

Have you been completely in love with a guy, that you really just believe you’ll be together forever? Well, I have, but it was all a prank set up by the witch herself. My name is Jay, short for Janeseme. I was head over heels for a guy named Lionel Drews, but the truth was it was a prank he never loved me. He was paid to trick me into falling in love with him, and then dump me as soon as I did. So, the little witch Tiffany could have a little laugh. If you must know it worked. I’ve never got close to a guy since, it’s been two years. And it still hurts to talk about it. My whole life I have felt unwanted, rejected, and abandoned. The only person I truly trust is my grandmother. I live with her she took me in when I was 8 almost 9. I’m 16 now, she’s been through almost everything with me, and she’s my mom, dad, best friend, and grandparent. I tell her everything, I even told her about Lionel. She always has taught me to never let a guy hurt me well, I never thought Lionel would. (But he did) My life is a crazy, messed up, scary story. It hurts me, it hurts my family, and it makes me crazy sometimes.

Chapter 1: New Boy… Should I Even Care?


My name is Janeseme Lovings, my nickname is Jay. I’m not ugly, I am just not popular. I’m too independent and I don’t trust many people. I only have one good friend her name is Elizabeth Timothy, her nickname is Liz. She knows most of my secrets we’ve been good friends for years. She’s like a sister to me we have a lot in common too. It was our first day of junior year. I have dirty blonde hair with blue streaks in the front; it’s long and has a little curl on the bottom. I’m not the tallest; I am about 5’6”, with hazel eyes, which means they change colors according to what I wear.

“Hey, Jay. You okay?” Liz asked. I and Liz were walking to school. She’s wearing a black pair of skinny jeans, with a white short sleeved shirt, and a jean jacket. I was wearing a black pair of skinny jeans, with a black short sleeved shirt, with my leather jacket, and my black stilettos.

“Yeah, I am okay.” I said. She looked at me she knew everything was not alright.

“You know we could just ditch today, it’s just the first day.” She said. I know she does not want to miss the first day. She loves the first day always hoping for the same thing every year, that a hot, guy from Paris would come to our school. (Doubtful because all the good ones are either taken or gay.)

“It’s cool. I am okay. Anyways I can’t wait to see the face on Tiffany when she finds out that I am the new captain of the squad now that’s going to be priceless. You’ll be there to take a picture, right?” I asked Liz.

“Yeah, your right I can’t wait for that either. And I will be there definitely and because it’s going to be announced at the rally.” She said all excited. We were always going to be there for each other no matter what. Going back to school every New Year since that had happen wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I even had people say sorry and ask me if I needed to talk I could come to them but it was mostly just girls. We were making are way to the school until I saw this guy I don’t know who he was but I mean this guy was a new because I have never seen him around town before. He had dirty blond hair that swooshed to the left side of his head, I couldn’t tell what color eyes he had I only glanced at him once and looked away.

“Fresh meat for Tiffany to ruin of course.” Liz said.

“I don’t think he’s that kind of guy.” I said to her.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know how I know it but, I just do. I can feel it.” I said to her.

“You know him?” She asked.

“No I…..don’t.” I said while taking one more look at him. With that look I saw he had a black choker with the three different colors exactly like mine. The necklace means that you’re independent, loyal, have regrets, and your originality. It was something that I had got after what happen the weird thing is that my grandma got it for me when she saw it, it had reminded her of me, and she bought it and told me all about it. I loved the necklace I never thought I would see it on a boy though, but something told me that this boy was different….good different or bad different? I don’t know but why should I care? Should I even care anyways?

“Oh My Gosh, you’re crushing on him." Liz said.

“No I am not. You know me better than that.” I shot back.

“Yeah and I also know when my best friend has a crush on a boy.” She said.

“Can we just drop it? I don’t want to talk about it.” I said to her.

“Okay.” She said. Next thing I know it the boy walks over to us and asked “Do you girls go to Creptin High School?”

“Yes we do were just on our way there. Do you want to join us?” Liz asked. Oh she is going to be hearing a mouth full when we get to school. I just smiled, he looked at me and I don’t know but I got serious butterflies. He smiled at me and said “I would love, too. But I don’t think y’all would want to show up with the new kid.”

“We don’t care what other people think of us.” I said to him.

“Then if you wouldn’t mind I would…love to joy you….two.” he said staring deep into my eyes. He had the most amazing deep brown eyes I have ever seen they were amazing. I looked away though. We were like two blocks away. Liz and Aidan I think he said his name was talked almost the whole way to school. He told us he was originally from California, he has an older brother named Kayden which is in 12th grade, he lives with his Grandfather, and he is more of a lay low guy. We parted ways when we got there because he had to go to the front office to get his schedule and books.

“He is like perfect for you.” Liz said as soon as he had left out of earshot.

“I knew it you want to get rid of me.” I said to Liz.

“No, I wasn’t. I was just saying he sounds just like you and you both have a lot in common. Plus, I think he likes you.” She said.

“Doubtful, anyways he doesn’t look like the kind that has been hurt….he looks like the kind that has had hurt.” I said to her.

“Don’t judge a book by his cover you always told me.” She said.

“No I told you, to never judge a book by its cover.” I said back.” It’s a big difference.”

“I am just saying maybe you should give him a shot. He seems like a nice guy, plus he has a single brother.” She said. Now this makes since….

“Whatever I just don’t know about it.” I said.

“Think about it at least. Please?” she pleaded.

“Fine, I will think about it.” I said.

“I got to get to class. See you later.” She said.

“Bye.” I said.

“Miss Lovings,” I heard someone say I turn around to find the principal with Aidan.

“Yes.” I said.

“Meet Aidan Hates.” He said motioning to Aidan.

“We’ve already met.” I and Aidan said at the same time. Never knew his last name was Hates though. I like it.

“Oh good, well he and you share the same schedule. So, will you show him around school?” the principal asked.

“Sure no problem.” I said.

“Thank you.” He said then turned to Aidan "Be nice she’s a good girl straight A’s. And I know her grandmother.” The principal said.

“Yes, sir.” Aidan said to him. When the principal walked away Aidan said “Well, it’s weird how we keep running into each other.”

“Weird, yeah.” I said tightening the hold on my books and my note book.

“Well, where is our next class?” He asked.

“8A is the room. Follow me.” I said walking while he was behind me. I looked up once to make sure he was still following me and he was. We finally made it to class. I have always sat in the back by myself at a table but then Aidan sat next to me and smiled.

“Mind if I sat here?” he asked with one of those cocky boy-ish smiles.

“No.” I said turning away. That’s when the teacher came in.

“Good morning class, oh yes we have a new student you can see. Will you please stand and tell us some things about yourself.” The teacher said motioning to Aidan.

“My name is Aidan Hates, I have a brother named Kayden he is in 12th grade, I live with my grandpa, I moved her from California, and I live on Sales Street.” He said then sat back down. I heard girl whistle at him and giggle. Then, I saw Tiffany check him out. Ughh….like that’ll ever happen. Why am I even caring about that? The teacher clapped and told the students to start on chapter 1 of there books. I wasn’t paying attention to him I was looking at a note that Lionel had threw to me after Aidan and the teacher stop talking. It said:

Are you ever going to forgive me?

I balled the paper up and threw it away. He has been so high up on himself ever since what happen between us. If I ever forgive him I would already have. I looked next to me to find Aidan staring at me like he was trying to see right through me. I smiled and turned away to my book. When, the bell rung I was the first one out of the classroom until Lionel caught me by my arm.

“Are you ever going to just understand that it was a stupid prank?” Lionel asked.

“Are you ever going to understand that maybe not everything was about you, or if I got hurt, and no to all of them. You’re the same self center rich brat like you’ve always been.” I said to him fixing to walk away until he pulled me by my arm.

“Let go of me now!” I said through my teeth. He just smiled that cocky evil smile. Until Aidan had found him holding a tight grip on my arm.

“I think the girl asked to be let go of.” He said to Lionel. Lionel looked at him and said “And if I don’t? What are you going to do about it new boy?”

“Well, I could beat you senseless, I could get the teacher or I could just leave you to get killed by a girl.” He said with a mocking smile and voice. I used one of my fake smiles.

“So you give people choices?” Lionel asks like an idiot.

“If that’s your choice okay I guess.” Aidan says right before he pulled Lionel’s arm off of me.

“Now that was a mistake.” Lionel said. He was fixing to hit him until someone I didn’t know grabbed his arm from behind him and threw him forward which kind of threw me off my feet.

“Get off of me.” I screamed. Aidan pulled him off of me and helped me up.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” I said.

“Hey what are you doing messing with my brother?” someone I am guessing is Kayden asked Lionel. Kayden wasn’t bad looking he looked almost like an older Aidan. I smiled at that thought.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked.

“Because you and your brother are pretty cool guys.” I said truthfully.

“You acted like you’ve never met nice guys before.” He said.

“I haven’t.” I said.

“Bleech…you, your new friend, and his brother.” Lionel said.

“Why I ought to…” Kayden was saying before I interrupted.

“Don't, he deserve it, but I rather not sink to his level.” I said fixing to walk away but before I did I said “Thank you, Kayden and thank you, Aidan.” After that I started to run. I kept running until I got to the soccer field. I sat down on the bleachers. I felt a hot tear running down my face but I wiped it away quickly.

“Not again.” I heard a familiar voice say. I started to laugh at Liz’s comment.

“Yeah again only this time Aidan and his brother helped.” I told her.

“Oh, did they kill him?” she asked.

“No, I told them not to, because I didn’t want to sink to that witch’s level.” I said to her.

“Don’t you mean that bit’s level?” She said. I laughed at that and nodded my head.

“Well, I think you need these.” She said handing me a packet of tissues. I wiped my eyes and nose and made sure I didn’t look a mess when I went to my next class.

“I have a little secret to tell but promise to not get mad?” She said.

“Promise.” I say to her.

“Well, you guys can come out of hiding now.” She said to some guys who I bet are Aidan and Kayden and lucky I was right.

“You should have told me they were there.” I said to her before I started laughing.

“I thought you would run and hide.” Liz said.

“Well, I wouldn’t know where my next class was.” Aidan said.

“I just came.” Kayden said. I and Liz started to laugh.

“I think you would have managed to find a class that is only two doors down from our first one.” I said to Aidan.

“Okay, then I came to see if you were alright.” He said.

“Well, if it’s not too much may I ask why in the h e double l that guy was messing with you.” Kayden asked. At that I dropped my smile and went all serious.

“Well, that is a very long story and a hard one to tell.” I said to them.

“You don’t have to tell them.” Liz said.

“No you don’t have to tell us.” Aidan said.

“Yeah but if I don’t someone else will.” I said. “But, we would have to miss our next class.” I said.

“I’m up for that.” Kayden said.

“I don’t care.” Aidan said.

“You know my answer to that.” Liz said. I don’t know if I should but if I don’t then I know someone will.

“Well, it started the summer before freshman year we met at a party. He was really cool, not like most jerks at this school; he had stood up for me against Tiffany and her ex-boyfriend. I thought what most girls thought ‘how lucky am I?’ but, I was stupid for that. We went out all summer then came the day before school started, we were at this park that was in my old neighborhood, we were sitting in the back of his truck and I thought about telling him I love you all week long and I did. The next day me and Liz were walking to school and when we got there people were staring and laughing at me and I asked a person ‘why am I being stared and laughed at?’ the person told me because everybody heard that Lionel was going to dump me and I laughed at that and said it wasn’t possible. Well, when I got to my locker there was Lionel standing there with the most serious look on his face and I asked ‘what was wrong?’ he said that we were done. I wanted to scream, cry, hit him, and run all at the same time but instead I just started running as fast as I could well, I slip and fall hit my head and end up in the nurses office. When, I wake up of course my bff was there for me and when I opened the door it least 50 people including Tiffany was there with cell phones and cameras. The next I was on the front page of the schools newspaper, I was called easy, sleazy, and another word. On facebook and twitter I was called words that should probably be legal. But, the worse part of everything Lionel was paid to go out with me then dump me after I fell for him. I told myself after that day I would never let my guard down, never date another jerk like Lionel, and never date a guy I don’t get to know first.” When I finished Liz had one of those she’s growing up I’m so proud of her looks, Kayden looked amazed, and I couldn’t tell what Aidan felt.

“Still think he’s a total jerk to do that to you, and still think that girl is a total bit….” Liz was saying until I interrupted her.

“Liz, what did I tell you about using those words.” I said to her.

“Sorry, I know think it, don’t say it. I’m sorry.” She said.

“Good.” I said.

“Well, I don’t know why in the world that guy would do something like that but he was stupid you seem like a pretty cool girl.” Kayden said to me.

“Thanks.” I said back at him.

“I agree with my brother any guy would be lucky to be with you.” Aidan said.

“Thank you.” I said to him.

“No problem.” He said looking into my eyes. I looked away after I hear the bell ring and I know our class is over the only class we missed was my favorite class which is Drama. And I could talk my way out of that class any day because of my awesome teacher.

“We need to go I have to get to class,” I said walking off then I turn around and say “are you coming, Aidan?”

“Yeah.” He said running to catch up to me.

“Oh yeah, your going to have to tell me more about that story because for some reason I know that’s not the whole story.” He said with a cocky boy-ish smile again. He’s is so cute, no wait what am I talking about? I don’t think he’s cute, or do I? I can’t. I just can’t.

“Maybe.” I say to him.

“How about at lunch?” he says.

“Maybe.” I say again.

“Is that the only thing you can say? How about if you finish telling me the story I’ll tell you some stuff about me?” he says with all seriousness.

“Okay, fine. You have yourself a deal.” I say to him. What in the world am I doing? I did not just agree to that, ohmygosh what is happening to me? And why in the names world am I getting butterflies over a guy I barely know, yet feel like I’ve known him forever all at the same time? We go into the class as usual I sit in the back right next to Lionel, as soon as I sit down Aidan sits right in front of me where there was an open seat. Lionel of course gives him a hateful stare and Tiffany gives him a full up and down check out. Stupid Tiffany. Next thing I know it Lionel gives me a note saying:

What is he your new boyfriend? Well, I can tell you one thing you NEVER forget your first LOVE!

I look at the note and want to scream and punch him straight in the face but instead I write back saying:

No he isn’t. And YEAH I did FORGET about my first love!!

I toss the note back to him and focus back on my work. How could he even say that? He has no right to think he was my first love because he wasn’t all he was, was a stupid mistake. At the end of class Lionel gives me a note and I just put it in my back pocket and leave it. Aidan walks up to me.

“Is he messing with you again?” he asks.

“No he just gave me a note.” I said not looking directly in his eyes. For some reason I feel like he can see right through me. Maybe he can, this is so confusing I need to talk to Liz thank god it’s free period time.

“Hey, ummm…. I am going to go find Liz so I’ll see you later. Meet me outside of the cafeteria during lunch, okay?” I say to Aidan.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting.” He says while I walk away. I go to locker and find her looking at something. I run so fast to her it wasn’t even funny.

“We need to talk right now?” I say to her.

“What happen? Aidan asks you out or something?” she says mockingly. I look at her with my most serious look, and she finally get’s it.

“This is CODE L.B.B.D.W.T.”


Chapter 2: What?!? Not Possible..

Me and Liz go to the empty girls’ bathroom and talk.

“So code like boy but don’t want to that has not happened in three years, its Aidan isn’t it?” Liz says.

“Yes, maybe I don’t know.” I say to her. “Were meeting during lunch, and I am going to tell him the rest of the story.” I said to her.

“Wait a minute are you sure you want to do that?” she asks me.

“Yeah, I don’t know Liz I feel as if I can trust him, but I might not trust him with everything just some. He’s nice, but right now I just need a friend.” I said to her.

“If you think that then do it. And plus me and his brother are meeting during lunch too, so I need to get going and so do you.” She said right before some girls come in the locker room laughing, and then they see me and stop. I start running, so I can make it to the outside cafeteria I hope he understands what I mean by outside of the cafeteria. I look around outside and outside of the doors to the cafeteria nope not here. Well, he probably just didn’t want to meet me here. I decide to go sit and listen to my iPod. My favorite song Moment 4 Life, well not really I have a lot of favorites. I was rapping the beginning I saw Aidan coming out of the door to outside of the cafeteria.

“There you are.” I said pulling out my earphones.

“Sorry, I was talking to my brother.” He said apologizing.

“It’s okay I found something to do.” I said holding up my IPod.

“Oh, I love music.” He says smiling at me.

“Me, too.” I say to him.

“Okay, so are you going to finish telling me the story?” he asks.

“Okay, well, last year I and this guy we were walking down a street we were just friends. These three huge guys come out of no where and they start asking the guy why would he be with a girl like me and some other things, the guy tells them they need to watch their mouths and just leave me alone. They ask him if they didn’t what would he do, the guy punched one of the big guys, I screamed the last thing that happened before I fainted, was I dialed 911 and told them what happen and where it was. The guy that was walking me home was a guy I met at school he was really cool and he understood I just wanted to be friends, well, he got himself hurt because of me and ever since I have never gotten close to a guy since and I am absolutely scared to.” I told him and he looked at me so deeply it’s like he was trying to pick his words very carefully.

“What happen to the guy?” he asks.

“He was taken to the hospital, he had 3 broken rids, a broke nose, two black eyes, his shoulder was dislocated, and a broken leg. He couldn’t walk for a year and the bad part was he was on the soccer team he was getting a scholarship to go to his dream college that year, even though he was only a junior, but it his only chance to get it and he lost it because of me. I ruined his whole life; his future was ruined because of me.” I told him.

“I think it was ruined because those nut heads that hurt him, not because of you.” He said to me honestly.

“Still if I didn’t let him walk me home that night it would have never been that way it would have been me instead of him. I rather would have it that way instead it be him.” I said to him

“Well, I know its bad to feel this way but I am glad it wasn’t you I am not happy it was him though. Does that make any since?” he asked me with a confused look on his face.

“Yeah, it does.” I said.

“Good.” He said smiling at me.

“Now it’s my turn.” I said to him.

“Oh, yeah the deal. Okay what do you want to know?” he asks.

“What’s your favorite color?” I asked him.

“Turquoise and black.” He says.

“Mine are the same. Do you have any sports that you play?” I ask him.

“I love soccer, running, and baseball. Can I ask you a question?” he asks.

“I love soccer and running, I don’t like baseball. And yeah you can ask me a question.” I say to him.

“Ummm…well I was wondering if you and your friend would want to hang out with me and my brother sometime?” he asks. Ohmygosh did he just say that, what should I say? No that’s what I should say and I had wanted to say that but all I said was “Sure.” I can’t believe I just said that what am I stupid? Ughh…. And why does he have to be so cute?

“Cool, well I have to go; I’ll see you later at your locker to show me our next class.” He says.

“Okay.” I say to him. I decide to go to the soccer field and dribble. After dribbling up and down the field a few times I started to dribble and kick the ball in the goal a few times. After 20 minutes of doing that I start walking to my locker. When, I get there I find Aidan with Tiffany all over him.

“Hey, Aidan.” I say to him. He pushes Tiffany off of him and comes next to me.

“Hey, you ready to go to class?” he asks like nothing just happen. That made me smile at him.

“Yeah I am ready.” I said to him ignoring the situation that was just happening. Tiffany gave me a look of disgust until Aidan said the most surprising thing.

“Don’t look at her like that she’s nicer than you are.” He said so fast it wasn’t funny.

“Ha, you make me laugh. That thing isn’t even worthy of me to even have my attention.” Tiffany said.

“You keep thinking that. And tell your little friend Lionel to back off.” Aidan said to her. I am really like Aidan right now. We walked away with Tiffany with her mouthed shaped like an O. When we got out of ear shot I looked up at Aidan and said “Thank you that was really…….nice.”

“Well, nobody messes with my friends.” He said to me. I think he likes me but I can’t be sure, he probably just likes me as a friend. We get to class I go to the back like usual and sit. Aidan looks where I sit and comes sit right next to me, were in biology so I need a partner. (No one else would be my partner so I told the teacher I would work alone.) Aidan smiles at me and opens his book to the page we were working on. I look up and pay attention to the teacher. I was so excited for the pep rally to see Jessica’s face when I beat her for captain; coach told the squad she would tell the team who is captain in front of the squad during the pep rally the only thing they didn’t know was she would call that person to tell her. I am so happy I didn’t know what other people will think when they find out. Class went by pretty quick. I almost forgot that I have to wait for Aidan.

“Sorry.” I said to him when he caught up with me.

“It’s fine. What’s got you all excited?” he asked.

“I can’t tell you I am sorry you’ll just have to wait until the pep rally.” I said back at him.

“Okay.” He said. I looked at him and smiled then turned around and went to my locker.

“Where is your locker?” I asked Aidan.

“Right here.” He said pointing to the locker that was right next to mine on the right side, because Liz’s locker is on the left of mine.

“Oh, cool another locker neighbor.” I said to him.

“Who else is your ‘locker neighbor’?” he asked me.

“Liz of course.” I told him.

“Oh, cool.” He said.

“Yeah,” I said smiling at him. He looked at me and smiled back. He tried opening his locker but couldn’t so I tried to help him open it.

“You’ll have to jack it if you don’t get the combo right.” I told him.

“Okay, I could’ve just given you my combo so you can show me how to do it.” He said.

“Yeah, but didn’t you have lockers at your old school?” I asked him.

“Yeah, but they came with a key.” He said.

“Oh okay, what’s your combo?” I asked him. He took out a piece of paper and told me “2-7-13”

“Okay first you have to turn past 0 twice to the right, then turn it to the right to 2, then past 7 twice while turning to the left, then turn it to the right to 13.” I said to him while showing him opening it for him.

“Thanks.” He said.

“No problem.” I said to him. He put his books and stuff in his locker and some picture of someone I didn’t know. Probably someone special to him.

I had a picture of me and my grandma, a picture of me, my sisters, my brothers, and my two cousins, and I have a picture of me and Liz. And a mirror that I added in my sophomore year. We went to the class and did the same thing we did the last few classes he sat close to me and I would smile he would smile back and I would look away and pay attention. Only this time I had to leave 10 minutes early to the pep rally, thank God Liz was in this class so she can show him where the gym is for the pep rally.

Chapter 3: Pep Rally!


I’m getting dressed in the girl’s bathroom because coach had the cheerleaders getting dressed in the girl’s locker room. Had put on my new uniform and I put a jacket over it. Coach told me that ‘it needed to be a big surprise so I needed to blend in. I went to the gym and everybody was there, I had put the hood up over my head so nobody can see my face. I go and put my back to the wall until I am called.“Hello students, welcome to the new year. I will now turn it over to the cheer coach so she can announce the new captain for this year.” Said our principal.

“Thank you, sir. Okay, people I know you’re excited to meet the new captain so I am going to tell you now. Our new captain is somewhere in this room. Will you please come and stand next to me now.” The coach said. I started walking up there and stand next to her with my head down.

“Okay, you can take off that hot jacket now.” She said. I took it off and when I did I got a lot of ‘wow she’s got a great body’ looks and a few boys whistled.

“Now will you please show your face?” Coach said. I lifted up my head everybody started to clap and scream. And then when I saw Tiffany her face was so mad, she looks like she was going to explode.

“Welcome our new captain, Miss. Janeseme Lovings.” Coach said. I saw Liz and she waved at me and mouthed congrats and waved a digital camera at me and a cell phone. Yes, she got it that is going to be put on facebook.

“Thank you, coach.” I said to her.

“Okay, I want to tell you why Miss Lovings won this title. She has been dedicated to this, she has maintained an A average all year last year, she is trustworthy, and she is very honest. She does deserve this title, no matter how many people disagree with me. So to welcome our newest captain, our football team has a little treat for you.” She said. Okay, doubt that is a good one so I look for an exit just in case I need to run. Then I see Aidan looking at me and I smile at him and he waves, I mouthed sorry to him before I see the football team come in and are dressed up in their jersey’s and a pair of khakis. I saw Kayden and it was surprising because I didn’t think he was a football player. When I see two guys step out of the line I was wondering what in the world were they fixing to do until they both got a mike and brought out an index card. Okay, then…..

“We didn’t know who the new cheer captain was going to be we were just told to make her feel welcome.” The dude on my left said. I knew him I think his name was Roger Ryans. And the dude on my right he was Tyler Tin he was in my Drama class.

“We want to say you are welcomed to the team, and we all are about to do something that hopefully you’ll take welcoming.” Tyler said. They both stepped back in line and the next thing I now it music starts and they start dancing and singing. They weren’t that bad either; I just smiled and started to giggle a little. They I think were singing ‘Dirty Bit’ by the Black Eye Peas, I just love their band, and they probably didn’t know that though. When they finished the same two guys stepped out of the line and had mikes again.

“How did you like it?” Roger asked. Someone handed me a mike.

“Thank you, I feel really welcomed.” I said to them.

“Good.” They both said. After that I just went and sat with Liz and Aidan.

“I didn’t know you cheered.” Aidan said.

“I didn’t know your brother was a football player.” I said to him.

“I guess we all learned something new today.” I said to him.

“Did you get the picture?” I asked Liz.

“Yeah, and I recorded the whole thing.” She said.

“How do y’all think I did out there?” I asked.

“You were good.” Liz said. Aidan leaned in and said “You were great.”

“Thanks.” I said smiling.

“No problem.” He said. Okay so I am falling for the new boy is that so wrong? I think my best friend is falling for his brother. He isn’t bad, and I think he would wait until I was ready for a relationship. What if I was ready now but it is a little early to be thinking so far in the future? I have never been this way before. Why now? After the pep rally Aidan suggested that we go to celebrate and we all agreed that we should. I though it was nice of him to do that. When we got seated and ordered our drinks Kayden started a conversation.

“I didn’t know you were such a great cheerleader?” he said talking to me.

“Thanks, it doesn’t seem like I would be someone that would wave pompoms around huh?” I said to him. I’m not really I just like it; I can’t explain why I just like it.

“No, not really. No offence.” He said back.

“I know. That why it’s so surprising.” I said to him. I looked at Liz who was texting someone.

“Yeah, it was a big surprise.” He said.

“Who are you texting Liz?” I asked her.

“No body I was posting the video to YouTube. And reading up on all the facebook drama.” She said.

“Oh okay.” I said. How am I going to get Aidan alone so we can talk?

“I’m going to get some fresh air, Janeseme would you like to join me?” Aidan asked me.

“Sure.” I said getting up and walking out the door with Aidan. When we get out there he looks at me opens his mouth then closes it before he says anything.

“Your shocked I know.” I said to him.

“Not shocked, surprised.” He said.

“Kind of the same thing, don’t you think?’ I said.

“Yeah I guess.” He said.

“Well, if that’s all I want to go back in now,” I said. He’ll never understand what it is like to be loved then taken away from you.

“Wait.” He said touching my shoulder.

“Yes?” I said.

“I need to tell you something just not here.” He said.

“Where then?” I asked.

"At my house tonight at 8?” he asked.

“I don’t see why not.” I said.

“Okay see you tonight.” He said. I walked back in and looked at my friend and gave her the I-just-got-invited-to-a-guys-house stare. She laughed and Kayden looked at us like we were crazy.

“Kayden had invited us to go to him and his brother house.” Liz said.

“So has Aidan.” I said.

“That’s Aidan for always being the nice guy.” Kayden said.

“Always?” I and Liz questioned him.

“Always.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Good,” said Liz. I stared at her to tell her shut up.

“Well, I got to go. I need to get my homework done before I come over.” I said before getting up.

“See y’all later.” I said.

“Bye.” They said. I left out and told Aidan that I had to go and I would see him at his house, then left.


Chapter 4: You Live Next Door!


I texted Liz to ask her where they lived and it turns out they live NEXT DOOR! This should be interesting; I still can’t believe they live right next door to ME. I walk over and ring the door bell. No one answers at first then someone yells in the back yard to come on back. I did when I got there I saw Kayden and Aidan, they were sitting across from each other in front of a fire pit that was on.

“Come sit.” Aidan said. I go and sit down by Aidan.

“Where is Lizzie?” Kayden asked.

“Umm…I don’t know she was having a time trying to find some shoe that her sister hid somewhere.” I said to them. Kayden laughed and Aidan said “Older siblings huh? They take something then hide it from them.” Aidan said looking straight at Kayden.

“Yeah,” he said coolly. I just felt a little awkward after that, I didn’t know what was going on between him or his brother but it wasn’t good. They looked like they were pretty close this afternoon.

“Umm…do you want me to come over another time?” I asked thinking they needed time to talk.

“No everything is fine.” Aidan said.

“You can go if you want?” Kayden said.

“I’m fine.” I said lying. I mean we stayed there quiet for about three minutes until we heard a yell from the front door and it sounded like a guy.

“Were out back.” Kayden yelled. When I saw the person come through the door was none other than Liz.

“Where have you been?” I asked.

“To the attic and back.” She said. Everybody started to laugh.

“I’m sorry; you should’ve told me she went that far.” I said to her.

“It’s no problem.” She said.

“Okay.” I said. I forgot about it and then she went and sat next to Kayden and started to whisper to each other.

“Hey, do you want to go walk?” Aidan whispered to me.

“Sure.” I said. We got up and walked to the front yard.

“Can I tell you something without you jumping to conclusions?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“What if I told you that I know what your going through.” He said.

“Is that what you want to tell me because I have heard that line a few times already.” I said. You can’t just say that because really what I went through was some crap and like really that’s not right.

“Well, not exactly like you but I have been hurt like that.” He said. Okay, here we go again not another guy telling me he’s been through some break up.

“I can see by your face that you’ve been told this a lot. How many times?” he asked.

“Ten. Not including the one from a counselor.” I said. He had the face of hope then lost all hope in it, maybe he’s telling the truth.

“But, eleven times never kills anyone. Tell me.” I said to him.

“Well, I met a girl now she was really good girl she had maybe one or two friends and she did charity work for god sake. She slept with someone I was really close with and like we went out for 3 years and she had been sleeping with him for a year. I know this is not as bad as your story I thought I would share this since you shared yours.” He said finishing.

“I know this is the time I was suppose to say I am sorry but really I know that is not what you want to hear, but could I ask a question?” I asked.

“Sure.” He said.

“Is that why you left California?” I asked curious.

“Yes and no. Yes, because I had been begging my grandpa to let us move and no because he said no but then he got a good job down here and then we moved.” He said. I looked him in the eyes I could see hurt, scared, lost, confused, person.

“I think…I ummm…” I was saying until he interrupted me.

“Like you.” He finished for me. I just nodded, but then looked away.

“I don’t want to get hurt again and I know you don’t either so we could take things slowly.” I said. He nodded and lifted his hand asking if I would take it or not. I took it, we laced our fingers together, and then we started walking back to his backyard when we got there we were in a big surprise, Kayden and Liz were not just kissing but making out.

“Ahem.” I said to get their attention. They turned to look at me and Kayden was blushing and Liz laughed.

“I see you two got acquainted really quickly.” Aidan said.

“And I see you two have, too.” Kayden said. We all started to laugh.

“We decided to take things slow. Really slow.” I stated.

“Of course.” Kayden said.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” I asked.

“Well, he did tell you that story didn’t he?” he asked.

“Yes he did.” I said. He might have left something important out, Maybe?

“Oh, cool.” Kayden said.

“I’m going to go home; I will see y’all at school tomorrow.” I said to everybody.

“I’ll walk you home.” Aidan said.

“Okay.” I said back to him. Everybody said bye to me and then when we got to the front of my door Aidan let go of my hand.

“Can I walk you to school tomorrow?” he asks.

“Of course you can.” I said standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

“Bye.” He said smiling.

“Bye.” I said to him while he walked away.

I walked up to my room and fell asleep smiling. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was amazing in every single way. But at the same time falling in love again so fast is not an option. 

Chapter 5: Walking, Talking, and Fighting!?!


I woke up the next morning and got dressed in my favorite outfit. That outfit is black skinny jeans, with a black tank top, with a neon pink over the shoulders t-shirt that says HAHAHA, and my black stilettos to school. And my favorite part is that the HAHAHA part is baby blue it is so cute. I said good morning to my grandma and after breakfast said goodbye so I could go meet Aidan, Kayden and Liz outside. When I get there I only see Aidan, which is weird because Liz and I have always walked to school together.

“Where’s Liz?” I asked walking to him.

“She and Kayden asked me to leave them alone and I did. And then they started walking that way.” He said pointing toward the direction the school is.

“Oh okay.” I said taking his hand.

“You look very beautiful this morning.” Aidan said.

“Thank you.” I say. We started walking to the school and eventually catching up with Kayden and Liz.

“Hey.” I said to Liz.

“Hey, wow you look good today.” She said.

“Thanks.” I said. Liz and I start talking without letting go of Aidan’s hand. He is so sweet, this might just work out and hopefully neither of us gets hurt. When we get to school everybody was looking at us I am not just talking about two or three people I mean everyone.

“More stares, yay us.” Liz and I say.

“What do you mean?” Kayden asked.

“Every time me or her come to school holding a boy’s hand they stare at us all crazy like.” Liz said, I just nodded my head in agreement. Aidan just kept walking in silence and he looked like he was getting mad. I squezzed his hand to try to clam him down, he felt like he was burning up. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Your burning up.” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Your hand is really hot.” I said. Kayden stopped and he looked back at Aidan and said something with his eyes but I couldn’t understand.

“Sorry, it’s probably just sweat or something.” He said.

“Oh okay.” I said taking his hand and his hand was still really hot but I didn’t say anything. When we get to my locker I let go of his hand and start opening it. Until I heard someone behind me and turned around to find Lionel yelling at Aidan about something I didn’t know about. I walk over there and look at Aidan and he looked like he was going to explode.

“Lionel why do you have to mess with him?” I asked getting in front of Aidan.

“Why should it be any of your business? Thought you told me that you weren’t going out?” he said.

“And if we were it would be none of your business anyways?” I shot back.

“Did you ever read that note I gave to you or did you rip that up too?” he asked.

“No I didn’t read or throw it away.” I said.

“Read it.” He said and then walked away. I turn around and Aidan was gone. I start running out to the soccer field to see if he is there.

“Who are you looking for?” Liz asked.

“Aidan, he left and I don’t know where he went.” I said back at her.

“He isn’t here him and Kayden went somewhere.” She said.

“Oh okay. I’m going to class.” I said running to catch the class bell. I went to class after class and still no Aidan or Kayden. Lunch came and I just went outside to the brick wall/hill and sat and toke out my IPod and listened to music. I just looked blankly ahead of me asking myself ‘What if’s’ it was kind of crazy I know I was just scared. Someone I could feel was behind me and when I turned around it was Aidan there. I was speechless because really what am I really suppose to say.

“Hey, sorry for disappearing on you like that.” He said after I had my earplugs out of my ear.

“I don’t care where you were, I guess…..I am trying to say that I am happy your okay.” I said.

“Thanks, I just had to go cool down a little.” He said.

“Okay.” I said.

“Could I talk to you alone?” he asked.

“We are alone.” I said.

“I mean where no one is around.” He said.

“Oh okay Soccer field?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He said. We started to walk to the field when we got there we sat on the bleachers.

“I want you to know something but it’s kind of hard to tell especially since we just met and all.” He said.

“Can you please just tell me it’s not like I am going to start running and telling everybody.” I said sarcastically.

“You have to promise that you won’t tell anyone what I am going to tell you, that means Liz and your grandma too.” He said.

“This must be serious.” I said.

“Yeah it kind of is.” He said.

“Okay, I promise I won’t tell anyone ever unless I am told that I am allowed to.” I said.

“I’m not what you think I am.” He said seriously.

“What are you then?” I asked.

“Something that isn’t normal.” He said.

“What then?” I asked.

“I am a…..” he was saying until the bell ring telling us class is fixing to start.

“This isn’t over, we’ll finish it later.” I said. I started running but before I know it he comes up and grabs my left hand and put it in his. When we got to class we weren’t last to come in it was Tiffany and Lionel that was last. Class went on the same by the time it was time to go Liz and Kayden came up to us and walked with us to go home. When we got to my stop which was right before theirs’ I asked Aidan if he wanted to come in and of course he shook his head. After that he kissed me on the cheek and left. I don’t know what is going on but I am going to find out. By 8:30 P.M. I had finished eating dinner and finished homework. I was recapping of what happen during lunch ‘I am normal…..’ ‘It is hard to tell you’ what is he gay? I don’t know this makes no since, and I really don’t understand. I decide to call him and after maybe two rings someone picks up.

“Hello…” I say.

“Hello. May I ask who is speaking?” some lady said.

“I am a friend of Aidan, may I speak with him?” I asked.

“Aidan there is someone on the phone for you.” She said. I think she told him it sounded like a girl and gave him the phone.

“Janeseme?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Meet me at the community park in 20 minutes.” He said and then hung up. Ughh….this is infuriating I am going to get to the bottom of this. I get on shoes tell my grandma I am going to the park, then leave. When I get to the park Aidan was sitting on top of a picnic table, I sit next to him and he toke a hold of my hand.

“Can I ask you a question?” he asked.

“Sure.” I said.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked. I laughed a little and said yes. When we kissed I felt fireworks and butterflies. It was amazing.

“I know your wondering what I was trying to tell you. I was trying to tell you that I am not normal I am a………shape shifter.” He said.

“And why did you have to kiss me before telling me?” I asked.

“Because I thought you would start screaming or something like that.” He said.

“So in other words you wanted one last kiss before I ran away.” I said for him.

“Yeah something like that.” He said. I just kissed no not that stupid mwah kiss I full on kissed him.

“Does that answer any of your confusion?” I asked after kissing him.

“Yeah it answers a lot.” He said smiling. I laughed and was blushing.

“So, your brother he is a shape shifter too right?” I asked.

“Yes, but he doesn’t know that you know so you can’t tell him. And the only reason I told you was because your……..” he was trying to say something but couldn’t get it out apparently.

“I am your what?” I asked.

“Well, what you would call mate.” He said.

“And that means?” I asked.

“That were connected but you also choose if you want to complete it or not, but think about it you’re the only girl that I will be able to ever think about and Love.” He said.

“Well, couldn’t we just take it one day at a time. I mean we just met yesterday.” I said.

“You have three months to choose I know it isn’t enough time to fall in love with someone so I would understand if you don’t.” he says.

“I already think I love you, but it is really hard to admit to that. I mean I have been in love but not this way. It’s like every time I am near you I get butterflies or every time you smile at me. When we kissed it was just like more than a kiss it was just… amazing well actually better.” I admitted to him.

“I love you Janeseme I never thought I would find you. Your everything and more that I thought you would be.” He said.

“I…..believe three months from now will be very different.” I said.

“How do you know that?” he asked.

“I don’t know I just feel that way.” I said.

"And that is one of the many things I love about you." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your mysterious ways." he said.

"Well, trust me after I tell you this your going to run." I said. He wasn't the only one with a secret. The only difference is that mine will keep is from seeing each other for sure.

"What is it?" he said entwining our fingers.

"I'm not human either." I said.

"What are you then baby?" he asked right when my whole group of guys an I think three girls showed up not for that linoel thing no.

"Their, not going to hurt you." he said getting in front of me. I got in front of him.

"No, they were going to hurt you. I'm a vampire, but not just any vampire I am what you would call the alpha. We have the same mating thing, too. I know what we have to do that's why they were going to stop it. We can't be together, not until the three months are up." I said. After that I just walked away. Three Months. How will I survive? He is my mate and if losing him means keeping him safe then that's what I will do.

Chapter 6: Two Weeks Later



I miss him like crazy all I can think about is him. My vampire just wants to run over to his house and have her way with his wolf.

"Jay, you're gonna be okay." Liz said. Yeah Liz is surprisingly only half vampire because her mom's mate was human. It worked out great though and they're both still madly in love because her mom turned her dad into a vampire after they had Liz.

"No I am not I have drank more blood in these last two weeks than I would in one month. I miss him, my vampire is pissed as hell and it is not easy fighting her off." I said to her. I have to stay at Liz's because being next door to him was driving my vampire crazy after a week.

"I want to let you see him badly, but I am not allowed to." She said.

"I got cheer practice, I will be home later." I told her walking out the door in my practice uniform. I walk to the school which of course I had to walk past his house. Walking past his house made a internal fight with my vampire began.

'Go see him now!'

'No' She wimpered and shut up finally. Which of course she'd give me the silent treatment. He has 2 months and 2 weeks to claim me. Then we of course have additional 3 more months to complete the whole mating thing. I finally get to the school, yeah we have practices on Saturday at 4:00 till 6:30pm. I go into the gym, of course I am gonna be early so no ones there yet. So, I found out there was some wolves on the squad I don't know who they are but yeah. There's also some vampires that of course I do know them.

"Hey captain." One of the girls came in saying.

"Hey." I said as all the girls walked in.

"Okay everybody, since practice went so smoothly and great last time we will skip the running just for the day. Let's just do individual stretches to start out, then we can go through the routines." I said. The girls start talking and stretching which is fine as long as they stretch. I stretch out my legs, arms, and hamstrings. I finished up and waited for everyone to finish also. We start rehearsing the big routine, that's when I got an idea.

"Wait y'all I got something to add in. Just watch and then you can join in." I said. I start dancing and saying '1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, one more time' and I would do it all over again. I finally got it all together and we practiced.

*2 hours and 15 minutes later*

"Okay, let's practice the big routine then we can all leave." I said I counted off and we did the routine perfectly. After we got done I dismissed everybody going outside I see it's gotten a little dark then I see a truck. I see whos in it and vampire awakened real quick. I go to the truck to see why he was here.

"Aidan?" I said.

"Get in." He said smiling.

"Where are we going?" I asked after I got into the truck.

"How about a meadow picnic?" He asked.

"That sounds fun." I said. He drove to this meadow out in the woods. I was just so happy to be near him. When we get there he got out and opened my door for me and helped me out. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“I'm going to fix up the back of the truck for the picnic. Would you mind getting the picnic basket out the back in the truck?" He asked me.

“Not at all." I say reaching back in the truck and getting out the picnic basket which by the way smelt amazing. I go in the back and see he's made this beautiful back with blankets and pillows and even had a few candles.

“Wow this is beautiful." I said to him.

“Thanks I wanted our first date to go perfect." He said smiling at me.

“Well as long as we are together everything will be perfect." I said to him while handing him the picnic basket. Then he helps me up into the back of the truck.

“Well I didn't know exactly all the foods you liked so I basically made homemade pizza and packed it. With a side salad with crispy cut up chicken in it, also some honey mustard dressing. And for desert I brought chocolate covered strawberries with a side of whip cream. And if I want anything else sweet I will just kiss you." He says winking at me. Of course I blush, he's so sexy and so sweet.

“Sounds great. I didn't know you could cook." I said to him.

“I'm a man who can do a lot with his hands." He says winking at me. I knew that was a line coming from him/his wolf. But at the same time it got to me and my vampire. And boy did we want to just jump his bones.

“You can’t say things like that.” I said to him blushing.

“Sorry, but it’s true.” He said with a cocky grin on his face.

"Wellll.." I said all drawn out.

"Well, let's eat." He said smiling at me. We both took some of everything and ate. It was so good that we were both completely silent while eating.

"I hope that silence of yours means it's great." He said.

"It is great." I said to him. We continued to eat and eventually we both finished.

Before I knew my cult was there four of them had to grab me and run. Aidan and I kept trying to see each other but every time we did either his pack or my cult would get us and run. We were basically locked away from each other. And honestly, it was so stupid and frustrating. 

Chapter 7: *Aidan's & Janeseme's POV*

The last day Aidan could claim Janeseme. 


God, my grandfather is mad. He wants me to finish the mating process which is much different. I have to bite her, my wolf he is going to hurt her if I don't I got to see her. I told my brother and he's going to help me get her alone. When, we made our plan I walked to her back door. When she came I swore my heart skipped a beat. "What are you doing here?" she said backing away.

"I had to see you this isn't working for me I need you." I said. She started coming closer, and when she was in front of me I saw she was crying. I took her in a hug and started to comfort her.

"I can't stay away from you anymore." she said. I was happy, but my wolf was getting to eager trying to fight it off was really hard.

"I can't either." I said.

"I know your fighting him off." she said.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because I am fighting off my vampire. If it was up to her your wolf would get what he wants." she said, so maybe she knew about that. Kiss her my wolf said. Leave her alone I am not letting you ruin this I said to my wolf.

"Go ahead, kiss me." she said. When our lips met, I felt sparks. I love her and I don't want to lose her. That one kiss pushed my wolf to the edge. I felt her move my head to her and she nodded at me for reassurance, I picked her up wedding style and we walked up to here bedroom. She had a huge bed, when I laid her down her shirt came up and I saw a wolf like tattoo it's was to show that this was the alphas mate and that's what I am. Ever since my brother gave it up. Bite her now my wolf said. I am not going to hurt like that until she asks. I kissed her neck slowly and when I came face to face with her I saw that she was ready.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"We might not get another chance like this, and if we finsh the process than they can't kill you." she said moving her hair way from her neck. I leaned down kissed up and down her neck, I told myself I won't hurt her.




He was kissing my neck I know he doesn't want to hurt me, but if I don't take 4 to 5 seconds of pain he might get killed and I can't lose him. When I knew he was going to bite me I just relaxed. When, he bit me I felt nothing but pleasure. When he finished I felt that the process was over and we were connected. No one can kill him now and they can't kill me now that I am complete. When he looked at me worried.

"Aidan, you didn't hurt me at all, because it didn't hurt." I told before kissing his lips softly.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I am positive." I said, he just nodded and got up.

"Where you going?" I said.

"Got to tell my grandfather that I finished the process and you have to come meet him." he said. "I am going to warn you he might fall in love with me." I said, that's when Aidan growled. I smiled at him and kissed him gently on the lips and he kissed back. He pulled away and that's when I knew that my grandma was home. I walked downstairs and talked to her for a minute telling her what just happen and I mean when I told her, her whole face lit up like a light bulb. She told me to bring him down I don't know for how long but she hugged like for ever and I was about to start hissing if she didn't let go of him. We left finally and started laughing because I was still upset. When we get to his house takes me to his grandfather's study I guess. When we get there Aidan is the first to say something.

"Grandpa, this is my mate." Aidan said. OKay, I thought my grandma lit up when she saw Aidan's Grandpa lit up like he never saw a girl before, he took me into a big hug. I heard someone growl and knew who it was before turning around.

"Hey, don't growl at me it isn't everyday that my grandson finds his mate." his grandfather says, I kind of laugh. I love this guy what am I going to do if his grandpa thinks I am awesome. I like it kind of. After talking to his grandfather he told me his pack was in the back and they wanted to meet me.I am so freaked out because what are they going to think of me hey wait a minute I don't care what they think of me. I am me and that's the way I like it.When I get outside seeing only one person besides Kayden I panick becuse it's a girl. I'm going to tell you this now I don't like the way she's staring at my baby I mean I know I was kind refusing to become his but really it was for is safety and I couldn't wait any longer and now I believe I love him. I won't tell him that though not until he says it first. The girl looked at me and growled ...........oh hell no that is not going to work for me. I hiss at her and the next thing I know she starts whimpered.

"How did she do that?" the girl said I just laughed.

"Because she is my mate and since I am alpha she is alpha too." Aiden explained to the girl I went over next to Aiden and he grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt someone getting a little too eager back there. I know we will have to do that soon but me and him both know that we aren't ready for that right now. I let a giggle come out and he chuckles which was really hot. I was so happy until I sensed my pack close by, I tensed up and he knew why too. My happiness just all left my body. I asked Why can't we just be normal?

Chapter 8: Meeting The New Families


Facing my pack is like a human facing a pack of wolves. Which Aiden is kinda going up against wolves because of his pack not wanting me there. After getting their attention I had told them the final line me and Aiden were going to be together and that was it. They were so mad.

"And I don't care if you like it or not. Now that we got that in the open it is time for everybody to get to know everybody. I told Aiden to introduce his whole pack and their mates if they had one. Here it goes I believe he said Joah has no mate and he's 15 which is the youngest in his pack,Noah is Joah twin brother which he already found his mate which her name is Saundra, Don is the oldest and he is almost 20 he has his mate and her name is Lanna,Then Joe which he was 17 he had no mate, then Heath which he was also 17 and he has his mate her name is Sammie. There's more but I mean he was so fast I couldn't understand the rest but I did understand the rest of the pack lives in California where he's from. So now it was my turn.

"Okay, my pack we have about six dudes and three girls. So, three dudes are mateless. Those are Tyler, Blaine, and Derek. Derek is the oldest he's twenty. Blaine is 17 and Tyler is 15. The youngest is Tyler he's also the newest member too. Then there is Jon he's sixteen his mate is Sara she's also sixteen. Jake is seventeen and his mate is Jane she's sixteen. Then finally there is Jerri he's nineteen his mate is Taylor and she's seventeen. That's all of us." I said. When I looked around I couldn't find Blaine. Blaine is like my best friend for life we have known each other like forever he use to live with me and my grandmother until he decided to move out own his own. His parents died when he was thirteen. My grandmother took him in after that then he moved out about a year ago I believe. I told Aiden I would be back that I had to find a pack member of mine he said okay I go ask Derek where was Blaine he told me that he was at my house and he told him that he needed to talk to me. So I went next door to my house my grandmother was gone. I walk in and he is sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. I walk over and sit next to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looks up and he had no expression. I look at him and tried to see what he was thinking but I couldn't. I was worried about him I don't something inside me right now wants to just kiss him but I can't wrap myself around the idea of doing it. His phone went off and I heard his ringtone Daniel Powter-Bad Day he knows I love that song that's why he keeps everyone of his ringtones one of the songs I heart. I looked at him expecting him to pick up his phone but he didn't. I had this urge to kiss him don't ask me why I just did. I really looked at him and all of asuden I wanted to be with him and then why would I do that it would hurt Aiden and I couldn't do that to him. I decided to just say what was on my mind.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked I felt he was controlling me but he wasn't. I missed something or something because I can't figure it out I just all of asudden decided I wanted to be with him and that is not going to happen.

"I am not doing it, I know what you are feeling and trust me I am not doing that to you and I wouldn't ever do that to you." he said. He was telling the truth I could feel it. And I knew he wouldn't lie to me.

"Then, what is happening?" I asked.

"I'm in love with you. I am your second mate and no the pack didn't put me up to this." He said. He wasn't lying which scared me I couldn't love him back it would hurt Aiden. I just ran out, him and Derek knows where I am when I get upset and need to run to clear my mind. I go to this field of flowers it's so pretty. Me, Derek, and Blaine when we were little use to go there all the time we loved hanging out there, but back then we just all loved hanging out with each other. Now I don't know what happened to us.......

"Why is this happening to me? I love Aiden and now Blaine wants to say he is in love with me I know he use to love me but why does he need to say it know that I found my mate?" I asked myself. I wanted to answer it but all I wanted right then was a friend but it seems like I will never be able to open up and actually express my feelings.

"Baby, you scared me." I heard someone saying behind me. I turn to find Aiden looking at me.

"I'm sorry I just needed some time to think." I said.

"It's okay." he said while wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I can see why you like coming here to think." he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's so peaceful and quiet." he said. I just nodded my head and looked up at him and smiled. He kissed me on the lips and all of a sudden I felt butterflies in my stomach along with fireworks and electricity going up my spine.

"Blaine told me he loved me." I blurted out so fast I couldn't even stop myself. That had to make him mad.

"I know." he said.

"How?" I said turning around in his arms.

"Derek, told me everything." he said.

"I told him I couldn't do that to you." I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." I said turning around in his arms looking in those beautiful eyes.

"I love you and you know that right?" he said.

"Yes, I do and I love you too." I said kissing him gently on his lips.

"Mmmmm.....your lips taste good." he said. I started smiling and blushing.

"Really?" I said smirking.

"What lip gloss do you have on?" he asked.

"I don't think that's what your tasting." I said. Okay, yes I have to drank blood and the only reason I do is when I use my powers and I needed to keep my strength up.

"Oh." he said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay it's not your fault but that's not what I m really tasting I am actually tasting something else like a honey, watermelon, and cherry flavor." he said.

"Oh, well then apparently that's my taste for you." I said.

"Mmmmm.....I like it." he said kissing me again. I started giggling and smiling.

"We really need to get back." I said.

"Your probably right, but I don't want to." he said pouting.

"We have to." I said.

"I know." he said. So we started walking back to where we left the pack. My cult was sitting to the far right of the backyard and Aiden's pack was sitting to the far left. I looked at my cult with disapprovement, and so did Aiden to his pack.

"Y'all know you will have to eventually get along right?" I said.

"No, we are not get along with some cold bloodsuckers." Said the girl who was alone back here with Aiden at first. I ran up to her with my vamp speed and starred her in the eyes. "Ever call us that again, I will snap you like a twig. Nod your head if you understand." I said to her, she nodded her head and Aiden came up behind me to relax me he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back.

"Now," I said looking at both the cult and pack, "You are all going to get along, not just because I am his mate but also Kayden is Liz's mate, and I have a feeling some of the mateless girls and guys from both of our people are mates too. I don't want to hear anything like that girl just said EVER again." I finished saying with a stern look then smiled.

"I agree with my beautiful new girlfriend and mate, if I catch one of y'all fighting or even saying bad thing about another one, we will take action. Now I am going to throw a party at our pack house so everyone can get acquainted." He then turned to me, "Baby, go have a talk with your cult okay, I need to talk to mine I will come over later to talk to you about everything."

"Okay." I said after telling Derrik through a mind message really telling him to get everyone to my backyard now. I ran over to my backyard not really wanting to deal with all their emotions and trust me they were having a lot of them I could feel it. When I got over their Blaine gave the look of distrat and I didn't want to deal with that right now one problem at a time please.

"You all know how I feel about this subject. You have no say into who my mate is, don't ever think you have. You're not my leaders I am your leader, that should be understood. I don't want to hear one word about this. I love y'all to death, but he's my mate and I will be with him end of discussion. Now if we having any questions I will gladly take them." I said all this very clearly and very leader like.

"Do we really have to get along with them?" Jake asked but he knew everyone was thinking it.

"Yes, there going to be pretty much your new in laws so get use to it." I told them sternly.

"Do we have to not talk about vampire stuff around them, like the fact we need blood for our powers?" Jane asked curiously.

"That would be nice, just keep it in your head." I told her smiling emused by this question.

"That one werewolf is she going to be a threat to us?" Taylor asked she looked real serious too.

"No, well I don't think so. Just keep an eye on her. And report back to me. I don't like her as much as you do. But we all have to get along. Understood?" I said looking at my cult.

"Understood." They said in unsion. They were all terrified though not because they thought that the werewolves could over power them, no, they were worried for them because if one pissed me off I could easily snap their neck without even touching them. I am literally THE most power vampire living, the Vampire Council is terrified of me and I don't blame I can make their whole tower castile thing fall with just a little earthquake. Aiden doesn't know this yet I have to tell him sooner or later though. I am not as fragile as he thinks I am, he's probably going to be the most protective mate too because of the fact that he's an alpha and I am his Luna.

Chapter 9: Baby?


'Baby you there?' asked Aiden through a mind message.

'Yeah?" I said back to him.

'Will you come over?' He asked me.

' I don't know I think I should stay here with my cult, you seemed to have your whole pack over there still too.' I lied my pack was about to leave but I feel uncomfortable over there with his pack.

'Kayden has them, so can I come over there?' He asked questioningly like he knew I was lying before.

'If you want hun.' I couldn't lie to him again I don't see what's wrong with him coming over if the cults gone and my grandma was out running errands. The cult left as fast as possible too, using their vampire speed they were long gone right when Aiden jumped over the fence.

"Hey wanna go to the movies?" Aiden asked me. We only went on a few dates maybe 4 or 5, I stopped counting after the cult found me on that one with him and literally made me leave him there. Which trust me the cult got an ear full after that.

"What movie?" I asked skeptical.

"How about The Hobbit?" He asked.

"Umm, no." I said laughing at the end.

"Okay, how about Best of Me?" He asked. 

"I'm not in the mood for a movie. I really just want to go on a long walk or go lay in the meadow." I said looking at him.

 "Baby? What's wrong?" He said looking at me. 

"My cult, they're mad. They don't want to be around wolves. You realize how difficult it is to be around people who don't understand what you go through on a daily basis. Then that girl I am pretty sure who is madly in love with you growling at me and making these rude comments behind our backs isn't going to cut it. Yes we have to drink blood but that doesn't give the right to anyone to call us blood suckers like we actually want to do it. I'm sorry, I don't even know why I am even telling you this." I said ranting to him. 

"Baby, I want you to talk to me about this stuff. I want to understand all these things about you. You're my mate." He said looking at me. 

"Well, it goes against every instinct in me to talk about stuff like that with someone who isn't my kind." I said to him looking away. 

"How do you feed?" He asked me still looking at me. 

"Not something we really like to admit to. But you are my mate so I can't lie to you. We feed on animals some, but drinking animals blood is not completely statisfying especially if your powerful. We have a few friends at the blood banks and stuff we get two or four pints from them a week. But it isn't enough to feed my whole cult. I keep a pint and split the rest between everyone else. We really need like a half a pint a day so we go to bars or clubs we meet people they think we are foreplaying when really we are taking their blood. They end up having no marks left on them. No marks, no problem is what we like to say." I explained to him while looking away from him. 

"You drink from me for now on." He said looking at me. 

"That would start a war between my cult and your pack and you know it." I said to him.

"I don't care, I don't want you drinking some guys blood and having him think he had something with you when really all you were doing was using him to survive." He said getting angry. 

"As soon as I stepped in a room with my cult they would know I was drinking from you." I said to him. It was true. If I even took a sip from him they would know. It would be on my breath and it would be running through my veins before I knew it.

"I don't give a damn what your cult knows or doesn't. You're my mate and I forbid you to drink from anyone else but me." He says in his alpha tone. 

"Don't you dare use that tone with me. I will not have you control me. It's my choice from who and what I drink from. I'm not going to start a fight between your cult and my pack because you want to act like a jealous boyfriend about how I feed." I said to him. He had no right to forbid me to do anything. Yes he was my mate and boyfriend but that doesn't make him my father. 

"You drink from another guy I will be done." He says looking serious. He took it too far by saying that.
"You want me to drink from you that badly? You realize I will have to take half a pint of blood from you? You realize people in your pack and in my pack will start calling you a human feed bag? You realize all these things yet you still want to put both me and you through all that because you can't handle I take a little blood from a guy every now and then?!?" I said starting to get really angry with him. He's being selfish and inconsiderate.
"You think I care about what other people say?" He said looking at me getting angry.
"No but you do care what they say about me!" I yelled at him.
"Only because I want to protect you." He said calming down a bit. He put his hand on my face and looked down.
"I just want to protect you. I want to be the one that you can rely on for everything you need. I want to be the one person you need for anything. I want you to drink from me because I don't want a guy thinking you're doing anything with him but I also want you to drink from me because I want to do it for you. I am willing to do it for you. My pack and your cult will just have to shut their mouths about what happens between me and you. Because what happens between me and you shouldn't concern them since you are my mate and I am yours. So, can I please be that person for you?" He asked me looking me in the eyes. He looked so sincere and vulnerable at that time. I couldn't say no to him. I couldn't hurt him.
"Yes, but you can't judge my vampire side. It's not ugly but I wait last minute before I need to feed so it's not pretty when I want to feed. By that I mean I am kind of messy." I said to him looking away. Which is true I wait last minute because I don't like the fact I need blood to survive.
"I won't judge how you look after you feed. I mean I just kissed you after you were drinking blood." He said.
"Well, I laced that blood with pepsi, so it wasn't messy." I said to him.
"Y'all lace blood?" He asked looking at me.
"Yeah, it helps us forget that we are drinking it. I mean it's not like all of us asked for this life." I said to him.
"That is true." He said smiling at me.
"What's on your mind?" I asked him. He inched closer to me. He leaned in and kissed my lips softly at first and then more needing.
"You. You're the only thing on my mind." He says pulling me into his lap. 

"Am I really?" I said teasing him a little grinding against him. He growled a little in a needy way. He put his head in the nape of my neck. 

"Yes, just you and me." He said to me kissing on my neck softly. 

"Mmmm, baby you should really stop that." I said to him smiling. 


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Publication Date: 08-24-2011

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