
The Masters of Horror

Horror Story 1: Murder on the Menu


Nicholas and Leona ran a finest restaurant in town. With Leona's beauty, the customers come back again and again and with new people, with Nicholas's cooking skills, no one dared to critize the meals, it was all spectacular. But the couple had a secret, it was their meat. If you knew what the"mystery" meat really was, you would flee.


No one knows of this but their children, Ally, Thomas, and Kyler. Thomas, the eldest, goes off hunting for their delectible meat, Kyler, helps his dad cook the meat, and Ally, helps her mother serve it to their customers.

"Why can't we tell them?" Kyler asked, cutting up a peice of tough meat in which he grunted as well.

His father stopped his butchering to look at his son. "You know why son. If they find out we will be hung." Nicholas explained before going back to his work.


It was still dark out but nearly dawn. Everyone was waiting for Thomas to give them a new fresh meat.

"Where is he?" Ally asked, looking up to her mother who shrugged her shoulders.

A knock came pounding on the door and a cry for mercy. "Let me go! Let me go!" A woman cried out, stuggling against Thomas's grasp who would just continue to put pressure onto her wrist.

"I would shut the hell up if I were you," Hesnapped quietly, making the frightened woman stiff and silent with fear, then with a calm voice, "excellent."

The door opened and his family hugged him and kissed him.

"Isn't she a beauty?" Nicholas asked, admiring the scared woman.

Kyler walked up to her and licked her cheeks, savoring it. "She tastes so juicy dad." Heexpalined with a smirk, motioning for his dad to do the same in which he did.

"Oh she does," He complimented then turned to face his daughter, Ally. "You know what to do. Boys, hold her."

With that command, the two brothers held down a screaming and stuggling woman who tried to free herself and call for help.

"I just love this part." Leona sighed, watching her daughter come back with a knife in her hand.

With a smile so devilishly evil, Ally slit the throat of the woman first and then stabbed her in the heart, over and over until she was dead.


The sun was approaching over the horizon and the Kings family acted like nothing bad had happened last night but continued on with a smile as they srrve their early customers shepard's pie for breakfast.

A man, who was new to the restaurant, took his first bite of shepard's pie and glowed.

"Ma'am!" He called out, waving his hand towards Leona who walked towards him.

"Yes?" She asked with a bright smile on her red lips.

"I wil like to know the name of this meat." He said, taking another bite.

"The meat? Oh yes, it is a mystery. We don't like sharing our ingrediants to the people, you know, they might steal it and we would run out of business." She explained but the man begged to differ.

"I msut disagree ma'am, if someone where to do that, I continue to come here. For no one can top you and your husband's cooking. Simply spectacular." He complimented and Leona said a thank you before going inside the kitchen.


Leona planted a kiss on her husbands cheek as she watches him cut up the remaining parts of the woman Thomas hunted and Ally killed.

"Such a pity they struggle so much. Would be much more painless and quick if they just hold still." He said,raising his knife to cut down a tough piece of flesh.

Placing her hand around his borad shoulders and her head on one of his shoulders, she kissed his neck in which he tensed in pleasure.

"Honey, a man, new, asked what was in our pie, I told him the same thing we've always told our first time guests." She explained, moving her hand to his stomach and rubbed it up and down receiving moans from him.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, he stopped his work, turned around and picked up his wife. He layed her on a clean table, away from the danger of knives and stoves. He called out to his children to serve the customers until further notice.

Leaning in, he kissed his wife's forehead first before going down, all the way down to her toes, not missing a single spot on her body.

Leona moaned in pleasure, and told him he wanted more than just kisses and soft touches. Nicholas knew just what to do, he got up and went to grab a small knife from the drawer. Carefully, when he returned, Nicholas lightly cuts his wife's body then licks the blood away.

"Yes." She moans, liking this very much.

Nicholas continued on until they decided to stop and go back to serve the customers.


"I am telling you sir. We cannot tell you what the meat is, we just can't." Alley explained just as her parents were coming out as if nothing had happened earlier on.

Once they were beside their daughter, Nicholas looked down at the man while his wife whispered into his ears.

"Oh?" Nicholas replied in the statement his wife whispered in his ears. "Well sir, if you must know what the meat is meet us back here tonight, be sure no one follows you."

Their curious custom had a mouth full so all he could do was nod in reply.

*** Wiping the grease off from each tables, Thomas asked how could his father five away their mystery meat.

"He has a plan." Leona said while sweeping the floor.

Shrugging their shoulders at each other, the three siblings went back to their work until dusk settled in.

*** The night sky reigned over the daylight morning and the family waited for the man to arrive.

For what seemed forever Nicholas was getting irritated.

"Where the hell is he?" He growled, his hand forming into a fist.

A knock came on the door and Ally invited him in.

"Now, tell me. What is the meat?" He asked with a borad grin on his face.

The father looked at his wife then his children before approaching the man slowly.

"Well my good sir. We will tell you." Nicholas said knocking him out on the head with a wooden mallet.

The man had been unconsious for a while, when he finally woke up, his was tied up head and foot and had a gag in his mouth, to muffle his voice.

The family came back with kitchen supplies. The man tied up now became nervous and frightened, he tried to escape and run for help but to no avail, the knots were tied tight.

"So you wanted to know what our meat was hm? Her eis your answer." Nicholas said, his tone dangerously low as he took a side step for hia daughter to come to him.

A knife was in her hand.

She raised the knife over the scared man's face and stabbed his neck over again then his chest until he was dead.

*** The family decided to cook the man up and have him for their supper instead of putting him on the menu.

"You see children. Your father knows what he does." Leona said, taking a bite out of the man's kidney.

They all smiled at each other as they feasted on the man who dared to know the mystery meat.


The Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror


Horror Story 2: Lying In A Tub Full Of Blood


"Hold her down!" The doctor shouted out. Two aids and several nurses try and hold me down as I toss and turn.

As if I were in a nightmare and can't be waken, the aid held my head straight while the doctor put in an oxygeon mask on me, to calm me down.

I breathed heavily then calmed soon I fell ito a deep sleep and hoped that I would never wake up here again.


"What do you think?" A nurse asked another who was writing something down on her clipboard.

Shrugging her shoulders, she said that I was most likely to be sent to Aslyum for help and protection; from me and society.I didn't need protection or help, I need blood, want blood.

To hear my victims scream for mercy, broken glasses all over me, their blood all over me. I want to lie in my tub full of blood.

There was a knock at the door, but I refused to answer, that and well I'm still strapped on, but I didn't spoke a word.Opening the door, the nurse comes in to give me medicine.

"I heard you all going to take to Asylum." I said staring up at the celing.The nurse nodded her head but I can tell that she wanted to know how I knew about the whole "sending me to Asylum" thing.

After my medicine, I decided to take a nap while dinner was being made.


I was but a litte girl when I first started, nine years in fact. I wanted to know what a murder thinks after he has comitted his deed.

I crept into my brother's room who has been abusive to me, my friends, and well everyone.

He was so busy doing who knows what that he didn't notice me.Tapping his shoulders hard, he turned around furiously and shouted.


Then he began to quiver and shake with fear when he was the seradded knife I held in my hands."Wh-What are you doing with that?" He asked stammering.

No answering his question, I raised the knife up high and lashed it down his throat, refusing him to give him time to cry for help or mercy.

The blood of my brother gushed all over the floor, himself, and me. And for the first time, I tasted it, tasted good, oh so good. I wanted more.


"Dinner time sweet." A nurse said lightly shaking me with one hand while the other held a tray with my food.

I woke up with the straps no longer on me, securing me.

Sitting up straight, I asked what was for dinner all in a while, yawning. Revealing my meal that was under the cover, I notice it was the same thing I had yesterday.

I didn't care, I was used t eating the same things over and over again.I dismissed the nurse out of my room so I can eat alone and in peace. Not like there is any peace here...or silence.

"It's always the same." I said to myself with a heaving sigh.


I hardly ate anything, I wasn't at all hungery, nor thristy for the fact of knowing I will be out of this hell hole and in another.

I just wanted to go back to were everything started, if I haven't gotten caught, things could go much smoother than it is now. I would have been lying in my tub full of blood.

With the broken glasses cutting my body, the limp bodies of my victims lying cold and dead around me, and the smell of death, will smell like spring time for me.

The nurse came back to gather the meal I hardly ate then gave me my usual medicine. An anti-depression which sucked and many other medicines which sucked.

"You're going to have a roommate Minerva" The Doctor said who just strolled in with apprentaly my new roommate.I looked into her eyes, they were black, like mine but I also saw a hint of grey.

"I'll leave you too to it." The Doctor said motioning for the nurse to follow in which she did.Closing the door, silence, for the first time filled the whole scenario.

"Why did they put you in here for?" I asked trying to have a nice conversation.T

he girl said nothing but pointed out the window.Getting up from my bed, I looked over at the window to see the police, firemen, paparazzi, and many people gathering around an investigation.

From what I saw down there was blood. Fresh, crimson blood. I licked my lips and not turning around, I aksed whose blood it was.

Sighing, the girl rolled towards me in her wheel chair and softly said.

"It's mine."


I was taken aback when she told me whose blood it was.

"It-It's you blood?!" I asked stammering a bit. The girl nodded and explained she tried to escape from her for they were going to sent her to Aslyum.

Therefore, she ran as fast as she could and jumpped out the window, only to break her back and other things.

I was mighty surprised she was alive for a jump that high, you would have been dead.

She also told me she is known by many as the "living dead girl"."It's impossible for me to die. I was born weak therefore I am too weak to die." She said rolling towards her new bed.Taking one last glance outside, I turn bak to my bed and turned on the TV.

We settled on a movie, The Grudge."I'm Minerva, what's your name?" I asked shifting my head away from the screen.I thought I saw her smile a bit. "Nyx, my name's Nyx."


The next moring, we couldn't believe what we heard or saw. We were actually going to Aslyum.

"I'll be by your side always." I whispered to her, holding her hand tightly but not too tight to crush her bones.Nodding her head a little bit, the nurses, aids, doctors, and policemen all came to send us to Aslyum. At first I wondered why the policemen.

There are too many people and plus I don't go all crazy in broad daylight.

"Come on hurry up! Let's not wait for the grass to grow!" The driver said impatiently as we were being dragged inside the truck, making room for there were other people like us.

After shaking hands with the doctor, the driver and his partner went in and drove us all to Aslyum.


The journey was long, from the mental hospital to Aslyum.

A woman possibly in her thirty's was chewing on her nail while speaking a language I've never heard of before.A man, curled into a ball and said, "It's just a dream. It's just a dream."

The only person who got my attention was a nineteen looking year old boy with a blank impressionless look on his face.He had a tattoo on the left side of his neck and a rosario necklace around his neck.

"I'm Minerva and this is Nyx. What's your name." I said waiting for the answer that didn't come.I tried asking again but I get the same response. Silence.

I felt a tap of a finger on my shoulder, turning my head, I saw a woman point to his name tag.

'Trevor Dantes.'


Even though everyone was sound asleep or snoring, I was still awake, trying to remember anything about Trevor.'I've heard of him before and I think I've seen him. But where?' I thought.

I also noticed that Trevor was also awake but lying down, he was looking at me, but I can tell he was looking past my eyes.

Finally taking up the courage to go sit next to him, I got up and walked towards him. He scootched over to try and make room.

"My name's Trevor Dantes," Trevor wrote down on a notepad. "I'm going to Aslyum because people are afraid of me."

I nodded my head understanding. People too are afraid of me, but for diffrent reasons but I wondered why they were afriad of Trevor, he seemed nice.


We arrived at Aslyum early the next day. I was a bit surprised the drive never slept but then again, he's probaly used to it.

Unlocking the door, they let us all out. I turn my head around ninty degrees to see Trevor picking up Nyx bridal style, to help her to her wheel chair.

Two men came by in protective gear to help out Nyx into her wheel chair. So eventhough we're in a diffrent place, peopel around her still fear Trevor, why?!

Inside, we all hear people moaning, shouting, fighting, and cursing."I'm scared." Nyx whispered holding my hand tightly, maybe a little too tight for I felt pressure on my hand.

"In here." The guard said gesturing a room for me, Nyx, and Trevor.

Once we went in, he closed the door and locked us in complete darkness.Finding a light switch, Trevor turned it on; when the lights came on, we saw maybe a thousand of other people just like us.But I strongly believe that no one will be like me.


Lying in a tub full of blood, I stare up at the Goth-like ceiling.

Taking a hand full of broken glass and clenching them tightly.

The glass cuts through my hands and blood drips down.

Lying in a tub full of blood, I thought to myself,

Was it wrong that I did it in the past and now?

Was it wrong that I have a passion for it?

Was it wrong that I love the feel of bloody humans?

With the glass still in my hands,

I drop them into the tub.S

plashing the bloody water with my body,

I let the glass cut my skin.

Not a scream,

not a shudder,

not a whisper.

Only the sound of my thoughts and the blood.

Is it wrong that I love the feel of sharp items?

Is it wrong that I love bathing in blood?Is it wrong that I love the taste of a victim’s blood?

Lying in a tub full of blood, I go down deep until I drown.

'Drown, oh how would I love to drown in my tub full of my victims' blood. To have the broken glass cut through my skin. I would be in heaven.' I thought not caring to notice the drool I had formed.

Noticing my drool, Trevor picked up a napkin from a nearby table and wiped it off my face."Thanks." I said as he nodded his head as a sign of saying, "you're welcome."


A boy with long hair and a skirt walked up to us and smiled a warm smile."I'm Samara, I'm a mtf. Male to female transgender. I'm here because my parents think I'm out of my mind. Who are you guys and why are you here?" Samara said placing her hands behind her back.

"I'm Nyx, I was here because I tried committing suicide, so my back is broken severley." Nyx said putting her hands on her lap."Trevor," He wrote down. "I'm here because people are afraid of me."

At last I spoke about me."And I'm Minerva. I'm here because I lie in a tub full of blood."


At dinner, Samara and her two friends, Ryan and Lyla all invited us newbies to their table.

"So you lie in a tub full of your murdered victims?" Ryan asked taken aback by what I love doing.

Nodding my head, I took a bite of the food they've sent us. I have no clue what it is, but it was good tasting."What do we do after this?" I asked throwing my stuff away.

"Well after we eat dinner, we do whatever we please." Lyla said licking her lips.

Samara told us that she was here because she thinks everything is food.We decided to go outside, but we were informed not to go pass or else we would be electrocuted.

Once we stepped outside, we heard a loud scream from a man and shouts from the police for reinforcements and to try and calm the man down.

It didn't work, the man kept on flinging his arms, trying to escape, so they had to put him in a straight-jacket."That is the fiftieth person who had to be set in a straight jacket." Ryan said with a heaving sigh.


As the sun started to set, everyone started calming down somewhat."Night time is the only time we're not being watched. We can do whatever the hell we want. It's great!" Lyla whispered both seductive and terrifying.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but do I dare in front of a crowd so many? And pray tell might the others think of me.

"No need to worry. We are all the same, outcasts. No one will tell you diffrent." Trevor wrote down on his notepad with both a concern and a look of comfort in his eyes.

Waiting for just the right moment was hard, especially here in Aslyum. I decided to see how Nyx was doing and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"I missed you so much. I'm surprised you kept silent. For me." Nyx whispered and for the first time, I heard Trevor talked."I told you, you will be the only person who will ever hear my voice. You tame the beast in me. I am nothing but a wild animal." Trevor whispered back, caressing her head and hair.

By that scene, I knew they were lovers, lovers from the start. I didn't mind one bit, for I knew what will happen to me in the future, now.


Not making as much noise as I possibly can, I crept into the kitchen to look for a knife. A seraded knife, they are my specialty.When I thought I heard footsteps, I quickly hide somewhere in the shadows.

"I can't believe that girl!" A nurse said gathering as much food as she can in a big bowl. I had to snicker for I knew who the "girl" was.

Once the nurse let and was no longer in sight, I quietly walked over to the knife drawer. I was almost in heaven, this would be my stair way.

Creeping back to my room, with the knife in my hand, I look around for a victim, one who looked like he or she had a lot of blood rushing down in them.

I noticed a scream from a girl, "Let me die! Let me die!"

Walking over behind her, I placed a hand on her shoulder and said in a low voice, "I can help you with that."

Before she knew it, I thrust down my knife at the back of her throat over and over again, not giving her time for a last breathe


Draggin the limp body towards the bathroom with one hand while the other held the now bleeding knife, I placed the knife in my pocket so I can open the door with my now free hand.

Opeing the door, I placed the girl's limp body over the tub so blood can fill the tub. I also turned on the water so it'll fill up more. But as long as there is blood, I am satisfied.

Turning the water off once it was full, I threw the cold body away, took my clothes off then went in the tub, now in heaven.


Lying in a tub full of blood, I stare up at the Goth-like ceiling.

Taking a hand full of broken glass and clenching them tightly.

The glass cuts through my hands and blood drips down.

Lying in a tub full of blood, I thought to myself,

Was it wrong that I did it in the past and now?

Was it wrong that I have a passion for it?

Was it wrong that I love the feel of bloody humans?

With the glass still in my hands, I drop them into the tub.

Splashing the bloody water with my body,

I let the glass cut my skin.

Not a scream, not a shudder, not a whisper.

Only the sound of my thoughts and the blood.

Is it wrong that I love the feel of sharp items?

Is it wrong that I love bathing in blood?

Is it wrong that I love the taste of a victim’s blood?

Lying in a tub full of blood, I go down deep until I drown.

And that's just what I did, I was finally bathing in blood, glass shards cuting through my skin, I tasted my victim's blood, and I went down deep until I drowned.

The Masters of Horror

Horror Story 3: Daddy, The Devilled God


I've always been daddy's girl and that title will remain. I would kill those other women girls who dare to think they can keep my daddy. Daddy is mine! Daddy is the devil and God. He's the devilled god.

I care not about the abuse I get whenever I get a lesson wrong. Daddy knew what was best, he tells me every day and night. Daddy knows best.

Since I was but a baby, he place pictures all over my walls some crime scenes, some from horror films, other were medival people being tortured.

These were his lessons, his lessons strike cold within my heart, builds up the blood preasure, makes me want to learn more.


Clinging onto teddy in which I sewn a pocket knife on one of it's paw, I walk down the stairs. Not even half-way, I hear noises, female noises.

How dare she enter into our domain? How dare she try and seduce my daddy!

Furious, I crept behind the woman. My daddy spotted me and knew what to do, he pretended to love the woman's seduction and raised his hand up to her breast.

I saw in his eyes, it infuriated him as much as it did me. He hated large breasts, they resembled fake and he hated the way they bounce. He would tell me a woman's breast should lay still and not bounce like balls. I agree, I agree with every word he tells me for he is my God.

My daddy gave me the signal and I wailed, the woman turned and saw me crying. Her impression softed but I knew that if she pretended to care, she'll get my daddy's full affection.

Daddy is mine bitch!


I immediately stopped crying and looked straight into her eyes. I smile a devil's smile and with my teddy, I stabbed her adomend.

She fell onto her knees and looked over at my daddy who had his knife in his hand. His cold dark eyes boring on her frightened, tearful ones.

I merrily pranced to the woman's ear and whispered, "daddy's mine". She screamed out in sheer pain as my father gave the final blow. His knife piercing the back of her neck.

Blood poured out from her as she fell instantly dead onto our tile floor. We both took a look at the bitch who was now dead.

"I am glad we killed her. Women need to learn that I am only interested in one and only one," He turned to me and picked me up, the tip of my teddy's knife pierced where his breast are. "My girl, my devilled princess".


After dinner, we exposed the long dead woman in a garbage bag and threw her into our neighbor's yard. We both hated those for they are nothing but the things we hate most about men and women.

"It is such a shame, they really should be ashamed," My daddy picked me up in his strong arms and kissed my cheeks. "They should be taught a lesson but that would be greedy. Remeber what I have told you my princess, never kill more than one".

I nodded vigrously, my daddy was right, my daddy is always right one hundred percent.

Daddy tucked me into my bed and read a few twisted fairy tales until I start to drift off to sleep. Replacing my teddy wiht my tangled haired bloody dressed dolly Samara, he kissed me good-night and parted to his bedroom.


The next morning, I woke up at the smell of chocolate and blueberry pancakes. They were both my favorites. I knew what daddy's plans were.

No no holiday, well not the kind many celebrate. No, this holiday, this day, si the day I murdered my first victim. A young woman who was married to tried to cheat on her husband by getting with my daddy!

"Morning my princess, chocolate, blueberry, or both?" He asked with a smile, knowing what I wanted. I skipped over to my seat and giggled.

"Both!" I squealed, still giggling as my daddy served me with my pancakes.

He grabbed a plate of his own and poured himself coffee and me milk. He ate a few bites and I mimicked him, he chuckled and picked up his coffee cup, I picked up my own and mimicked his way of drinking.

After their breakfast,we got dressed and he took me to a store. He allow me to get whatevery my heart desires, I grabbed a barbie and a brand new knife.

I turn to daddy, "daddy, I wanna try something".


After we paid for the things and head on home. My daddy pulled me up on his lap. He remembered very well what I wanted to ask when we were at the store.

"My princess, what is it you would like to try." He asked lightly rubbing my thigh up and down in asmooth rhythm. I snuggled closer to my daddy, ripping the head off of barbie.

"I don't wanna kill the next victim who dare try and take you away from me, I wanna torture, like those in Medival times." i took into my daddy's eyes.

They sparkled with delight and a grin formed on his lips. "What an excellent idea my princess but we must wait, it wouldn't be long, you know how women are when I'm around".

I nodded and we watched TV together, "A thousand ways to die".


The next day, we ate our breakfast then went to the park. The park was filled with little boys and girls, men and women, and of course the whores.

I skipped over towards the swings and flew high up in the air, squealing. My daddy looked over and chuckled, marveling at me as my hair flew within the wind.

"Hell there sweety." A young woman greeted my father with a seductive smile.

She leaned forward exposing her breasts in front of my daddy's eyes, her hands on both his knees, caressing up and down and around his crotch.

Daddy is mine and mine alone to touch. Not you bitch!


As soon as the swing I was in slows down, I jumpped down and ran to my daddy, hugging his side. He picks me up and the young woman scowled.

"Daddy, she's pretty, can we invite her to dinner?" I asked, with puppy eyes. She will be the victim I will torture. I have everything set in my mind, the image gave me goosebumps. i can't wait.

My daddy kissed my forehead and asked the young woman to come for dinner. She nodded and hugged both me and my daddy, purposely rubbing her breast against daddy's chest.

That infuriated me, worse my daddy blushed!


As daddy prepared dinner and I prepared the table, I kicked my daddy in the shins, he winced in pain then yelpped as I kicked his balls.

"What was that for?!" He cried out, dobbling over in pain, his hands clenching protectivly over his crotch.

I began to shed a tear and hugged my daddy. "Oh daddy, you blushed! You blushed! At a whore's touch!"

Daddy wrapped his arms around me, "only pretend princess, she had her eyes opened, I saw. I pretended to blush for if I didn't, she would know what was up".

I kissed my daddy then looked down at his crotch before going down on my knees. Daddy was mine to punish and heal. Daddy is mine and mine alone.


The young woman from the park arrived wearing a tight red dress not even covering her ass! My daddy winced at the sight, he told me that women who dress like that often work at a brothel. I bet this one does.

"So, what is for dinner, I hope is sweet and salty." She said sitting down at her seat which was my spot. I gave her a secret murderous glare as I sat on the other side.

My daddy pretended to be taken by the comment as he served the meal.

After we finished, it was time. I began to smile.


Daddy took the woman to his room and took his shirt off and ripped her dress open exposing her slutty body. I was jsut outside and hating every minute as much as daddy did.

He tied her up on the bed and told her to wait.

That wasmy cue.

I walk into the room and stood next to her, good thing she was also blindfolded.I whisper into her ear.

"Daddy is mine".


I sew her eyes shut and with my sisscor, I begin to snip off her nipples, she cries out in pain, begging my daddy to help her. But he only chuckled.

I turn to my daddy who gave me his very own knife. I took it with a smile. He knelt down and whispered into my ear.

"Now, my dear, why don't you skin her alive and I'll burn her vagina." Daddy suggested as I did just that. The woman cried out in pain as my daddy started to burn her after I peeled her skin off.

I then sew her mouth shut, her bitchy mouth was like a banshee's screech.


The torture continued on. We skinned her, we sliced her, we stabbed her, pierced her, burned her, ripped her stickes out to stab her eyes sockets, and so much more.


We burned the body with broad smiles. Daddy picks me up in hisstrong armsand kisses me.

"My princess." He tells me as he carries me back to the house.

No women will dare try and take my daddy away for I am daddy's princess, little girland he is my devil, my god, devilled god.


The Masters of Horror

Horror Story 4: Xmas Cookies


Ten year old Ben walked home from his last day of school with hid head down, his hood over his face, and his hands in his Jean pockets. It wad the worst day ever. Everyone in his class threw ornaments, tintsles, wreathes, and cookies.

He didn't care much about the decorations but when it came to the cookies, that hurt him for when he saw the cookies on the floor being consumed by dirt and all broken in pieces. Tears would fall and more would attempt to fall but the boy would not allow it.

When he opened the door, he heard his step-mom yell at his dad who was trying to bake cookies for the first time. When he heard the news earlier, he was thrilled, excited and wanted to try it even if they weren't going to be good.

The yelling continued, growing louder and stronger that Ben's aunt had to take him away when his step-mom threw a cookie tray at his dad which hit him on the face.

"Aunty. Why is momma and daddy fighting?" Ben asked looking up at his aunt who placed him on her lap. But before she could awnser, the shrill screech of his mother gave him his awnser.

"These are the WORST ever! These cookies are damned! Aweful! I hate them! We should have gotten rid of this tradition a long time ago and just buy them!" Ben's step-mom screamed out as Ben covered his ears.

Hearing the fact of buying cookies was worse than burning them to crisp. Ben could not stand it any longer. He got down from his aunt's lap and ran up to his room.


Lying awake on his bed, the little boy stares up at his ceiling and plans a plan. A devilish plan, to make all the people who dare try and take away the Xmas cookies tradition.

The clock on his wall continues to tik. The hands moving to the rythym of the tiking, moving slowly and fast at the same time. When the clock striked midnight, Ben quietly got out of bed and headed towards his step-mother's room. She had his dad sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. The whole place was soundproof so no one outside could hear.

Ben had a clothe in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. He walked over to his step-mother's side, his eyes filled with revenge and anger. She was going to pay for yelling at his dad and trying to take away his favorite tradition.

Once the boy was by his mother's side, he gently shook her awake. The first try was unsuccessful, he tried again and he got slapped that infuriated him. He raised his bat and hit his mom with it awake. She jolted up and whispered/yelled at him.

"Ben! What are you doing? Go. To. Bed!" She turned her body around so her back was facing him and went back to sleep. The boy shook his head and climbed up on the bed after he set his bat down.

He quickly tied the clothe around her mouth, gagging her from screaming. She tossed and turned, trying to get him off of her, they both fell onto the floor. Ben picked up his bat and gave his mom a good wack on the head.

When his mom blacked out. He tightened the gag and dragged her towards the kitchen. He locked the door so no one could get in and duct taped his mom's mouth for good measure.


He searched through the kitchen and grabed a bowl, a wooden spoon, a cooking pan, a rolling pin, a few designed Xmas cookie cutters and he turned on the oven so it could be heating up. Ben couldn't help but smile. It was time.

His step-mom woke up, when her vision became clear she found herself in the kitchen at the mercy of her son with a rolling pin in his hand. She mumbled ot him "what the hell"? But Ben, her son, only grinnned wider and started beating his mom.

No matter how much she screamed or cry, the gag and duct tape prevented from the others to hear. Seeing that he was a little too weak to beat her up, he took out a kitchen knife and stabbed her until she was dead. Blood poured out of her torso and head from both the stabbing and the beating.

Ben carved out her stomach open with a knife and with his hands and knife, he cut out her organs and placed them into a bowl. He stood up on a stool and turned on the blender to mix his step-mom's flesh and blood well with the sugar.

He hummed through the sound then turned it off once it was stirred right. He took out his wooden spoon and stired it around, he took it out of the bowl and licked it clean. He loved the taste of it.

He took out the cookingpan and set it right beside the bowl. He jumpped down to retrieve the Xmas cookie disign cutters. He walked back and stood up on the stool again. He began to spread out the "dough" with his hands onto the other pan. Once it was flat, Ben began to cut out the "dough" with the Xmas cutters.

There was a Xmas tree, santa, elf, stocking, ornament, snowman, and a Xmas bow. He genlty placed the designed cookies on to the cooking pan and went over to the oven. He opened it, feeling the heat of the oven hit on his face. He carefully placed the cooking pan in the oven and started the timer.


As soon as the cookies were done, Ben put on his small oven mitt and carefully opened the oven and took the cookies out of the oven. He placed it on the couner so it'll cool.

While it was cleaning, the boy searched through for a metal spatula to remove the cookies from the pan and onto the designed platter but before he did that, Ben decided to decorate it.

Frostings and sprinkles covered the blood he decided to have a bit of it showing, his dad and family member would think it was only strawberry, cherry, rasberry, or cranberry.

Looking at his plate of cookies, he smiled a devilish smile. His revenge was bought to justice. He felt no guilt whatsoever before doing this, while doing this, and after doing this.

He set the platter down on the coffee table in the living room and went back to bed.

Xmas time came and he woke up first. He ran down and saw his presents but he didn't care about that, all he cared about was the cookies. He wanted to have his family taste the cookies.

Ben called his family acting all excited that santa came. The family came down, few yawning but they all smiled when they saw Ben beside a plate of cookies.

"Did you make these Ben? All by yourself?" His dad asked, picking him up. Ben wrapped himself around his dad and nodded excitedly. "Well I think I'll have a taste". With one hand he held onto his son and carefully bent down to retireve one of the cookies with his free hand.

The rest of the family took their share and they all took a bite. They commented on how they loved it.

"These are very good. What's in it?" His counsin, Daniel asked taking another bit. Ben jumpped down from his dad and took a cookie. He took a bite and swallowed before answering.

He smirked at them all widely, letting the blood drip out from his lips. His aunt and female cousins screamed while the men all gasped in horror.

"Sugar, flesh, and blood." Ben said, taking another bite while his family dropped their cookies which angered Ben.

Seeing the look on the boy's face, his family picked up the cookies and set them on the plate, not wanting to anger him further.

"Whose flesh and blood is it Ben?" His uncle asked as they leaned in to hear the answer. Ben looked at each of them one at a time and giggled. His giggled turned into a chuckle, which turned into a menacing laugh.

"My step-mom." Ben replied as his family ran into the kitchen to reveal a beaten, stabbed, cut up woman lying on the tiled floor in a pool of blood. They turned around when they heard the door close. It was Ben and he was eating yet another cookie.

The boy smiled down at his dead step-mom while eating a cookie. "No one takes away my tradition".


Publication Date: 05-22-2013

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