This is what all of the characters (in my book) look like to me!
Note: None of these drawings are owned by me, give cridit to @CascadingSerenity of Denvert art
leader: coldstar (45 moons) A dark silver she~cat
deputy: treefang (37 moons) A dark brown tabby tom, with tree green eyes
med cat: willowgaze (39 moons) a sleek tortoiseshell she~cat
med cat app: featherheart (18 moons) a silver tabby tom
warriors: lilyfur (27 moons) silver she~cat app: windpaw, stonefeather (tom 24 moons) dark gray tabby tom app: palepaw, stemfoot, (15 moons) silver tom with 1 red paw, robinface (36 moons) Redish tortoiseshell app: sootpaw, midnightfall (34 moons) black tom with white on the tip of his tail and nose app: lightningpaw, wihtepelt (13 moons) a wight she~cat, ivyeye (22 moons) brown tabby she~cat with ivy like colored eyes, scorchingecho (17 moons) a flameing red tabby tom, dappledpelt (49 moons) tortoiseshell she~cat app: hardpaw, littleheart (12 moons) white with a little black heart shaped birthmark, snowfall (she~cat 16 moons) white she~cat with a bclack muzzle app: deerpaw, mousepelt (49 and 1/2 moons) light brown she~cat with bright yellow eyes, bloodfang (19 moons) very Dark gray-brown tom with red eyes and yellow teeth , flamingpelt (tom 26 moons) Flame red tom
apprentics: windpaw (6 moons) A white she~cat with a fant bit of gray on her back, palepaw (7 moons) a pale she~cat, sootpaw (10 moons a dark gray tabby tom, lightningpaw (11 moons) a light yellow tom, hardpaw (7 moons) a tan tabby tom with hard fur, Deerpaw (7 moons) a tabby she~cat, Stormpaw (6 moons)
queens: spottednose (26 moons) silver spotteded she~cat mate: stonefeather kits: leafkit (1 moon) tan she~cat with leaf green eyes, patchkit (1 moon) dark gray spotted tom, and furnkit (1 moon) a silver she~cat webpelt (29 moons) a dark gray tabby mate: Scorchingechokits: Fallingkit (5 moons) a tabby tom
Streamfeather (25 moons) silver tabby she~cat mate: midnightfall kits: Nightkit (just born) all black with white at the tip of her tail and weedkit (just born) silver she~cat, Cheataclaw (45 moons) mate: unknown kits: dead
elders: braveheart (142 moons) a dark brown tabby tom and swiftstream (she~cat 43 moons) silver and blind she~cat
leader: thunderstar (70 moons) a dark gray tom with yellow eyes
deputy: dustpelt (47 moons) a brown tabby tom
med cat: patchleaf (she~cat 27 moons) a tortoiseshell with green eyes
warriors: furnstone (65 moons) a silver tabby tom with pale green eyes
app: cloverpaw (9 moons) a gray tabby she~cat
leader: stormstar (93 moons) a dark gray tabby tom
deputy: cloudheart (27 moons) a gray she~cat with white spots
warriors: lionfur (28 moons) a orangelamed tabby tom app: patchpaw a patched black and white she~cat
leader: redstar (tom 67 moons) a red tabby tom
deputy: leaffeather (45 moons) a pale brown tabby she~cat
medcat: junebarry (37 moons) a gray tabby she~cat with blue and green eyes
Coldstar is the dark gray she~cat
Stormstar is the light gray tom
They are brother and sister
Treefang is the light brown tom
Bloodfang is the dark gray-brown tom
they are half brothers
Midnightfall is the Black and white tom
Robinface is the black she~cat with redish orange spots and some white
They are brother and sister, this is when robinface finds out shes having kits but she might die diring the kits birth. Midnightfall is there for her.
Lilyfur is the blue-silver she~cat
Windpaw is the white She~cat
they are mentor and apprentice
Ivyeye is the brown she~cat
Sootpaw is the gray tom
They are half brother and sister
Stonefeather is the dark gray tom
Spottednose is the silver spotted she~cat
Leafkit is the tan she~cat
Patchkit is the dark gray tom
Fernkit is the silver she~cat
they are mates, with there 3 kits
Featherheart is a silver tabby tom
Medcat app/ Medcat
Scorchingecho is the flame red tabby tom with one eye
Dappledpelt is the sitting tortoiseshell
Whitepelt is the white she~cat
Cheetaclaw is the orange-brown spotted she~cat with the wonds
Flamingpelt is the red-brown cat hiding in the bushes
They are all friends but Flamingpelt
Palepaw is the pale she~cat
Patchpaw is the black and white patched she~cat
They are half sisters
Spottedkit is the tan she~cat with spots
Cheetaclaw is the also the tan she~cat with spots but is Spottedkits mom
Scorchingecho is the flame red tom
Dappledpelt is the tortoiseshell
Deerpaw is the brown she~cat sitting and criyng
Hardpaw is the tan tabby tom sitting next to Deerpaw
Bloodfang is the dark gray tom behind Scorchingecho
Lionfur is the orange-yellow tom
Patchpaw is the black and white patched she~cat
They were all friends but lionfur, patchpaw, and bloodfang they where only just when it happened
Fallingkit is the brown tabby tom
Stormpaw is the gray tabby she~cat
They are in love with eachother
Willowgaze is the dappled she-cat
Streamfeather is the silver tabby she-cat
They are as close of friends like Fireheart and Graystripe are
Jaysong is the blue-gray she-cat with pearl blue blind eyes
Whitepelt is the white she-cat
Jaysong and whitepelt love eachother more than a friendship
Thistletail is the pale brown tom
Frostmoon is the blue-gray she-cat
Streamkit is the pale blue she-cat
Cloudkit is the black and white she-cat
Dovekit is the silver tabby she-cat
They are mates with there three girls. Thistletail is a loner, and Frostmoon is too... they join Streamclan during a fire.
Mousepelt is the tan she-cat
Stonefeather is the very dark gray tom
Mousepelt was one of Stonefeathers crushs, he loved her so much but she was only in love with some one else and she was also pregnet with stonefeather's kits. She didnt know but when they where born one of them looked just like Stonefeather, the others looked like her and her mate was a white tom so it was easy to see there where Stonefeather's kits.
The worst kller ever... he kills: 7 cats intill he dies...
They are in love with each other and dont care if they are in difrent clans
The next pics are just some of the cats I listed already, but they are older or yonger in these next ones...
So there will be spoilers out there!
Coldflight/Coldstar is the dark gray she-cat
Stonepaw/Stonefeather is the very dark gray tom
They are some how related
Cederkit is the dark brown kit
Coldflight/Coldstar is the dark gray she-cat
Treepaw/Treefang is the tan tabby tom with leaf green eyes
Brambletalon is the red-browm tabby tom
When Coldflight gives away her brothers kit, saying its her own. unfortanitly Cederkit dies beacuse of Dustpaw/Bloodfang.
Stonepaw/Stonefeather d the very dark gray tom
Streampaw/Streamfeather is the silver tabby she-cat\
Stonepaw/Stonefeather and Streampaw/Streampaw were in love befor Midnightfall happend
Bloodfang the very dark gray-brown tabby tom
Lunakit is the spotted brown kit
Lunakit is Bloodfang and Ivyeyes daghter.
Nightwing is the black and white she-cat
Bearkit is the dark brown-gray tom with a white chest
Tadpolekit is the all black she-cat
Ceaderkit is the pale brown-gray tom thats looking at Tadpolkit
Dovekit is the white she-cat who is huging her mom; Nightwing
Nightwing is Midnightfalls kit, Nightwing is with her kits
Coldpaw/Coldstar is the dark she-cat
Midnightpaw/Midnightfall is the black and white tom
Befor Midnightpaw/Midnightfall became a warrio he liked Coldpaw
Goosetail is the white she-cat with gray spots (The next medicen cat)
Rainflower is the gray she cat with rain blue eyes
Jaysong is the blue-gray she-cat behind Rainflower
Antpaw is the flame brown tom behind Goosetail
When Coldstar gose on her last life
Paleflower is the pale she-cat
Timberstep is the black tom with red-brown cest
Spiderkit a black and white tom
Sagekit is the pale spotted she-cat
Spiderkit is Midnightfalls dad...
Coldpaw/Coldstar is the gray she-cat
Furnpaw/Furnstone is the sliver tabby tom
Furnpaw/Stone loved Coldpaw/Coldstar intill he was sent away to Airclan, where he became mates and had Streamkit/Streamfeather than sent her to Streamclan
Patchfur/Patchpaw is the white she-cat with black patches
Jaysong is the blue-gray she-cat
Ivyeye is the dark brown she-cat
Lionpaw is the yellow-oarnge she-cat
Coldstar is the dark gray she-cat behind Jaysong
Sootpaw is the dark gray tom
Weedpaw is the silver tabby she-cat next to Sootpaw
They where all in battle.
(and no Weedpaw is not Streamfeathers kit, she died of a car! She was reeborn into a difrent clan tho)
Deersong/Deerpaw is the dark brown she-cat
Tadpolkit is the little black kit
They are good riends. Tadpolkit is Nightwings kit.
Lionkit is the spotted orange-brown she-cat
Hardfur/Hardpaw dark brown tom
Hardfur/Hardpaw became mates with Cheetaclaw and they had there first kit; Lionkit
Ivypaw/Ivyeye is the light gray-brown she-cat
Bloodfang is the dark brown tom
They are futuer mates...
Dustcloud is the brown tom
Ivyfrost is the silver she-cat
Treefang is the tan tabby tom
Whitepelt is the white she-cat next to Treefang
Brightflower is the white she-cat with orange patchs
Frogkit is the dark gray tom
Lilykit is the silver she-cat next to Frogkit
Windkit is the white she-cat next to Lilykit
Publication Date: 11-27-2015
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