20 Years Ago:
The full moon shone brightly upon the five cars that were parked along Lover's Lane. Looking like a big, yellow globe, it cast a pattern of shadows and light. The windows of some of the vehicles were fogged up, due to the enthusiasm of the occupants. Some were lost in ecstasy, while others engaged in conversation. No one noticed the dark, hooded figure hovering at the edge of the woods, observing the scene.
He'd known she'd be here, because he'd been forewarned. Still somehow, he felt unprepared for the reality of the situation. It had seemed almost like a joke to think she'd ever be unfaithful to him. And now, everything was surreal; almost dream-like. Even the sound of her laughter appeared to drift into his ears from far away.
He crept stealthily toward the car he knew she shared with her lover. He didn't have any idea how he'd respond once he saw her in the arms of another man. He didn't comprehend how he was supposed to feel. He felt nothing; yet he felt everything, as soon as he jerked open the door, without warning.
Caught off guard, they sat up, scrambling for their clothing. She apologized and tried to explain. But he heard none of it. Running on pure adrenaline and instinct, he pulled out a hunting knife and his gun. Silent and deadly, he unleashed the fury upon them that suddenly burst free. Then he moved on to the next car, shooting out tires and continuing his rampage, until he was satisfied.
20 Years Later-Present Day:
Ethel Morgan bustled about the little grocery store she'd owned for half of her life. Since her husband passed on, she'd managed it all by herself, until her grandson, Seth, moved in to help out. He was a wild one, always into mischief.
Wiping her hands on her well-worn apron, Ethel made her way to the other side of the building, which served as a small cafe. "Seth?" she called, receiving no answer. "Confound that boy! He's never around when he's needed."
"He probably took off when my Grandpa pulled in. I thought I saw him peeling out," Logan offered, grinning sheepishly. "They don't exactly get along."
Missy elbowed him in the ribs and rolled her eyes heavenward. Her blonde hair swished about; her sky-blue eyes flashing in consternation. "Oh, hush. Don't get her riled up. She's going through a lot, with Seth being accused of those recent murders on Lover's Lane."
Ethel glanced at Missy in exasperation and addressed Sheriff Baxter as she poured coffee. "Why on earth must you railroad my grandson, Floyd? He may be a troublemaker, I admit. But he has never harmed anyone."
The sheriff calmly took a sip of his brew and took off his Stetson. He ran a hand through his graying hair, pinning his gaze on the amply rounded woman. "He is the most likely suspect we have. Besides, you got any better ones? Let's hear it."
She threw down a kitchen rag she'd been holding and placed both hands firmly on her hips. "You're darned right I do; that crazy old hermit, Harley, for one. He lives right near those woods where those killings took place. Not exactly a long walk, you know. He's been known to get drunk and get violent when people come near his shack."
Sheriff Baxter coughed. "We've all heard that one before. Anyone else come to mind?"
"Sure, how about Samuel Kennedy? His unfaithful wife, Sandra, was attacked that night, but she survived. She doesn't even know who it was, because the guy wore a hood. For all we know, her husband found her cozying up to some paramour and blew his top. He does seem to be the jealous type, if you ask me. He keeps her on a short leash."
Missy cleared her throat. "That's my parents you're talking about, Ethel. Dad would never hurt Mom, first of all. Second, Mom was only meeting a coworker to talk about some issues at work."
The elderly woman chuckled in disbelief. "Meeting him on Lover's Lane? Please, honey! I know you're not that na¢¿½ve."
Logan bristled. "You leave Missy alone! How dare you patronize her in your petty attempts to draw suspicion away from Seth?"
Sheriff Baxter held up a hand to intervene. "Simmer down, everyone! Ethel, are you finished with your broken-record suspect list?"
Clasping her fingers together, she frowned. "I have one more, Jeffrey Smith. His girlfriend, Gina, was killed that night. I mean, the man lost his wife, Evelyn, to cancer. Then a couple years later, he hooks up with the town tramp, to play house for his son's benefit. He gets deployed for several months and comes home to find her cheating. He must've flipped his wig."
Deputy Smith appeared suddenly. "Now Ethel, you're tarnishing my old man's reputation. I'll thank you kindly not to do that," he told her.
The woman peered at him uncertainly. "You look so much like your daddy. So, how is he these days, Hank?"
He seated himself with the others. "He's doing good. Say, pour me a cup of that coffee."
On the drive to Missy's house, Logan said, "Grandpa's gonna catch whoever's behind the murders. He said he intends to interview all of the suspects again."
Missy nodded, deep in thought; her wheels churning desperately. "I'm going to help him. I've got some plans of my own. Beginning with asking my mom and dad about what happened that night. I was only three years old at the time, so I don't remember."
Logan wrinkled up his nose. "Oh, no, not that Nancy Drew stuff again! This is serious business here. Someone could get hurt or killed and has," he protested. "Not just twenty years ago, either. Think about those two couples out on Lover's Lane, three weeks ago."
"I know, but it'll be safe enough. I'll just do a little snooping around, that's all, inside their homes. Since I already live with my parents, that one's covered. I can offer my maid services to Mr. Peters and Mr. Smith. Everyone in town knows that I'm trying to start my own cleaning business."
"No way!" Logan argued. "You are absolutely not going into their homes. It's too dangerous!"
Missy smiled, throwing him a defiant look. "Yes, I am. Just watch me," she retorted.
Missy moved around her bedroom glancing anxiously at the clock on the wall. She hurriedly gathered the old newspaper clippings that she had found in old storage boxes sitting behind the furnace in the corner of the basement.
She had hid the clippings deep in the back of her closet so no one would find them"not before she had time to peruse them. She was certain that her mother had clipped and saved them. After all, mom was there when it happened, and she survived that horrible, fateful night, though just barely.
Thy clippings had yellowed, but were still readable. "It's only five o'clock," she thought out loud. "Mom still won't be home for at least another hour, and dad will make a late night of it down at O'Leary's, his usual haunt. I've got to get these clippings in order!"
Missy was determined to go through anything that she could find connected to that night with a fine-toothed comb. Something had to give and she would be there when it did.
"Okay, here we go, all in order. September 8, 1993...21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, October 10th, November 20th. Looks like these murders were the only thing that ever happened in this town," Missy slowly said as she read through the various reports.
"Hmm, how about that? Today is September 8th, the day of the original murders. I wonder if there could be a possible connection with the anniversary of the '93 murders and the recent murders."
"Sheriff Baxter, come in."
"Yeah, dispatch," Sheriff Baxter here."
"Sheriff, we just got an anonymous call from somebody sounding like they was disguising their voice."
"It may be one of them prank callers, but they're saying there's a body up there on "Lovers Lane" stickin' halfway out of the bushes near the wood trail."
"Okay, dispatch. I'm en route to check it out, over," Sheriff Baxter turned on the lights and sirens as he sped down the street.
"Dammit!" the sheriff said hitting his fist on dashboard. "I hope one of them snot-nose kids is playing a prank. This town sure doesn't need another murder on its hands. Let it be a prank."
The cool September breeze smelled sweet and the leaves turning red and gold painted an idyllic picturesque scene. "It is so beautiful up here, it just ain't right," Sheriff Baxter thought as he rounded the "Lane" and came to a screeching halt at the wooded path.
Getting out of the cruiser the sheriff could see what looked like a crumpled piece of material partially covered by the thick brush. "Damn kids. I knew it was a prank. You'd think their parents could train 'em better."
Walking closer, the sheriff could make out an arm covered in blood. The head and torso was mostly hidden underneath the leaves and brush, but he could see it was a male, large build, approximately 6'2''.
"Damn. Dispatch, come in," Sheriff Baxter radioed to the police station.
"Go ahead, sheriff."
"Dispatch, we're gonna need a team up on Lover's Lane." "We have a body here."
"Roger, that sheriff."
"Missy, I'm home!" Sandra called out to her daughter as she walked through the front door and into the kitchen with groceries. "Honey, are you here?"
"I'm upstairs in my room, mom," Missy replied moving quickly to place the boxes of newspapers back in her closet.
"Oh, good. You can help me with dinner then. Your father might come home early and he will be hungry."
"That was close," Missy thought as she made sure her closet doors were closed tight.
Bounding down the stairs, she said, "Right, mom. You know daddy won't be home until morning, stumble in, and pass-out on the sofa drunk."
"Honey, you need to try and understand that your father is still trying to deal with all that's happened," Sandra implored of Missy. "He has never gotten over being accused, and with these new murders..." Sandra looked away as her voice trailed off.
"I know mom," Missy replied grabbing Sandra's hand and gently stroking it. "Everybody is worried. But we can't let this low-life murderer make us cower in fear and be afraid of our own shadows; or in daddy's case"drink himself into oblivion. Mom, I know you don't want to talk about it, but what really happened that night? How did you escape, and what did you see. Did you see the killer's face?"
"Oh, Missy, please. I, I, don't know," Sandra said walking away from Missy in tears. "It was so dark and I could only see shadows with the moon so high, I, I..."
Sandra stuttered trying to find the words to continue.
"Hey, you know what? Let's just make dinner and not think about it right now," Missy said feeling her mother's pain. I can only have a bite, though because I have to meet Logan at the library. He's going to help me research information on residential cleaning," said Missy, lying to hide her intentions of finding evidence on the killings and sniff out the murderer.
Missy and Sandra finished making dinner stuffed pork chops, seasoned new potatoes, fresh garden salad, and berry cobbler for desert. "Gotta go, mom," Missy said kissing Sandra on the forehead before bouncing out the kitchen door.
"Don't wait up." Missy pulled out her cell phone and "speed dialed" Logan as she cleared the driveway. "Just leaving; pick me up at the corner. I have got to check out what's in old man Peter's shed, that he won't let anyone near. We will get to old man Smith, too. Mom thinks I'm gonna be tied up at the library, so hurry."
As Missy turned the corner, she saw the crowd of people standing in the street. Missy could see Ethel Morgan as she walked closer to see what was happening. "Hey Ethel, what's going on?" Missy asked.
"Oh, honey! They just found another body out at "Lover's Lane," Ethel replied.
"Anyone we know?" Missy asked with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach now. "We don't know yet." Sheriff Baxter said they won't let out any information until the family is contacted first.
"Hank, you there?" asked Sherriff Baxter over the police radio.
"Yes Sherriff, I'm on my way to the scene. I should be there soon," replied Deputy Smith.
Sherriff Baxter quickly responded, "Turn around I need you to go talk to Ethel, I got her grandson Seth here. It looks like I was wrong after all."
"Oh no, I guess someone did not like the fact that he was getting all the attention," Hank said eerily, before telling the sheriff that he would contact him once he was at Ethel's place.
Upon his arrival, Deputy Hank Smith finds Ethel Morgan and Missy Kennedy sitting on the patio with phones in hand awaiting the news of the newest victim found. When Ethel noticed the Deputy, knowing she the town gossip had still not heard who was killed, her heart dropped out of her chest.
She just knew that the Deputy was there to tell her that her dear grandson Seth was the victim. She had not seen him in quite some time now and he usually checked in with her.
"Ethel, I need you to stay seated, my dear. Unfortunately this is not a pleasant visit. Missy can you give us just a minute? But please stay close for Ethel," requested the deputy.
As Missy sat there, she could not help but overhear Hank telling Ethel that Seth was the newest victim. However, there was little more information at this time. The Sherriff would contact her when it was time to come in, and would probably send a car as she should not be driving until she has had time to calm down and settle her nerves. Of course, Hank was much nicer about it, but Missy was great at condensing the information as if she were writing a documentary on the murders.
Two Days Later:
Logan and Missy, knowing Seth well, decided that it was time to end these murders finally. There had to be something that was missing or not being put together correctly and Missy was determined that she would be able to complete the puzzle.
Logan being her boyfriend and the Sherriff's grandson made access to the reports and evidence quite possible especially since he had them at home and he needed to sleep sometime.
"Missy, hurry up! If he wakes up and finds us here I'm done for."
"Logan, calm down. You're going to wake him up if you keep on yelling like that."
A moment later, Missy bursts out, "Have you noticed that no one has ever looked at Hank? After all his father was one of the original suspects. He is a supposed witness, and everything he does is a cry for attention to his father. "
"I guess no one would suspect that good ole Hank could do anything like that," Logan answered with a chuckle.
"Seriously Logan, Think about it for a minute. Hank has the access, the time, the materials, and the possible cause. Who knows all of that stress could have made him a criminal mastermind in disguise."
Later that evening, Missy voiced her suspicions to Floyd Baxter.
"Listen Sherriff, I am telling you Hank is the most likely suspect. I have also noticed that he is always making assumptions that end up being true," exclaimed Missy trying to exude confidence and integrity.
However, Sherriff Baxter seemed very unconvinced. "Missy, I know you mean well and all, but how about you leave the police work to me and go do something with my grandson or one of your other friends. Just remember to stay far away from "Lovers Lane," for obvious reasons."
Just as Missy started to walk out the door, the lights went out in the sheriff's office and there was nothing but dark and a few safety lights.
"Missy get down, while I see what is going on here," ordered the Sherriff.
A few seconds later, there was a voice disguised by some kind of machine. It sounded like the ones in horror and robbery movies. "Sherriff, you should have listened to the young girl there. She may have saved you some time, you see there is a lot to this story that you do not know," exclaimed the voice.
The mysterious person continued. "I am going to make this one easy for you. For ages now, no one really knows how long. People have been doing whatever they want, acting a fool, running around on the ones they love, and destroying their families. My father saw this, and started ending the problem and once he stopped I saw need to finish his work."
Missy, knowing who it was already, asked, "Hank, why did you murder Seth then? He did not do anything to you."
"Missy, you know it all, girl. I knew you would be the one to figure all of this out and bring it into the light. I just knew your meddling would make me proud. People need to know that it was me and my father. They need to know why we did what we did and why it is important to carry on this mentality."
Just then Missy shouted, "He is in here; he has a gun on me. I feel it."
One shot later and Sherriff Baxter said, "Missy, move to the right, get away from him while I get the lights."
Hank was dead, the others were on their way to take care of his father Jeffrey Smith, and the souls of the victims can now rest. In the end, it seems that the misguided loyalty and raising of a son can turn a good man sour.
Police have confirmed on the night of September 8th, five couples were murdered on the 500 block of Hillcrest Avenue at the top of the hill, which is affectionately called "Lover's Lane". The victims ranged from twenty-year-old couples to fifty-year-old couples.
At least three of the couples were married, while the other two couples were unmarried. The victim's identities are not being released at this time until the Sleepy Pines authorities can notify all of the family members.
Deputy Hank Smith of Crawford County is the main suspect and elegit murderer. The deputy has been arrested and is currently in custody. This is the same town of a similar unsolved murder spree some twenty years ago in 1993.
Sheriff Floyd Baxter has also arrested the current suspect's father Jeffrey Smith citing a break in the over twenty-year-old cold case and believes the two sets of murders were closely related. Both killing sprees included five different couples and have to this point both cases have had no convictions. We asked Sheriff Floyd Baxter why he feels the murder cases are connected and this was his response, "The original case showed elements of killing with passion. Four out of five cars that were affected had been immobilized by gun shots to all four tires and then the coroner had confirmed multiple stab wounds to each victim with a small sharp object like a knife or dagger.
The wounds reflected that the killer was in a rage, stabbing vital areas multiple times around the head and neck. The most recent killings were performed with a similar small sharp object and appear to be committed with the same passion." After we asked the Sheriff why the first set of cases were not solved he had provided the response, "We have continued to collect facts pertaining to the case and this office feels confident that the five cases from 1993 will not remain open indefinitely."
Next we followed up with what steps were the Sleepy Pines police department taking to ensure the killer of these cases will be brought to justice? Sheriff Baxter advised that the current investigation is aided with the most up to date technology including biological DNA identification, chemical testing and continuing assistance from county and federal authorities.
Jeffrey Smith, charged with the 1993 multiple homicides, was a decorated Gulf War veteran who was devastated when his girlfriend was included as one of the five couples in the now famous "Lover's Lane" murders of 1993. At the time, there was no further evidence connecting Mr. Smith with the murders.
His girlfriend was one of the ten victims found on the scene, but was with a male companion who allegedly was driving her home the evening the murders occurred. Both Mr. Smith's girlfriend and her companion, Dave Tanner, were found partially clothed, suggesting that there was a romantic relationship.
While Mr. Smith was an original suspect in the 1993 homicides, further investigation revealed there was no evidence leading to an arrest. Prior to Smith's arrest, Sheriff Baxter confirmed there were only two other suspects in the original 1993 investigation which included Harley Peters and Samuel Kennedy.
Peters lives as a recluse near "Lover's Lane" and has always had public disdain for anyone trespassing on his property. Samuel Kennedy's wife Sandra was the lone survivor in the attacks but couldn't identify the killer. Samuel was a natural suspect since his wife, who was separated at the time, was at the "Lover's Lane" with another man.
The victims of the 1993 "Lover's Lane" killing spree were: Cindy Parker, John Slate, Gina Dawber, Dave Tanner, Becky White, Danny Johnson, Steve Seray, Terri Tang, Walt Newman, and Sandra Kennedy, the only survivor. The remaining relatives interviewed from the twenty-year-old tragedy expressed common themes of closure and justice that the killer has finally been caught and will stand trial.
One family member who requested to remain anonymous stated, "Jeff Smith did not deserve to live the last twenty years as a free man and now he will have to spent the rest of his life in jail".
Deputy Hank Smith has been charged with the most recent killing spree at "Lover's Lane" and authorities are now claiming this appears to be a "copy-cat" killing of the same murders twenty years earlier. Those now famous "Lover's Lane" murders have been unsolved for the last twenty years sitting in the cold case files at the Sleepy Pines police department. This small town has been shaken by the arrest of one of its most loyal police force deputies.
Seth Morgan was one of the original suspects due to the fact that he was found near the scene of the crimes allegedly hunting small game and he has had a criminal record with minor misdemeanor shoplifting and arson but had never had any type of felony charges. The authorities had cleared him once his alibi had checked out and that fact that DNA and forensic evidence found at the scene of the crime did not match.
Hank Smith is the son of Jeffrey Smith and upon psychological evaluation, it has been discovered that Jeffrey Smith was present during the original 1993 slayings involving his father. He may be the lone living eye witness.
While not denying the allegations, Deputy Smith has attested that his sole motivation for committing the brutal acts was to impress his father, Jeffrey Smith. The district attorney has not advised whether it will pursue the death penalty or multiple life sentences behind bars. But a preliminary hearing has been scheduled for July 12.
The relationship between father and son has deteriorated over the last twenty years as Jeffrey Smith has been reclusive since his girlfriend's murder and had become increasingly more antisocial. After Hank Smith had joined the police force, there was a very public argument in which Jeffrey Smith seemed threatened to "disown" his son if he continued to seek employment from the same government or authorities that he was forced to fight for when he was younger.
Breaking News:
Reports have just come in confirming that the alleged killer, Deputy Hank Smith, of the recent "Lover's Lane" homicides has just been fatally shot by Sleepy Pines Sheriff Floyd Baxter. Smith attempted to take one of the local girls, Missy Kennedy, as hostage before Sheriff Baxter rescued her, shooting the suspect. We will have more details as they become available.
The arrest of Jeffrey Smith, for the 1993 homicides on Lovers Lane and his son Deputy Hank Smith for the recent murders in the same location, has finally closed the chapter to the puzzling whodunit. Most of the townspeople are in disbelief, though some claim they were suspicious of Jeffrey Smith all along.
The second suspect, Deputy Hank Smith, killed by Sheriff Baxter in a hostage situation; however, was a surprise. According to Missy, she had begun to suspect something was off-center with Deputy Smith.
A novice detective, Missy was searching for evidence that could indicate the Deputy's direct or indirect involvement. For now, Sleepy Pines can once again enjoy its idyllic little town, and the "Lover's Lane."
Text: Melissa Monroe
Images: Cover Art: Rebecca Bowslaugh
Editing: Verna G.
Publication Date: 07-10-2013
All Rights Reserved
I want to thank Verna, Carolyn, and James for their help in the completion of this book.