


Summary: Meet Isabella Marie Cathleen Salvatore, younger sister of vampire siblings Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Turned by her brother Damon in 1864, being a vampire is all Isabella has ever known. She longs for the normal life that she never had. Not that that's possible, what with being on the run from a mysterious powerful enemy for almost 160 years, and the trouble that her brother Damon causes, normal is out of the question. That is until under untold reasons Damon decides it's high time to head back home.

But home isn't the same place it used to be. For a while, things are looking up, Bella has what she's always dreamed of -- normalcy. But nothing's ever normal in her life. For starters, who are the mysterious Cullen family and why do they seem, a little bit, undead? And why is it that her brother Stefan isn't as dead as Damon says he is. What's with Damon, lately? (Other than the usual, of course) Bella doesn't know, but she's ready to find out.


Now that that's out of the way. Read on!

PART ONE: Returning Home

It was a stupid idea, as most of Damon's ideas usually were. The thing that made it stupid? It was Damon's idea, and therefore by default, a stupid one. I had firmly protested against it, but Damon had made up his mind, and once my brother makes up his mind it's difficult for him to back down, if ever.

He wanted to go back. "Returning home" he called it. I couldn't think of this place as home. I loathed it here.

For here, in this little insignificant town adeptly dubbed Mystic Falls, is were everything in my life went wrong. My brothers were turned into vampires here, by a crazy psychopathic vampire, who was a bitch in every sense of the word. My friends, the vampires of the town, were imprisoned in a tomb under the city's haunted old church by a vengeful witch named Emily. My father shot and successfully killed my brothers, and was preparing to do the same thing to me, that is until Damon intervened. Not without reason, I was not anxious to return.

Damon knew all this of course. He like me, had just as much reason to stay as far away from this hell hole as possible. Yet he chose to come back. It shows just how much sense my brother has -- none.

"It's been over a hundred years since we've been here. Things have changed." Damon insisted.

I didn't care, change was only beneficial to those who accepted it. I did not accept it. "I don't care. I have no reason for which to go back to that rotten place. And neither do you."

Damon rolled his eyes, as if talking down to a little girl throwing a tantrum. "I don't care if you don't care. Your coming and that's final."

I glowered, "I'm 160 years old, Damon. So stop treating me like I'm six. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions."

"Yes, you are. But as your older and thereby more responsible brother, I say your making a stupid decision right now."


?" I scoffed. "Since when have you ever been responsible? And why exactly do you want to go to Mystic Falls all of a rush? In all these years, never once, you have wanted to return. Why the sudden change?"

Damon exhaled through his nose, the way he did when he was annoyed, which was quite frankly all the time. "Look, I have a score to settle, nothing that you need to worry about. Just come with me to Mystic Falls. It'll be different there, I promise. You'll be able to lead an almost normal existence there. You'll go to school and have friends and shop and all that fine dandy teen girl stuff, just like you always wanted. Though why you want it is beyond me."

He knew he had me at that last part. Being normal, was something I always wanted and never got to be. While Damon embraces his vampirisim, even goes so far as trying to show he has no humanity left in him, I miss

being human. Sure I'm grateful towards Damon for saving my life and once one gets past the kinks, being a vampire isn't that bad.

But I never got a chance to be normal, I had my life robbed from me. And as much as I know Damon did it from the goodness of his somewhat shriveled heart, I never had any choice in the matter. I was turned and thrust into the world of vampirisim against my will. I will never have the chance to grow old and marry or have kids. I'm stuck, frozen forever at seventeen, destined to live an existence of hiding in the dark shadows.

But to be normal? To have a chance to relive that part of my life that I never got? That would be... more than I could ask for. I'd finally be, well, normal. Or as normal, as one could get, being a vampire and all.

I shook my head, not possibly knowing the huge amount of trouble I was getting myself into. "Deal."




A vision, that's what it was.

The day had started out ordinarily enough. The start of the day being, when the sun rose and it's rays began to shine through the retreating darkness. For anyone else, the start of the day would have been from the time they awaken. But seeing as we were a household of vampires, that wouldn't happen. Vampire's don't sleep, they don't need to.

Emmett had been complaining about how bored he was. He did this quite often nowadays. He reasoned that if he was an all powerful immortal then why, did he have to spend his time, bored, doing human things? He craved excitement. We all did, but it had been seemingly hard to come by nowadays. Not that the addition of Jasper proved to be easy. But that was hardly what one would call excitement


"A series of wildlife murders have left park officials at Mystic Falls puzzled.

" the TV reporter announced. "It has been common to find dead animals in the wilderness before, but the number found now has sky rocketed. In less than a year, there have been more than a hundred deaths.

"So far, the animal to cause these murders has not been identified. Reportedly, what is most unusual about these deaths, is the way they happen. All carcasses found so far, have been drained of blood. A cruel and gruesome sight. Officials think that hunting has been taking place in the parks reserve. As it is known, hunting in the parks reserve is illegal and a violation against our wildlife protection laws.

"On a much lighter note...

" the reporter went on to explain the weeks' down weather.

A throaty chuckle sounded from Emmett, "Unbelievable. They don't suspect a thing, do they? The wonder of small towns."

"It's not funny," said the blond haired Rosalie sitting next to him. "Do you want them to find out about us? They aren't as stupid as they look, you know."

"Oh c'mon Rose. You heard them, "hunting is a violation of our wilderness protection policy

". But," he said with a grin. "We've been doing more than our fair sure of hunting


It was a Sunday, a normal day by all means, and by normal I mean, boring. Emmett and Rosalie had entertained themselves with the television set. Jasper and Alice sat in the adorning couch. Alice flicking through visions of the future as fast as Rosalie skimmed through channels.

Jasper sat next to her, watching, silent, but now he spoke up, "I agree. Is it really in our best interest to stay in anymore small towns? Haven't we all agreed by now that it's too dangerous? Say, Los Angeles, for example? It's a big city. No one would be of the wiser."

"No," protested Rosalie. "I like it here, people accept us here. They think we're normal. Have you ever been in a place were humans have accepted us so easily? Besides, I do not want to go back to high school. Worst four years of my life."

I couldn't help but smile at that. Trust Rosalie to neglect the fact that we've been in high school way more than four

years. My hands had been resting gently on the piano keys, but now they moved, thrumming out a tuneless tune. I'd been doing more playing lately. Ever since our move, it was the only thing I did to comfort me. Moving had not affected my lifestyle very much, and I found myself bored most of the time.

I was interrupted by Carlisle, who had just entered the room, looking worried and clutching a soggy newspaper in hand. "We're not moving anywhere." he assured Rosalie. He hadn't been in the house at the time, but we were not surprised that he had heard. "I doubt the humans would suspect us."

"Besides," he went on, his face taking on a grim expression. "We have more urgent matters to worry about than a couple of dead bunnies."

He threw the newspaper down on the coffee table. It was an issue of the Mystic Chronicle, and in big bold letters, the headline read "FIFTH MISSING THIS MONTH. NO BODIES FOUND.

" Below it, was a long detailed article of the latest disappearances and interviews with the fellow sheriffs. Chief, Charlie Swan, had reported saying that there was no need to worry. The situation was being "handled."

We all became still. The headline looming in front of us ominously.

"You don't think Carlisle, that these... disappearances, have anything to do with our kind?" Esme said, having just entered the room. Her delicate eyebrows were scrunched together, the way they do when she worries. I couldn't help but think how motherly she looked, even now. Esme was the closest person I viewed as a mother, my


"That, my dear Esme, is exactly what I think." Carlisle shook his blond head. "What I don't understand is how. You'd think they'd be curious to check out any vampires in the area, but they haven't, have they?"

We all shook our heads "no."

"I don't think they'd be vampires." Rosalie said. "I mean with a town this small, surely, we'd be able to recognize them."

"What if they only come out at night?" countered Jasper. "We wouldn't be able to recognize them then. We should scout the place. Travel the whole town, look for any unfamiliar scents." Of course, he would be the one strategizing.

Everyone had joined in on the conversation, the only one's who hadn't said anything, being me and Alice. I glanced at her, and found I was not the only one to be doing so. We all relied heavily on Alice's gift. We could not understand how it had failed us to see this one coming. Alice never misses anything, it's not in her nature to do so.

"If they are vampires," said Emmett shiftily. "Then how come Alice missed them? She never

misses anything!"

She was just about to respond when it happened.

We had all gotten used to Alice's visions, they were a part of who she was, like me with my mind reading. They were an asset too, just in case any vampires decided to drop in unexpectedly we were always prepared. Like this time should have been. But this was a different matter.

Jasper was immediately at her side, and I found myself using my gift

, to see what Alice saw.

Her face went blank, her eyes a million miles away, scanning the depths of the future brimming with uncertainty. This vision was of very bad quality, worser than most. For the future was always an uncertain thing, a dark abyss of possibility, and with different choices came even more possibilities. It was an endless realm, extremely hard to navigate. Yet Alice had learned. She had learned how to read her destiny and ours too.

It was like watching flashes of film strips, damaged film, blurry at the edges and gray in colour, like watching TV with too much static interference. A meadow, the sun was shinning. Two figures frolicked around, their moves graceful and lithe, almost like dancing. One was a girl, most definitely, but her features weren't pronounced, as if her face were covered by shadow. Dark hair was her only distinctive quality. She was happy, that was certain, and she was holding hands with someone. Someone with pale skin that seemed to glitter and shimmer in the sun. For a second the figure turned, and when I saw it's face, I gasped. It was me.

Of that I was certain, a much happier version of myself, but myself nonetheless. For that brief moment when I met eyes with my future self, I saw a different me. One that didn't view the world as darkly, one that had all the reason in the world to be happy.

And then the vision changed, flickering to one not quite as bad in reception as the first but still murky. It was an image of a vampire, unmistakably so. His eyes had that unnatural glow that our kind gave off. But they were the wrong colour, blue, smoky blue. Be it what it may, they were full of blood-lust. His stance was predatory. He was hunting.

A human stood in front of him, a pretty blond haired lady, who didn't suspect a thing. The vampire took a leap, and tackled his prey, teeth grazing neck.

Then the vision changed again.

The third was clear, as clear as crystal. And yet it was the most mundane of all. To put into simple terms, someone new was joining the student body at Mystic Falls High. Someone who would, apparently change everything



Text: I do not own any rights to the Vampire Diaries and Twilight, or anything affiliated with such. All material belongs to their respective owners. I am making no profit out of this. I am merely a fan, doing this out of my love for both works. No copyright infringement is intended.
Publication Date: 01-22-2012

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to the writers of the Vampire Diaries and Twilight. Thank you.

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