
Tales of a Broken-Winged Bird

Tales of A Broken-Winged Bird







So, the title of my poem book that I have chosen is, “ Tales of A Broken-Winged Bird”.

Everytime, I have written about this title, or just written about a broken-winged bird, I have repeated many times before that to know why a bird is broken and caged, one has to know the bird, and what happened to it, which is not easy, it is like a puzzle piece, a mystery to be solved. Birds, they don’t start out broken, and flightless, wounded, their wings beating on a cage profusely, crying out to be free, to fly, to soar. Birds don’t start out lifeless, limping, but there is something that makes the bird become broken and caged and trapped, lifeless, flightless, crying out, from the depths of its soul, crying out in pain, as the blood flows from its wings, as it continuously beats on its cage to be free, wondering if anyone heard its cries or its tears.


A bird does not just become caged or broken, it becomes like that because of pain, and as we all know pain is something that is inevitable, something that we all must face and go through, pain. One doesn’t have to be ashamed of their pain or their sorrow, for even Jesus wept, it is in pain, and in the rain where things seem to grow in the midst of pain, much is learned through pain, that otherwise couldn’t be learned. It is okay to be broken and bruised, to be wounded, it is okay to experience pain, it is okay to have hurts, to have wounds and scars, it is okay.


I have been there, it is okay to not have many words to say, it is okay when it has felt as if you are in the fire, it is okay if you feel as if you are drowning, it is okay, to not be okay, it is okay to cry, it is okay, to feel hurt when you have been hurt, it is okay, its okay because I’ve been there, and at many times I have found myself there, I have found myself in the wilderness, in the valley, I have found myself, bleeding, on the brink of dying, I have found myself, on the brink of death, I have found myself wishing to die, I have found myself, trapped, and in chains, more times than not. I have often tried to tell myself tales while in my cages of grief, , bipolar 2 disorder ( or bipolar depression) , anxiety, grappling with the fact that I am autistic, emotional mistreatment I have experienced, and my pain that I have experienced within my 21 years of life.


I hope that with this book, people will be able to relate or be able to heal, or my words can resonate with someone else, or reach someone else that also knows what it's like to be like a broken-winged bird.


I dedicate “Tales of A Broken-Winged Bird” to my paw paw who passed away June 30th, 2020, he was my inspiration for writing and he always encouraged me to speak whenever I was afraid. I love you paw paw and I miss you with all my heart.









A Broken-Winged Bird


Life is a broken-winged bird”, said Langston Hughes

Life is a broken-winged bird.”

Life is a broken-winged bird because it doesn’t always bring sunny days,there’s not always roses,there’s not always lilies,

Everything isn’t always a walk in the park.

But, Life sometimes can leave you broken.

It can leave you bitter, it can leave you dried up like a raisin in the sun,

and it can leave you filled with so much pain

That you don’t even have any words to say.



The reason, I know of this so well, is because of my friend pain.

My friend pain has been with me throughout my whole life,

my friend pain that I wish would go away, but he comes back up again.

Dampens my song, traps my spirit.

Oftentimes, life has tried to break me.

Break me into a million pieces.

Break me from the pain in my past.

It has tried to break me through depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, emotional abuse, and tragedy.

Oftentimes I’ve found myself limp, like a bird.

I’ve found myself broken,like a bird. It seemed like everytime

I tried to get back up again, somehow I would just fall.

And In the words of Maya Angelou, “Like a Caged Bird that sings”,

I was a bird in a cage, wanting to sing, wanting to fly,

wanting to be free, but I kept finding myself trapped, chained and bound.

My song was one of sadness filled with sorrow and melancholy

I wanted relief from all of my pain, from my brokenness.

Like a bird, like a caged bird, I wanted to sing.

I wanted to sing a new song.

I wanted to fly.

I wanted to leap.

I wanted to soar like an eagle.

But somehow, I kept finding myself chained,

I kept finding myself bound

But, in the words of Maya Angelou, “ Out of a PAST THAT IS ROOTED IN PAIN, I RISE”,

It’s not easy to rise, when you’ve been down for so long,

It’s not easy to stand up, once you’ve fallen so many times,

Because sometimes,YOUR LEGS, THEY GET WEAK,

SOMETIMES, your heart it gets heavy




LIKE A CAGED BIRD THAT SINGS, I no longer have to be caged, but I can fly, I can soar, and i can sing a different song.


For at 1:02 a.m., June 30th, 2020, I will never forget this moment,

I will never forget this day, that I found out

my paw paw left his earth,

And his lungs stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating

It is the time where time just froze completely, everything just became motionless,

The only sound I heard was the cries of my brother and sisters.

Tears wouldn’t fall from my eyes.

I was in shock.



Paw paw’s last words, “i’m fighting Jo”,

I’m fighting too paw paw, and I wish you were still here because life is a broken-winged bird,

Pain is still hangin on,

Life still hurts.

You’ve told yourself that there is nothing that you can do about your friend Pain, Anxiety, or Depression.


But in the midst of a past that is uprooted in pain and everything that you’ve endured in your life

Like a caged bird that sings, you no longer sing of sorrow and melancholy, but you sing of freedom,

And you leave that cage, because freedom is calling,

you know that you were not meant to stay in that cage forever,

Bound and in chains, ( because in Jesus there is freedom)

Yeah, although you may walk with a limp,

although you may be broken inside, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be whole again, it doesn’t mean that your story is over

Life is a broken-winged bird, but I can heal,

You can heal.

But like a caged bird that sings,

I sing of freedom,

And out of a past uprooted in pain I rise.










My Heart and Soul

Life is but a vapor that is here for a moment, then disappears at the drop of a hat.

Pain is beauty found underneath the ashes and the wounds and scars found deep inside the heart.

One’s greatest struggle is gold found in a mine that has been hidden until it was dug up.

Death is a phantom, that continuously shows up taking the one’s I have loved, and burying them in the grave,

It is a ghost that haunts me still.

Tears are the daily bread, that my soul eats, what my soul longs to understand, even the silent tears that fall from my heart,

Trying to understand my tears and the story that each one of them holds.

My heart is a rose surrounded by thorns, trying to survive, amidst the wars that rage in my soul,

The battle between life and death,

Trying to find the light amidst the darkness,

In the midst of the hurt and pain.

Life is a puzzle piece,

A map,

A forest.

As the snow falls from the sky, and I feel the cold breeze hit my face,

I am reminded of the cold seasons in my life,

My life that at times has been a drought,

Where the river has stopped flowing,

A storm,

Dark valley,

A broken potter,

A lump of clay.

My soul has cried out within me many nights.

The child within me has been crying out,

Because at


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 05-22-2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1442-1

All Rights Reserved

This book will take readers on a journey of faith, the realities of mental health and grief and the emotions that come with all of these things. This book is written out of lived experiences, Chelsea has experienced, in her 21 years of life. Tales of a Broken-Winged Bird is a metaphor for how Chelsea often felt broken like a bird, limp like a bird, caged like a bird because of the various painful situations she found herself in. This book highlights her struggles and also the fact that there can be beauty in pain, healing in pain even for a broken-winged bird like her. This book is for all those that have struggled with mental health, their faith in God, and grief. . I dedicate this book to my paw paw who passed away who always encouraged me to write and use my voice. I love you paw paw and I miss you with ALL my heart.

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