History of Kaeleyna
The story begins with a woman, her name Leyna Valla. She began the Kaeleyna Empire many years ago it was a peaceful Empire loved by all who lived there. A neighbouring Empire, (Leyna's home before Kaeleyna) was attacked by a group called the ancients. The Ancients were a large group and were very powerful. There tore the place apart wrecking havoc and spreading fear and destruction throughout the lands. Hearing the cries of her people Leyna and her Love set out to destroy the ancients once and for all and unite both lands.
With her Best friend and her sister Amalthea at her side, They triumphed against the ancients and the Land of Valla was born. The people rejoiced and Leyna and Beast became the Empires rulers. With a gentle but firm hand the empire prospered. Its people growing by day and the lands becoming greater.
Many years passed and Amalthea's powers grew stronger, stronger than could ever be imagined. Any in her presence would see a warm glow and feel loved and brave around her, In time the people grew fond of her. She wasn't just there Priestess. She was there faithful guardian and protector.
Leyna seeing her sisters love and powers grow and the love she had for the people and the people for her. Leyna and the Beast had decided. Decided it was time for the Empire to be split into 2. A new empire to Branch of from the Vallan one and to be ruled by none other than Amalthea herself.
Many attended her coronation and were delighted to be chosen to start this new empire under the rule of Amalthea. Kaeleyna was then ressurrected and slowly began to become an empire of its own. Because of the Closeness of Leyna and Amalthea the empires became a great success and were widely know for there kindness and places of sanctuary for all, but most of all the story of the ancients grew far and wide. Many feared Amalthea and Leyna wrath. They knew that if at any way they felt there empire was being threatened all it would take is one empire to strike out and the threat will be removed quickly.
After a short period of time Thomas Cale. Amaltheas first love came across the lands of Valla to which Amalthea was visiting. Cale walked through the Palace rose gardens where he laid eyes on his beloved smiling and laughing with Leyna and her family. At first Amlathea began to attack him. But upon realising who he was she was thrilled to be reunited once more.
Unfortunately it would be a reunion that was short lived. A curse had been placed on the beast. A curse that he would harm someone close to him. Unbeknowing to most of them Cale was the one he had hurt and he the end had dutifully killed. Losing her love once more had sent Amalthea into a breakdown. Her anger and hatred was fulled by shadow demon and in the ruins of the ancients the beast and her fought. Leyna tried her best to reach out to her friend Amalthea and stop her from hurting the beast. After she had finally got through Amalthea began to grieve. Grieve for the her love that was now lost. Grieve for the damage her actions had done to the Vallan Lands. She Fled to the Kaeleyna Empire and returned to her duties. She never spoke about that time with anyone. But of course Rumours spread throughout the land.
One dark night as Amalthea was looking out at the night sky and was talking to her love. A messenger sent word to Amalthea of creatures attacking the Vallan Lands, The royal family and the people that was left were forced to fled to the ruins of the ancients and live in the tunnels. Fearing for her beloved sister Amalthea ordered her people to go to the Vallan Lands and get who they can out and give them sanctuary in her Empire. She ordered her borders to be closed. Double the guards at night and only allow citizens of Kaeleyna and Valla in. Amalthea on her most trusted steed. Left her Royal Advisor in charge of the Empire while she went in search of her sister.
After searching many days and nights she finally came across the ruins of the ancients and was reunited once more with Leyna and Beast. Unbeknowing to her that the Beast had been trying to ressurrect her love and had succeeded. There in the ruins stood her love Cale and once more they were reunited for good. Leyna and Beast had them marry quickly.
The demons that had them trapped were called the Wraiths. They came out at night and could drain you of your soul with one look. One scratch of them would turn you into one of them.
Trapped in the ruins at night Amalthea began to grow weak. She was an Elemental she needed to be free and able to roam around the lands at night to keep up her strength. But with the wraiths around at night it was impossible. It was also at this time Amalthea found out she was pregnant.
One Terrifying night. The Wraiths had found a way into the Caverns killing and maiming all that were there. Leyna and Beast grabbed there children and Fled. Cale grabbed Amalthea and fled to the Kaeleyna Empire... Only to find that it too had fallen. The Royal Advisor hadn't heeded Amaltheas warnings and the wraith attacked the empire killing all that was there... In tears and trapped in her Royal courtyard Amalthea saw a small Fountain that statue was flattened. Grabbing Cale, they both stood on the statue and she turned them both into Marble. Preserving both his and her unborn childs life aswell as her own. The elements began to protect the kaeleyna lands. By protecting the statue and its buildings by covering itself with Thorn bushes. If any Wraith appeared on its lands. the bushes would revolt and kill thw wraiths by holding them until it was daylight letting the light touch the wraiths. The sunlight would burn the wraiths skin and turn them into ash.
No one knew what happened to Leyna and her family and in time the Kaeleyna lands were forgotten. But the elements knew. They remembered. There love for Amalthea would stay with them for all eternity and they intended to keep her and her own Lands protected.
Slowly but surely 2 clans came to live on the lands. The Scarletti's and Belandrakes. There used to be a time where they lived in harmony and then all of a sudden a curse was placed over the Scarlettis. The information to what had happened became lost. But the rift still lives on.
Situated in the the grounds of the forgotten palace of Kaeleyna stands a marble statue. The statue has a pregnant woman clinging onto a man her eyes are wide and filled with panic. The man eyes are looking at the woman, they are full of love and protection. On hand rests on her stomach while the other is wrapped around her. Around her finger glistening in the sunlight is the Vallan Ring of the Ancients. Theses statues have a thorn bush wrapped around them protectively. The sharp thorns only growing out towards the world. It appears that no thorns are touching the pair.
A large gust of wind blows around the couple rustling the thorns and the leaves. The Palace and its grounds were still standing as they were over 200 years ago. The only difference was that nature had taken over and protected its secrets. Every one thought they were a myth, a creation of a bored person who decided to fill his life with riches and power.... how wrong they were.... The Vallans were real, Each ancient had fled to different lands to hide themselves from the dark creatures which threatened there exact existance.
Amalthea and her Love returned to Kaeleyna and with her power she turned them both into the strongest marble making them statues in there own palace yard. It was the only way she knew that would protect her love and there unborn child. And now here they are 200 years later. Still in the same position that saved there very existance waiting for the day someone would restore the Vallan name.
Back at the Kaeleyna Palace an unusual wind kicked up again, blowing through the streets making the leaves and bushes move fast and furious. Sticks would bash against the rooftops and windows of the houses that reside there.
The marble statue still glistens in the sunlight the same sombre face on the woman and the same love expression on the male. The only thing that seemed to change was the ring. It seemed to emit a small pink glow. The glow seemed to trigger the nature around making it more protective of the statue making the thorns more sharper than ever.
There in the distance, a hooded figure looks to the statue. Tending to stick to the statues it edges as close as it can to the statue. Trying to get as close as it possibly can. A small screech can be heard which startles the wildlife around him making them move fast away from the sound.
As the hooded figure moved close and reached his green, knobbly claw-like hand to the statue the thorns begin to attack. Wrapping themselves around his arm allowing the thorns to pierce his skin and allow a grey-like gunk flow out of his arm.
The hooded figure screeches out in pain. The more he struggles to get his arm free the tighter the grip the bush had on the hooded figure until the branch tugged at him and made him stand in direct sunlight.....
With one loud scream the hooded figure looked up to the sun, his face distorted, there were no eyes just deep black pits where they should be. Instead of a nose it was just a large round hole. His mouth was watering. Slowly but surely his solumn green face began to match the black pits in his face. He was slowly burning, slowly turning into ash.
It's night in the grounds of Kaeleyna Palace, hooded cloaks seemed to take over the grounds many screeching and holding onto wounds that they gotten from the nature around them. There seemed to be a leader amongst the groups he stood higher than the rest and was much taller than the others. The wraiths seemed to look up to him but no sound escaped the hole that would appear to be his mouth. He seemed to just point and the wraiths understood him.
The statue was covered fully with the thorns. Each thorn growing in length to protect its beloved child. The thorns took a life of its own each branch moving like an arm in attempt to grab the wraiths and hurt them. But the wraiths were getting clever. They began to learn to dodge and attack the plants. One wraith even thought fire might help. But more fool him. This seemed to piss off nature more and made the thorns even more deadlier. A burning bush of thorns. This seemed to have injured more wraiths. As when the fire took hold of there cloaks that was the last you saw of them. The would then become a becon of light and as soon as the fire started it stopped. Leaving ashes floating through the air.
The Leader was getting annoyed. They had this land for over 200 years. But yet have never truly conquered it. Mother Nature herself protected these lands and she hated what the wraiths had done... She was fighting back and she always won....
With the wraiths crowded in the central square away from the Statue the leader began to point a lot more towards the wraiths. Giving orders it would seem to the wraiths below him.
In the shadows bright eyes began to form and a small growl escaped from a jaw full with sharp teeth and fangs. Mother nature has decided that inorder to get her land back to how it was when Amalthea was in rule she needed to play nasty. In order to play nasty she had to turn to the darkness, and turned to the Darkness she did.
She called upon the Gmork, and gave him a mission to kill all the wraiths. But with the Gmork being born of darkness could easily turn against Mother Natures wishes and help the wraiths rather than hinder them. But it was a risk she was willing to make. The Gmork looked upon the wraiths and watched them from afar. Watching and waiting until the moment was right to strike.
Publication Date: 12-03-2011
All Rights Reserved
To my Daughter and Fellow Friends who helped me develop this idea into a book.