

Few people are willing to listen to my theories, and not many people in my neighborhood are willing to listen at all. The scientific community does not take me seriously and classifies me as a pseudo-writer or labels me a pseudo-theorist. Maybe it's because I don't really have a scientific basis for the theories I offer. But science aside, and the fact that it's only 2020, 500 years from now scientists will surely be laughing at our current estimates and experiments... that's my take on the whole thing. I have many views on various things and on historical events such as prehistory. In my opinion it was the period after a climatic or total war catastrophe. The human races that lived here before prehistoric times were already at such an advanced technological level that they were destroyed by their own weapons. They triggered earthquakes, precipitated volcanic eruptions. Particles of ash and dirt rose like clouds to the heavens, engulfing the entire Earth. A cataclysm occurred and the surface of the Earth froze. The few people who remained alive went feral. The radioactive radiation was of such high intensity that many small animals, birds and fish simply mutated. They changed their shape and their offspring took on gross proportions. The radiation was lethal even to humans, so they hid in caves and other underground spaces wherever possible. After this catastrophe, man lost his speech because his brain was irradiated by weapons unknown to us, which he had previously made himself (it is possible that it was not the human race at all - Homo sapiens). It could have been an advanced civilization that came here from another world. The speech and mental centers of the brains of the surviving beings were disrupted by radiation. Man remained at the level of a smarter animal with only one distinct instinct - to survive. A law of nature. This degenerate maybe human and maybe another kind of being from the stars lost their common sense. He ended up in the caves and the age came - zero. What we today call prehistory.

I have no basis for this theory. I'm just trying to look at things around me with different eyes. Not the way we were taught, but the exact opposite. And then, row after row, new and new ways of looking at life on Earth emerge for me. The experts would call me crazy if I

presented them with this kind of vision. I have long since come to terms with it. And at the very end of this stick there is still another insight that can be considered even today about the fact that perhaps the real (actual) world is not the one we see and feel, but just the opposite. It is my only support. Science and school teach us what is appropriate. And the world's most famous book, in turn, describes things from a different perspective. And here I see one catch. Why doesn't it talk about the time before prehistoric times? Dinosaurs, proto- and Mesozoic animals, proto-man, proto-man's life among prehistoric animals of giganticproportions. Why!? Doesn't it suit someone for a different world education? Or perhaps it didn't happen at all? It's a contradiction. It's a skipped passage about the creation of the world. But I'd rather not continue on that topic. It's


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Brandon McYntire
Images: Branko Mateja
Cover: Branko Mateja
Editing: Branko Mateja
Proofreading: Branko Mateja
Layout: 42
Publication Date: 06-21-2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1600-5

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this e-book to all scientists and explorers who will one day decide to visit the Sea Eye and the Vihorlat Forest in Slovakia. Maybe someday someone decides to follow in my footsteps and explore these discoveries.

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