
Title Page


Mars Underneath

The Sceptre of Eternity























Set in the two planets, two different worlds, first part of the trilogy depicts scientist Erik Muller’s journey to the unknown parts of Mars for helping his ladylove Volga. Both Erik and Volga vouchsafed to save an Old Martes (primitive inhabitants of Mars) girl from torture and slavery; but could not return to their camps. Erik was detained by the King of Terra Aquillaan and lost his identity in a strange planet. The story begins with the changing political scenario in Terra Aquillaan and the revolt of the original inhabitants of Mars in demand of an alien-free planet. Erik found himself in the midst of political turmoil and palace intrigues unknown to him. Though he won, the favour of the new King; but faced other mysterious challenges. After overcoming many overwhelming odds, Erik finally managed to escape death and met his old friends but could not beat his destiny.












Dark Sea

There was no end of water; Sailor Alden looked across the horizon. Neither land, nor a mast of a ship was visible. He thought that their ship might have lost the path in the Dark Sea. He went to the cabin, studied the map very carefully and re-examined the compass direction. The ship was heading towards the north. According to his calculation, the ship should be near Port Odena within the nightfall. Sailor Alden looked confused; he again checked through his binoculars and confirmed that there was no sign of land.

Suddenly a knocking sound on his door distracted him; Alden cleared his throat and said, "Yes"; the half closed door was opened outward and a small boy of four years entered. Alden stared at Prince Deoes of Terra-Aquillaan Kingdom, the only living heir of late King Synus, but the boy was no longer looking like a prince in old grey breeches and dark brown doublet. Only the old ratty scarlet cloak was showing the emblem of Karzond Dynasty. The royal emblem was stitched with red and golden threads on a lozenge shaped piece of cloth on the back of his cloak. An Eagle was looking downwards, sitting on a triangular red mountain, holding the conical summit of it with its claws and spreading its wings on both sides with the tips pointing upwards; the bird's body was stitched with golden threads and eyes with red ones. The people of Terra Aquillaan worshipped Eagle as a sacred bird, because, the Ancient Colonisers’ legendary winged chariots often displayed eagle emblem. Seers believed that, five thousand years ago, five kingdoms on Mars were actually created by the Ancient Colonisers, who came from the Earth and made the planet habitable. Eagle sitting on a triangular red mountain indicated Karzond dynasty's possession over the Mountain of Fire, which delineated the kingdom's southern boundary and separated it from Terra Tenebris or the Land of Darkness.

Though the boy’s appearance was dull, but the trace of his noble blood was depicted through his attitude. There were fury and confusion in his green eyes. The boy's fleshy nose was looking red, he might have rubbed it hard to hide running nose. His chubby cheeks and pink thick lips were depicting impatience and annoyance. He had a wooden sword in his left hand as the little prince was left handed and with his free right hand, he set aside his dark red hairs away from his small forehead.

Sailor Alden stood up from his black wooden chair, came forward, leaving his atlas, compass and charts on the trestle table and knelt down before the boy, "My Prince"; he uttered the word with respect. The little prince asked him restlessly, "Mother is asking when we are about to reach? How far is Odena?"

Sailor Alden looked at the boy and replied, "We will reach very soon, My Prince; please tell Queen Deodara that we'll reach sharp; do not lose patience."

"Mother said that we should be very close to Odena."

The Sailor had no answer to provide; suddenly the Prince pointed his small wooden sword at him, "You too a traitor? Spy of Ergonn?"

"Prince Deoes;" The Sailor blinked nervously and told in a trembled voice, "I'm one of the most trustworthy men of your late father, King Synus; I have taken an oath to keep you and your mother safe from any danger."

"Deoes; come here and put down your toy sword, my boy." A shrill female voice echoed across the cabin. Sailor Alden saw a young woman of average height and built entered through the cabin door; the woman shared same eye and hair colour with her son. Her waist long straight red hairs were tied in a single braid spreading over her right breast. The Queen of Terra- Aquillaan had draped her body in a worn grey broadcloth which once had attractive, colourful floral embroidery over its bodice and expensive laces on its fringes, but now those threads and laces were loose enough to look the cloth less attractive. Her oval shaped calmly face, high cheekbones, aquiline nose, and sharp chin were depicting her serenity in grief. At this tender age, her face had developed some fine wrinkles. Dark patches under her eyes had made her appearance older than her real age. She would not be more than sixteen or seventeen, Alden guessed. She had no jewellery except a gold ring on her ring finger; it was her wedding ring given by Late King Synus. The gold ring had an oval shaped ruby bordered by ten small white gemstones. The ring was probably the only jewellery she possessed.

"I am sorry, Ship Master Alden; he should not speak like that, but I was a bit impatient to know how long it will take to reach Odeana?"

"Your Eminence; I am afraid that we have lost our way in the Dark Sea, but the Compass direct towards the North and my atlas says that we are heading in the right direction, but there is no sign of land." He finally admitted the truth.

"Oh, Mother Red Earth, how many ordeals I have to give?" The Queen sounded disappointed. Queen Deodara was from Kingdom of Sevrot where people worship Mars as Mother Red Earth. However, in Terra-Aquillaan, people worship Eagle headed Sea God as the source of auspicious power and Fire Mountain as the source of evil power.

Sailor Alden smiled sadly, "Very soon our little Prince will claim his birthright and he will defeat the usurper king and his alien forces altogether with the help of your Father's Army."

With a deep sigh, the Queen said, "Hope so, but now we have to reach there safely and you have to fulfil your vow to the king."

Deodara turned back by holding the right hand of her son; "come my boy"; the Prince followed his mother silently and did not turn back to see the old sailor.

After the mother and son's departure, the old sailor rubbed his bald head with the palm of his right hand. He remembered the vow he had taken before the dying King Synus that he would safely deliver his heir and widow to the Kingdom of Sevrot and then he would try to gather forces against evil King Ergonn who had usurped the throne with the help of his evil power.

The old sailor knew both Synus and Ergonn from their childhood when they were young princes and used to call each other brother. Old King Nachoa was a wise and a kind man who was used to address as the King of Benevolence. There were peace and prosperity all across the kingdom and the Sea God was so pleased with his devotion that the Scarlet Sea remained calm throughout his tenure and the Fire Mountain did not emit fire or smokes to destroy his wealth and men.

Terra Aquillaan was a peninsular kingdom. Its northern tip ended at the Scarlet Sea; while its eastern border touched the Eastern Bay and the western fringe merged with the Crimson Deep. Fire Mountain delineated its southern boundary beyond which no Martian human civilisation existed. Fire Mountain was so high and impregnable that ordinary men could not imagine of crossing it. Only Grand Seer knew secret passages of crossing the region and he guided every new ruler of Karzond Dynasty to cross the volcanic plateau to prove his power over the dark forces.

Mount Oganaka was the highest peak of the region, which frequently emitted fire, ashes and molten magma through its large craters. The Dark Caldera was the main crater of the mountain where traitors and prisoners were asked to jump. From the Dark Caldera, a molten magma river flow towards the south; that river was known as Tophette River. People believe that if the King could not please the Sea God; the Scarlet Sea became furious; Mount Oganaka emitted fire and destroyed cities and villages of Terra Aquillaan. However, King Nachoa's thirteen-year rule had no such event and thus, people adored him.

Sailor Alden did not waste his time and went downstairs. He ran towards the Wheelhouse cum control room where, he met his loyal servant Elymonne; a Plebeian boy with typical features of Old Martes clans, red complexion, small height not more than five feet, lean and slender physique with oval shaped head slightly bigger than his body, he had two big black swollen patches in the place of his eyes, a small rounded nose, and thick lips. He was dressed in a long hooded robe made of coarse fabric and it was so old that one could not say its exact colour. Old Martes people did not possess hairs or ears, so they had distinct features, which physically segregated them from Neo-Martes people who had similar features like alien Earthians and called themselves superior to the older inhabitants. Old Martes people had several groups and clans across the planet; some lived in the hills, some in the lowlands and all of them had distinct ways of living.

Elymonne Demos bowed to his Bread-Giver; and looked at him to receive orders. The old Sailor asked, "Elymonne, how far we are from the coast?"

"Bread-Giver, we are heading towards the right direction as you have commanded." The boy replied in a shrill voice.

"Then where did the land vanish?" He asked impatiently.

"No idea, My Bread-Giver."

"You're going to be useless; I have taught you seafaring at my own cost and now you are my thrall. Recall that day, when the Old King's City-Watchmen caught you from stealing bread and wanted to put you on Fire Mountain; I paid your compensation, and spent hundred Marte Coins for you. You have to answer me, boy."

"My Bread-Giver, I am telling you the truth."

He pushed the boy away from the steering wheel, checked maps and charts thoroughly and again checked the compass direction, the boy was not wrong. Then what was the mystery behind it? A land could not be vanished like that. He again looked through the window and did not see any sign of land. The Old Sailor left the Old Martes boy in the Wheelhouse and went on the deck; he thought to call his men and thralls to discuss the issue. He went to the superstructure above the deck and walked towards a golden bell hanging from a red wooden shaft with a golden chain. He rang the bell and his men appeared on the deck.

Sailor Alden announced, "My brethren, and thralls; wait for me on the Deck, I had to discuss with you something very important."

At least fifteen men and twenty Old Martes thralls gathered on the deck. Sailor Alden got down from the superstructure to the deck and he addressed the gatherers that the ship had lost its way in the sea and he had no clue about where they were heading.

There were nine Eagle Guards; they were no ordinary soldiers, but special guards for the King and his family. The order of the Eagle Guard was one of the most honourable services in Terra-Aquillaan kingdom and all the members of Eagle Guard were chosen through three tough trials. Sailor Alden was a bit afraid of those skilled fighters because if they suspected anything wrong, they could kill him too.

Chief of the Eagle Guards, Belicoseon Redmoos came forward; the oldest member of the Order was a bit hotheaded and judgmental in nature; he shook his head impatiently and his silvery grey ponytail dangled over his left shoulder; he tightened his jaw and raised his grey eyebrows; his blue eyes were depicting fury. His curved, hooked nose and thick lips were swollen with anger and disbelief.

"What do you mean by that Ship Master?" He roared in fury; his left hand formed a fist and right one touched the hilt of his sword. To see his aggressiveness, Alden flinched backward; he was feeling a bit nervous.

"I am telling the truth, Chief; I really cannot understand what is going on."

"Chief Belicoseon," Abjurenos Temosk or Blackfire came forward. Alden felt relief to think that the level headed Eagle Guard would manage the situation. Abjurenos was more popular than Belicoseon in Terra-Aquillaan, because he had once saved Old King Nachoa from an Earthian alien while crossing the Kingdom of Darkness. Since that time, he was in the Order of the Eagle Guard.

He was a quick-witted man of twenty years, with an oblong face, aquiline nose, prominently sharp chin, big ears, fair complexion, black short curly hairs and almond shaped eyes with black eyeballs; he tried to pacify the Chief. Abjurenos requested him to hear Sailor Alden carefully because the sailor was one of the most trustworthy men of King Synus.

"Tell me Sailor;" Fighter Abjurenos said, "What to do now? Do we have enough ration and edible water to live?" He asked keenly; Alden saw anxieties instead of anger in his face, his tensed eyes were fixed on him; he was eagerly waiting for his reply.

"No, my Superior;" the sailor admitted, "I am afraid that we don't have."

"Then sacrifice your thralls, drown them in the Dark Sea." Chief Belicoseon roared in fury; Sailor Alden felt a sharp pain in his chest; he did not like killing of thralls like animals, but the Neo-Martes people hardly treated them as human beings.

"We have to find out where we are going and how we are going in the wrong direction." Fighter Abjurenos tried to divert the topic.

Sailor Alden looked at the cloudless yellow sky of Mars. There was no sign of purple cloud in the sky. Moreover, the wind was blowing very slowly. It was another bad sign.

"I hope no alien ship or winged chariot is diverting our direction intentionally?" Fighter Abjurenos asked.

"How can I find out that Superior?" the old Sailor asked.

"I'll find out, Ship Mater Alden. Just bring me down to the wheelhouse." He said indifferently.

Chief Belicoseon asked his seven other brethren to guard the Queen and the Heir. Second Guard Japhet Harmas and Third Guard Aldelade Neumos quickly obeyed their Chief and ran towards the prince's cabin. Another two guards Ulger and Vannes two black-haired twins from Sargoshi Island ran towards the Queen's cabin. Three others remained on the deck for further order. Chief Belicoseon followed Fighter Abjurenos and Sailor Alden to downstairs and reached to the wheelhouse where Elymonne Demos was controlling the steering wheel.

Elymonne bowed his head before all of them, his black swollen eyes did not depict any expression, but Sailor Alden realised that the glances were set on him. He asked Elymonne to change the direction towards the east. Elymonne obeyed him and tried to change the direction, but failed to do so. It was felt that some invisible force was binding them towards the unknown.

"I knew, it was Earthians behind this mishap; but we have to find out something very soon," Abjurenos remarked.

Earthians! The very word created an unknown, fear among the crew as well as the Superior Fighters of the Eagle Guards. Earthians always had better technology than Martes people.

Five thousand years ago, Ancient Colonizers from planet Earth discovered Mars and terraformed the planet. However, that time Old Martes people were the only inhabitants of the world and they cooperated a lot with the Ancient Colonizers. A large proportion of the Ancient Colonizers settled down in Mars and never went back to Earth where Great War was going on. The Great War lasted for many centuries and all extra-territorial colonisation from Earth to Mars stopped for a thousand years.

Neo Martes people were the successors of the Ancient Colonizers and thus, they had similar features like Earthians. Though the Ancient Colonizers were friendly to both Old and Neo Martes people, helped them to establish civilisation on the planet and put an end to primitive lifestyle; but the New Colonizers or Earthian Invaders were not like their predecessors. They were trying to oust Neo Martes people from power and want to capture their resources. Everyone in Terra Aquillaan was aware of the fact since King Nachoa's encounter with them in the south of Terra Tenebris. Earthian colonies already existed in the southern part of the planet where Neo Martian kingdoms did not exist.

"Earthian Invaders," Chief Belicoseon roared; "Craven they are. Let them come; I alone can kill them all."

Like Chief Belicoseon many people of Terra-Aquillaan Kingdom believed that Earthian Invaders were craven because they once attacked King Nachoa from his back and crossed Terra Tenebris along with his Eagle Guards in disguise and appointed a spy to seduce the Old King. Chief Belicoseon and other Eagle Guards who were loyal to King Synus and Nachoa also believed that Ergonn was backed by Earthians.

"Craven they are;" echoed Abjurenos, "Used palace intrigues and sibling rivalry to place Ergonn on the throne. They are searching for the legal heir." He paused and then suggested, "We have to vacate this ship as soon as possible; bring out boats. We have to escape."

"But how do we know where we are going?" Chief Belicoseon asked; there was tension on his face.

"According to my assumption we are going towards north-west instead of north and we are in the Dark Sea and this Dark Sea has no end."

"Prepare the boats." Sailor Alden commanded.

"Land, Bread-Giver." Elymonne suddenly cried out in joy.

Sailor Alden, Abjurenos and Chief Belicoseon all looked ahead. Elymonne was not wrong, there was a silhouette of hills; an island was coming.

"I've to anchor; otherwise, the ship may crash." Sailor Alden said.

"It cannot be Port Odena; because Odena is a big city and the port always remains crowded with ships, but this place looks deserted." Fighter Abjurenos said.

Sailor Alden called his other brethren, and asked them to prepare for anchoring because a land was approaching very fast. Elymonne tried to slow down the ship and suddenly found that the ship was not under their control.

"Prepare boats; anytime it can crash. I think something is attracting the ship and no doubt those evil Earthians are doing all these mishaps." Chief Belicoseon said.

Suddenly a massive sound astonished everyone and the ship jerked violently. Sailor Alden realised that his ship had collided with a submerged Seamount.

"O the SCARLET SEA!" the crew screamed in horror and desperation. Chief Belicoseon asked his three colleagues, who remained on the deck to prepare boats quickly for the prince and his mother.

Sceptre of Eternity

King Ergonn, was sitting on the legendary Eagle Throne, which was made up of solid gold and precious colourful jewels. The backrest of the throne resembled a Giant Eagle, looking down and stretching its two wings on both sides forming upward bending tips. The Eagle also had two big polygonal rubies in the place of its eyes. The pedestal of the throne was built in dark red stone collected from the Fire Mountain.

‘The Eagle was considered as the most auspicious bird by the Ancient Colonisers and their descendants’; Ergonn’s nursemaid once told him that the winged chariots of Ancient Colonisers had symbols of eagles. Those great men rescued the planet’s civilisation from the fury of the Fire Mountain and taught them the arts of living; the present civilisation was the blessing of those great people. She had also told him that Ancient Colonizers settled down in the Red Planet and named it Mars; ‘gradually they became one of us, our forefathers’. The country’s very name Terra-Aquillaan came from the Eagle Symbol on their winged chariots.

Since his childhood, Ergonn liked the songs of swords and spears, not the letters on parchments. Thus, old books and documents hardly fascinated him. However, he liked the stories and folklores told by his nursemaid Rurzda in his early childhood. At that time only, he also realised that no one had any expectation from him; his younger brother Synus was destined to be a great king in the future, but not Ergonn; because he had Dark Blood; the blood of an alien woman, an Earthian invader, so, he was a half-alien or halflen prince.

However, his father had never treated him differently from Synus, but Queen Zealeoness detested him as halflen boy and palace attendants also followed her example. Ergonn had no memory of his Earthian mother who once came to the palace as a spy of the alien invaders and wanted to kill his father, but she seduced the young king Nachoa who was already married to Zealeoness. Though, she became his second queen, but her real identity was revealed much later by Zealeoness. She was dead for a long time and infant Ergonn had no memory of his mother, not even knew her proper name; people in the palace called her Night Queen or Dark Lady; his father said, her name was Vega, but the nursemaid said another name.

With a stolid face, Ergonn touched his golden circlet crown, which had small red stones all around it and a small curvature of an Eagle with wings in the middle of the circlet. The Crown was an integral part of the Imperial regalia of Terra-Aquillaan just like the White Sceptre or the Sceptre of Eternity, which was made up of Argyros metal (a white coloured heavy metal); it looked like a one-foot long rod with a hexagon at its lower end and a triangle at its upper end. No one knew the significance of the hexagon and triangle on the sceptre; it was a gift of the Ancient colonisers to the first Eagle King; just like the Crown and the Throne. It was said that Argyros metal was sacred and unknown to Mars; it came from a pure land of Earth and now it was rare in the Earth itself. The colour white was rarely found on this Red Planet, so, both Old and Neo Martes people considered everything white as heavenly or sacred. They also believed that the Sceptre had supernatural power and that would be revealed only in the hand of a worthy king. Seers had already composed many prophecies regarding that legendary future king ‘the King of Mars’ with supernatural power and the ability to conquer the entire planet, but Ergonn was not interested in myth, he believed in present only.

Presently, Ergonn was alone with his victory; Warlords and Oligarchs of Terra-Aquillaan had already deserted him and called him usurper king. Though he was habituated to detest and resentful look of his Father’s men, but now they hated him more. No one, not even Ergonn thought that he would be able to defeat Synus in a single combat when Synus vowed that if he lost his life in the combat, his half-brother would be the rightful ruler of Terra-Aquillaan and all of his orders would be Decrees.

The noise of footsteps distracted Ergonn; he looked across the empty throne room. Someone was coming. There was no heraldic announcement of the guest. Ergonn tried to assume who the person might be. He initially thought about Dowager Queen Zealeoness, she might be coming to the throne room to mock Ergonn as halflen or Dark blood evil king and to give more curses. He prepared himself psychologically to face her as he was facing her fury and disdain since the childhood, but he did not move from his throne.

The unexpected guest was no other than his nursemaid Rurzda. She slowly crossed the arched shaped entranceway of the throne room and stepped onto the heavily embroidered red carpet on the floor; Ergonn smiled faintly at her and the Old Martes woman nodded at him with a motherly smile.

“Come Rurzda, nice to see a friendly face among the foes. How is D’eimeonn, my milk brother and your only son?” The King asked politely.

Rurzda stood before the raised platform on which the legendary throne was placed. There were a hundred steps from the ground to the topmost portion of the dais. A king had to climb up the hundred steps to reach to the throne; all these steps symbolised hundred essential virtues of a good King and the Grand Seer elaborately explained all those virtues during the coronation of a new king.

Rurzda had typical features of Old Martes people, a head bigger than the body and without ears and hairs, she was not taller than five feet; two black patches without eyeballs were in the place of eyes; but Rurzda had a pale white complexion not red complexion like plebeian Old Martes people. She belonged to Phobes clan in which most of the pure inhabitants had a pale white complexion. It was said that Phobes people were the original inhabitants of the land situated in the south of Fire Mountain. Every new king of Terra Aquillaan had to cross Terra Tenebris to go the southern part of the planet and from there they had to bring thralls or something exotic as a symbol of their conquest. The thralls collected from the south were treated as rare ones and assigned less complicated tasks.

Just like any other palace thrall Rurzda wore a red stained robe depicting an emblem of twisted shackle stitched by the golden thread on her swollen right breast. The twisted shackle was the emblem of slavery, which thralls were carrying since time immemorial.

“Very soon you’ll leave this twisted shackle emblem forever, Rurzda,” The King said, “My first decree will liberate all of you from lifelong servitude.”

“I never thought a son of Karzond Dynasty would raise sword for my cause and endanger his own life. My Great King…”

“Ergonn, call me Ergonn; don’t address me as a King; you’ve the right to call me Ergonn, Rurzda. Now tell me how is D’eimeonn?”

Rurzda replied, “Very soon he’ll come into your service, but my son, now you have to meet the Grand Seer, he seeks the audience in this throne room along with some powerful Warlords, Oligarchs and some other seers. Meet them.”

“They have come here to curse me.”

“I’m no one to comment, but now you are the King.”

“Bring them, Rurzda.” He asked and tried to compose himself.

As Rurzda left the throne room, Ergonn looked across the empty hall, his father, King Nachoa once sat on the very same throne, where he was sitting now, but the only difference was that it was not his birth right but achieved through a bloody combat. However, he did not get much time to think of his victory and saw a tall old man with a waist length straight silvery hair and chest length beards, dressed in a long white robe of coarse fabric crossed the arch-shaped entranceway with a flip-flop sound, coming from his wooden slippers. The Grand Seer’s wooden sandals always fascinated Ergonn; the wooden slippers used by the Seers were usually looked like curved toes and those slippers had wooden soles with a post and a knob.

The Grand Seer was the most respected man of the Kingdom; he could see future and controlled evil power. People said that he had celebrated more than a hundred name days, but he still had a strong body with slender structure and he always walked straight without sticks. However, his right hand was now carrying a white rod just like the sceptre of his ancestor, but the only difference was that the rod had a white skull on its capital and a round ball at its lower end. It was called the Rod of Justice; he was the only man in the Kingdom who could revoke a death sentence awarded by the King. He also acted as the King’s chief advisor and sometime conciliator during wars.

Ergonn stood up and bowed to the most powerful man in his realm. The Grand Seer raised his right hand and blessed the King.

“Welcome Your Divinity, Grand Seer, the owner of divine sight and power of eternity; I am extremely sorry that no heraldic announcement declared your arrival and I could not welcome you formally,” Ergonn said in a dignified voice, he tried to imitate his late father.

The Grand Seer again raised his hand, his wrinkle lines under the eye moved upward, but his lips were not seen due to beards and moustaches; he smiled, “Your Omnipotent, King Ergonn, I am here to discuss with you some matters of importance.”

“Yes, please, take your seat,” Ergonn replied and tries to keep his voice calm.

The throne room had four galleries on raised platforms; the closest gallery on the right side had three seats, one for the Grand Seer, two for the High Seers, who usually accompanied the Grand Seer in the Royal Court. The left side of the gallery had seats for the Deputy King or Crown Prince, and Supreme Commander of the King’s Army. In his father’s lifetime, Synus alone enjoyed the power of the all three posts. The third gallery was reserved for the Queen, Princess and their ladies in waiting. The last one was for diplomats and other guests of importance.

Grand Seer occupied his seat and asked Rurzda to announce that the First Session of King’s Court was about to start within an hour. Rurzda bowed to the Grand Seer and Ergonn; she waddled towards the entranceway with her small legs.

Ergonn was waiting for the Grand Seer to say something, but the old man remained calm and silent, his dark brown eyes remained focused on the mural paintings on the walls of the throne room, its arcades, naves and pillars, not to the King. He heard the noise of drum beating; it meant his messengers were conveying his message to his men. Ergonn knew, very soon Warlords from various provinces, Oligarchs of powerful merchant houses, ministers and officers of various departments would gather in the throne room. Apart from the regular attendees, the city was already full of delegates and envoys from various kingdoms, who arrived here to celebrate Synus’s coronation; but a hapless incident had changed everything.

One by one, his men entered the throne room and bowed thrice to the Grand Seer and the King before taking their seats. Ergonn looked at the Queen’s gallery, it was empty; Dowager Queen Zealeoness was not present there. The Grand Seer too noticed it and he asked Warlord H’orden Sargoshi to send a female messenger to the widow of King Nachoa. Warlord H’orden was Queen Zealeoness’s first cousin and the connection had brought him the powerful office of the Chief Warlord in the royal court.

H’orden did not look pleased to hear the command; his big rounded black eyes depicted fury. He was looking like a furious giant with seven feet tall, muscular body with a bald head and clean shaven rounded face. However, H’orden had no courage to disobey the Grand Seer; he raised his club-like hand towards his men and asked one of his household guards to carry the message through a female guard.

Though Dowager Queen Zealeoness had no respect for Ergonn, but she too could not avoid the Grand seer’s summon; she came to the throne room with her two-ladies-in waiting. She was looking sombre in a pale grey coloured half sleeved long gown, which had heavy embroidery with gold wires on its bodice and fine laces at the lower end of the dress. Her oval shaped face with fine wrinkles and trimmed eyebrows were depicting a solemn look. Her long black hairs were arranged in a single braid and that simple hairstyle had imparted a grievous look at her face. She tried to ignore Ergonn’s presence and looked at the Grand Seer only; she bowed to the old man but not to Ergonn. She slowly walked towards the Queen’s Gallery along with her ladies.

King Ergonn raised his right hand and asked to commence the court. The Grand Seer said, “Today I have summoned the Court for discussing some important matters.”

Everyone raised their eyes to the Grand Seer and tried to hear him attentively. The Grand Seer cleared his throat and said, “We all are familiar with what happened after King Nachoa’s death. Still for formality, I have to tell. On the occasion of late Crown Prince Synus’s coronation, the Prince had decided to send a hundred thralls to the Fire Mountain to please the Lord of Darkness, but our present King Ergonn had challenged the royal decree only because of a thrall named D’eimeonn who claims to be his milk brother. Challenging a royal decree means challenging the king and his authority. Prince Synus had no other way but to take the challenge seriously and he asked his half-brother to test the ‘Divine Intention’ in a single face to face combat and vowed that if the Prince won, his half-brother had to die and if his half-brother won, he would be the lawful king of the land. He swore it in the name of the Scarlet Sea and the Fire Mountain, I am a witness of his last vow and my companions, the two High Seers were also present there. Prince Ergonn has won the combat and now he is the rightful King of Terra Aquillaan. Is there anyone present in the court who can challenge his claim?”

Everyone remained silent, but Dowager Queen Zealeoness stood up, “I want to challenge. I believe he has applied evil power to win and he is still misleading us.”

“Well, as a woman you’re not in a position to challenge the King’s authority,” Grand Seer dismissed Zealeoness’s words. “Another?”

“Yes, I am;” Warlord H’orden stood up; his grey cloak revealed the white albatross emblem partially. Both Zealeoness and H’orden were still wearing greys, meant, they were mourning for Synus.

“General H’orden, What is the ground of your objection?” Grand seer asked.

“Late Prince Synus was declared as the Heir apparent by his father and he was supposed to be the next King; when he is not alive, why not his son gets the opportunity to be the next King?”

“Because he had chosen the winner of the combat as the next King; it is not a matter of easy inheritance. If anyone challenges King Ergonn’s claim, he will show disrespect to our late Prince’s memory as well as the country’s age-old tradition”

Warlord H’orden lifted his objection and bowed to the Grand Seer; “I have nothing else to say, Your Divinity.” Other warlords and Oligarchs remained silent.

“Well, silence is the symbol of support to the new king. Therefore, now King Ergonn, you will have to think about the Coronation ceremony and the day after tomorrow is the most auspicious for this purpose. I will place your ancestral circlet crown ceremonially on your head after the sunrise. So, you are not supposed to wear it in the meantime. Only after your coronation you can pass legitimate decrees.”

Zealeoness got up from her seat, “Forgive me, Your Divinity, I can no longer listen how to celebrate a half-alien King’s coronation in my son’s place.”

King’s insult was the insult to the Kingdom, all warlords unsheathed their swords from their scabbard and soldiers also got ready to arrest Zealeoness, but Ergonn raised his right hand to stop them, “She is the King’s stepmother, so, she should not be treated as others. Your Eminence, you are free to leave the court.”

Zealeoness looked at Ergonn in fury, “Very soon my grandson will claim his birthright with the help of his mother’s house. In the meantime, enjoy your kingship.”

“Your Eminence, no one, not even a Dowager Queen can give the threat of foreign invasion in the royal court, it is an offence, a high treason.” The Grand Seer roared.

“You are backing a half-alien man as the King of Terra Aquillaan; he took his arms against his half-brother only because of a thrall. Shame! I know you do not like Synus’s marriage with Deodara; but…”

“Woman, Queen you may be, but no one is supposed to challenge the Grand Seer in public. I always remained impartial.” Grand Seer roared again, “Imprison her, I order.”

Ergonn had no other way but to intervene, “Please Your Divinity, She is the Dowager Queen, please do not put her in the dungeon like other prisoners.”

“I have no relation with you Halflen; I am no Dowager Queen here; just the widow of the late king and bereaved mother of the former Crown Prince, naught else. I accept your prison term, Your Divinity; arrest me.”

Two women guards in grey silk cloak with black and white albatross emblem came towards Zealeoness; they were the guards of her cousin H’orden, but Ergonn again intervened, “No, only my guard can arrest her.” He asked his women guards to put Zealeoness in Captive Tower where important political prisoners were kept. H’orden looked at Ergonn in disbelief.

“Please carry on.” Ergonn said to the Grand Seer.

“The last but most important thing is choosing Queen for our new King.” The Grand Seer declared, “So I am inviting all Warlords and Oligarchs present here to produce the brief description of their virgin daughters or sisters.”

The Entire hall remained silent and finally, Kaylan Eyeball got up and said, “I have three daughters, eldest one is sixteen and youngest one is thirteen; the King can choose any of them or all three of them.” Eyeball was not a Warlord but a rich merchant and one of the reputed Oligarch of Terra Aquillaan. Ergonn looked at the fifty years old, potbellied, brown haired man carefully; he had no House Emblem to put on his cloak, so, he had put various jewels on his doublet and belts. His other jewel-embedded attires were depicting his immense wealth. If Ergonn married one of his daughters, he would not face the shortage of coins and gold. However, Ergonn knew that he required a strong ally to keep his foes away from him.

“His Divinity Grand Seer will decide the future Queen.” Ergonn knew the Grand Seer was a bit power hungry and he hated Zealeoness because she insisted her son to marry outside Terra Aquillaan without his advice. King Nachoa too saw political gain in that matrimonial alliance and ignored the Grand Seer.

“Next...” The Grand Seer asked Warlords and Oligarchs.

“I am General Harold Suas Montem, Warlord from eastern mountains; I have a sister of seventeen years, virgin and beautiful. I can offer my manpower in King’s service.” Harold was a big man of eight feet tall, dark brown complexion, wavy black long hairs tied in a ponytail at the back of his head, he had no beard or moustaches, but his black eyes under thick eyebrows and broad forehead was depicting his physical strength; his pillar-like hands were enough to kill at least ten soldiers. His thick dark lips and cold voice were enough to threaten enemies. Suas Montem was a mountain clan, they had a specific dressing habit; men generally wore fur cloaks, full sleeve shirts, tight trousers and knee covered boots; they did not use swords as a weapon or symbol of family status; they carry clubs or mace, a blunt weapon used in face to face combat. Ergonn thought he would be a good match in the battlefield against General H’orden.

The King nodded and asked others to give opportunity. Warlords and Oligarchs alike started describing their virgin daughters, sisters, nieces and even young aunts. Finally, the Grand Seer declared that on the day of Coronation, final choice would be declared and the chosen family would be honoured by giving a prestigious position to its Chief in the court and the fortunate girl would be invited to the palace before the wedding.

Ergonn was feeling like that he was in a dream; he never thought that one day he would sit on his ancestor’s throne and Warlords would offer the hands of their daughters in marriage to him. However, Ergonn noticed that D’eimeonn had entered the throne room and he was standing among the thralls.

“Your Divinity,” the King said, “I have no Eagle Guard; all of them have left the kingdom with my nephew and his mother. I cannot recruit new Eagle Guards before the Conquest. If you allow me, I can recruit some men as my closest companions or temporary guards.”

“Yes, you can King Ergonn.” The Grand Seer said.

“D’eimeonn, my milk brother will be my First Guard and he will continue the office as long as the final selection of Eagle Guards will not be done.” Ergonn looked at the faces of his men, being the King’s First Guard was one of the most honourable posts aspired by all competent young men in this realm. Warlords also dream to put their younger sons in the king’s service. Thus, many of them showed detest and fury on their faces, but could not say anything, when they saw that Grand Seer stood up and asked two High Seers to perform the initiation.

D’eimeonn looked confused; though his dark black eyes did not show any expression, but sweating over his face was indicating his nervousness. He came forward and started climbing the steps of the throne dais slowly. As he came close to the throne, he knelt down. The Grand Seer uttered some undecipherable hymns in Ancient Colonizer’s language, which very few knew today on Mars. Ergonn put his sceptre on his small rounded shoulders and found a wound on his right shoulder. It was a mark of lashes, D’eimeonn received at the hands of Synus’s men.

Ergonn softly touched his wounded shoulder and wondered why he did not apply any healing potion or gel on it, not even covered it with a bandage. His ratty red robe was stained with black blood.

As Ergonn touched his sceptre on D’eimeonn’s wounded shoulder, a bluish-white aura appeared from the tip of the sceptre and his wound disappeared instantly. Both D’eimeonn and Ergonn looked surprised and suddenly Ergonn realised that others were also looking startlingly at him. His sceptre’s triangular head was glittering brightly.

“Sceptre of Eternity!” The Grand Seer cried in joy, “It is in the right hand, our great King has unfolded its mystery. Hail King Ergonn, the King of Mars!”


















Unknown Planet

Captain Vézian Moore was watching the landing of Mars Lander 23 on a digital screen floating in the air of his bedchamber. He looked at his right wrist, in which a small square shaped tablet-like organic computer was fixed under his artificial super-skin. He touched the transparent object softly and the vision on the screen zoomed in. Mars Lander 23 was a cargo spacecraft, which was supposed to bring annual ration for the Martian colony named Tharsis South I. He also spotted another disc-shaped spacecraft named Maina Martes coming from the Earth’s direction; it was carrying some labour robots to serve the scientists living in this Martian settlement. Both the spacecraft would land within twelve Martian hours; so, he had enough time to take a rest. However, he did not like to stay on the bed anymore.

After leaving his bed, Vézian touched the organic chip under his wrist’s skin, the bed transformed into a big trestle table, and a comfortable armchair appeared before him. He decided to study Martian Atlas for some time. From the book shelve; he brought out an old atlas. It was prepared by scientist Gazboo few months before his mysterious disappearance.

The book was nearly ten thousand years old, pages were yellowish and fragile enough to handle, but the preserving solution had kept it in a much better form. Scientist Gazboo, a renowned Astro-biologist from the East had studied extensively the original inhabitants of the planet and their habitat; he also discovered some healing herbs and substances, which could cure various ailments and heal fatal wounds. However, his discoveries lost in time and became a mystery. Many scientists from the Earth had tried to find out those herbs of immortality and the secret of eternal life, but all of them failed.

Vézian was not interested about eternal life; he was a cartographer who liked to prepare an atlas of the Martian topography, flora, fauna and human habitation, especially the land lying in the south of the Tharsis plateau. The first group of Mars explorers landed on the northern plain; established settlements there only, but many attempted to cross the massive volcanic plateau of the planet. However, many spacecraft, as well as astronauts, got lost forever in the smoke filled calderas of Olympus Mons and other volcanoes. When the second phase of Mars exploration commenced after many thousand years later; different landing sites were chosen to avoid conflict with Neo-Martes people living in the northern plain. Though the Neo Martes people were the descendants of the Earthmen, but they hardly adore the new explorers. Therefore, the new settlements were all situated in the south of the Tharsis.

Whenever Vézian thought about the Mars people and their hostile attitude to Earthmen, he always felt sorry for his long-lost sister Volga. He tried to think about Volga, she was hardly twenty-five years old and had a very promising career in engineering. Both brother and sister applied for a Martian project just for having some adventure. He closed his eyes and tried to remember the oval shaped face, high cheekbones, hooked nose, almond shaped blue eyes under trimmed eyebrows and the small forehead of his twin sister; the memory of her jovial smile on her beautiful face brought tears in his eyes. Volga was a brown-haired person like him; both brother and sister shared same facial features and smile. His father often remarked that both of his son and daughter were a mirror image of each other. Like physical traits, they also shared a strong bondage of friendship, but it was not sibling feelings or affection for adventure that encouraged Volga to apply for an outer-terrestrial project, but it was her love for Erik.

“I should not think about that foolish man early in the morning. The Sun is about to rise and the sky colour has turned into violet. It is my favourite time; only time when the Red planet looks peaceful.”

Vézian changed his night garments and put a blue coloured skin-tight trouser and a full-sleeved shirt made up of nylon and polyesters; all the garments used here had several layers to protect the users from radiation and other alien air particles. The interesting thing was that, he never felt uncomfortable in those heavy clothes. After all, it was not the Earth, but Mars, the Red Planet. However, he could not leave his old habit of doing jogging during the sunrise. His father was always concerned about children’s fitness and he used to bring them into a gym-park right in front of their bungalow. With a deep sigh, Vézian recalled almost forty-three years ago, he and his sister came to this planet, leaving their earthly home and the hapless incident happened on the third years of their stay in the planet. Again, his heart sank deeply, but he tried to overcome the thought and hurriedly combed his hairs.

The igloo-shaped building created by a three-dimensional printer was looking like an orange ball standing on the red Martian soil, at the backdrop of the red mountains. The Smaller Tharsis Range was standing proudly at the north of the settlement, forming a formidable natural wall. The ranges consisted of dormant conical shaped volcanoes and were separated from the Southern Great Plain by a deep thrust fault through which the Crimson River was flowing with its red water. Earthian settlements were located on the southern bank of the River Crimson and the region was sparsely vegetated with some temperate trees with dark red and green leaves. On Mars, young tree leaves remained dark green and with time, they turned into red due to the red soil and water of the planet, which contained very high amount of iron oxides and salts. Thus, all fruits and vegetables grown here tasted saltier rather than sweet.

After finishing spot jogging, Vézian started push ups and saw the sky was gradually turning into yellow and very soon, bluish Sun would appear in the east. He saw dark violet colour clouds across the horizon, on the top of the dormant volcanoes; it meant rain was coming again. He was not afraid of little rainfall, but sometimes, violent torrential rainfalls create sudden landslides and flash floods, which could be devastating. A Few months ago, he had such a horrible experience, but fortunately, the settlement was situated behind a natural rock shelter and that rock wall had saved the igloo and its habitants from sure demolition.

Without taking unnecessary risks, Vézian started running towards the igloo camp. Now he was the captain of this camp named Tharsis South I, he had a responsibility to save his fellow men and women from natural catastrophe. As he reached near the igloo shaped camp, he saw a group of young boys and girls were cheering at the cloud and were taking photographs from their organic camera fitted above the eyes like eyeglasses. They were no other than trainee cartographers came from the Earth only a month ago and they had found this Red Planet ‘amazing’.

“Boys and Girl;” Vézian cleared his throat and shouted at them, “go inside, rain is about to come with a dust storm.”

Neila, a tall skinny girl of nineteen years with copper complexion and short hair, looked at him sadly; she raised her eyebrows slightly above her small forehead and said; “Sir, please come with us and have a group photo with the amazing background of violet clouds. Oh, Sir, we liked to see the red rain of Mars.” Neila was a bit adventurous, just like his sister Volga and Volga had lost forever because of her wilfulness.

“So you are encouraging others to go out from the camp. I say no; you can see rain, but from here only, don’t go to the forest.” Vézian said feebly.

“Cannot we explore the red forest, sir?” Now a fat boy with a pear shaped body asked him in a low voice. Vézian knew, the boy was called Perrie by his friends, but he had some other name as well. The round-faced boy with short black hairs, large eyes with black eyeballs and fleshy nose looked at him eagerly; he was waiting for a positive reply from his supervisor. He rubbed his double chin and looked at the others for support. Vézian noticed that all of his trainees were in red track suits and sports shoes, some had sticks with them and some had bag packs.

“So you guys are leaving the camp for the forest?” Vézian asked, “Who gives you permission?” he looked at another tall skinny girl with long red hairs and thick eyeglasses on her eyes. She had a long elongated face with prominent facial hairs on her chin and upper lip. The girl was called Merionne and she was one of the best students in the group.

“You tell me Merionne, whose idea it is?’ He asked the girl coldly, “You are supposed to be the monitor of your class.”

“I said, Vézian;” a female voice replied from a distance; as Vézian looked at the entrance way of the camp, he saw, a middle-aged woman of his age, dressed in a tight black trouser and a black T-shirt was coming close to him. Her head was partially covered by a black cap and short black hairs were dangling beneath it. She had a laser gun and a wooden stick as well. When she stopped near Vézian, her almond shaped black eyes fixed a curious glance on him. Her long pointed nose, sharp chin and high cheekbone proudly declared that she liked to ignore all of his authorities.

“Vasudha?” Vézian looked annoyed. “You are a senior Cartographer here and staying in this settlement for a long time; you should be aware of the fact that the Martian rains are not like our rains. We should not take a risk with these youngsters.”

Vasudha laughed and did not care his annoyance, “You are a bit craven; we cartographers are supposed to see the planet through our own eyes and I thought today is a leisure day, so, why not to explore the forest. Anyway, we were waiting for you only.”

Vasudha and Vézian had an indirect competition; Vasudha considered that she had a better calibre than him and she expected to be the captain of the colony, but the Department of Extraterrestrial Exploration of the Earth Council had selected him as the Captain because of his uninterrupted service of forty long years. Though Vasudha also joined with him at the same year, but she fell ill after the accident in which Vézian had lost his sister and his friend Erik forever. Vasudha was also with them in that night and saw something horrible. She was so traumatised that, she had to take five years leave from the service. Vézian did not expect her to come back, but she came back and wanted to explore the truth behind the incident. However, the five years leave had deprived her from various incentives and promotions; she partially blamed Vézian for that incident.

“I like to take a special class on Map Projection. Yesterday I saw many of my students had no idea about map projection.” Vézian declared.

“Because many of them did not have geography major at the high schools; they are from mathematics and physical science background and want to take Planetary Cartography as an additional paper in Graduation.” Vasudha dismissed him, “You can take your class in the forest too; nature is our best teacher. And look at the sky, your violet cloud is selling towards the north.”

“North? Means over the Olympus Mons? The highest volcano in our solar system?” Merionne adjusted her eye glasses on her low nose bridge; she got excited and scratched her chin.

“Yes, but the land is very dangerous, we cannot cross,” Vasudha smiled at her. Vézian decided his next course of action, he cleared his throat and said, “Well, we’ll explore the surrounding after the breakfast. Now let’s go inside.”

Finally, Vasudha was defeated; she did not think that Vézian would agree with her. Vasudha and the young trainees went inside the igloo-shaped building. They went downstairs to the basement where dining hall and kitchen were located. Mars had a very similar atmosphere and environment like the Earth, so its red soil allowed Earthian vegetables and crops to grow with some genetic modification and some special type of manures to reduce the salinity of the soil.

The Chef robot had prepared breakfast for them. The four feet tall robot with steel limbs and a rectangular head put the bread basket and butter container on the table; another robot of similar height and look brought the fruit jam, peanut butter, boiled eggs, banana, milk, cereals and yoghurt. The second robot came again with varieties of fruits and placed the basket on the wooden table.

Vézian heard Neila was telling Ayur, another trainee from the group that in her home, her father had appointed a robot guard for their bungalow and the guard looked almost like a human being than a robot. Neila always had a tendency to show that she was from a rich family. Appointing a humanoid for house guard was not a matter of joke, only a billionaire like Neila’s father Noël Highlander could afford it. He had also noticed that Neila was trying to impress Ayur. The boy had a well-groomed look with an athletic body, good height, well-trimmed short black hairs and clean shaven face. His hazel eyes were fixed on Neila and he was hearing her story curiously.

“Human-looking robot? Must be a humanoid?” Vasudha interfered and corrected Neila; “Oh, they are costly enough. It’s worth seeing.”

“Yes, ma’am, I can invite you in our home back Earth.”

“Oh, I also miss my home, but now I cannot take leave, but I’ll remember your invitation.” Vasudha replied back with a courtesy smile.

Vézian smiled secretly, Neila was impressing Vasudha, not Ayur. Handling youngsters was always remained a challenge to him and it was the only reason that he never opted for teaching as an occupation like his father. His father had enough patience and he always said that ‘children, especially the youngsters, are like young plants, if you do not look after them properly, they will not give you beautiful flowers’. Oh no! He had no patience for that, but he found a career in research was more promising as well as challenging. However, recently the Education Ministry of Earth Council had decided that undergraduate students should take a practical paper which required field visits and many students were opting for space or planetary exploration just for fun and adventure. This was the second group of young cartographers he was handling. The first group was a smaller one and only five boys successfully passed the basic examination and medical fitness. The first group came one year ago and Planetary Cartography was not yet a popular subject, students preferred Cosmology or Astro-Biology. So, that group had less complication, but the present group was a larger one, it had ten pupils, six girls and four boys.

Four other girls were undergraduate students from the Oriental Academy of Science and technology, one of the famous academic centres of the Eastern Earth; Juan was senior most among them, she was twenty years old and the second year in Graduation. She was from an ordinary farmer’s household, but the only fellowship holder among the group whose cost was being paid by the Education Ministry itself. She was studious and hardworking but not like Merionne, who could lead as well. Juan, a skinny girl of five feet height with long black straight hair and yellowish complexion looked younger than her actual age. Her small round eyes with brown eyeballs, small nose and thin pink lips providing the indication of her calm but determined nature. Aiko was another girl from the same academy, but she was one year junior to Juan. Aiko had a medium height, weight and tanned yellow complexion; she looked more like a boy with short black hairs and thick eyeglasses. Bian and Cara were twin sisters with the same looks and heights; both had long black hairs, olive skin tone, round faces, well-defined lips, high cheek bones, sharp chin and almond shaped eyes with black eyeballs. Both of them had dimples on their right cheeks and they often dressed identically. So, Vézian could not distinguish them. These four girls knew each other and always liked to stay together.

The boys were also from varied academic backgrounds. Perrie was the jester of the group and Ayur was the hero and both of them came from Lakeland University of Aiberia Grand Province; they did not have Geography or Cartography background but Mathematics and Physics backgrounds. Léal and Obert were from the School of Planetary Biology of Emerald Island. They were the eldest members of the group; both were near around twenty-five years. Both the boys were calm and quiet in nature; but extremely intelligent and had an inquisitive nature. Léal Lowlander was a man of short height and slender body type; he was also a global level karate champion and had immense physical strength. Vézian saw him breaking apricot shells within fists only. His triangular face, dark red hair, big ears with thick ear lobes, low bushy eyebrows, hazel eyes and snub nose were depicting his strong, independent and courageous nature, at the same time he was a bit secretive in nature. He did not share much about his family life. Obert Miles had a different nature, he was a jovial man with oblong face with a muscular body, and he had pale red hair, small ears with detached ear lobes, thick angled eyebrows, small rounded eyes with green eyeballs with a curved nose, his chin and cheekbones were covered with light beards and well-trimmed moustache. Obert kept everyone cheerful with his humorous stories and well-suited japes. He was a trekker and had visited many mountainous regions; he had a hobby of globe-trotting on his own two wheelers.


While taking food, a loud cracking sound made everyone flinched back. It was the sound of a thunder. Heavy rain followed by the thunder. Vasudha looked upset to see that Vézian was not wrong about weather prediction. It was true that Martian weather was a bit unpredictable and little rain often created huge catastrophe, but three-dimensional synthetic buildings were capable of saving its dwellers from volcanic, seismic and other weather activities.

“So our outing is cancelled.” Vézian said and he smiled a bit, “Don’t worry boys and girls, after the rain we can arrange for the outing; tomorrow or the day after tomorrow because Martian rain lasts for long. Now we’ll have our classes.”

Vasudha glared at him, she did not remark and finished her breakfast. “Go to the class, then.” She ordered them coldly, Neila made a face and Ayur admirably looked at her.

The classroom was also in the basement and it was a small chamber which could accommodate twenty people. With the help of three-dimensional printers, tables, chairs and a crystal globe were made for cartographic class. A trestle table was placed at the centre and twelve chairs around the table.

“Vézian has a taste for old and antique things,” Vasudha remarked, “He likes medieval things like trestle table, white orbs and may be a sword or wand.”

Neila giggled, “Sir, I have heard that Martian people are still living in the medieval age, they have kings and queens, they even do not know how to fly and worship our forefathers as gods.”

“Ancient Colonisers”, Merionne corrected her, “Our forefathers who came more than ten thousand years ago just for scientific exploration, gave them civilisation as well as…”

“Genes,” Ayur remarked, “They created hybrid Martians and some stayed here forever; mostly those who liked to avoid their Earthly families and foes. Neo Martes people they are called and…”

“They have put Old Martes people into slavery, bad thing!” Merionne remarked.

Vézian raised his hand, “Calm down guys, who are we to judge the right and wrong? Both are relative things and power always likes to be concentrated in few hands. As Old Martians had an inferior technology and primitive lifestyle, so, new inhabitants easily defeated them.”

Vasudha cleared her throat and remarked, “It is a cartography class not a history lesson. What will Professor Maggy teach them, if you teach them the history of colonisation?”

“Professor Maggy? That paranoid woman with curly brown hairs and thick eyeglasses? She looks like that she always dwell in history.” Neila giggled again, “Léal likes her classes and visit her during off time too.”

Léal raised his low bushy eyebrows and glared at her, Vézian said “Neila, you should respect your mentors and one more thing, anyone can like history.”, he paused and again said, “Anyway, we should start our class. You people have only seven months to learn about Martian colonies.” Neila said sorry in a low voice but did not look sorry.

As his pupils took their positions on chairs around the big wooden trestle table and Vasudha sat next to him, he started his teaching, “I have noticed that in the yesterday’s class, you people could not understand basic things like graticule and how to draw them. I like to explain it more.” He paused, “We all have homes and have addresses for communication. Similarly, our villages, town, districts, even hills, lakes and trees also have their addresses on the earth as well as on the other planets. When we like to put them on a map or in a globe, we have to identify their addresses. Latitudes and longitudes help us to identify a position of any object on a planet’s surface. On Earth, Longitude helps in calculating times and determines time zones, on the other hands, latitudes help in identifying climatic and pressure zones. Graticules are intersecting lines of longitudes and latitudes, necessary for map making.” He paused, “when we like to draw a map of an area we need to generate graticule of that place first with the help of projection.”

He noticed that Neila and Ayur were whispering at each other and felt irritated, “Neila what do you know about Standard Parallel?” He intentionally threw the question and both Neila and Ayur stopped talking.

“Now I’ll teach projection.” He did not wait for a reply and started telling them how an area situated on a sphere or planet could be produced on a flat surface or paper without distorting its areas, scale and other properties. Finally, when he reached to Mercator’s Projection, he noticed that, except Merionne and Léal no one was listening. So, he stopped and said, “Tomorrow we’ll learn Mercator’s projection.”

“Now we can go outside? The rain has stopped, but yes, red mud is there.” Vasudha asked politely.

“Yes we can, get ready guys,” Vézian ordered. He ordered the boys to pack camping and survey equipment; he liked to show them the basics of contour mapping.

Within one hour, Vézian and Vasudha left the camp along with ten boys and girls. They crossed the settlement boundary and went eastwards towards the red forest. The road was rugged and red soil was wet enough to engrave their footprints. Merionne started asking questions, “Cannot we cross Tharsis region and go to the north? I like to see the Martian castles and their king. I also like to see Old Martes people.”

“Tharsis plateau has four largest volcanoes and many active cones; Olympus Mons is mightier than our Everest also. Even normal aircrafts cannot cross the mountain easily; moreover, those people are hostile to us.”

“They have reason Vasudha, this time, we are not only here for scientific research only, we like to have permanent settlements on this planet. Our earth is getting warmer and hostile; many lowlands have already sunk beneath the ocean. Though we have developed undersea cities with the help of technology, but those are expensive enough to sustain. We need an alternate planet.” Vézian remarked, “We need the northern lowland, it is more favourable for human habitation, this part is rugged and calamity-prone and most of the territories are landlocked, we have not found any point to access the Martian sea.”

The group started climbing upwards; vegetation line started becoming thinner and thinner; “So there is no way to cross Tharsis? No Pass?” Merionne asked and adjusted her eyeglasses over her nose.

“No,” Vézian replied.

“Of course, there is,” Vasudha replied, “The King of Mars cross the land in every decade to come to the south; when we first came here…”

“Vasudha,” Vézian shouted, “How dare you are to remind me of that incident? My sister would not die if she minded my warning. You and Erik encouraged her to enter the savage territory.” He got furious.

“I am sorry, Vézian”, Vasudha apologised and started climbing up the hill silently. Now there was no vegetation and the soil was completely bare and wet. Vézian asked the group to stop and they stopped.

“A deep canyon is there just below the hilltop; a red river is flowing in it. This canyon is deeper than our Grand Canyon and the river is mightier than the Nile or Amazon. The most amazing thing is that this region has no big glacier or does not get enough rainfall, and then what is the source of this mighty river? We still do not know it. So, I call it Mystery River but scientists call it Crimson River.” Vézian told his pupils.

“This part is still unknown and many landscapes have no name yet. Our project is to make the map of this unknown region; even Neo Martes people have no idea of this place.” Vasudha said.

“Cool.” Neila remarked, “They do not know us and we do not know them. We have a volcanic region between the two worlds, the north and the south. Amazing!” Neila touched her hairs and adjusted her cap over her head.

“Nothing is cool; inhabitants are too hostile to Earthmen,” Vézian told. He asked them to unpack survey equipment. Vézian and Vasudha started showing them the techniques of contour mapping. They spend hours in surveying and finally, when Vézian thought to pack up, he said, “Let’s go back; two spacecrafts are arriving with annual ration and robots for menial works.”

“What about these old ones?” Merionne asked.

“They will go back to the Earth for repairing,” Vasudha answered. “Now please pack up and we have to go back for lunch.”

Suddenly, Vézian noticed that Neila and Ayur were nowhere to be seen. He asked others, but no one


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Mala Mukherjee
Editing: Mala Mukherjee
Publication Date: 08-21-2016
ISBN: 978-3-7438-3185-8

All Rights Reserved

This book and its success are dedicated to the Almighty, my parents, grandparents and all the well wishers helped in finishing the book.

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