..... It was summer, and I woke up in our grey ford. My mother Karen was driving, we pulled up to our new house it was small. I got out of the car, and grabbed a box of stuff. "Isn't it pretty Gabby? " Said Karen. "It's okay, I guess." "Please don't be that way, this is our new home." "Yeah I know." While we where taking the boxes in the house I couldn't help but think that this whole moving thing really sucks.
The only reason I thought that it sucked is because I had to move from my best friend, who I have known my whole life, I also had to move from my first real home I was so happy there growing up with my mother and father taking care of me, that’s all I can think about now is how much I miss everything. "Can you find the box of kitchen stuff?", and of course she ruins my thinking. "Um, yeah sure. Were is it?" "I think its in the car, check please." "Ugh, sure." As i was walking to the car I looked at the street and the yard, it didn't look that bad for a small town in the middle of no where. "Hey there neighbor!" I looked over to catch a glimpse of who was talking and then lucky me tripped over a rock.
"Oww!" "You ok?" This random person that I just met for like a second helped me up. As I was dusting off my pants from dirt, I looked up and saw his eyes they were a kind of a nice and cute brown color. "Umm yeah I'm fine." "Okay, well my name is Jacob but everyone calls me Jake." "My name is Gabriella but you can call me Gabby, it's nice to meet you" "Need any help with boxes?" "Umm, sure can you grab this one?" I handed him the kitchen box and smiled like an idiot then I grabbed the box that was for my room. "Okay where do I take this." "Follow me to the kitchen." As I walk into the house with Jake my mom comes out of the kitchen looking for the box of dishes "What took you so,…" She notice Jake and changed the subject. "Hello my name is Karen, and who are you?" " Nice to meet you Karen, I'm Jake and I live next door." "Really that’s cool" "Yeah, anyways I have to go take the car to get washed I will see you guys later" "Bye Jake!" I was now heading to my front door leading him out."Bye Gabby, I will see ya later?" "Yeah bye Jake."
The next few hours I spent unpacking, and a while later I finished the living room, and my bedroom, while my mother had finished our dining room, kitchen and living room along with the guest room. I Finally had gone to bed after taking a shower, of course. As I got into the shower, I was admiring the house it wasn't that bad. The house was very pretty, I liked my room because it had a bathroom to the left, and the closet was right next to it. The closet was of a normal size, which is alright because I don’t have much clothes, Then in the middle of my room Is my bed, and to the right of my bed is a small side table and a few steps away from my side table is double doors which leads to my own small deck. I have nothing out there yet but I am going have my mom buy me some chairs and tables so I can relax out there.
Knock Knock * "Come in!" "Hey hun, just wanted to say good night and here is your laptop you left it downstairs" "Thanks mom, good night! " I closed my door and listened to my music as I drifted of to sleep. Thinking about the guy I just met, My father whom I miss, and How its gonna stink when school starts, but I have a whole summer which is going to be fun... I hope
A week has now passed, me and my mom had gotten settled in and she had gotten a job at some office. I went down to the kitchen and made some breakfast, I made pancakes and bacon. "Good morning sweetie!" "Good morning mom." "Breakfast smells good." "Yeah, how is work?" "Oh, work is work". I finished breakfast, when I heard a knock at the door.
"Hello, oh hey Jake." "Hey Gabby, what's up?" "Nothing much, You?" "Oh nothing I was about to go out to hang out with my friends and wondered if you wanted to come." "I guess I can go, let me get dressed." "Okay, see you in a bit." Well now I get to meet new people hopefully there not idiots.
It had taken me at least 45 minutes or so to take a quick shower, do my hair and get dressed, Once I finished I walked downstairs to see Jake and my mom sitting. 'Oh no' Is all I could think. "Hey Jake, Mom" "Hey Gabby, you ready?" "Yeah sure lets get out of here." "Okay." As we walked outside I saw him walk to his house to get his car he opened the door for me which was nice. We started driving
down one of the main roads until we had gotten to this shopping court. There were many stores in there, I saw a pizza place, Ice-cream place, pretzel place, clothing stores and more. We got out of his car and walked towards the pizza place I noticed there was a small group of people there. "My friends father owns the place." "That’s cool." We walked inside and a few people said hey while some others just stared, probably wondering who is the girl. "Hey guys, I want you to meet Gabby she just moved here a week ago." "Hey" I heard a few people saying hi and hey. "Hi." That’s all I could say.
A few hours went by, I had gotten to know the people in there. "Okay guys I'm going to take Gabby home, Bye" "Bye!" After we said our goodbye's we went to his car and drove home, When we had gotten home he asked if I wanted to meet his mom. 'Yeah' We walked to his door and he opened it, once we stepped in I smiled because instantly I had smelled the sweet aroma of cookies and sweets. "That smells so good" "Yeah my mom is an awesome cook, Mom I'm home." We walked into the kitchen and his mom was so beautiful she had dark brown hair that went a little past her shoulders, She was wearing a floral dress that went to her knees and a light pink apron.
"Hi, My name is susan, I'm jakes mother and you must be Gabby." "Yeah how did you know." "When you first moved in Jake told me how he was taking out the trash and saw you fall." "Oh yeah, well It’s nice to meet you." "Would you like a cookie?" She handed me a plate to pick mine from. "Thank you." "Jake give her a tour of the house." She smiled at me then left the kitchen. "Your mother is really nice, and very beautiful." "Thanks, I like your mom to, so let me show you’re the house." "Okay" He showed me his beautiful home..... "And last but not least, My bedroom." his bedroom was a nice calming blue, It was lighter than my room but still nice. "I like your room" "Thanks, so can I ask you something?" 'Yeah."
"Where is your father, I've noticed that there is no guy living with you." I didn’t like the fact that he just asked about my dad, but people are gonna ask. "Well, him and my mom split up so he lives in NY with my older brother, working as a landscaper." "Oh that's nice" "Yeah, but I miss him a lot" "Im sure." "Where is your dad?" "He does a lot of business trips, like all over the world so I rarely see him." "Oh im sorry." "Its ok" We continued to talk for a few hours getting to know each other. "Haha yeah, So its getting late and I have to go home to make dinner." "Okay I will walk you home" "Oh such a gentleman, Haha"
He walked me home, once I had gotten home I made my mom her dinner and put it in the microwave. She works a lot, so I'm used to eating alone in my room. I turned on the tv and watched one of my favorite movies 'Twilight'. I got to the scene where Bella was getting followed by those creepy guys and then Edward comes along, when I had gotten a text. 'Hey Gabby, It's Chloe I changed my number again and wanted to see how life is (:' 'Hey Chloe, Life is good I met my neighbor his name is Jake, I met a few of his friends. How is life in NY?' 'Life is ok in NY, but im going to bed I miss you (: ' 'I miss you too (: '
After texting my best friend in NY I thought about my day with Jake and his friends. I met a few guys, Jayce, Who had short hair that was dirty blonde, he had some arm muscles and he had a cute laugh. Then there was Riley who had wavy light brown hair. He dates Stella and he had some arm muscles also. Stella has medium length dark brown layered hair. She loves to wear pink and she has a nice laugh
which her boyfriend says he loves. There is also Katie who is Stella's best friend. Katie has medium length light brown hair with blonde streaks in it. Then there is Avery, who I think will be a great friend, She has black hair with pink highlights, and she likes to wear some black like I do. She likes the same bands as I do, and we have so much in common. Then last there was Trent, Who was really cute, he has dark blackish hair that has a skateboarder look to it, nice arm muscles and a cute smile... After thinking about my new friends I drifted to sleep.
The next day I woke up and had a text from Jake, ‘Morning, Jw if you wanted to hang today?’ I then replied ‘Sure do u want to come over?’ Almost instantly ‘Yeah, when can I come?’ ‘I will text you after my shower, k’ ‘Alright see ya soon.’
I took a shower and put my hair in a pony tail, put on some sweatpants and a red tank top then I had texted Jake ‘Hey just got out, so come over’ ‘ Okay (: ‘ A few minutes later there was a knock at the door “Hey Jake... Danny, Wait what are you doing here? “ “Well I came to visit my sister and mom.” “Oh ok thats cool.” we hugged then I invited him in. “Hey so who’s Jake.” “Oh he’s my neighbor were gonna hang out today.” “Do you like him?” “No I don’t like him he’s my friend.” “Okay.. I was just.” he was interrupted when there was a knock at the door “Hey Gabby” Hey Jake, Come in.” “Hello there I’m jake, and you are..” “Im danny, Gabby’s Older brother. Nice to meet you Jake.” “Same.”
Im starting to get bored. “ Me too.” opps I didn’t realize I said that out loud. “Opps, anyways lets sit in the living room.” we all walked to the living room, I sat in between Jake and danny. Of course the guys were talking but I just blocked them out as I noticed my brothers hair had gotten a bit longer. He has black hair, he is also tanned just like me. He is a very funny person, who has the cutest most lovable laugh, and he’s kinda tall. Well everyone is tall to me considering Im 5’3 and have long black curly hair.
“So Gabby I’m gonna go take a nap in the guest room, and I will see you later by the way i’m here for three days.” “Ok have a nice rest, Danny-Boy.” I smirked, and he just laughed and walked away. “So Jake, do you like my brother.” “Yeah he’s cool, So hows your day going Gabs.” “Well I saw my brother, so pretty good and now where hanging so its a nice day. Haha..” “Yeah so what do you want to do?” “Lets watch some movies” I then put in some movie, It is called ‘Chasing liberty’.
We talked for a few hours and watched ‘Chasing Liberty’, He had told me about his friends and his school, We also talked about my family and how everything happened. We continued to talk about school which I will be starting in like a few weeks. What is cool about this school, Is that they give you laptops to do assignments on. The schools around here do that, He told me how I will be attending Mooresville, High school along with him and my new friends.
“Okay so yesterday you met my friends, well the one you never want to get pissed is Avery. She knows how to mess with people, Then Katie is the one who rarely talks but is a slut. She says shit along with Stella.” “Oh ok I don’t think me and Avery are gonna have any issues, She’s really cool. Where as Stella and Katie, they mess with me then they will be fucked up.” “Okay, Don’t get in to much trouble.” “Cant make any promises.” Then we both laughed at that.
"What about the guys?" "What do you want to know?" "Tell me which ones at the school are players" "Oh ok well, Caleb Wright Is a man whore who sleeps around, Then his best friend Dylan does the same. Dave and Lucas are some of our friends who are siblings, and are like never here during the summer. Avery likes them and they always hang out. So those two are cool, Then Katie's cousin Jessica is a whore, she ruins relationships a lot." "Wow, that’s a lot of stuff to remember, So who's dating whom?" " Well you already know that Stella and Riley are together, Then Dave Is dating this girl back at his home town. The girls don’t date to much, well at least the whores don’t."
"Okay then, what about Trent." "What about him?" "Is he a player?" "No not really, why?" "That’s cool, I was just wondering. So you want something to eat?" "Yeah that sounds good." After that talk I just want to eat something, so I walked into the kitchen while Jake followed. I grabbed some chicken cutlets from the fridge, that I put in there earlier today. Then I grabbed some seasonings, The cooking pan, Some salad from the fridge, and some plates. He sat down at the table, while I cooked.
Jakes P.O.V *
I walked into the kitchen after Gabby, I sat at the table while I watched her get stuff to cook. I cant stop thinking about what she asked me. She asked me stuff about Trent, I wonder does she like him. He is an okay guy its just I don’t want to see my new friend get hurt. "Gabby." "Yeah Jake." "Who do you like out of our friends?" "Well I love Avery, she seems really cool, Then the rest of the girls are ok. The guys are all cute and seem like they skateboard, Riley seems nice. Jayce Seems like he is smart, which is a good thing." "What about Trent?" "Well I think he is really cute, and he makes me smile. He is also very funny, So I guess I kinda like him." "Oh that’s cool." "Yeah, Food is almost done." So she probably does like him.
Gabby's P.O.V *
"Yeah, Food is almost done." That was weird. I was still cooking when I stopped and started chopping the meat and the salad. When I had gotten a text 'Hey Gabby, Its Avery Just wanted to say hey." "Hey Ave whats up?" "Oh nm Gabs Lol (: How was your day?" "It was okay, My brother came down from NY, I hung out with Jake all day and I’m cooking dinner now." "That’s cool, and jake really.... Is something happening there? Hmm Oh nd your brother.... He cute" "Haha very funny no nothing is happening there, and yeah he’s cute but he’s dating this whore in NY" "Oh that sucks. Good luck with Jake (; "
I have the weirdest conversations with my friends. "Gabs you ok?" "Oh um yeah, just got messages from my friend" I didn't even notice that I was smiling. I finished preparing dinner, and wrapped up my moms. "Here you go, This is my chicken salad which I love." "Sounds good." He took a bite of it and smiled. "Is it good?" "Yeah this is the best salad like ever." "Haha ok." we ate in some silence. We then finished dinner and went upstairs to my room. "So. Now what." "Haha Idk, well this is my room. Im gonna check Facebook real quick." I logged onto my face book, and I had a ton of messages from friends in new york, I also had a few requests from people I had just met. I accepted them all and debated on whether or not to message people back.
I didn’t message anyone, I sent a friend request to Jake, Whom was sitting on my bed smiling and had his phone out. "Whatcha doing?" "Oh nothing, so what do we do now after eating that yummy salad." "I don’t know want to watch a movie in here?" "Sure" I set up the DVD player and put in a random movie. It was 'Easy A' I love this movie. We were watching it when I noticed Jake drifted to sleep, I soon followed after covering us with a blanket.
The next day I woke up to the sounds of chirping birds. They were starting to get on my nerves when I realized that me and Jake were holding each other, My head was on his chest and his chin on top of my head. Its weird how our bodies fit, but it felt nice I don’t know why but it just does. "Morning Jake." I said while trying to get out of his grip, No budge. "Jake..." "Hmm..." "Wake up, Sleeping beauty." He looked at me and smiled, then his face went to like not so happy look I guess he realized we were a little to close. "Morning Gabs." He said and he took his arms off of me, and yawned.
"So Im gonna go make breakfast, be right back." "Alright" I went downstairs and made waffles with bacon. I turned around to see a tired Jake at the doorway, and jumped. "Jake, you scared the Sh!t out of me!" "Oh haha sorry bout that" "Its ok breakfast is done, So you eat while I take a quick shower.” I took a shower and did my normal routine of listening to my music, washing my hair then body, when I got out of the shower I curled my hair as usual. Afterwards I went to my closet and got out black ripped skinny jeans, My black vans, and a white long sleeve shirt, and my accessories I wore a ribcage neck lace with small black hoop earring's. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see jake washing his dishes.
“Hey... How was breakfast” “It was delicious... Wow, you look nice” “Gee thanks" I heard foot steps and turned around to see my brother. “Hey Danny-boyy.” “What time is it?” “It’s 11:57” “Oh yum your lovely waffles!”he said while hugging me and walking towards the food. “Aww thanks, So I want to go shopping to buy new clothes either of you guys coming?"
Danny was to busy scarffing his face with waffles and bacon, so he nodded his head which means in like 30 minutes. "Okay then, Jake you wanna come?" "Yeah let me go to my house real quick and get ready." "Okay 30 minutes and we leave" Jake and I walked to the front door he gave me a small hug and left. I closed the door and went up to my room, I put my ipod in the dock of my speakers and started listening to it. I checked facebook and messaged my dad, my bestfriend, and a few others from NY.
30 Minutes later:
There was a knock at my door just when I logged off of my facebook. "Come in" It was danny. "Hey you ready?" "Yeah im ready." We walked downstairs, and out the door I locked it. "Danny I'm gonna go get jake, get the car ready" I threw him the keys, and started walking to Jakes house. I was about to knock on the door when it opened and there was Jake. He was wearing a blue t-shirt some jeans with nike's and his hair was ruffled, in a nice way. "Hey you ready" "Yeah lets go" He closed the door and we walked to my brothers car. He has a 2012 compass, he likes them jeeps. When in the car I took shotgun and I put on the radio. The song 'Call me maybe' Came on and I sang along
I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
And now you're in my way
I'd trade my soul for a wish,
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
But now you're in my way
Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
But still, you're in my way
I beg, and borrow and steal
Have foresight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
But it's in my way
Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad
It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad
Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
So call me, maybe?
When the song finished we arived at the mall. we all got out of the car and walked inside, "So where do we go?" said Jake. "Well I want to go to hot topic, spencers, hollister and such." "Okay then." we shopped for about 45 minutes, I had bought some skinny jeans, a few shirts, a bathing suit, and some accesories. The guys got some stuff to, a few shirts, shorts, and colognes. "Okay who's hungry?" I said "Me" Said Danny. "Okay lets grab something then head home." we walked to the food court and there was Avery and two guys. "Hey Gabs" Said Avery. "Hey Ave, what's up?" "Nothing much hanging with my friends, this is Gabe and Lucas."
She pointed to two guys Dave had long flippable dark brown hair, tanned body, and hazel eyes. His brother has short light brown hair with green eyes and a tanned body. "Hey Im gabriella, but everyone calls me gabs or gabby." "Well its nice to meet you said Gabe. "Yeah well were gonna grab some food and head home we should all hang out soon." "Okay" and with that me Jake, and Danny went and got some subway, and headed home. We all went inside, Jake went upstairs, I went to the kitchen with Danny following. There was a note on the counter
'Hey Hunny, Im not gonna be home for two weeks. I had to go on a buisness trip, so be good and safe. If you have a party be sure to clean it up. Love, Mom'
"Danny moms on a buisness trip" "Oh okay so your gonna be alone for a while." "I guess so, arent you leaving tomorrow?" "Yeah I have to go back to work, you gonna be alright." "Yeah, I'll be fine" Jake walked in the room "Hey what's up" "Oh my moms going on a buisness trip so im gonna be alone for a while." "Oh well you want me to like stay here and keep you company." "Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks Jake." we hugged and then we all went upstairs.
When I was in my room Jake layed down and I put my stuff away. I put on some pajamas, and then layed down with Jake. "So how's your family" I asked Jake. "Oh its ok, just moms like always home, and doesnt care where I am half the time. Then my dads like never home and when he is I try not to be home." "Why" "No reason, just to give them time to hang out." "Oh ok so you wanna go to your house and get some clothes?" "Yeah sure, come with." "Okay lets go." We walked outside nextdoor to his house and we went to his room after saying hello to his mother who was in the living room watching television.
When in his room I layed down while he took a shower and got into some pajamas. Then Jake joined me and we were talking about how my mom always goes on trips. I told him how he is always welcome to stay at my house and with that we had fallen asleep.
The next day I woke up to Jake talking. When I opened my eyes I noticed that he was on the phone staring out the window. "Of course, I miss you too." I wonder who he misses. So I closed my eyes not looking forward to today I hadent realized that Jake ended his phone call till I felt the bed shift from when he had sat down. "Morning" "Morning, who was that on the phone." I said with my sleepy voice "Someone who you will meet soon." "Okay then" "Yeah so what are we doing today" "Nothing much I mean Danny leaves today so I have to go make him some breakfast, you want some?" "Yeah sure you head over and I will be there soon." "Okay" So I then went down stairs and went home. Walked in to the kitchen and got out the food to make my brothers favorite which is Pancakes and bacon. Yum
When I finished I left it on the table knowing he will wake up once his nose smells the food. As if on cue he walks in smiling with his eyes closed. "Morning" I said. He opened his eyes and hugged me "I love you!" "haha I love you to now go eat before it gets cold and before you squish me to death! " "mkayy" He then let me go and went to his seat at the table. I walked out to the living room on the way up the stairs. When Jake walked in "Hey Gabs." "Hey Jake, breakfast is done I will be right down." "Okay thanks" So I went upstairs took a quick shower, got dressed into some skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt, my black converse and a bracelet that my father brought for me right before we left. It says YOLO.
I walked downstairs, and into the kitchen. I went to the cabinet and pulled out my box of cereal, and poured myself a bowl. I sat there at the island just relaxing. Looking out past the screen door at the nature, I love the way the wind feels on my skin. Just thinking about the wind reminds me of when I was younger and all was good and happy. *Flash back* I was swinging in the backyard at my first real home. I was alone, which is how I always loved it. I would always tilt my head back and stare at the clouds the way they looked so calm and beautiful. Then the way the sun hit my home and gave the kitchen a ray of sunshine that I could see from the small window above the sink. which is where I would always see my mother cooking. *End of flash back * But then things changed now im the one who always cooks while she works. I frowned and sighed at that.
"Whats wrong Gabs." Said Danny "Oh nothing" I stood up and put my finished bowl of cereaal in the dishwasher. "Somethings wrong I can tell by the way you sighed. Whats wrong." "I miss the old days." He then came and hugged me. "I miss the old days to, but lets not remeber the old times lets have fun I leave later so what do you want to do." He smiled at me which made me know what were gonna do. "Ughh do we really have to do that" "Yes, come on please Dad's so strict about it back home." "Fine I'll Tell Jake to call a few people and you go get some drinks and food. Ill get the shit from the closet." "Yayy! Thanks sis" He hugged me and left to get drinks. I swear my brother is so crazy.
"Hey why does Danny look so happy." "He looks like that because I said we could have a party. So could you call some people that wont trash the house to bad." "Yeah sure" I walked to the closet in the hallway and got out the boxes I needed. With lights, Games, Beaded necklaces and other junk I set up the house right after I texted Avery and told her to get her but here. I was hanging some lights when there was a knock at the door. I went over and when I opened it there was Avery with the guys from the mall. "Hey Guys. Come on in." They entered after hugging me. "Need help" Said Ave "Yes a little" With that they helped me set the rest of the house up we put some caution tape on the bedroom doors so no one would go in.
A few hours later ---
Well everything was set up there were drinks the door was open for anyone to come over. And people started ariving. They introduced themselves then went and grabbed drinks and danced. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a drink. I walked outside to find some people dancing while the music was playing. There was some people who had there feet in the pool and were talking. I continued to walk to the shed. I havent checked on it in a while. When I walked in I smiled I left the door open so it could air out and I could get some light to find the switch. When I found the switch I flipped it on and took in the view of my small art studio. Basically this shed that my father built for me has all of my art things inside. From the canvases to the small brushes. Even some cameras, with films and such hanging. I put my drink down and bent down to grab the small box from the hiding spot in the floor boards.
I stood up and sat on a stool and opened the box with the key which was also hiding. When I heard someone walk in I closed the box, and looked to find Jake standing there looking at my pictures that where hanging. "Hey Jake." "Hey Gabby, what is all of this." "Umm its my art that I used to do." "Its awesome, Wait used to do? you dont do any of this anymore?" "No not really" "Why not its so pretty" "Thanks, and I havent drawn anything since my parents told me that they were separating. Which was a few months ago." "Well why not." "Because I just havent done it, can we go back to the party now?" "Yeah sure come on" "I will be right in" "Okay" I waited till Jake was gone Till i grabbed my box and hid it again. I guess I will open it another day. I grabbed my drink and went back to the party after locking the shed.
I went to the kitchen where I saw a few people talking. I walked over to Avery and talked withall of them for a while. We all then went to the dance area. Avery was dancing with Trent. I was dancing with Dave. Lucas was dancing with Katie. We all danced for a while Then I left to go get another drink to see that there was my brother making out with some chick in the hallway. Then when I got into the kitchen there was no one in there, Shocker. I Bent down toget a drink from a cooler. Ughh empty. So I walked to the fridge. I spotted a few at the bottom. I bent down grabbed one, and stood back up. I then closed the door and turned around to see Trent.
"Oh my lord,... Trent you just scared the shit out of me!" "Haha sorry." "Its fine whats up?" "Nothing much just saw you were alone and wanted to say hey." "Okay well Hey, now if you dont mind im gonna leave." I turned to leave when I was pulled back by my wrist. I realized he grabbed me. "Trent let go" "Not before this." "Wha-" I was cut off by his lips. Instantly I tasted the alcohol, Or was that me haha. I tried to push him off but he just pushed me to the wall which was only two steps behind me. Okay I need to get a bit stronger! Like seriously. I continued to push him off of me but nothing he moved his lips to my neck "Trent get the FU-" He put one hand on my mouth. I used my now free hand to hit him, which didnt do nothing because he is built. "Mhmhmmdmdmf" I couldnt help but wonder about a few things. First, This is a not so fun party. Second How did I get into this situation and third How can I get out of this!!
Everything just happened so fast, one second I'm against the wall with Trent's lips on my neck. The next he's not anywhere near me but on the other side of the kitchen with Jake punching his face in. My body was shocked and I slid down the wall landing on the floor. I put my head in my hands letting two tears slip down my face, some people came in the kitchen separating the guys fight.They dragged Trent out to the backyard and Jake came towards me.
He wiped my tears off of my face, gave me a small smile and leaned in to my ear "I will never let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise." He then leaned back and helped me stand up, I smiled at him and hugged him. "Thanks Jake." He hugs me back of course, and we just stand in the kitchen holding each other. Not wanting to let go but knowing eventually we will have to.
The music is then turned down slightly, and you can hear a commotion going on. "Oh look the town whore is back,already trying to get attention." Said a female voice sounding like Avery. Jake interlaces our hands and we quickly head over to the living room. "Oh honey, I don't need to try to get attention. So you can shut your disgusting infested mouth you slut." Said a snobby voice, which seems a bit congested.
We reach the living room to see some blonde skinny girl wearing to much makeup, and clothes way to revealing. "Your calling me a slut, bitch please your the one that fucks every guy you see." Said Avery, "At least I don't roll both ways like you, your a nasty freak!" Said the snobby whore. That's when the whore smacks Avery, she is quick to dodge it and punches her right in the face.
I just stand there in shock as Ave gets in a fight at my party, and she's doing pretty damn good considering she's been drinking. I haven't realized that Jakes hands have been tightening there hold on me till I squeak from the pain. He instantly looks at me and loosens his hold "I'm sorry, are you okay." He asks with worry, "I'm perfectly fine."
"Oh that's gonna leave a mark." Some guy standing near me says. Me and Jake look over to see Avery holding her leg, I guess blonde chick kicked her. She then goes to hit Ave while she's still holding her leg which seems to be bleeding, "Stop!" Shouts Jake he then rushes over to Avery's side still holding my hand, I guess he forgot. "Really jakey-poo?! Your choosing her over me right now!?" Says the blonde.
"Madison I'm not choosing sides, I'm making sure my friend is okay." States Jake, "Aren't you supposed to check your girlfriend first?!" Says Madison, "and why are you holding the freaky goth chicks hand!?" Oh hell no, I look at her and stand up letting go of jakes hand, she's still sitting on the floor from the fight.
"Listen bitch, I don't know you and already I don't like you. I don't know who the hell you think you are, coming into my house, uninvited, starting a fight, with my friend. Obviously you weren't raised well if you treat people like that thinking its ok, saying shit about people because of how they look, what they like, or who they are is not right. Your obviously very delusional if you think that's the thing to do. Now, I want you to get your disgusting ass out of my house before anyone else catches your diseases by breathing the same air as you. If that message wasn't clear, then I will be forced to forcefully remove you from my house."
Everyone becomes completely silent listening to me, she has a look of shock on her face as if no one has ever said that to her before. Avery starts laughing forgetting about her leg, she then starts clapping at me,"You tell her Girl!" Everyone else joins in, all laughing at the blonde bimbo who is glaring at me. Jake then stands up, "I believe you heard her Madison. As everyone in town, now get out of this house."he said with his voice full of amusement.
She stands up dusting off her too short of shorts to be wearing. She begins to walk out of the living room but not without shoving me with her shoulder, trying to knock me down. Everyone gets out of her way, "Madison" said Jake "Yeah babe" she said turning around looking at him with a suggestive smile on her face. "Just in case it wasn't clear. We're over."
'Smack' is all you here after what Jake said. Maddison then walks out of the living room, whispers go around the room. Mainly about how she has never been broken up with, since like ever. I then turn around and go to Avery who is still on the floor smiling like a cheshire cat, "Are you okay ave.?" I ask. "Yeah I'm fine." She says smiling at me, "I think we should get you cleaned up." I said helping her stand along with Jake. We set her on one of the counters in the kitchen.
I go under the sink in the kitchen and grab the first aid kit, I then clean and check her wound. While I'm doing that I feel someone's eyes on me, I look at Jake seeing that its not him. I then look at the doorway where my brother stands, leaning against the doorframe. "Gabby I grew up with you, and even during those years I've never seen you like that." Said Danny. "Like what?" I say trying to stay calm as best as I could. "Like the type of person to standup for herself, normally your pushed around like a rag doll." Then as I am throwing out wrappers I am hugged from behind, nearly being squeezed to death. "I'm proud of you sis" he said, ad that's when tears well up in my eyes.
"Thanks" I say hugging him back, "unfortunately I have to leave now beca-" he said but I interrupted. "You can't leave, did you drink? Won't you fall asleep at the wheel?" I say with worry hoping he's not stupid enough to do that. "I didn't drink anything, and I drove here fine. Didn't I?" He said smiling at me. "You did but-" "No, no more buts gabby. I have to get back to dad, and work. I'll text you when I get there." He said hugging me. "Promise?" I said holding out my pinky finger, "I promise" he says wrapping his pinky around mine. Then he is walking down the hall and out of the house.
"Jake." I said turning to him and Avery, whom are still in the kitchen. "Yeah?" He said giving me a small reassuring smile. Which I of course gladly return. I walk over to him and hug him "Promise me everything will be okay in the end." I whisper in his ear, still hugging him as tight as I possibly can in this condition. He then Whispers "I promise everything will be okay, from now on. Forever and always." He then gives me a kiss on my forehead, I completely forgot Avery was in the room. That is until she starts cooing "aww!"
She then hips down from her seat on the counter, she gives me a hug. "Thanks gabby, for tonight" she says, "No problem at all." I say smiling at her as she leaves the kitchen. "The nights not over yet" Jake said, "Yeah, but I'm gonna get the drink I was getting last time." I say walking towards the cooler which now has drinks in it. I grab a random one, taking a big gulp of it. Tonight's not over... Yet
Publication Date: 05-09-2012
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