I wondered toward the wall length mirror closest to the closet, holding out two frail wrists. An odd tingling sensation began to build deep inside my core. A feeling that I was unsure of, it was quite unpleasant. My eyes traveled down my body to my wrists to see a petite blue tattoo developing as a bow and arrow incircled in several designs. Eyes widening in wonder I lifted my wrists, suddenly an explosion of pain sent me into a frenzied headache making me dizzy to the point of dropping to the ground. I lifted my hand to my head hoping the pressure would ease the pain, but nothing helped. Could I sustain this pain any longer? As soon as the question shot across my mind like a shooting star another one developed. Where exactly am I?
I rushed back to my car in a fit of anger throwing everything in the back seat slamming my door. I accelerated a little to quickly, but too pissed to care. What the hell was he thinking, that was not okay. I had no idea where I was going to end up, but apparently my body did. I pulled into Vanity Park fighting a fit of tears the only place I even felt safe anymore. Why do I even care about anything anymore? Why do I constantly put up with their bullshit? I mean I could just run away, maybe even steal a couple million and Brad wouldn't know. I chuckled to myself at the outrageous ideas roaming threw my mind sparking a false hope somewhere deep inside my hallow body. I drove all the way back to the park heading towards the river. I pulled up and lept out of the car leaving the door open and exposing everything in my car not caring what could potentially happen. I ran towards the edge of the river dropped on the ground folding my knees resting my head on my arms. If only dad were here, I thought to myself. I smiled at the thought of him running up and hugging me like I was the best thing that has ever happened to him. He was what made our little family. We'd taken trips here almost every weekend and they were my life. Back in the day when my mother wasn't psychotic she used to call me her little wild child because I never wanted to leave, the outdoors was apart of me.
Taking in deep breaths of the delicious outdoor air I came to a realization that those days were over and that I was never going to have that ever again. My father was never coming home and I was stuck with a mother who only cared for money and sex, and her fiancee who was cruel, and unfair, and dictated my every move. I sobbed loudly not caring where I was banging my fists on my leg. Finally crying out for my mother who I was supposed to be able to trust and confide in times of need being a teenager, I cried out for my father who would never return home because he was missing in action. I cried out for my old life with two beautiful loving parents who made me their world. My shoulders stopped heaving and I finally started settling watching the soft ripples of beautiful water mesmerizing me in a trance.
I heard a noise that should of alerted me and told me to leave, but being caught up in the moment didn't really give me the motivation to take action. I leaned my head down and continued on in my fragile state hoping whatever it was didn't take long to kill me, or steal my things I didn't have the energy to really care. Thoughts of my dad replayed in my mind starting up another round of heaving and heavy heart break when a warm gentle hand touched my shoulder. I jumped and screamed like I had just put my hand in a fire and it spread across my body. I slowly turned trying to catch my breath .
His eyes caught my attention, because they were full of concern and worry, something I wasn't used to.
"Are you okay?" He asked staring deeply into my eyes almost reaching my soul. His thick deep voice put me in a trance sounding like honey to my ears
"Uh-yeah just enjoying nature." I said my face reddening like a bright red newly distributed fire truck.
"At eleven-o-clock at night?" His brow rising with a hint of disbelief and maybe even understanding.
"Yeah.. umm I'm sorry I disturbed you ." I turned my head quickly wiping the last escaping tear turning to head to my car.
"No.. it's okay we just heard a noise that sound like someone was hurt and well we found you." He grabbed the side of his face almost like he was nervous or something. He was very handsome maybe a year or two older. He had this beautiful dark brown hair color that sported an almost perfectly white set of teeth. His body was a brilliant build filled with sexy muscle and tone but not to much to where he looked like a bloated balloon, he was lean. The thing that stood out the most was his eyes they were a shade of silver that I didn't even think was possible for anyone to have. They were beautiful and I couldn't get my eyes to move elsewhere.
"They?" I looked around seeing five other guys all around the same build with the same colored eyes.
At that point I knew my face already was burnt with my embarrassment I walked towards my car quickly turning around. "Uh.. thank you for everything," I turned around and jumped in my car quickly turning the key starting her up, listening to the loud roar of my engine. I smiled when I heard the low whistles as the other guys walk up admiring my baby.
"She drives a Camaro Z/28?" I laughed aloud and sped away.
I pulled into the oversized garage not surprised to see Sander's light still glowing in his office. I'm beginning to think that no one knew about, or loved cars as much as he did. He was committed to our cars twenty four hours a day and 7 days a week. My mother and her boyfriend loved him just as much, and eventually even added a second floor to the house sized garage and made a loft for him to stay in. I thought he was crazy to take the job, but his housing is free and he pretty much receives a grand sum every pay day. He probably has enough to move out, but he has told me numerous times that he's not going anywhere until I make my mark and move.
I quietly opened the front door preparing myself for battle. It was quiet as a mouse I raised my hands in the air celebrating my small victory. I ran up the left flight of stairs to my room shut my door and made damn sure to lock it. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light...
My eyes opened to the soft squeaking of the loose floor board close to my bed. I sat up looking at the clock reading it was to late for me to be up angry that the stupid floor woke me up. I looked around the room expecting to see Zeus my little Alaskan Husky. He was already almost a month old so he came and went as he pleased already acting above his real age. I chuckled he was such a cutie pie, I thought to myself. I looked around realizing he wasn't in here. I looked around seeing a pair of glowing silver eyes staring back at me. It was certainly frightening, especially since I felt like an enormous weight had been but on my head making me fell almost exhausted. I smiled realizing I finally was going back to bed.
I woke up and started the process of getting ready not that it really matter to be honest. School was really not that important as much as it was when I was a social butterfly, but that changed when my mother and I moved in with Brent. This place was awful it was like the Malibu of a more homey wood filled area. Everyone had money, and nice cars, wore expensive clothing, and had the best colored and highlighted hair, but that’s not me. Since I don't wear all those brands I guess you could say I have been an outcast. I may have a fancy house, and a fancy car, but that doesn’t make me one of them. I hopped out of the shower drying my hair aggravated that it always took so long. Don't get me wrong I loved having long hair, but it was thick and took forever to even get my hair to just become damp.
I slipped on my favorite pair of jeans on the skinner side and a Black Keys tee shirt. Sporting my outfit with my favorite pair of low cut combat boots that just so happened to have a silver spike sticking out from the back of the heel. I grabbed a pair of black and silver Ray Bans my bans and my school bag and left with out even glancing at the kitchen that held my moms "little perfect family," or so she called it, but whatever. I winked at Sander as he had my car already running and ready to go. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug on my way out. If he wasn't committed to school and promised my father he'd take care of me I really would have taken up a serious crush on him, but I knew that he was off limits. I pouted to myself and jumped in my car, feeling like I had just gotten ready for war and that I needed to defend myself.
Enjoying the music and the incredible weather I finally pulled into the school parking lot groaning out loud that the stupid makeup monkey had gotten to my spot of all of them she stole my spot. I felt like she did it on purpose just to set me off. I parked a few spots away glad that only just people were starting to pull in. I stalked to my locker throwing books for my first two periods into my bag. As I turned around I hadn't realized makeup monkey and her minions were staring at me with death glares. Great! What had I done this time? I smiled at her with a hint of fire lightening my mood. I never quite understood people like her, seriously the world doesn't revolve around you.
"Are you just going to keep staring at me, or are you going to tell me whats really bothering you?" She looked like I had just committed a federal crime talking to her, but who cares? I waited another moment and turned on my heels not wasting another glorious moment of my time here on earth in her presence. I got about two steps when I hear her yell something. I turned back on my heels and back tracked to where I was originally standing. "I'm sorry what was that?"
"I said you're a dirty skank, and you don't deserve to set a foot on this school's property, or even in the world." She flipped a strand of her perfectly colored and manicured hair and smiled like she felt better. "Even your mother is whore how does it feel? Like mother like daughter right?" She laughed her snotty squeaky laugh.
Deep down inside I was pissed, but I wouldn't giver her that benefit. I realized that the entire school was watching me get himmulated, but I didn't care. I laughed and was about to walk off until I heard-
"Your dad was a worthless piece of shit and he deserved to die. He had no money I mean what good was he for-
As soon as she even mentioned my name I ran across the the hall and punched her in the face. Before she even saw it her eyes became wide with fear. Good I thought it served her right. As soon as my fist connected with her face she fell the the ground. Everyone looked at her and I kid you not began laughing hysterically. I felt liberated, but terrible afterward. That was totally uncalled for and I knew I would have to deal with the repercussions later. Why couldn't I just be proud of myself instead of the guilt deep in my soul.
I walked to class bag in hand realizing today was just about to start. I hate the fact that she'll get away with slandering me in front of the student body and not have any punishment and sighed to myself. As soon as class started the PA called me down to the office. I grabbed my over sized bag and walked out of the room feeling smiles from the entire class. I smiled to myself realizing the reason they smiled. As I walked down the vacant hallway I heard a pair footsteps walking down the hall followed by a couple more. I turned around curious to see who it was and saw a familiar set of eyes I blushed. Could this really be happening? They noticed I had stopped and stared at me giving me smiles and a little wave. I walked on to the office feeling the dread building up slowly.
I opened the door and was surprised to see Dr. Healy smiling up slowly.
"Hello, I was called down to see you?" I stuttered.
"Ah yes Mrs. Aiobheann what a lovely name you do have." I smiled feeling that maybe I would get off the hook just this one time.
"Well you probably know why I called you down here and it really surprises me for this reason. To be honest we've had so many of our students complain, or cry to our counselors that honestly I don't really care what happened to her. We've called her down and some witnesses to discuss what happened and what the punishments will be. I wish I didn't have to punish such a sweet girl, but you can't just go punching random people in the face and we won't tolerate it." He pushed his sleeves up as we heard the makeup pose down the hall.
He rolled his eyes and sighed a deep hearty sigh dreading this meeting just as much as I was. I smiled and he smiled back and I realized he was on my side.
The door slammed open loudly and Brittany and her makeup monkeys followed by her belated boyfriend. He looked just as frustrated as I felt and for that I smiled over at him. He returned the smile rolling his big georgous eyes at Brittany. She shot him a furious look and strode her pink skirted butt straight to Mr. Healy's desk and slammed her little Armani clad wrist down making sure not to break her tiny bracelets.
"I demand you kick her out of this school she is a nuisance and almost ruined my new nose! This is an outrage I demand you take immediate action." She huffed and turned quickly pointing at me. I heard a few of her minions turn, and point, and fake cry.
I tried to hide my laugh when I heard a door open and the mysterious guys walked in. "Ahh yes Aedan you and your brothers go ahead and have a seat and I'll be right with you."
They turned their backs and continued on in their conversations.
"Listen you can't let this new money skank just walk up in her dirty little outfit and punch me for no reason. I'm sorry her dad sucked and now she thinks her life-
I almost walked over there again and was stopped by the silvery glare and I stopped.
"Listen miss wrangler if you wish for me to solve this little problem you must keep your mouth shut," said Dr. Healy barked.
"Shut it," he repeated.
"Listen I can't keep standing here listening to you slander Aiobheann," Brandon looked over at Aiobheann.
"Listen Dr. Healy I was there the whole time Brittany began to insult Aiobheann about her family and dad missing in action ," he looked over apologetically, "Listen I'm so so sorry for everything Brittany has done to you. I should have stepped in, but I didn't so I don't expect you to forgive me." He grabbed a handful of hair and his face flushed.
"Are you serious?" Brittany looked at me in rage.
The mystery man stood up as Brittany took a step toward me.
"That's enough Brittany grab your books and sit in my room." Dr. Healy looked like he was about to go over the edge. What struck me the most interesting was when mystery man stood up and almost came to defend me like he was going to protect me.. not that I needed.
"Ms. Aiobheann grab your things and you are free to go home for the day. I am very sorry for your troubles." He looked over at Brittany in a rage.
"My father will hear!!-
He shut his door before she could continue on in her little hissy fit. I laughed allowed trying to break the tension. I grabbed my things and turned to walk out of the room when Brandon stopped me.
"Aiobheann wait," he grabbed my hand.
"I.. I meant everything I said I truly am sorry. I should have intervened, or broke up with her sooner it's just.. yeah."
I knew he was sincere," it's okay really... I'm a big girl I can take care of myself."
I opened the door exiting with my sassy yet sexy response proud I had made contact and not making a fool of myself.
I hopped into my car starting her up slinging my books in the back seat. Just being in my car makes me feel a lot better our connection was so deep. Is that weird?
Text: Wh(it)
Images: Google
Publication Date: 05-03-2012
All Rights Reserved