Happy New Years
It's a new year and like the rest of the world who needs to make new years resolutions to get out more and enjoy life when you can just sit at home and cap 27/7!
With so much going on in the capping world there needs to be someone there to report it which is where the Daily Capper comes in!We report on what's going on in the capping world and while we can't get to all of it but here's what you can expect in this issue!
2009 Capper Awards Results-
Everyone voted and now see who the winners are!
Interview with Cam Whore/Capper of the Year-
The two biggest honors of the 2009 Capper Awards have been given and we have the interviews with the winners!
Cam Whore of the Month-
Threw out the magazine the top 5 Cam Whores for the month of January 2010 will be named
Tinychat 404 Count-
Just how many rooms has Tinychat 404'd this month?We have the numbers and the rooms so you can find out yourself!
Center of Attention:Coke-
This month we make Coke the Center of Attention and put him on the spotlight!
Internet Hero-
What would cause someone to become an Internet Hero and what exactly is one like?We attempt to figure that out!
Legend of Verica-
Who is this Verica person?Is it truly the most epic of epic of all time or is it just a made up character in the head of a sadistic viper?
Highlight Reel-
A short spotlight of some of this months events in the form of minni-games and quizzes!
All this and much more!
2009 Capper Awards Results:
Cam Whore of the Year:
Capper of the Year:
Hero of the Year:
Blackmailer of the Year:
Most Annoying 2009:
Faction of the Year:
Cappers Clubhouse
Tinychat Room of the Year:
Cam Site of the Year:
Public Site of the Year:
AnonIB Stickam Removes Private
Shocker of the Year:
Worst Scum 2009:
In total there was 3834 votes placed in the awards
On average there was 300-400 votes each category
Cam Whore of the Month
Nominee #1
Charmander came in 4th place in the 2009 Cam Whore of the Year award and this month she looked to fight for her right to be #1 this year
She has taken pride in her 4th place victory although others will argue she's a worthless peace of trash that needs to be taken out.
Like a true hard working cam whore will do she has joined in many show-offs with other cumdumpsters from /b/
With everything she has done this month she deserves a second shot at getting #1 of something for once!
Charmander January Pics
Charmander makes signs for
Chair and his room
Charmander and Shroom January 11
Char/Dogs/Blarg w/ Sharpies January 6
Tinychat 404
This year tinychat has not stopped with the closing of capper and win rooms but just how many rooms have been 404'd in the month of January alone?We've been keeping count and while we don't know every single room that has been 404'd here are the statistics;
January 1-
10 example:thisthread
January 2-
4 example:graciegenocyde
January 3-
8 example:cupcaketv2
none (That we know of)
January 5-
6 example:horny-teens
January 6-
8 example:thisisit
January 7-
January 8-
January 9-
January 10-
3 example:girlsgirls
January 11-
4 example:titsorgtfo99
January 12-
January 13-
5 example:chubtime
Tinychat 404
)Note:While tinychat may have not 404'd a whole room they still banned many users on cam)
January 14-
3 example:bas
January 15-
January 16-
January 17-
January 18-
January 19-
January 20-
January 21-
January 22-
4 example:moar
January 23-
6 example: rightnow
January 24-
6 example:rightnao
January 25-
5 example: 2hjfe
January 26-
3 example:returnofcsb
January 27-
4 example: linkit
January 28-
9 example:r1tenow
Tinychat 404
January 29-
22 example:lilchappy1
January 30-
33 example:EVERYTHING
Remember we have not been in every room this month on Tinychat but all together that makes over 100 rooms that have been 404'd in the month of January!
And while they haven't 404'd every room imagine how many people have been cam banned this month!
We asked Tinychat owner Dan about this and in responce from Tinychat:
"We are actively disabling rooms that stream child pornography, lewd conduct, or otherwise lewd behavior.
Thank you for reporting this to us."
So the question is with the way things have been going the last couple days will February be even worse for the capping community?
Highlight Reel
January 1-7
Can you name any of these popular moments and put them in order??7
The Answers:
Pic #1 - baileyhauck1 / January 1
The first stickam in 2010 featuring a 3 way couple getting down together for hours before getting b&
Pic #2 - graciegenocyde / January 3
Two whales getting banned from Stickam then going to tinychat for hours before 404
Pic #3 - girlinhotel / January 2
Tinychat girl teasing for a room of 300,the room was never 404'd and she was never banned
Pic #4 - kaymel / January 3
Two friends from Stickam moved to tinychat
Pic #5 - BTV Junior Whore / January 5
An asian girl who has been blocked from BTV Junior a lot this month for teasing
Pic #6 - meow_x / January 7
2 sisters from Stickam moved to tinychat
Pic #7 - Blarg & OP / January 6
After getting banned from thisisit Blarg found a 4chan room and joined OP on cam
Pic $8 - kingcourtdawg / January 3
Three girls from Stickam
Cam Whore of the Month
Nominee #2
Though she was not a nominee for the Cam Whore of 2009 she has been taking the year 2010 by storm!Apaearing in what seems to be every tinychat room!
Always open to new challengers,Dogs has competed with the likes of EB,Blarg,Omni,Veritas,among many others.
She may not be the smartest cracker...I mean cookie in the jar,but she has got the personality factor
Her videos on CamWins and Motherless are a hit!Even her Xtube video which gained 13,000 views before deleted
With all she's done this month she's arguably a candidate for Cam Whore of the Month
Dog January Pics
Almost caught by mom
Dogs and Charmander <3
Dogs & Blarg
This issue is sponsored in part by:
"Because there's no win, like Cam Wins"
Become a member today!
Internet Heroes
We've all know about these internet super heroes but just what is it that makes an internet hero?
We asked the three biggest heroes of 2009 to explain their motivations,however only one of them wrote back
We asked the 3rd Place Hero of the Year yourbeingrecorded a few questions to better understand the situation,here is the interview:
Q:First and most important,when and how did you decide you wanted to be a hero?
To make a long story short,I realized at a point that there was so much that other people could be doing to "hero" and help spread the right message that wasn't being done.Not to many people knew what it would take to get threw to someone other then spamming "YOUR BEING RECORDED" So I came up with other ideas to try and help others understand and work to prevent some of the things from happening and it's been a duty ever since.
Q.What exactly do you get from heroing and why do it?
Well it just started to become more of a responsibility after a while.There's really no one else that knows so much about this type of stuff that's trying to educate people about it,it's like a psychology thing and I want the right people to know.I've done a lot of testing and thinking of ways to educate people more people about it and found a lot of girls will be relieved or thankful if handled the right way.
Q.It seems as though you take the job almost too seriously,what do you really have to prove?
The problem I think is that there aren't enough people taking it seriously and that's why i made the guide for heroing so maybe the right person can find it and use it when needed.I'm pretty much just trying to prove how big of a problem it is and get others to wise up to it.
Q.Do you hero because you hate girls in general?
LOL it has nothing to do with that.In fact more then anything it has more to do with I do like them and personally I hate when they get taken advantage of.I know a lot of girls do show because they want to not because they're being brainwashed but there's a lot that are gonna be devastated if they do show and get recorded so I'm trying to prevent that.Will every single girl I tell listen?No,I know that but the ones that do will be very grateful.
Q.What is the whole point your youtube videos and what other videos are you planning?
The point is to pretty much reveal everything about capping and show people the way things work for the ignorant people who think it's some kind of joke.I have a lot of videos ready that I just need to edit and decide what order it'll be in but I'm working on more relevant videos such as how you can tell fakes on stickam and maybe even personal video messages directed at specific girls
Q.You obviously put a lot of thought into heroing,where do you get all these ideas from?
Myself?It doesn't take much thinking it just comes to me a lot of the time in different situations I think "Ok this won't work,what will?"Then I come up ideas and characters for it.
Q.We all know you use a lot of different tactics for heroing,how many tactics do you really have?
Pretty much something for every situation and a lot of strategy behind them.I think of something new everyday but don't really try much of it unless a situation comes up but I balance it out.I know when something works or not.
Q.How do you really feel about cappers?
They're ignorant,what they don't seem to understand is it's not a game.I don't expect them to learn though.They'll always be to pathetic to realize they're giving up on life.
Q.What is your feeling on girls who show?
Depends.Either the girl needs to know the risks or she needs to be banned.A part of me thinks girls like Flipsie should be put on spotlight for what they are,just in a clean way that shows the person she is.
Q.Lastly,What do you have to say to other heroes out there?
Um...Keep up the good work?!If your doing it right then your doing a great service trust me.
Highlight Reel
January 8-14 Capper Quiz!
1.Which of these popular Cappers was capped and posted on AnonIB?
A. Chucky
B. Coke
C. rorA
2.Which pair of cum dumpsters had a double bate on tinychat?
A. Tewi & EB
B. Omni & Panzemaus
C. Reisen & Anon
3.Which of these tinychat rooms featured the performance of a Stickam whore,Charmander,and EB?
4.Which of these tinychat girls have not made out on cam?
A. awesomegirls11
C. 3boredgirls
B. - Coke was capped as a
loop and that loop was
posted on AnonIB as a .rar
C. - Reisin & Anon in a
passworded tinychat room
A. - It was in Shroombabyxd room
created by a Stickam girl herself
C. - 3boredgirls were the only
of the 3 choices that didn't make out
How many people have been able to go one day of their life in the last 6 months without hearing of the legendary Verica?Not many!But just who is she?
The man who has been stalking her for years explains to us that she is the sister of his girlfriend (don't say you've never had thoughts about your girlfriends sister)
who was blackmailed and posted online.
For months Viper has been on the hunt for the caps but has only been teased and taunted to the point where he has turned to heroing and annoying everyone.
The desperate Viper is now offering a $100 paypal reward to the first person who can deliver her collection.Can anyone find the missing Verica and win the $100 reward?
Cam Whore of the Month
Nominee #3
Another cam whore who has been taken to high levels by other cappers and cam whores
She has competed against fellow cam whores and femanons from all over and has overcome blackmail
Using her signature "Blarg Roll" she has rolled all over over tinychat and made a long lasting impact
Though she continues to be hoarded without purpose,Blarg has earned a shot to be the Cam Whore of the Month
Blarg January Pics
Dogs and Blarg on Tinychat
Blarg and Op on Tinychat
Charmander,Dogs,and Blarg on Tinychat
Interview with the Capper of the Year
Q.So what are your thoughts on being the 2009 Capper of the Year?
Sweet i guess. Didnt really know i won until now.
Q.A lot of people have said you don't cap,just archive videos posted on anonib and reup them.So do you ever cap yourself and if so how much of what you post is your own?
I do a little of both. I came across AnonIB and a few sites like it about a year ago and i liked it but got tired of the continious begging for reups.
I was a big fan of rschan before it went down and i liked the idea of backing everything up and i thought there needed to be an alternative to _stick so i created _stickbackup and the response was good so i continued with it. But before that someone floated an idea of backing everything up in torents and i liked the idea so i started the T series torrents. People seemed to like those as well so i- -kept em coming.
Eventually _stickbackup got shut down tho and i still haven't had word as to why but oh well Chair agreed to merge _stick with _stickbackup so i have a little work ahead of me but i think i can return _stick to _stickbackup's glory.
As for OC, most of it winds up in the torrents because im honestly just too lazy to up everything to sharing sites.
I upped a few to camwins.com to try and get that site going tho.
Q.Indeed,you contribute tremendously to the anonib board which is why your an admin of the site correct?By the way when did you first become an anonib admin and how did it happen?
Well i am not admin. I'm a global mod. After I started _stickbackup people started flooding to my board and it was working out well. Then AnonIB went down for those couple weeks and i tried to continue it on imageboards4free but that site is shit, i could post granny porn there and people would report it as cp. So i was about ready to give up with it but AnonIB came back and me and K got to work bringing SBU back. I dropped my email in there for reports and eventually chair and Rob got ahold of me. Chair was wondering if I could help mod _stick and Rob was giving me a hand setting up SBU. One day i just asked if he needed another global and i was set up within the next hour.
Q.So as a global mod on anonib,what is it like moderating such a huge board and what are some of your responsibilities?
Just watch for illegal posts such as cp or for spam. I also get alot of emails from people or copyright holders that want their images taken down.
Q.Which of the current boards on anonib do you spend the most time on and how do you spend that time?
Probably stick or tnr. And probably the same way every other anon spends time on AnonIB. Looking for new content.
Q.Well a lot of mods on the board get accused of hoarding or deleting posts not because of the violation of TOS but to keep others from getting it,what is your answer to this and have you ever done this yourself?
I know i've never done that and i highly doubt K or chair have but i guess anything is possible. You also have to remember tho if someone contacts us with proof and they want their images removed we have to act.
Q.There are also rumors swirling around that the anonib mods have their own private boards,do you a response to this?
If there is one send me the URL. I've never seen one.
Q.Speaking of mods,which anonib mod would you say you have have the best relationship with and why?
Well K started modding SBU with me not long after it was created, but probably K or chair as i talk with both of them fairly often.
Q.Apart from moderating anonib,what other related work do you spend time on? (such as browsing stickam)
Actually not much at the moment, I've slowed down with pretty much all internet activity for the time being because im just too fucking busy.So if you don't see any posts from me for days at a time that is why.
Q.Last question,do you have any predictions for this year on what your future might hold?
In all honesty im hoping stickam admin are gonna give their heads a shake and bring back private rooms but besides that... I guess i've been hoping for a caseyface/paige dyke out or double bate for a while now. One day the dream might come true.
We can only hope that dream will soon become a reality!Anyway we'd like to that the 2009 Capper of the Year for his time
As for Caseyface we attempted an interview over last weekend and we have the response later!
Highlight Reel
January 15-21
Word Scramble!
Hint.French blonde 4chan chick
rocky ben xxdexx
Hint: (January 21) Emo Stickam girls who's name is also a band
isnt in rik
Hint: Tinychat regular who's not as popular as other cam whores
ban sexx in tuctio
Hunt: Blogtv girl who was brought to tears after being recorded
Hint: (January 17) Two girls from tinychat that lasted hours before being banned
get a nurf xl
Hint: Appears wherever Coke is and goes on cam after a tinychat ban
warn wub
Hint: Stickam cam whore who has been trying to fit in with femanons
Word Scramble!
Can you make your own word scrambles?!
Cam Whore of the Month
Nominee #4
This month EB has showed the world she's more then just another pretty face!
EB and Jewchan in a chan room
EB & Charmander
The Center of Attention:
w/t Coke
Name: Brandon
Alias: Coke
Age: 19
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Hometown: The Internet
Occupation: Elite Capper
Hobbies: Trolling / Capping
Accomplishments: CCH member / Most Annoying 2009
Love Interest: Laurenxfgt
Enemies: White Knights / Klanackle
Allies: Chair
# of Wins: over 9000
# of Failis: under 10,000
Addictions: Hardcore Child Porn
Allergies: Heroes
Fears: getting v& / Failing
Now you know Coke.
Highlight Reel
January 22-31
Who am I?
A:I'm the new 4hds mod.I'm known to hoard.I almost retired this month.
Who am I?
B:I always do show for you guys.I'm very popular.My mom walked in on me while I was showing.
Who am I?
C.I love to annoy people.No one likes my name.I've been using a loop of TaylorLOLZ.
Who am I?
D.I own the rightnow rooms.I'm known to hoard.I love Coke.
Who am I?
E.I'm a huge troll.I've hacked several stickam accounts to play loops this month.I love golf.
Who am I?
F.I'm a hero.I haven't been as successful as I was last year.I hate sluts.
Who am I?
A: rorA
C: IRecordgirlsFlashing
D: Chair
E: Coke
F: Matt/hatt
This month has been filled with numerous ups and downs and rises and falls!Though we haven't mentioned everything this month we can only look into the future as we count down the months for the 2010 Capper Awards!
Cam Whore of the Year interview:
We tried to contact the 2009 Cam Whore of the Year for a short interview for our magazine and this is the response!
Jan. 31, 2010 @ 12:33AM
RE: Interview
yes, it would be an honor :) an honOr with an O :) i believe you misspelled it.
We sent in some questions but never got a response,then we found out it would be a pointless interview as she has her own site where you can ask her your own questions!
Have a Happy
Valentines Day!
Because no one likes to be alone on Valentines Day!
Get out and find that special someone and get laid already!
Publication Date: 02-04-2010
All Rights Reserved