life is never what it seems like .
Chapter - one moving day
Hi my name is Katie Lee. My summer was not wonderful. My dad died of cancer and after my dad died my mom wanted to move she said she wanted to move for a long time . I told her this is my home just because dad died doesn't mean we have to move. We talk about move alot and i didn't want to move i loved where we lived it was so wonderful full of life and we had everything we ever wanted here at Washington Missouri. We are moving because it doesn't matter what i say because im only sixteen years old and have a long ways to go my mom said. I can't belive i have to leave the one place i feel i belong and where my dad's grave is. I lived in Washington all my life and i loved it so much . Now i have to move to some place because my mom found a job that pays alot more then here . I will miss Washington. I am leaving everything behind my friends, school, my job, and my pets. You ask why i have to leave my pets well because we can't have any pets where we are going . My mom still will not tell me where we are going. I tryed everything i asked all the time and all i got was you will see when we get there. All i have to say is my life is over there is noting left that she can take from me .
Katie get down here right now! We are leaving the house in five minutes and your friends are here to say goodbye .
Gosh mom hold on i have to get my things and we are stoping by dad's grave no matter what you say .
Honey i know we are i want to say goodbye to your dad one more time because we will not come back here are along time . Let's go honey I know you don't like this but its good for us. We need something new, we needed to start over . Mom if you know i dont like this then why are you doing this? why can't i live here with my friend Sam ? Her mom said i can and mom i am not a kid anymore you dont need to watch over so much . I love you but i don't want to leave my home that i love so much just because you got some job that pays more then the one you have here . You listen to me katie Lee you are moving with me and i will not leave you here with your friends mom because you are my kid and i know you are not a kid but you are still too young to be living here by yourself or with someone elses mom. Yes things have been hard for us but its all going to turn around i will have a great job. We will be going to place we never have been at yet and you will not have to have a job because i can just gave you the money you need . Thats that we are done with this . Now get in the car honey . No mom i have one more thing to tell i will get a job not because you said i don't need to but because i want one . Also you never did know dad the way i did and you know why because you didn't care anymore . I care more then you think katie . No you didn't i seen it in your eye when you heared that he got cancer you were sad but then a few weeks later you didn't come check on him in his room at your own house i did . I miss him and i cared alot more then you ever did mom . You know why i think your getting this job ? Katie please we will talk about this in the car or another time please. Mom i think your getting this job because there is a guy you liked when you went there for a week am i wrong i don't so i know you too well. I really hope you didn't cheat on dad with this guy when dad had cancer . Why would you say that to me katie i would never cheat on your dad not when he was everything to me . You just said was mom so you did at one point thats all i needed to know . Honey please try to understand that i am trying the best i can to gave you everything you need and want. You know what mom you don't have to because i'll have my own job and i am done talking to you . I am going to say bye to my friends . I'll wait for you in the car . Katie please i love you i am really trying hard to do the right thing here and your making it so hard on me . You have thought about that when you cheated on dad i will see you in the car. Oh wait im taking my own care there is no way i will be saling it because it was dad's . The rode is not safe to take your dad's car. I really thing thats a bad idea . Its not a bad idea mom i need some time to myself to think about things . Im sorry but thats how it has to be. Follow me and be safe i love you so much. You mean so much to me .You are all i have now. You don't have to worry about me i will be safe and i love you too mom .
Hey Katie i am going to miss you so much . Don't worry about your dogs i will take care of them. Don't forget to write me and e-mail me all the time if you have time though. Sam thank you so much i will e-mail you as much as i can i love you sis. Wait wait please katie its me taylor your first friend you made when you moved here remeber ? Oh hey taylor i didn't know you knew i was moving . Yea it got around and i was working and heared it . I had to come by and say goodbye to my best friend and wish you good luck . You have to call me here is my number . Thank you i will miss you guys so much i will call and e-mail you two tell everyone else i said goodbye .
Katie we have to go now, we need to get there tomorrow by two . Alright guys i have to go bye i love you guys good luck to both of you .
Bye we love you katie so much . We will come visit you i promies.
Thank you for everything Sam and Taylor bye i'll miss you.
Are you ready katie we have to go now . Yes mom i am don't worry about me . Drive safe katie we will eat dinner at whatever place you want . We just need to drive for few hours . Mom its only nine o'clock we can drive eight hour . Ok Katie please be careful . Do you want to know where we are moving to ? I'll tell you if you want to know. Why do you want to tell me now when i asked you yesterday you didn't tell me ? I just want to tell you so you know how to get there and i am also going to gave you a key too just so if you get there before me . Wait are you telling me you are meeting this guy on the way there is that why you had to go inside to answer your phone ? I really hope you know what you are doing here . Katie i am your mother of couse i know what i am doing . I want to be happy again Mark makes me happy . You want to be happy why can't you wait for two weeks or a month dad just died and it seems to me that you never cared that dad died . Just tell me where we are going and how to get there that all i need from you . Katie you don't understand anything and i guess you never will intil you find someone you are happy with. We are going to Washington D.C. here is the map to get there . I don't need it i know how to get there bye i hope everything will be great for you because now i know you never cared about dad . Fine you want to be like that here is the key to the house and now you can just leave . Thanks mom i will goodbye thanks for noting . I hope you think about why you are losing me .
I got in my dad's car the frist thing i did was take the picture of me and dad smiling at the flowers. I looked at it, we were so happy then everything was wonderful full of life even mom was happy . Dad i wish you where here . Everything is changing to fast i don't know what to do . I hope you are happy where ever you are at i love you so much still and always will. I started the car and got on the rode away from my mom i can't stand being with her the way she is acting is not right its not her. hm someone called me i should called them back . Yes? Hi my name is katie lee and i wanted to know why you called me ? Oh katie its Jesse Reinhold I am sorry that i didn't get to say goodbye but i was working . Oh my God Jesse i havent seen you in like forever.How is everything are you and your girlfriend still fighting?
Well about that we are not together anymore but its ok. Jesse what happen ? you don't do anything bad to her did you ? No of course not Katie ! Her mom told me and her that we don't need to be together anymore and then everything started to fall apart . Wait what did liz say about this ? Wow i didn't know you still knew her name. Liz was not happy with her mom but she said that her mom was right . Her mom wanted us to get married right after High School. It was just to hard to deal with . I still have college to go and other things to do then to get married right after High School. Do you understand what i am trying to say here ? Jesse i understand you more then you know . You have a job and high School . You are on a football team and swim team . How is everything else going on besides the girlfriend problem . Everything is great katie i don't think i will get a grilfriend in high school again thats just me like you said i have too much going on . Katie can i ask you something you have to promise me that you won't get mad ? Um ok what is it Jesse . How are things with your mom i know that your father died but how is she doing and you ? Um she is not the person you want to know. My mom changed too much . She is see some Mark dude thats why we are moving to Washington D.C. because he lives there and her job is there too. Katie slow down everything will be ok . You have to gave your mom some time to think things over then im sure everything will be the same it was when your dad was here . No you don't get it at all Jesse . It will never be the same as it was before. Why katie you can tell me anything i will listen to you . That is what everyone says to me but they really don't listen to be . I will you know that i will please katie it hurts me when you are hurting said Jesse . OK fine my mom cheated my mom dad when he had cancer that is not right . All those nights she was out some where i had to tell dad that she was working late again and again i hated lieing to my dad it was so hard . Katie why would your mom cheat on your dad ? She didn't tell your mom that my dad had cancer did she ? Um no she said that I am so sorry Katie. Now do you understand why i can't stand her . I just hope this Mark guy is not the guy she cheated with dad on . If she did i will move out without saying anything all she will see the next morning is a note on my bed . I just hate moving away from my dad's grave i love him . Katie things will get better sooner or later you just have to leave your mom alone for now and do your own thing. Jesse are you telling me to forget about my mom? Yes i am you have your own life to live she can't keep stoping you from living it . Life will go on with or with out here its up to you if you want to let her back in your life no one else can do that but you . Thank you Jesse for everything but i have get off the phone.
I am driving and i did promise my mom i will be safe thats at least i can do . Bye Katie i will talk to you later drive safe .
Jessica what's wrong you been setting here saying noting ? Mark I am worry about Katie she Know i cheated on her dad . Jessica you didn't cheat on him with me that is a good thing . Gave her time she will come around when she is ready. Mark its not ok she hates me alot you don't know what is was like knowning your own kid knew that you cheated on there dad. There is noting i can do to fix this but maybe if we didn't go to the for a few weeks then she will have time to think things over . Jessica she will be all by herself and i would not like that. She is a big girl Mark i think we need some time to ourself don't you ? Ok but she is your child we will call her and check on her. No now see that is not a good idea because if we do call her she will want to know why we are not there yet. Lets just leave her alone for a few weeks without calling her or anything . Alright if you think that is the best thing to do . Yes i do honey i think thats all we can do . Where would you like to go jess ? Hmm well um lets go to the beach. I need to tan more before i go to work . The beach it is . Jess can i ask you something about Katie ? Yes what would like to know about her ? Katie has she ever had a boy in her life or anything like that ? Oh Mark she never had a boyfriend . Katie said she doesn't need one but she had alot of friends that cared about her and like her . Do you think she will ever try to date ? Mark i don't know its her life lets not talk about her and just go to the beach . Yes ma'ma it will take about ten hours to get there . Ok im going to sleep love you so much baby.I love you too jess.
I feel so peaceful i wish it can always be like this but it won't not with mom dating or me knowning about her. I got my phone and answered it. Hellow ? Katie did you make it to Washington ? Yes i did may i ask who is calling ? Yes i am sorry its Sam . God Sam it looks so big i mean like everything i miss you so much !! Katie honey i am so sorry i miss you to sweetie . Did you make it to your house yet ? Um not yet i will be there in maybe ten minutes and i should go because i told my mom i would me safe driving here . I see alright katie call me back when you have time bye sweetie . Bye Sam. Alright where is the house um hm. As i was pulling over i saw someone laying on the rode . I got out of my car fast to see whats wrong .
Hi sweetie my name is Katie what happend ? Do you know who did this to you ? Katie its it will im not a girl my name is Jake Smith. Oh my gosh i am so sorry Jake do you want me to drive you to your house or some where ? Yes thank you are you new here ? Yes i am i just moved here i was pulling over to look at my map so i can find my house when i seen you laying on the rode . Welcome to Washington D.C. Katie . Thanks where do you want me to take you ? To my house but i can drive there i just need so gas . I have gas ill go get it and some napkins. I don't need napkins i am fine really . Jake you are bleeding, you are not fine ok just because i am new here doesn't mean that i don't know how to take care of people . Here is the gas and the napkins . I need to get going my mom will start wondering where i am at. Thank you katie see you around said Jake. You to jake take care of yourself bye.
Katie may i ask you something ? Sure Jake . How old are you? i never seen anyone drive so easy and free like you do and so careful . I am sixteen and thank you but i need to go really before my mom so in her worry mood. Really wow you drive like you have been driving all your life thats why i ask . Jake tell me this how old did you think i was don't lie i just want the truth. About eight-teen but you just look so care free and peaceful thats all. Jake i don't know what to say but take care. I got in mChapter two
I got to the house opened my car door and looked around for my mom's car but it was no where. I will leave her a message . Jess your phone is ringing . Oh no its katie what should i do ? Don't answer it let her leave you a message .
Hey mom its Katie i just wanted to let you know i got to the house safe but your not here . I don't know where you are at and i don't want to know but when you get this call me or leave me a message so i know that you are safe too love you .That should do now to get my things out of my car . Miss do you live here ? Yes i just moved here why ? I was just woundering if i can get some water ? Yes you can i just have to get my things and put them in my room then ill be right out with your water . Thank you so much miss ill wait here . Ok ill be in a few .
Sir here is your water can i get you anything else ? No thank you katie he will be fine . How did you know my name oh wait Jake is in it ? Yes this is my fathers dad he sometimes gets lost i hope he wasn't a problem. No jake he was very nice he is welcomed here anytime he wants. Thank you miss have a good day now . Wait sir may i know your name please ? Yes miss my name is john . That is a wonderful name to have john. We should get going i have things to do nice to see you again katie . Yes you to bye John bye Jake . I guess i should start to unpack . i found a note on my door i opened it.
Honey i found a room for you that was the bigest in this house
I want you to be happy injoy your room . All you have to do is
unpack your things everything else you need is in your room
ready for you . I love you so much mom.
Its just like my mom to leave a note I can't belive this . I guess i should go check it out . When i opened the door to my room everything was so wonderful but it still doesn't changes what she did to dad . Closing the door i walked away from the live i once knew . Walking back to the car i looked back at the house then got in the car. I am so sorry Seth but i can't live like this i have to go back home were i belong not in this big city where no one knows me .leaving the letter on the porch i said my last goodbye forever not looking back i got back in my car and drove off.
Seth are you ever going to tell her that you live in the same town as her ? No i won't get to tell her anything she left and i just got the letter from her . You are making this hard on yourself not on her . You love her and you miss her why won't you just go after her ? Do you know how hard it is for me to do that ? i guess you don't but she doesn't really know the real me and i don't want to scare her away luke. God man you are killing me just go after her if she loves you i don't think she will care who you are . So what your saying is that i should go get her and say hey katie i know we knew each other for a long time but i have to tell you something i am really a vampier . Is that what you are saying luke ? Man no don't tell her your a vampier yet get to know each other more before you say Oh i am a vampier i hope you won't be scared of me . That would be very stupit of you and i have to go man liz would be mad at me if i don't get to our date on time later seth i am sure you will do the right thing or close to it . See you man have fun dude said seth.
Hi my name is katie and i am calling about my dad's house . Its not sold is it ? No its not sold are you going to move back in it ? Yes i am i will see you in two hours thank you for keeping the house open for me Ms. Lee . You welcome katie sam will be very happy that you are moving back and your mom . Ms. Lee i am the only one coming back not my mom she doesn't if know i left Washington D.C. but it doesn't matter its better that she doesn't know intil i am ready for her to know. Yes katie well i am still happy that you are coming back . I will see you in two hours honey .
As i got out of the car i look and seen Seth walking to my car.
Hey Katie i thought you would be at your house i stop by there frist and you weren't there . Seth what are you doing here and how did you even get here i see no car . Look katie i should of told you this but i thought you would be mad at me and never talk to me . Oh what makes you think that i want to talk to you now seth ? Please i just come here to talk to you all you have to do is hear me out thats all.
Fine what is on your mind that you want to tell me so bad ? The frist thing katie i am not going to school with you because i was done with high school three years ago and i am twenty-one not sixteen. One more thing i grown up in here and i moved to Missouri when i was five . What oh my god seth what are you saying ? I am five years older then you . So anything you told me of you seth was what a lie ? were you playing with me ? really seth how can you do this to me i can't belive this so i really don't know you or who you are. This is just great well i have something i want to tell you . You know you can tell me anything katie i am always here to listen . Seth i am done with my mom this big city . I can't stand it here i am going back where i was all my life no matter what anyone tells me and seth i am sorry to say this but you lied to me and i really don't know so i am done with you. Goodbye seth i hope when you do find someone you won't feel like hiding the truth from them like you did with me . Katie please don't do this ! don't walk away from me like someone you don't know . God seth how am i ever going to belive you anymore you told me lies about where you were from and how old you were . when we would hung out you didn't look the same age as me and maybe thats why people thought that you were my brother . Don't you start with this katie i was your best friend just because i didn't want you to know about my age and where i was from doesn't mean that i missed you. I was so happy when i heard that you were moving here but im guessing that maybe you moving here was not a good idea . Seth i didn't want to move here i told you that and you know what i am so happy that i am going back home where i belong . This is all i have to say. I didn't look back at him when i drove by him standing there . Seth couldn't see me cry, it was the hardest thing i have ever done. I will him but whats done is done you can't do anything about it .
Katie omg girl i didn't know you where coming back home . I miss you so much !!! Hey Sam i missed you too . Can you help me put my things back in my house ? Yes um not to be rude but me and my mom fixed up the house for you . You have everything you need in the house and school will be starting in five weeks i can't belive it . I can its our last year we will make it the best year we ever had . So um there is somthing i have to tell you and i want you to promise that you won't get mad . I promise i won't be mad at you sam . Ok then here goes um tayor changed he um is very different and when he hears your back he will try to um well you know . Sam just tell me he will try what ? He will ask you out she looked away after she said that. Sam do you like him ? Yes i do but he is so in love with you i don't know what you did to him to make him love so much like that. I will say no to him and try to make him date you sam i don't want a boyfriend right now and i want my four weeks left to myself belive me when i say i don't like tayor i love him like he was my brother . Thank you so much katie you are the best lets go in before it starts raining on us.
This was the way i wanted it why do you hate me so much? seth said looking at the sky. Well seth i am guess it didn't go as you plane it . I try and she just said a few words and just walked away . This is not how i told you to tell her seth you know that man its hard for me to see you looking sad and crap like that makes me want to go talk to her myself . You can't talk to her luke she went back to her home where she belong. This not how i want to see you seth. We are going to her and i will be there when you talk to her . No i am done i can't she was right i lied to her and if anyone did that to me it would be hard to forgave them but you still love her and i know that will never change not intil you make her belive you said luke . Yea its a little to late for that . You got to be crazy if you think she will move on . What are talking about? asked seth . Don't get mad at me but i seen her crying when she was driving away, she will miss you all you have to do is gave her some time but we are going to Missouri and there we can watch over her . I really think that is a bad idea what if she finds out we are there and she doesn't want to be with anyone . We are doing this man lets go said luke . We took off after the girl i loved and will aways love .
Chapter three
The grave is the way we left it before we left . Dad i wish that you were here noting is the way it seems to be . I just can't live like this my life is not the same as it was when you were here . Mom cheated on you and now she wants me to live with her but i come back to live close to you . Things are never the same as they used to be i just don't know what to do anymore .
Hey taylor isn't that katie sitting by her dad's grave? asked tommy.
Yea why she is back ? sam never told me that she was coming back maybe i should go talk to her . No you can't she is with her dad and sam didn't tell because maybe she didn't want anyone knowning that she is back . I should be the frist to know because i am her friend you don't know how much i miss her . Taylor she was only gone for like four days man you are so in love with her that you don't know what's in front of you . Let's go and leave her alone . I am going to stay and watch her .
Goodbye dad i will miss you and i will aways love you even though you are not here with me anymore. I feel that you are still here watching over me . Walking away was so hard that i cryed, i didn't see who i walk into but he put his arms around me and said katie everything will be ok im here now you don't have to worry . Looking up from crying it was taylor . Katie do you want me to walk you to your car ? No thanks . What are you doing here ? I was just walking here to see my mom and dad . Wait your mom and dad died ? Yes just before you dad died . I can't belive this you are hiding things from me to . Everyone is lieing to me. I feel like i am losing everyone i ever was friends . I have to go taylor it was nice see you oh and you should call sam . Katie yelled taylor can you just please truth me . No i can't your not the frist person that feels like lieing to me is ok i just have to go i have to said katie . She walked away from me without another word and she didn't even look back at me .
Hi this is taylor may i talk to sam please . This is her whats up taylor? I have to tell you this and you can't get mad . Ok . I don't love you i love as my friend i called because katie said that i should call you . She also said that you like me i just don't feel the same about you . Taylor why are you telling me this ? katie doesn't like you she told me herself and you what it was wrong of me trying to love when you only go after her . Sam this is how it has to be one more thing i don't think we should be friends it would be better that way. Fine thanks for calling taylor goodbye !
Chapter four
So is this what we are going to do? i hope you know spying on katie is not going to do anything . Shut up this was not my idea it was your luke not mine ! yea but its because you would not make a plan. Noting you will say will make it right for her all you have to do is let her listen to you and if she asks you something tell her the truth don't lie to her . Luke it seems that you like her said seth . No i don't i am just trying to help you but i can see that you don't want my help so i am just going to go. I hope that everything will turn out right for you man said tommy. Thanks Luke i hope so i just want her to understand me and its going to be hard to tell her everthing . You will be fine man just do your best and everything will be right said luke walking away .
Someone was knocking on my door i got up to get it . Yes ? Katie you are not my friend i can't belive this you are trying to take taylor away from me. How could you do that friends don't do that to friends!! Sam wait what are you talking about i never tryed to take him from you ! I just went to see my dad's grave and i never saw him there not intil i was walking away cry. Yea but you told him to call me why ? I told him to call you because you liked him and i said that he needs to leave me alone. Katie i think it was wrong for you moving back here said sam. Why i never did anything to anyone the only reason i came back was for my dad i wanted to be close to him thats it. I don't understand why you are even saying that sam. We were friend since five and now you think i am taking away taylor from well i am not! Katie he is in love with you and i know you don't want a boyfriend but he wants you . I don't want to be friends with you anymore and you don't have to come over to my house for dinner. Sam God is this all about taylor ? if it is then you know what i am sick and tired of people telling what to do and you have no right to tell me what to do ! That is fine with me if you don't want to be friends with me but if you don't want to be friends with me over a boy then you have a problem i said . At least i am not all alone bye katie when you see me at school don't talk to me or look at me . Sam i have news for you i am not going to your school and i will never talk to you not intil you realize that fighting over a boy is just stupit. I will never stop going after taylor i hope you know that katie ! Just go already sam and shut up ! Fine goodbye katie you will never a friend like me . Closing the door thinking maybe i shouldn't have come back if i keep losing my friends like this maybe it would be better if i go back to Washington D.C. i said . Katie ? God who can that be now i said .
I looked outside and saw Seth standing there with flowers in his hands smile at me . Seth why did you come all the way here i though i told you that i didn't want to talk to you or know you ? Katie please i just want to tell you few things about me all you have to do is listen to me thats all am asking for . Fine come in seth you have ten minutes .
Chapter Five -The truth about seth
I looking at seth thinking everything he told me when we were little was just a big lie so i said go on seth tell me what you come to say . You know that i am twenty-one and that wasn't really born in Missouri but there is way more then that i have to tell you said seth. There is someone after you and i know that you know him his name is Taylor . What wait no the only thing taylor is after is me being his girlfriend that it . No thats not it katie the is way more to that then just this . He is not the person you know he is, he is living a lie . How can he ? when you are the one living a lie and lieing to me . Katie please just let me tell you what i come to say ok ? Fine go ahead . Taylor wants you more then his girlfriend he wants to take you to his real home town i don't know were that is but i am sure its not good. So what you are saying i shouldn't be friends with him cause you think he will try to kill me or something ? asked katie. Well no but still it would be good if you don't be friends with him its for your own good. If its for my own good then are you going to tell me anything about yourself? I am going to tell you now said seth . I am not who you think i am and i can't just tell you who i am not because i have people trying to kill me . I will tell you when you will belive me . Katie i need you to know i am in love with you. Thats all i have to say . Seth i don't know if i can belive you are not this is all to much to take in i just need some time to think over this . You can take all the time in the world . Here the flowers are for you when you are ready to talk just gave me a call he said walking to the door .
Setting on the roof i just can't belive taylor want to kill me its not like him but then he told me something at the grave what was it now oh yea he said that he loves me and would do anything to get me and anything to anyone who would get close to him . Why would he say that maybe he though i wasn't listening to him or he wanted me to hear him . I just come back here to be with my dad thats all not to be in all this drama crap. I wonder when mom will find out i am not there . I really hope that she is safe with who ever she is with . Closing my eyes i fell asleep on the roof .
Katie looked so peaceful sleeping on the roof . She looked like an angel that shouldn't be here thinking taylor. Katie opened her eyes and i looked at her smileing . Taylor um not to be mean but what are you doing on my roof ? I saw you laying on the roof and though that were falling off of it. I just wanted to make sure you were safe that all. Is that a bad thing ? ask taylor. No its not a bad thing but i was just sleeping thats all really you don't need to worry about me taylor i am ok really.
Chapter six
Katie i have to talk to you thats is why i come here . No not you to . Did you know that sam come to talk to me ? No i never told her to talk to you katie . Well she did and she said that i was trying to take you away from her! you know what now we are not even friends because of you i don't know what you told her but whatever it was you better go tell her your sorry and i need time to myself. Katie i just said that i love you and that i don't want to be friends with her because she was making it hard . She is in love with you taylor why don't you understand that? asked katie. There is one person that i am in love and its you !!! No no no no it can't be it just can't !! but katie it is you ever since we were little. I remeber when you smiled smiled at me . When i need a friend you were there with open arms . I did so many things wrong but you were still there helping me though it all said taylor . I just looked at him i couldn't come up with anything to say. Can you say something katie ? I don't think because i am right . Do you remeber the day we went to the beach ? Yes that was went it was your birthday i said laughing. Yea and i think you were trying to make sure i didn't know about the party you were throwing me . Yea i said laughing that didn't go the way i wanted it to . I still didn't know how you found out about it but you acted like you didn't know anything i said . I did that because you wanted me to be happy at my party taylor said looking down . Yes but that was the last time you ever talk to me . The next year you changed so much, you were dating so many girls that i couldn't tell how many you really liked . I aways told myself that you change that night i went home and throw away the pictures we had taken together from that day on i didn't look at you or talk to you i said. I don't know want else to say but that i love you . Why do guys aways say that your not the frist guy to tell me this i am just saying . Who else told you that they love you ? It doesn't matter but i need to be alone please said katie . Just gave me a call or come over you know where i live taylor said. I got off the roof and went to my room.
chapter seven-life
I needed to go to my dad's grave to think things over. It's so much easer to think there no one to tell you what to do or say just a peaceful place if though it is a grave yard. As i was walking there i heard something in the woods turning around i looked but no one was there so i kept on walking. Then there it was again i looked again and yell if anyone is there come out here now !! but no one would was coming out then i just started to run there . Just a few more steps i can do it . I finely got to the grave yard. Walking to my dad's grave setting down i took out a pen and my notebook to write my thoughts down.
Dear diary I think coming back home was not a good thing to do . I just lost my best friend Sam. Then i got told by Seth and Taylor both that they are in love with me. What is wrong here? There is one good thing about coming here and that is i can be closer to my dad. He was everything to me. Now that he is not here my life is falling apart. I try to fix it but i can't maybe i just should go back to live with my mom . Thats all the time i have today.
I got up slowly and put the note that i wrote for my dad on the grave walked away with out looking back. I need to face it my dad is gone and i can't aways be coming here . I said my finely goodbye and started to walk home. This is a big world i am not ready to lose everything again but i lost Sam i don't think i will ever be friends with her because of Taylor he can be so stupid sometimes. As i got home there was something on my door. It was a note i opened it and started to read it .
Dear Katie i know you have so much on your mind right now. I also understand why you wanted to live close to your father. I won't make you come back and live with us. Just know that you have a home here and that i love you so much . Your the only one that i care about. There is something you need to know . I didn't cheat on your dad with mark. I love him alot . I hope someday you will love him too . wish the best for you. love your mom.
As i looked at the letter i started to cry. I don't want to lose my mom but i have to someone she doesn't know all i have to say is i hope she is happy with him. I turned off all the light and headed up to my room as i lay on my bed i closed my eyes and went to sleep peaceful.
Chapter eight- what is love?
I decide to call Seth as i dialed his number i almost hang up but he pick up the phone. Hello? who is this . I took a deep breath and said its Katie . Katie do you know what time it is ? Um no should i ? yes its five o'clock. I'm sorry i can call you another time Seth . No its fine is something wrong ? No i want you to come over and tell me who you really are . Are you ready for that yet Katie ? My life is already not perfect and yes i am sure . I"ll be there in five minutes. Until then Seth i hung up the phone.
I got ready for Seth and sat on my favorite chair since i was a baby. As i looked up again Seth was right in front of but the door was not open. I looked at him again with so many questions in my eyes. Are you ready to know who i am asked Seth. Yes Seth i am ready. I am a vampire i was since i was five years old . Your a what ? Vampire said Seth. No this can't be real! There is no such thing as vampires. There is Katie you just don't know the world your living. If your a vampire then why can you love me i though vampires can't love people. They only love there blood to drink. Katie that is not real vampires can love, come out in the sun, and they can stand being in the same room as humans. Oh so i am just a human to you is that it ? No Katie you are way more to me then anyone can ever be or will be Seth said looking at my eyes. I looked away saying noting . I should not have told you that you weren't ready i can leave if you like me to. No don't leave me i want to ask you a question and you can't lie to me . I won't lie to you ever again Seth said. Is Taylor a vampire too? No i don't know what he is. I can't tell who he is and what he is. So what your saying is that Taylor may be one of you or something worst? asked Katie. Yes that is why i told you to stay away from him i wasn't trying to take you away from him i was to warning you that's all. And when you said you loved me did you mean it ? Katie i still love you and yes i mean it even though i am a vampire. It just means i have to be careful because your breakable said Seth. Breakable i am not said Katie. Katie do you know what love is ? Yes i do why ? Can you tell me it is ? yes i can . Love is something two people share the person that you think about all the time. The one person you want to be with the resets of your life said Katie. You forgot one thing Katie it is also the person you want your life with and the one you can't see hurt Seth said. I looked at Seth and then looked away fast because i feat tears coming down. He walked by me and took my hand in his. I looked up at him and tried to turn away but his other hand was holding my face. Katie asked Seth. Yes ? I love you i want you to know that . Then before i can say anything back he took my face in both hands and kiss my lips slowly and softly. I love you to Seth I said. He smiled at me holding me close.
Chapter nine- My life was changing
Would my life ever be the same. Would my friends know how i feel about seth. I know i lost Sam forever there is noting i can say or do to make her be my friend that part of my life is over. The only good thing i have is Seth. Being with him is like a fairytale where i can be anything and he would never tell me i have to change for him. I needed to tell Taylor that we would never be but we would always be friends. It's a big world so many people thinking vampires are fake. Belive me when i say that if they knew they would just scream running away. We have no where to go but up. As i put down my diary Seth walked in with breakfast in his hands. What is this ? I had you breakfast it took you along time to wake up . How did you sleep? I slept great . The food looks great and smells wonderful thank you . I would to do anything for you Katie . Anything are you sure about that. Yes anything you want i will get. I want you to make me like you said Kaite. Anything but that. Why you said anything and i want to be with you forever. I know that honey but you have friends and family here that love you. I just don't want to take your life away from you when you have so much time. You can go to college get a real job and be happy. I don't and can't be happy with anyone but you. Katie being a vampire is not always fine you can't tell anyone about the real you. When you do it has to be someone you love and want to be with then they can see you the way you are. Seth just listen for a minute. I want to be with you. My life is not perfect with out you. I can't just live my life with you watching me and being happy for me. I want you to be happy too. Turning me in to a vampire is the only way i can think of for us to be happy. If i turn you, you won't want anything to do with me. All you would want is to find a vampire who does better things then i do said Seth. Taking Seth face i looked in his eyes as i said there is no one else i would want to be with in this world or no one i would anything for then you. If i had to die for you i would. I want you to be done with High School before i can be thinking of turning you in to a vampire. You know Seth that i will be done with school fast because it's my last year. Yes but you are going to have fun to. What are you going to do to make sure i have fun? I will make you sign up from sporting and make you be a cheerleader. I will do sports but there is no way in hell i would be a cheerleader. They are to cheese and just smile to much for my taste. Katie being a cheerleader is not a bad thing it would be fun for you. God Seth for the last time i will not be a cheerleader hell i will just sign up for all the sports. I will change your mind sooner on later. Can we just talk about something else? asked Katie. Yes we can what would like to talk about ? What are you going to do today? I am going hunting in a few hour until then we can do anything you like. What would you like to do ? I was thinking about going to the mall i need new clothes. What happen to your clothes Seth asked laughing. It's not funny i forgot to take the reset of them with me from my mom's house. Really he said still laughing thats bad maybe i want you to not have any clothes. I just looked at him until that sunk in then i backed away slowly from him. Katie i am just joking come back here. No !! that was not funny Seth your scaring me. One scened here was across the room the next he was in front of me. Katie i would never do anything that would hurt you . I know that i am your first boyfriend and i would never make you do something that you wouldn't want to do believe me. You are way imported to me i don't want to lose you to something stupid i did. I believe him i know he loved me love me so much that he wanted me to stay human.
Chapter Ten back to school
I can't believe I have school today i told Seth he was setting on my bed watching me pick out an outfit for my senor year of school. It's your last year you will be done with school sooner then you know. Before i forget don't forget to sing up for sports. Really Seth you are making me do this it's so not fair!! It's fair i want you to be happy your last year of School. Make some friends go to party's have fun. I will be here. I have things i need to do so don't worry about me just have fun that's all i'm asking.
What are you going to do when i am at school ? I am going to paint your room blue and i need to make a trip to Washington D.C. Seth how did you know my favorite color i never told you it. I guessed it the first day when we were little you told me you liked looking at the sky because it was so blue and pretty.
Hm is there anything else you know about me that i never told you ? Yes but i don't think you will want to know. Why asked Katie. You may get mad at me for knowing it . Please tell me Seth . OK don't get mad at me please. I won't i promise said Katie. Now tell me . You never had anyone kiss you or had sex. You wanted to but you couldn't find anyone that was right for you said Seth. I looked away from him. Are you mad at me ? No i just don't know what to say. I will let you think about it while you are getting ready. Once he was gone i tried to find out how he knew that. No one ever found that out but he just did. My phone was ringing i pick it up and answered it. Hello? Katie ? Yes who is this? Taylor i need to talk to you can we meet somewhere? I have School you know that we go to the same school. No i mean after school please it's impotent. What can be so impotent that you haven't told me on the roof? Just meet me at the back door of the gym after school he said. Then the line went dead. I looked at the phone before walking down the stairs.
Chapter eleven- Last year of school.
Do you know how i told you that i would go to a different school this year? well guess what, that is true. Now i go to North High School, were no one knowns me there. As well as you know Seth wanted to drive me to School just to make sure no other guy will try to go after me, like any guy would be stupid to do that well beside Taylor. That reminded me i had to meet him after school but what school ? I don't go to West-east anymore thinking while looking out the window. Katie ? hello earth to Katie are you there ? said Seth. Yes i am what did you want to say? asked Katie. Katie don't worry about anyone but yourself. I know you will do great honey, i love you Seth said kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back then looked at the clock and said Seth i am going to be late for my first day of School i smiled. Now i should say sorry for almost making you late but i'm not Seth said kissing me again slowly and deep. About five minutes later i got out of the car and smiled going inside the School. I had to look at my schedule to see what my first class will be. It was gym no super there. I hated gym as much i hated running. As i got to the room the teacher was giving out calling out name and giving out locks. I was so close to being late for this class but as i got in the gym the bell ringed three minutes later. Ms Lee come get your lock please and then set down said the teacher. Katie got up to get her lock when she saw Taylor walking smiling like some kind of geek. Here you go honey. My name is Ms. Thomas but you can call me Ms. T. she said smiling. Why is that ? asked Katie. Your gym teacher Mr. Smith said you loved gym and not to worry about you. I smiled and went back to my spot were i was near no one. Taylor walked up to gave a piece of paper to Ms. Thomas. Alright Taylor here is your lock go take a set please. Please not by me i said hoping he would pass me but he didn't he sat down. Taylor would have said something to me by now but i guess he thinks i don't look like myself... that better to know. Alright students i am going to put you in parters said Ms. Thomas. Sam and Kate, Lauren and Lee, Tanya and Beth, Liz and Jake. Did i forget anyone ? asked Ms. Thomas. Ya Ms.T said Taylor. Oh i'm sorry you will be with Katie. Now go to your parters. This can not be happening i said why do i get to be with Taylor can this day get any worst ? Hey Katie i didn't know you were going to this school too said Taylor looking cool. Yes i said. What of it ? Hell Katie don't do this. Do what? all i am doing is trying to get my senior year over with. Yea but your being a bitch about it. Oh really now if you want me to be a bitch you haven't seen anything yet believe me i said looking at him. Katie come on can we just try to talk or be friend ? I told you that i never liked Sam i only liked you. Don't you get it Taylor? Sam is pissed at me because you like me and not her. Katie and Taylor are you done talking ? Sorry Ms. Thomas we both said at the same time. That's fine but next time you both will be staying back for five minutes after the bell. What we are going to do today is go outside on the track and walk. It's your first day so you will have it easy. Everyone was walking outside but i waited until they were half way to the track so that i can walk by my self. Hey can i ask you something ? What ? who are you ? said Katie. Don't worry you won't ever see me again. I just want to know something that's all he said. Um sure i guess ask away ... What is your name? How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend named Seth ? My name is Katie Lee but i just go by Katie. Why does it matter how old i am ? Just answer it he said looking pissed. Fine i'm eight-teen and for the last question no i don't have a boyfriend named Seth. You must have the wrong girl sorry i said running to the track. He came out of no were but he was in front of me smiling like he knew i was not saying the truth about Seth but how ? he can't be a vampire too can he? looking at him i tired to get away but he was there blocking me like he knew what i was thinking. I finely stop tiering to get away and said what do you want now ? I answered all your questions. Can you please just let me get back to my class ? Sh Katie don't be like that. You know that i know you and Seth are dating so why not make it easer on you and him he said picking me up and walking to his car. What the hell are you doing ? Why does it matter so much that i am with Seth ? God you don't know anything do you ? I though that much. He opened the car door put me in the car got to his side fast and started to drive before i can jump out. Well i think i can still try but it will hurt like hell oh well that's what i get for dating Seth . You know that you can't do that because i won't let you he had an evil smile on his face. Huh what i said. You jumping out of the car won't help anything. How... how did you know what i was thinking ? I can hear your thoughts because i am the right guy- vampire for you and you have no idea what Seth is truth me. I don't even know your name and you think i will truth you. For your information i know more about Seth then you will ever know but thanks for warning me even if i don't need it. I will tell you everything about Seth when we reach my house as for my name you can call me Dav. I don't want to go to your house i need to be at School. Seth will be worrying about me when he comes to pick me up . You won't be seeing him at all, as for your look well that will be take care of. Dav just what the heck do you think your doing ? He will just come look for me and if he wanted to kill you i won't stop him. No that's were your wrong you won't wanted him to kill me, you would wanted me to kill him. What your crazy!!! I don't even know you. I started to cry. I just want to go back to Seth . Are you crying ? I am sorry if i hurt your feelings. I never meant for that to happen. Why are you not listing to me ? I WANT TO GO BACK TO SETH NOW I screamed. What your crazy!!! I don't even know you. I started to cry. I just want to go back to Seth . He got out of the car and said were here . As i got out i started to run fast away from him. As i was coming to a stop by the tree a hand went over my mouth before i had time to scream. Now what do you think your doing ? he let me answer getting away from you what did it look like ? Katie, Katie you shouldn't have done that. Oh what are you going to do about it ? Kill me no cause then you will die and Seth will kill you over and over. No i won't kill you but i will do this . Then i felt daze and my head was spinning. I never felt like this before. I am sorry love that's all i can do so i don't hurt. You draged me ?? No i bite you little he said carring me to the house. What bite me eyes closed and i couldn't think what i was going to say, everything went black. I woke up too something cold kissing my lips, opening my eyes i saw Dav kissing me and holding me then i screamed but i couldn't because it was like his lips made sure i would never say a word when he was kissing me in a way that felt like Taylor lips when we were little. I Pull back and looked at him. Trying to make scene of what is happening here. He look at me and smiled. I always wanted to do that. Who... who are you ? Really i'm supered that you haven't found out who i am yet Katie. Should i know who you are ? All i know is that you took me from my school and now Taylor will be mad. I am his parter i have to be there she said getting up and going to the door. Katie Taylor won't care if you were there are not! Can please try to listen to me for a minute. When we get done talking i will take you home. Fine lets get this over with Dav.
Chapter twelve- The truth about Seth and Dav.
What your telling is that Seth is using me so he can get to Taylor and me ? That's some of it, Katie I am sorry but are you sure you want to hear the rest about him ? Yes just please tell me . Alright he said walking to stand by me. Seth is a vampire you know that though but what you don't know is he is not a good person. Few years ago he did this to some other girl but when he asked her to marry him she said no and run from him.. Then what happen ? He drank her blood and left her to die . This doesn't make scene at all why would he save me i though he would leave to die. I didn't care if i lived or not. This is all just to much for me i .. i can't stay i have to go. Wait please Katie i have one more thing to tell you and it's not about him it's about me. You need to promise me that you won't get mad at me. Why on earth would i do that ? If you don't i won't let you out of here and you will be stuck in here until i will let you go. Alright just hurry up with it. I have things to do when i get back home she said going to set on the bed. My name is not Dav. I knew that much. My real name is Taylor. What ? no no this can't be how.. how ? and your a vampire? Why did you hide this from me ? I can't believe this!!! Hell i though you said you won't mad he said closing my mouth with his hand. Looking in his eyes made me remember the promise he made when we were little kids. He said he would watch over me and marry me if i were to accept it but we were kids it didn't mean anything. You know i just heard everything you were thinking he said smiling. Stop doing that! and get off of me now! Katie why do let Seth listen to what you are thinking about and not me ? What Seth can't hear what i am thinking because i won't let him and i told him my mind is private. Really so you just let me hear what your thinking that's interesting. No it's not what i mean please. I saw what he was trying to do and tried to stop it but i was to late as usual. This time when he put his lips on mine he waited until i would kiss him. Why am I so stupid i asked myself and kissed him. He put his hand in my hair i tried to stop kissing him but i couldn't, putting my hands in his hair i kissed him so deep that it took my breath away. He let me up for air looking down at me with those lips. I took his lips to mine i bit his lip just for fun then kissed him, rolling on him i put my hand in
his. Katie what are you doing ? Just laying here why ? Well your laying on top of me. Oh i .. i am sorry i said getting up. I never said you have to get up. I don't know what is happening. I will tell you what is happening he smiled. Please do i fell like i am going to cry. Don't cry Katie. We love each other that's why you fell like this. It can't be true it just can't be. It is true believe me. Why do you think you can't stop kissing me and holding my hand like you right now he said looking now at our hands. Katie couldn't say anything because he was right she still loved him even though he left her but she never wanted him to know about it and now here were no one is he can do anything to her. Katie can i ask you something ? Um.. sure what is it ? Do you like the way i kiss you he said kissing my neck do you ? Um yes I do Taylor. That's good now here comes the hard part do you love me still after everything i did to you ? I...... I do still love you i never stopped loving you even after you left me. That's good to hear i guess you now know i am a vampire. Yes but why do you look so different ? because i wanted to protect you from Seth. It's hard trying to do that when you were with him everyday and i couldn't even talk to you. Taylor does he know that you are a ... A vampire no Katie he doesn't. Then what are we going to do ? You have to go back to
him. Why Taylor she asked. If you don't then he will know something is going on. Don't worry we are going to the same School. Taylor I can't lie to him. He will see right though it said Katie starting to cry. Don't cry baby please. He won't know anything as long as you wear this were he can't see it. What is it ? Don't get mad but it's a tough ring it the only thing i know he can't get a hold of because it will be very tight and no one but me can take it off of you. Really you won't come up with something else ? Do you want him to know about us Katie ? No of course not. Then shut up and let me put it on you he said. Open your mouth, i did as he ask this the only way Seth can't hear what i am thinking or doing. Alright done, you look wonderful honey truth me he said taking my hand in his and walking me to his car. Once we were in the car i asked Are we really doing this then ? Yes Katie we have to, there is no other way. I am so sorry to put you though this. Taylor don't say sorry. I am fine with it as long as i get to be with you after this is over with then it would be wroth it she said smiling. I .. I.. What is it Taylor ? We have to act like ourself at school because we don't know who is watching us so that means no holding hands or kissing at all. I understand i said looking away from him. Don't do this please Katie. Do what ? i am just looking out the window . I need to see your face for the last time until we can be together. Taylor i .. Stop talking and kiss me before we get to Seth's house. I looked in his eyes took his warm lips and kissed him like i never kissed anyone before. I love you Taylor and i always will no matter what will happen to me she said getting out of the car not looking at him. Taylor looked at her and felt a tear drop down his face. I love you too Katie he said driving away.
Chapter thirteen- New feeling
When i got to the door as i was about to open Seth look at me with sad eyes like he was crying. Does he know that no can't think about that right now.
Where were you i went to pick you but you were no where to be seen! Did something happen ? No everything is fine Seth i just had to stay after a little thats it. Did you already get in trouble your first day of School ? Oh no no i just need to talk to my teacher and then i got hunger so i got something to eat i'm sorry i didn't call you. Were you crying ? He turned around and looked at the wall. Seth what's wrong please tell me ? Katie tell me something he said throwing me against the wall putting both of his hands on the wall is there another guy that you like if there is then i'll let you go. If you love that Taylor guy you should know he is too a vampire. We been enemies for years to come and still are. God is this what it's about ? To see who can have me first ? So everything he said to me was a lie and you lied to me too is that right ? No my feeling for you are real i don't know about his though and one more thing We are brothers. What the hell you said you didn't have any sibling . All you too can do is lie to me! I am done with this here is your ring and you can gave him this i said taking it out of my mouth then i put it back in my mouth. I will gave that to him goodbye Seth. Wait can i have a kiss before you go ? Sure i said i will never see you again so why not i said turning around and as i was about to kiss him he picked me up and ran upstairs. When we got to his room he locked the door and put me down. What in the world do you think your doing? what part don't you understand i don't want to be with you or him! No you don't you understand? said Seth. What are you talking about ? Katie he does like you and i can't live with that. Yea well what are you going to do ? Katie you said you wanted to be a vampire right? Yes i didn't but i don't want to be a vampire now or ever so please let me leave. No Katie i won't not until i turn you into a vampire that's what you want i can tell, you don't need to lie to me. Lie to you? i am not and you are the one who aways lied to me all the time. Did you think maybe it would have been better to tell me the truth then i would have understand you better ? You don't know how many times i tried to tell you but you always said you had things to do. Now you will be mine forever because when i turn you, you won't belong to anyone but me ! Do you really think i would let you do that to her Seth. As i turned i saw Taylor standing by the window smiling. How did you get here ? I was walking and i heard someone say that they don't want to be turned into a vampire but there was only one person that would say that and then i finely run here and here you are trying to turn her and telling her lies about me said Taylor. I am leaving said Katie. No you can't said Seth. Why is that ? i can leave and i am going to so leave me the fuck alone she said running out the door.
Wow look what you did Seth! Shut up Taylor you don't know anything about her ! I know more then you do i was friends with her longer then you were. Do you always have to get in my business Taylor ? I love her and now she doesn't want anything to do with me or you! I wasn't the one who lied to her forever and i when i think she is ready to know more about me i will tell her so you just back the hell up and leave her alone said Taylor walking to the door. What if i don't what are you going to do about it ? Seth i don't care if your my brother or not but if you hurt her then be ready to die he said closing the door to his brothers house.
Katie found herself at the grave yard by her dad's grave stone. She said would never come back here Why was she here ? Things are falling to apart again things she know about her friends are all just lies. She never wanted to lose Sam but she did. This is all just to much. Katie looked at her phone and dialed her mom's cell number. Her mom picked the phone up on the first ring. Hello ? Mom Katie said crying. Sweetly what's wrong ? I I..just wanted to come home if thats ok with you . Oh honey it's always ok with me do you want me to pick you up? No i think i can drive there. Is anything wrong Katie did some guy do something to you ? No mom my friends just keep telling me lies and i am sick of it. I am not friends with Sam because of Taylor and Seth. I just can't take it anymore. I just want to come home. Alright sweet heart i'll be waiting for you. I love you mom she said closing the phone. How did all this happen ? Why to her ? getting up she walked back to the house and started to pack everything up crying. After she was done with packing she wrote a litter to Taylor and Seth.
Taylor I am sorry but i can't stay here with you and Seth this is all to much for me i can't take it any more. Seth you keep telling me lies and lies i can't believe a word you tell me. Why do you want to hurt me like this. I don't want to be caught in both of your lies anymore. What i am trying to say don't look for me i am sick of all this. Tell Sam i am sorry but i can't be friends with her now because she is telling me lies too i can tell. Goodbye signed katie.
Bella got up and put the letter in the door. As she got to the car there was a rose on the car with a letter on it that said Katie. She looked a around but no one was there, getting in the car she looked at the letter not opening it she put it down and drove off. Taylor saw her drive off. He walked back to her house and found the letter, opening the letter he read it and threw it on the grown. No he said i will not lose you too he said walking to his car.
Chapter fourteen- Dieing was the last thing from my mind.
Katie felt like someone was following her. When she looked but there was someone there but they were turning. She felt scared she didn't know why. Keep on driving she told herself there is no one following you. Katie went a little faster. Just as she was about to turn she hit a tree head on that her car flipped four time and landed upside down. Oh my god is said picking up her phone . Mom ? mom... Yes honey are you almost here ? I no I hit a tree and the car flipped four time i don't think i will make it. I am so sorry for everything i said and did to you. Honey don't talk like that her mom said crying. Just just hold on sweetly i will get help ! What high way are on. On one-hundred said Katie closing her eyes. Honey honey ? Hold on please sweet heart, but she couldn't she lost to much blood and there was noting she can do. The water was already to deep she couldn't breath. Katie never though she was going to kill but it's the end she though closing here eyes.
Taylor was following Katie but she seen him so he had to take a short cut now he was on the same road as her but she was no where to be found. Then he saw the same car as Katie something hit him that was Katie car he stopped getting out running to her car. Yes it was her car she was in there not moving. He broke the window looking at her made him cry but he didn't not yet. He got her out and put her in his car taking her to the hospital as fast as he could. Don't die on me Katie not now! Katie was in a different place where there were flowers and the sky was light blue. Katie? she turned around and saw her dad standing there smiling at her. Dad.. Dad. Yes am here honey. Can you tell me why your here ? I hit a tree and flipped the car four times she said looking at the sky. You have to go back Katie your mom needs you and Taylor loves you. Dad Taylor doesn't need me and mom is happy with her job and her boyfriend. Honey if you don't want to go to your mom's live in our house and gave her same time. Dad how can you say that? She cheated on you and you still can say that like noting happen. I know she did but i still love. She didn't know what to do. I think she just got scared thats all sweetly. Dad i just want to stay here with you . I can't take anymore lies from Taylor or anyone else. Taylor will tell you everything when he thinks your ready and honey you need to go back. Live your life your too young to die right now. Dad i will never see you again i want to be with you ! I will always be here for you. Don't worry about anything i love you sweet heart now go back he said pushing me down the black hole.
Chapter fifteen- waking up.
Katie i love you so much please don't leave me. I need you! Taylor said holding her hand. Katie i have to tell you something Seth does love you but he told me that he can't be with you when you don't want to. I have something to tell you too. I killed Sam that's why you haven't seen her but she was keeping something from you. She was a vampire too and she wanted to kill you. I know that you can't hear this but please Katie live i need you to live. There is no one else i can be with but you Taylor said crying. What is that voice ? who was here with me ? i tried to open my eyes but couldn't. Something wet was falling on my face, was someone crying ? again i tried to open my eyes and finely i could see who was here crying it was Taylor. I took put my hand on his face and tried to say his name but it was hard so i just said Ta. He looked up and saw me smiling. Katie god Katie i though i lost you ! Don't ever do that again. Taylor i finely said where is my mom ? He looked away not smiling. Taylor please tell me where she is . Katie i am so sorry but the guy she was with killed her when he heard she was going to see you. It is all over the news. No why this can't happen why ? now i lost both of my parents she said looking at the wall. Katie she wanted me to gave you this he said giving me a big bag. What is all this i asked. She said make sure i gave this to you and Tell Katie i love her he said. There were checks in the bag and cloths. I looked at Taylor did they kill the guy or did they even tried to look for him ? Katie they are still looking for him but he is no where to be found. The cops tried everything. They said they won't gave up not in-till they find him. Thats good to know but i need to get out of here she said getting up off the bed. Oh no you don't you need to rest the nurse said that. Taylor please i need to get out of here. Why don't you want to rest and go home tomorrow? because i just need to be at my house and get better there. He looked at her and said you where always the suborned one and i see you still are. Yes i wonder why ? Katie who do you think you can get out of here without being noticed ? You can run fast right? Yes and ? Well then you can take me out of here . Please Taylor. OK get your things i'll be outside your door in-till you are done getting dress and i hope you don't care that we are going to jump out the window. I don't care i just want to get out of here she said closing the door to get dress.
Chapter sixteen - Home again.
Are you done Katie? Yes come in . Alright we have to hurry before anyone can see us. Um Taylor were you the one who found me ? Yes i was . Thank you she said. Let's go before we get caught he said putting me on his back. Are you ready ? Yes. Close your eyes if you get scared. Closing her eyes she felt the wind on her face and when she opened them they were running alright. Well what do you think he asked running passed the trees. I think it was fun she smiled kissing his neck. What was that for ? For everything you did for me and i am sorry that i didn't believe you before. Believe me about what Katie ? That you love you and care about me. I always loved you and cared. Yes but you never show it . Katie i think your ready to hear what happen to me he said slowing down. When were where little i told you i loved you and promise to be there for you but as i got to middle school something was happening to me that i didn't even know at first i though i was sick so i headed home. When i got home my brother was there too. He looked like hell worsted then i did. Our parents told use what was happening. First we though they were crazy but we both felt our hearts stop beating and then everything went black. I was the last one to wake up. My brother was setting there smiling like he was happy that this happen to us. The next few weeks i stayed away from everyone even you. You called all the time and i never answered. My brother looked at me and said You like her why don't you tell her what happen maybe she will understand. I told him to back the hell off and he just walked away from my life that day without another word thats when my world started falling apart. When it was time to start high school i still never talked to you and i wanted to so bad but you looked so happy without me. That day you got a phone cell and you started to cry because your dad told you he had cancer and only three years to live. You looked at me that day and never looked back at me that made me mad and i started to date every girl in the girl but i only wanted to be with you. After our sophomore year was over i deiced to talk to you so our first year back i looked for you and you looked so different with brown long hair, your wonderful green eyes and your smile. I walked up to and said hi you - I know i was stupid that year in-till the end but i don't need to hear that said Katie. Well now you see that i was born a vampire i never had a chose like you do. I am so sorry Taylor i am so sorry i felt you feeling hurt i can't believe i am was so stupid. Look Katie i understand you were going though a hard time and you don't need to say sorry to me. No Taylor i just can't you can still love me after all i have said and done. Katie i have always loved you and always will don't ever forget that! He put me down and we walk to the house holding hands.
Chapter seventeen- no other chose.
When we got to the house the door was open and someone was inside standing by the window. Who-
Sh Katie it's the guy who kill your mom we need to get out of here fast he said. Just as i we were about to leave he came outside. Just where do you think your going ? I got up and went right up to his face. Katie don't you don't know who he is please lets just get out of here. No i am going to say what i want to say so just stop please Taylor she said smiling. She turn back to him and he was about to bite her but she pushed him hard that he fell back. Looking at him she smiled. Would you like to try to do that again she asked ? What what are you ? I am human you dumb ass. You can't be because you made me fall down to the grown. Well now i don't care about what you have to say but you listen to what i am going to tell you. Why did you kill my mom ? did you think that by killing her you would be able to kill me ? or by killing me you would be with her forever and no one will know who you are ? Demit you ask to many questions. Then answer them Katie said looking at him. I wanted to kill you because all she talked about was you and it was driving me crazy ! Oh i see you were jealous how pathetic. Pathetic you bitch he said getting up and throwing her against the tree looking down at her he said now who is pathetic? You are still pathetic! Did you ever think that she love you and me the same or was it too much for you that she love me more then her boyfriend ? You know what you are making this so easy on me i can kill you right here and your pretty boy won't stop you he smiled. Is that so said Taylor but we can stop you together right Seth said Taylor. Hell yes you better not lay one finger on Katie. If i do what will you do? I will kill you and make you into ash said Seth. So i see you have two pretty that like you how fun it must be for you. I got up and took his hand throwing him though the window. Don't you ever call them pretty boys got it? Well now he said getting you are just full of yourself now i am going to kill you he laughed. You need try both Taylor and Seth said coming up in front of Katie. Boys to really think that you can stop me ? You are just human after so get out of the way. That's were your wrong ass whole said Katie coming in front of them. Is that so ? Yes they are both vampires just like you ! How the hell did you know i was a vampire ? God you are really stupid. Don't call me that i just asked a question Katie he said smiling evil. I saw your teeth when you tried to bit me. Not a very good move to make she smiled. Dam he said throwing Seth and Taylor out of the way and walking to her. Katie you don't know anything about vampire and now you will never know because you are going to die he laughed. Who so what are you going to do ? drank my blood in-till there is no more go ahead i am not scared of dieing because i will hunt you for the rest of your life so go ahead and kill me she looked at him. Katie don't said Taylor looking at her. Boy you can't move just let me kill her and you can live your life. Yes Taylor let him kill me she said smiling. You are asking for it he said biting her neck drinking her blood. Katie fell down and her eyes closed she was going in the deep blue water again this time forever. Taylor got up and threw gas on him and Seth lighted him on fire. You to late he said screaming she will die and there is noting you can do he said turning into ash.
Taylor ran to Katie and looked at Seth. I can't lose her i don't know what to do ! Taylor said Seth you only have one thing to do and you don't want to lose her so turn her into a vampire he said walking away. Where are you going ? Somewhere far away from this place i hope things turn out great for you Taylor with that he was gone. God Katie i am so so sorry but there is no other way to save you i can't live without you he said biting her neck and drinking a little bit of her blood. Then he bite his wrist and drank put his blood in his mouth. He kissed Katie and let the blood go though her body waking her up from the dark. The blood went everywhere in her body. At first Katie though she was going to be with her dad again but something pulled her back, she felt blood in her mouth and tried to throw it up. Katie please just drank the blood. Katie opened her eyes seeing Taylor looking at her. I.. she tried to asked what happen but no words were coming out of her mouth. You can't talk not in-till you finish drinking my blood thats the only way you can live he said putting his mouth on hers. She tried to kick him off of her but he got on top of her and kissed her what seemed like forever. Taylor looked at her and licked at the spot where he bite her. She couldn't move all she could do is wait for her voice to come back. She looked at Taylor and said why did you do this ? Why didn't you just let me die? Katie why would you say that? I love you and i don't want to be with anyone else. Katie screamed and Yelled WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME ? Your become a vampire it will hurt for a little bit he said picking her up. She tried to tell him that she didn't like this but her eyes closed.
Chapter eighteen- New life
When i got up my head hurt so bad and i wanted blood. Where am i ? I though i was dead. Your not dead i saved you said Taylor in my mind. What how can you do that ? Do what ? Come in my mind because i am the one who bite you and made you a vampire so that is how i can hear what you are thinking. Taylor Why do i want so much blood ? You only been a vampire for a week you should be fine in few days he said. What a week but i though i was only out for like a day. Nope he smiled. Was Seth there ? helping us fight ? Yes but he had to go . He also told me to take care of you . Oh why did he have to go ? I didn't even say bye to him . He had something else he needed to do . I'm sorry Katie. For what ? For all this turning you into a vampire and everything else . You couldn't do anything else Taylor right ? Yes i didn't want to watch you die in front of my eyes. Well then it's alright i still wanted to live. Thanks to you i can and now i don't ever have to get old which is sweet she smiled. I need you to tell me something and you can't lie to me . OK i will she said smiling and said i know you will know if i lied to you are not cause you can read my mind. Yes i can but only when you let me . Hm i see so what the question asked Katie . Are you ok with being a vampire ? you will never grow old, never age, and you won't be able to stay in one school for long . I just want to make sure i did the right thing . I don't want you one day coming up to me and saying that you hate me or something like that. I love you and i didn't want to be without you that why i saved you, so you can still live your life. Justin i love you i would never say i hate you because i got turned into a super awesome vampire by a sweet nice guy. This will be my last year in high school so you don't need to worry about the School don't forget that you go to the same school. Everything will work out you'll see. I hope your right Katie. It will don't worry so much . Alright i won't . Let's just look forward to tomorrow and see what it brings us said Katie. Your right sweetheart he said taking her hand and kissing it. There is something that i wanted to ask
you. You can ask me anything Katie you know that. Will you ever leave me for my own good ? what i am trying to say is if i start killing people i need you to kill me. Can you do that ?
No i can't. Katie i will always be by your side no matter what will happen to you i will always love you. When your wrong i will help you when you get hurt i will be there to pick you back up again he said looking into her blue eyes. That's all i needed to hear. I truly love you Taylor i don't ever want to you leave you she said taking his hand in her's.
Publication Date: 07-06-2010
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