It all began when i was 15. I was walking to school when this bully that's always mean to me pushes me in the road the last thing i heard was the scream of sirens and the screeching of tires before then i went unconcious.I woke up later with a guy in a leather jacket sitting beside my bed he said your not meant to die i tryed to say what do u mean but the next thing you know i felt pain and hunger like nothing else before. he had bit me i flew out of the bed and ran out the door everything was a blur I was so confused i thought what is going on why do i feel so strong when i saw a young nurse and I lunged for her i did not mean to but it was like an instinct when i finally gained control i had already bit her and was drinking her blood but it was to late she had gone pale.
i realized i had killed her.I screamed in anger and frustration. i used my tongue to feel my teeth i had fangs. i thought outloud what did you do to me i knew he was there watching i said answer me or i will tear you to shreds he said no u won't thats when i ran straight at him i did not even see him move but the next thing you know i am getting held up in the air by the throat i felt the pain it hurts. He says if you want to understand what has happened then calm down and i will tell you. He let go i fell to the floor and got up he said sit.I did then he said it he confirmed my thoughts.i have turned you in to a vampire for a reason king has died and you will take his place.once i train you and you control your hunger you may be able to rule i know you will because just a couple of seconds a go your eyes turned pitch black which means your are the dawner you are the infinity you are a vampire thats when he said now you have to come live with me till you can control your hunger.
So we go out of my town into polintown we go to the tallest hill with the biggest house and I say is this where you live. Yes it is. we go inside the house the first room has nothing but a big red rug and a flowerpot but the next room wow its amazing it has deep red walls and a big flatscreen tv a leather couch and in the back of the room is a huge spiral stair case i say its amazing he says it has been passed down from many generations i have updated it a little more though. i finally say you never told me your name.there is a pause then he says my name is lial. it is night time i am laying in a bed thats not mine in a house thats not mine and in a life that should not be mine why did it have to be me as the vampire why couldnt somebody else take this curse why did i have to lose my life ... you know now that i think about it people always say lifes unfair well in this case it is my life isnt just unfair its now a living nightmare.
i woke up in the bed with a sweet smell coming from a part of the house i followed the smell all the way to im pretty sure was the other side of the house to walk into a room that was what looked like a kitchen except for the whole double the size thing there was lial right beside a microwave i asked whats in the microwave lial said blood then i was thinking i was driven around this house by blood lial said think fast he threw the blood to me he took me by suprise so it splattered against the wall thats when the smell really hit me and i dove and caught the blood in my mouth before it hit the ground you know how people are alwaya saying blood taste gross and salty well not now it tasted like sweet honey in my mouth when i was done i felt weird when lial says it will help give you strength and more power then ever before i say where did you get this lial. at the hospital the dude was going to die any way i said WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WAS GOING TO DIE ANYWAY ARE YOU INSANE.lial says no i just dont like to let fresh blood go to waste so i bring it here all the i do it all the time whats wrong with that.I looked at him in wonder and said you know for a vampire in a big rich person's house you act kinda wild he sai oh well nbext thing yyou know he gets his food out of the microwave OMG thats just gross he has a bloody finger on his plate lial looks at the look on my face and says oh i no what you are thinking no this isnt a real finger this is just leftovers from a vampire restuarant they put decorations on their food he tosses the fake finger in the trash he says go get ready when were done eating im showing you the vampire town of Shamina.your going to like it their i can see it now and heck even if you want i will buy you a couple of things considering all of your money is still in the hospital so were leaving in fifteen minutes so hurry up and go get ready.
im sitting in my room on the ps3 i found hooking it up when ihear lial say come on brad its time to go. I say okay im coming so we head out to the drive way and theirs this old dusty looking pile of junk car i say wow for a vampire with a nice house you have a sucky car lial says oh thats not my car thats one im fixing he points towards the left and says thats my car right there and wow there is an awesome cherry red camaro sitting there with bright silver rims black tinted windows.
so were going down the highway when the next thing you lial just heads towards the bridge and im like wow i love bridges lial says you wont after this and next thing you know he drives towards the edge of the bridge im like what are you doing youll see ....................
to be continued later on
Publication Date: 04-24-2012
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