Once upon a time, I was walking it was a foggy night and it was dark.
A full moon popped out from behind the clouds, but very little light reached the Earth.
There was wear wolf was chasing me trying to catch me and i was scead and i was running into the grave yard.
Then suddly i fall over the wear wolf was trying to kill me but someone tried helped me
I got up and both of us was running.
they was still chasing us and someone was shooting them then we was safe from them and all the were wolf was all dead.
it was upsetting about it but we was saying thank you to that person we given that some money.
there was spiders was crowling all over me and all the other creaters was crowling over me it was horrible we had a shower it was not nice at all
it was the next day we was tied we was a sleep all day when it turned night time we woked up at night time we was torsty and hungry we went for a we went out to get sank to eat their was nothing to eat we was starthing we walked further we walked every where to find food to eat and to get a drink we fell over something we didn't know at all we was bleeding badly when we foud food we was in gravsend.
it was spensive there but it was nice food we all loved are faimly we missed them but we had bad nowes my mum died we was crying and sad.
we couldent sleep at all we was so upset and we did not eat and drink at all that why
the end
Publication Date: 11-06-2015
All Rights Reserved
it was a nasty night it was foggy night it was horrible night