Max Cooper looked at his calender realizing what day it was. "Jessie!! Let out the bloodhounds!!" he called. Jessie ran up to Max. "Direct them to where?" Jessie asked. "Middleton Middle School," Max replied. Jessie nodded. " Yes sir."
Hannah was walking down the hallway until she heard someone call her name. She turned around. Chase Hamilton, her crush, was running towards her. "Hannah, you forgot your math book in science," Chase said. "Oh... thanks Chase. I think I'm gonna need that in math," Hannah said laughing a little. " Yeah, I think so too," Chase said smiling. " Well, see ya in math!" Chase said walking away towards his posse. Hannah sighed. Chase had actully talked to her! Hannah snapped out of her daze whan she heard the bell ring for class. Oh no! She was late! that was not good if you were in math class.
Hannah opened the door ,which made a creak, causing the whole class to look at her. The math teacher, Mr. Hardy, stopped the lesson. " Hannah? Do you have an explanation for why you're 5 minutes late?" Mr. Hardy asked.Hannah's faced burned with embarressment. " Um... I... just lost track of time," Hannah said. Mr. Hardy frowned. " Just go find a seat," he said. Hannah looked around for her best friend and she found her. Emily had saved her a seat. Hannah quickly sat down and got out her math book. She quickly began to doze off. It was obviously about Chase. " Hannah?" Hannah snapped out of her daze. " Yes?" Mr. Hardy frowned. " The answer to the question, please," Mr. Hardy said. " Uh..." Emily wrote the answer the answer on her math notebook. " Um... 345 squared." Hannah said slowly. Mr. Hardy smiled. "Good job!" Mr.Hardy said. When he turned away, Hannah mouthed " Thank you," to Emily.
Finally, math class was over and it was time for recess. Hannah stuffed her notebooks and papers into her locker and rushed outside. " Hannah!" Hannah turned around and saw Emily running towards her. " Hey, Hannah? What's up?" Emily asked. Hannah shrugged. "Hannah..." But Hannah remained silent. " Well if you're not going to tell me what's up, I'll tell you what's up with me. Andy asked me out!!" Emily squealed. Hannah rolled her eyes, not surprised. " You're like the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love," Hannah said. Emily was awesome with boys. They were always asking her out. " Thanks!" Emily said. "RING!" Emily sighed. " Well see you later," Emily said. " See ya."
"Good morn...I mean afternoon, Hannah," Mrs Collins, the reading teacher, said. " Good afternoon, Mrs Collins," Hannah replied. "Did you finish your essay?" Hannah nodded as she walked into the room. Since Emily wasn't in this class with Hannah, Hannah had trouble finding a seat. She looked around frantically, looking for a seat. She found a seat next to Chase. Hannah took a deep breath and sat down next to Chase. " Hey Chase!" Hannah said sitting down. " Oh hey Hannah! Did you finished your essay?" Chase asked. " Yup, you?" Chase nodded.
What Hannah didn't know was that Chase liked Hannah too. "So, What's your essay about?" Chase asked trying to keep the conversation going. Hannah was about to tell him, when Mrs Collins walked into the room. "GOOD AFTERNOON,CLASS!!" Mrs Collins said in her cheery and booming voice. " Who wants to read their essay first?" Hannah raised her hand and Mrs Collins beckoned her to come to the front of the class. Just as Hannah began to talk, the building began to skake. Some of the girls screamed and a boy shouted,"EARTHQUAKE!!!!" Then the wall burst open and thee huge dogs appeared and one of them was carring Emily. " EMILY!!!" Hannah screamed. " Help!!! They got slobber all over my new shirt!" Emily shouted. Hannah rolled her eyes, But then the two other big dogs grabbed Chase and Hannah. Then the three dogs left Middleton Middle School at a fast speed.
" Let go of me you ugly freak!!" Chase shouted at the big dog. " You're an ugly freak!!" Chase laughed. " Good one Hannah!" Hannah looked at him confused by the comment. " I didn't say anything," Hannah said. " OK then, good one Emily," Chase said. " Uh... I didn't say anything either," Emily said. " Chase, I think you're imangining things. Anyways where are we going?" Hannah asked. " FREAK!!!!!" Chase looked at the big dog. Did it just speak?! " That's right I'm speaking!" " Oh my god! I think the dog is talking.... and don't you dare say I'm crazy!" Chase said with big eyes. " You're crazy," Emiy said. Hannah studied the big dogs. According to greek myths they looked like bloodhounds! " Uh guys? According to greek mythology, I think we're riding on bloodhounds," Hannah said. " What?" Chase asked. " Don't bother. She is upsessed with Greek Mythology," Emily said. " NO, I'm serious!" Hannah protested. " Tell the girl she's right and the prissy girl to shut up!" the bloodhound said. " Uh... the bloodhound said ' you're very wise' to Hannah and 'shut up'to Emily," Chase translated. " But how you're the only one who can understand them?" Emily asked, annoyed by the bloodhound. " Once again, according to Greek Mythology, thats a sign that you're the....son of Hades," Hannah said, shocked by the fact. " And that is...?" Chase asked. " The god of death."
Chase nodded his head trying to let that soak in. " God of death, eh? Well, I wasn't expecting that," Chase muttered. " Tell your freinds that they're going to Godling Camp," the blood hound said. Chase translated what the bloodhound said. " Godling Camp?" Emily asked. "But we arn't the kids of gods or goddesses... are we?"Hannah asked, terrified. Gods and goddesses fake, right?
Finally, from afar distance, they could see a camp-like area. " We're almost there," Chase's bloodhound said. Chase translated for the others. " It looks so cool from here!" Chase said breathing hard. " Oh shut up, Chase!!! You're so annoying!" Emily said. " You shut up Emily," Hannah said, trying to defend Chase. " Yeah! You go Hannah!" Chase said pumping his fist in the air. Emily frowned and crossed her arms.
Soon, they were at the gate of the Camp Godling. One of the blooodhounds barked and the gate opened. As soon as the bloodhounds, Hannah, Chase, and Emily entered the camp,the gate immediatly closed behind them. " Gee, tough security system," Emily stated. " To protect the camp from you," Chase said, smirking at his joke. " That was not funny, Chase," Emily protested. " I thought it was," Chase said, still smirking. " Guys, look," Hannah said, interruptind the arguement. Chase and Emily looked in the direction, where Hannah was pointing. " Whoa," Chase breathed. There were warriors, in full armour fighting against each other. " Violent," Emily stated. Then Hannah noticed a young man walking towards them. " Ah. You must be the newcomers. Max Cooper and you..." Emily got off her bloodhound and began introducing herself. Chase and Hannah did the exact same thing. " Well, nice to meet you all. Since you are new, you have a lot to learn," Maxsaid. " JESSIE!!" Max called. A girl started running towards them. She had stormy black hair and brown eyes that seemed soft but emotionless. " Yes?" Jessie asked. " Newcomers. Choose one," Max said pointig at Emily,Hannah, and Chase. Jessie studied them. " That one," Jessie said, pointing at Hannah. " Phew. If you picked me I thought you kill me, the way you look," Emily said, sighing. Jessie autimatically took at the insult. " Maybe I will if you don't hold your tounge," Jessie threatened. " Oh, that's ..." " Hold your horses Jessie!! Uh.. Emily? I suggest you don't mess with Jessie," Max said. " And why ever not?" Emily asked in her prissy voice. " Because, she's the daughter of Ares. For your info, if you didn't know who he is..." Hannah then interrupted. " The god of war." Emily gasped. " I take everything back," Emily squeaked. " Good. Now let's go..." " Hannah," Hannah said, telling Jessie her name. " Hannah," Jessie said, finishing her sentence. " Oh, Jessie? Tell Katlyn and Rhea we have newcomers," Max said. " Got it."
When Jessie and Hannah were far away Jessie turned tio Hannah. " Sorry if I scared you," Jessie apoligizied. " Nah... not really," Hannah replied. " Well, as you know, you belong to a god or goddess. Tonight, max will 'see' who your parent will be. You will also have to go on missions. Max will tell you more. But, anyways you need a weapon," Jessie said stopping in front of a weapon room. " Come on," Jessie said, beckoning Hannah. When Hannah got inside she gasped. There were so many weapons!! " I've always wanted to try a bow and arrow!" Hannah said excitedly as she grabbed the bow and a sheath of arrows. " Go try it out outside," Jessie suggested. A few moments later Hannah came back in and her face was so red. " I totally failed," Hannah said. " Don't worry. During training you'll practice. But I think your weapon should be a sword or knife," Jessie said laughing a little. Just then Rhea and Katlyn came in. " Oh guys.." Then Rhea interrupted. " Did it all ready, slow poke." Jessie scowled at rhea. " Shut up," she muttered. " RING!!" Jessie looked out the door. " Dinner time! Let's go see who your parents are. "
Hannah got her dinner from the cafeteria and sat down in between Emily and Chase. " So... what's your weapon?" Chase asked Hannah. " Knife or sword," Hannah replied." You?" " Sword."
" Attention please!" Max said, standing in front of the cafeteria. " As you heard, we have newcomers! Hannah Anderson, please come up to reveal your parent," Max instructed. Hannah gulped. She stood up and walked towards the front of the room. " Hannah your parent is..." Max said as he created a ball of light. " Athena." Hannah gasped. Athena? Seriously?
A chorus of clapping began. Hannah smiled slightly and quickly rushed to her table. " Chase Hamilton," Max boomed. Chase smiled as he walked to the front of the room.
" Your parent is... " Chase held his breath, thinking what Hannah said about Hades. " Hades."
Hades! Hannah was right!
Chase smiled and walked back to his seat while everybody clapped. " Emily Jem," Max called. Emily giggled as she walked up to the front of the room. " Hi everyone!" Emily said waving at the crowd. " Your parent is..." Emily smiled as she waited. " Aphrodite." Emily gasped. " Just like Hannah said!" Emily squealed as she walked back to her table. " Now, Liberty, has some news," Max said as he left the front of the room and a VERY beautiful girl took his place. " Hi everyone! I'm the daughter of Poseidon and I'm having a pool party! At 3:30, so please come!" Liberty said. Everybody cheered in excitement. But Hannah raised her hand. " Yes Hannah?" Liberty said. " I don't have a swimsuit," Hannah said quietly. " Don't worry. I've got a bikini for Emily and you, and a swim pants for Chase," Liberty said. A bikini? Yikes...
" Dismissed ," Liberty said.
While Emily began walking out the cafeteria someone grabbed her hand. It was Chase.
" What?" Emily asked. " Since you're the daughter of the Aphrodite, I need your help," Chase explained. " OK, I really love Hannah, but I don't know how to tell her," Chase said. Emily squealed. " Ask her truth or dare," Emily automatically said. Chase nodded.
Knock! Knock!
Hannah opened seeing Chase at her door. " Hi Chase! Come in," Hannah said moving aside. Chase sat down with Hannah on her room. " Truth or dare?" Chase asked. " What?" Chase smiled. " Truth or dare?" Hannah stared at Chase.
" Truth," Hannah replied. " Who do you truly love?" Chase asked. " Uh..." Hannah stammered. " You," Hannah muttered. Chase's stomach exploded with happiness. Then he thought of a creative way to say 'me too' back to Hannah. He leaned in closely near Hannah's face and he kissed her hard. When Chase separated Hannah was stunned. " OK, my turn. Truth or dare?" Hannah asked. " Dare," Chase said, knowing what Hannah was going to say. " Kiss me again," Hannah demanded. Chase leaned in and kissed her, again. Hannah felt Chase's soft lips against hers and she was happy. When they gasped for air, Chase got up and said," I've got to go." Hannah grabbed his hand. " Don't leave me. Stay with me. Sleep with me tonight. Just for tonight... please," Hannah begged. Chase looked into Hannah's soft blue eyes and he gave in. Together, they slept together. Chase's strong arms around Hannah's body. Hannah's head against Chase's chest. TRUE LOVE.
Terrance thought. Terrance went into the cafeteria and looked around but still couldn't find Liberty.Where is she? Terrance went up to Chase and Hannah. " Have you guys seen Liberty?" Terrance asked. " No, but she might be in the horse stables," Hannah said. Terrance rushed out of the cafeteria and went to the horse stables. She wasn't there. Then Terrance went to Max's office. He knocked on the door. Max instantly opened it. " Yes?"
Hannah's eyes fluttered open. It was 5:35 in the morning. Hannah was still in Chase's protective arms and his soft breath warmed Hannah up. Hannah turned around so her face was facing Chase's. The movement caused Chase to wake up. " Sorry. Go back to sleep," Hannah said. " Nah... seeing your pretty face is better than dreaming about it," Chase remarked. Hannah giggled. Chase leaned in and kissed her gently. " So, what do you want to do today?" Chase asked. " Practice riding a horse," Hannah immediately answered. " 'Kay," Chase said squeezing Hannah. " Knock! Knock!" Hannah looked at the door. " Hide under the covers," Hannah whispered. Chase did what he was told, while Hannah opened the door. It was Liberty.
" Sorry about waking you up this early, but I have your swimsuit," Liberty said, holding out a sea blue bikini. " Oh, have you seen Chase?" Liberty asked. " No," Hannah lied smoothly.
" Well if you see him, give him this," Liberty said, handing Hannah light blue swim trunks. Hannah smiled. " Thanks." Liberty gave her a big beautiful smile, and then left. Hannah closed the door and whispered, " Chase you can come out now." Chase came out of the covers.
" Let's try them on. I'll go first," Hannah said going into her bathroom. When she came out, Chase gasped. " You look.... beautiful," Chase said, walking towards her. " I don't feel comfortable in this," Hannah mumbled. " So? You look fantastic!" Chase said, lifting Hannah up. Hannah giggled. "Chase! It's your turn!" Hannah said. Chase put Hannah down and went into the bathroom to try on his swimsuit. When he came out, Hannah smiled. " Hi, hottie! " Hannah joked. Hannah studied Chase's muscles. He looked so strong. " Come on! Let's go horseback riding," Chase said.
When they both got dressed they headed towards the stable. Liberty was already there, with a very strong looking boy. His muscles were huge! But it made him look creepy. " Hey guys! Wanna ride a horse?" Liberty asked. " Yup," Chase said. " Pick any horse except the white one with the black star on it's head. That's my horse," Liberty said. Chase and Hannah both nodded. " Luke? If they need help, go help them, ok?" Liberty said to the strong boy. " Got it, sweetie," Luke said. Chase picked a brown horse and Hannah picked a shiny black horse. " Let's go," Chase said, as they both rode onto the " horse field." Luke observed Hannah. Whoa! Am I falling in love with Hannah?//font> Luke looked at Hannah riding the horse. Her blonde hair flowed in the windy air. Simply beautiful.
Finally it was time for the pool party. Chase and Hannah were both dressed and ready to go. " Hannah!" Hannah turned around, seeing Emily running in her hot pink bikini. " How's the relationship?" Emily asked. Hannah laughed. " Awesome," Hannah said, looking at Chase. "Great!" Emily squealed.
Chase sat on the edge of the pool and dangled hie feet in the water. Hannah sat next to him and did the same. Then, unexpectedly, Chase pushed Hannah into the water. Hannah quickly came to the surface to breath. Chase was laughing really hard. " Chase!! That was so not funny!" Hannah said, as she held out her hand so Chase could help her up. Chase grabbed Hannah's hand, but Hannah pulled him inside too. " See who's laughing now!" Hannah taunted. " C'mere you rascal," Chase joked, as he swam after Hannah. Finally, Chase got Hannah. They both went underwater and kissed. Then they came to the surface. " AHHHHH!" Everybody looked toward the direction of the scream. It was Liberty. Luke had his arms around her and they both jumped into the water off the diving board. " Let's go on the diving board," Hannah suggested. They both got out of the water and onto the diving board. When Chase was about to jump, Hannah pushed him off. " WHOA!" Chase screamed. Then, Hannah heard a golden laugh. It was coming from Liberty. " Good one, Hannah," she said, laughing. She had the most beautiful laugh. " HANNAH! That was so not funny,"Chase said from below. Hannah smiled and jumped. SPLASH! " Was too," Hannah said. Chase rolled his eyes and kissed Hannah.
" Terrance?" Liberty asked. He looked up. " Yeah?" " You wanna race with Hannah, Chase, Emily, Luke, Jessie, and I?" Liberty asked. " Sure!" Terrance said. " You'll be racing against Hannah," Liberty added. Hannah studied Terrance. He had darkish-reddish hair and green eyes. He seemed very shy. " Hannah and Terrance, you guys are next," Liberty said. Hannah and Terrance got ready. " GO!" Luke shouted. Hannah took off, not looking at Terrance. Soon, she reached the finish line. As soon as she past the finish Terrance finished too. " Hannah is the winner!" Liberty shouted. " Ok, Hannah... you'll compete against Jessie next and Terrance against Emily," Liberty said. " Good job Hannah!" Chase said. " Thanks. Did you win against Luke?" Hannah asked. Chase nodded. " Whoa! Really!?"
After an hour Liberty declared the winners. " Congrats to Hannah who got 1st place!" Liberty announced. " And tied for 2ND place is Chase and me!" Liberty shouted. " And finally, tied for 3rd place is Jessie and Terrance!" Hannah smiled. She couldn't believe she had won! From the sidelines, Luke watched Hannah. She beat Liberty!I need her. I want her! That beautiful and smart Hannah!
Chapter 7
Hannah sat down on her bed and opened her thrilling book. " Knock! Knock!" Hannah groaned as she closed her book and opened the door. " Uh... hi Luke," Hannah said, slightly smiling. " Can I come in?" Luke asked. " Sure," Hannah replied, stepping aside. As Hannah closed the door she felt something strong grasp her arm. " Luke... what are you doing?" Hannah asked trying to break free. Luke pulled Hannah on to the bed with him. " Kiss me. Love me!" Luke demanded. Then Hannah knew what was going on. " No! Let go!" Hannah screamed. Luke was hovering over Hannah about to kiss her. Then Hannah slapped Luke and tried to run away but Luke got her. " Can't escape my lips now," Luke said. Hannah had no choice. Luke was too strong. Hannah winced as Luke's lips touched hers.
Meanwhile, Liberty was looking for Luke. " Hey Rhea! Have you seen Luke?" Liberty asked. " I think he went to go congratulate Hannah," Rhea replied. Liberty headed for Hannah' s room. " Luke! Are you in here!?" Liberty asked pounding on Hannah's door. " Liberty! He..." Liberty gasped. " Hannah!" Liberty kicked the door open and then gasped. Luke was still kissing Hannah like crazy. More like slobbering over her. " I love you, sexy," Luke said, not realizing Liberty. " LUKE!"Liberty screamed. Luke looked up at Liberty and gulped. Just when Luke up Hannah pushed Luke off her and ran out of the room, sobbing. " Liberty, I can ...." Then Liberty ran out of the room, also sobbing. " Liberty! Wait!" Luke said getting up and following her. Liberty tried to hide her tears, for there were still a lot of people outside.
" Liberty!" Liberty wiped her tears as Emily ran towards her. " Did you know that Terrance is madly in love with you?" Emily asked. " That's nice," Liberty exclaimed. " Are you ok?" Emily asked. Liberty nodded and ran towards the garden. Liberty sat down by the fountain and cried. In the bushes, Terrance watched her. " Liberty! I'm really sorry!" Luke said running towards her. Liberty lifted her head. Her eyes were extremely red. " GO AWAY, LUKE! NOW! GO!" Liberty screamed. Luke frowned but did what Liberty told him. " Poor thing", Terrance whispered. He got out of the bushes and headed towards Liberty.
" Liberty? Are you ok?" Terrance asked. Liberty looked up. " Terrance, please just go away," Liberty said, burying her head in her arms. " I just wanna help, so..." Liberty sighed. " PLEASE! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M CRYING?! I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE, SO GO AWAY!" Liberty shouted. Terrance bit his bottom lip and tried to hold back his tears. " Ok, bye," Terrance muttered as he walked away. Liberty looked at Terrance as he left. She knew that she had hurt his feelings. " I'm so stupid!" Liberty muttered. She got up and ran to her room. She lied on her room and sobbed.
Chase opened the door and Hannah rushed in. " What's wrong?" Chase asked. " Luke! He came into my room and started tackling me, so I could kiss him. He called me 'sexy' and he was practically slobbering over me! Then Liberty came, I rushed out and so did Liberty. It was so gross! He was too strong that I couldn't get him to go away. It was totally gross! Plus my lips only belong to you,Chase," Hannah said. Chase picked Hannah up and sat on the bed with her. Hannah lied down on the bed, Chase right next to her. " What are you doing?" Hannah asked. " Playing with your hair," Chase replied. " I think Liberty is hurt that Luke cheated on her," Hannah remarked. " Don't worry. Now just go to sleep," Chase said soothingly. Hannah closed her eyes, still in Chase's bed. Chase leaned down and kissed her good night. A smile crept on Hannah's face. " I love you," Chase whispered.
Chapter 8
" Knock! Knock!" Liberty opened her door. " Oh,hi Terrance. Come in," Liberty said. Terrance walked in sat down on Liberty's bed. " I'm sorry I yelled at you," Liberty said."
It is ok," Terrance said. " I just want to know what happened." Liberty looked into Terrance's green eyes and sighed. " Luke cheated on me. I saw him kissing Hannah on the floor, in her room. He even called her 'sexy'. But I know Hannah tried to get away. I still can't believe he cheated on me," Liberty said. " Wow. That's harsh," Terrance said. Liberty looked at Terrance and remebered what Emily said. " Are you in love with me?" Liberty asked. Terrance blushed. " Yes, madly," Terrance admitted. " Will you be my boyfriend?" Liberty asked. Instead of saying 'yes', Terrance grabbed her neck and pulled her in for a long kiss. They eventually fell on the bed. Finally they gasped for air. " Yes." Just then, a kid saw the kiss, for the door was still open. He ran to tell Luke. " " Oh, Terrance can you close the door?" Terrance got up and locked the door. " Phew.. it's kinda hot in here," Terrance said taking off his shirt. Liberty giggled. " You're pretty hot for an Apollo kid," Liberty said.
" Yeah, but you're from the water and you're hotter than me," Terrance said. Liberty giggled.
" Sleep with me?" Terrance nodded. Liberty put her head against Terrance's bare chest while Terrance shielded Liberty with his arms.
The sun rose into the sky. It was a beautiful day, but someone was angry: Luke. " How dare she dump me and fall in love with... that stupid Apollo boy... Terrance! Liberty will regret her decision... after all I'm much better than Terrance!" Luke shouted. " I must tell Jessie. See what she thinks." Luke came out of his room and headed for Jessie's. "Bam!" Jessie opened her door. " Hey bro. What's up?" Jessie asked. " Liberty dumped me," Luke muttered. " Then change your personality to single," Jessie muttered. " No way! I need a girl in my life," Luke said. Jessie groaned. " No you don't! I don't have a boy and I don't want one! Plus why did Liberty dump you?" Jessie asked. " 'Cause I cheated on her," Luke replied. Jessie rolled her eyes. " Who did you kiss?" Luke sighed. " Hannah."
" Oh boy. Come in," Jessie said, letting Luke in. Luke sat down on one of Jessie's skull beanbag chairs and began telling the story. At the end, Jessie was laughing. " You called Hannah 'sexy'? Wow. And you didn't even notice Liberty standing right there because you were to busy kissing Hannah? I'm not surprised that Liberty dumped you. In fact, if I were Liberty I kill you," Jessie said. Luke rolled his eyes. " Why did you even want to kiss Hannah anyway? Don't you know that she's dating Chase? God Luke. Be an Ares man and stop dating girls! Now get out!" Jessie shouted pushing Luke out the door. " Thanks so much sis," Luke said sarcastically. " Oh by the way,today id Challenge Day!" Jessie shouted as she slammed the door. Challenge Day? Hmm... I got it!
Chapter 9
" Good morning Godlings! As you know today is Challenge Day! Hope you practiced a lot! Now who would like to make a challenge first? Luke?" Max said. " I would like to challenge Terrance," Luke replied. Max nodded. " I volunteer for Terrance!" Liberty said. Luke looked at Liberty, but Liberty's eyes wouldn't meet his. " Uh... ok. Luke vs. Liberty," Max said.
While they were walking towards an arena, Luke was steamed that Liberty ruined his plan.
" Why the hell did you do that for?!" Luke asked. " Why did you call Hannah 'sexy'? Why did you kiss Hannah? Why did you challenge Terrance? Why did you cheat on me?" Liberty shot back. " Uh...because I love Hannah," Luke muttered. " And I love Terrance," Liberty said. Luke grunted. " Well don't run off crying when I beat you," Luke said. " Oh we"ll see about that," Liberty said, smirking. " Let's get this fight going," Liberty said, then she lunged at Luke. Luke quickly stepped aside and grabbed Liberty's arm. Liberty jabbed Luke in the arm. Luke winced, clenching his fist. " No more hand combat for you, Luke," Luke muttered to himself as he summoned his sword. Luke skidded towards Liberty with his sword ready. But Liberty quickly pushed Luke away with her sword. She began to run, but Luke tripped her.
" HA!" Luke shouted. Before Luke could win, Liberty waited for the right time and kicked Luke in the " inappropriate place". Luke doubled over and howled in pain. Just enough time for Liberty to get up. " monster!" Luke screamed. " That's what you get!" Liberty screamed back. Then with all his might, Luke lunged at Liberty. Liberty was to late to move away. Luke's blade dug into Liberty's arm and went down her arm, creating a huge gash down her arm. Liberty's eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground... a coma...or even dead.
In the next arena, Terrance noticed Liberty and dropped his bow and arrow, so he could go help. " LIBERTY!!!!" Terrance screamed looking at Luke angrily. " WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU ...YOU IMBECILE!!" Terrance shouted. " Gee dude. Chill... aren't you the healer? Fix her up. That's all," Luke said calmly,as if it wasn't a big deal. " THAT"S ALL?! CHILL?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Terrance shouted. Terrance felt an arm on his shoulder. He looked up. It was Chase. " Calm... let's go fix her up and tell Max," Chase said calmly. Terrance refused. He wanted Luke to help her get better and say sorry to Liberty, but Luke also refused.
Just then, Jessie & Rhea and Hannah & Emily finished their matches. They noticed the commotion and headed towards the commotion. " Hey guys! What's happ... oh my blood! What happened to Liberty?!" Jessie asked. " Oh my blood? Seriously?" Rhea asked. " Yeah... wait! That's not important! What happened to Liberty?" Jessie asked, demanding for an answer. " It's Luke's fault! He gave Liberty the cut! " Terrance shouted. Jessie's eyes turned dangerously dark. " Luke... why? Why?" Jessie asked. " It was an accident! I'm serious! Please believe me!" Luke begged. Jessie shook her head. " LUKE! HOW COULD YOU? I THOUGHT YOU AND LIBERTY WERE TOGETHER!" Rhea shouted. Now it was Luke's eyes that turned dark. " We aren't any more! So shut up!" Luke said. " Come on Terrance. Let's go fix Liberty up," Chase said, picking up Liberty. Terrance sighed and helped Chase. " Hannah,you wanna come?" Chase said. Hannah nodded, as she followed Terrance and Chase. " Rhea, go tell Max about Liberty," Hannah said. " Luke!!! I need to talk to you," Jessie said, grabbing Luke's hand.
" I think this medicine will work," Terrance said, rubbing ointment on Liberty's arm. Liberty groaned. " Liberty?! Can you hear me?!" Terrance asked. Liberty just groaned. " Oh, come on Liberty! Wake up!" Terrance shouted, shaking Liberty. " Dude! Relax! Give her time!" Hannah said. "' Kay, smart aleck!" Terrance said sacastically. " Hey! Be quiet!" Hannah said rolling her eyes. " Or Chase is gonna make your death painful!" Terrance laughed, with Chase. " Chill Hannah. It was a compliment," Chase said. " Whatever," Hannah muttered. Chase laughed again.
" Cute," Chase said. Terrance rubbed some more of the special medicine on Liberty's cut. " Hey Terrance? Hannah and I are going to practice archery," Chase said. " Sure, go ahead. I'll watch Liberty," Terrance said. Chase and Hannah left. Liberty started to groan again. " Liberty? Come on open your eyes. Talk.." Liberty's hand moved. " Terrance," Liberty said weakly. " Liberty! You're ok! Well sot of ok," errance said happily. " What happened?" Liberty said getting up.
" Uh... Luke cut your arm," Terrance said. " Oh that stupid Luke! How dare he!" Liberty growled. " Hey.. relax! Take it easy! Hold your horses!" Terrance said, getting in front of Liberty. " Have you seen yourself latley? If you havn't, you're not in shape to beat up a person... especially " that person" is going to be Luke," Terrance said. Liberty looked at her cut. Terrance was right. Her cut was still bloody red and her cut started at her wrist all the way to her elbow. " Fine... but when I get better, I can beat him up, right?" Liberty asked. Terrance laughed. " Sure."
Luke sat on his bed, listening to Jessie. " What goes on in your little brain?! Why did you give Liberty that cut? And don't you dare say,' Because she dumped me!'" Jessie said, mimicking Luke's voice. Luke rolled his eyes. " It was an accident! Seriously! Believe me!" Luke said, looking into Jessie's brown eyes. " i still can't believe that you guys forgot to wear armor!" Jessie said with disbelief. " Please..." Luke pleaded. Jessie shook her head. " I'm sorry bro. It's gonna take a long time before I can trust you," Jessie said getting up, from Luke's chair. " Jessie! Please!" Luke begged. " Luke just shut up!" Jessie said walking out of Luke's room. After Jessie closed the door, Luke murmered, " Some sister you are." " Luke, I heard that!" Jessie yelled. Luke just groaned and buried his head in his pilow.
" So you're ok, right?" Terrance asked. " Sure," Liberty said with a sly smile. " What?" Terrance asked, demanding for an answer. " Nothing...just nothing," Liberty said. " C'mon tell me!" Terrance urged. " Nah..." Liberty said. Terrance rolled his eyes and put his hand in his pocket and grabbed something. " Here," Terrance said, holding a heart-shaped locket. " My dad gave itto me and now I'm giving it to you." Liberty smiled. " Thank you Terrance!" Liberty squealed. Liberty put her arms around Terrance's neck and hugged him. " You tired?" Terrance asked. " Actully, I am. Well, goodnight?" Liberty said. Terrance nodded. " Night. Sweet dreams," Terrance said, walking out of her room.
Chapter 10
At 9:30, Terrance got out of bed, got dressed, and headed straight for Liberty's room. The door was open, so Terrance walked right in. Liberty was not there. And her room was a mess. She's probably just getting breakfast or something
" Max.. I think Liberty is gone," Terrance said.
Publication Date: 04-19-2012
All Rights Reserved
To all my bff's!!!