Characters in the story:
Ling Xiulan: expert in computational linguistics, wife of Deng the Calligrapher, mother of Beauty her daughter.
Hai Deng: the Calligrapher, husband of Xiulan.
Inspector Zhiayou Ma: head of the plainclothes police unit called The Peacock team, tasked with preventing trafficking of people, rare animals, and art objects.
Xiuping Yu and Wenling Zhan: the other members, with Xiulan, of the Peacock team.
Master Wen: Jade dealer, deceased former employer of Xiulan.
Dr Ling Zhao: father of Xiulan, professor of computational linguistics at City University.
Tan Hui Lu: City Museum Director.
Hong Kong Weather Bureau Forecast, for September 2014; increasing Gale or Storm.
Xiulan was at work. On the way there MTR screens had said the forecast had been for a level 3 Typhoon.
At level 3 most things in Hong Kong carry on. There is wind, there is rain but people are at work, the trains still run and most flights go.
But the storm had shifted. Now things were changing - the weather bureau were indicating that the tropical storm Feng was moving through the South China Sea tracking towards HK and it could go to a level 8.
For a few days now the temperatures had been high in the city.
“Heat is feeding the storm, energy is building,” said Darren Chan of the weather bureau, “we can expect that energy to be released somewhere.”
Inspector Ma brought his staff together. He turned to the Peacock team
“The checks on the exhibition today went well.”
Mainland China had loaned three priceless objects to the Hong Kong City Museum for an exhibition due to open tomorrow.
The cloak of the Last Chinese Emperor, a turtle shell with the first reputed marks of Chinese characters on it, and the complete works
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: alastair macleod
Images: alastair macleod; "Chinese Calligraphy" purchased from Dreamstime royalty free photos
Editing: alastair macleod
Translation: cover typeset in goodfish
Publication Date: 03-09-2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-8269-0
All Rights Reserved
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental....
Dedication: To the Book of Dao and Master Lao Tse