The wind stroke on Cleo's hair, as she looked at the tree's,
“What a wonderful life we live in” she quietly said
she knelt down and touched the ground,
“What lovely grass we have now” she said
She looked across valley and saw her older sister running down the hill
“CLEO!!” she shouted
“Yes?” said cleo
“Mother and father claim you as next queen” she shouted
“They couldn’t have” said cleo
''They did I heard them whispering it” she said
“Doesn’t mean they meant it!” cleo shouted
Cleo's sister Elsie gave cleo an odd face and ran off,
Dear diary-
Please note that I may be the queen of Denmark, which is remarkably terrible! I may leave Denmark in hope that I don't have to be the leader of the free world. I would like Elsie to do it
Yours truly
Cleo Minister
I packed my bags and left and walked up the hill towards the open world, I took one more glimpse at my home, I will miss it, but it will do me good.
I passed the shops mother and father owned, and passed dear old Emerald, the old lady who owned the Tea Leaf shop, she made some money every day and she deserved it,
I passed some people I knew like Camille and Demi, and Gill and juliet.....
Publication Date: 12-26-2013
All Rights Reserved
To Bajan Canadian