


I wake up, exhausted, angry, grumpy, mad. I HATE MONDAYS. I mean I am not just saying that I do really hate mondays. If you went through what I go through on mondays you would hate it too. First I have to get up really early. The I have to go to school from 7:00-3:00. 8 miserable hours of my life. Then I have tons of homework. That takes me 2 hours. Then I have to choirs for 2 hours. Next I eat then I have to go to bed by 8:00. And that is why I hate mondays. I will right some more tomorrow morning got to go to bed it’s monday.




Thank God it is not monday it is only tuesday I like tuesday because it is only 4 days away from the break of this misery they so call the week.




I <3 (love) Wednesday sometimes

(as you probably notice i highlighted

sometimes) because i always have the

best thing to do like this wednesday

(today) I get my new iphone 5c in blue

which is going to be the best.




I am glad that it because it is only

one more day until friday! YAY!!! I went

to school today with my iphone 5c and

everyone was super jealous and thought

it was cool.





FRIDAY YAY!!!!!!! got to go

it is friday party at my house.




It’s morning my party went on to

till about 3 in the morning and I’m

still in my party dress but what I did not tell you is that I got a boyfriend and I kissed him. Got to go texting him right now.




I am going to go to the mall with my friends but before that I might need to say some things about me.




My name is Winter. I live in Washington in a ranch house, I love Washington and all but there is nothing exciting about old Washington, I mean the only exciting thing is that they used to film Icarly here, but that is an old show now they film Liv and Maddie in WISCONSIN I so wanna move to Wisconsin but my parents think it is silly “That I want to move to Wisconsin and not stay here in “Fun Exciting  Washington” “with all my friends” And all I say is they can come with me. And they just laugh. I get really MAD

I love to write books like this one.


Publication Date: 02-25-2015

All Rights Reserved

This is A book about a teen girl. Who hates Mondays. And has to go through some tough challenges that she has to over come. This is a book about the days of the week and how stressful it might be to be a teenager. This my not happen to everyone and they might not be this lucky but these things do happen to rich people thew. This story takes place in first person form and has one main character but she does not say her name at all I might edit so she does but i will tell you guys when i go but thanks for reading.-Eva K About the author: My name is Eva (not ava) and my favorite book is dairy of a wimpy kid. I love drama and romance and graphic novels o and comedy. Also you can follow my instagram @erpk2003 I hope to write more books and i hope you lke this book to. My friends have read it and thought it was cool so i hope you like it to. This is my first book. This is all YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

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