A kiss is something meant for that special person you love, that person will show you the fireworks and passion behind a kiss. It will grant you the bliss of love and overwhelming sensations, you never experienced before.
Yes, one day I shall obtain it. But for now I have to study for my Chemistry test or I will fail! Oh before I get into my notes I will introduce myself, my name is Angela and I am a nerd. I am not one of those girls that are super cute and put glasses on saying, “Oh look, I’m such a nerd.”
I work hard to reach my goal, of being recognized by my parents for my perfect grades. Currently I live alone, my parents are abroad working very hard to give me a better future, their intentions are good…but I wish they could be here with me instead. To tell me what a good girl I am, and smile broadly with pride as they see my grades.
So for now I am studying every chance I get to show that I am not a lazy girl who sits around and does nothing. I want to be a worthy daughter with a perfect conduct and background. “Angela, what are you doing?”
I turned to the sound of my friend’s voice, Robert who was slouching on the bench beside me taking a bite into his apple. He glanced at my notes and suddenly his face became grim, “Ugh!”
“What?” I frowned as I read the last bit of the vocabulary. “We have a test next period,” I informed as I closed the notebook and stuffed it into my backpack.
“I hate Chemistry,” he stuck his tongue out in distaste.
“You hate anything related to school,” I stated with a shake of my head. “Honestly I have no idea why I associate myself with a delinquent,” he smirked at the last word, and I narrowed my eyes.
Here we go again, I thought with a sigh.
“That’s because I need a nerd who will help me pass high school, don’t think so highly of yourself. Your purpose is to only keep me company and help me with my grades,” Robert explained for the hundredth time already, which has been said since freshman year.
Robert and I go way back since the first year of high school; he was the bad boy who everyone feared and was involved in fights. But then I came across his secret that behind that exterior lay a scared guy who only wanted a friend and someone to notice the real him. I know it sounds cliché and it is, but since then we had this weird relationship where we depended on one another.
“Whatever you say Robert,” I smiled looking out into the distance. If you have been with a guy like Robert you got used to his rude language and the way he connects with you, honestly he was a nice guy…sometimes.
“Today after school…I was wondering if you could come with me to Barnes & Noble’s to buy the last book of The Mortal Instruments,” Robert murmured shyly, his eyes darting around in case someone heard him.
I smiled at his flustered expression, and shrugged. I forgot to mention one of Robert’s secrets is that he is also a huge bookworm, he may not look like it with that dark look and muscular frame but he really liked books. “I suppose, it’s not like I have anything else to do today,” I agreed and he smiled.
His smile was sincere and it made me gasp at how handsome it was, with his chocolate eyes sparkling under the sunlight and his pearl white teeth glinting. Robert noticed I was staring and his smile faltered. “What is it? Do I have something on my face?” He questioned raking a hand through his charcoal hair.
“Nope,” I sighed as I began to head back inside the school with a straight back. My father always told me that when a woman walked she had to walk straight with her head held high, and my mother said I should never show my feelings.
When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch I was already seated in front with my pencil in hand, I was totally ready for the test. Robert was at the far back of the classroom a annoyed expression clouding his face when the teacher entered.
“I hope you all studied,” Mr. Alchemy said as he took out a packet full of papers, I was literally sparkling with enthusiasm. I was prepared and ready for the challenge!
“Bring it on,” I mumbled lowly a keen grin tugging on my lips.
“I doubt I passed that stupid exam,” Robert growled as he bent down on his knees and searched through the shelves of books. His finger came up to scratch the thick black mustache on his upper lip, and he frowned when his large glasses fell forward. In a second he fixed the fake mustache and glasses and looked around, hoping no one saw him.
“Seriously do you have to wear such a stupid disguise when you come here?” I asked as I pulled out a Shoujo manga, and skimmed through the pages. It was called Skip Beat and it was really interesting, considering since I read most of the books.
“Obviously, my school reputation would be ruined if someone found out My Inner Nerd,” he answered as he stood up and went to the horror and mystery section, he had good taste in books…sometimes.
“Is that an insult?” I frowned putting the manga back in its place; he sure was taking a long time just to get his book.
“Come on who wants to be a nerd?” Robert spat in distaste, he rolled his eyes when he looked at my expression. “Stop sulking Queen of the Nerds,” he chuckled and glanced back at the stacked shelf.
“Why I—” My sentence was cut off by a woman who had exclaimed with a gasp when she saw me, “Angela?”
“Yes?” I said with uncertainly, she came toward me and engulfed me into a huge hug that made me feel very awkward and confused. Robert raised his eyebrows wondering what was going, and I was just as puzzled.
“Oh, look you have grown so much,” the strange woman smiled brightly as she let go and took a step back. “How have you been? And what about your parents?” I looked more closely at this woman with ash brown hair and light silver eyes, and then it cliqued.
“Mrs. Lanter, I have been alright. My parents are currently working overseas so I don’t really know how they are,” I answered with all honesty, the grip on the book I was holding tightened for a second.
“I see, well I hope they are fine. You certainly have grown into a splendid girl, and your taste in literature is charming,” she noted with that warm motherly smile still printed on her pale face.
“Thank you,” I blushed in appreciation. Mrs. Lantern was still the same nice lady that once lived beside my home, I remember her coming over and bringing chocolate fudge with caramel on a plate and fresh lemonade.
I glanced at the book she held to her chest “How to tutor a child” and asked about the book she had. It was probably for Tyler her son, who since the last time I saw him was a tiny shrimp, now he must be in his third year of middle school.
Tyler was like a small brother who would always follow me around and cling to my clothes, always staying by my side. Most girls would think it was annoying, but on the contrary he was just too cute and sweet.
“Well you see Tyler has been experiencing some difficulties with his grades, and his scores are lowering. So I decided to help him study, but you see I’m not that good with teaching,” Mrs. Lanter explained which to I nodded in understanding.
“I can’t seem to find a tutor who will manage to teach him in a low price, and that I can trust in,” she sighed in depression and I comforted her by patting her shoulder in reassurance. “If only there was someone willing to tutor him.”
“Sorry for imposing in your conversation,” Robert said as he came forward with his hands in his jean pockets. Mrs. Lanter gazed at him in suspicion and took a step back frightened by his appearance.
“Who are you?” She questioned with a sour tone.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Lanter, this is my friend Robert. He doesn’t usually look like this, but there is nothing to be afraid of, he is a really friendly guy,” I introduced and to my relief she relaxed and nodded for him to continue.
“Where was I?” He asked himself and then smiled. “Oh yes, about the tutor you have been looking for. I could recommend you a perfect candidate that has the top marks in the whole grade and is very trustworthy,” Robert informed as he took off the fake mustache and put it in his pocket.
“And who may that be?”
“Well here she is in front of you, Angela,” he answered as he pulled on my arm and my shoulder collided with his. “Trust me Angela is a good option, she has even helped me earn good marks on my exams and now I am more intelligent. Not to mention she doesn’t ask for more than a penny back,” he patted my head like a proud father. “Such a nice girl, I feel I am grateful for a friend like her.”
Mrs. Lanter’s eyes brightened and she gazed at me in another light; she grabbed both my hands and pleaded. “Will you tutor my dear Tyler, Angela?”
What was I to say when Robert was pushing me to agree and Mrs. Lanter was looking at me with puppy eyes. I sighed in defeat and nodded my head, “I would be delighted to.”
That is how I ended up in a promise to tutor Tyler every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. It was only to be at least three or two hours studying in his room, and his mother insisted that I stay for dinner since I lived alone.
It wasn’t so bad since I would get to taste Mrs. Lanter’s delicious homemade food and would reunite with Tyler. It was always so silent and dark whenever I arrived at my house, and was greeted by loneliness.
But when I pressed on the doorbell I was surprised that the door was opened by a tall slim boy with shaggy golden hair and stormy grey eyes. We both stayed frozen in place, and I wondered if I was in the right residence.
His lips widened into a smile, and a bright pink color tinted his cheeks. “Angela!” He exclaimed before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a warm hug, I was shocked by his bold move and stayed still.
This has got to be a dream, because there is no way a cute guy like this could possibly be embracing me. My face felt warm and my heart was accelerating at an abnormal speed from the closeness.
“I missed you so much Angie,” he whispered into my ear, and I was shocked to realize that this handsome young guy was none other than Tyler. I haven’t been called Angie for a very long time, and I was pleased to know he hadn’t forgotten me.
I hugged him back closing my eyes, my hand patting the back of his shoulders, “I missed you too, Ty.”
“Aww, I see you two have already re-united,” Tyler’s mother said from behind us, Tyler let go of me and took a step away. His whole face was flustered and his eyes seemed to suddenly avoid me…did I do something wrong?
“Good afternoon Mrs. Lanter,” I smiled gently.
“Yes good evening, won’t you come in?” I nodded and went inside with Tyler following behind us. He closed the door behind him and Mrs. Lanter led me to his room, Tyler instantly sped past us and told us not to enter.
Mrs. Lanter smirked and chuckled, “Well I will see you later on Angela, please feel comfortable. You don’t know how excited Tyler was when I told him you would be his tutor.”
“Really?” I smiled and when I reached his door Mrs. Lanter opened it without knocking and caught Tyler pushing his mess under his bed. His mother frowned and she scolded him, which I giggled at.
“Well I will leave you two alone, please close the door I don’t want you two to be interrupted by anything,” Mrs. Lanter said before she left and closed the door behind her. We were left in a small room alone; I took in my surroundings and smiled at his room. There was a bed to the side with dark blue comforter on top and white pillows, and his blue paste walls held a few posters of basketball players and sports cars. To the right there was a wooden desk with a laptop and book shelf stacked neatly, a chair tucked under it.
A plasma television placed on the other edge of the room with an Xbox 360 next to it, and a small black leather couch with a coffee table in front of it. Yep it was a typical boy’s room. “Nice room,” I commented.
He blushed and I had to suppress the aw from escaping my lips, he was just so cute. Nothing really did change from him…well except his outer appearance. He looked more like a teenage boy than that cute little boy that would always cling to me like a koala. “Thank you,” he replied.
“Well let’s get started on your homework and then I will help you in anything you don’t understand,” I suggested and he nodded going over to his desk, he took out a pile of paper and a pencil with a calculator.
For the rest of the afternoon we studied together, I taught him equations and helped him in anything he didn’t quite understand. He wasn’t that bad in math or science, but had trouble with English and history. After a while I became used to that comfortable atmosphere we used to have when we were younger.
“Can I ask you something Angela?” He hesitated as he dropped his pencil and looked at me. I was leaning close to him our faces an inch apart, yet I felt perfectly calm standing close to him. After all he is younger than me and I have known him since we were children, so it didn’t appeal to me he would be thinking about…
“Sure, go ahead,” I insisted pulling a stray brown hair over my ear.
“Do you have a…boyfriend?” His eyes stayed locked with my own, and suddenly I found the sweet Tyler gone.
“Eh?” I muttered in confusion.
“I was only wondering if you had someone special you love,” he said in that sweet caring tone that made me squirm from the cuteness overload. “You don’t have to answer though, I’m sorry for prying into your business,” he apologized and I felt my lower lip quiver.
“No it’s alright, and no I don’t have anyone at the moment,” I answered smiling at his flustered state. This boy was such a cute angel; I wish Robert was more like this. But I know I’m wishing for the impossible, since Robert will always be well…himself.
“I see…that means I have a chance,” at his last words my eyebrows raised and before I could understand them he had taken my glasses off and they fell to the floor with a thump. His other hand came behind my neck and pulled me in until our lips had collided against each other.
His lips moved against my own and I was struggling to pull away, but his other arm wrapped around me and in a swift motion I found myself seated on his lap. My heart felt like it would fall apart any second, but my train of thought was jumbled.
I felt breathless and couldn’t pull apart from his moist warm lips; they left me in a daze. After a while I managed to pull away and I instantly smacked him right across his cheek.
My chest was heaving and sweat formed on my brow, this wasn’t the sweet Tyler I knew. His lips curled into a smirk and his grey eyes glinted with mischievousness, he licked his lips and touched the red mark on his cheek.
And that was how my first kiss was stolen, by none other than a middle schooler with a cocky smirk set on his face. My own student had just assaulted me and yet I couldn’t stop my stupid heart from thumping so madly.
The Angel’s smirk
My face was completely flustered and a million thoughts were running frantically inside my mind. The tingling sensation still lingered on my lips, and my trembling fingers covered them with shock.
“What are you that surprised?” Tyler questioned his lips widening at the reaction he got from me. He raked a hand through his golden wavy hair and touched his lips with the tips of his fingers. “Don’t tell me that was your first kiss?”
Was it possible to feel so extremely furious and in the same time embarrassed to the point where you wanted a hole to appear on the ground and swallow you up? Because that’s how I was currently feeling, as I stood frozen like a plank.
“You…pervert! How could you!” I yelled in frustration, my body shaking from all the boiling anger. “So what if that was my first kiss!” I gritted my teeth and narrowed my blurry eyes at his cocky figure.
He had the nerve to laugh at my outburst and gaze at me so intimately that it made my stomach flutter with butterflies. My eyebrows furrowed and I hissed through tightened lips, “Tyler!”
“S-sorry,” he said his laughter dying out. “It’s just so hard to believe a cute girl like you hasn’t had her first kiss yet,” Tyler commented with that sweet smile and tone. For a moment my shoulders relaxed and I forgot why I was so angry with him. I shook my head and glared at him, he was trying to manipulate me by using that angelic façade.
“Oh no, I will not fall for that again,” I hollered glancing away from those hypnotizing eyes. There was no way that I would fall for that same trick, but I got to give the guy credit he sure knew how to act.
“Is that so?” Tyler smiled in amusement, was it really entertaining to see my expressions? Just what changed my Sweet Tyler into such a…egoist jerk?
I grabbed my backpack in a hurry and began to walk toward his door; I was not going to stay in the same room with a guy that I barely recognized and had kissed me so unexpectedly. Just when I opened the door Tyler slammed it shut with his hand and put his other hand at my other side, his chest pressed against my back.
“Are you leaving so soon, Angie?” He whispered, his warm breath fanning my neck. I swallowed the lump welled in my throat, just an hour ago I had thought of him as a younger sibling, but now I was having skeptical thoughts.
“Um, Tyler…” my voice trailed off when his lips descended on the crook of my neck and he kissed it tenderly. My body jerked and I dropped my backpack to the floor in surprise, my eyes widening to the size of golf-balls.
“Won’t you stay for a little more, I promise not to do anything to you,” he murmured with a pleading tone, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me into another embrace.
How was I supposed to believe him when he was touching me right now? First he smiles at me kindly, then he kisses me without a reason, and then he says sweet words that make me melt into a puddle.
“Tyler…” I shut my mouth and shook my head; this was not the moment to let myself be swallowed by his affectionate move. I was here to tutor him, to make him study, not for him to take advantage of me!
“Look here!” I yelled as I pulled away from him and faced him with determination. “I came here to tutor you, so don’t expect for me to take your attitude so lightly. I don’t know why you attacked me or why you are being so familiar with me, but this will end right now! You hear me?” I declared my eyebrows furrowed together in bewilderment.
Tyler blinked several times and then chuckled, he took a step back (thank god, I could barely breathe) and said, “You’re absolutely right. I don’t know what came over me Angie. I’m sorry for my rude behavior.”
Even though I said all that I was still expecting him to lash out and argue with me, but instead that afternoon he was very obedient and didn’t even try to touch me once. Was I disappointed?
Of course not, I came here with a task and I was dead set in making Tyler study and get good marks on his exams. Although it was kind of weird, he did not give me a reason as to why he had kissed me and acted afterwards as if nothing had happened.
Just who exactly was Tyler? He could change his expression in a millisecond and then do something completely different. Or is it just me thinking too much?
Ugh! Well I know one thing; he isn’t a small kid anymore.
“So?” Robert pried with a questioning look set on his face. We were both walking together to school, and I wore the most somber expression I could muster. Middle school students shouldn’t be a problem, but why do I have to get the most troublesome one?
“What?” I glared at Robert who raised his eyebrow and smiled at my angry expression.
“Oh, this seems interesting. What got you in such a sour mood?” He implored ignoring my annoyed Do-not-speak-with-me glare that had no effect on him. “Could it be that the kid you are tutoring made you like this?”
I gritted my teeth and stopped in my tracks, he smirked, “Bulls eye!”
“He is such a-a confusing jerk! At first I thought he was really cute and acted like an angel, but then he had to ruin it by kissing me and acting completely different afterwards! What happened to the angel that I used to know, it seemed only a week ago he was a small brat that would always cling to me, and now he is a pervert!” My chest was heaving and I exhaled dramatically.
Robert whistled and patted my back in a way to comfort me. “Must be tough, well how about I go with you the next time so that little prick won’t try something?” He suggested and for once I was surprised by his generous offer.
“Wait a minute…what do you want?” I narrowed my eyes; I knew this was too good to be true. He must want something in return, or he wouldn’t offer something that would waste his time after school.
“Nothing…at the moment,” he shrugged his broad shoulders and brought a hand up to shove his pitch black bangs to the side. “But I really want to see this punk who thinks he can just so easily touch what is mine,” he explained.
My cheeks flushed at his words and I felt my heart skip a beat at the possessiveness glinting in his dark eyes. “I’m not your toy Robert,” I sighed as I shook my head at the silly thought in my head. There is no way Robert looks at me as a girl, if anything I am only his friend because I know his secret.
“Whatever, the kid just messed with the wrong guy,” Robert grumbled a deep frown on his chiseled face. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and carried on walking along his side to school. For once I wasn’t thinking of any upcoming test or quiz, or about anything related with literature.
No for once I was thinking about something that was in no relation with school or my parents…Tyler. My lips still remembered the feel of his own as they moved so passionately against mine. Was it all right to think of him like this?
Tyler P.O.V.
“How boring,” I sighed as I crossed my arms over my head and slouched back on the seat. The classroom was bustling with students talking and creating some load of crap that I honestly do not care about. The project that consisted of modeling a virus didn’t appeal to me in the least bit; I would rather be kissing a certain brunette.
“What’s with that relaxed smile?” My best friend since elementary asked as he finished the model we (he) were creating. Albert was a smart know it all that got the best marks in class but sucked in anything related to sports.
The first time I met him I thought he was annoying, but certain events brought us together. Maybe I unconsciously became his friend because he reminded me so much of Angela, who also bared the same brown light hair and sparkling hazel eyes.
“Nothing, can’t a guy feel relaxed once in a while?” I blushed when I remembered Angela situated on my thighs or when I had embraced her. I wonder what she thought of me, it has been years since we have seen each other.
And now she was even more striking and beautiful, it is true of what they say…women become more pretty as they mature. I furrowed my eyebrows when I realized that she could have a boyfriend already, but then rested assured when I remembered she had said she didn’t.
“Then there is something wrong with you, because I just saw you change expressions three times,” Albert chuckled to my irritation. “Could it have something to do with Angela?”
My cheeks became warm once again at the mention of her name; did I have it that bad?
“That…well it kind of involves her,” I admitted with a flustered face, my arms came forward and I sat straight on my seat. Albert is the only one I entrusted in confining my secrets and love life, and is the only one that knows I have been crushing on my tutor since I was four years old. I know it’s young but to this day I still clearly remember Angela’s sweet smile and caring embraces.
“That’s to be expected you have liked her for a long time, so did you confess your undying love for her?” He implored pushing his glasses back with the tip of his finger. I glanced away and accidently met the eyes of Tiffany.
She blushed and looked away as if I hadn’t caught her staring. But it didn’t really matter since I held no interest in her, my mind and heart was dead set on Angela. There was no way I could gaze at another girl, especially if she was my friend’s twin.
“No, I didn’t because I felt too nervous,” I replied with a slight shake of the head. “But today when she comes to my house I will make sure to tell her how much I like her,” I declared with determination. It’s true that I was so nervous when she had come and had unexpectedly kissed her because of the moment, but I didn’t convey my feelings.
“That’s the spirit!” Albert encouraged throwing his fist into the air. “Now if only you put that much effort into school,” he added, which to I smacked him across the head.
I’ll make sure that I get my feelings across Angela and tell her that I see her more than an older childhood friend and a tutor.
“What a loser playing with a girl,” a tall boy with thick brown hair announced as he put his hands against Tyler’s chest and pushed him back onto the sandbox. The sand fell over his new shoes and fluttered around him like a wave of water. “Yeah, what a loser,” the other boys around him shouted in unison.
“But-” his words fell into a sob, his hands forming a fist on the soft sand that filled his palms.
“What are you going to cry like the little girl you are,” another boy taunted with a smirk, his eyes shining with mischief. “Go on and cry!” The other boys chanted as their beady eyes glared at the helpless Tyler.
He was frightened by the boys his age and timid at having the courage to face them for a fight. Tears brimmed in his eyes and he found it difficult to see their rude faces. I should have stayed home, he thought to himself.
“Hey! Stop bullying Tyler or I’ll beat you up!” A high voice demanded as she ran toward him with her fist shaking in the air. Angela gritted her teeth and stood over the boys younger than her; she held her head high and had this determined glint in her.
“Just try Angela, you are no match for us,” David, the boy with thick brown hair started as he narrowed his gaze with distaste. “An ugly girl like you can’t beat the five of us,” he snickered as he nodded at his group of friends.
Angela felt a vein throb near her head at the cockiness these boys were exhibiting; these haughty boys are just asking to get beat up. “Don’t call me ugly you kid!” Without hesitation she threw her fist right at his cheekbone and he grunted as he fell back on the grass.
Tyler watched as Angela fought against the five boys, she was amazing he thought as his heart raced for the wild girl with short hair. David pulled on her hair and she shrieked, he felt his face hardened at the sound. But before he could stand up Angela kicked him in the groin.
“Just you wait Angela we will get revenge!” He yelled as two of his friend’s helped him from the shoulders and scattered away from the sandbox.
Angela spit the blood on the grass and cleaned her mouth with the sleeve of her navy shirt, her eyes narrowing at the five figures making their way toward the park exit. “Serves them right those bullies,” she mumbled with anger.
Tyler wiped away the tears in his eyes and looked up at his hero, even with her short hair pointing at every angle and her clothes disheveled she managed to make his heart accelerate.
She turned to face him and lent him a hand, “You okay Tyler?”
He felt his cheeks blush as she smiled warmly at him, and reached for her hand. With a single jerk he stood up and crashed against her chest, she was warm and smelled like strawberry he noticed. “I’m fine, thank you Angie,” he answered with a shy tone.
“I’m glad,” she muttered as she hugged his small body, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Tyler felt so happy that he felt a smile form on his face.
I glanced at Tyler who was quietly working out a problem I had chosen from his homework, the sound of a pencil scratching over paper filled the room. It was a surprise to find that the deceiving angel had not mentioned the day before or even attempted to touch me.
Albeit my heart was nervous right now from the proximity between us but it was reassuring knowing the door was wide open. I’m lucky that I had rejected Robert’s suggestion to come over or who knows what trouble he would cause in the presence of Tyler.
I huffed in anger at remembering Robert’s attitude this afternoon, he was up to something and it pissed me off how he was so sneaky about it. I don’t even know if I should consider him a friend when he is a complete jerk most of the time.
“Angela?” Tyler asked.
“What?” I snapped as I whipped my head to the left to glare at him.
“Um-well I don’t get this step in the equation,” he stuttered in fear and pointed with the end of his pencil at the question.
“Oh,” I felt bad that I took my anger on Tyler and tried to smile as I scooted a centimeter close, because I haven’t forgotten what he did to me. “Let me take a look at that,” I grabbed my own pencil and began to explain what to do next.
“I see…thank you very much Angie,” he gave me a sweet smile and got back to answering the question without difficulty. For a moment I was transfixed but glanced away so he wouldn’t notice the effect that smile had on me.
Get a hold of yourself Angela he is younger than you, I thought silently in turmoil.
“Hey Angie,” Tyler muttered bringing my head from the gutter.
“What is it Tyler?” I looked at him in wonder. Does he have a problem with the equation again?
“Angie, do you remember when we were younger I was always bullied by the other kids,” Tyler started as he paused over the next question. I nodded and he continued with a peaceful sigh. “I was such a crybaby back then and always depended on you to come and save me, and I’m so embarrassed that I still remember this,” he glanced at me with those clear grey orbs.
I remember clearly, because he was so adorable and innocent back then.
“But I always thought you were cool and strong, like a superhero,” Tyler mumbled as his cheeks flamed into a soft red.
Where is he going with this…?
“And since I was a kid I have always…toward you-I um have…” his voice faltered and he gulped nervously, his hand trembling over the desk. “Well you see…”
I blinked with puzzlement wondering why he was acting so nervous and shy for; I mean yesterday he kissed me without a string of shyness. Honestly I was having a hard time wondering why this boy was so odd and cute.
“Angela for the longest time I have--”
“Tyler! Angela! Time for dinner!” Mrs. Lanter barged into the room with her hair pulled back in a bun and a scapula at hand. “Come along kids, I made your favorite Angela,” she chirped sweetly and I felt elated at the news.
Tyler though slumped his shoulders in defeat and his head bowed low in misery, it seems he doesn’t like chicken strips and white rice.
Publication Date: 09-25-2013
All Rights Reserved