
It was like any other day I woke up, got dressed, and started walking to school. "Tasha! Tasha! Earth to the DREAMQUEEN!" said my best friend Kylie "I asked you if you wanna hang out after school." I look at my friend for a few seconds then answer,"Nah I gotta meet my parents at that new place downtown."" Downtown but you don’t have a car. How are you gonna get there?"" I thought I'd just walk." " Walk! Yea ok just walk through the worst part of town. Nice knowing you Tasha." " Oh shut up. I'll be back tomorrow for your party." "OK!! Don’t forget my present this time." " That was one time. Anyway I'll text you later. BYE!!" I was half way to the place I needed to meet my parents at when I started to hear someone following me. Every time I turned around I saw nothing " Tasha there is nothing there you are just paranoid because of what Kylie said." As I told myself that I saw someone walking over to me," Hi why is a pretty girl walking alone in the dark around these parts. Hasn’t anyone told you that this is a bad area." says the stranger." Yea my friend warned me and I'm going to go meet my parents about a block away from here" I said. Once I said that the stranger started to grin and came closer to me. I didn’t know what to do so I just started to run. Of course of all days today I had to leave my phone at home. Next thing I know someone or something falls on me and bites me then everything goes black...
I'm A What?!
The next morning I awoke in an unfamiliar room with a familiar person sitting in a chair beside me." Hi. Sorry about last night I haven’t fed in days and you were the first person I saw. But I was kind enough to let you live. My name is Brandon by the way. What’s yours?" said Brandon." Hi, my name is Tasha. I really should be going.Thnx for not killing me though." As soon as I said that I ran out the room looking for an exit. I ran out the door and down the street as fast as I could. I turned the corner and there he was waiting for me, " Tasha unfortunately you can’t leave." " Why !? Why can’t I leave I have a life unlike you." "Tasha now you have a new life. The life of a vampire. And you must stay with me so I can teach you." " Teach me what? How to bite? Ooh so hard." " Tasha it isn’t that simple. I have to teach you much more like how to find a soul mate." " A soul mate I already have one his name is Danny. He’s probably out looking for me now just like my parents." " Tasha I told your parents that they shouldn’t worry that they will see you in a few days perfectly safe. They also told your precious Danny. So please just come back with me so you can learn how to survive." " Fine."

For the next four days Brandon taught me everything from how to kill to how to cover it up and dispose of the body. " Brandon, how come in a house with 5 bedrooms I have to share one with you?" " Because I know that you’ll try to escape." " But I have to go get stuff from my house and see my friends. After all you did say I could see them in a few days. Please please let me go you can come with." " Fine but no funny business." " I promise."
When I got home my parents were thrilled, Kylie wouldn’t stop hugging me, and I broke up with Danny. " Tasha sweetie why would you break up with me?" " Danny I think I love someone else." I said that while looking at Brandon and he smiled. " Tasha I'm just happy your back in time for my party at 3. Come dress shopping with me you can even go and by my present knowing that you haven’t bought it yet" said my best friend Kylie. " Kylie I haven’t had time to get you a present but I'll take you up on that offer. We can even find some nice clothes for Brandon." After that Brandon looked kind of worried. " Brandon there is nothing to worry about. This is a classy party so everyone needs to dress nice." said Kylie and me at the same time.

At the mall while Kylie tried on dresses and Brandon tried on tuxes, I went to find Kylie the perfect present. I went in her favorite store Booksamillion and bought her the newest series of books " The best life" it was a romance series and those were her favorites. After I got them wrapped I went back to the store I left Kylie and Brandon at. As I got there Kylie walked out in a beautiful and elegant gown and Brandon came out in his tux. " Wow!! You guys look great." Both respond," Thanks." " Tasha now you have to find your perfect dress", says Kylie. As they waited I went to find my perfect dress. It was beautiful , long, and a combination of my two favorite colors black and red. As I walked out of the dressing room Kylie screamed and said I looked beautiful and Brandon's mouth dropped and he was speechless. So all of us checked out and went back to Kylie's house to get ready. Brandon waited in the living room while Kylie and me finished getting ready. We walked out of her room and to the party.

We had a great time and when the party was over Kylie and I said our goodbyes. " Kylie I wish I could stay but I cant. I'll text you every day and you better keep me informed." " I will Tasha I'm gonna miss you." " I'm gonna miss you to." " Girls we gotta go. Kylie it was nice meeting you and Tasha can see you next weekend." Brandon said annoyed. Brandon and I got in the car and went to my parents house to get the rest of my stuff and to say goodbye.

For the next six hours Brandon didnt say a word to me." Brandon why arent you talking to me?" "At your parents house you said you loved me and I havent told you how to find a soulmate yet." " So tell me instead of being silent!" " Ok you have to drink they're blood and I'm not ready." " Why not? You dont love me back." " Thats not it. Its just..." " Its just what Brandon." " Drop it! I'm not talking about this right now." " Fine." We got back to the house and Brandon gave me a new room.
"Kylie I think he hates me later I'm gonna leave. Meet me at the high school." " Tasha is that a good idea I mean he seems really controlling. And he can probably find you and hurt you." " He wouldnt hurt me well that I know of. Besides he'll never find out." " He'll never find out what." Brandon said angerly. " Nothing."I reply, " Kylie I gotta go." " Tasha you know you cant leave so why even try." " Because you dont love me. So why stay you've taught me everything I need to know." " Tasha I do love you its just that the last time this happened I killed her and I dont want you to die." " I'm not gonna die I'm stronger than you think." " Ok if your sure. Come bite me." After that I stared at his neck for a few seconds then I attacked.

" Tasha! Tasha! Stop your hurting me!" It took me a few seconds to figure out who that was and where I was. " Brandon I'm so sorry." " Its ok that means our love is pure when you dont stop drinking." " Thats great!" I said with a huge smile.
Ever since that nite Brandon never left my side and it began to freak me out. " Kylie I love that Brandon is my soulmate but now he treats me like I'm his trophey and I hate it. I dont even have privacy, he needs to know what I'm doing every second of everyday. I need to get out for real this time. Meet me a block away from his house." " Tasha the last time you tried to escape he listened to our entire convo. What are you gonna do about him?" " Kylie he said I could see you this weekend so theres my excuse." " Oh well that was easy when do I meet you?" "Midnight. gotta go bye."

"Brandon I'm leaving for my weekly visit!!" " No your not!!" " What you said I get to see my friends and family every weekend. Well its the weekend. So bye." After that conversation I ran becuase his eyes turned red and his fangs came out." Heyy Kylie!! Step on it" I screamed once I was in the car." Why?! What happened?" " Lets just say Brandon didnt like the idea of me leaving." " I warned you Tasha but nooo you didnt listen." " Just shut up and drive."

After what seemed like years we finally got to Kylie's house. " Kylie I hate to say it but I'm afraid of Brandon. I mean hes never been like that before. What if once we get inside hes there waiting for me?" " Tasha stop being so paranoid." " But you didnt see his face. And you know he will go lookking for me." " Yea I guess your right." Sure enough when we got inside Brandon was there talking to Kylie's mom, listening to stories about Kylie and me from over the years. " See Kylie I told you so." At that very moment Brandon picked me up and brought me back to what seemed like prison.

" Tasha you stupid little girl when are you gonna learn." " I'll learn once you let me go and treat me with respect." At that moment he pounced on me then through me against the wall." Tasha you will not leave my sight ever again. If you do there will be punishments." " I'm not scared of you." " You should be scared." At that moment I noticed every detail of him his long, thick blond hair, his crystal blue eyes, and his flawless skin. " Tasha I love you and I dont wanna hurt you but if you keep leaving I'll have no choice." " Go ahead you already treat me like crap !!!" He walked off angrily.
" Tasha!! Tasha guess what? " my best friend Kylie said over the phone," You'll never guess who I'm dating!!!" " Who are you dating now?" " I'm dating Danny" " What !? How can you be dating my ex." " Well, you did break up with him you know?" " Yea I know. Its just now a days I kinda regret it because of who I'm with now." "Oh I'm sorry Tasha. I never told you but even when you were dating Danny I always kinda liked him." " Trust me I knew, you would always gawk at him before I dated him lol." Kylie blushes even though I can't see her." Was I that obvious?! On other matters I know a way to free you. Danny and I made a plan that's bound to work!" " What kinda plan and you know Brandon is probably listening to us right now with his vampire senses." " Remember that code we used as kids? Everytime we talk to eachother let's use it!" " K" " Tasha who are you on the phone with? It better not be your friend." " No Brandon its not Kylie its the pizza place." " Ok it better be now put the phone on speaker." "Fine" Phone on speaker Kylie says in a slight accent, " How many pizzas would you like ma'am?" ( translation: this is an awesome plan that can't fail!) " We need one extra large." ( translation: okay what is it?) "What kind of meat do you want?" (translation: Danny goes to a hotel and calls Brandon. He tells him if he doesn't come to the adress of that hotel alone and leaves you at home, that you will die. Brandon loves you too much to let you die. Brandon will drive there to meet Danny and Danny will tell him something fake about a place he knows where to put you so you can't escape. He will lead him to my silver cabin and lock him in there with chains. He won't be able to escape. I on the other hand will drive to where you are and pick you up. You can stay at my house. Brandon doesn't know where it is. I got my own place. well not exactly my own...) " " Ok we want sausage. (translation: okay.) " Sorry we don't have sausage." " Okay thanks for letting me know. I won't be ordering pizza then. Bye." " Bye." I hang up the phone with a sigh.

" What do you wanna do tonight?" " Oh um I'm not sure Brandon. What do you wanna do its your choice. Like always." I said wishing I could go home. " Ok well how about we go see a movie. What movie do you wanna see?" " Oh, well there is this movie about a vampire couple who were perfect until the boyfriend goes crazy and wont let the girlfriend leave, then in the end he kindly lets her leave to have a happy life." " Ok I guess I choose the movie then." " You do that." " Well while I buy the tickets go get dressed." "Ok" I said on my way to my huge wardrobe.
When I walked down the hall Brandon was practicaly dragging me out of the house when he got a call," Hello?" " Hey Brandon you there?" " This is he what do you want?!" I was silently cheering in my head. " Meet me at this adress: 4173 Bloodlock Avenue or when you and your girlfriend get to the movies I will take her when your not looking. Be there imediatly and alone. Or else!" Danny hangs up on the other end. " Tasha plans have changed go back in the house while I take care of some business." " Ok we will do a movie another day." As I saw his car disapear down the street I cheered out loud this time. It took about five minutes for Kylie to get here.

" Tasha hurry up and pack as much as you can!!" " Ok hold on." As I said that we heard the front door slam. " Oh My God!!! Kylie get out!" " How?" " Go through the window we are on the first floor." " Tasha are you trying to escape again!!!" Brandon yells agrily. " No brandon I'm being a good girl today." I said trying not to laugh but then kylie laughed while climbing out the window and I heard Brandon start to run towards my room." So Brandon what happened 'cause you look like crap." " Your little friend Danny tried to trap me, but I was able to trap him." he said with a smile. " What do you mean? Where is he?" " He's at 4173 Bloodlock Avenue. you better not go save him." " Oh trust me I wont." " Good now go to bed." he said slamming my door shut.

I ran to my window looking to see if Kylie was still there," Kylie you still there?" " Yea I'm here and I heard what Brandon said. Keep him busy while I try to free Danny." " Ok I'll try but no promises."

I ran to the address of where Danny was only to see him going mad. " Danny whats wrong?" " Brandon bit me, now I'm one of them." " No!! Come on you know thats a lie. Just let me help you." " No I'm not going crazy!!! There's no helping me." " Sure there is you'll just have to live the life of a vampire. It'll be great, you wont age and you'll never die." " But you will. I want you to be in my endless life forever." " How is that possible?" " I have to bite you. Trust me it was painless." " Ok but if you drive me insane I'll tear your throat out." " Ok you can be rude sometimes." " Yea ok but when you drive me insane I'm keeping that promise." After that everything went black.


"Brandon what did you do to Danny?" " I turned him into a vampire since he hates it so much. He was going insane when I left him." " Well he wont be for long 'cause Kylie went out for him and knowing Danny he is going to change her." " Crap!! I didnt think of that." "Well dont he's not your concern." " Brandon if I promise to never attempt escape again you must promise me something." " It depends on what you are asking." " Stop treating me like crap and treat me with respect." " I will try but you must know the time period I'm from is where I would've called you a winch. So the way I treat you is great compared to how I used to treat woman." " And I don't care you are in the 21 first century so treat me with respect." " Fine. It is a small price to pay to have your company forever."

" Brandon I realize that we know nothing about eachother." " And. You can ask me anything." " Okay. How old are you?" " I'm 1,584 years old." " Wow, you're old. Umm, How did you become a vampire?" " I was born into a family of vampires. The vampire blood didn't travel through my veins until I became 16." " Okay. How many vampires are there in the world?" " If Danny transformed Kylie then 4. Our kind has been hunted for thousands of years. The last vampires that died were my family and we were the last family of pure bloods." " Oh, I'm sorry." " Don't be. Can I ask you some questions?" " Yeah go ahead." " How old are you?" " I'm 17." " Did you have many friends before I changed you?" " No it was Kylie and Danny otherwise I was basicly a loner." " Were you a good student?" " All A's. Why are you asking me school related crap?" " No reason, now we know about eachother."
Ever since that night Brandon and I never fought and we were closer than ever. We eventually began to fall in love. While on a date Brandon and I stopped in a park. I sat on a bench and Brandon got on one knee," Tasha, I love you more than anything. Will you marry me?" I sat shocked for a moment then to his suprise I said yes. After Brandon proposed he brought me home so he could go take care of some things.
While home alone I called Kylie and she picked up on the second ring ," Hello?" " Kylie it's Tasha you'll never guess what just happened!!" " What is something wrong?" " No, Brandon proposed!!" " OMG!!! No way. Did you say yes?" " No Kylie I turned him down and married a nerd. Ofcourse I said yes." " Has he been treating you ok 'cause you never call any more." "No he treats me great. After we talked for a while he started to be nice." " Ok. So where is he?" " He had to go take care of some things." " Oh ok. Well i got to go and I better get an invite." " You will. Bye." " Bye."

It took several months for our vampire wedding to be planned properly. Everything had to be perfect and that wasn't coming from me, it was coming from Brandon. It was proper for me to wear a black wedding gown which I was fine with but I also had to jump off a cliff after Brandon to prove my love it made no sense. This is how it went," Brandon do you take Tasha for your vampire bride?" " I do." " Tasha do you take Brandon?" " I do." " You may continue with tradition." To my suprise tradition was that he falls off a cliff and on impulse I jumped after him.
What happened next I have no clue, everything went black and not I fainted black I mean another deminsion black. We some how ended up in another deminsion. " Brandon where are we?" " The second part of the wedding ." " And that is?" " You meet the undead family of mine and also your undead family." " What I have undead family?" " You never noticed that some of your family was rich before they died and the money went to no one?" " Yea but they were bitter and didn't like us." " Nope they just didn't have a vampire to give the money to."
It was great having an undead wedding and meeting family I never new. After all the undead fun was over Brandon and I went to a private area in Italy that he owned.


Publication Date: 06-26-2011

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