"Wake up, Brittney." Justin called. "You got to be at school. And I'm leaving so I'll see you when I get home."
"I've been woke." I said to my brother. I was fully dressed and did my hair. "I woke up 2 hours ago. It's 6:45 and I have to be at school by 7. Thanks for waking me up. Where's Victoria?" "She left already. See you later, ugly girl." "Bye, stinking boy." we joked.
I decided to take my green Ferrari that I got for my birthday a week ago from my parents.. I have 3 cars in all. A green Lamborghini, green Camaro and a green Ferrari. As you can see my favorite color is green.
When I got to school everybody was looking at my new car. "Wow, Britt. Your parents really hooked you up this year. I wonder whats next. A porsche probably." "Yea. Want to go to, Vamp It Up, tonight?" I asked. "Yea. Pick me up at 11."
Vamp It Up is the most popular place in Seattle. Me and Danielle love it and go there everyday.
"Someone is totally liking on you." Danielle pointed out. "Who and is he cute?" "Very and over there."
When I turned around he was staring at me. Danielle was right. He is cute. He has dark hair, hazel eyes , and a smile. He has good taste in cars. He has a sliver porsche. " I should go over there. But I'll wave for now."I waved and then the bell rang. I really want to talk to him. But it'll have to wait.
In science class, Mr.barns, said that we will be getting a new student today. When he came in I remember him right away. It was the boy who was staring at me.
"This is Mr.Jeremiah Sanders. He will be in our class from now on. Since Ms.Brittney Waters is the only student without a lab partner, you will be hers." What Mr.Barns had said shocked me. I thought he was going to sit next to Mindy Downs. I guess I'm his favorite student since we're both vampires.
"Hi." I whispered when he sat down. "Hi. How are you?" "I'm good. Today we're writing a report on what we remember from last year." "Wow. That's a blur." "Me to."
Once me and Danielle went to lunch, Jeremiah was sitting at our usual table. "Hello." Danielle said. "Move, you dog." "No, you little leech." "Get up now or I'll-" "Stop it." I interrupted. "Both of you." "I'll just find another sit." Jeremiah said. "Good boy."Danielle said to him like he was a dog.
"What's your problem? He could've sat right here. He was fine. We said that the only person that couldn't sit here is Mindy Downs." "He's a dog and I don't like him." "Quit calling him that. He is not a dog." "I'll tell you later. I can't sit here with someone who doesn't even believe me."
When she left, Jeremiah came over with his tray. "Is she gone?" "Yea. Something's up with her. She told me she'd tell me something at Vamp It Up, but right now I really don't care." "Vamp It Up? Is that, that weird, gothic place by the post office and library?" "Yea. And it's not weird or gothic. It's for people like me. What's your favorite hangout spot?" "I really don't know. When I was little and lived in Flordia, I always went to the beach or the woods behind my house." I'm a very active person." "I think I catch up."
After school, Jeremiah walked me to my car.
"Nice car. Camaro." "Yes. Jeremiah? Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" "Yes. I'll pick you up." " No. I'll pick you up. 8 o'clock?" "8 o'clock it is. See ya."
As I drove home I thought of what Danielle said to Jeremiah and what he said to her. He called her a leech and leeches suck blood from people. Does he know that I'm a vampire? I'm pretty sure he knows that Dani is one.
But Dani called him a dog and talked to him like that. Was he a werewolf? If he is, I can't go out with him. Ever. It's law that vampires and werewolves never cross land or show affection for a werewolf. But he's so damn cute and I have a lot in common with him.
When I walked into the house Dani, Justin, and Victoria were sitting on the couch waiting for me.
"So Brittney how was your day? Because Daielle tells me that you are showing affections for a dog." Justin said so clam.
"Jeremiah is not a dog. You guys need to quit calling him that." "Werewolves are dogs sweetheart." Victoria said. "Jeremiah is somewhat like royalty in his world of werewolves. His father is the Alpha and so when his father dies or 'retires' then he will step up to be the Alpha."
"How do you know this?"
"I once was in love with a werewolf.His name was Daniel. I was human then. He told me after my 18th birthday party. I was so scared. I thought that he would eat me but he said, 'I would never eat you. I ant goin' pig out. Like that sweat hog, Heather.'
After school, me and Daniel walk to my daddy's car. When Justin saw him, he and his friends came to sweet talk me. Your brother started it all by saying, 'Look at that fab fox. So fab.' I didn't know what to say so I said, 'Look at that hunk. A real cool cat.' I forgot that Daniel was behind me. Then Justin said, "Me and my cats are going to the beach.Wanna come? Don't worry a couple of chicks will be there.' 'Don't do it Victoria. All they'll do is give you brew and get you blitzed. After you are blitzed, they'll try to cop a feel.' Daniel was so worried and I said something to him that was so wrong, 'Why you being a candyass (wimp)? Don't be a ditz (idiot). So leave me alone. Never talked to him ever since."
"Do you still think about him?" I asked. "Everyday."
When Victoria finished her story, someone rang the doorbell.
"Who is it?" "Jeremiah." :hey." I said opening the door. "Come in. Everyone this is Jeremiah. That's my brother Justin, his wife, Victoria, and my best friend, Danielle." "Hello, everybody."
"Hi, dog." Dani said. "Hi leech." "Our date isn't until Saturday. What are you doing here?" "I want to take you to my house."
"She can't do that. Sorry." Justin said. "Why not? He's harmless." "She can't go with other dogs. She can't cross over to your land." "You call that land!" Jeremiah shouted. "That little you vampires gave us! It's not enough to run free!" "Then go in a cage where you belong." Dani said. "Look her you little leech, say one more thing to me and your head will be on the floor." "STOP IT!" I yelled. "Let's go, Jeremiah.
"Jeremiah," Victoria said while we was leaving, "Tell your dad that I said hi and sorry that I haven't talked to him in 52 years." "Will do. Good-bye."
When we got to his house, 4 guys where sitting on his front porch.
"We smell vampire. Jeremiah, have you killed one? If you did that would be so cool." the one with brown hair, big shoulders, and a deep voice said.
"He didn't kill me. He brought me here." "What? Why would you bring a leech over here? She may see Stephine and drink her blood."
"I don't drink human blood. I drink blood from animals or raw meat." "Who's ever heard of a vampire that don't drink blood?" "That's Michel, that's Jessie, that's Shawn, and that's Don." Don was the cutest out of them 4, but out of the five Jeremiah is the cutest. "Thanks." Jeremiah said. I didn't understand what was going on, until he said, "I can hear your thoughts really clear unless you're sick. So I heard that Don was the cutest out of them 4 but I was the cutest out of us five. Thank you." "Don't be sneaky."
His father was sitting on the floor watching tv with an adorable little girl on his lap.
"Who's that?" I asked. "My little sister, Stephine. She's only 3 but acts 7." "I can hear you." she said. She said her words so clearly. "And I hear you to, Miss. Brittney Jenifer Waters. 18 years old. Enjoys looking at cars, riding motorcycles, and hanging out at Vamp It Up. Father, Samuel George Waters and mother, Jenifer Kelly Waters. Died in fire." "Enough, background checker. Leave my girlfriend alone." "Fine. Daddy can we get some ice cream?" "Wait a second, I need to talk to Jeremiah. Excuse us please?" "Your fine I said.
I heard some of their conversation. "You can't date a vampire. That's against the rule." his father said. "I know but, she's so wonderful and I want to get to know her better." "O well. You can't be with her. Leave her alone. We can't win against them . I should know. My one true love gave me up for a leech. Worst day of my life."
I wonder if he's talking about Victoria. She's married now and takes care of me. I feel so bad for him.
"Tell your so called 'girlfriend' to come here." "Brittney. Can you come here please?"
"So you like my son?" "Yes, sir. I really do and want to get to know him." "Well you can't. Get out and never come back. Tell Victoria that she could've said something to me earlier. Tell her to kiss my ass. Now you...GET OUT!
Once I left I felt horrible for liking that DOG! Dani, Victoria, and Justin were right. Never fall for a dog. Then I got a text from Jeremiah.
Jeremiah_Moon: hey its not nice 2 call me a dog
You: wat r u talking bout
Jeremiah_Moon: i can still hear ur thoughts
You: :(
Jeremiah_Moon: 4get wat my dad said hes mad cause he didnt get his true love
You: have u
Jeremiah_Moon: idk. she walked out of my house w/o a word and drove off i really wouldnt no
You: Sry so we still on 4 Saturday?
Jeremiah_Moon: yea
You: :D
Jeremiah_Moon: bye
I felt happy to know that he still likes me even though we can't be together. I think I've found "The One".
Once I got home Dani had already left.
"Hey! I'm home!" I called but no one answered. "Justin! Victoria!" There was a note that Victoria had wrote.
Me and your brother went to get some more animal blood from
Dennis in New York. Now I want you to behave yourself and leave
Jeremiah alone. We love you sweetheart.
Victoria and Justin
"Thank you Dennis for being all the way in New York and us in Seattle." Since they was going to be gone for about 3 days I decided to have a party.
"Michelle call Wendy. Tell her that I'm are having a party."
"Samantha call Heather. Tell her I'm having a party"
"George call the football team and tell them to come to my party and invite all their friends."
After all that call I decided to invite Jeremiah.
'Hey, guy.' I thought. 'I'm having a party and wondered if you would come'
Then I got a text from Jeremiah.
Jeremiah_Moon: On my way, honey
You: thanx babe
He called me honey and I called him babe does that mean that he's my boyfriend? I hope it does because I really like him and I can tell that he likes me.
Jeremiah_Moon: yes u r my girlfriend
You: OK boyfriend
Once all my guest arrived I had about 300 people in my huge house. Jeremiah hadn't arrived yet and I got a little worried.
'where in hell are you, babe?' I thought
Then I got a text that I didn't want to see.
Jeremiah_Moon: My dad won't let me out he locked me in my room
You:ant you sneak out the window
Jeremiah_Moon: No. he locked that 2
You: please come
Then someone else texted me. Dani.
ABPositive-Dani: Where r u u was suppose 2 met me @ Vamo It Up and ur not here
You: Sry. Justin and Victoria left 4 New York so I had a party
ABPositive-Dani: I'm coming ova 2 supervise
After a few minutes Jeremiah was here.
"Hey, baby." he said while giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Hey. So does your dad know?" "I don't care right know. I'm with you and that's all that matters."
"What is he doing here?" Dani said. "I was invited by my girlfriend." Jeremiah said. "So there are 2 dogs in here?" "No. It's just me and my girlfriend is, Brittney."
"Brittney! How could you go out with a dog?" "I love him." "Is everyone in here a vampire?" "Yes."
"HEY! LISTEN UP AND SHUT UP! Brittney. The most known vampire has broken a rule. This... thing standing next to her, her so called boyfriend, is a dog. I know how could she do this? Tell us Britt. why?"
"I love him. I've been looking for my love one for over 50 years. Now that I have found it, you guys won't let me keep him. I want to see him everyday. Kiss him everyday. Hug him everyday. Be his everyday. Why won't you let me keep that? I know it's breaking the rules, but I don't care. Me and him are going to be together even if you like it or not."
"EVERYONE OUT!" Jeremiah yelled. They just stood there. "Listen to him and get out of my house. Everyone left except for Dani, Victoria, and Justin.
"You got a lot of nerve to show up here dog." Justin said, more yelling than talking. "We never left. We stayed right here in Seattle just to see if the dog or you was going to do something stupid. And I guessed right." "Just-" "Save it, Britt. We trusted you to leave him alone and you have a party and invite, Jeremiah. Sweetheart, we want whats best for you and your going in the wrong direction." Victoria said more sweetly than Justin.
"You know what. I'm tired of everyone coming to me and telling me how to live my life. Let me do me and if The Trio come to get me then so be it. I'm not leaving Jeremiah, we're going to have a family together, and The Trio is going to change the rules. Leave me alone."
"I swear if you have a child with her, I will come and hurt you so bad she won't even know you."
"She can't have kids since she's a vampire." "Yes I can. That's the only thing that makes me different from every other vampire." "Don't do it, Britt." Justin screamed."
"I'm leaving and if Jeremiah wants to come, let him. Like I said we are going to be together and start a family. Goodbye."
That was the last time my friends and family saw of me.
"Were are you going? You know you can't leave." "I don't want to stay if I can't control my life. I might as well die."
"Look people aren't going to understand but you have to keep going. My older brother, Don tells me I'm going to be the worst alpha there is but I shrug it off and keep learning and training to be the best damn alpha there is. You got to learn to shrug things off and don't take it so seriously."
"Fine. I'll stay here and shrug things off. Only for you." "Thank you."
When I woke up I felt like I just died. Justin didn't talk to me. Victoria didn't make her wake-up cookies. Dani found another ride to school and still didn't talk to me. The only person I was with was Jeremiah.
"Hey,Dani." I said hoping she'd talk to me. "What do you want?" "Our friendship." "Sorry, we're all out of that product." "Dani, I'm sorry, OK. I just want to be friends again."
"You got Jeremiah. Go talk to him. Vampires are to much to handle for you. You can have your own pet."
"Look, you don't know what it's like to wake up and no one is talking to you. My own brother walked passed me without saying a word. His wife didn't even say hi and you know sweet she is. Right now all I have is me and my boyfriend. The only reason your mad is because you haven't your true love and I have so your jealous of me and my love."
"Jealous of you is a total myth. There's nothing to be jealous of. All you have is a big mouth, split ends, a bitchy attitude, and a dog boyfriend. So don't come to me about jealousy. "
"Britt, lets go. Leave her alone." "Yeah. Listen to your boyfriend, Britt."
"You, bitch."
"Well, Ms. Waters you are suspended for 9 days and Ms. Airborne you are suspended for 6 days" Principal Kelly said. "How come I get more days than her!" I yelled.
"You jumped on top of her and broke her arm." "Ain't like it hurt." "Good-bye you two"
"What happened?" Jeremiah said when we got to his car so he could take me home. Justin took my cars away. "I got 9 days. She got 6. He said since I jumped on top of her and 'broke her neck' I get more days." "Want to come to my house. Ain't nobody there." "Sure."
There wasn't anybody there except his little sister. "Hey, Stephine" "Hello, leech. What age do I look?" "12" "Good. What is she doing here, big brother?" "I invited her. Let's go to my room."
His room was...really neat. I didn't expect that to be the case. "Then what do you think my room should've or would have looked liked." "That's still so rude." "Britt, can I kiss you? Not a little kiss like at the party but a true kiss." "I would love that."
When he kissed me I felt like I was in heaven. His soft lips against my cold hard lips made me weak and I feel to the bed with him still kissing me. Then one thing lead to another.
About 20 minutes later we heard a lot of yelling and screaming coming from downstairs.
"Hey, Jeremiah. What's all that noise up there?" Don said. "Who's the lucky lady?" Jessie said. "I guess that would be me." I said coming from behind him in one of his t-shirts looking like a dress on me.
"Really? The leech? Jeremiah I thought you and Dad talked about this." Michel said. "We did but I didn't listen." "It sounded like it was good. All that noise." Don said. "That's cause she's so strong. She's my little rock." he said while giving me a kiss.
"I thought I said never to return to my house." Daniel said. "You are never welcomed here so why did you come?" "Jeremiah told me to come over. I didn't know that anyone-" "Save it. I can't believe that you two did this in my own house. Under my roof!" he stared yelling. "Go get your clothes and all your belongs and get out of my house. The both of you."
"Mr. Sanders, I'm so sorry for this. Let Jeremiah stay and I'll get out of everybody's lives. I love your son and I always will. I hope some day we could be to together. Good-bye."
"Brittney, wait. Don't go." Don said. "Don, let her go. She doesn't belong here." "Why are you worried if she's gone?" Jeremiah asked madly. "Cause, if you like her I do. And so I want her to stay. I ain't trying to take her from you."
"If she's going than I'm going to. Dad, just cause Victoria left you don't mean I can't have my true love. When I saw her I knew I had to have her. I found my love and I'm keeping it."
"Both of you out." Daniel said. "Never come back."
"Come to my house. I need to get some clothes and some deer blood. Maybe some lion blood. It's really rich and thick like a shake." "All of this blood is making me sick." "Shut up. We're here."
When I was done Justin, Victoria, and Jeremiah was arguing. I can't take all of the fighting and planning my life.
"STOP IT.NOW! Quit. Justin you I know I love you. Your my big brother and you have this protective thing over me, but I'm in love with this guy and-" "A guy you met a couple of days ago. You don't know him for real and you're talking about love. That's not love. That's...that's like. You like him. I love Victoria because I've met her and know her."
"Justin, break the rules sometimes. Victoria has. She's been doing it for 23 years." I said knowing the secret.
"What are you talking about?"Justin said confused. I didn't want to break his heart but he needed to know that the person he loved was still seeing Daniel. "Britt. I know what you're going to say and you don't need to." "Justin. Victoria has been going to Daniel's house for the past 23 years. I don't know what she's doing, but I know that she's going. I seen her leave when me and Jeremiah left just a few seconds ago."
"It's because of Jessie. You know the quiet one. Before me and Justin got together, I got pregnant by Daniel. I told him and he said that he would keep him. I didn't want to be with him anyway. I go by his house everyday to see him. That's why I've been going over there you little dumb ass"
"Don't talk to her like that. She loves her brother and wants whats best for him." Jeremiah said defensively. "She shouldn't be so nosey."
"And that's a good reason why I'm leaving. People telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Justin I love you and I'll see you some day. Come on, Jeremiah." "Britt, I love you to. Go do your thing. Little, sis."
It's kind of hard leaving your family. Especially, when they're looking out for you. Victoria should've told him. I didn't want him to find out like that. But I had to tell him.
"No. No you didn't. Justin didn't have to know." Jeremiah said, "I know that's your brother, but you could have known why she was going over there in the first place."
"Who's side are you on?" I asked confused. "Victoria's because she had a reason to go over there. and you make it a bad thing. She already said that she didn't love him and you still make it a bad thing. Shut your mouth sometimes and think!" he started yelling. "Me! How about you. Thinking your the alpha male. Your not. Do not talk to me like that or I will rip your head off and feed it to the kid vampires."
I was going to walk away because this is just too much for me.
"Where are you going?" "Somewhere that's not here." "You don't need to go. Stay." "If you would have stayed where ever you was we wouldn't have been in this mess and I wouldn't be pregnant." "What?" "Yea. I am the only vampire that can reproduce and you just made me multiply." "Britt." "No. Just leave me alone and never talk to me again."
I can't believed that I loved him. I'm still not going home. Justin will rub it in my face and Victoria hates me. "Me and you will have a good life somewhere." I said to my baby. "Where we going I don't know. How about Paris? I've always wanted to go there. Come on we can leave right now."
"Hello." I said to the airport lady when I got there, "Can I get 1 ticket to Paris, please?" "Yes. Why are you going alone?" "Well, me and my boyfriend broke up, no one cares about at home, and I need to start over for me and my baby." "Oh. Is this baby by the boyfriend?" "Yes, why?" "Just want to know."
Why did I just tell her that. I think she works for The Trio. I over heard her say, "Yea. She's pregnant by, the wolf. Yea she's going to Paris." What did I just do.
"Jade get over here. Leave the dog alone." I told my 7 year old daughter. "But, mommy I want a dog." "Jade you are a dog so basically you don't need one." "I'm also a vampire. Never forget that." "Come on. We got to pack. We are going to visit Uncle Justin and Aunt Victoria in Seattle. And remember your 7, so you can talk."
"Hello, can I get two tickets to Seattle." Hey your the lady who left & years ago. I moved her and got a job over here." "Oh."
"Someone dropped this off for you. It really stinks though." "Thank you, Jeremiah?" he actually remember me, "Thank you."
"Jade, when we get there you can talk only to my brother and Victoria. And if we see Jeremiah you can talk to him." "Isn't that Daddy?" "Yes."
When we got off the plane I called a taxi and went to Justin's house. I knocked on the door and an old lady opened the door. "Hello, do you know where Justin Waters live?" "Right here. I'm the maid." "Oh, I thought that you lived here." "Oh, no. Come in. They are eating right now."
"Justin." I said while I walked into the kitchen, "Hi." "Brittney. How are you?" "Good. It's been & years and you look the same."
"Mommy, where are you?" "Mommy?" Victoria asked standing up. "You have a child? Congrats." "Thank you. I just want to say that I'm sorry about what I did 7 years ago. I should have done it." "Oh, your fine. We talked it out and he knows where I'm going."
"Jade, say hi to Aunt Victoria and Uncle Justin." "Hi. I'm Jade." "Why did you name her Jade." Justin asked. "Her eyes are a beautiful color of jade so I named her Jade." "Mommy, can we go see my daddy?" "Sure baby."
I didn't know if I really wanted to take her there, but it is her father and she has a right to know. So I thought 'Hey, Jeremiah. If you get this please text me.
Jeremiah_Moon: wat do u want
You: Jade wants 2 see u
Jeremiah_Moon: whos Jade
You: if u let me come 2 ur house i'll explain
Jeremiah_Moon: fine
He told me where his new apartment was and it sounded really nice. And when we got there it looked nice. It was a really big penthouse.
"Hi." he said, "You look the same after 7 years. So who is Jade?" "Me." Jade said coming from behind me.
"Hello, beautiful. And who are you?" "Your daughter. Look at my eyes arn't they pretty?" "Yes. How old are you?" "7. I turn 8 in June." "That's good. Stephine!" "Oh, look who decided to come. Ungreatful little, bit-" "Don't you talk to my mother that way!" Jade said. "Oh and what is a 5 year old going to do about it?" "I will take you and rip you up into pieces and leave your head so you can watch me eat you. You over size bitch and I'm 7." "Don't say that." I told her.
"I like her. You can come with me." Stephine said. "Can I talk to you." Jeremiah said. "Sure, whats up?"
"Why are you her after 7 years? Then you come with my child that I didn't even know about." "Actually you did know about her. So don't lie to me." "It's just that I've missed you. I've tried dating to get over this heartbreak. I'm dating right now and it's not right." "Who is she?" "Leslie. She is coming over in a minute." "I'll wait. It'll give you enough time to get to know Jade."
After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. "Do you want to get that." Jeremiah asked. "You can." "thanks." "You welcome."
"Leslie. How are you?" "I'm good. Can I come in." "Yea." "Hello." I said. "Hi. Who's this?" "Brittney this is Leslie. Leslie this is Brittney." "Jeremiah! Jade bit me. now I don't know what's going to happen." Stephine said, "Oh, hi Leslie."
"Mommy. Stephine said that Jeremiah didn't want me." Jade said. "Stephine." Jeremiah said. "And who are you cutey?" Leslie asked Jade. I thought I had a feeling what she was going to say. "I'm Jeremiah's daughter and her daughter." I was right. I knew she was going to say something to make Leslie mad.
"Oh, you have a kid. You didn't tell me that this was your baby mama!" she started to yell. "I didn't even know about her." "That's even worst! You know what I don't like men who already have a child. We. Are. Done. Good-bye."
"Thanks a lot, Jade." "What did I do?" "You ruined my chance of hiding my love for your mother." "What?" I said. "Nothing. I just think that it would be best if you guys left." "OK. See you. Say bye Jade." "No. I don't want to ruin him anymore."
On the ride to Justin's house, Jade was unusually quiet. "Baby, whats wrong?" "He didn't like me. Stephine was right." "No, Stephine was wrong. He did like you. He loved you." "It's just that he loved you a long time ago and he still does but he doesn't think that you do because you never came back."
"Why do think that?" "I can hear what he is saying. Hey Jeremiah." "What?" "He told me to stop listening to him." "You can actually hear what he is saying? Cool. I guess you got one of his traits. I wonder if you can have babies." "That's gross." "You say that now. Come on, we're here."
"So how was it my Jewel?" Victoria said. "It's was OK." I said. "I was talking to Jade. You are my little factory. No i'm just kidding, you're my sister." "It was not OK. He got a girlfriend and she came over. But when she found out that he had a baby, she dumped him."
"Jade." "Well, that's what happened. There's no use for sugar coating it." "Go get your Uncle and tell him to come here." "Mommy." "GO!"
"Seems like you have a lot on your hands." "Yea. But I love her. Look, I just want to say that I'm really sorry." "It's OK. He was going to find out sooner or later."
"What does my favorite baby sister want?" "Your only baby sister wants to go to eat."
"Come on I know this great restaurant." Justin said.
When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a car there that I've seen before, but didn't know where. Th inside was so beautiful.
Justin got us a sea in the middle of the floor. But, when I looked up I saw Jeremiah, Shawn, Jessie, Michel, and Don.
"There's Jere-" "He doesn't know that we're here so don't let him." Justin said.
Why did I come here?
Jeremiah_Moon: wats wrong
You: nothin
Jeremiah_Moon: sure
Does he know I'm here? I looked up again and he wasn't looking but Don was. I motioned no. But I don't think he cared.
"Hello, I'm Kelly, and I will be your server tonight. So what can I get you to drink?"
"Water." Justin said. "OK. Be right back."
She left only to go to Jeremiah's table. I wonder what he's asking her. Her number, where she lives, can he go out with her?
"Jade, listen and see what Jeremiah's saying" "He said, Can he get a bottle of Jupiter? Why would he want Jupiter in a bottle?" "It's wine."
"OK. Here is your water. Is there a Brittney over here?" Kelly asked. "Yes." I said confused. I thought something had happened.
"Umm...there is a really handsome gentle up there," When I looked up he was waving, "He ordered you a bottle of wine." "Oh. That's...that's my my friend from college." "What can I get you to eat?" "4 steaks. Medium rare." Justin ordered. Kelly left and went to Jeremiah's table again. "Jade?" "He asked her if he could come sit with us." "No." Justin said. "No one who broke my baby sister's heart is never welcomed." "Too, late. She said sure and he's coming."
"Hey guys. Hi Jade." "Hi Jeremiah." "You know you can call me dad or daddy." "I'm good."
That must have really hurt him.
"What do you want dog?" Victoria asked. "Why do you call me dog and not your niece or your son?" "Because I love my son and my niece isn't a dog." "She's 50% werewolf. Britt is our daughter 50% werewolf or 100% leech?"
"When she was born I took her to the french vampire doctor, Dr.LaMone. He said that strangely she had some DNA of werewolf. So that would make her 50% werewolf."
"So, how does it feel?"
"Shut-up." "To know that the one you love is not what you thought?" "Love? Your going to talk o me about love? No one loves you. Your dad don't love you cause he kicked you out of his house. We sure as hell don't love you. Britt don't love you cause she never called or texted you in 7 years. Your own daughter don't love you enough to even call you daddy. So talk to me about love." Justin said pretty loud drawing attention.
That really got Jeremiah mad. To where he transformed into a wolf and leaped on top of Justin. Then I saw The Trio.
"Look what we got here."
When I woke up I was in a dark room with Jade and Jeremiah. Why did I do this to them? Dani was right. If I just have left him alone we wouldn't be in here and-
"And Jade wouldn't have been here." Jeremiah said. "It's just that."
I love him. "I love you, too."
"Look. Do you remember Mrs. Johns 3rd grade class?" "No."
"Well, I was there. The year before, my dad told me that I was a werewolf. I was 7. I know pretty young. Well he also told me that werewolves have a special ability to know who is their one true love. We can hear their thoughts. I tried listening to Mindy Downs thoughts but it never happened. So, the next day at school I heard I wish Jamie could notice me. I was like what. I don't like Jamie. He's a boy. Then I heard Brittney and Jamie forever. I didn't know a Brittney until we got in the classroom. Mrs.Johns said Brittney Waters and you stood up. When I saw you I thought wow. She is so pretty. I befriended Jamie just so I could seem cool to you. I told how felt. He said, 'Oh. I'll get her for you. You know 2 brothers got to stick together.' He didn't get you for me. He got you for himself. I was so mad that I fought him. My dad took me out of that school because he knew that I would do it again. Now 11 years later, I still hear you. I know that Jamie was so rude and a jerk and that in middle school y'all broke up and he moved. I knew that you was still looking for 'the one'. Then I see you on the parking lot of George Wilson High School. Then I get you pregnant and thrown in jail. I think to myself, 'Why did you do this? You just completely ruined her life.' I try to find someone new, but I just keep hearing you. I loved you 7 years ago and I still love you."
"I didn't know that any of that happened. You didn't ruin my life. You made it better by loving me and giving me Jade." "But if I didn't have looked at you -" "My life wouldn't have been perfect. Can I ask you something?" "What?" "Can I kiss you? Not a little kiss like at the party but a true kiss." "I would love that."
When he kissed me I feel so weak. Like i'm melting but he's holding me. He's the only boy who makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time. "I agree." "For once, that's not rude."
"Go get a room." Jade said. I forgot she was even here. "Jade, I just want to say that even though I haven't been with you, I still love you. You're my daughter. Our daughter."
"I love you, daddy."
"Brittney, Jeremiah, Jade," one of the guards said, "The Trio will see you now."
Walking down the halls was horrifying. I saw Justin holding Victoria in one cell and Shawn, Jessie, Don, and Michel in another one. "This is all your fault leech." Michel said.
The Trio was in cloaks covering their faces. "So, you have broke one of the biggest rules. Then you have a child," he stopped. "What?" the other vampire said. It was a lady.
"Vampires can't have children. The only one that could was our daughter." he said to the lady. Then they took their hoods off and it was my parents.
"Brittney? Baby, is that you?" my mom said. "Yes. I thought you was dead." "No. We told your aunt to tell you that because we didn't want you to be into this kind of stuff."
"Why won't you take off your hood?" I asked the last one. When she took it off I was surprised. "Dani? You're part of this?" "Yea." Dani said, "I always had since I was 14. I only did to watch you."
"You could have told me." "No. I couldn't."
"Brittney, even though you're our daughter we still have to kill your daughter." "Why?" I was not going to let them kill my Jade.
"No." Jeremiah said, "You're not killing MY daughter. Kill me instead. Not your granddaughter."
"Look who it is." Dani said, "The dog who said that he would rip my head off. Well it looks like he's a big old puppy inside." Jeremiah transformed into his brown fur wolf.
"Daddy? Do I look like that?" then Jade transformed into a smaller version of her father. "See, this is why we need to kill her. If she gets mad at people then she will turn into this. We need to put her down and her stupid father." This time Jade jumped on top of Dani making her tumble over.
"Get off of me!" Dani said throwing Jade across the room. "JADE!" I said. I ran up to Dani and punched her right between her eyes. "That's for talking about my love and my daughter." Then the 2 guards standing at the door grabbed me and started to kick and punch me. Jeremiah, in his human form, started to pull off the guards and throwing them. "You OK, love?" "Yea. How could you let them do that?" I asked my parents. "It's just that if you mess with anyone apart of The Trio they are supposed to fight you." "If you kill my daughter, you better kill me."
"Fine,' my dad said, "We won't kill anyone. And the rule changes. Go leave. I only do this cause I love you. We love you. Take care of daughter son. Hurt her, won't be no more of you."
"Justin!" I hugged like he was leaving. But he is going mo where. "The rule changed and I can have my Jade. And I can keep loving Jeremiah." I said giving him a kiss. "Lets go home." "Wait," Jeremiah said getting on one knee. I had feeling what he was going to say. "Brittney, will you marry me?" "Yes." The ring was beautiful and huge. "Now, lets go home."
"Brittney," Jeremiah said at the door. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." "I don't believe in luck. Can I come in?" "Yea." "Wow, you look beautiful. I know that you said not to invite your parents because they probably wouldn't come, but I did any ways." "Why? You know they didn't like that they let us go." "Because I thought that It would be the right thing to do." "OK. If they come, they come. OK now get out, I got to get ready. I love you." "I love you, too. That's why I call you Love." "Love."
"What is he doing?" Victoria said, "Get out." "I know, I know. Bad luck."
"You on in 5." "You act like it's a show. It's a wedding." "I know that."
When I got to the doors of the church everybody was standing in their places. Jade looked beautiful in her green dress. Victoria and Stephine ,my only bridesmaid, looks beautiful too.
"I've always wanted to see you do this." someone said in my ear. I turned around and it was my father. In a green suit. "Daddy, what are you doing here?" "I got invited. Your fiance invited me and told me to walk you down the aisle." "But Justin was going to do that." "And I still am." Justin said, "We're both going to." "I love you guys."
"OK, guys we're ready." Victoria said before walking. Then Stephine. Then Jade.I had no ring bearer, so I went next. It was a small wedding. Most of the people was Jeremiah's family. His dad was even there.The only people from my family was my mom. But I didn't care. As long as me and Jeremiah say I do, I'm good.
"We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. No marriage is-"
"Can we skip that." Jeremiah ask. "Jeremiah?" "What?" "Ummm...sure." the preacher said, "The bride and groom have wrote their own vows."
"Jeremiah, I meet you years ago through school. Then I left for 7 years, had a child and got us locked up. You told the most fantastic story ever. Then I knew that I had to be with you forever and ever."
"Brittney, I know that me and you are very different. In a lot of ways. People kept telling me to leave you alone but I couldn't because I loved you. I know that it's a little late but, Mr.Waters we would love it if you gave us your blessing." "You have my blessing."
"Therefore if any man can shew any just cause, why they may not un-lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." no one said anything.
"Brittney Waters do you take Jeremiah Sanders to be your husband to have and to hold till death do you part?" "I do." "And do you,Jeremiah Sanders, take Brittney Waters to be your wife to have and to hold till death do you part?" "I do." "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I love you. Love. Now kiss me.
At the reception we got tons of gifts from Victoria. "Hey you want to stay a while then leave after?" I asked. "Yea, sure. Lets go talk to my dad."
"Hey, Daniel.You proud of your son?" "I didn't like you. But now, you have a special place in my heart living with my son." "Thank you."
"So you're going to love my brother?" Jessie said "Yes." "Don't do that?" "What?" "Come on. Everybody me and my new wife are going to leave early to get a head start on our honeymoon." "Don't bring an extra member." Jade said. "I can't promise that." I said. "We will see you guys in a week or 2." "Bye everyone."
"Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." When we got off the plane it was very colorful and had a lot of people. "Are we in Rio?" "Yep. There is this island where werewolves live and can be themselves. So don't be scared if you see wolves." "OK. Because I was scared when I saw you changed."
Everybody on the island was wolves. I bet I was the only vampire here. "Who is this, Jeremiah? a female wolf asked. She was pretty, but she better step off. "My wife, Gina." "Wife?" "Yes, wife." I said, "And you are?" "Jeremiah's ex-girlfriend. He left me for this?" "Yes." I said showing my fangs. "Whoa. She's a leech? Wait your Brittney, the girl who made the vampires stop fighting us." "Yea." "OK, sorry. Go have fun with your husband. I'll step off."
"Whats with her?" "Nothing. She don't mean nothing. But, lets go do something that married people do on their honeymoon." "Lets go." He kissed me all the way to our hotel room.
"Hey, Love." Jeremiah said the next morning, "You hungry?" "Yea. What you making?" "Pancakes,eggs,and bacon." You're a triple threat. You cook,you're a werewolf, and you're hot." "Thanks, Love." "So, what do you want to do today?" "I don't know." "How about you watch me hunt?" "Hunt for what?" "Blood. I am a vampire." "Sure. Here. I'm serving you breakfast in bed. Eat up." "It's really good. I'm going to have to let you cook more often." "Where? At my apartment?" "Well we are married." "Yes we are. Wow, you're done." "I eat fast. Come watch me hunt. This will give you a chance to change. I know your fur is ready to break through."
He transformed when we got to the forest. "Can you talk like this?" I asked. He shook his head no. Then I heard,'This is the time where you can hear my thoughts, Love' "Really? Cool. Help me find a deer or a lion." 'There are no lions but there is a deer up there.' I saw it to. Then I jumped on top of it and went to it's neck and sucked all of the blood from it. 'That's my baby.' "Thank you. You want the rest?" 'Yea, I'll take it. Thank you, Love."
"Look right there." I heard someone say, "There she is. Lets get her." Then a whole bunch of people ran up to me. "Thank you." someone said. "We love you." another said. "HEY!" Jeremiah yelled, "Get away from my wife! NOW!" They all left. "Thanks. Whats with everybody?" "You're famous. The vampires won't try to kill us again."
"Lets go back to the house. You done?" "Yea. I'm take some home for me."
"Hey, J." Gina said, "So, what you doing tonight?" when she talked she had this jersey accent to her. "Being with my wife." "Well, Carmen,you remember her?" "No." "The girl who was in the hot tub you." "Oh, It don't ring a bell." "Maybe when you see her it will." "Get on with your story." Jeremiah said. "Well, Carmen's having a party and was wondering if you would come." "Love?" "It's fine with me." I said. But is she serious?
Carmen's house was packed. People everywhere. "J." a girl with red curls came up and said. I guess people call him 'J'.
"How are you, babe." she said trying to kiss him. "Excuse me." I said pushing her off of him. "Who is this? Another one to replace me?" "No. I'm his wife." "Oh you're married. Too bad I wasn't at your bachelor party." "Yea. To bad I haven't punched you right now." "Girl I don't want him. If I did I would get him." "I'm leaving." "Bye."
"Love, don't go. She's just a party girl probably high. Look I don't like her.She is nothing to me." "Fine I'll stay."
A whole bunch of people kept coming up to me and shaking my hand.Or taking pictures with me. "My mouth hurts, Love." I said. "Don't quit smiling. I love it." "I be right back." "Where you going?" "Bathroom" "This is your third time." I don't know what's wrong with me, but I got a feeling. "Babe, I think I'm pregnant again." "For real?" "Yea. I'm going to go home. You can stay if you want, nut I'm leaving." "I'm going with with you,OK. Remember you're my Love."
"Where do you think you're going, J?" Carmen asked. "We're going home." "No, you're not. The party hasn't really started." "She is sick so we're going home." "Look, here. I don't feel good so it would be very nice if you just let us leave and go home." "You can, but J." It's time for her to go to sleep. I slapped her. "Lets go, Love." Jeremiah said. "Pack your stuff we're leaving. This was not a good idea to bring you here. Everyone knows me." "Love, I had fun being with you."
Me and Jeremiah had another child. It was a boy and we named him Sammy. Jade learned how to control herself and hunt for blood.
I am now closer to my father and my mother. They just wanted to protect me.
Jeremiah and I will be together for a very long time.♥
Jeremiah and his father are talking again. Now Jeremiah isn't the only one who found his true love. Don and Jessie found her.
Text: Do Not Steal Anything!
Images: All Pictures Are From Google
Publication Date: 04-24-2012
All Rights Reserved