I hadn't meant to get kicked out of the Teenage Intelligence Agency (TIA for short) same as I hadn't meant to steal and hijack a car or push it into the river or dance on it while it sunk but hey, whatcha gonna do?
When I'd woken up in a jail cell the next morning I'd freaked and asked rather high pitchedly the nearest cop that happened to be sporting a black eye what I was going there. He'd just grunted at me and walked away muttering something about karma while I stood there holding my suddenly pounding head and had groaned rather loadly.
Hangover. The biggest yet. Hey don't judge me James Bond got to play poker and sip expensive champagne so what was a few beers on a bad day for a fellow spy eh? I'd been drinking alchohol for a while but it wasn't like I had a probelm with it.
It was more comforting than anything after a day of pretending to be an ignorant normal sixteen year old and taking bull crap from a bunch of bitches in short shirts and pretending all the while that I could'nt kick their asses in more then 20 different ways then coming home (HQ) and having a militery has been yelling at me while I trained that I was'nt training hard enough.
Gotta love my old life. Anyway you should now understand how I was driven to drinking. It was'nt on a every day bases I bought a new bottle around every 2 weeks and still had around a quarter of the bottle left over by the end of the 2 weeks.
But that day was different. The bitches brought up something that could'nt be ignored. They brought up my parents. My parents had been dead since I was 13 (They had died on a mission) and I was living with my only godparent Eithan Marcus also known as boss man or conrad to iritate him.
"Hey did you here about Georgina's parents?" one bitch had whispered loudly enough to make sure I heard what they were talking about one day in class. I kept my head down. "Yeah must have been wacko's raising that thing" Another said glancing at me while smirking.
I lifted my head and said through clenched teeth "Shut up". They all laughed and continued talking as if I had'nt said a word. Ashley the head bitch said brightly "I disagree guys you can't really blame the father for that thing if shes a bitch I bet her mother was too I hate parents like that I bet they deserve to rot in hell".
Something in me snapped. I stood and looked at her smiling while she narrowed her eyes at me. Then I punched her. Right there in front of teacher. Ha! Bitch down! The class gaped at me for a moment and I gladly filled in the silence.
"I've always wanted to do that" I said cheerily and skipped out of the class. I felt buzzed and as I skipped down the hall though I heard my teacher yelling for me to come back I swiftly ignored her. When I heard footsteps behind me I broke into a run easily leaving whoever was pursuing me behind, spy training is good like that.
Publication Date: 05-27-2012
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