
Session 1: introduction

 Blood spurted across the cobblestone street mixing with the gravel, mud, and leaf litter, soon pooling into the ruts created by many passing wagons. The streets weren't crowded yet, not at this time so early in the morning of fall. Not usually a time for pick pockets or theifs there wasn't even a sufficient amount of people to steal from and not enough cover, but there are many types of criminals. A group of black clad men had surrounded a wood elf, outnumbered, the elf was more or less defeated. The tallest of the men stepped forward bringing his arm back to bring down his knife on the hunched over elf. The flash of hardened steel sharpened to a razor thin edge came down. Blood dripped time stopped. The wood elf's left foot shifted and she whipped her body back balanced on one foot and grabbed the arm that held the knife inches from where her back had been and leaned her weight back her body pivoting on her left foot allowing her right foot to come up and slam into the underside of the man's chin snapping his neck and sending him flying backwards. Using her momentum from her kick she brought her right foot back down and pivoted on it to kick the man to her right in the chest and dodging an attempted stab from behind. Pivoting again on her left foot she planted her feet and ducked a swing from a sword and darted forward slamming her body into the lower half of the furthest enemy. The wood elf rolls on her side springing back up to her feet in the alleyway after she knocked one assailant over and banged his head against the corner of the building. Bracing her feet she darts forward dodging a swipe from a short sword and plants her right foot pivots and slams her foot into the fifth attackers face. Even without shoes or boots the wood elf is making short work of the black clad figures just kicking. The last figure takes a look at his comrades unfortunaly dead or unconscious and decides it's not worth it. He has other people to get back to and he darts away glancing over his shoulder once before turning a corner. The wood elf ensures that the last of them is gone and then starts searching the dead half elves for anything of value. A purse on each of them contains a few pieces of gold and copper. Only one had any silver at all and the leader had two platinum. Coins acquired the elf picks up one of the swords from the ground and the correct sheath and walks off barefooted without a care. A few scratches and cuts bruises and maybe a broken rib but the elf doesn't seem to care at this point. 

The wood elf heads to a tavern on the other side of the city. As the sun rises more people begin to wake and the streets start to fill up. A few passerbyers notice the wood elf and her injuries as she walks by a few whispers pass her way. She's an odd wood elf, having black hair and blue tips, she has no shoes, just wraps and she did not carry a bow. Perhaps that was because her last bow was snapped in half by the blade of an angry orc. Keeping to the edges of the street the wood elf finally approaches her destination but before she could enter a goblin was thrown through a window the sound of angry voices coming through the shattered window. She stepped up to the door and pushed it open. 

"You know you have to pay for that right," the wood elf muttered noticing the two dragonborn in the middle of a bar fight with four goblins, a golithe, halfling, and a dwarf. Three bounty hunter groups from the looks of it. Probably fighting over a bounty or something stupid like most males do. The elf sat down at the bar out of range of the fight while the goblin that had been thrown outside jumped back into the fight jumping onto one of the Dragonborn's back. She ordered a cup of Lily in a Well watching the fight noticing flames from an alcoholic drink that was lit on fire to her right behind the bar. That alcohol on fire ended up lighting a dwarfs beard on fire as well as his hair. In Echos opinion this was extremely entertaining. (Several other things happened but I have failed to remember them for the time being). The bronze dragonborn knocked a shield away and that shield crashed into her cup knocking over the alcohol. Echo glowered a moment at her full cup spilled onto the bar and stood up ready to involve herself in the fight and strangle someone. Finally the half elf that threw the flaming alcohol hopped up onto the bar with a flaming ball of fire in one hand.

"ALRIGHT IF EVERYONE DOSNT SHUT UP ILL LIGHT THIS PLACE ON FIRE!" Echo tensed staring at the half elf. Has he lost his mind!? This place won't light on fire it'll blow up with all the alcohol in the tavern! Echos body urged her to run but no one could move with this crazy half elf ready to kill them all. Echo seethed. She hated half elves and here was another reason why. Before anything else could happen though 20 or so guards came through the doors. A mage followed the head solider and Echo could tell he was a huge threat. Damit! She had things to do and if she got arrested now she'd loose her target. 

"Alright everyone just calm down. Sir please put the fire out and come down from the bar," the soldiers seemed like they were used to this like it was a regular routine task to come to this particular tavern to deal with bar fights. 

"We have to take you all in. Please cooperate with us and everyone gets off easy," the lead man tried to reason with the flaming half elf the two Dragonborn's in the middle of it all ready to launch an attack not interested in getting arrested either. Before anyone could attempt escape though the mage cast a spell a very powerful one and the whole room became dead silent as everyone except the half elf and Echo, passed out on the floor. 

"Please cooperate with us. It'll be easier on everyone," the soldier said looking to Echo and the half elf. Echo made an attempt to run for the back doors but a solider jumped for her and slammed her to the ground. She hit her head hard and everything went dark.


When Echo finally woke up she shook her head and sat up her hand gingerly touching the gash on her head from when she hit the ground. She glanced around feeling the cold stone floor beneath her and letting her eyes adjust to the dark dingy room. Her eyes landed on three particular figures. Two Dragonborn's and the damned half elf who had started the fight in the tavern. If she wasn't so capable of controlling her emotions she was quietly seething in her head. Not only did she loose her target she was stuck in this damned prison in the same damn cell as them. The half elf was still awake but his face had changed and his hair looked like it was on fire. The two Dragonborn's were just beginning to wake up. Echos first thoughts were to murder all three of them especially the bronze dragonborne for dumping her cup over in the fight in turn getting her involved and causing her to loose her target. 

"Blasted dragonbornes and half elves," she hissed quietly folding her legs under her. Her head hurt still from getting knocked over by the guard. She watched the half elf's apparence change slowly till she became uneasy. The feeling of magic was getting extremely thick. These cell blocks were supposed to suppress the magic make it impossible to use but fire boy here was looking ready to blow up and Echo didn't want to be within range. 

"Please tell me your not about to explode," Echo said warily watching the half elf. 

"Nah just a discharge," he said nonchalantly sitting against the wall like it was normal to be literally on fire and not screaming bloody murder. Echo scooted away from the half elf on fire and watched. When the dragonbornes finally regained consciousness they also noticed the half elf on fire.

"That's not normal man," the black dragonborne said. 


Text: GhostWolf,
Cover: Ghostwolf
Editing: GhostWolf
Proofreading: DnD group
Layout: DnD group
Publication Date: 08-30-2022

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