, probably make out with her and she would tell everyone they slep together." I said explaining myself.
"If you said that to me though it would literally kill me." He said looking at me.
"King you do realize this relationship isn't going to end well." I said looking into his eyes.
"I know that's why I want to break up next month." He said looking back into my eyes.
"Seriously?" I asked himm.
"Yeah, I just don't want to keep dating because I know what we have is strictly just lust. I mean I care about you a lot but more as a friend than a girlfriend." He said looking down.
"I feel the same way. I mean I am glad we tried but I am also glad we came to the same conclusion." I said looking away.
"Me too." He said looking up. As he said that the door bell rang and King went to get it. Zleeps came running into the living room.
"Cecilia I am going to murder once you get better." Zleeps said walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said waving my hand at him.
Zleeps went into the kitchen and made some spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad with some chicken bits in it. King sat there in silence.
"King let's just break up." I said to him. Zleeps was still in the kitchen getting the plates set.
"Give me one more night. I want to make sure you sleep well tonight." He said looking at me. I didn't give him an anaswer because Zleeps came into the living room.
"Come on, let's go eat your favorite mean." Zleeps said looking at me.
"Thank you." I said looking at Zleeps.
"You know I think we are forever going to be taking care of each other." He said looking at me smiling.
"Of course we will be." I said smiling. We sat at the table in the kitchen and ate almost every bite of what Zleeps made.
"That was great as alway." I sad to Zleeps.
"Yeah, man you really need to teach me how to cook." King said to Zleeps.
"Well, I could but the best look is actually your girlfriend she just doesn't want to admit it." Zleeps said smiling at me.
"Of course she is." Kind said smiling.
Honestly this was the most normal I have felt around both them then I have in forever. Let me tel you the story King and Zleeps were actually best friends until I dated Zleeps, it messed up there friendship because King liked me at the same time as Zleeps. But see as Babble liked King at the time I didn't even notice him so I had a crush on Zleeps.
"I'm just happy that I have both of my best guy friend in the same room without them trying to kill each other." I said looking at both of them.
"Yeah it has been awhile since all three os us hung out together." Zleeps said.
"You both know I feel like I ruined your friendship. And I really wish I could fix it." I said this before I could stop myself.
"It wasn't your fault." Zleeps said.
"No it wasn't. I was just really jealous of the fact that Zleeps had the courage to ask you out and I didn't. Then when both of you broke up, I didn't even consider Zleeps feelings." King said.
"Yeah." Is all Zleeps could get out.
The table went completely silent after that. Once everything was cleaned and washed up I walked Zleeps to the door by myself.
"Come over tomorrow." I said to Zleeps.
"Why?" He asked me.
"Because we really need to talk."I said to him and it was the truth.
"Okay." He said walking out the door. I shut and locked the door.
"How about we watch a movie in your room?" King asked me.
"Sure." I said.

 We went to my room and laid down on the bed. He put on a movie and I snuggled up close to him as sleep consumed me. 

Chapter 8: My Life Is Going Downhill

 I woke up the next morning feeling much better than the day before I looked over and saw a note from King.
Thank you for the chance. This last week is one I will never forget. Also I made you some breakfast it's in the microwave. EAT IT! I'll see you around school Monday.
It was for the best. I grab my phone off the side of my bed and went straight to Instagram. The pictures were pretty convincing to what happened. Two pictures was Chase looking like he didn't want to be there then the last one was of him and some chick dancing. I locked my phone and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. King made me some eggs and sausage. Once I finished the whole plate and a glass of orange juice I went upstairs and got out some what of a normal outfit. I say somewhat because all week I have worn basically lounge around the house clothes. I got out a black t-shirt that said 'Bite Me' and some dark blue skinny jeans. I went into the bathroom and when I looked into the mirror I couldn't believe my eyes. My skin color wasn't pale like it was last night it looked much better and the bags under my eyes were much better looking then they were the day before. I got undressed turned on the hot water in the shower, grab a towel and rage out the cabinet, put the towel on the hook, and finally got in the shower with the rag. I let the hot water run down my body, I grab my body wash and scrub my whole body. Then I grab my shampoo and washed my hair. And of course conditioned it.
When I got out the shower I felt amazing. I dried completely off before I put some lotion on my body. Then I put some bra and underwear on. I grab my jeans and put them on and then I put my shirt on. I dried my hair with the hair dryer. I went back in my room grab my phone and went downstairs. I checked my Facebook to see that King changed his relationship status to single and not looking for anyone either. Which I couldn't blame people asked him what happened to us and he said none of their business. I text him and told him he could say he broke up with me because we both believed we were better as friends which was mostly true and I could care less if people knew me and King were better as friends. He replied back that's what we will tell the rest of the group anyone else ask it's none of there business. I just texted back okay and thank you for breakfast. I didn't get a reply for awhile not until I go up and was about to text im again the texted back it was no problem with a winky face. I just smiled to myself King was someone who I wouldn't mind being with for the rest of my life but at the same time we would both know it wouldn't end well. Chase...he's someone who I wish would grow up and actually show the person I had known for years. Then there was Zleeps someone who would have been there for me no matter how much I pushed him away. He was and still is the ideal guy and trust me he hasn't always fallen asleep in class we both use to make sure we got to sleep on the week days and no sleep on weekend. I missed him and everyone could tell but him. It was too bite though I have to marry Chase in a year. Things between Zleeps and I would never be the same after that. Chase didn't like Zleeps mainly because he knows that's who I want to be with. But King has told me that Zleeps has been seeing that new girl. The one I do not like. The door bell rang I got up and opened the door to see Zleeps standing there.
"King broke up with you?!" Zleeps asked seeming a little mad.
"Come on in." I said walking back into the living room. Zleeps followed me in there.
"Yes King and I broke up." I said looking at him I sat on the couch watching Zleeps sit next to me.
"Are you okay?" He askeed me.
"I will be. There's just so much happening." I said to him.
"You look great by the way." He said noticing how much better I looked today.
"Thank you." I said.
"Ceecee, why do you fall for all the wrong guys?" He asked me honestly.
"I use to didn't fall for the wrong guys." I said looking into his eyes. He leaned in closer to me.
"No you didn't." He said. I leaned closer to him and when our lips met everything happened so fast. We were in a full on make-out session when we both pulled apart.
"I can't..." We both said together.
"I know that you know why I can't, but why can't you?" He asked me.
"Chase." I said to him.
"What do you mean?" He asked looking upset again.
"My parents put me in an arranged marriage to Chase." I said to him.
"They what?!" Zleeps said getting mad.
"Yeah. But Chase actually loves me." I said looking at him. He looks at me hurt and upset.
"Chase? Playboy, breaks girls hearts, football playing, fake, Chase?" Zleeps said looking at me.
"Yes, Chase." I said looking down.
"I can't believe this." He said to me.
"You have a girlfriend who I don't like I might add." I said to him.
"We have really messed up this time haven't we?" Zleeps asked me.
"Yeah we have." I said looking at him. 

Zleeps was one person I would probably always go back to when things got rough and he would always come back to me. Right now though we are both just in different places. 

Chapter 9: Life Must Get Better

Zleeps didn't stay around very long after he found out about me being with Chase. He kind of just wished me the best. I knew after that conversation there was going to be nothing more between me and Zleeps. I knew this because Chase is one person in the whole world (besides King of course) Zleeps would never accept as my happy ending. Honestly, sometimes it's even hard for me to accept the fact I have been in love with Chase for so long. But then again you have to think about the history between the both of us. Our families have been friends for longer than me and Chase have been alive. Our parents were friends in middle school, like literally our family has some serious history. I spent every holiday with Chase and his family. We would have these giant get togethers at the company, I would always end up hanging out with Chase because we would be the only two kids there. 

It was Monday morning when I saw Zleeps again, we didn't speak to each other we just saw each other in first period. I didn't want to see Chase, I just wanted to get through the day without seeing him. I looked like a million dollars compared to what I did look like the night Chase and me had the fight. I ignored him in every class we had together. I hid during lunch, as soon as I was able to leave school I went straight to my car and went home. 

About a week of this went by, until finally Chase finally came over to my house and made me face the facts. 

"Ceecee, I love you. I didn't cheat on you that night. I danced with the girl because she kept begging me too. It was actually kind of sad. But I told her that the dance meant nothing and that nothing was ever going to happen between the two of us. The only reason that picture ended up online was because some idiot got one of those selfie sticks and wanted to try it out." Chase said all of this while standing at my door step basically begging for me to take him back or at least consider it. 

"I am not one with the whole give second chances so I really hope your not lying about this." I said finally after a very long time thinking about all my options. And by a long time it took about five minutes to go through all my options.

"I'm not lying to you about something as stupid as this." Chase said looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. He got closer to me and I stepped backwards. 

"That doesn't mean you can just come back to me." I said to him. It was the truth once you broke my trust it took time to earn it back. 



Text: NO STEALING (easy as that)
Images: Mine
Publication Date: 01-22-2012

All Rights Reserved

To my friends and family

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