

Dear life,
Can you please suck less? It would help me out a lot.
Love, True
Yeah that’s my name True I got my name from my mother Modesty she was an Angel but she died when I was young. My dad is Haven he is a werewolf he died along with my mother it is sad but that is how life is for me and exactly why I don’t get close with many people. I live with my parents who adopted me but they are like my parents, because I don’t have many memories of my real parents but I do know that I got my long black curly hair from my mother and my piercing icy blues eyes from my father. That is all I know though because that is all my adoption parents know, but they do not know what they were the only reason I know is because of the note I just got from them on my 18th birthday which is today. For you I will start when I first woke up on my birthday because on that day the rest of my life changed for forever……..

Chapter 1

 I woke up to a knock at my door and in came my adoption parents. My dad had a cake in one hand and my mother had a huge box with holes in it. I was so ready for my birthday because last year I got my car and this year I was hoping I finally got a kitten. I wanted one because in three days I am going off to a college and that is the one thing I wanted to take with me.
“Happy birthday!” They both yelled.
“Thank you.” I said as I blew out my candles. My mom handed me my gift and when I opened it, it had this really small kitten in it that was all black with little white paws and it nose was like a little pink button it was so cute. Under the kitten was a huge orange envelope I picked the kitten up carefully and then got the orange envelope. I looked at it and it had my name neatly written on it. I looked up at my parents and look at them confused.
“Sweetheart, your birth parents told use to give you this on your 18th birthday and that is what we are doing.” My mother said.
“Sweetie, me and your mother have to leave off seeing your aunt Sue, she is very sick. Before we left we wanted to give you, your gift and cake and tell you happy birthday. We will be back in three days.” My dad said.
“That’s okay tell her I hope she feels better.” I said.
“Bye, we love you.” My mother said as they walked out of my room. Okay, so what should I do first, maybe I should name my kitten. It was a girl so I decided on the name Priscilla it’s a big name but I liked it.
“Priscilla, what you think we should do all by ourselves?” I asked her, she was scratching at the orange envelope, so I picked it up and opened it. It was a really long letter, with about three pictures of people I didn’t recognized one because it was me when I was little with some boy. I looked at the letter it said:
Dear True,
Hey sweetie it’s your birth mother. I have a lot to tell you. And if I am correct you will get this on your 18th birthday. I need to tell you that I and your father aren’t human. I am an Angel and your father is a Werewolf, so that makes you half and half. In three days if I am correct you are going to a college, well at that school you will meet you mate River he is that boy in the picture that you are in. He will most likely be the one you will marry, his parents are really good friends of ours they will help you through the transition. But for the most of it you will not be leaving where you live now after school is let out. You will be leaving with River’s parents which are one of the other pictures we sent you. You probably already know the other one is of me and your father. I’m so sorry that I could not be there on your 18th birthday or for all the birthdays I missed. I hope you understand that I and your father love you very much and if we could be there right now we would be. For now relax on your birthday. Don’t worry about your adoption parents they are already know that you won’t be coming back to their home after school. Your life is going to change for the better trust me. Sweetie I want you to always know that me and your father will be watching after you through all your adventures that are soon to come. I hope you will go to the park today because that’s where your cousin Ash is at today. We want you to meet him he has known your mate River for a very long time. Just like you and River. Everything will soon all work out for you don’t worry. Soon enough you will understand why we are telling you this now of all the times. It’s because you’re getting to the age that you shift and that shift is going to be huge because you’re not just shifting into a werewolf you’re also shifting into an Angel. You’re all grown up sweetie and it hurts to know that I am not there with you right now but I want you to know we really tried to be there we really did. I love you.
Love, Mom and Dad
I cried at the end I read three times and it still hurt. Ash looks just like my father kind of. River was a cute kid he had these really pretty brown eyes they look almost golden, he had brown hair, and he was very olive colored skin like me and my father. I was going to go meet Ash I had decided on that finally after reading it a fourth time. I got up took a hot shower and got dressed; I had to hurry so I picked up my cat and went out the door. (Yes I am taking my kitten it is a young kitten I am not about to leave it). I hurry to my red dodge charger that I got last year. I love this car. I put the kitten in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt I look for my purse that I always hide in the back. When I found it I put the kitten safely in it while making sure the kitten is safe and can breathe I turn the key in the ignition and the engine comes alive. When I get on close I start to rethink the whole thing but that is a thing about me I over think sometimes so I just stopped thinking. When I get there I smell someone so familiar and all of a sudden I smelt home. I found Asher by a tree first thing he said oh look at how big you gotten my cousin is all grown up. I laughed and hugged him. I have seen him before though he resembles my dad kind of the only difference is that Asher has blue gray eyes and my dad had blue green eyes. I have met him before and I also have seen him a dream too, don’t ask. He seems pretty cool and he seems like he would be a great big brother too.
“Okay, you know that body guard your adoption parents are hiring, well yeah that’s going to be me.” He said.
“Cool. I got some questions though.” I said.
“Ask a way.” He said while leaning against the tree.
“Well first, when will I meet River?” I asked. I wanted to meet him even though this is a weird set up I really actually want to meet him.
“When he gets back on Monday.” He said.
“When will I shift?” I asked.
“When your wolf inside is ready.” He said.
“What does my mate mean?” I asked. Okay, yes I know what mating means for animals but it is just weird if that is what we have to do. Don’t you think they better give us it least a week to know each other I know that. It is weird though if you really think about it. I don’t know maybe it’s just weird to me.
“It’s kind of like love at first sight. You know when you find that one person that’s for you. That when you see them everybody else seems to fade away and you know that’s the one for you. It is amazing feeling you will never forget that moment when you meet that person you’ll remember every single detail.” He said. It’s like he has been through it. I had asked him a lot of other questions besides that. After a while I just decided maybe I should go home I was really tired and it was like 8 something at night which is weird because I really wasn’t ready to go to bed at this time. Oh well I am tired so yeah. I told Asher that I will see him on Sunday which is the day I will be at the School which I am now kind of excited about but after I leave on Sunday my life will change and I know this for a fact. But just knowing that kind of scares me.
That night I had a terrible dream it was scary. I didn’t know what to think of it. I was all alone in a dark room all of a sudden a dark figure was in the door way, I was kind of freaked out. There was a window in the mysterious room I was in. The moon was full which isn’t always good. I looked back and the dark figure was coming closer and closer and soon as I was going to figure out who this dark figure was I woke up. It kind of made me sad to think that I couldn’t figure out who it was. I was so ready to get out of here for some weird reason.

Chapter 2


I got out of bed and took a look in the mirror I saw a familiar stranger. She had my eyes and bed hair, but something about her made her seem like a stranger it was weird. I didn’t have much time to think about it until Priscilla started whining. I picked her up and looked at her she was so cute. I loved this years’ present more than any year (well besides when I got my car). I went downstairs and found a bowl she could drink out of and put milk in it so she could. After that I went back upstairs and hopped in the shower. I washed my hair, body, and face then just let the water run down my back. I don’t know what it is but normally I would feel like going to see Alisha(she’s my best friend/sister), but I just feel like crawling back in bed and falling to sleep. When I get out the shower I go ahead get on a new bra and panties I have. Then I go and explore my closet for an outfit for the day. I found a nice pair of navy blue jean short shorts with a blue tank top and a white over the shoulder shirt that says I don’t think so, with a smiley face. I thought I looked amazing in them, after I got the outfit on I went back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair, then straightened it, and finally put in a ponytail. I applied some mascara to my eye lashes, eyeliner, and then finally a little lip gloss. I don’t wear much but, I don’t really need it either. Well, that was what I was told. I decided to call Alisha and tell her what my present was this year. She called me on my birthday and texted me but I didn’t answer because I was busy getting answers from Asher. This is actually the first year ever that I didn’t spend my birthday with her. It felt a little weird too. I miss her when I leave but I know I will come and visit her and my adoption parents. Alisha finally answers and says that we need to hang out today since we didn’t yesterday and I can’t tell her what happened yesterday so I said yeah lets go to Water Park today. I decided to wear my bikini that said in the front stop looking and on the butt it said I know your still looking J I loved this bathing suit Alisha got it for me last year for my birthday. I loved it because I got her the same one but hers is neon pink with black letters, but mine is baby blue with black letters. I made a little bed inside of a cat carrier, with a really soft baby blanket. The baby blanket was for a baby my parents they were going to adopt the girl but the mother back out at the last minute it was sad time for them but they have me. I put that down inside of the thing in a section of it and then I put two bowls of milk in there for her later. I lay her in there very slowly so she wouldn’t wake up. I get on a pair of blue jean short shorts and a tank top, after that I get my phone , towel, keys, and sunglasses. And I head off to the water park it’s almost the last week of summer vacation so I know there’s going to be a crowd. I know that life guard Emerald would be there he always loves to flirt with me and Alisha he is so funny though even though me and Alisha won’t date him he still try’s and it’s kind of cute. When I get there the first person I see is Alisha waiting right by her car. She does well for herself she lives by herself because her parents kicked her out at the age of 16. She got her own apartment and car.

“I bet I know what bathing suit you’re wearing.” She says.

“Try.” I said. She opened up her little towel dress and showed me the one I got her and we started laughing. We walked to where we usually sit right where the biggest umbrella is, the life guard is, and where we usually get the best sun. We sit down took off my shorts and my tank top and Alisha took her little towel thing off. As soon as we finished putting on sun screen which Alisha really doesn’t need but she puts it on anyways, she has like really pretty skin a little darker than mine. Mine isn’t that dark though, but we still put on sunscreen just to be safe.

I laid back and I was right today was Emerald day to be the life guard. I so would go out with him if I liked him that way but I just don’t. He walks up to us.

“Hey, I knew y’all be back before the summer is over.” He said.

“Emerald, you knew I had to come back to the pool before I went off to college.” I said.

“I told you to call me Em.” He said. He’s told us to call him Em 257 times we’ve never called him Em.

“Awww, but we actually like your name Emerald.” Alisha said. She is such a flirt half the time. I laughed a little.

“Well, I like to be called Em.” He said to Alisha. I do something I never thought I would do.

“Okay what the heck Em, I will call you Em this might be the last time I see you anyways.” I said.

“Thanks, True. You’re always so nice.” He said smiling at me.

“Well, see you later Em.” I said putting my sunglasses back on he had work to do. He left and went to his post.

“Our plan today is……..after water park, we head to lunch, then after lunch head to your house, then after that go to the mall, then go back to your house to go to a party.” Alisha said.

“Lisha I know you’re just trying to help but you know today isn’t the best day for me.” I said. Today was me and my ex-boyfriend’s three year anniversary if he was still alive that is. He died last year on our anniversary last year. I was sad but eventually I got over it with help from 3 of my best friends. Which were Tyson, Alisha, and Shaw they have helped me through a lot actually. Shaw especially, me and him dated but just recently he broke up with me and I have no clue why he would just up in do that. He never gave me an explanation but I just forgave him anyways but I haven’t heard from him since.

“True, you need to get out. I know what day it is but he would want you to have fun.” She said. I thought about it and she was right.

“Fine I will go, but don’t expect me to have fun.” I said. She was ecstatic that I decided I was going. I really didn’t want to go because this is Alisha I am talking about the frigging party animal. I decided to take a swim it felt so refreshing to just dive in and relax. It was fun but we left 10 minutes after I got out of the pool. I lay my towel on my seat and got in. I just broke down crying after that, I miss him and I just don’t know what to do. It took time to even believe that he was gone I was so upset. I eventually wiped all the tears away I started the car and drove out of the water park to my house when I got there Alisha was already there. I go upstairs to change she goes to my bathroom and change into her outfit. I just put on a black pair of skinny jean, with a white tank top, and a plaid blue, white, and black button down shirt, and my black high heeled Jordan’s. Yeah, I am a girly girl sometimes, but hey all girls have a little girly in them. I feed Priscilla

“Let’s go to McDonalds I feel like a Frappe’.” I said.

“Okay.” She said. We did go she drove with me in my car. When we got there we both ordered a large frappe’ with a large fry and a Mac double. We ate in silence though. She is just giving me some time to think. When we were done we went to the mall, it was boring we only got each a new pair of shoes and two new outfits a piece. When we got home I poured Priscilla some milk in her emptied bowl and went upstairs to change for the party. I go upstairs to get on my black slick dress that goes up to mid-thigh, with my stilettos, I fixed my make-up, then I try to put a little more curl to my hair, and finally put in my silver hoops with the matching necklace Shaw got me for our one month anniversary. After that I come out to find Alisha all dolled up. We had down to her car. 

Chapter 3


“Girl, we look amazing.” She said. I laughed at that then she laughed.

“We actually do.” I said. She drives my car because I have no clue where in the world we are going. When we get there I wanted to hit her because we were at Tyson’s house and I know this is some surprise something for me. I roll my eyes at the thought that everybody going to jump and yell surprise.

“True!” someone yelled, I noticed that voice anywhere it was Tyson.

“Ty.” I said. He literally picked me up off the ground and gave me a HUGE bear hug. I love Tyson he’s like a little brother to me he is always so sweet I have no clue why he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet but hey that’s all the girls lost.

“Can I talk to for a minute.” He said pulling me to the side.

“Yes.” I said.

“I know why Shaw broke up with you.” He said.

“Why?” I asked. I wanted to know not wait scratch that I needed to know.

“Because he thought you were cheating on him with………me.” Tyson finally got out.

“What is he stupid? He knows were just friends.” I said.

“I know, but like he was hoping to talk to you before you left.” He said. I looked at him and nodded my head. Shaw came out of the house like right on cue it was weird but something told me they had time to practice this whole sit up. Tyson walked inside, which left me and Shaw by ourselves.

“Why would you believe that?” I asked.

“I don’t know. It just seemed like you wanted to spend more time with him than you did with me. I guess you could say I was really jealous.” He said.

“I wish you would have told me this before now way before now.” I said.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because, Shaw it would have changed everything. We would probably still be together.” I said. I felt hot tears wanting to stream out of my eyes, but I held them back. I was really good at that just hiding my feelings.

“I wish that I did.” He said grabbing for my hand. I didn’t let him though, okay so yeah I am mad. He is the only reason I really didn’t die after Usher did. Yeah he said his mom was a huge Usher fan so he ended up with that name(even though he looks nothing like Usher he was a tan muscular dude who love football). I was sad after he was gone I went into a deep depression. I never thought I would get out of it but through the time without him that first year is when everything went down I hated that year. I really never want to think or talk about it either.

“Wishing wasn’t doing.” I said. Fixing to walk off before he grabbed me and kissed me. I automatically kissed him back it was a reflux though, I know I shouldn’t have but I did. I pushed away I had my hands in the center of his chest so he would stay at arm length.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” I said.

“Why not?” he said. I could hear the hurt in his voice.

“I can’t be with you no more, I can’t tell you why either this is best for both you and me.” I said walking away to inside. When I get in there I can see it was a belated birthday party it just wasn’t the kind where everyone yelled surprise. I loved that friends knew exactly how I liked my parties.

My friends it’s really sad I won’t be able to see them for a while. A lot of them come up and say hey and happy birthday I am just glad they said nothing about my ex. I walk out though after a hour and went outside and sat on a little porch swing. When I sat down I wanted to cry.

“I miss him.” I said out loud. A hot tear had left my eye then, I couldn’t hold it back any longer. God, I wish you would just please give him back to me. I guess the ones I love the most just eventually die and it hurts so deeply that I can’t stand it. I had done something that I regret sometimes since he has been gone, but I really don’t want to talk about that. I look up the sky say a silent prayer to god one more time.

“Dear Life, Please bring him back to me. That’s all I want is just one good thing to happen on this day not just all the bad stuff. I am scared, depressed, and I am so very much heartbroken still. Just please.” I said out loud to the sky and no one I guess. I wish that just one angel could hear me just a small is all I need. Just sitting there alone in the peace and quiet was the greatest gift anyone could have gotten me (well besides my cat of course). It most likely won’t happen though. No matter how many times I wish for it, or hope. It just won’t happened.

“Hey who are you talking to?” I heard Ash say coming out of the woods.

“I was having a private conversation but it seems like I am talking to myself I know.” I said.

“It’ll get better. Maybe someday he’ll all of a sudden pop up out of nowhere.” He said.

“He’s dead not alive.” I said.

“I know how it feels to lose someone you love trust me on that.” He said. I believed him I didn’t question it. He looked serious when he said that’s why.

“Okay.” I said.

The party eventually was over I went home. I had said bye to everyone. They had done this real special gift for me though of all the things and pictures and stuff from between me and his relationship it kind of made me cry a little. I miss him is that so bad though I know it’s been awhile but I still do. When I get home I get on a pair of Pj’s and got my cat out of the cat carrier and took her upstairs with me, have you ever heard a kitten sneeze? Well, you should it’s adorable. Alisha went home after the party because of course she was having a guy over. I went to lay down and had the kitten right next to me when suddenly I heard a knock at my window where I had a balcone. I looked out I didn't really see well as to who it was. So, I opened it thinking the guy wouldn't hurt me. He didn't either.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm River." He said kissing my hand.

"My mate River?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I am also more than that..." He said, suddenly he changed his face kind of.

"Usher..." I dropped my mouth wide open.

"Hey my princess." He said.

"You're Usher...I thought Usher was dead." I said getting upset.

"Calm down lets sit and I will explain everything." He said sitting down on my bed. I sat next to him but before he could say anything I had to kiss him to make sure it was him, and it was because I really didn’t want to stop kissing him. When I did and we caught our breath, I didn't want an explanation tonight I just wanted him to hold me.

"True I have missed you so much." He said holding me.

"Why'd you come tonight?" I asked him.

"River told me you needed me now more than ever and of course I felt it." He said.

Chapter 4

The next morning I woke up to River instead of Usher. I still smiled because I knew they were the same person so it didn't matter what the explanation is. I didn't


Publication Date: 11-09-2011

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