
The best friend pact

When I got home my heart was beating so fast and my cheeks were burning. I kicked off my shoes and poured myself a cold glass of water.
"How was the walk?" Mum asked. She scared me so much I jumped spilling the water all over myself.
"Um, great." I said drying my shirt with a near by tea towel. "I'm just gonna go change..." I said. I placed my glass on the bench and walked past mum, trying not look at the curious look on her face.

I pulled a dry t-shirt over my head and brushed through my hair. I redid my ponytail and just stared at my reflection. I took in the state of my hair dripping on my shirt a little. My cheeks were as red as they felt. I just looked startled and a bit relieved. I walked out of the bathroom.
"Are you okay?" Mum asked looking up from the newspaper.
"Yeah.. why do you ask?" I asked.
"Oh its just I have never scared you like that..."
"Must be the concussion..."
"It must be..." She said eyeing me suspiciously.

The new guy

"Oh my," Jess started.
"GOD!" I finished.
"He is so hot!"
"I know right!"

We turned around and searched for his seat at the back of the class room. There he was sitting at the back by himself. We looked around to all the other girls faces and sure enough everyone of them were gazing at him. But he was not fazed by all the attention he just opened his science book and wrote down the title Aeroplanes


"Cameron, why don't you come down the front and tell us a bit about yourself." Mr Holmes suggested. Cameron nodded his head and gracefully wandered back down the aisle to the front of the class room.
"Um, hi everyone. My name is Cameron Dale and I have moved here from Woodlawn. Its a private, and very religious, school. My parents are divorced so if I have to catch your bus and then I don't catch it, don't freak out. Um, I play the guitar along with a multitude of other instruments. I love to write, which leads to me writing my own songs. I'm fairly good at drawing and sport." Through most parts of his introduction a lot of the girls sighed in amazement of how perfect he is.
"Does anyone have any questions for Cameron?" Mr Holmes asked.
Jess's hand shot straight in the air.
"Yes?" He said smiling at her which revealed shining white teeth that were perfectly aligned.
"What other instruments do you play?" She asked, her voice sounded light and airy as if she was about to faint because of how he looked.
"Um, I also play the piano, drums, trumpet, saxophone and the clarinet." He answered, "my mother was very musical so she wanted me to learn how to play as many instruments as I could, but really it was up until my dad said enough because they were all cluttering up the house." He laughed.
Emily (a different one yet again) delicately and slowly raised her hand. "Which one is your favourite?"
"I'd have to say the guitar or the piano. They're the best if I want to compose a song." He replied.
"Cameron do you have any questions for the class?" Mr Holmes said.
"Um yes I do actually. What are all of your names?" He asked.
everyone around the room took their turn in saying their name.
"Alex and Riley aren't here." Mr Holmes informed.
"And sir, what is your name?" Cameron asked.
"Oh sorry, Mr Holmes."
"Thank you." He turned to face the class. "All you guys can just call me Cam." He flashed us one last dazzling smile before he strutted back to his seat at the back of the classroom.

Mr Holmes went on for the whole lesson about how aeroplanes work. The best part of it was how he kept saying thrust and Jess and I were silently laughing our heads off. No one in the class really noticed though because they were either absorbed in taking notes or gazing at Cameron as he did his cursive looped handwriting.

A ball of paper flew straight through the gap by Jess's head and landed right in the middle of the desk. We didn't normally get notes so we both wrestled over it to see who would get to open it.

"GIRLS! Is something wrong?" Mr Holmes said snapping us out of our fight. Everyone turned to look at us except all the girls that basically would be Cameron's slaves if he asked.
"No sir. Nothings wrong, everything's fine." I lied cheerfully plastering a smile on my face.

He seemed unsure of my answer but went back to talking about the thrust of air and how it made planes fly. That and the little incident made Jess and I start to silently crack up with laughter yet again. Then the note caught our attention again. It was slightly ripped and even more crumpled than before.

"You open it." Jess whispered.
"No, you." I said.
"It has your name on it," she whispered. I gave her a confused look and then glanced to the paper ball and back to her again. "Literally." She said lifting it up and turning it around so I could see.
"Oh..." I said taking the ball from her grasp and unraveling it.
Inside was a question written with a steady hand which I could identify straight away.
The question read: Do you like the new guy?

I quickly scribbled the reply of: and you care why?

and threw it straight onto Cyrus's desk.
That was when the bell rang.

People's over reaction.

"So do you?" Cyrus asked coming up behind me and Jess.
"Why do you care who I like?" I said calmly walking down to my bag.
"'Cause we're friends." He replied.
"What?" He actually almost convinced me that he was confused.
"Um, don't you remember what happened? You have no need to know who I like. That is my business not yours." I quipped.
"What happened? Refresh my memory please."
"You stopped liking me, and from then on out slowly cut back on talking to me. You know the rest." I said tying up the string that closes my bag.
"You like him." He stated.
"No I don't. Yeah he is hot but so what." I snapped slipping my arms through the bag straps.
"Yes you do!"
"You do what?" Jess asked paying attention to the conversation all of a sudden.
"I don't even know him. He is accusing me of liking the new guy." I explained.
"His introduction should be informative enough." He argued.
"You like Cameron?!" Jess exclaimed.
"What?!" I said at the same time he walked past and said "Yes?" we spun around to face him. I felt my cheeks go red. I laughed nervously.
"Um, hi Cameron. I'm Jasmine, I hope you enjoy Alstonville. Its great school. If you need anything you can ask me." I smiled.
"Well thanks Jasmine. I'll be sure to try!" He winked at me as he walked away.
"Yeah your right. You don't like him." Cyrus said.
"You're just jealous!" I snapped grabbing Jess by the arm and marched over to our other friends.
"Jasi, do you like Cameron?" She asked on the way.
"No, you know who I like." I replied.
"Okay." She said sitting beside me hugging me.
Zoe slid in beside me. "I hate Cyrus. Just ignore him."
"I try." I smiled.
Gabby, Bryant, McEwan, Mighty, Mikayla and Sarah came around the corner from they're class.
"ZOE! Give me a hug!" Gabby said dropping her bag next to her. Zoe jumped right up and hugged her.
"Hey guys!" I said as the others sat down next to Jess.
"Guys, guys! Guess what!" Jess said spinning around to face the others.
"What?" Bryant asked looking up to her. I slid along the seat closing the gap and Zoe and Gabby did the same.
"There is a new guy and his in our class and he is really really hot!" Jess giggled.
"What's his name?" Bryant asked.
"Cameron Dale." I answered pulling my oaty slice and watermelon out of my lunch box.
"Is he nice?"
"He is talented, that's for sure."
"Oh cool." Bryant said.
"Yeah." Jess and I smiled at each other.
As soon as we finished talking about him he walked right over to us.
"Hey Jasmine right?" He asked.
"Yeah that's right." I giggled.
"Um, I was wondering if you could help me."
"Yeah sure. Do you want to meet my friends first?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Well you already know Jess and Zoe because they're in the same class. This is Gabby, McEwan, Bryant- Wait a sec., Emily McEwan and Emily Bryant, Michelle, Sarah and Mikayla. They're all in 7-1. This is Sam and she is 7-4." I said gesturing to each of my friends in turn.
"Hi everyone. I'm Cameron Dale 7-2." He smiled awkwardly and did a small wave. "Jasmine can you help me find my locker?" He asked.
"Yeah sure can Jess come?" I asked.
"No, I'm going to go see Bronte and Kim. You two go." She said.
"Are you sure?" I asked. I shot her look that I hoped was don't leave me alone with him

but was probably just a look of agonizing pain.
"Yeah I'm sure." She frowned at my facial expressions, so I gave up.
"Okay cya in class." I said giving her a huge hug. "Bye guys I'll see you at second recess." I waved to the others and walked away with Cameron.
"Thanks for helping." He said nervously. He was starting to confuse me. He seemed all cocky in class, like a giant ass, but now I think my first impression was wrong.
"Are you okay? You seem different," I said suspiciously.
"What? Oh um, yeah I'm fine I just don't know anyone." He said ruffling his hair.
"Well soon you'll know people and fit right in." I smiled.
"Thanks." He laughed. "Are you popular?" His question shocked me.
"Um, I don't know I just know a lot of people." I answered.
"Do you reckon you could introduced me to them?" He asked.
"Uhh, yeah but not all of them are in year seven." I said.
"That doesn't matter. Thanks."He assured.
"So whats your locker number?"
"Oh right." He said passing me a piece of paper wrapped around a key. His hand lightly grazed mine and just in that one small touch I felt sparks fly all around my body and fizzle out just as fast as they had moved. I pulled the key out from underneath the paper and studied the number.
"Okay, well your locker should be around her somewhere." I said leading him up the stairs towards the lockers near the maths class rooms. I stopped right in front of the right one. "This is it." I said gesturing to it. I handed him the key.
"Thanks." He leaned forward for what seemed like a kiss and moved straight back like one of those old shimmy dance moves.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Well I was just going to give you a hug to show my thanks. What did you think I was going to do?" He asked squinting at my shocked face.
"Uhh, nothing don't worry about it." I laughed straightening my posture. "Still offering that hug?" I asked.
He smiled the smile I knew and he hugged me. I felt him take a deep breath.
"Um, did you just smell me?" I asked.
He retracted his arms and put his hands in his pockets. "What? No. pfft." he shrugged my suggestion off.
"Jasmine!" a voice said. I spun around to see Cyrus surrounded by his friends standing there.
"Oh, um, hey. What do you want?" I tried to say confidently.
"What are you doing? I knew it!" He said.
"Its not what you think. I was showing him where his locker is." I said. I felt Cameron's arm slide around my waist which made me jump in shock.
"What are you jealous?" Cameron smiled a sly smile.
"Your going out with him?!" I could tell Cyrus was infuriated by Cameron's attitude and to be honest I was a little too.
"What? No." I said slapping Cameron's arm. He quickly retracted it.
"Jasi?" I spun the other way to see Jess walking towards us.
"Jess!" I said running towards her. I went to give her a hug but she stepped back.
"You told me it wasn't true. That you didn't like him!" She said looking at the ground.
"What? No I don't like him I was showing him where his locker was honest but he hugged me and Cyrus got the wrong idea and you just walked up at the wrong time." I explained.
"Well this is awkward." Cameron said.
"Cameron shut up." I said trying to control the confusion and anger.
"Yeah Cameron shut up!" Cyrus said swinging to punch him in the side of the face.
"CYRUS!" Jess yelled rushing to Cameron's aid. "You don't always have to be an asshole you know!"
"Cyrus just take your friends and leave." I snapped. "You have ruined enough today."
"Are you okay?" Jess asked cupping his face in her hands. He moaned in reply and spat out a bit of blood. We helped him sit up against the lockers. then we stood back. I turned to Jess and she turned to face me.
"Jess, I was serious before. I don't like him. If he was to be anything to me it would be a friend." I said. "I don't want to lose you as my best friend. I don't know what I would do!"
"Its okay Jasi. You're not going to lose me. You can't." She smiled. I stretched my arms out for a hug and she obliged my wish.
"Are you two done being gay?" Cameron mumbled from the ground.
"What did you just say?" I asked.
"I'll take that too mean you are done." he groaned as he stood up. "Now are you telling me that you don't like me like that?"
"Yeah, sorry if you misunderstood overheard bits of a conversation pal, but we have to go." I said taking my bag from Jess and marching off to music.

School day

I tossed my bag into the top corner of the bag rack. Jess walked up behind me talking to Cameron. I quickly spun around fiddling with my bag so I didn't look like I was listening to their conversation.
"Don't mind Jasi, she is actually really nice." Jess said.
"Yeah and she is really hot." He said.
"Um, okay." She said sounding a bit awkward.
"What? I'm only speaking the truth." He said sounding cocky again. Oh my god he new I was listening he is saying these thing on purpose.
"Hey Jess." I said spinning around holding my pencil case close.
"Hey Jasi!" She said placing her bag next to mine.
I glared at Cameron and turned back to Jess.
"Jasmine, wait." He said grabbing my arm. I felt the little sparks fizzle and pop through my body again. I quickly pulled my arm away.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I wanted to apologize for my actions and I realize they must have offended you but you can't blame me I love attractive girls." He smiled.
"Okay I'll forgive you if you stop saying that!" I laughed.
"Okay I promise," he said crossing his heart.
I laughed and turned back around to Jess. "I see you're getting to know the new guy," I smiled.
"Yeah, he is really cool! He felt really bad for offending you and messing everything up." She said.
"I believe that. Did he tell you to put in a good word for him? Haha! But honestly its not his fault, its Cyrus's." I said.
"Talking about me?"
"No Cyrus we're blaming you for Cam's bleeding lip!" Jess snapped.
"Whoa you're calling him Cam?" Cyrus said taken aback.
"Yeah well I know him unlike you! You're just jealous that Jasi is moved on from you and was possibly someone better than you!" She said angrily and stormed into the class room pulling me along behind her.

We slid in behind seats and waited for Mrs Bowles to come in and start the class. She came in not long after and conducted the lesson. We got to play on they keyboards because it was out practical music lesson. It soon finished because we were actually enjoying ourselves which if you knew Mrs Bowles you would understand.

When the bell rang we packed up our stuff and went out to our bags and mingled with 7-1 because they had music as well.
"So I hear you're going out with me?" Cameron said sliding into my vision like an eel.
"What? No! Stop saying that because rumors spread unbelievably quickly at this school and I know a lot of people I know will come to me asking that and I will have to say the same thing over and over again and-" He held up a hand, signalling that I could shut up.
"You don't have to be ashamed of hypothetically going out with me I'm not bad." He said shrugging his shoulders.
"We gotta go to maths," I said linking arms with Jess and we attempted skipping off to L13 but fell over laughing at the failure of it!
"You two want some help?" Zoe came over to us with Gabby.
"Nah we're good, aren't we Jess?" I said turning to face Jess but she just burst out laughing in reply.
"Wanna hand there Jess?" Cameron asked.
"Yes please!" She said reaching out and grabbing his hand. I was left on the floor and I felt like an absolute idiot and I can just imagine my brother saying 'Yeah, you are.' and laughing at me. I tried not to think about that and just got up off the ground.
"Come on. Lets go to maths." I said following Zoe and Gabby over the bridge with Jess and Cameron trailing behind.

We dumped our bags on the rack and collecting our maths stuff from our bags and wandered into the class room.

"Hello girls!" Mrs Crether smiled as we came in.
"Hi Mrs Crether!" We chorused.
"Oh and who is this?"
"Miss this is Cameron Dale. Today is his first day!" Jess said smiling brightly.
"Hello," he smiled that smile that could knock a girl out if they allowed it.
We slid in behind a row of desks.
"Um, you two can sit together. I'll sit next to Cameron." Jess said.
I looked at Zoe and we took our seats in front of Jess and Cameron.

Lesson went on and we learned how to multiply and divide fractions. Some fun that was! But the whole time we only heard Jess giggling like an idiot and the slow steady mumbling of Cameron whispering in her ear. I know it may seem like I'm jealous but honestly I'm not. I'm just worried about her because I got a dodgy vibe from him.

Soon the annoying ringing of the school bell rang through the school telling us the ten minute break was coming. Making a lot of noise, our class packed up their stuff and charged out of the class room. My friends and I were herded to by the loads of students that were rushing off to meet their friends. We eventually found ourselves at the end of the library outside and just sank down onto the bench.

"So Jess, hows Cameron?" I asked glancing at her sideways.
"It's Cam, gorgeous," he winked as he passed. I rolled my eyes and moved further back on the bench so I was against the wall.
"He is great! He is so funny, kind and has the sexiest voice!" She squealed.
"So he is nice?" I asked.
"Well I guess. He is more of a kind and understanding person than a nice person." She shrugged.
"I'm glad to see you guys are getting so close." I smiled.
"Thanks," she replied uneasily.

The eerie annoying ring rang through the school again. Why does ten minutes go so fast? Zoe, Jess and I wandered off to Language followed by religion. The worst subject in a computer lab, at least we get to listen to music, followed by the best in the detention room.

Jess's confession

"That is so sad!" Jess exclaimed as we stumbled out into the flowing gushes of people going to lunch.
"Hey do you wanna do the 40 hour famine with me?" Zoe asked as I bent over to pick up our bags.
"Um, I don't know.. Maybe. I guess I could.. I'd have to ask mum." I replied swinging my bag on my back.
"Hey Jess, Jasi," Cam said wandering smoothly over to us. I gave him a funny look. "Oh, sorry do you mind if I call you that?"
"Um, I guess so.." I said awkwardly.
"I was just wondering if you guys were doing the charity thing?" He asked.
"Maybe, but I would probably be to weak and-" I started a joke but Jess cut me off.
"Yes we are!" She smiled a huge smile that I had never seen before. Whoa, I thought.
"Awesome! Do you guys wanna join me?" He asked.
I started tell him that I was going to do the 40 hour famine with Zoe but Jess cut me off again. "We'd love too!"
"Coolies!" He smiled. I swear Jess almost had heart failure because she stumbled backwards.
"You say 'coolies'?" I asked.
"Yeah its just an epic word!"
"You say 'epic'?" I asked again getting more and more shocked by his vocabulary.
"Yes, is that okay?" He enquired finally noticing my shock.
"Um, I guess not but I say those words all the time." I laughed.
"Haha, great people think a like." He laughed.
"Ahh we use the same sayings.. This is getting creepy!" I smiled.
"We must be synced. Oh and by the way has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest laugh and the most beautiful smile?" He winked and walked off with Elly, Hannah and Emily following him.
"OMG he is so hot!!" She said gazing after him longingly. I swear saw drool coming out. She turned around to face me and it just turned out to be a trick of the light.

The two of us walked over the others and just full on collapsed onto the bench and just laughed and laughed and laughed. The others flitted off to the library to work on their newspaper and Zoe was hanging out with her other friends and her sister.

"Hey, I have something I wanna confess to you." Jess said timidly.
"Watsup Jessie?" I asked.
"You know how I'm going on about how hot Cam is?"
"Well duh you've been telling me." I teased.
"Yeah but there is a reason for that," she said.
"Go on.."
"I like him."
"I said, I like him."
"You hardly know him.."
"Yes I do." She argued.
"Oh really? How well do you know him?" I asked.
"Very well." She smiled seeming very pleased with herself.
"Okay then, what is his middle name?"
"He told you his middle name on his first day of ever meeting you?"
"Yes. He gave me a more detailed introduction of himself in maths."
"Yes! Is that so bad?"
"I'm just thinking a normal person would want to get know the other person before spilling all his secrets out to them."
"What are you jealous? Have you been possessed by the green eyed monster?"
"What? No I'm not jealous and what the hell is the green eyed monster?"
"Envy... You seem jealous."
"I'm not jealous, I'm worried about you. He only cares about status and reputation. I only care for you." I said.
"Like you would know. You don't even know him!"
"Well neither do you..."
"YES I do!"
"Why are you yelling at me?"
"Because you're listening and supporting me!"
"I'm helping you understand. Yeah I get that you like him and yes I can somehow find it in me to accept that but you're being and saying irrational things." I said cooly.
"I'm not being irrational!"
"Jess your like falling head over heels for a hot guy that doesn't know you and thinks your best friend is hot!"
"So? What does it matter what he thinks about you? You just think he is a big headed jerk."
"Well that he is."
"Just go back to your Tom! Leave me with my Cam and I'll be happy."
"Jess he isn't 'my' Tom."
"Well you like him don't you? He is moving here for you!"
"Jessie please calm down. I don't like him that way and I'm not the only one he is moving here for."
"Yes you do! Who else has he got to move here for!"
"Well there are his friends from Clunes. I did like him that way, did. As in the past."
"Yeah right.. Never mind I don't know why I even bothered to tell you."
"Wait. I'm sorry I should have just said cool and said nothing more and let you babble on about him but I wasn't going to sit by while my best friend gets used by some ego maniac."
"Babble? Egomaniac?" She said sounding really offended.
"Damn, wrong words.." I whispered.
She didn't listen. She just got up and walked away.
"Wait Jess! Come back!" I said. But she was to far away and didn't hear me.
"What sup lollipop?" Gabby said coming out of the library.
"Nothing." I replied dropping my head to face the ground.
"Hey are you okay? What happened?" She asked coming over and hugging me.
I hugged her back and the tears just started to fall. "I had a fight with Jess about a stupid boy!" I cried
"Oh its okay." Gabby consoled.
"No its not. I shouldn't have said that!" I said.
"Jasmine, listen to me, its okay. Everything will be fine. Just apologize to her." Gabby said calmly.
"I tried but she didn't hear, I can't take back what I said because its true!" I said.
"Have it your way but things will just get better if you do." She said wiping my tears away and smiled at me.
I smiled back and took one last sniffle before following her into the library.

The make up

I caught the bus home with Ash. I sat in my seat in a trance of absolute silence, my friends tried talking to me but I wasn't wavered by the continuous calls of my name. I just sat and thought about the awful things I said. I showed no emotion and I'm pretty sure my face was very pale because I felt sick. My family must have known that something was up because I stayed in my room all night and only came down for dinner. I didn't talk all night except to the not specifically planned afternoon chat with Tom. We didn't talk about Jess. I mentioned to him that there was a new guy at school but I didn't linger on the subject I just went straight to the next topic. We didn't talk to the late hours of the night like we sometimes do. I fell to sleep feeling tears of worry, sadness and sickness rolling down my cheeks which felt really warm but cold at the same time.

I woke up at 7:15 as usual but turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. Dad came into the room and sat next to me on my bed which he doesn't normally do.
"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" He asked pressing his hand against my face.
"No I'm going to school." I stated simply even though I sounded and felt like death, I probably looked the part as well.
"Why? there isn't anything important today, is there?"
Yes, Tom is moving there today. "No, I just want to see my friends."
"Okay then, you'd better get up."

I dragged my lazy lagging body out from under the warm covers and trudged through my morning routine, still keeping my vow of silence intact. Dad dropped us off at the bus stop as usual. We got there as the Trinity/Woodlawn bus went past and I waved at my friend, Tahlia. My brother tried to get something out of me by attempting all the things he normally does that makes me laugh or we talk about but my lips stayed zipped. He tried the approach of insulting me and that didn't work either. We got on the bus and I saw Tom sitting next to Rory and I slid in the empty seat behind him. I smiled at Tom and Rory but then went back into my bus trance and tried to figure out why everyone didn't want to sit up the back as far as they can.

As we pulled into the school the dilemma arose that I had no idea who I was going to hang out with this morning. I could try hanging out with Jess, I could apologize even, but she would probably totally ignore me and turn her head. We clambered off the bus and I walked alongside Tom and Rory. They where talking about god knows what. I remained in silence. We reached the front of the school and suddenly Jess came bolting up the hill towards me. She crashed into me and wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. I stepped back because the force of Jess was so strong. Tom and Rory Stopped and watched me and Jess as I reciprocated Jess's actions.
"No Jess, I'm sorry. I should have just shut up and said that's nice or something supportive! I'm so sorry!" I apologized.
She stepped back and I took a deep breath so there would be air in my lungs.
"Are you okay?" She asked studying my face. It must have looked like death, I knew it!
I just pretended I didn't feel the way I looked. "Yeah I'm fine! I'm glad we made up!" I smiled brightly. "Oh Jess, I'd like to officially introduce you to Tom." I said gesturing towards him.
She spun around quickly and plastered a friendly smile on her face. "Well hello. I'm Jess, Jasmine's BFF." She said holding out her hand.
"Well hello Jess." He returned her smile, "I hope everyone here is as friendly as you," and he shook her hand.
"I'm going to go now. Are you coming?" Rory asked Tom. I walked up and gave Jess another hug before standing beside her.
"Um, I have to get some things from the office. Like my timetable or something." Tom explained. Rory nodded and wandered off the the basketball courts.
"Yeah, so we have to get your stuff and give you the official grand tour!" I smiled.
"Yeah thanks. Hey are you okay, you kinda look like you're dead?" How many people are going to comment on that?
"Uhh, yeah just not 100%. Come on." I said starting towards the office doors with Tom. "Jess, you coming?"
"Yes, of course." She said skipping over to us.
We pushed the doors open and walked around to the front. We all walked up to the office desk.
"Um, excuse me? I was wondering where I need to get my timetable from?" He enquired in a friendly tone.
Mrs Perkins one of the office ladies walked over to him at the desk. "And what is your name?"
"Tom Hogarth." He replied.
"Ahh yes. Um, just go into Mr Grebert's office and he'll tell you the rest." She said with a slight smile forming on her lips.
"Who is Mr Grebert?" Tom asked as I said thank you and stepped back from the counter.
"Year 7,9 and 11's deputy principal and his office is right there." I said waving my hand at Mr Greberts office door.
"Okay, coming?"
"No, me and Jess will wait here." I said with the emotion I hoped was comforting. Tom started to look nervous as he turned around and wandered into His office. Jess and I sat on the couches and laughed silently until Tom was done.

The school tour

We were shushed multiple times by Mrs Perkins and we just laughed even harder every time. Tom wandered out Mr Grebert's office studying his timetable very hard. Jess and I jumped out of our seats and he followed us out of the office into the warm canteen quad that had very little people in it for once.
"What class are you in?" I asked turning towards the library.
"I don't know.." he replied. I grabbed the timetable out of his hands and studied it.
"ohmYGOD!! YAY!"I shouted with my voice rising with the excitement flowing through my body incredibly fast.
"WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!" Jess said snatching the paper out of my hands.
"You're in 7-2!" I smiled brightly!
"Who's class is that?" He asked curiously.
"MINE!" I said hugging him. "And Jess's, Zoe's and Maddy's, But you haven't met two of them!" I said.
"Oh my god you are!" Jess said. I stood back and starting to feel slightly, well actually very, embarrassed about hugging him.
"Oh that is so AWESOME!" He said sharing our enthusiasm.
"Oh its Ca-" Jess started but then froze and glanced at my face. I spun around and saw Cam walking straight towards us.
"Oh right." I said turning the other way and starting to walk. "Its okay Jess I have to show Tom around you hang with Cam." I took a final glance over my shoulder. DAMN! why did I do that. He saw me and smiled so now I have to react. "Hello Cameron."
"Hey Cam!" Jess looked so cute and innocent right then, like a puppy.
"Hey Jess, hey Jasi." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes then realized that Tom was still there looking at me with every inch of his faced covered in confusion. Just then Cam realized that Tom was there.
"Oh right," I said slapping my forehead, "Tom, Cameron. Cameron, Tom." I said and the shook hands.
"Are you new?" Cam asked and I swear I heard jealousy in his voice.
"Uhh, yes I am. Just starting today." Tom said awkwardly.
"Oh really? I just moved her yesterday. The people here aren't nice. You should go back to your old school." Cam said.
"Um, Cameron what do you think you're saying?" I asked.
"I'm just warning him." He shrugged.
"What about Jess? Is she mean?" I asked. I was honestly stunned that he had just said that.
"Jess?" He asked.
"Jess.. The person standing next to you?" I asked.
He glanced sideways. "Oh, hello I'm Cameron." He greeted.
"Cam? We met yesterday..." Jess said.
"What? Oh that's right. You're not who I thought you were.." he said.
"Cameron, seriously?" I asked.
"Sorry, I just had a mind blank." He said.
"Um, okay... Jess are you gonna come with us still?" I asked wanting to get away from Cam as fast as I could.
"Yeah, I'll come." She said looking at Cam with a weird look on her face.
"Cool." I smiled turning around and wandering away.
"Where are you going?" Cameron asked running after us.
"Away from you." I snapped.
"Jasi?" Jess asked.
"Yes?" I said.
"I think I'm going gonna go with Cam." Jess said.
"But Jessie- Never mind. Go with him." I said glaring at Cam. She left me and Tom and trailed after Cam.
"Um, Jas was he right?" Tom asked.
"No he is just jealous of you." I answered turning back to him. "Anyway on with tour." I smiled leading up the concrete hill towards science labs.
"Are you sure?" Damn! Cam had made Tom worried.
"Yes I'm sure. If anyone tried to hurt you they will have to go through me and all your friends, okay?" I stopped and turned to face him.
"Awh, you're such a good friend!" He smiled.
I smiled back and actually started the tour. "Okay, Tom this is the science block and that makes that the science quad. This is Sammy, Maddy, Bronte and Emily." I said gesturing to the people and places that surrounded us. All of them, except Sammy who was texting, turned and stared at Tom. Oh my GOD!
"Um, hello all." Tom gave an awkward wave.
"Anyway this way." I said leading him away from my creepy friends.
"Where are we going now?" He asked as I led towards the L block. I glanced around the canteen quad for Jess and Cam but I couldn't find them.
I smiled at Tom. "Around the school. That is the library and this is the L block." I said. "That is L9, the religion classroom but also the religion classroom. That is L10 where we have Language Thursdays and Fridays." I walked along the bridge that led to the other half of the L block and behind the Staff room. "Down there that is the drama shed and they're old lockers." I pushed open the door and held it open for him. "Those are the other maths classrooms. That is ours, L13." I said continuing down the stairs and then down stairs again that led to the bottom half of the L block. That was where we saw Mrs Crether.
"Hello!" She smiled.
"Hey Mrs Crether. This is Tom. He just moved here. Tom this is Mrs Crether our maths teacher." I introduced the two of them.
"Another new kid. Is he in 7-2?" She asked.
"Yes I am." He smiled warmly.
"That's nice."
"Well we have to finish the tour before the bell goes so, see you in class!" I smiled walking down the rest of the stairs with Tom in tow. He smiled and waved goodbye to Mrs Crether.
"Okay. So down here we have L6, our english classroom, L5, our other english classroom and more lockers." I laughed and walked along behind the library and in front of the Drama shed. "Hey Ash. What are you doing down here?" I asked stopping in front of him.
"Oh, bloody year seveners bought our table!" He complained.
"Hah, unlucky." I laughed at him. "Oh Ash, this is Tom. Tom this is my brother Ash."
"Hello." Tom said.
"This is Tom? Oh and I don't care. Now go away!" Ash said.
"SORRY! Bye." I said walking away with Tom.
"Was that your brother?" Tom asked.
"Haha yeah." I smiled.
"Whoa." He said quietly.
"So this is L4, ICT classroom. L3, no relevance to our class. L2 my roll call classroom, again no relevance. L1 still no relevance. Wait where is your roll call room?" I stopped and asked him.
"Um... I don't know..." He replied.
"Pass me your timetable." I said and he did willingly. I read the first box of the table. "L1.. Hah that's right there." I said gesturing to the door with L1 written on it.
"So, when do I have to go there?" He asked.
"You go there every morning of everyday for another six years." I said.
"Oh yay!" He smiled sarcastically and mimicked excited hand gestures which made me laugh.
"So, do you wanna go down to where Rory is or what?" I asked.
"Um, I don't know..." he laughed.
"If you don't know where to go first when you get let out of roll call wait here and I'll find you and show you the way." I said. "I'm gonna go to my friends because well I'm going to have to bear their teases sometime, best to get it over and done with. Even though it will lead on through the whole day." I smiled.
"Can I come with you?" He asked.
"Hah yeah sure." I replied once again leading him onto to somewhere new.

I paraded us up the stairs and into the library.
"Oh yeah, this is the library by the way.." I said.
"Oh really?" He said mockingly.
"Ahaha Shuddup!" I said lightly hitting him. I skipped over to Gabby and wrapped my arms around her."Hello amazing person!"
"Hello Jasi!" She said hugging me back. "Oh, and who is this?" She wandered over beside Tom.
"Gabby, this is Tom. Tom, this is Gabby." I introduced. "And this is Mighty, Bryant and McEwan. Oh and you've talked to Sammy before."
"Mighty, Bryant and McEwan?" He asked.
"Oh right, Michelle, Emily and Emily." I giggled.
"Where's Jess?!" Sammy asked.
"With Cameron.." I said.
"Ah. Who the bloody hell is Cameron?" She asked. I just rolled my eyes and then the bell rang.

Cameron's attack

"No seriously! He has stolen my JESS!" Sammy said.
"Sammy, he is just a guy that isn't the best person around and Jess doesn't think so. I gotta go now. Bye Sammy." I said walking out of the library with Tom.
"Cya!" Sammy waved and wandered off to her roll call.

I walked down the steps that led to L2.
"Here you go. a friend of mine is in this roll call. Keep your eye out for her. Her name is Becky. Long brown hair." I smiled at him. "Bye. Have fun."
"Yeah.. Bye," he said walking into the classroom.

The door to L2 was already open. I walked into the room and stood beside Ms Smith's desk where she was sitting. She called out the rest of the names in the roll before she turned to me.
"Jasmine Cartwright," I said pointing to me on the roll.
"Thank you." I smiled at her and took a seat beside Becky.

Ms Smith went on about the absentee sheet, but as usual in roll call I pay no attention and just gazed out the window. Zoe, Sammy and Holly came around the corner of the hall. Zoe smiled and waved. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun. I smiled but didn't wave because Ms Smith would get up me.

The bell rang and picked up my bag and swung it onto my back. I exited L2 and entered the cool crisp air that gave me chills. I saw Tom standing by Zoe, Sammy and Holly awkwardly. walked over to them with a warm smile spreading over my face.
"Hey guys." I said hugging Zoe. "Tom, meet Zoe. Zoe, meet Tom. Holly, Tom. Tom, Holly."
"Oh my god.. This is Tom?" Zoe whispered beside me.
"Yes." I whispered back. "Off to maths we go! Bye Holly! Bye Sammy!" I waved good bye and pulled Tom and Zoe along behind me.

We turned into a single file line as we squeezed our way through the enormous crowds of people, we charged up the steep stairs that led us straight to L13. I dumped my bag on the rack and went through the painfully complicated method of opening my bag just to get my pencil case out.
"Put your bag down Tom." I said.
He placed his bag next to mine and got out his pencil case as well.
"Do you have a maths book?"
He got that out as well. We exchanged smiles and he stepped out of the crowd of swarming 7-2ers. I went to enter the classroom but almost tripped over Jack.
"UGH! Jack! Why do you have do that in the doorway?" I whined.
"Because its a free country." He said.
"Really last time I checked you had to pay money to travel here. Wow, I didn't know that had changed." I smirked and heard Tom stifle a laugh behind me.
I placed my pencil case in a middle table in a row. Tom placed his stuff on one side of me and Zoe put her stuff on the other side.
"I'm going to get my stuff out of my locker. You two, get acquainted." I said waving my hands around and started for the door.

On my way out I walked straight into someone with A LOT of muscles that were hard.
"Watch where you're GOING!" Cam snapped.
"Oh geez sorry. My fault won't happen again." I apologized.
"You better make sure of that." He mumbled.
"You do know we all make mistakes everyday all the time." I said.
"Oh and you must have been one of them then." He quipped.
"Excuse me!? Did you really just say that?" I asked.
"Yeah I did. Is that okay?"
"No. Don't ever tell anyone their life was a mistake. EVER! You got that? Or are you to thick to get that?" I snapped.
"You can't tell me what to do."
"What is your problem with me?" I asked.
"Stop poisoning Jess's mind with ideas that I'm all about the ego and reputation."
"You want me to lie to my best friend? I can't do that, sorry." I retorted.
"Stuff you."
"Wonderful insult. Really cuts me you know?" I said.
"Another brilliant insult. You are on roll there!" I mimicked his wink and absolutely failed. By now a mini crowd had gathered and I could see Tom and Zoe in my peripheral vision making their way to the front of the crowd. I saw Jess appear at the edge of the crowd, watching with confusion on her face.
"SHUT UP BITCH!" He shouted.
"Now that's taking it a bit to far don't you think?" Off in the distance I heard the door open and close.
"That's it." He said. The next thing I knew a hard force hit me square in the cheek bone and I fell to the ground. Tom and Zoe came rushing over to me. Just then I realized that it was my brother and his friend Jessemine who had just come through the door. Ash pushed his way through the crowd. Zoe knelt down beside me and Tom and her helped me to my feet.

"What is your problem?" I heard Ash shout at Cam. My vision was a still a bit fuzzy but I made out the figure of Jessemine making her way over to me. Not long after I felt another pair of hands support me as I started to lean towards the floor again.
"What's your problem? She made me do it." Cam spat in my direction.
"I don't care what she did. You don't hit a girl. No matter how mad you are. You got it?" Ash said.
"Ash, I'm okay." I said. I began to taste a weird salty flavour on my lip. I realized it there was something sliding down my cheek. "Um, is there something on my cheek?" I asked.
"Jasi.. Your cheek is bleeding. He split the skin." I heard Zoe say.
"I spun my head in the direction I heard her voice come from. Bad idea. I stumbled a bit but tried to stand up, "Really? I think its time for me to go down." With that I just fell down onto the floor.
"JAS! JAS!" I heard Ash yell.
"YEs Ash?" My voice started to slur. "Is this what it s like to get concussed?"
"Jasi, get up. Its okay. Come on." I heard Tom come down beside me and I felt his arm support me as I sat up.
"No I just want to lie down. JESS! WHERE IS JESS!" I shouted. My head started to ache more and more. Every time I tried to say something I felt a shooting pain going from my cheek to my brain.
"JASI! I'm here." Jess pushed her way through the people and ran to my side.
"Alright everyone. Nothing to see here. Go to class." I heard Mrs Crether ordering the students. "You with me." I heard her say.
"Tom, can you help me get her to the office?" Ash asked.
"IccaanwalllK!" I stumbled on to my feet and fell into whoever was standing beside me. I suspect it was Zoe.
"Jasi, please don't resist help." I heard Jess's voice.
"Jessie! I'm okay." I said searching for her. My vision was getting blurrier and blurrier.
"Jasmine, listen to me, okay. Stop moving and we are gonna get you to the office." I heard Ash order.
"Okay." I said and leaned against the lockers and kept as still as could. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and they assisted me down the stairs.
"Jessemine, Zoe and Jess go to class." Ash said.
"NO! I'm not going back in there!" Jess yelled.
"Come on Jess. It's okay." Zoe soothed.
"JESS! NO! I'm ffinne." I yelled over my shoulder.
"JASI! NO!" She screamed. Her screams slowly softened until they were just echoes in my mind. I stopped trying to look over my shoulder because the pain in my head was getting worse and worse.
"Ash.. What is happening?" I mumbled.
"You just got punch in the face. You're gonna be okay." He said.
"TOM! I'm sorry for ruining your first day!" I said. I must have looked like one of the poor old people mum worked with that had dementia. I always how thought how sad it must have been to see them freak out all the time.
"No Jasi, its okay. Just relax and calm. Remember calmness is the key." Tom winked at me.
"Don'ttt goquotting me!" My speech was getting worse and once we entered the office everything had faded into pitch blackness.

My trip to the hospital

I woke up to the steady beeping of a machine beside the bed that I mistook for an alarm and hit.
"Ouch!" I sat up in the bed to see I was in a hospital. I looked over to the thing I had just hit to see if I had damaged it. Luckily I hadn't. I glanced around the room to see if there was a clock. I found one and I had to squint to see what it said.
Damn. I studied the room and noticed there was someone in a seat beside the bed. Whoever it was I couldn't recognize in the darkness. I couldn't see their face and whoever it was was clearly sleeping. Better not disturb them, I thought. I looked at my clothes and saw I was still in my sports uniform. I looked over to the other side of the room. There was another bed there but it was empty. There was an uncomfortable looking sofa beside the door and another chair on the other side of the bed. I saw three figures outside the room. The door clicked open and I saw Ash come into the room.
"ASH!" I said softly.
"Jas, are you okay?" He asked creeping into the empty seat beside me.
"My head hurts and I'm tired." I replied truthfully.
"Well DUH! You were punched in the face."
"Hey Ash.. who is that?" I whispered pointing to the slumped sleeping figure beside me.
"Oh that's your friend Tom. He didn't want to go home." Ash explained.
"He stayed here?" I crinkled my nose in confusion.
"Yeah.. I didn't get either." He leaned further back in the seat.
"Where is mum and dad?"
"Outside talking to the doctor."
"So what happened? I remember Cameron punching me and you coming in and stumbling around like a drunk."
"We took you to the office but you had just passed out by then. We carried you to the sick bay and waited for mum and dad to come. I had to fill out an incident report and so did he. We came into the hospital and you had to stay here over night." He gave an obviously shortened version of what happened.
Tom moaned and re positioned himself.
"What happened with Jess?" I asked. Ash just shrugged his shoulders. "Zoe?" Another shrug. "Jessemine?"
"Oh um she had to fill out a report as well and she is worried about you." He answered. I nodded my head when the door open again.

Mum's face was stained with tears and her eyes were red from crying. Dad came in behind her and his eyes were red as well. As soon as they saw me attempting to smile at them their faces lit up.
"SWEETIE!" Mum exclaimed rushing over to me.
"Hey mum." She started to shower me in kisses. "Ah ah mum! that part hurts!"
"Oh sorry." she gave me a weak smile and blew her nose. "I'm so glad you're okay!"
"So am I. SHH! You'll wake him up!" I said.
"Oh, sorry." Mum whispered.
I smiled at her.
"Who punched you?" Dad asked.
"A guy in my class called Cameron Dale."
"What has happened to him?"
"I don't know..."
Dad just nodded and went silent.
"You guys go and get some rest. I have to get some more." I said.
"We're not leaving." Mum stated.
"Please mum!"
"Yes. Please!"
"In case of stuff that has to be done tomorrow. I can't sleeping with people watching." I said.
"Okay.... But only because you said so. If anything bad happens I'm blaming you." Mum said showering me in kisses once again. Dad kissed me goodbye and Ash just lightly hit me.
I rolled over and watched them passed the window. "Good night Tom." I said. I rolled over and allowed myself to be washed away in the sea of sleep.

I once again woke up yo the sound of the machine beeping but this time when I rolled over there was a smiling tried face not a sleeping one.
"Hey Tom!"
"How's your head?"
"Um sore."
"I will get him for you."
"Haha no you won't." I laughed.
"No seriously I will." He said standing up and doing all of these 'ninja' moves which made me laugh harder.
"Sit down before you smash a machine." I ordered sitting up in the bed.
"Haha whatever you say but it is official that I hate Cameron now." He said leaning back in the seat.
"Yeah well I do as well." He just laughed.
A nurse knocked on the door and came in holding a tray. "Hello, I've just brought you some food to eat." She smiled as sh placed the tray on the tray holder thing on the end of the bed. She rolled it along so I could reach it.
"Thank you!" I smiled at her as she left. I looked down at the tray and it was like camp food. There was a piece of toast with a small bit of butter with a choice of vegemite or jam to go with it. There was also a little cup of apple juice and one of those custard.
"Want something to eat?" I asked Tom.
"Um okay... What can I have."
"The toast and juice." I replied instantly.
"Don't you like apple juice?" He asked buttering the toast.
"No I do but sugar liquid might give me more of a headache." I explained crinkling my nose.
"oh, okay." He gulped down the juice and shoved the toast in his mouth. I laughed at him. "What?"
"Oh you just reminded me of something Jess said the other day." I smiled spooning up the custard.
"What did she say?" He enquired finishing the toast.
"Um, 'boys are the same species as pigs.'"
"Oh ha ha. I eat like a pig." He said. I smiled down at the tray as I finished the custard. I swallowed the water and pushed the table thing away.
"Why did you stay here last night?" I asked.
"Oh, I just wanted to be here when you woke up." He replied.
"Why do you ask so many questions?" He said adjusting himself showing I was clearly making him awkward.
"Because I'm a curious little girl, or don't you remember?" I giggled.
"Oh right." He rolled his eyes and smiled.
The doctor came in just then accompanied by the nurse that gave me the food. She came over picked up the tray and smiled. I smiled back and she left the room.
"Hello Jasmine." The doctor said glancing over the top of his glasses. "I'm Dr Burns."
"How are you?" he asked signing a bit of paper that was on a metal clipboard.
"I have a bad headache, is that normal?" I asked.
"Yes just take some pain killers and I suggest you stay home for the next couple of days."
"Oh okay." I said.
"You should be able to go home. Just brush your teeth and we will call your parents." Dr Burns said gesturing to the mini bathroom. He tucked the clipboard under his arm and left the room.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and shuffled over to the bathroom.
"Legs asleep?" I heard Tom yell.
"Yeah." I shouted back, lathering the tooth paste on the tooth brush and brushed my teeth furiously for two whole minutes. I washed everything and washed out my mouth. I trudged out of the bathroom and Tom and I were ushered out of the room by the tray nurse. We awaited my family's arrival in the waiting room. We sat behind a fake plant and whispered a conversation so the receptionist didn't get mad. Soon my loved ones came through the doors and gave me lots of hugs.

School Confrontation

We drove back to school (by request of me) in a awkward silence. It was awkward because I had to squeeze in the middle to fit Ash, Tom and myself in the back. Dad focused on the road and mum just hummed along to the songs on the radio. Ash just stared out the window. He was in his senior uniform and had his hand over his mouth. Tom sat to one side of me with his hands together and staring out the window.

Dad parked on the side of the road opposite the school. Even though I was told not to run and make sudden movements, I ran. I ran straight to L4 where 7-2 had their second period on Thursdays. 7-4 was still in there so I waited outside the door. Not long after Tom caught up with up me.
"Don't run. You're parents are in the office by the way." Tom said coming to a halt beside me.
"Eh, figured as much. You can't tell me what to do." I said.
"I'm only be cautious for your sake."
"You don't need to be." I smiled at him.
"Well tough it out biotch!" He said.
"Biatch, I already have." I laughed.
He smiled and laughed silently even though it wasn't necessary.

Soon enough the irritating bell echoed around us.
Before 7-4 came out of the classroom I said to Tom, "oh by the way, Reed is in this class."
His face lit up. "Really?"
Soon swarms of 7-4ers came out of L4. Various friends of mine said hello and stopped and asked what happened because I had a giant band aid on my face. I just said I was fine and not to worry although I'm pretty sure they already knew what happened. Tom went off and talked to Reed and I awaited the friendly faces of my dearest friends. I stepped up on the stairs and watched the other students pass by. I saw Jess walking along chatting with Zoe and Maddy. I smiled when saw them. Jess her head and when she saw me she did a double take. She bolted down the stairs and wrapped me in a giant bear hug.
"JASI CAKES! DON"T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" She yelled into my arms.
"I wouldn't dream of it!" I said hugging her back. Zoe and Maddy came jogging down the stair and I gave them hugs too.
Cameron came down the stairs, alone. "Jess don't run away from me again." He warned.
Jess just rolled her eyes at him and said "piss off." under her breath.
"You do not have any right to tell her what to do." I said stepping in between him and Jess.
"Still at school I see. Was the one punch not enough to get you to stay home for a month? Come back for more have you?" He said mockingly.
"You don't have to be a jerk!" Jess yelled pouting. Tom came up the stairs and pushed me and Jess back. He punched Cameron square in the face.
"A real man never hits a girl- oops, guess that means I'm not a real man anymore," he said.
"Excuse me?" Cameron said. "What is it with guys at this school and that chick?"
"That 'chick' is a person." I said standing next to Tom.
"Okay then.."
"Shut up Cameron." I spat. "You don't own Jess and you cannot possibly think that hitting me would help you with her because you over looked one major detail that only a blind person would miss. Jess is my BEST friend, not your slave. Got it?" I said. I spun around and hugged Tom. "Thank you!" I whispered into his ear.
"Its okay." He whispered back.
Mr Ridgeway came around the corner. "What are you DOING!"
"Sir, Cameron abused me yesterday." I said pointing to face band aid.
"Yes!" He looked from Cameron to me.
"Then why is he the one holding his face?"
"Because he-"
"Because I gave him what he wants." Tom said cutting me off.
"Oh and what is that? Getting hit in the face by another girl defending that?" Cameron mocked.
"No, showing you how much 'power' you have." Tom said.
"Wow must be a lot because only the popular have a way with the girls." Cameron winked at him.
I grabbed Tom's arm to stop him from hitting him again.
"SIR! You can't let him get away with this! Assault and BULLYING!" Jess exclaimed.
"Jess, its okay." I said. "Sir I'm sorry for any disturbances but I suggest that Cameron comes with me to the office while you start the lesson."
"Jasi? What are you doing?" Jess whispered.
"Getting fair justice." I said. "Bye guys! Hopefully I'll be at school by next week." I waved goodbye and pushed Cameron forward.

I led the way up the stairs on our way to the office.
"You basically just saved me from that friend of your that hits like a girl. I think I'll just get away with bruise." He said.
I stopped walking and he walked straight into me. I spun around to face him and my ponytail hit me in the eye. "Cameron just shut up! He is a way better person then you are. Just face it he is more willing to look out for friend than you are. So don't stand there bitch to me about how he punches you."
"Why do you care about him so much?" He asked.
I just ignored his question and continued talking. "I don't care about how he hits, which don't tell him that because it is classified as bullying, I need to talk to you about your obsession with Jess." I snapped.
"What do you wanna know?" He said flexing his muscles.
"That doesn't work on me you know. Anyway, Jess won't trust you again after what you did. None of my friends will. Jess is very important to me and I care about her. If you lay a finger on her that think will help you get her, you will have to answer to me. Got it? Or is that too hard for you to understand?" I said.
"Why would you do that for her?" He asked.
"Because I'm loyal. Something you have none of." I said.
"You know nothing about me."
"You're right. I don't. You can tell me you actually are loyal but your actions," every bad thing he had done flashed through my mind, "speak A LOT louder then your words." I turned around and we finished the walk to the office.

Sure enough when I pushed the doors open my parents came rushing towards me. They showered me in hugs and kisses. I saw Cameron glare at us enviously before barging in between us saying "EXCUSE ME!" very loudly. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the office desk.
"Um, excuse me I was just wondering if there was anything I had t fill out about yesterday?" I asked politely.
One of the office ladies looked up. I wasn't sure what her name was so I just smiled at her weakly.
"Ah, are you the one that was hit?" She asked.
"Yes I am."
She walked over to the front and passed me a sheet of paper and a pen. "Write down what happened in your words and then give it back to me." She said walking back to her desk.
I wrote down everything I could remember about the incident until my head began to hurt. While I was doing that, Cameron had gone in with Mr Grebert.
"Excuse me? I'm done." I said kindly.
The lady came up and thanked me and took the sheet from me. Cameron came out of Mr Grebert's office.
"He wants to talk to you." Cameron said on his way out. I walked over to his office and knocked on the door.
"Yes?" He looked up from his glasses. "Ah, just take a seat."
I did so and quietly.
"Okay, um have you filled out an incident report?"
"Can you tell me why he punched you?"
"Yes sir, I can try but I have a really bad headache so I'll do my best." I said. He nodded. "Well it all started when I went to go to my locker to get my maths text book after putting my pencil case down on a desk. I walked pout of the room ad accidently walked into him. I apologized and told him I would try not to do it again and he said you better never do it again EVER! I said to him we all have accidents and this was just an accident. Then he called me an accident and it really offended me. I told him he should never tell anyone that because that is the worst thing you can call a person. He said to me not to tell him what to do. So I asked him what his problem was with me and he told me to stop poisoning Jess's mind with the truth which is that he is all about status and reputation. I said I can't lie to my best friend because that is just mean. So he began insulting me and I kept saying that they didn't hurt me. He got really really really pissed about that so he stopped and just went WHAM! and I was falling over and getting concussed which I have the proof to by the way." I said.
"Oh okay." He murmured writing something down. "You can leave." I got up and left. I saw Tom waiting on the couch outside.
"Haha are you here because of what happened today?" I asked
"Hah yes... Bye!! I'll talk to you tonight!" He said.
"You better!" I smiled. He smiled back and left me to go home and hopefully sleep.

The walk

I tried to get a few z's in on the way home but seriously when you have a headache like mine the best place to get reasonable sleep isn't in a moving car. We pulled up at our little wooden two storey house and I managed to clamber out of the car and into my amazing bed with the hour.

I woke up god knows when but I know it was dark... The only light was my iPod and the ominous glow from my iPod dock. I slid the icon along the bar and typed in the password and went through all the messages from my dear friends. Skype had many messages, as did Facebook and kik was going off continuously anyway because of Sammy.

I opened Skype and there were so many messages! From the group chat and my personal chat with Tom. DAMN! Bloody sleep! Bloody iPod! I sent him: Hey I'm so sorry but sleep called!

Facebook.... Eh they'll be fine I want to sleep more! I thought. I turned off my iPod and fell into a desired sleep.

"Sweetie! Jasi!" A kind voice said.
"WHAT!" I groaned.
"Time to get up."
"MUM! The doctor said not to go to school!" I complained.
"Doesn't matter. Get your lazy butt out of bed now!" She said pulling my blanket off.
"NO!" I pulled the blanket all the way up over my head.
"You need fresh air!"
"MAKE ME!" I shouted from under the blanket.
"Okay." She pulled the blanket all the way off the bed.
"Why?!" I said pulling myself up out of bed.
"That's better." Mum smiled and walked out of the room. I glared at her and picked my blanket up off the ground. I hopped back on the bed and hid under the blanket with my iPod. I unlocked it and went through my Facebook messages. I laughed here and there as I read through. I glanced at the time on top of the screen.
I wish I was at school.
I started going through my Skype messages from Tom. HAY! Where are you!! I need to talk to you!!!
HAY!! I got suspended! Get yo' lazy arse out of bed!

Bloody hell! I thought. :0 YOU GOT SUSPENDED?!?!?!?! Get yo' lazy arse online and talk!!! Sorry about last night but I had a killer headache :'(

I typed quickly and pressed send.

I ran down the stairs because I realized I really needed to go to the toilet.
"What can I have to eat?" I said.
"Toast? Eggs? Up to you." Mum said sipping her coffee.
"Okay... I'll just have juice." I said.
"I don't care." I replied with my back to her entering the bathroom.

Once I had washed my hands I got a glass out of the cupboard and poured the delectable apple and mango juice. I stood at the bench and gulped it down.
"Why did you wake me up?" I asked putting the glass down.
"Because I-"
"You didn't think I was dead, did you?" I asked curiously.
"Dead? No..."
"LIES!" I pointed at her accusingly.
"Don't point its rude." I just shrugged it off and started back up the stairs.
"I don't care."
"Bad attitude."

I walked up the wooden stairs half asleep. It was so hot upstairs. This is why I dislike summer......a lot. I fell onto my bed and landed on my iPod. The Skype notification noise went off. It was a message from Tom.
HEY! YOUR UP! Anyway yeah suspended... Lucky me.... On my second day... My mum got pissed off...

I sent back a message Well DUH! You got suspended on your second day haha :'( :D Sorry.. hehehe :3 Are you at home today??
Wait ner duh you are...

He sent back Hahaha how smart of you. I was gonna say that. Hay wanna go for a walk along Pearson and McKenzie rd with me? I mean we both have nothing to do.

I sent back idek mum woke me up because she was worried I was dead... She probably won't let me out of the house

"HEY MUM?" I shouted
Okay I can go.

I sent again.
Right I shall meet you at your bus stop

He said
Okay see you soon

I said. I rushed through getting dressed and brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I waved and smiled goodbye to mum and started the treacherous walk up the hill.

I turned right at the top of the hill and started up the slight slope. I thought about Cameron as I walked. about how he seemed nice and alright but how he then tried to get Jess. About how he punched me. About how he glared at my family and I enviously. He is odd. He is two face. But really we are all people. Maybe he does what he does because of personal problems maybe because he is an only child, I had these thoughts all the way up the road. I went around the bend and then my bus stop was in view. I saw a person wandering back and forth.

As I got closer to the pacing figure I saw it was Tom. I Reached the intersection I looked both ways before crossing to get to the bus stop. I smiled at him when I caught his eye.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey. Hows the face?" He asked sincerely.
"Sucker headache but that'll teach me to aggravate an egomaniac with anger management issues." I joked.
"Hah yeah." He laughed.
"So which way first?"
"Which way gives you more talking time?"
"Pearson road..."
"Down McKenzie we go!"
"If you want talking time why not go down Pearson road?"
"Because we don't need much..."
"Um, okay...."
We crossed the road in silence and started down the hill. I didn't quite understand what was going to happen but I have a feeling that something will.
"Okay, what is the need of talking time?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Um, I wanted to talk to you about something that I have been feeling and I want to tell you but I don'k know how you'll feel about it...." He answered.
"Um okay." I felt the butterflies wake up in my stomach. "What is this feeling?"
"Um I don't really know, well that's a lie I do know how, to put it into to words."
"Oh of course! If it helps you I may feel the same way if its the feeling I'm thinking, actually hoping, it is. If that made sense.."
"REALLY!" He sounded so excited and happy.
"Okay well I'll just say it quickly then. I like you..." He mumbled.
The butterflies grew fiercer. I felt my breath catch in my throat and I started coughing wildly. I doubled over and fell to the ground. By now we had reached my driveway and I scuttled to under a tree that was nearby.
"Hey, are you okay?" He said rushing to my side.
"Yeah," I said, breathing normally again. "Just choking on air, as you do." I smiled at him.
He smiled and laughed. "So its not because of what I said?"
"Meh, well.... I wouldn't say that." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Oh...." He sat down beside me and his face fell to the ground.
"Because, funnily enough, I like you too..."I said watching him intently.
He looked my in the eyes as he smiled. "Really?"
His smile broadened. "So, what I gather from this is that we both like each other, a lot."
"And what makes you think I like you a lot?" I asked.
"Your reaction..."
"I choked on air! Yes I was shocked, but mainly I was just choking on air." I said crossing my arms.
"No need to lie."
I glared at him then smiled. Its too hard to stay mad at him. "Fine."
"I knew it!!" He laughed.
"So, where do we go from here?" I asked.
"I do not know." He replied.

The next part

When I got home my heart was beating so fast and my cheeks were burning. I kicked off my shoes and poured myself a cold glass of water.
"How was the walk?" Mum asked. She scared me so much I jumped spilling the water all over myself.
"Um, great." I said drying my shirt with a near by tea towel. "I'm just gonna go change..." I said. I placed my glass on the bench and walked past mum, trying not look at the curious look on her face.

I pulled a dry t-shirt over my head and brushed through my hair. I redid my ponytail and just stared at my reflection. I took in the state of my hair dripping on my shirt a little. My cheeks were as red as they felt. I just looked startled and a bit relieved. I walked out of the bathroom.


Publication Date: 10-06-2012

All Rights Reserved

To my best friend Jessie!! <3 ily gorgeous!

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