Chapter one. My name is Hannah James. It should be something absolutely ridiculous, but it’s James. I like the color blue, only sky blues the color of freedom. I have ice blue eyes. They are almost gray. It is the almost the color of sorrow. .
I am 15 years old, Almost 16, but still 15. I almost escaped. I almost made it home. I almost didn’t die… except I did. I Wish I hadn’t, but I did. If I didn’t, there wouldn’t be a story. so let me explain…
Chapter two.
It started last year on December 7, my birthday.
“Jesse, you get Sarah I’ll get Tiana, hurry they got Mike on their team this time!” I screamed.
“So?’ he answered.” "So? He is freaking amazing! They’ll beat us if we don’t hurry!” I practically was seething. “Yeah, but we got you.” An angry blush slowly started to form on his face. If I hadn’t been super freezing, and in the middle of December in Minnesota I would have turned about eighty shades of red. ”Your right, they don’t stand a chance against us.” I was the best pitcher at Y.T.C.H, even better than Jesse who could throw a ball better than most people in Ada put together.Y.T.C.H stands for young teen children’s home. It’s not bad. At least it’s not to bad. The worst thing about it was the headmistress Ms.Connie. She hates kids, but there isn’t a lot of jobs you can get in Ada, and teaching pays pretty well here, so even if she wants to kill each and everyone of us its against the law, so she has to just be happy waiting for us all to rot in this orphanage, with our spirits crushed and all our hopes broken.
Isn’t that great.
Back to my story…this story.
“If we corner them around the cafeteria and the basketball court we can pin out Mike and Tiana then…why don’t you try to help me a little at making plans! We can’t lose this time! Were betting on two days dinner for this, so get running!" I couldn’t believe I even got on Jesse’s team at all. Jesse is the goal of every girl in Y.T.C.H, besides getting out of Y.T.C.H in the first place, and usually Sarah finds an excuse to get on his team. Jesse and me are best friends and all, but the girl’s and boy’s are on other schedules and I hardly ever get to see him except on free time and lunch. I really like Jesse, even though it would never happen. Jesse would never like someone as freaky as me, because I really was freaky looking. I had midnight black hair, not hair as blonde as the miles of snow around us like Sarah’s or Tiana’s, and I was freaky pale. I was tall and skinny, definitely not “cute” petite like them either, I was also intelligent so I couldn’t possibly be girlfriend material, because girls here aren’t suppose to be able to think for themselves or do anything really except listen to guys talk about hunting or fishing or hunting and fishing. It got really boring after awhile but I knew something was out there for me, and then I would finally be able to leave this place and see what is over that tall gray fence and go where I wanted to go, which at this particular moment (and pretty much every other one) was as far from here as possible.
Publication Date: 09-08-2011
All Rights Reserved
to my best friend hannah b. who never gave up in me. and my grandmothers and great grandmothers for giving me their love.