
The Bad Thing

I always knew this day would come. I didn't want it to but it did and it arrived so fast. I just sit here not moving, waiting outside her hospital room. My mind replays the events of the day. Why was life so cruel? Dad and Anna came back from the bathroom and joined me outside the room. Christian was in the corner silently sobbing to himself, and Steph was on the phone to her boyfriend, Ryan. Uncle Paul was quietly talking to Auntie Maria, Lucy and Ruby.

Today was bad. Like really bad. We haven't even told Grandma and I don't want to, and neither does Anna and Steph. Dad knows it has to be done but he doesn’t have the heart to tell her.
Earlier, Anna rolled into Dad's shoulder and started crying as we waited for the news. I looked over to Dad; his red, puffy eyes were filled with worry and pain. I got up and walked over to Christian. I sat down beside him and wrap my arms around him, hugging him tight. He rolled over in my arms to face me. He is so hurt and sad, it almost brought me to tears but I was still in shock.
"Is this real?" He murmured. "Did this really happen?" I couldn’t say anything so I just hugged him tighter.

Dr Mann came out of the room. Everyone but Christian and I stood up. Dr Mann looked tired and worn out. We all knew what happened but we didn't want it to be true.
"Is she…" Dad started, but he couldn't continue because he started to cry again.
"I am so sorry for your loss. We tried everything we could do, but it spread so fast and, well…"
This was when I stood up, interrupting her. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER? WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOME SURGERY OR SOMETHING? WHY, WHY?" I started to cry. While I was standing there like an idiot sobbing my eyes out Steph came over and hugged me tightly.

You see, what happened was mum had cancer, really bad cancer. Lung cancer or a tumour or something, I don't know. All I know is that it was bad, really bad. But the worst part wasn't her death, though that part was terrible, the worst part was all the suffering we saw her go through and us helpless. That was the worst.

Aunt Katie ran into the room. Her makeup was smeared and running down her face. "It isn't true? Tell me it isn't true!" she screamed. She searched our faces and shook her head.
Christian tried to be nice to her. He stood up, raggedly breathing with tears still streaming down his face, and walked over to her with his arms outstretched. "Do you want a hug?" he asked.
"Do I want a hug? Do I bloody look like I want a hug? Go away you filthy child. I hate you! You’re hers! Every time I look at you I'll think of her and cry!" She screamed at him.
"KATIE!" Paul yelled. I ran to Christian, who once again was crying. Katie turned her attention to Paul and stared at him icily. "Katie, you can't do that. We're all hurt and in pain. How do you think he is going to feel growing up without his mum? The fact that you turn his kind gesture away like a horrible insult is absolutely appalling", he lectured.
I scooped Christian up like he was a baby and walked over to Dad, who took Christian from my arms. Mum had always called Christian her late but special gift because she had had him a day after her birthday.

The Explanation

Steph got up. "I’ve gotta go. Ryan and Elise are outside." She exited the room, giving everyone hugs and kisses and avoiding Aunt Katie.
Steph is my older sister. She is 24, has recently finished university and has a daughter called Elise. Ryan, her boyfriend, is a charming man but I don't trust him. Anna is my 13 year old sister and Christian is my 2 (3 on Sunday) year old brother.
I am 17 years old and have golden brown hair. I'm speckled with freckles and have a huge family. My name is Lyhla Mason.

Dad walked over to a seat with Christian still in his arms. I looked over to Lucy and Ruby, my baby twin cousins. They had matching pigtails and spotted purple ribbons, purple and pink dresses and white knitted cardigans on.
Dr Mann was still standing there in the doorway. I walked over to her and asked "Can I see her?" She moved out of the doorway and I entered, closing the door behind me.

I had always remembered Mum with smiling red lips, rosy cheeks and wavy brown hair like Anna and Steph's. But now she lay there on the bed like a white manikin. Her once red lips were now a pale pink, her hair was now lifeless and there was nothing rosy about her cheeks. I choked on a sob when I realized that this was real and that she wasn't coming back. I walked over to the arm chair beside her bed and sat in it.
"So..." I started. Do people usually try to talk to dead loved ones? "That Cancer is a real pain in the ass, isn't it?" Do they try to make corny jokes as well? "I was wondering what I should get Christian for his birthday. I-". This is hopeless, I thought.

I'd never touched a dead person before. Maybe they wouldn't feel cold like everyone always said; maybe they'd feel normal, like room temperature. I reached out to hold her hand but I froze half way there. If I touched her and she wasn't warm that would mean she really was gone, wouldn't it? I couldn't bring myself to do it. I leaned back in the arm chair and sighed a long, tired sigh. Why was life like this?

The door handle clicked as it was being opened. I whipped my head around to see who it was. Anna was standing in the door way watching mum's body. Her lip started to tremble. I studied Anna as she stood there. Her bright green eyes didn't have their usual shimmer and her hair was flat and drooping down beside her face. I waved her over to sit with me in the chair. She shuffled over and squished in beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her shoulder. She started to cry too.

The drive home wasn't something we wanted to do. The car was empty now, and dirty. Dad had to fill out release forms and start organizing her funeral. I had to drive while dad called funeral homes.

The dinner conversation

"What day would be better, Saturday or Sunday?" Dad asked.
I rolled my to look at him. "Dad do you not remember what those days are?" I replied
Confusion swept across his face then realization hit. "Oh," he murmured.

Saturday was Mum's birthday and Sunday was christian's.

"So try Monday or Friday, no Friday." I said.
"Ok," he said dialling a number in his phone.

As I turned into the garage Christian let out a sob. Dad rolled his eyes. He couldn't handle anymore tears. Everyone got out of the car and I went around to get Christian out. Dad gave me a thankful smile and walked inside with Anna. I pushed the button to close the garage and locked the car. I walked through the door leading to the house.

"Hey Chris, you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded his head silently, so I strapped him into his high chair. I poured the tinned spaghetti into a pot and put it on the stove.

I put it in a bowl and grabbed Chris's plastic spoon and placed it in front of him. Anna shuffled into the kitchen and sat at the bench on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Dads gone to bed." She told me.
"Ok, I'm making a wrap. Do you want one?" I replied.

I made two chicken wraps and gave one to her. I placed mine opposite her and started to feed Chris.

"How are you?" I asked her.
"Terrible," She said. "You?"
"Horrific," I answered. I placed Chris's bowl in the sink and ate my wrap.
"I just can't believe this happened! UGH! We're going to have to clean the house and do the laundry, look after Chris. How did she do it all?" Anna complained.
"Yeah, she didn't have school but, well hopefully Steph will come and help out." I said.
Anna stared at me. "Do you really think she is gonna live in this house for about 2-3 months just to help us with household chores?"
"Yes and she could live in the garden cottage." I replied.
"Be realistic Ly, she has a family now!" She said.
"Doesn't mean she won't help us, her sisters, and Dad. Fill up the dishwasher please." I said getting the ice cream out of the freezer.
"But come on-"
"Want some ice cream?" I interrupted. She nodded, so I got out three bowls.
"Anyway,as I was saying, what about Elise and Ryan? They don't know this place and you know Ryan would prefer to get over this and move further away from us." She continued. I rolled my eyes and gave Chris his ice cream.
"So Ryan knows Steph needs to be with family. That means he can make an exception," I shot back.
"What about his work?" She challenged.
"The city is an hour away from here, he'll be fine," I retorted.
"You can't expect them to actually come, can you?" She asked. I handed her our bowls and got Chris out of his high chair.
"You know maybe you're right. Why would they want to be here with you?" I quipped as I walked out of the kitchen and she followed.
"You don't mean that do you?" She enquired.
"No Anna, I don't. I would never intentionally hurt you like that." I answered, "go get ready for bed."

Getting up to speed

I changed him into his pajama's and tucked him into his bed and pulled the blanket up to his chin and kissed him on the cheek. I turned on the monitors and took one. I smiled as I saw him curled up with his koala and the last of the tears for today on his face.

As I walked out of his room I turned the light off. I went into my room and opened the blinds and sat on my bed. I looked over to my phone and there were thirteen missed calls from Alice, my best friend. I lay on my bed as I listened to them.

"Hey Ly, its just me. How is it? Just call me when you get this." There were six like that.
"Lyhla seriously, this is serious now!! Where are you? Call me." Another three.
"Lyhla pick up the PHONE! I'm seriously worried." another three.
"Oh, I get it. Things must be really bad. just call me when you can. Remember, no matter how bad it this gets, I'm here. I'll always be. I love you Ly. Bye." This last one made me shed more tears.

I managed to get my breathing under control and dry the tears. I walked over to Anna's room and I knocked as I entered.

"Hey," she whispered. By the way she said that I could tell that she took what I said to heart.

I sat down next to her. "An, I really didn't mean what I said, I'm sorry I said it especially at a time like this."
"No its alright, I mean your gonna be on Christian all the time like mum and you'll have school stress. I'll help out more I promise and do really think Steph is gonna stay with us?" she said.
I hugged her. "I don't think, I hope." I kissed her on the head. "Night An," I smiled and walked out of her room.

I went into the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher. I was standing at the bench and grabbed the home phone. I dialled Steph's mobile number. It rang.

"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey Steph. Its me." I said.
"How are you kiddo?" She asked.
"Bad. How are you?"
"I'm better than before." She replied.
"Oh, hey I was wondering if you wanted to stay here for a while, to help so dad and us can start getting our lives back together?"
"Oh gee kiddo, Ryan has work Saturday and we gotta go back tomorrow."
"The funeral is on Friday." I said.
"And its Chris's birthday on Sunday." I said.
"Right, look kiddo I'd love to stay for Chris's birthday and I will stay for mum's funeral but Ryan has to work and we will have no where to stay. We just can't." She replied.
"Steph the city is an hour away from here and you guys can stay here." I said
"Look," she started
"No, you know what if you're not gonna tell me the truth, save your breath." I almost yelled, the anger was bubbling up inside of me.
"What truth kiddo?" She asked.
"You don't want to stay because of Ryan doesn't!" I said, "cause he never liked mum because she was so protective of you and he hated that."
"Ok, I'll come stay but for you guys, not to prove anything," she said
"Are you all coming?"
"I guess so." She replied.
"Ok thanks, will I see you tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yes kiddo, bye," She said.
"Bye," I put the phone back in the receiver.

Alice Hurtts

I stumbled down the hall to my room. I flopped onto my bed. I was so tired! I reached over for my phone. Two new texts. One was from Alice and the other was from Jason.

Alice's was so long. I'd better call her, I thought. I quickly dialled her number and she answered on the first ring.

"No, I'm the crazy pedo from the gas station. Of course its me." I replied.
"Oh my gosh, how are you? I've been trying your phone all day but you never answered. How is your mum? What happened?" she questioned.
"Alice! Stop ok!" I ordered, "I'm not good. I got your messages, all thirteen of them. She won't be making you ANZAC kisses anymore, that's for sure."
"Oh Ly, I am so sorry," she sympathized. "I'm here. You know you can tell me anything. I promise, and I won't judge you."
"Thanks. Her funeral is on Friday, Steph is coming over for a while. I just want things to get better. We haven't even told Grandma and she is gonna be so pissed," I explained. "Uncle Paul has been trying to get through to her but we can't reach her. I think she some how disconnected her phone. We're gonna have to go to her place and get her."
"That's a shame you can't contact her, have you spoken to Jason yet? He is really worried about you," she suddenly changed the topic. That's just like Alice, always talking about boys.
"I got a text before but I called you first." I answered.
"You should call him." she said.
"Ok, I'll get right on that, Bye bestie," I said
"Are you coming to school tomorrow? She asked.
"Probably not," I said. "Come by tomorrow afternoon if you want."
"Ok, I'll cya then. Bye bestie!" She said
"Bye." I pressed end call. Jason was a really good friend of mine although almost everyone of my friends knew he wanted more than just that with me. I'll just send him a text, I thought.

'Hey hope your alright.'

his text read.
'Yeah not so good, she has died :( Don't wanna go into it just now. Talk more tmw bye.'

I sent back.

I rolled over and cried myself to sleep, still hoping this wasn't real.

The next day

When I woke up the next day it was dead silent. I picked up Chris's baby monitor and crept out of my room. I peered around Anna's bedroom door, she was still sleeping. I wandered over to Dad's room, he was sitting on his bed flipping through their wedding album. I walked over and sat beside him on his bed.

"Hey poss," he sniffled.
"Are you better?"
"No," he said. "Thanks for helping with Chris."
"That's okay. I called Steph last night she said she would come and stay to help for a while." I told him.
"Oh ok."
"Want some breakfast?" I asked.
"No its alright. I gotta go with Paul to set up Mel's funeral." he said.
"Right. I've been thinking you should probably make it Monday, I mean she only died yesterday." I said.
"Or we could do it on Saturday."
I glared at him. "No, Alice might come by this afternoon." I whispered. "You should probably swing by Grandma's place today as well."
"Ok, will do. I'd better get ready."
"I'll go check on Chris and Anna is still sleeping," I said as I walked over to Chris's room.

I placed the monitor on the dresser and tiptoed over to him. His eyes fluttered open and he moaned.

"Want some brekkie?" I murmured, picking him up.
"Yes," he said sleepily.

I carried him into the kitchen and strapped him into his chair. I poured some milk in his sippy cup and placed it in the microwave. I pulled the pre-made pancake mixture into a bowl and stirred it. As I continued to make the breakfast my mind kept flitting from pancake making to mum. How she looked, how I almost held her hand for the last time. I tried to remember her with her smile, flashing her glistening white teeth but every time the images always went back to her lying on the bed in the hospital. The sheets covering up her body and her arm hanging over the edge of the mattress. The ding of the microwave snapped me out of my daze. I pulled the cup out and twisted the lid onto it and handed it to Chris, flashing him a tired smile.

"PANCAKES!" She yelled as she came bounding down the hall almost bursting with excitement.
"Yes Anna, maple syrup, butter, sugar and jam." I smiled. She was grinning ear to ear. She absolutely loved pancakes, it was her all time favourite breakfast. Her smile suddenly got washed away by a wave of sadness.
"Mum-" I saw the tears coming. I didn't want Christian to start crying again.
"No, come with me, hall way now." I interrupted dragging her out of the kitchen and into the hallway. "Anna we can't start the day like this for Christian, for Dad, for us. I know it is sad and really hard to wrap your head around that she is gone but this is what we have to do."
"Ok, I'm sorry but she always made the best velvety pancakes. I don't think I want any thanks." She said.
"Anna no. What, do you think I'm gonna poison you?" I joked. She smirked. "What was it Mum always used to say? 'When you fall off the horse the best thing to do is to get right back on.'" She nodded her head glumly.

We walked back into the kitchen.

"So who wants what on their pancakes?" I asked pouring some of the mixture into the pan on the stove.
"Maple syrup!" Chris exclaimed.
"Same," Anna agreed. She walked over to the cupboard and took the maple syrup back to the bench and pulled out the plates when the doorbell rang.

I glanced to Anna as I dished out a pancake each and put a slice butter on mine. She was talking to Christian and they both looked pretty happy for the first time in a month so I walked to the door. I opened the door to see a damp Steph and baby Elise in her arms and her luggage resting against her ankles.

"Hey guys," I said. Steph gestured for me to take Elise so I did. I had started to rain and they must have gotten a bit wet on their way over.
"Hey kiddo," she said giving me a hug and bumping the foyer table with her suitcase.
"So where is Ryan?" I asked.
"Which room am I in?" She asked dismissing my question.
"Yours," I replied. She nodded head and started towards it. I closed the door and smiled down at Elise. She was cute. Her strawberry blonde hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a shirt that said 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' with a picture of an apple with a worm in it, accompanied with jeans. She had cute, pearly blue eyes like mine.

I popped my head in the kitchen. "Hey An, can you make some pancakes for Steph and Elise please?" I asked.
"Yeah sure," she said smiling at Elise.
"Thanks," I winked at them and left.

I walked over to Steph's room where she was unpacking her suitcase and it looked like she was moving back in, to be honest. But with Steph you never know how much is too much or not enough. That's the problem with her.

Family confrontation

"Steph, where's Ryan?" I asked again.
"Beats me," she replied avoiding eye contact. I went over and sat on her bed.
"What happened?" I asked
"I told him last night that we were going to be staying here for a while for a while and he just lost it! He started shouting and saying I was to close to my family and I should be more like him, like very distant from you guys and have us all hating each other. I told him to stop shouting because he was troubling Elise and he got even louder like it was a problem we had her, like he resented her. I didn't understand why he was being like this so I told him to sit down so we could talk maturely about it." She explained as she sat down beside me, with tears starting to sprinkle out of her eyes.

I placed Elise in the Chris's old cot that was in Steph's room from when she first had Elise.

"I asked him what his problem was with my family and he said for us to really be 'US' that I should experience loosing my family like he did so we should leave and never come back and make no more contact. I was so shocked that I just stared at him, gasping at the thought of his last sentence. He looked at me and said he needed time. He packed his bag and left. I didn't know what to do or where to go so I packed or things, slept there, paid the bill this morning and came right over." The tears were gushing now.
"Oh, Steph," I consoled. I gave her a comforting hug. "You can stay here as long as you like. You could live here too," I joked. "I guess mum was right about him. I remember she told me after you introduced him to her, 'never trust a guy that gets you pregnant at twenty four.'" I giggled.
She glared at me, "right."
"Mummy?" mumbled Elise. We both looked at her and smiled. She giggled her cute baby giggle.
"So who is ready to try my pancakes?"

They followed me into the kitchen where Chris and Anna were waiting. Anna had had just served their pancakes and I noted the she had put sugar on mine.

"Hey guys!" Anna smiled reaching out for Elise. Steph and Anna weren't the as close as me and Anna or as I am with Steph, Although I'm not really close with Steph, none of us are. Its because of her disruptive past. Steph handed her over reluctantly because, well, she disliked Anna as much as Anna disliked her. Steph sat down next to Chris. I handed Steph hers and Elise's pancakes and placed Chris's in front of him. Anna placed on the seat between her and Steph and I cut up Chris's pancake and placed a small dish of maple syrup next to it.

"How are you Anna?" Steph asked uneasily feeding Elise. Chris and I glanced at each other with doubt in our eyes.
"Average," she said timidly keeping information about her to herself. I know if I asked her she would tell me the truth. Not wanting to be rude, she gave Steph a friendly smile that is normally saved for polite strangers.
"Going to school today An?" I asked wanting to change the subject and shoving some sweet buttery deliciousness in my mouth.
"I've missed the bus," she replied shortly.
"I could drop you off, Chris needs stuff and Elise will some too." I said.
She gave me a pleading look. "I don't want to go,"she muttered dropping her head.
"Its okay, you don't have to go." I said.
"Thanks," she replied, placing her plate in the dish washer. Steph scoffed and Anna shot her a cold glare as she shuffled out of the room.
Steph shook her head. "Is she alright?" Steph asked.
"No," I replied "none of us are."
"Some are better than others." she said.
"Are you saying your great and happy and nothing can spoil your mood? And that I should force Anna into going to school?" I said anger rising up inside in me.
"I didn't say that. All I'm saying is don't be a pushover or her." She warned.
"That's not fair. If you were saying this a month from now I would agree. She died yesterday Steph, yesterday and her funeral is soon. Don't sit there and tell me that I can't support her by giving time to understand all this. Oh and no offence but your in no place to say what is good for Anna and what isn't," I said.
"Ly, clam down your scaring Elise." she said picking up Elise.
"Don't say stupid things in places where they're not needed. That's typical Steph though isn't it? She's coming back isn't she? Back in her home where she had the most power. Why can't you break down in tears? You're not made of stone you know, show me that you're normal, like everything has changed since we all thought you had. Newsflash Steph nothing is the same!" I yelled.
"Lyhla, shut up would you. This is hard on me, don't you understand that. Oh and I have changed. Having a child does that to a person." she snapped.
"Well its like that for everyone you know. Your not the only person who feels like their life has been taken away and smashed to pieces right in front of our eyes. Loosing your mother does that too."

Sisterly feuds

"LYHLA SHUT THE HELL UP!" Steph yelled at me.
"Anna was right, you shouldn't have come, you haven't lived or spoken to us in three years so I wouldn't expect you to understand. Go if you want, I don't care anymore. Join Ryan, you fit his criteria for an 'US' now. It'll make him happy but for him to really and truly be happy with you, he'll want you to get rid of someone else in your life first." I said glancing at Elise.
"My god Lyhla! I'm only here to help and you won't even except my first attempt at assisting. Why won't you listen to me?" She complained.
"Because first of all, your wrong. And because your making it all about you. When you left we could talk about out feelings together. We didn't have to focus on the one person." I pointed directly at her and Christian started to cry. I had forgotten he was there. He had had his fingers in his ears. I went over and got him out of his high chair.
"Its ok, its ok, I'm sorry, so sorry." I soothed. I kissed him on top of his head and hugged him tightly. I placed him on his feet. "Go to your room ok, I'll be in soon." with that he toddled out of the room.
"Is it really ok?" Steph asked.
"No, but I'm managing myself, Anna and Chris the best I can. Dad is busy and I'm not going to full on burden him with Anna, Chris and myself and other stuff." I replied.
"What Stuff?"
"Anna, Chris, house chores, gardening chores - so they place doesn't look uninhabitable-, meals, you."
"Me? Why would I be burdening him?" she sounded offended, typical attention lover.
"With your emotional dramas and problems you fabricate out of thin air." I scoffed.
"Lyhla you have no bloody idea. Oh and every single time I complained, something was wrong." she started.
"What things? 'OH! I broke a nail! MUM!'or 'DADDY! Aaron hugged me goodbye! go and tell him to apologize!' Those things?"
"STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" Anna yelled from the door way. She scared me so much I almost jumped out of my skin and we both turned to face her. "Please, stop. This is ridiculous. This is why I didn't want you to let her come here. She'll tear our relationships apart!"
"Anna, Anna, calm down. I'm sorry. Really I am." I said hugged her.
"That's what you said before." Steph murmured playing with Elise's hair.
"Steph, don't." I said whipping my head around just to glare at her.
"Why did-" I pointed to the doorway.
"Anna, I'm sorry. I'm tired and flustered and stressed. I'm sad and all I want to do is have mum come and wrap her arms around me and allow me to cry into her and I know that sounds stupid and it pains me that I can't do that. I want to that so much that I feel like I could break down at any moment, but I don't for you. I put on a brave face and a smile so you guys can feel better." I explained, I could hear all the emotions seeping into my voice and it made me start to shake.
"No Ly, I'm sorry. I should have told you upfront that there was no way I would want her royal toxicness around. I just knew that when she came back she would transform back to the 'old Steph'. The one phone call every six months to complain to mum was all I could really handle. I mean she basically ruined our lives before and you knew that so I don't know why you called her... Probably thought she had changed but come and be realistic about it." She said.
"You got me. That's what hope does to me." I gave her a worn out smile and reached out to hug her.
"You guys really don't know how to talk quietly do you? I heard my name so I came out here to hear 'I just knew that when she came back she would transform back to the 'old Steph'. The one phone call every six months to complain to mum was all I could really handle. I mean she basically ruined our lives before'" Steph was leaning against the door frame.
"Anna, take Elise and go and check on Chris for me." I ordered. She gave me a pleading look. "Go Anna." Soon she shuffled down the hall down the hall with Elise on her hip.
"So, what are you gonna say? Tell me its okay and apologize?" she mocked.
"Wipe that smug smirk off you face. Just because your older doesn't mean you can act like a bitch, just because you destroyed our childhoods doesn't me you have to be a freaking jerk 24/7. And no, you can go if you want. I know I should have listened to Anna. You can stay and ruin our 'teenagehoods' or you can stay under certain conditions." I said looking her in the eye. I walked straight past her into the kitchen and started to clean up breakfast.
"What are your conditions?" she enquired.
"First, you don't complain unless its worth complaining about. So nothing about your looks love life, unless its really important, mani-pedi's how you can't work technology or anything you used to badger us with. Secondly, focus on the bigger picture of our family and other people than yourself, like Dad." I explained.
"What will you do if I go?"
"Carry on. We may struggle but not because your not here because we're gonna realize that most the little things mum did we took for granted. We will survive though." I answered truthfully.
"I try not be that way," she mumbled. "I didn't think it was so bad."
I closed the dishwasher and looked up at her. "Well it is." I said bluntly.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"I'm sorry too," I looked her straight in the eyes again.
"Hugs?" I nodded and buried myself in her arms.
"I love it when your like this, Steph." I admitted
"I love you too." She laughed.
"Things aren't better with Anna and that is something your gonna have to try and fix everyday." I warned.
"I know. I don't understand what her problem is though," she said. I just rolled my eyes.

What Anna did to Chris under stress

"I WANT LYHLA!" A scream came from the end of the hall where Chris's room is. I ran down towards it and bursted through the bedroom door.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Anna was saying she was crunched up in the corner. As soon as she saw me she ran straight into my arms.
"What happened?" I asked. Elise was sitting on the bed gurgling. Steph came in right behind me and went straight to her searching her for any signs of harm.
"I just couldn't handle it and well..." I looked over to Chris. Tears were once again streaming down his face. He had his arms outstretched towards me. There was a large cut down his forearm and crimson blood was seeping and sliding down his arm.
"Anna, how and why did you do that?" I asked rushing to his aid with handfuls of tissues.
"I'm sorry. I can't really explain it. I was anxious and nervous and he kept clutching my leg and crying my name." She said.
"So you, you hit him?" I asked. Chris's screams were getting louder and louder.
"No I grabbed what I could reach and it just happened to be scissors. I'm sorry," she answered.
"Anna what are you meant to do when your mad? Take a breath, turn around and count to five. Ok go to your room. I'll be in there soon." I said. She nodded her head glumly and walked out of the room.
"Whats wrong with her?" Steph asked.
"She has anxiety issues and can't handle stressful situations well and anger is almost nearly uncontrollable for her." I replied
"Uhh, you." I said.
"Me?" she asked, surprised. I just rolled my eyes at her. "Sorry, I'm doing it again aren't I?" I nodded.
"Aw Chris, are you ok?" I sighed.
"No!" He cried even louder this time.

I leaned down and scooped him up and placed him on the table in the room. I cleaned the blood away. The cut wasn't that big and not deep enough to need stitches. I ripped open a band aid and placed it over the cut.

"All better bub?" I smiled. He sniffled as he nodded. "Ok, wanna watch some TV?"
"Yes, please."
I picked him, his blanket and his koala up and walked to the TV room. I turned on the TV and put The Lion King

on. I wrapped him in his blanket and he snuggled up to his koala.

"Do you want some milk?" I smoothed his hair and rubbed his arm.
"Yes please," he mumbled.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled the milk out of the fridge. God, we need to go to the shops, I thought. I poured it into his sippy cup and twisted the lid back on. I placed it in the microwave.

"Chris is watching The Lion King

, do you want to allow Elise to sit with him and watch it as well. I asked as I saw Steph enter the kitchen clutching her phone and baby.
"Ok, I gotta go get some stuff from the shops. Will you watch her for me?" she said.
"Sure. Oh and can you get these for me?" I ripped the list off the notepad and handed it to her.
"Yes I can... How long has it been since you last shopped?" She asked reading the list.
"3 weeks." I replied, "you can use Dad's account considering its household stuff."
"Right. Cya Elise, mummy will be home soon. Cya later kiddo." She said glancing at me as she walked towards the for.
"Um, Steph?"
"What?" She turned around to face me.
"I can't watch Elise if she isn't here now can I?" I replied holding Chris's sippy cup.
"Oh haha right." She laughed awkwardly.
She handed me Elise and walked out the door.
"I worry about your mum." I said to Elise.

I walked into the TV room. I placed Elise in the armchair with a pillow and gave Chris his milk.

Helping Anna

I opened the freezer grabbed the chocolate ice cream, or what was left of it, grabbed two spoons and headed for Anna's room. I stood outside her door and heard muffled sobs floating out through the gap under the door. I softly turned the door knob and opened the door.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" I said cooly.
"Well, my mum is gone, my sister is absolutely crazy, my brother doesn't trust me I'm actually pretty sure he hates me. The only good things right now are you, dad and our secret ice cream chats." She sobbed.
I handed her a spoon and jumped on her bed landing right opposite her. "And Bella, Ally, Turner and Trent." I said shoving my spoon in my mouth.
"Not anymore," she sniffled.
"Why do you say that?"
"Uhh, because they said so, well at least Bella did. Trent, Ally and Turner just don't have the guts to stand against her." She answered.
"Personal reasons."
"Who else you gonna tell?" I asked and she nodded. "Did you assure them that you were ok, and you weren't mad them or anything?"
"No?" she said.
"There's a problem. Why didn't you?" I enquired.
"Because when I wasn't at the hospital crying, I was here crying. If not by her bed savouring every last moment with her." She replied.
"An, number one rule to a friendship: communication, assurance and contact." I said.
"There are exceptions."
"No there aren't. If you don't get to text before you go to sleep, send one first thing when you wake up. You'd better call them." I said.
"Why? They hate me. I'm not available 24/7." She snapped.
"If you didn't have your mobile I would except that excuse, as would your friends. But guess what sunshine you do!" I quipped.
"For emergencies only."
"Then don't give them the number."
"I don't want to loose my friends. I can't," she whimpered.
"Want some help?" I offered taking a fairly large scoop of ice cream.
"Give me your phone." I ordered.
"What? No, you have your own." She said.
"Come on! for this plan to work we need to go back to square one." I said.
"You're annoying." She said handing me her phone.
"Ok. Now your going to call, message or whatever to tell your friends why you haven't made any contact for ages and you're going to apologize." I explained finishing off the ice cream.
"What?" She asked.
"Do you and your friends have Facebook?" I wondered.
"Yeah but I lost my laptop," she confessed.
"When? Better yet how?" I asked.
"Last month. I put it somewhere and I forgot where." she explained.
"Ok, you'll have to call them." I said.
"Can I do it later? They'd all be at school." She looked up at me.
"Don't put it off to long." I warned.
"Yeah, ok," she replied.
"Ok, put these away." I said shoving the empty ice cream container with the spoons into her hands.
"You're mean." She glared at me.
"I know. Now get in there and work." I said.
Her glare hardened as I waltzed past her to exit the room.
"Oh and can you check on Chris and Elise, thy're watching TV. Thanks." I thanked her.
"Yeah sure," she responded.

I skipped into my room enlightened by now knowing whats wrong with Anna. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and turned it on. Just then I heard a car pull into the garage.
"LHYLA!" Dad yelled.
I looked up from my phone. "WHAT?" I yelled back.
I shoved my phone in my jeans pocket and ruched out of my room.
"Whats going on?" Anna asked joining me in the hall.
I shrugged my shoulders and she followed me towards the yelling.
"What is it dad?" I asked. I took a long look at him. His face was so red with anger it was purple.
"Did you tell Steph to use my money - all of it by the way - and runaway?" As he talked he spat.
"No... She went to buy some groceries for us and I said to use your account because it was stuff for all of us." I answered
"And did you tell her that I said I hate what she has done with her life, not to mention ours?"
"No, you said that to me in confidence. I wouldn't break your trust." I replied.
"Well she has done exactly that!"he said running his hands through his hair in worry.
"But..." I started.
"What?" Dad asked, exasperated.
"She left Elise here..."

Steph's plan


Editing: princessangeline
Publication Date: 09-11-2012

All Rights Reserved

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