Their are many wonderful individuals who provided their guidance,help and assistance throughout this project. I would like to say thanks to my parents Carlos De Jesus Sir and Elizabeth De Jesus, because without them I would not be here. I want to thank my lovely wife Brickzaida De Jesus for being there for me and giving me support on writing this book. Also my four lovely sun's Carlos De Jesus Jr II. Cee-Justice De Jesus, Sincere De Jesus, and Allahjah De Jesus for coming into my life. To my best friend John Mayo (R.I.P). To all the brothers and sisters that's locked up in the belly of the beast (PRISON). To the "NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS".To the ones who help get this book copyright and published.
Also to all those that voted for a Black President.
My government name is Carlos J De Jesus, but everyone calls me by True Allah. I was born in Manhattan New York on 3/13/1975. I have four sisters and no brothers. I have a wife and four lovely sun's. It's been very hard for me growing up. I was raised around abuse,drugs and murders. From me seeing all this at a young age, I thought it was all right to do when I grew up, but it was not. At the age of 17, I started selling drugs and using them. When I was 20 years old, I started using heavier drugs and that's where my life changed. I started selling drugs to support my addiction and that lead to getting arrested and doing time in prison. I did a total of 13 years in prison because of my addiction. I lost my best friend, grandparents, and other family members. While I was in prison, I joined a very known group that's called "The Nation Of Gods And Earths". We teach the science of everything in life-MATHEMATICS. This changed my life around completely. I've been studying the science of life for the past 15 years. I've read over 600 nonfiction books. Everything in this book is written by studying and over 10 years of hard working research. The reason for the written of this book is to let the truth be told.
AUTHORS NOTE: do not make any copies of anything in this book without the permission of the Author. Contact me at
The tempestuous resentment about being denied as human beings, a time,place and space in the historical drama of man and woman, has been upgraded to a storm that cannot be held back. Recent newspapers,books and magazine articles have had no choice but to deal with our true origins.
In this book I'm going to reveal some facts about the, cultures,races,languages and origins of people. Also some history on a man that changed my life around.
These issues that speak about in this powerful book, are issues that everyone should know more of. Hopefully this book will bring unity,order to the confusion,truth to the lies and light to the darkness of the verity of people,cultures and "US".
I NJOY.........
1. AFRICAN ROOTS : The Origins Of Life
2. PUERTO RICANS : The Original Tribes
3. CAUCASIANS : From X-Asians To Caucasians
AFRICAN ROOTS: The Origin Of Life
We are going to start from the foundation of race's. Most people do not want to acknowledge the scientific fact that "ALL" race's , cultures , civilizations , and science originated in a country of northeast Africa named Ethiopia. There is substantial evidence of this fact. In Ethiopia , researchers have found a 3.2 million year old skeleton that was named "Lucy". New researchers have a new fossil of an infant only four kilometers from where "Lucy" turned up. They stated that this fossil of the infant lived 3.3 million years ago and they named it "Lucy's Baby". They call the humans of that time "Australopithecusafarensis". In the magazine "Scientific American" December 2006 issue page 84, John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin states tie following:
"In 2001 paleoathropologists announced
that they had found a fairly complete skull and some jaws and teeth at a site called
Lomekwi in Kenya. They assigned the 3.5
million year old remains to a new genus
of hoinin, kenyanthropus".
I was reading a book called "LUCY: The Beginnings of Humankind" and on page 344 there is a question asked which is "what happened before 3.5 million years ago? ". This book is fine in it's conjuncture , but there are to many thinks , maybe's and theories. No facts to most of the things spoken about in this book. I'm going to answer this question in it's simplest form. What happened before 3.5 million years ago is that there were more humans living on the planet Earth.
Many believe the theory of evolution that people came from apes and monkeys. This false theory will never be proven. A theory is : to think how something happen based on limited information or knowledge; A guess. Well stop guessing , because there is no beginning nor ending to the original Black Man. Deal with facts.
The evolution theory about man came from apes and monkeys is a made up theory to have all black people believe that they are animals. There is no name's that you can label the black , brown , and yellow people because they are original , past , present , the future and all things in the universe. Keep on searching for more follicles. You will find more which are much older , because there is no birth record to the existence of black humans. Later in the future , all those that have written books on the black humans , will have to rewrite them and this a fact. I read in a magazine that Africans Ancestry can match DNA to 189 different ethnic groups.
There is many theories on how different tribes of Africa and India migrated to all parts of the earth. My understanding that is factual is that today the Northeastern corner of Asia and the Northwestern corner of North America are separated by the Bering Strait , which divides Alaska from Siberia. During the most recent of the earths many ice ages , which ended about 16,000 years ago , the level of the oceans and sea was hundreds or maybe thousands of feet lower than it is today , because so many of the planets water was locked up in a huge glacial ice sheets.
When the sea fell , the body of water that we call the Bering Strait disappeared , revealing a causeway of land connecting Siberia and Alaska. There were also a lot of lands connected to one another like Africa and Asia. Between sixty and thirty thousand years ago it was much easier for humans from Africa , India , and Asia to migrate to all parts of the earth. Most of the people that migrated from Asia were from a country called India. Before the migration of the people in India , there were many tribes and beliefs among these people. Some say that these people from India were exiled for worshipping idols. The people that were in India were the one's that migrated to the Caribbean Islands , South America , and North America over 50,000 years ago. In the magazine called "Newsweek" it revealed the following:
"Archaeologists uncover 10,000 yearold mammoth remains near Dent Colorado
in 1933. Weapons made of chippedstonewere found with the bones , proving thathumans lived in North America at least10,000 years ago. Although there is a dispute over the timing of the first migration to North America , most scientist believethat humans arrived in the America's between50,000 and 10,000 years ago".
We also had the Anasazi Tribe that has one of the best known archaeological records in the world , especially for the 1,000 years before the Spaniards arrived. These were also fossils found in the Caribbean areas such as Florida , Cuba , P Rico and others , that were over 10,000 years old. This also shows and prove that Africans , Indians , and Asians discovered the Caribbean's , South America , and North America way before ANYONE.
I brought all these facts to the light so you can know and understand that everything originated in Africa , and that the people that were here in North America before anyone so-called "Discovered" our original tribes that migrated from Africa , Asia and India. If you do further research on anything that I wrote about , you would find much more evidence to support these facts.
PUERTO RICANS : The Original Tribes
People world wide have a misunderstanding of the Puerto Rican culture. I'm going to touch on other Caribbean cultures like the Cubans,Mexicans,Domincans and other tribes, but my main target is the Puerto Rican culture. People try to divide and separate the Caribbean people from each other and Africans like many races. Yes there's many cultures, beliefs, and religions, but there are only two races on the planet earth , and that's Black and white. People from the Caribbean are NOT white , so what are WE ?
This is the science of a slave owner by the name of "Willie Lynch". (Slave owner of the West Indies between the years of 1700 to 1720's). In the year 1712 A.D. he gave the slave owners of America a method on how to keep a slave for over 300 years. One of the methods was to divide and separate all Black , Brown , and Yellow people and make them believe that they are all different. this method is still in affect at this juncture.
If you deal with science in complexions and pigmentations , you would find out that there's 48 shades to originalities. They are 16 shades to black , 16 shades to brown , and 16 shades to yellow. All these shades are original.
If you were to research and study in the science of Genealogy , genetics , and Biology , then you would find out that all non-white people have a Black and Brown gene that's located in a chromosome in the cell nucleus. This is one of the things that proves how long a race existed on the planet earth.
Melanin is another substance that makes a person original.In a book titled "Skin Disorders" by Lynne Lamberg page 18 states the following:
"Dark skin provides protection from the
harmful UV rays of the sun-a necessity
for Ancient Africans living near the
equator, where they were exposed to
intense sunlight for long periods of
the day".
Also on page 74 of the same book it states the following:
"But it is melanin that, in greater or
lesser amounts separates skin types and
determines how well a person can handle
the sun".
People from the Caribbean Islands have been living in the sun all their lives, and never had any problems with skin cancer like the white race.Just like Africans(Black people), the people in the Caribbean Islands such as the Cubans, Domincans,Puerto Ricans, and so on, we produce large amounts of melanin within the body. In the English dictionary it defines the following:
"Genealogy: A record of the descent
of a family or person from an ancestor
or ancestors.2. Direct descent from
an ancestor or ancestors; Lineage.
The study of ancestry and family
This goes to show that people can find out their origins though DNA testing.This process is taking place at this point and time. I was reading a magazine called "Scientific American" June 2006 issue, and on page 16 it stated the following:
"At least 11 companies offer individuals the ability to trace their African, Native American, Asian or European roots through DNA markers".
Through these studies one can find the facts of their culture and race. But one thing that's a fact at this point and time is that everyone in some way are descendants of Black people who lived in Africa. let's go into a little deeper science.
Back in Spain before the year 1451 A.D. before the Moors(Arabs) civilized them, these people were living as savages. They were uncivilized. The Spaniards were some of the people that migrated from the Caucus Mountains, which will be spoken about in a later chapter. It was a very hard task to civilize these Spaniard people, but the Moors got the job done.
The news got to the King of Africa that the people of Spain needed some guidance because they were causing to much trouble amongst themselves and others. In the 8th century the Moors conquered Spain until 1492 A.D.
while the moors were in spain for those 700 years, they started having sexual intercourse with the spaniards, producing a new blood line of people, after the moors left spain in 1492 the population were already a "mix race" as some will say, but one thing is for sure, they had African blood line within thier DNA.
Keep this in mind also--The moors were very dark complexion people. this goes to show that when the moors left, After having sexual intercourse with the spaniards for 700 years, the complexion of the spaniards was becoming increasingly darker.
Now in the same year of 1492, a evil man by the name of columbus so--called discover america from spain. columbus was born in italy, but his parents were from sicily. Now remember that Hannibal (blackman) conquered sicily in 247-183 B.C. so columbus also had Afican blood line within hi DNA.
When he arrived in america, there were already tribes that migrated from Africa and India, so he named these people Indians. The orinigal people were the "Taino-Arawaks". These tribes were disease free, until colmubus left and come back with the spainsh army. This is when everything changed for the worst.
When Colmubus so-called dicovered these original people which were known as the "Taino-Arawaks", they were filled with many riches. The first one was gold. Colmubus knew he couldnt over come these tribes by himslef, so he left spain only to return with many ships and Spaniards. There were approximately 3-8 million "indians" in america and the Caibbean Island when the Spainsh began to colonize. The Caribbean tribe inhabited guadeloupe and the windward island. Caribs as they were named, were enemies of the Taino-Arawaks. The caribs told columbus about the tribes in the caribbean Islands (puerto rico).
The Spainsh arrived with a thirst for gold and a desire to convert the native inhabitants to chirstianity. The Pope, in the name of that mystery god, had given the Spainsh ownership over all lands discovered on thier voyages. Initially,the indains offered little resistance to the spainsh. They believed that men like ponce de leon were immortal. They never seen people like of thier kind before, and they made it seem to the indians that they cant die, so what was the point of fighting with men who would not die?
There was a man by the name of Urayoan who was a cacique (chief) of the Taino indains. Urayoan wanted to test the theory about spainsh immortality. In 1511 he ordered his men to drown one them. Diego Salcedo, allowed the tainos to carry him to the river so that he would not get his clothes wet. The tainos dropped him in the river held him under water for a long time.
The tainos broght salcedo back to the river-bank and watched in fear, expecting that he might rise any moment frorm the dead. When Salcedo remained inert, the Tainos knew that the spainsh could die. As a result, the indians conducted a major revolt against the spainsh, led by Agueybana the brave. Initially, the indians emered victorious: they killed a number of spaiards near the yauco river , and they managed to burn a village founded by captain cristobal de sotomajor.
Ponce de leon named one of the caribbean island "puerto rico (rich port)". His principal aim was to extract gold for the and for himslef, but it didnt happen because spain had him ship most of the gold to them.
Ponce de leon collected his forces, and defeated the Taino-Arawaks in a series of battles that proved to be disastrous for the indians. Although some escaped to the montains,within a short period of time, diease, overwork (in the mines) and desperation ended the lives of the vast majority of the surviving Tainos.
The Africans and Arawaks, which are a group of the tainos, were forced to take over where the taino left off. In the good book "From superman to man" by J.A. Roger, page 8 recites the following:
"There were Inbdian slaves in the
remainder of the new world, but they
too died off whenever they came in
contact with the whites".
The spaniards brought with them from spain diseases were to strong for the taino-arawaks to overcome. These dieases were smallpox, syphillis, and consumpition. After being enslaved and raped by the slave owners, manyof the taino-arawaks were dying off from these dieases.
Now keep this in mind-from the Taino-arawaks Tribes, the women were being raped and getting pregnant by the spanairds. They were FORCED to have thier children and learn thier language (spainsh). This process took place for a number of years. Now after so many years of taino women forced children of the spaniards, we have a "mix" blood line.
After so many years of enslavement, and the indians living with these dieases, the taino-arawaks population began to diminish. People in Africa were also being enslaved by a slave trader by the name of john H.Hawkins.
since the people in Africa were also being enslaved, they made deals with the slave owners of Africa, and before they even knew what was happening, they were getting shipped to the carribean island and america. With the Indians,the African slaves helped with the hard labor brought about by the slave masters. This process happened in large numbers.
Now the French,English and Portuguese enslaved many Africans and Indians as well. These Indian tribes were not the Taino. These Indians tribes were different.
Now they have the Tainos,Africans, and the Spanish slave owners in America and the Caribbean Islands. Almost all tribes of Indians and Africans were enslaved for over 300 years. Within those 300 years of enslavement, over 100 million original people were either murdered or died from the white man's diseases.
Now the Spaniards already had many children with the Tainos before the African slaves came. Some or most of the children were already teenagers and adults when the Africans arrived. The African women were also being raped by the slave owners. After a few years that the Tainos and Africans were enslaved together, some started having sexual intercourse with each other and started producing offspring amongst themselves.
Now we have children with the bloodline of Taino,African, and Spaniard. These people are now known as "Puerto Ricans". After the early 1800's, slavery was abolished(as they say).
As years passed, these people started building homes and their own way of life(cultures). Puerto Rico was named by Ponce de Leon which means "Rice Port" because of the gold he discovered on the Island. The original name of the Island is "Boriquien". This name was given to the land by the original people called the Tainos. That is why most people know and call us "Boricua's".
There are some or can I say a lot of Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Domincans, And Columbians that are very dark in color, pigmentation, and complexion. People from the Caribbean Islands are original, but most of them come from different tribes of so-called Indians.
Our ancestors are the Africans because their bloodline is the oldest. Puerto Ricans have about 90 percent DNA from the Taino and African tribes. So, do you dare still call the Puerto Ricans non-Black!
People read the meaning of the word Black in the "English Dictionary and think it is a bad and evil word, when it is not. Look at the people that wrote the meaning to the word "Black", those are the same people that raped, robbed, enslaved, and murdered our Ancestors. They want us to think that we are nothing, and they are the "Superior Race"(I don't think so, try again).
Black only means "the Origin of a persons birth". Blackness is the essence of Life. Study and read "Astrology", and you would learn how important the color Black is. Knowledge is the Key to Life, and it will set us FREE.
CAUCASIANS : From X-Asians
To Caucasians
People have a misunderstanding on the white race called "Caucasians". People don't seem to ask the question of why they have the word "asians" at the of their race name. In this chapter I'm going to answer many question that haven't been answer concerning the Caucasian race. Lets us get into some scientific facts.
In the year 4686 B.C.E. a man by the name Yakub was born in a city of Western Saudi Arabia near the coast or the red sea. This same person called Yakub is Jacob in the bible.(read Genesis 25:19-26) Jacob(Yakub) was an original man and scientist. Yakub started school at the age of four, and started learning about the science of genetics. When Yakub was 18 years old he completed all schools and Universities. At the 33, Yakub understood his mission in life.
When Yakub was 33 years old, he was playing with two pieces of steel. He found in them an attraction. Yakub looked up at his uncle and said, "uncle, when I get to be an old man, I am going to make a man and he will rule you(black people). His uncle replied, "what will you make other than something that will make mischief and bloodshed in the land?"
Yakub, did not deny what he had in mind to do with his man. He did not deny that his made man would cause mischief and bloodshed. That is what Yakub wanted his man to do.
Yakub's uncle answered him and told him, "we celebrated the praise of your lord." These words meant to give the understanding, that if Yakub made a man who was not in the nature of the original man, such a man would cause trouble. Never the less, Yakub replied that he knew what his uncle did not know. The uncle did tell Yakub just exactly what the made man would do. Yakub did not dispute. Yakub was a man that was born with a dissatisfy mentality.
From the year 4,653B.C.E., to the year 4,635 B.C.E., Yakub started teaching the dissatisfy people from that land the science of magnetic attractions. In the year 4,653 B.C.E., Yakub had a lot of followers and they started causing a lot of uprising against the people of that land.
The word got to the king that this man named Yakub was causing uprising against the people, so the king ordered that he be sent to prison. It didn't stop his teachings. He even had people in prison that he taught causing uprising. so, the king went to prison to meet the man that they called Yakub (jacob).
The king new from the teachings of past leaders that a man thats dissatisfied mentally would come to cause mischief and bloodshed amongst the people.
When he went to visit Yakub in prison, he asked him, "how can we stop you from teaching and causing uprising amongst people?" Yakub answered, "If you supply me and my people with enough material at, last 20 years, I would stop." The king said, "All right, but you would had to leave the land." Yakub agreed. The king didn't order Yakub to be killed, because he already had to many followers and it would have led to war amongst each other. Yakub and his followers (59,999 of them) was sent out of mecca with a promise of 20 years. Yakub and his followers took ships and sailed to the island of pelan (Patmos). Read revelation 1:9.
Yakub told all of his dissatisfied followers that he is their leader and god. He promised his followers that he would make devil, grafted from his own people and teach them trick-Knowledge, and how to rule his people for 6,000 years. This is where the devil (Mental) was manufactured-Pelan the same as Patmos. An island situated on the aegean sea.
Once on the island,Yakub's first rule was to see that all his followers were healthy, strong, and good breeders, if not he sent them back and all that was not good in multiplying would marry at the age of 16.
Next Yakub gave his people laws on birth control which was to be enforced while manufacturing the devils. Which was to destroy the alike and save the unalike, which means to kiss all the black babies and save all the brown babies. This law was given to all doctors, ministers, nurses, and, cremators.
The doctors laws was to examine all that was desiring to marry. They must be qualified by the doctor, in return he qualified or disqualifed them to the minister. the ministers laws was to marry all those that was unalike.
The nurses law was to kill all the black babies at birth by sticking a pin in its head or feeding it to a wild beast, and tell its mother a lie that her baby was an angel baby and it was only taken to heaven. That some day when she dies, the baby would have secured a home for her in heaven. The brown babies were to be saved and was told to those mothers that she was a lucky mother and that her baby was a holy and that she would take good care of it and educate it, and some day he will grow up to be a great man.
All doctors, ministers,and nurses were put under the death penalty if they failed to carry out the laws of Yakub, also the cremators who burned the black babies when the nurses brought them,and death to anyone who revealed the secret.
The reason why Yakub was so successful in his undertakings was,because the people who were his followers, followed his laws regardless to what he told them to do they did it. If not, they paid with their lives for every law they broke. Yakub did not build prisons for his people. Where one fell victim to the law, the penalty was death, and was enforced on everyone that fell victim.
From the year 4,635 B.C.E. to the year 4,536 B.C.E., these laws were carried out. In the year 4,536 B.C.E., Yakub returned to the essence (died) on Patmos at age 150. His followers continued his works.
After following Yakub's law this is what took place. From the time Yakub was alive to the year 4,453 B.C.E., the brown gene was separated from black. From 4,453 B.C.E., to 4,253 B.C.E., the yellow gene was separated from the brown. From 4,453 B.C.E. to 4,053 B.C.E. their goal was complete. Yakub's main goals was to make people that were different from the blacks, and to rule all people by using trick-knowledge, and his work s were a success.
This is how the mental devils were made. They are made form the original people, by grafting and separating the germs. Within the black man's body there exist two germs (Genes), a black germ and a brown germ. Yakub with his law on birth control separated the brown germs from the black germs. Following this process for 600 years the germ became white and was no longer original. By thinning the original man's blood, this is how Yakub made devil.
Now I'm going to show and prove this process in a way that all can understand. On the island of Patmos, there were couples of black complexion. Whenever a black female gave birth to a dark baby (black) they would kill it. When a child was born of a lighter complexion (brown) they would keep it . After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were brown complexion people. It's like when you take away from the color of black it gets lighter. Also when you mix a different color with black, it becomes lighter (weak). This is the same process that happened but only with people.
Once the black complexion people were gone on the island, which took 200 years, they started their second process. Whenever a female gave birth to a brown complexion baby, they would kill it. When a child was born of lighter complexion (yellow) they would keep it. After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were the yellow complexion people.
Some of the brown and yellow complexion people did escaped and ended up migrating to different parts of the world. They were excepted because they got away on time,but it wasn't many.
Now once the brown complexion people were gone on the island, which took another 200 years, they started their third and last process. Whenever a female gave birth to a yellow complexion baby, they would kill it. When a child was born of a lighter complexion (reddish) they would keep it. After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were reddish complexion people with the mentality of doing evil which was passed down from their father Yakub.It took them 600 years to destroy the black, brown and yellow people on the island of Patmos.
So imagine trying to destroy over 5 billion original people! It would Never happen. Even the reddish people on that island were still original, but in a weaker form. Now keep in mind that these people were taught to use trick-knowledge against the darker nations. They were murderers, but not yet savages.
Now in 4,053 B.C.E., the devils that were on that island were of a reddish complexion. In this same year they sailed back to Mecca to begin their devilishment which was trick-knowledge. It took them almost 6 months to get back to Mecca. Mecca is a city in Western Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is a country in Asia.
When they arrived back on the land of Mecca, the people in that era welcomed them with open hands, and that was the worst mistake that they ever did. These mental devils started causing trouble amongst the righteous people. They were accusing the righteous people of telling lies, causing them to fight and kill one another. Their trick-knowledge was at work.
In the year 4,052 B.C.E., General Monk-Monk heard about the trouble that these people were causing, so he rounded up some of his troops and arrested anyone that was from the island of Patmos. It wasn't to difficult to distinguish these people because they had a reddish complexion from the process of their father "Yakub".
Once all of them were in custody, General Monk-Monk ordered the troops to run them across the hot Arabian desert into the caves of Western Asia as they now call it Europe. These caves were in the Caucus Mountains. The troops were ordered to build cages to the holes in the mountains so that these people would not escape and cause anymore trouble amongst the righteous people."There worst mistake".
Let's keep in mind that these people were not white at that point and time. These people were of reddish complexion, so physically they were original, but Yakub's mentality which was trick-knowledge and devilishment . Their main goal was to rule over all the satisfied people, because they were dissatisfied.
These X-Asians were in the caves for so long that they knew nothing else but devilishment. I say X-Asians because Yakub took them to the island of Patmos, that was their land of origin. They were from Asia(Black People).
When they were in the caves, they did not have anyone to show them directions on how to live a righteous way of life. They only knew what Yakub had taught them, which was trick-knowledge and devilishment. But once General Monk-Monk ordered the troops to run them into the caves across the hot Arabian dessert, everything was taken from them except their language.
These people were living in the Caucus Mountains for approximately 2,200 years. Let's go into a little history to know what exactly happened to them within 2,200 years while living in the caves.
In Europe the climate is very cold and the air is very thin, especially in the mountains. While in the caves, the X-Asians did not have the right nutrition's in their foods. They were lacking vitamins within their body because of the sun, like vitamin D and melanin. In years that passed these people were having sexual intercourse and producing children with gene disorders because of the lack of nutriment.
This process was happening for a long period of time. They were unable to educate each other because they only knew what Yakub had taught them, and they did not have the energy. After many more years of living like this, things became much worse for them.
Because of the lack of nutrients and gene disorders, they started to give birth to children that were called "Albinos". These people that are called Albinos are people that are born lacking normal coloring, so that the skin and hair are extremely light and eyes are usually pinkish and affected by some degree of impairment.
Since these people were born with gene disorders, they started lacking melanin, pigmentation, and complexions. These people became living like savages and animals in the caves of the Caucus Mountains because they were uneducated and made to become uncivilized.
While in the caves a lot of savage ways originated that is now a days a so-called way of life. Women at their time of menstruation was allowing the jackals(Dogs) to lick the blood from there virginal areas. This is where we get the term "eating pussy" from. These Caucasian women where so savage and uneducated that at times they had sexual intercourse with these jackals. this is where we get the term "doggy style" from. Now a days they are called "freaks of nature".
The Caucasian men were no different. At times they use to have sexual intercourse with each other. Thats where the word "Gay" came from. At times these savages were so hungry that they use to eat raw meat of jackals, rats, cats, and so on. This is where the term "Cannibalism" came from. At times these savages were so afraid of the wild animals that they started growing hair all over there bodies that at times you could not tell the difference between them and the animals.
They got so use to the animal state of mind that most of them started going on all fours just like animals. After crawling on all fours for a certain amount of times these savages started growing little tails. It is a scientific fact that if a person was to start going on all fours for a long peroid of time, that the spinal cord will grow outward producing a lump that looks like a tail. This is where "Hunch Back" come from.
After many years of this happening, the Albinos started producing more children. These children that they were producing were white. They are known today as the Caucasians, Germans, Greeks, Romans, English, Spaniards, and so on.
At that day and time, these people were still living as savages. Word got back to the King of Africa that these white people from the caves were savages, and they were causing to much trouble amongst the righteous people that migrated to different parts of Europe(some of these X-Asians escaped from the Caucus Mountains).
This is when the King sent troops to round up all the white people that had made it to some towns in Europe and returned them to the mountain ranges. They were sent there by the King of Africa, so he can have time to send troops to watch and also civilize these white people. This person that went to civilize the whites was named Musa(Moses in the Bible). Read the whole book of Exodus in the Bible, this will give you facts on the Caucasian race. Also in the Holy Quran, there's a chapter called "The Cave", thats the story of the X-Asians(Caucasians).
This person named Moses was sent by the King to civilize these people in the Caucus Mountains. It wasn't an easy task at all. Within the first 10 years of trying to civilize these people was hell. There was a man named "Imhotep" who is known as the medicine god. These people in the caves had all types of feces within the caves. After so many years you can just imagine the odor that was in the caves. There was no person or animal that was able to clean the caves out, but one, the "Hog".
The "Hog" was an experiment done by Imhotep by cross breeding a jackal(Dog), cat, and rat. These three things produced the Hog, which is also called the "Pig". This is the only animal that was able to eat all the feces from the caves. This animal was not produced so people can eat because it's a very poisoning animal, but as time passed, it became a meal for most people.
Im going to show and prove how the Hog(pig) is a grafted animal. We have from smallest to biggest Rat, Cat, and Jackal(Dog). Imhotep was the Father and god of medicine. We had experiments and cloning at that day and time, but with the advanced technology now a days its done in a different form. Let's look at the meaning of clone. In the dictionary it defines the following:
"An organism or group of organisms
produced a sexually from a single
ancestor. Natural ways of cloning
include fission, as in single celled
organisms, and forming buds. Artificial
ways include grafting of plants and
the reproduction of cells and DNA
by genetic engineering".
If you look at the Hog(Pig) you can see that it has the features of a rat, cat, and dog. The Government wont tell you this because they want to take the credit for being the gods of medicine, experiments and cloning animals now. Thats why they are experimenting and cloning animals now. They have so many hidden things in their secret laboratories from experimenting that you wouldn't have no choice but to believe that the Hog(Pig) is a grafted animal.
If you read "How To Eat To Live" Book 1 and 2 by Elijah Muhammad, "How Not To Eat Pork" by Sharazad Ali, "The Hog" by Varies, and "Exposing The New Dangers Of Pork" by Hakim N., you would find more facts on the grafted Hog(Pig).
Also in a book called "Blood Money" by Raul Johnson, it states:
"Aids a man made disease grafted from the
Visna Virus, a virus in sheep that causes
the same results as Aids in humans. Aids
origin has been traced to a laboratory in
Dietrich Maryland".
Here goes another experiment and grafting process. So if they can make a disease so deadly from the grafting of animals, then the grafting of animals, then the grafting of a rat, cat, and dog isn't really anything to accomplish. Lets continue.
Moses stood civilizing these people for 40 years in the mountains. These people are now called "Caucasians". The idea of the Caucasians was that of a devil because they wanted to be the superior race. They started migrating to different parts of the world causing trouble and fights. These Caucasians took what was taught to them, and used it against us to gain power that they possess now. Their power is about to come to an end very soon. Their 6,000 year rule is well past due. They used Trick-Knowledge to gain their power by their father Yakub. We must reverse their power by doing the knowledge to their tricks. We on to a good start by electing a Black President.
Slave Religion
Slavey was an integral part of Greek society from its beginning. Of all the ancient civilizations,the Greek City-States were the first true slave society, dependent on slave labor to function and prosper. Domestic slavery was in many ways kinder, more humane institution within Africa than in the New World. Slaves, while not completely adopted as Kinsmen, became members of a household. They had the right to marry, raise families, and own property, including their own slaves.
Among the people in West Africa slave trade were the Muslim group from the Western Sudan known as Wangara, who had established a series of trading stations along the forest country. The Wangara obtained slaves by kidnapping rural Africans people or, in some instances, by purchasing them from areas where populations pressures and overcrowding had forced families to sell their children.
Now lets stop here for a few minutes. Muslims follow the religion of Islam that was founded by a Arab called "Prophet Mohammed" in 610 C.E. Mohammed finished school in the 3rd grade. The Arabs are a Semitic race of people, meaning mixed. Semitic in the dictionary states the following:
"Semite- a member of any group of peoples(As Jews and Arabs) of Southern Asia: Semitic.
These people were the worst of kind. These Arabs were pure savages, uncivilized, and brutal. Mohammed had to find some kind of belief system for these savages. So he made his own religion which is called "Islam", and got help in writing the Holy Quran which is the book that the muslims follow. God in Arabic is Allah, in which they call him.
Slavery was a part of the Arab world from its beginning. The Arabs were the most active traders in Black slaves from Sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately 18 million Africans were delivered into the Islamic Trans-Saharan and Indian ocean slave trades between the year 650 and the start of the Twentieth century.
In Eastern Africa Arab trading created a coastal language, known as Swahili, which is a mixture of Arabic and Bantu, a group of African languages. Muslims believe that Kaaba, the black building, was built by Adam, the first(Caucasian)man, as a place of worship.
Why would these devils or Arabs worship something that was built by a Caucasian white man? Because they were savages and they had the same mentallity as the white people. In the book called "Message to the Blackman" by Elijah Muhammad, it states the following:
"The prophet Muhammad was told that
he could reform the devils and that
the race had 1,400 more years to live
; the only way to make righteous people
(Muslims) out of them was to graft them
back into the Black Nation. This grieved
Muhammad so much that it caused him
heart trouble until his death(Age 62
and one half years)".
The Arabs and Caucasians caused Muhammad's death for for being pure savages. Lets move on.
Muslims believe Allah does not have children, nor is he surrounded by any lesser gods. Muslims believe that Allah controls human history and cares about every individual person, but that he is completely seperated from his creation and posseses no human traits.
Muslims was taught by Muhammad to live a righteous way of life, and the only way that this can be done is to follow the religion called Islam. Muhammad's mind set was to civilize these Arabs and Caucasian's, but Islam was not for everyone at that time. After Muhammad's death, some carried out the religion and others carried it out the wrong way.
If we look back at the history of Islam the religion, you come to see that this was not the right way of life. These people were slave owners, murderers and savages. How can one follow a religion which inslaved our own people? Because we are still in the triple stages of darkness, deaf, dumb, and blind. Religion is only to control the mass of people, and also their thought's.
People would say "Then what's the right religion?" There isn't no right religion. The knowledge of self and understanding of self is the righteous way of life. There's no difference between Islam and Christianity. Christianity was also founded under slavery. They are the biggest murderers until this day and time. This is a devil religion. Stay away from Christianity because when man comes to judge the true and living, Christians are the first to get judge because of their false religion and teachings.
The Nation of Islam(N.O.I.) is a righteous group that was founded by Master Fard Muhammad and carried out by Elijah Muhammad(R.I.P) and the active leader Louis Farrakan. This group teaches that" the thought which is in man, is God". In Message to the Blackman by Elijah Muhammad it states the following:
"God is a man and we just can not make
him other then man, lest we make him
an inferior one; for man's intelligence
has no equal in other than man. His
wisdom is infinite; capable of accom-
plishing anything that his brain can
conceive. A spirit is subjected to us
and not we to the spirit".
These people have labeled themselves as a religion, but they teach righteousness. They know who the true and living God is, but are forced to do other wise for their safety. The government has a close eye on this group. Catholics are no different from Islam and Christianity. They are slave owners and murderers as well. They are being led by the biggest crooks and antichrist of the world which is the Pope. They are nothing but snakes in the grass, so stay away from the grass before you get bitten and die from their poison. All religions that pray to other than their own self is a false religion. Whoever worships a mystery God other than self is on the wrong path to Righteousness.
In order to enjoy life(Heaven), one must understand the knowledge of self. Then once you know and understand self, you can begin to Love yourself. Once you know, understand and love yourself, you will begin to do more for self. Once this is complete, then you will begin to learn about the science to everything in Life which is LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS. Then you may begin to teach which will bring you FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY.
In order to find out about all these false religions and teachings, all you have to do is go back in his-story(History) and read. The more you go back the more knowledge you will receive in what's the Righteous Way Of Life for YOU.
Publication Date: 08-30-2009
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