A little nine year old boy was diagnosed with cancer a few months after his birthday. A few months after he began to get depressed. His mom and dad didn't care about what he felt or went through. His mom would say, "tell your dad to stop being lazily, he doesn't want to do anything." his father would say, "tell your mother to stop acting like my boss, i can't wait till you die." "dad why?" "so you won't have to suffer." the little boy thought i'm not suffering my father is. the doctor came in his room. the little boy wore a smile on his face when he said, "doctor am i going to die?" the doctors eyes began to water. The doctor could not find the words to tell him so he just nodded. when he was about to leave the little boy said,"doctor your going to die too right?" The doctor walked to the little boys bed and said, "yes i'm going to die to." the doctor couldn't hold back the tears. The little boy wasn't smiling anymore when he said, " but doctor am going to die before you right." the doctor nodded and walked out the room. the next day the little boy told the doctor," doctor tell my parents that i love them and i don't want them to visit me anymore." the doctor heard the pain in his voice and nodded he walked out. The little boy felt sad and lonely. The doctor ran in a said, "i'm sorry son but your parents were in a nasty car accident on the way to see you. They died instantly." The little boy began to cry. "doctor did you tell i love them, did you." the little boy was crying when he said this. "yeah son i did." the doctor was crying with the little boy. the next day the went to see the little boy when he heard deeeee. the horrible sound of his heart monitor. "oh my son. poor little boy." the doctor ran towards the bed and closed his eyes. when he opened his eyes he saw the little boys parents. "what i told your son you guys died i'm sorry." the parents just stared at the doctor and touched their son. when the doctor closed his eyes and reopened them the parents were gone.
Publication Date: 04-08-2011
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