
The Commission

“Son, I have not called you to build a church (denomination),But to build churches. The ministry I gave to you is not for a group of people, but for the entire body of Christ… I have sent you forth to set free the captives through prayers and the teaching of My Word”… 

“Son the time has come to rise up and do what I sent you, see my church has forsaken me the fountain of LIVINGWATERS… go wake up My Church in your generation, my word of power is in your mouth, saith the Lord”

Introduction & Origin


The origin of Spiritual marriage can be dated to Babylonian times. The scripture refers Babylon as the mother of harlot and abominations of the earth.  

 Rev. 17:5


 The word Easter is not actually a Christian name, but it was derived from ISHTAR one of the Babylonian goddess, and is also called the Queen of Heaven. The Saxon goddess Eastre is the same as the Astarte, the Syrian Venus called Ashtoreth in the Old Testament.

 Both men and women worship this Babylon Ishtar with all forms of immoral rites and abominations. It ranges from individual immorality to group sexual orgies.

 According to Babylon history, there is a fable that says that an egg of wondrous size fell from heaven into river Euphrates, and a certain fish called MANATEES rolled the egg to the bank of the river where a dove settled on it and hatched it out came Astarte, or Ishtar the goddess of Easter

The Manatee is the close ally of mammy water. So through this Manatee alliance other fishes, by supernatural powers are transformed, giving then human shapes when it wanted to send them on an errand of pollution.

Finally this Ishtar succeeded in transforming itself into male and female creature and sometimes appears as human.

 And is popularly called Mermaid or Mammy water. The word “Mer” is actually a French word meaning Sea. Her operational base is mainly in the water. She is called different names in different places viz: - Ethoame, Olokun, Ani, Oku, Ndem, Yemoja etc She is been considered as the “Great Sea Mother” she can appear in different forms and shapes such as handsome young man, beautiful woman with long hairs, a lady with human upper part joining to a fish lower part, monster, reptiles, snakes, fishes, cobra, boa-constrictor, etc.

In worship, she prefers her worshippers to appear in white and red dresses. So this incubus and succubus are a group in the marine kingdom under Marriage department in the spirit world. They are what are called spirit husbands and spirit wives. So in a nutshell, the spirit of incubus and succubus is an errand demon to Marine spirit that operates mainly in the dream world except with some exceptional cases.


Genesis 6:1-2

1.   And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them

2.That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

This was an incursion of angelic beings into the human world to strike a compulsory marriage deal with daughters of man.

 Genesis 6:4

4.   There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Shekinah Publishing House
Images: Shekinah Publishing House
Editing: Jennifer Godswill
Publication Date: 07-20-2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-3800-3

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated To My Partner In The Journey of Destiny, My Love

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