

I’m Krystal I am emo and this story I’m going to go through my life and explain my life. I haven’t had the easiest life but my boyfriend Sean has helped me through a lot of it. Let me describe my self I have short black hair with side bangs that cover my left eye and I hide behind it a lot it goes all the way down to my chin. I usually wear black and only have dark colors mostly black and red. I mostly shop at Hot Topic which is a gothic store in my town.


Me and Sean hadn’t hung out in a while so one day after school we decided to hang at the park. So I meet him at the park in just a long sleeve shirt and pants. It was spring and warm but Sean was still wearing a sweater. Then we sat on a bench it got late and cold. I was really wishing that I had wore a sweater. Sean gave me his sweater. Then he walked me home all the way to the door. Gave me a kiss and a hug and said good bye. That night we were talking on the phone and I heard the door to my house. So I told Sean “Hold on I will be right back”. He said “Ok”. I walked down the stairs slowly and the next thing I hear is my moms boyfriend he was drunk and yelling and screaming at her. As I turned to go back upstairs he grabbed my arm and said your not going any where. All I said was “what did I do” and he said “you’re the whole problem.” I started screaming as he hit me and Sean was listening. All he could hear was my screaming and my mom yelling at him to stop and he was crying on the other end of the phone. Once he was done with me I went up stairs I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear and said “Hello” while I was still crying curled up in a ball on the floor and Sean said “Krystal are you okay what happened” all I could do was cry and he said “I’m here for you” “I love you” I said. Then I heard some one coming up the stairs I said “I have to go I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” It was my brother he came in saw me and picked me up off the floor and hugged me while I cried. My brother took me to the bathroom and cleaned me up. He said “If I had been here I would have kicked his ass”.


We moved to Fairhaven when I was in 3rd grade. We moved cause my mom and dad got divorced. So we moved to my moms hometown and the thing is that my mom hasn’t had the best luck with men her most resent is an abusive alcoholic. So I have a sister who is 11 and going on 12 and in 7th grade she skipped 4th grade. My brother Jeremy is 17 and a junior in High School. He has always been there for me we have a very strong bond and he was the first one to except the way I changed when I started to be come emo. My sister left and went to live with my father after my moms first abusive boyfriend and I saw the way it hurt my mom I couldn’t do it. Jeremy has watched my moms boyfriends abuse us and they don’t go after him because he is closer to their level. After my brother first attacked my moms current boyfriend when he went to hit me he will not come near me or my mom when my brother is home. He knows my brothers schedule and comes around always drunk when he isn’t home.


“Hey!” I screamed as I saw my best friend Kayla standing at the front of the school. She looked at me and said “Oh my god what did he do to you” because I hadn’t put my make up on my lip so she could see it. I have told her about this and she knows what my moms boyfriends do to me. I ways looking down not answering so then she changed the subject saying “So how’s Sean.” I said “He’s fine thanks for asking.” I went through school in a blur. I was kind of distracted by everything that had happened last night. When I got out I ran home. Right when I got home I called Sean. I asked him if he wanted to hang out he said “Sure.” He asked “My house, park or your house.” I said “How about your house is your mom home?” “Yes she is”, he said. “Cool I will be there in 30 minutes okay”, I said. “Aw, but I can’t wait that long” he said. “Ha ha very funny see you in 30 minutes”, I said. “Sure” he said. When I got there we went into his room and he just held me and I had taken off my make up and he looked at my face and he said “How could someone do this to you I just want to kill him” and I started crying and he held me while I cryed and soaked his shirt. He comforted me saying “Its going to be okay.” He pulled down my arm warmers cause he knows when I wear them I've been cutting. He looks at the fresh cuts and just keeps telling me “Its going to be okay”. I went home and my brother was home so I knew that tonight I would not have to worry. Actually I met Sean through my brother.

How I met Him

My brother and his best friend hooked me and Sean up. Sean is Jeremy’s best friend’s little brother. I thought it was going to be horrible going on a blind date especially because I was emo and I didn’t know how he was going to react to that. Jeremy had told me many times that he wasn’t going to react badly. Also I wasn’t really sure about going on a blind date to a high school dance. But I had talked to him on-line and he seemed nice. So his mom picked me up and when he came to the front door and I opened it and he had long straight black hair and was dressed in all black we just clicked like we were supposed to be together, Sean skipped 6th grade so he is in 9th grade. We went to the dance and had an awesome time and Jeremy was there and said “See I told you he wouldn’t react badly.” me and Sean danced the whole time then he took me home its funny looking back how I thought that he would react.

The First Kiss

He called me the next day and asked if I wanted to go to the movies.
“Hey” Sean said
“Um.. Ya… can you go to the movies tonight at 6:00”
“Hold on let me ask my mom.” I said.
“My mom said okay but I have to be home for 10:30.”
“Okay, see you at 6:00.”
“Love you”
“Love you, too, bye”

“Hey” He said when he picked me up “You look beautiful.” “Thanks” I said blushing, he laughed. We went to see The Last Night. Then on the way home we talked. “So what High School are you planning on going to?” he said.
“Oh well I don’t know I applied to Voch but I might go to FHS.”
“You better go to FHS so I can see you more. Just kidding.”
“I probably am going to FHS.”
Then his mom said, “Krystal, we’re at your house.” “Oh, thanks.” Then Sean said “I’ll walk you to the door.” He walked me to the door he gave me a hug and then we looked into each others eyes and he kissed me on the lips. When I walked in I was so excited but that excitement soon left when I walked into thee house and saw my moms drunk boyfriend walk through the back door yelling at me. “What the hell were you doing out with that emo kid, I told you if I ever saw you with him again you were going to get it.” all I could do was sit there and cry while he beat me my brother walked in the front door and saw it he said “You sun of a bitch get the hell off of her” he turned around and the next thing I know he’s on the ground cause my brother knocked him out with one punch. Jeremy picked me up still crying and brought me to the bathroom and cleaned me up. He put me in my room I grabbed my cell phone and called Sean. He answered “hello” sounding tired.
All I can do is cry, he said “Oh my god what happened”
I told him everything.
He said “I’m coming over right now is he still there”
“No he left after he woke up from my brother knocking him out”
“I’ll be right there”
I went right to Jeremy and I told him Sean is coming over is that okay cause my mom was at work. He said “Sure that’s fine.” it didn’t take Sean that long to get here because he lived 3 houses down. He rang the door bell I answered and he grabbed me and held me we walked in the house and went into my room. He held me and let me cry and he just sat there and didn’t know what to do. He had to go because we had school in the morning and as we were walking down the stairs my moms boyfriend walked in and saw us just as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He said “How dare u bring that boy into my house”
“Ha this ain’t your house its my mothers, you just bum off of us.”
“What did u just say to me”
“You heard me I said you’re a bum”
He slapped me so hard across the face that I went flying into the wall. I mean I only way like 95 pounds and I'm only 5 ft. He was a little stunned because Sean punched him across the face. He looked at Sean like I can’t believe u just did that. Sean said “Don’t you ever touch her again, or else”
“Or else what”
“You’ll have to deal with me”
“Ha I’m not scared of you”
Now Jeremy was down stairs he saw me and Sean and said “Get the hell out of this house and never come back.” He left but I knew it wouldn’t be long that he would come back. Sean picked me up and held me and said “I got to go home but I will walk you home from school tomorrow.” I said “Okay”

Chapter 7

I went to school and Kayla could tell something was wrong cause I was detached but she didn’t say anything. I walked out of school with my head down and Sean was waiting for me he hugged me pulled up my head and gave me a kiss. Then he put his arm around me and we started walking home when I was with him I felt like my self. I wasn’t afraid he walked me home and we hung out there till 5 when he said I got to go home before my mom gets worried. He said “I’ll call you as soon as I get home” but as soon as he was out the door I went into the bathroom and grabbed my knife and started cutting myself. 3 cuts on each arm then my brother knocked on the door I said ill be right out, as I came out I had cleaned my mess but he looked at me with that look of I know what you were doing and I disapprove. Then he grabbed my arms and pushed up my sleeves. He looks at the cuts still bleeding and says “Why do you keep doing this.” So I told him “it’s the only thing that makes me feel better” he just looked at me as I pulled my arms away and went into my room. Right then my cell rang as I went to go get it Jeremy grabbed it first and said Sean please talk to her about cutting herself. He hands me the phone I give him that look like really now. So I took the phone and said “Hello”
He said “Hi what is wrong”
“Obviously something is wrong if you’re cutting your self today”
“Please can we leave it alone”
“Sure no problem”
“Anyways” he says “do you want me to walk you home again tomorrow”
“Sure” I say
For the rest of the week im not my self and Kayla can tell and Sean walked me home every day then finally on Monday Kayla says “What the hell is up with you.” “Nothing” I say looking down at the floor. “Don’t lie to me I can tell something is wrong”
“Well I told u what happened last week, right”
“Yea but what does that have to do with anything.”
“I just cant get the fact that I know he’s going to come back and I don’t want him and Sean going at it I’m dreading it.”
“Don’t worry.”
“But you know me I cant help but worry”
“I know but I’m sure if u told Sean not to do anything he wouldn’t I know.”
“Thanks you’re the best”
“No Problem.” We hugged and I went to go meet Sean out side so he could walk me home once again this eventually became a routine.

His Return

Sean walked me home like any other he has to go home early. So he called me.
“Hey” he said
“What is going on with you, you seem a little down.”
“Well I …..I … know how you said if Ron came back and ever touched me again, he would have to deal with you.”
“Yea what does that have to do with this.”
“I’m worried.”
“About what”
“I’m afraid that when he comes back and touches me again, your going to get hurt by trying to protect me.”
“That…” he started
“and I don’t want that, please promise that you wont go after him.”
“Please promise me.”
“Fine I promise”
“Thanks, I got to go. I love you”
“I love you, too”

It’s Saturday I wake up knowing something bad is going to happen. So I get up take a shower and get dressed. Then I call Sean and ask him to come over. He said “Yea I’ll be right there.” We sat on the couch and he held me and said “So what’s going on.”
“Well I got excepted to Voch.”
“Oh, I thought you were going to FHS.”
“Well I don’t know, I was trying to decide looking at all my options”
“Well I’ll be happy with your decision”
“Aw, thanks your awesome”
He kissed me once, then again, now we are pretty much full blown making out on the couch. About 2 minutes in Jeremy walks in with Sean’s brother Caden. And Jeremy is like “Whoa, excuse me.” We stopped and both blushed. Then all of a sudden Caden says “Dude you were getting some serious lip action” then Jeremy hit him. “Owww what was that for.” “Um well that’s my little sister.” “and so what that’s my little brother…… ohhhhhh never mind I get it.” “Yeaaaa.” Jeremy was giving us that look of I’m going to kill you. I was still blushing then Caden says “Dude we got to go mom is having a family dinner tonight.” Sean says “Uggghhhh really well bye, I love you.” he kissed me and left. I was sitting in my room listen to my I-pod when I heard the door open and close I knew Jeremy had left for work and my mom had come home earlier and she was asleep so I went down stairs to see who it was. It was Ron he saw me and pulled me down to the floor my mom woke up but couldn’t do anything to stop him so he beat me and kept saying “no ones here to protect u any more, where’s that boyfriend of yours he’s not here to protect you.” he finally stopped cause my brother was going to be home soon. As soon as he left I called Sean crying.
“Hello” he said
“Hi” I said still crying
“Oh my god what happened Krystal what’s wrong”
“He came back he just left but he beat me for like 2 hours can u come over”
“Well some of the family is still here but they are leaving in 10 minutes can u wait that long”
“Yea I can Jeremy will be home soon so just call when you are on your way”
Ten minutes went by I was in my room and he called.
“I’m right outside”
“Ok I will be right there”
I went down stairs and opened the door and went right into his arms crying and he held me. He picked me up, since I only weighed about 89 pounds, and held me crying and carried me to my room sat on my bed holding me. Jeremy came home and checked on me. Sean was still holding. I had calmed down but I was still crying and Jeremy asked what happened so Sean told him for me and Jeremy looked at my face which I had cleaned up and my cheek was bruised and my lip and eyebrow had cuts on them. Then he picked up my hand and saw that my knuckles were cut up and he asked me how that happened and I said I tried to fight back but he held my arms down. He said I’m going to go to my room now. So I sat there and cried myself to sleep in Sean’s arms and he put me on the bed with a note and told me to call him when I woke up in the morning.

As soon as I woke up on Sunday I called him.
“Hey” he said
“Hey sorry about last night”
“Don’t worry about it wasn’t your fault and I wanted to be there for you”
“Well thank you I really needed you and I’m glad you were there”
“You don’t have to thank me Krystal I love you and wanted to be there”
“Well still and I love you too”
“So anyways I was thinking about Voch and maybe going there but I don’t know I really want to go to FHS so I can see u and it’s a really hard decision to make”
“I know it is but do what u think is best for you”
“Well right now I think that FHS would be best for me”
“Well as long as I’m not the reason I don’t want u to regret it”
“Its not just because of you but your a plus”
“Well I got to go my mom needs help ok I love you”
“I love you too”


So the school year comes and goes now its summer. Ron hasn’t come back yet but that doesn’t mean anything and it worries me because he could come back at anytime. I have good days and bad days when I think about it and Sean tries to help but what can he really do except be there for me. Well on a good note its our 6 month anniversary and Sean is taking me out to a fancy restaurant. The restaurant is beautiful its got chandeliers around every corner and people in suits that look like they are there on business and some couples all dressed up on a date. I highly doubt they see many couples like me and Sean here but I think all they care about is the money we bring in.
“hey babe, can u afford this?” I asked
He looked at me and rolled his eyes “would I take u here if I couldn’t” he said with a smirk.
I gave him a kiss and the waiter came and showed us to our table.
I look at the menu and then at Sean I whisper to him “I don’t know what half of this stuff is”
He says “I’ll order for u my mom took me here once when my dad died to try and make me feel better.”

Seans dad had died about 3 years ago and Sean was devastated I remember Caden coming over in tears and Jeremy trying to console him. that’s what really sent Sean down the road to becoming emo he couldn’t take the pain. His dad had been working on construction when a tree limb got in the way. His dad climbed up like he had done plenty of times before and cut down the limb. On the way down his equipment got caught on the bark of the tree. He tried to wiggle it free not knowing that the spot he was on was weak due to tree rot the tree started to crack and Sean’s dad tried to break free but it was to late he was falling with the rest of the big oak tree following. When he hit the ground the tree landed on top of him breaking his ribs and crushing his lungs. His coworkers tried to pick the tree up off of him but it was to heavy. They called an ambulance but by the time it got there it was too late he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Sean had a slight frown on his face I looked at him gave him a cheesy smile he laughed and kissed me. The waiter came over and Sean ordered Chicken Cordon Bleu which is ,thin slices of chicken stuffed with cheese and ham and then sautéed. It was actually very good. The best part of the night was when Sean pulled out a box and handed it to me it was a necklace, it had a heart with the date we started going out inscribed on it ,it was beautiful. I was speechless which is very hard cause I’m a very talkative person. I put it on as soon as I opened it. I kept staring at it and playing with it ,it was silver with a thin gold trim and a silver chain.

When we left the restaurant we went back to his house we were in his room laying on his bed when my phone rang it was my brother he was on his way home from work so he said that he would pick me up in like 20 minutes to be ready. I cuddled up on Sean’s shoulder and said “I don’t wanna leave I wish I could just lay here with u for ever”
“me too then I would know that u were always safe and no one could hurt u.”
I smiled and kissed him and we started to make out for a little while when my brother texted me and said I’m outside. I gave Sean one more kiss and left.

The rest of the summer was pretty uneventful. We still haven't heard anything from or seen Ron. Maybe he got the hint. I doubt it though, I pretty much hung out with Sean all summer and we r going shopping soon for everything I’m gunna need for freshman year I’m getting more and more nervous as it gets closer and closer to the end of august. But I’m going to FHS so me and Sean will b together and I will never have to b alone. I really do love him I don’t know what I would do with out him in my life.

The First Day

I’m lying in my bed just listening to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance, my favorite band of all time, just trying to clear my head it’s the night before my first day of high school. All I keep thinking about is, is everyone going to like me or are they going to hat me. What are the upper class men going to do I’ve heard a couple of horror stories of them being really mean to the freshman because they are “fresh meat”. My phone vibrates it’s a text from Sean it says:
Sean- I know your still up its 10 go to sleep you have a big day tomorrow.
Me- I can’t sleep I’m too nervous what if they don’t like me, what if I forget something.
Sean- Krystal stop worrying so much everything is going to be fine, don’t worry about what others are gunna think of you, what they think doesn’t matter you’re perfect in my eyes <3…and I helped you pack your bag this afternoon you have everything you need for your first day…now go to bed…goodnight beautiful..I love you <3
Me- Goodnight handsome…I love you more <3 :P
I finally fall asleep and 6am comes way to fast, but as soon as that alarm clock goes off I jump out of bed I’m excited. I go through my clothes that we bought I pick out black leggings, my new black and red checkers skirt, and a black tank top, I ass the necklace Sean got me, I wear it every day, and my red and black studded bracelet and my band bracelets separating them between my arms, they hide the most noticeable scars. I head to the bathroom tease my hair a little add a red bow and straighten my bangs. As I begin to put my make up on Jeremy begins to bang on the door I hear him yell “Come one Krystal you’ve been in there for 20 min I need to shower.” I yell back “10 more minutes I’ll be right out. And if you needed to shower you should have got up earlier.” He replies “Yea just HURRY UP please.” I put on my foundation then some light blush and lastly red eye shadow and black eye liner a thick line on the top and bottom. I don’t look half bad if I do say so myself.
I walk out of the bathroom at 6:35 and Jeremy runs in and shuts the door I just chuckle. I go down stairs to the kitchen and my mom is at the table drinking her coffee and eating a bagel. You can hear Good Morning America on the TV in the living room. I go to the fridge and grab an apple out as I’m about to bite into Sean comes up behind me picks me up and spins me while whispering in my ear “Good morning beautiful.” As soon as I’m safely back on the floor I turn around to see him he’s wearing black and gray checkers shorts with a black tee- shirt and black vans. I say “ well good morning handsome” and I go on my tip toes to give him a kiss so he picks me up and kisses me and then Caden and Jeremy walk in and say at the same time “EWWWW” then Jeremy continues “please no tongue this early in the morning” Sean sets me back on my feet as I begin to blush. “Ok let’s got its 6:45 and I wanna get to school by 7” Jeremy says. So we all head to the door, Jeremy is going to drive all of us to school since Caden has yet to get his license he went twice and failed plus we all go to the same school so it’s easier. I grab my back pack and go to Jeremy’s car sliding into the back with Sean.
We pull up to the school and park, Sean and I begin to walk up the front steps and this group of guys and a couple girls wave at him and he heads over. I try to hide behind him but they notice me and our entwined hands and Sean's friend says “ and who is the little cutie trying to hide behind you” as he chuckles. I peek from around Sean to look at him as I blush. Sean says “this is Krystal my girlfriend” the boy looks at me shocked and says “dude you said she was cute but you didn’t mention she was like on fire hot too. By the way I’m Mason nice to meet you Krystal.” He smiles at me this gorgeous smile and shakes my hand. The girl next to him says “I’m Zara Mason’s twin sister, and this is my boyfriend Zayden.” I go to shake her hand and she pulls me into a hug I’m a little caught off guard but I return the hug, she then says “I feel like I know you already the way this kid over here talks about you” as she playfully punches Sean in the arm. A few jocks walk by and say “Ohh look at the new freshman emo, she pretty hot” Sean puts his arm around me as Mason and Zara both flip them off. Sean whispers in my ear “Don’t worry about them.” I hear this lady saying “freshman to the left all others to the right.”
That’s when I turn around and I see Kayla I wave and smile at her, she looks at me gives me a disgusted look and flips her hair and turns back to the group of girls that she was talking to. That’s when I notice she’s wearing a tight pink skirt with a frilly white shirt and pink high heels and the worst thing of all she’s bleach blonde. Oh no my best friend is a popular this can’t be happening what am I gunna do without her I told her everything. Sean notices my head go down he looks at what I was and so does Mason and Zara. Sean gasps and then says “ Babe don’t worry about it she’s not worth your time.” I look up at him with tears threatening to over flow my green eyes and say “but…she was my best friend” Sean pulls me into a hug and Zara and Mason finally understands. Zara puts a hand on my shoulder and says “you have a new befriend” I give her a confused look and she exclaims “ME silly” and I smile and give her the biggest hug which she gladly returns.
I give Sean a kiss as I go to the left and he went to the right. I picked up my temporary id with my name and the black school lanyard on it and got my schedule locker number and lock. I went to find my locker and I found it and opened it and put the lock hanging on the outside I looked at my schedule and was putting the stuff I didn’t need till after lunch in it when someone put their hands over my eyes and pulled me close to their chest I could tell it was a guy and I said “Sean?” and he lets go and chuckles turn around and hug him. Then he says guess what locker is mine I look at him with hope in my eyes and he points to the one to the left of me. The biggest smile spreads across of my face. And then he opens it and the first thing I see is the picture of us last year at the dance and I looked at him and said “Aww I love that pic” and then I put up the one of us this summer into my locker. I look to my right and 3 lockers down I see Kayla she looks my way and laughs with the other girls next to her. I frown and then Zara comes next to me and says “Hey, locker neighbor.” I look at her and I’m just like yes in my head I’m so excited my locker is next to the best people. Then mason goes next to Sean and Zayden next to Zara, the whole gang has lockers right next to each other this is going to be awesome. Sean says to me “let me see your schedule.” I give it to him and he says “ooo you have Rodney for homeroom she’s really big on not being tardy, I’ll walk you there.” he grabs my hand, I close my locker and lock it and we walk down the hall. When we reach the class he picks me up kisses me and then I walk into the room and sit at the desk that has papers with my name on them which means I’m in the front sense my last name is Abrantes and this girl who is emo like me sits next to me. She looks at me says “Hi, I’m sky” I say “Hi, I’m Krystal.” And we hit off talking like we had been friends for ever and we had our first 3 classes together. The first 2 were normal with a syllabus and teachers talking then we headed off to biology.
As me and sky walk into biology I see him turned around sitting on a desk talking to mason and Zara so I come up behind and put my hands over his eyes he’s caught by surprise and he’s says “I have no clue who this is” and Mason and Zara giggle so I move my hands and look around him and he’s says “Krystal what are you doing in a sophomore biology class” as he hugs me. I look at him and say “I’m just that smart” with a smile and he says “good what class do you have after this and I say “lunch” “yes so do all of us” he exclaims. Thank god I won’t have to sit alone or look around awkwardly for a place to sit. Then I go to say hi to Zara and mason and introduce them to sky and I see mason practically drooling over sky who is looking down blushing. Zara waves a hand in front of his face and brings him back to reality. Then he says quietly to me “who’s the hottie you walked in with” that causes Zara and Sean to finally turn and look at sky who is as red as a tomato. I say “This is sky, she’s in my homeroom and 5 out of 6 of my classes. Sky this is Mason, his twin sister Zara and my boyfriend Sean” as I point to each one of them. Zara waves and smiles Sean says “Hello” and for the first time since I’ve meet him I think Mason is speechless until he finally stutters “Hhh..iii.” Sky waves and smile at all of them chuckling at Mason.
The teacher walks in and says ok everyone please sit down so me and Sean sit in the middle together. Mason then asks sky to sit next to him and she gladly accepts sitting behind me and Zara gives this disgusted look and sits in front of me and Sean she turns and whispers “what the hell, whenever we have classes together Mason and I always sit together and now she’s here and that changes. UGGHHH.” She turns back around and crosses her arms over her shoulders I give Sean a weary look and he whispers “don’t worry she’s just jealous she’ll get over it don’t worry” I smile at him and he kisses my forehead that’s when we hear her, she whistles and says “looks like emo boy is gunna get some…finally” and the whole group of popular girls laugh. I hear Zara say “shut your preppy little slut mouth” as I look down and Sean puts a protective arm around me. Then Krystal says “what are you going to do little emo, make me? Ha I’d like to see that.” Zara is furious and says “sure I’ll do it right now and gets up from her seat” Krystal backs away in her chair and then the teacher notices what’s going on “Miss. Fernandes sit down, or do I have to send you to the office on your first day back.” Zara sits down and says “I’m sorry Mrs. Ezara.” Mrs. Ezara passes out the syllabus and drones on and on about what we are going to cover and I start to doze off until Sean pokes me and says “fill out the survey unless you want a zero on your first assignment.” I hurriedly start filling it out and Sean says “I told you to go to bed last night” I look at him and say “I was too nervous I couldn’t sleep.”
The class finally ends and we all head to our lockers before lunch. It looks like mason and sky really hit it off they are talking and laughing while Zara walks behind them glaring. Man she is really jealous of sky. Zayden is waiting for us at the lockers. I look at sky and say where is your locker she says right over there and points across the hall way. She goes over to her locker and mason gets his stuff and then goes to lean against the locker next to hers. Then we had to lunch and we go outside to eat. We are all talking and I can hear Zara and Zayden whispering
Zayden says “Zara what’s wrong you’ve been glaring at the sky girl since I meet you at the lockers.
Zara replies “look at Mason he’s pretty much drooling over her”
“so what he’s finally found someone he likes, and she seems pretty into him too”
“Zay come on, look at her”
“Zar I don’t see anything wrong with her she seems really nice…Oh my god your jealous” he begins to laugh.
“ZAYDEN I am not” she objects
“yes you are and babe don’t worry she’s not going to replace you in his life, remember when me and you first started dating he hated me, he thought I was going to replace him in your life that’s not what happened. You just need to give her a chance get to know her..ok?”
“fine” she says and Zayden kisses her.
I ate 1/3rd of my salad and then drank my water and was done. Sean looked and said Krystal you need to eat” I replied “I did see” pointing at my salad. Sean rolls his eyes and says “that’s not enough I’ll let it go for today since I know you’re nervous but tomorrow you better eat more.” I just rolled my eyes as I go to get up and throw my stuff away, Kayla is behind me I go to walk by her and that’s when I see she’s holding a thing of milk and she takes it and pours it down my shirt I scream “shit what the hell.” As the whole cafeteria begins to laugh the tears come to my eyes. I hear Zara mumble a list of profanities as Sean grabs my tray and her and sky rush me to the bathroom I lean against the wall as the tears begin to fall. I slide down the wall trying to get as small as possible Zara and sky both hug me and pull me up Zara says “it’s going to be ok I have an extra shirt in my locker I’ll go and get it.” Sky stays with me and cleans my face since my eyeliner and mascara are running. Sky says I can’t believe she did that to you do you even know her. I look at sky and say “Yea she was my best friend from 1st to 8th grade now she’s prep.” She looks at me says “Ohhh wow and gives me another big hug.” Zara comeback with a black May Day Parade band tee, I go into a stall and change at least its didn’t get on my skirt so I’m not gunna smell like sour milk by the end of the day. The tee fits perfect thank god me and Zara are the same size I come out and she says here’s your bag I went to the lunch room and got it. I smile at her and say “thanks now I can fix my make-up” she then said I figured that you would have some back up make-up in there.” I fix it and then I look at both of them who have been talking and Zara is smiling at sky, I think they are going to be good friends good thing cause Mason and Sky seem pretty close. Then it hits me and I say “how am I supposed to go out there everyone’s going to know what happened and they are going to laugh at me.” Zara says “don’t worry I’ll walk with you to your next class and hers my number” she takes my phone and puts it in “if you need me you can text me or call me.” “thanks Zara” I give her a big hug and then I give sky a hug saying “thanks for helping clean me up” she looks at me and they both say at the same time “what are friends for” and we all begin to laughs. The bell rings, so we walk to me and Sky's next class which is math. Zara waves bye as we enter the class room I look around and the class and breathe a sigh of relief when Kayla isn’t there. then I feel my phone vibrate it’s from Sean.
Sean- Babe, are you ok, what happened I had to go to class I couldn’t wait for you and I knew you were with Sky and Zar so I figured you were safe.
Me- Sean I’m fine Zar had an extra shirt and I changed and fixed my make-up I will see you after school ok.
Sean- Alright babe, I love you.
Me- I love you too.
Math class went like another class that day, slowly with a teacher drowning on about what we are going to learn this year. Than me and sky part ways for English and I get to class happy it’s the last class of the day I sit on the side of the room with the windows. Then my happy feeling slowly fades as I see Kayla walk in with one of her little followers. They sit right next to me and look out the window and try to ignore them. Then Kayla says “Krystal wheres your little posy.” I don’t respond I just keep looking out the window “What can’t talk when you little protectors aren’t around.” I just glare at her and stare forward as the teacher begins to talk. As soon as that class ends a race to my locker where Sean is waiting and run into his arms as the tears start to fall, he catches me and says “Krystal what’s wrong” and then Kayla walks by and says “awe look we made the poor baby cry” then I hear Zara screaming let me beat the shit out of her” as mason and Zayden hold her back. And then I hear Kayla chuckle and scurry off. Sean just holds me, then wipes the tears from my eyes and I look at Zar and she says “thank god for waterproof make-up huh” I just shake my head. I open my locker grab what I need for homework and we start walking towards the parking lot where Jeremy car is.
As we are walking I hear the jocks saying “Look at the little emo couple holding hands” they laugh and another says “Yea they are gunna go cut together.” They all are laughing no I turn around, I’m so pissed I’ve had enough of this all day, I scream at them “CANT YOU JUST LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!!” then I see them coming towards us and Sean steps in front of me, they say “You got your girlfriend sticking up for you now.”
“No, but she’s right why can’t you guys just leave us alone.” Sean says calmly.
“Umm let me think. Because we don’t want to.” That’s when the jock grabs Sean and pins him against the wall. I try to go after him as another one grabs my waist pinning my arms to my side and lifting me off the floor. I scream as the jock punches Sean in the face and his nose starts to bleed. I can see him struggling to get out of the grip. I see the jocks fist pull back. Oh no he’s going to hit him again. That’s when I see Caden running down the hall way and I hear him “What the hell is going on here” as he pushes the jock off of Sean and Sean slides down the wall to the floor. As Jeremy catches up he sees me and says “Get your grimy hands off my little sister” the jock drops me just has Jeremy’s fist connects with his face. I run over to Sean who is holding his nose and his eyes are black I’m pretty sure his nose is broken. I hear the jock say to Caden and Jeremy “What the fuck do you care, they are just emo’s.” And Jeremy says “That ‘emo’ you’re talking about is my sister” “and the boy she’s dating is my brother.” Caden adds. The jock looks shocked and says “Well I didn’t know and I don’t care.” And walks away, he kicks my foot as he walks by and says “This isn’t over they can’t protect you forever.” Caden grabs Jeremy’s arm as he goes to go after them and says “They aren’t worth it” now Mason is next to us holding Sky, who is crying scared out of her mind and Zara and Zayden are kneeling next to me and Sean. Caden and Jeremy come over Zara looks at Caden and says “I think his nose is broken you should probably take him to the hospital.” Me and Zayden help Sean up and help him walk to Jeremy’s car. Mason, Sky and Zara walk behind us. Zara says “Zay go with them we will meet you there” as they get in to Mason’s car.
As we pull into the parking lot at the hospital I hear Sean whispering profanities as he keeps poking his nose. “Stop poking it” I scold him he rolls his eyes. We get out of the car, Mason, Sky and Zara pull up next to us and get out. We all head in to the hospital. Sky, Mason, Zara, Zayden, and Jeremy go and find seats in the waiting room while Sean, Caden and I go up to the desk to tell them what’s wrong the lady says “Ok, fill out this paper and we will get you in as soon as possible, and call your mother he’s considered a minor and we may need a parents consent.” We nod and then my mom comes out from the doors and grabs me looks at me and then goes to my brother and checks him out she goes “Thank god, you two are ok I thought one of you was hurt.” Then she looks at Sean and goes “Oohh god, now I know why you’re here, sweetie what happened” as she grabs Sean's face and starts examining his nose. Caden says “Those god damn, good for nothing, fucking, jocks that’s what happened.” My mom stares at him Caden hardly ever swears. He looks at my mom “I’m sorry, I better call my mom” she nods at him and then says “Ok, you guys sit down and I’ll try to get you in fast.” We go over to the rest of the gang and Sky pulls me into a hug and I wince Jeremy notices. Crap I was hoping to avoid this he says “Pull up your shirt” I do as I’m told and you can see the bruise around my abdomen from me trying to get out of the guys grip and him tightening it. Everyone gasps and Jeremy says “I should have fucking killed them” then Caden comes over just as I’m pulling my shirt down and says “What did I miss.” And Sean says furiously “That fucking asshole left a bruise going across Krystal’s stomach” Caden's eyes widen as he says “Let me see” I pull up my shirt and Caden says “Jeremy tell your mom this needs to be checked out.” Jeremy goes to the window then you see my mom come from the doors rushes over to me and pulls up my shirt I hear her whisper “Shit.” Then she looks up at me and says “It doesn’t look too bad but I want them to take an x-ray make sure there’s no broken ribs”
Masons POV
I can’t believe that guy. Krystal pulls down her shirt Krystal is so small and innocent how could anyone ever do that to her. I begin to pace I want to rip that guy’s head off that’s when I feel her hand grab my arm its Sky her bright blue eyes look up at me. I can tell she’s scared I give her a hug and even though I just met her I want to make all her pain go away and protect her from everything. They call Sean’s name and then Krystal’s and we all just sit there and wait for them. While we are waiting Sky and I start talking.
“So Mason, is Zara your only sibling.”
“Nope I have 1 younger brother and 1older sister and an older brother. What about you any siblings?”
“Well kind of I got a step brother whose older than me it’s complicated.” She looks down with a frown on her face.
“Sky what’s wrong you can tell me.”
“Well, I’ve never told anyone before but when I was 12 he…umm..I don’t know how to say this.”
I sit there waiting for her to finish, getting really anxious.
“He raped me.” She whispers it so that its barely audible and covers her face with her hands.
I grab her elbow and lead her away from the group so they won’t hear the conversation. The first thing I do is pull her into a hug. Then I look down into her blue eyes and ask.
“What, did you tell anyone, has he done it again?”
“I tried to tell my dad but he didn’t believe me he said that I was lying. I tried to tell my step mom because, surprisingly she’s really nice, but every time I tried my dad just gave me this look and I would back off. And yes he has done it since, then he stopped for a while when I was 14 cause he got a girlfriend, but they broke up in July and he started up again.” She begins to cry. I hug her and ask “What about going to the police.” She looks up at me startled and said” NO, you can’t do that please if I do he will hurt me worse.” I hug her and say don’t worry he won’t hurt you anymore.
Krystal come out and we all look at her she says “I have a small fracture in one of my ribs so the wrapped me up and they said that the bruise doesn’t seem to serious no internal bleeding.” Jeremy says “I want to rip that guy’s head off.” Zara says “What about pressing charges” “Me and Sean talked about that when we were waiting for the x-rays but it’s not worth it if they don’t get found guilty then the beatings get worse and people are too scared to go against them.”
Sean comes out with a weird thing on his nose he says “It’s defiantly broken but luckily we came here right away they put it back in place and I’m not going to need surgery or anything.” I just realized I’m still hugging sky as I let her go and she goes and gives Krystal a gentle hug. I can’t believe her step brother and her father what pricks.
Afterwards I take Sky home first even though I don’t want to leave her in that place but she assures me everything will be ok. Then I drop Zara and Zayden at Zayden's house, “Zara whose picking you up.” “Mom I think.” She replies. I head home thinking of all the crazy stuff that happened this afternoon and the things that I’ve learned. Most of all I can’t stop thinking about her and those blue eyes. When I get home I go to my room close the door and turn on the music Bodies by Drowning Pool blasts through my I-home. Then I get a text from Sky.
Sky-hey mason it’s me I just wanted to sat thanks for today. 
Me- it was no problem, trust me.
Sky-just thanks you’re a really nice guy and you make me feel safe.
Me- Sky do you maybe want to go on a date tomorrow after school.
Sky- Really…sure I’d love to.
Me- Great I’ll see you tomorrow.
Sky- KK can’t wait.
I begin working on my homework I get it done in the mater of 30 minutes I’m actually a lot smarter than I lead on then I head to the shower. Since we had the hospital thing today by the time I get out its 9:30 I put on some boxer and flannel pajama bottoms. Them I look at my phone I have a missed call from Sean and a number I don’t know. Then I look I have 3 text messages from sky.
Sky- Mason, he here I locked my door but he keeps banging on it I don’t know what to do.
*20 mins later*
Sky-I’m heading to the park please meet me there if you can.
I run to my car and head to the park its dark but I can see her sitting under a tree I go over to her and I see the razor blade him her hand and the fresh cuts along with the scars on her wrist. I pull her up and walk her to my car I sit her in the passenger seat I go over to the driver’s side. I grab my kit from the back and start to clean off her cuts and then I bandage them. I pull her into a hug and then I look into her eyes and I can’t help myself I kiss her. But then she kisses me back her tongue brushes my bottom lip asking for entrance and I give it to her our tongues our mouths move to gather they feel like they were meant for this. We pull way and lean our foreheads together then she looks at me and says “Why are you shirtless.” I can’t help but chuckle. “I just got out of the shower and then I got your texts.” That’s reminded me I never called Sean back so I grabbed my phone and called him.
Me-“Hey dude what’s up”
Sean-“Did you talk to sky she was trying to get a hold of you, Krystal called you and you didn’t answer then I figured you didn’t know her number. Krystal said that Sky seemed really upset.”
Me- “Yeah I’m with her now I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
I hung up the phone and looked at sky. She was on the phone. “Yea dad I know but…I’ll be home soon…ok…love you too.” “I can’t believe that ass called my father.”
“Do you want me to take you home or you could stay at my house.”
“Thanks Mason but I told my a dad I was going home.”
“Ok ill drop you off then.”
I pull up out front her house and there’s no car in the drive way. Sky sees the worry on my face. “My dad said he would be home soon” she tries to assure me. I grab the shirt from the back seat and throw it on “What are you doing” she asks. “I’m going to walk you to the door so this guy knows not to mess with you anymore.” We walk up to the door holding hands and then when we get up to it opens and he is standing there. He stares at her and says “Whose he?” Sky looks at him and says “Derek this is Mason…my boyfriend.” At first I’m caught off guard but she looks at me and I squeeze her hand approvingly and she smiles. I look at Derek and I say “Nice to meet you.” He looks me up and down and then walks off mumbling. Then we see the car coming up the drive way. I look at her and say “Do you want me to leave” she said “No ill introduce you to my dad and step mom they really aren’t bad people.” He look at sky then at me and nicely asks “Whose this” “Dad , Kathy this is Mason my boyfriend.” I hold out my hand to shake theirs “Hello sir nice to meet you.” They both shake my hand her step mom smiles at me and Sky and her dad seems pleasant. Then he says “Nice to meet you too, were you coming in” I reply with “No sir I was just dropping Sky off we went to the park for a little while.” “Oh ok well I’m sure I’ll be seeing a lot of you.” And he smiled as he went into the house I give Sky a quick kiss and a hug and say “Good bye.”
I get home the same time as my sister and she says “Where were you and why are you in your pajamas.” Once we are inside I tell her the whole story. And she says “That’s great and horrible at the same time….well goodnight …I’m glad to see you happy bro.” Then I went to bed.


Publication Date: 05-09-2011

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