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A comprehensive beginner’s guide on how to care, feed, train, groom, health, house axolotl and guidelines to raising them as pets

Rachael Bernard

Table of contents


Axolotls are known as the walking fish of Mexico.

They are a type of Salamander native to a small region in eastern Mexico. If you are looking for a unique aquatic pet with a cute face, this may be exactly what you need.

Axolotls live in aquariums and thrive in water that is either cool or at room temperature and has low lighting. If each person has 10 gallons of water, they can coexist peacefully in small groups.

No unique device is needed when it comes to caring for axolotl simply get a good aquarium pump, you do not need any special equipment to care for axolotls. Due to their sensitivity to water conditions, however, their aquarium requires routine maintenance and cycling.

Continue reading to learn more about their care needs...

Overview and Background

The Axolotl's (Ambystoma mexicanum) intriguing history dates back thousands of years to the Aztec culture in Mexico. These little amphibians are called after Xolotl, the Aztec deity of death, who is claimed to have transformed into an axolotl in order to avoid being murdered.

In 1863, axolotls were first introduced to Europe. As part of scientific research on limb development, a group of 34 were transported from Lake Xochimilco in Mexico to France. As pets, they rapidly spread over Europe, and the vast majority of captive-bred axolotls marketed worldwide can trace at least a portion of their genealogy to the original research group.

Many fish and amphibian lovers maintain axolotls as pets due to their fascinating biology, adorable features, and huge size. However, axolotls may grow longer than one foot. Also, their lifespan is 15 years. This makes them a substantial investment in both time and space.

Axolotls are typically sedentary creatures that like to relax on the tank's bottom. This activity has earned them the moniker "walking fish." A single individual may be kept in a 15-gallon long fish tank with at least six inches of swimming space.

The salamanders in question are fierce predators. When they are in the wild they tend to consume whatsoever that they are bigger than.

They will try to consume anything smaller than themselves in the wild. They should not be kept alongside other fish and amphibians because of this. Live prey including as earthworms, bloodworms, and blackworms are consumed by axolotls. There are pet species reported to take beef heart parts, raw fish, frozen-thawed Mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp.

With proper care, an axolotl may live for more than 10 years. They will provide any fortunate custodian with an interesting look into old Salamanders. They are certainly one of the rarest pets.

Unfortunately, this species is susceptible to stress, therefore they must be handled with care. This species may be stressed


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Images: depositphoto
Cover: depositphoto images
Publication Date: 03-06-2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-3442-9

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to God and to my supportive family.

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