Who am I?
What has happened to me? What have I become? How did I get here? All these questions were going through my head and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one asking myself these questions. I’m not normal I don’t know who I am anymore, or what I am.
It all happened two weeks ago,
“Amy, breakfast, hurry up you don’t want to be late for school!” mum, has being pestering me for the last hour to get out of the bathroom or hurry up. Getting ready for school is like getting ready to meet Rhiannah or Beyonce!
Finally I was ready for school. I was wearing my black skinny jeans with my purple flats, to match my head band and top. I had a black leather jacket and black purse. Before I stepped out of the house, I had to put on my big, long black jacket and hide my head with a fat black hat.
“Amy, why are you wearing that big jacket? It’s like really hot!” mum didn’t know who I was or what I am, I didn’t either. I’m not a normal person like you; I’m different... much different. But we are about to find out.
I had tanned skin, my eyes were a weird shade of blue, they changed colour every month, contact lenses, my hair is quit long but not as long, I have red wavy hair.
At school, in class, I have to sit next to Scott; he’s a total ass hole. He sits there and picks his nose all lessons and I’m pretty sure he’s pulled a chunk of his brain before! Jess and jasmine, my two best friends... my only friends, came up to me yesterday and told me that Daniel Grind-Hall was single again. He is captain of the foot ball team and is the cutest guy in school. Obviously he wouldn’t go out with a girl like me, I’m in the science team, he’s in the football team, I’m in the maths lead he’s in the basketball team, I’m a geek, he’s a hunk, I’m a loner, he’s popular. You see were I’m going with this.
Tonight I am going to try my move, he is having a party tomorrow at he’s house, of course I’m not invited... yet.
MATHS!!!! One of my best subjects. Why? 1. I sit next to Daniel 2. It’s really fun and 3. I love maths! Then, Miss Robinson, our maths teacher, asks us to work in pairs and find out the area of something. Great, me and Daniel, get to actually talk.
“Ok... Um Ames, you do that and I’ll finish texting yh?
“Uh huh actually it’s Amy,” how stupid am I he gave me a nickname and I just blew it.
Miss asked us to stop what we’re doing, she asked Danielle a question because she caught him texting and she wanted to make sure he was listening.
“Um... 9x23... is it 23?” everyone laughed at that point. Poor guy it’s not his fault he’s not good at maths. I hissed the answer to him, when he told miss my answer, she turned away with a smile on her face. He looked at me and thanked me, then he handed me an envelope from his pocket.
“OMG, he actually handed it to you? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!” I, Jessica and jasmine started jumping up and down screaming. What if it was the invitation to his party? We opened it quickly and, it was, NOT, it was just a silly coupon to some silly restaurant, in AMERICA worst of all, it expired last year, what was this still doing in his pocket?! Well I guess I’ll just have to try in geography.
When it was time for home, Jessica came up to us and told us she found an invitation on the floor, and by that, she means stole from some ones bag whilst they weren’t looking. The invitation said it could bring anyone as long as we brought the invitation with us to get in. I was so excited; I just had to go buy a new outfit.
Today is the day, it’s Saturday morning, and I’m up to get ready for Daniel’s party. I was going to go over to Jessica’s house with Jasmine so we could do our hair make-up and nails. That was going to take us all day, considering we don’t know how to do make up.
8:00pm and were finally ready. Jessica’s mum helped us get ready. Finally my first ever party, how brilliant is this!
I was wearing my brand new sexy chick belly top which was black with funky blue writing, my Minnie black skirt with my blue flats. I curled my hair and put extensions in it to make it look longer and look like a darker red. I did my nails black with blue jewels, Jessica’s mum did them for me.
Finally, Jessica was ready and we set off in her car. I’d say it was tatty but she has a high anger issue so I couldn’t say anything, not only that, she was my ride there and back. When we got there, it was huge, the place was like proper full and half the people there were already drunk.
We stepped foot into the club and it was amazing. We all went to sit down and agreed to stick together no matter what.
After a while, I was alone, you see, at first jess got really drunk within the 10 minutes we were there, her and some guy were hugging, kissing and snoging for a while before they decided to go off into the apartments above the club. I think it’s stupid; who will buy apartments above a night club it’s just idiotic. After half an hour, some guy named Bob, came and took Jasmine to dance and next thing you know, she’s the clubs willingly stripper. But then again I can’t blame here she is drunk. Then that leaves me all alone. I was kind of pissed off with the girls just left me like that. Then this guy came and sat next to me he started putting a move on me then when he leaned in to kiss me, I threw my glass of wine on him. I can’t just kiss him, I barely know him and that will slow my chances with Daniel. I ran outside to get some fresh air. Now I was really angry with the girls, 1. They left me, 2. I just embarrassed myself, which would have never happened if the girls were there. I wandered up the streets then I heard something. I turned the corner and there I saw a group of boys eating something, but I don’t know what some fat blond guy was booking my way. One of them sniffed the air and then turned around really sharp. I just stood there with my skinny legs shivering with fear. They started chasing me down the street I took the wrong turn and I don’t know where I am anymore. The group of boys had me corned. One of them tied me to a tree and started threatening to eat me- I think they were only joking. That was impossible to eat a human being. Or is it?
I woke up the next day in my room, I don’t know whether that was a dream or if it was true but I just don’t remember what happened. My hand was sore and when I looked down, I had red marks on my wrist. My neck had four holes. I didn’t know how to react but I wasn’t the least bit scared. When I went down stairs, everyone was already having breakfast.
“Mum, why didn’t you wake me?” nobody answered me they all just shrugged, I could see Adam (my little brother) sniggering. I sat down at the table and stared at my plate full of sausage bacon egg and toast. For some reason, I wasn’t attracted to that food; my mind was more focused on that smell of sweetness. It seemed to have been becoming from my brother, Adam. Oh no, I keep drooling and all I have on my mind is him. I stormed out of the kitchen quickly and went outside. I went jogging for a bit to get my mind straight.
I was finally alone. In the woods. The whole way there, I kept throwing up. My stomach hurts so much and the people I saw on my way looked so delicious.
When I got home, I decided it was time for a new look, this geeky nerd thing wasn’t working for the new me. I went and borrowed- stole-money from mum, dad and Adam.
I came home with at least fifteen thousand bags. Surprisingly, they weren’t heavy. Mum looked at me so shocked as if I had just robbed the bank.
It was lunch and I told mum not to bother making my food I was going out to fetch my food. She thought I meant fish, so did but my mind had other plans. I was alone in the woods again, at least I think I was, then a guy came towards me, he looked lost, and the next thing I know, I’m half way in his stomach eating away.
I got home later that night, mum and dad were waiting for me, and I think they were going to give me “the talk”
“Honey, are you ok?
“Yh mum I’m fine...” mum and dad exchanged looks of worry. She gave me a fake smile then dad stood up and walked away.
“Are you sure? I mean you’re throwing up lately, you’re not eating anymore and you look kind of pale.” What was mum trying to say, I mean if she wanted to know whether I was pregnant why didn’t she just ask me, which by the way I am NOT. I just stood up, walked away to my room and went straight to bed, without saying a word.
It was school, again! This time my look was completely stitched up and ready to go show off.
I was wearing some black skinny jeans with grey high heels, and I mean high, a white top with black writing on it, a grey and black leather jacket with a hood, black shades, I dyed my hair dark dark purple and had extensions to make it look long and curly.
My skin was now and officially pale, you couldn’t tell who was who between me and the white house, I had heavy eye liner and mascara, black of course, purple lipstick, no blush, no foundation what so ever.
When I got to school, I couldn’t control myself, the people around me smelt so darn good, everyone was staring at me, and by that I mean the good way. In maths, Daniel tried to chat me up. I was so happy. On the inside I was jumping but on the outside, I was like ‘yh cool whatever’.
He asked me out tomorrow night. I couldn’t wait. Of course I had to control myself, he smelt so damn good I just couldn’t help but stroke his neck all the way through maths and geography.
Bella, head cheer leader, also Daniel’s ex-girlfriend, came to have a ‘talk’. I’m guessing the word about me and Daniel spread pretty quickly.
“Look bitch, Daniel is mine so back off. He may have dumped me but trust me he is going to come crawling back!” I didn’t care what she had to say, I just hissed at her my eyes turned orange and my teeth stuck out, all pointy.
At lunch, Jessica and jasmine came to sit with me.
“Heyy where have you been, you never called us after that night, you ok?” I didn’t care what these betrayers had to say, now that I’m popular they come running back like nothing’s changed, well it has, I’m a blood sucking vampire!
“Word on the streets, you’re going out with Daniel tomorrow night, give us the deets!” oh yh I gave them deets, pouring hot cocoa all over them, is that enough deets for ya?
“Have a nice day bitches, oh and by the way, you might wanna add some sugar in that it’s a little... shitty!”
Yes I got into trouble but I didn’t seem to care considering me and the deputy got off to an agreement. Now I’m not in trouble any more, but err, 6he might have trouble digesting he is now what I like to call, under cooked. R.I.P. Mr Wright!
I got home and there was mum ready to blow. She didn’t look happy so I kind of figured it had something to do with school. At this part my heart started to pound, what if someone saw me go in the janitor’s closet with miss and saw me come out alone? Then what, will I have to move to Ohio?
“Ok, I just got a letter from your teacher, your failing your classes, I don’t get it what happened at that party that you’re not telling us? It’s changed you!” mum shook her head in disappointment but I didn’t care. I was so scared but I didn’t show it for some reason.
Adam had his friends over. Michele and Dylan. By the judge of their smells, Dylan was the best. I asked Adam weather he wanted me to take them out for pizza. They agreed willingly after having a huddle to discuss it. Adam and Michele went to the toilet and it was just me and Dylan.
“So you wanna go round the back and ‘talk’?” I nodded happily and we went round the back together holding hands. I came back alone. Adam and Michele were already here. They asked me were Dylan was and I told them that he said he had to go. They fell for it like a dog.
Today is the day; I finally get to go out with Daniel. I can’t wait. I just had to go out for new clothes. I went to Adam to borrow money but he didn’t let me. I begged and begged and still the answer was NO! I got so peed of with him, I couldn’t control myself.
My eyes turned orangey-yellow, my teeth stuck out...pointy, my nails got really sharp, I hissed and I held him against the wall, up high. My voice deepened,
“Give me money otherwise it will be my mum and dad then the question will be, where’s Adam and nobody will ever know!”
I came back before 5:30 so I could get ready. I bought a whole lot of other stuff. When I entered the house, mum dad and Adam were sat on the sofa. Oh no. Adam went and hid behind dad I'm guessing it was for protection.
“You young lady have allot of explaining to do! What have you done to your brother? Just look at his arm, care to explain?” mum was furious. When I held Adam up against the wall, I was holding him up by his hand and I was squeezing it really tight.
“I have nothing to say to you people especially that behind him,” mum and dad’s mouths dropped it was funny.
8:00 and I was ready for my date. I was wearing my white jeans, a red top that said, suck on this; it had a spooky blood theme to it. I was wearing black high hells, my hair was straightened, and I added my black not leather jacket.
Daniel was already down stairs talking to dad about sports. How sweet. At least he made a good impression, not that I cared.
Daniel took me to dinner some were private. He hired a personal chef and waitress. (His brothers and sisters) I didn’t eat my meal because it was spaghetti and garlic source. After our meal, his meal, I was so hungry, but I didn’t care. We went for a walk through the park, but I didn’t want to go on the park, I had other ideas. We went to the woods deep into the forest. We sat there and watched the sun go down. I was waiting for the right time. Apparently, a wolf howls every full moon. Today was that day. As soon as the wolf howled, that's when I made my move.
Finally I'm home. That date was horrible. Well some of it anyway. I was so tired.
“Heyy honey how was your date?” I'm guessing mum wanted to know everything. She had a sheepish grin to the side and her eyes were beady with a mixture of stupidity.
“Sweet heart, you have ketchup on the side of your mouth and the tip of your teeth.” That was embarrassing. The best part of that date was the dessert, of course Daniel won’t think so but others do.
Urghhh school, great. It took me 1 hour to get ready for school. When I was finally ready, I set off with no breakfast. More garlic and mushroom soup. Ewww. I went a different way to school today. I went round the back. My tummy started to rumble again. I was so hungry. I never knew this vampire thing would be so hard. I thought we could still eat all these stuff humans do. I mean garlic was my favourite pizza topping!
I went to jess’s house to see if she was in. I know it was stupid but I had to eat something. Sadly Jess had already left with Jasmine.
“Is it just you then Carole?” that's jesses mums name. She nodded slowly but I didn’t care what evil looks she gave me. I'm not stupid, jess and jasmine obviously told her about what happened at school with the cocoa. I asked if I could come in and she said it wasn’t the right time but I didn’t care I barged in roughly past her. I shut the door quickly closed all the windows turned off all the lights, I tried to put the music on high so no one could hear her muffled screams. The stereo was broken so I just bit her anyway. She screamed until she was completely gone. Poor woman she was nice though. Good thing she rich, because now I can pay everyone I owe money back and I will still have spares to me.
I am ashamed of what I have become and what I do, but I have to eat something I can’t just die. I have allot of things I want to do in life.
I know I have eaten five people, but what am I supposed to do, die? I need help lots of help. It’s not my fault these people smell so good!
I got to school later and of course I got in trouble for being late. But what did I care.
Later in the afternoon, jess got called to the office and she came out 2 hours later crying. I'm guessing the police have found the dead body.
It’s Saturday morning. No school oh yh! I woke up got dressed and went for a run. I got hungry after a while. So I went to grab a bite, or shall I say 2! I didn’t know I was being followed by my brother. So I did the worst thing I could ever do. And no I didn’t bite him, all I did was hide him and tie him up. Of course I don’t think they will suspect it was me. Killing all those bodies and tying up Adam. He would never rat out on me. Especially now he knows what I'm capable of.
I got home after my run. Mum called me to sit down and watch the news. She was calling Adam but he never answered. Mum went upstairs. I sank into my chair and I felt tense inside. Mum and dad thought he must have gone out with his friends. They don’t know the guilt I'm feeling right now.
“Coming up, who is it that is killing the local people in the streets?” mum was shocked she fast forwarded the TV quickly.
“Police have discovered EIGHT bodies in the last 5 weeks. All dead with the same teeth marks on their necks. The holes in their necks were so deep! What is it that is killing all these people? Parents and cares I suggest you keep your children inside safe and sound after 7:00pm, until further notice, unless you know where they are. Thank you and good bye.”
Mum and dad started running around calling all of Adams friends mums. We got a call from Dylan’s mum wondering whether Dylan was here. I felt so ashamed. Mum tried calling Adams phone more than once but it kept saying phone dead. Mum knew something was up.
“Hello 911? Please help me my son is missing.... yes.... calm... uh huh.... 148 Rochdale lanes.... thank you so much!” mum was crying at this point. Dad had gone out to find him in the car. I went up to my room and I sat there with the duvets pulled all the way up to my chin. I was just staring into blank space. All these questions were racing through my head.
What if I get caught? What if I go to prison? What if Adam tells mum and dad what I really am? If he even knows. I kind of figured he would have because I revealed who I was when I went to borrow money. How will mum and dad react? What if the police track my fingerprints? At this point, I was crying into my pillow. Mum came upstairs to comfort me but I didn’t want her too because I know all she will talk about is Adam. Adam this Adam that. I hate how she always talks about him. Why? Every time she always says to me,
‘Why can’t you be more like your brother Adam? We raised you to be a good girl but you let us down look at your brother he got an award from the mayor!’ who cares about what Adam did? I don’t!
Mum wouldn’t leave me alone; all she was talking about was that she knows how Adam wouldn’t just leave without telling her that she knew what the problem was. Obviously not.
“Mum I miss him too, but leave me alone!” mum didn’t leave she thought I still needed comforting. Can she get any dumber? She still wouldn’t leave me. I tried my best to control myself. But I just couldn’t I had to shut her up somehow. Luckily, Aunt Jackie came in. Finally she can take mum away from me. But no Jackie joined in with mums crying and talking about how good Adam was.
“Hello... I'm home, Mary I found Adam!!” Dad found Adam, but how I hid him somewhere nobody would ever go. Great, Adam probably told Dad everything starting from when we were in his room. Mum and Aunt Jackie raced down stairs like a cheetah. I followed far behind walking at least 5seconds slower than a snail.
Yes, I was right; Adam did tell dad what I did to him, who I was, and what I eat considering he saw me in the woods. I had to stop them from telling the police, so I threatened to eat them but they all just started laughing apart from Adam. He knew I wasn’t kidding.
My eyes turned yellow, my teeth stuck out, my nails turned green, my voice deepened and my hair got longer.
“Now, now!!” dad was talking down his shirt
I turned back to me, Amy, and then all these police people came into the house. They crowded me and one police man came towards me with about five others holding guns. The police man was called Tom; I saw it on his name tag. He held my hands behind my back and put hand cuffs on me. I started to cry and told them I was innocent.
“Mum, dad, please you can’t let them do this, Aunt Jackie Adam please I'm innocent!” the police man told me to not say anything otherwise it will harm my defence in court.
Adam and dad were hugging. Mum and Aunt Jackie followed me outside were all the Nabors were watching. Even my friends from school came to watch.
And that's how I ended up here. I couldn’t help myself, it’s not like I asked to be like this, I just wanted to be a normal girl who got to go out with the guy of her dreams. But instead I ended up being a blood sucking animal.
A skinny looking police man came and opened my prison gate. He had his big gun pointed out to me; I was so sick and tired of people treating me like I was vicious or deadly. I hadn’t eaten in about a month, all they keep giving me is garlic and mushroom soup, and I can tell Adam had been talking to the chief because he is the only one that knows I hate garlic and mushroom soup.
“Amy, their ready for you,” I had to go into court, I was pleading bale. The judge said I was mad and that I was wasting his and my time asking for bail. He said that he would rather die than let me out. I didn’t have a lawyer defending me because I got hungry. The police man who came to get me told me that tomorrow they will take me out. At first I thought he meant I was free but obviously not. They took me in a police car. They made me wear a white jump suit that had the arms folded all the way to my back. There were two police men at the front, and two at the back with me. They drove me to a church. It looks familiar; of course it’s where I got christened when I was a baby. I walked in and everyone was there, mum, dad, Adam, Aunt Jackie, Uncle Phillies, Grandma Betty and even Grandpa Joe! He doesn’t like walking at all so I wonder how they go him out of the house. There were allot of news reporters, journalists and I knew most of them.
I was charged with murder which would have given me 17 years in prison but the fact that I was a blood sucking vampire, the judge gave me death. He said he didn’t want to risk anyone else’s life. They put me in an electric chair. Adam was crying, mum was crying even auntie, uncle, grandpa and grandma were crying, but dad, he just looked disappointed.
“guys, please stop crying, I deserve what I'm getting, don’t worry I haven’t left you guys, I'm always going to be here watching you, even when you’re in a tough situation, I will always do what I can, I will even talk to god an-” some stupid police man interrupted me,
“Where you’re going young lady there will be no god, it’s just going to be a HELL lot of fire!” he started laughing but I didn’t care, were ever I was whether I was looking up at mum and dad or down, I will still be protecting them.
The police man kept making snide comments about me I got so angry I hissed at him, my eyes turned yellow, my teeth stuck out and I broke out of my white jumpsuit. I ran for it towards that stupid police man, I laid my teeth onto his neck but I stopped.
“Stop, move away from his neck, or else I will kill you!!” I backed off, even though that bullet couldn’t kill me, I'm a vampire not an animal, there is only a few ways to kill me,
1) Stab a stake right in the middle of my heart,
2) pour holy water onto me,
3) set me on fire,
I'm pretty sure that there is more but those are all I know. These people chose the most painful death for me; they poured holy water onto me, which will take 10 minutes for me to die in pain, not only that, they also set me on fire which will now take 6 minutes for me to die. I managed to get in a few words before I turned into ashes,
“I............... love..................... you............ don’t..........forget..............m...”
That was it, I was gone. Just like that, I can’t believe it, I'm pretty sure they will all miss me, I hope they don’t forget me but I wouldn’t blame them if they wanted to move on. The police man was right, were I went there was no god, only it was kind of better, it was vampire hell, and by that I mean hell for those humans who didn’t do good things when they were alive, but on the other hand, it was vampire heaven for us. We got all the blood we wanted. Also, I was looking up at mum and dad, but, my vampire god............. oh no, I can’t tell you too much otherwise I will have to kill you too!
Do you want to know what happens to Amy? well take a peek inside this peek and you will find out.
Best selling aurthor in disguise... here are my other books:
the girl next door
my terrible life
<3 xx
Publication Date: 11-26-2011
All Rights Reserved