"Matthew 13 verses 53 through 57 reads:
When Jesus had finished telling these stories and illustrations, He left that part of the country. He returned to Nazareth, His hometown. When He taught there in the synagogue, everyone was amazed and said, 'Where does He get this wisdom and the power to do miracles?'"
Chaplain Blue scanned the faces on the battle-wearied men who risked their lives to attend his field service. He knew that they were tired, hungry and scared, but he was sent there to preach the Word of God and that was his mission.
"Then they scoffed, 'He’s just the carpenter’s son, and we know Mary, His mother, and His brothers—James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. All His sisters live right here among us. Where did He learn all these things?' And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in Him. Then Jesus told them, 'A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.'"
Chaplain looked at one of the Lance Corporals present at the service and asked; "What do you think that Jesus was talking about when He said this?"
Lance Corporal Javier Rios was very attentive at service, usually. Today he was burdened by two things; the fact that a dangerous night mission was to take place that evening and the fact that he was going home in two days after serving almost 2 years in Iraq.
"What did Jesus mean when He said that?"
Javier stood and looked at the rest of the members of his company present at the service and addressed the question.
"Well Sir I think that He is saying that He was respected as a wise teacher, a prophet and a healer amongst many other things during His ministry. He was a stranger yet He was loved and respected. But when He went home He was treated as if He was just the son of that carpenter Joe - not as the Son of God."
Chaplain responded; "Amen! There is so much in this story that we can take for ourselves..."
Chaplain Blue could sense that something was about to happen. He couldn't put his finger on it but something was going on. Within seconds he could see his RP (Religious Program Specialist) charging toward his position with his M-16 pointing in a direction over Blue's shoulder.
"Chaplain, take cover!"
Blue took cover behind his makeshift communion table that was barreled over to provide some protection from what was to come. Within seconds the other members of the company scrambled into position just as an explosion rocked the earth.
Chaplain Blue was familiar with this chaos. The Marines defended their position as he prayed unceasingly for the chaos to end. A series of explosions pushed the men back towards their camp and they took refuge in the center of a circle of Humvees.
During the fire-fight, Chaplain Blue couldn't hear the thunderous sounds of battle or the men calling him. He was used to the fact that his hearing was very selective during these times. He scanned the area and saw his RP and two other marines separated from the group.
Without hesitation he walked towards the men and he began to speak in an unknown language. It was as if he was in a trance as he walked through a barrage of bullets and the explosions created by unknown munitions.
Lance Corporal Rios reached for his weapon but it was too hot to handle due to the fact that so many explosions occurred nearby.
Chaplain continued to walk and he was enveloped in a sensation that can be likened to an ice cube wrapped in flames. He reached for the three men and placed them behind his body. It was his RP's job to protect him but his strength was nothing compared to Chaplain's strength when it came to these situations. The RP was assigned to the Chaplain for the last two years and although he didn't understand, he knew that God was in control.
Chaplain protected the men as they made their way back to the rest of the company. When they were close enough to the circle of Humvees they dove over the vehicles as the other men laid down a powerful blanket of suppressive fire.
Chaplain walked away from the group and kneeled with his back turned towards the men and continued to pray. Within seconds a powerful airstrike was unleashed and the enemy was crushed quickly. When the smoke lifted from the charred battlefield all was silent.
The Captain called out: "Report!"
"All present and accounted for Sir!"
"Excellent! Who called in that air-strike? That was outstanding; somebody's gonna get a purple heart or somethin' for that because that was right on time! Hoorah?"
The men replied; "HOORAH!!"
The Captain looked around and repeated; "Who called it in? Sergeant, who called in that air-strike?"
Sergeant O’Brien replied; "Sir, it wasn't our men..."
Captain Taylor looked around and replied; "Either they blew themselves up or somebody up there likes us!"
He noticed that Chaplain Blue continued to pray and he walked towards him. The RP stood between the Captain and the Chaplain and looked directly into the Captain's eyes.
"Sir, please do not disturb him, he'll be with us in a minute..."
"RP, are your eye-balling me and is that any way to address an officer!"
"Sir, it is the Chaplain's direct order! After such a traumatic event he needs some time to recuperate! Major Blue's direct orders, Sir!"
Captain Taylor backed down and responded; "Understood!"
Chaplain Blue stood and scanned his surroundings. As usual, he didn't know what happened but he had small snippets of memories about the conflict.
He smiled and looked at the Captain. The Captain snapped to attention.
"Permission to speak freely Sir?"
"Yes Captain."
"Your RP said that you suffered some type of traumatic event - what happened, were you injured?"
Chaplain Blue responded; "I don't know what happened, ask the men."
Chaplain Blue shook his robe slightly as about twenty bullets fell to the ground.
Captain Taylor called out; "Medic!"
The Corpsman arrived and instructed the Chaplain to remove his robe. More bullets spilled to the ground and he handed the robe to his RP. The Corpsman inspected the Chaplain and he couldn't find any trauma.
The Corpsman responded; "He's okay..."
As darkness approached the men proceeded with their fire watch duties while the rest of the men huddled around a small fire.
Chaplain knew what was coming, so he started to read his bible silently. This was not the first time that such strange things had happened in the field. He knew that the men enjoyed weaving the incident into outrageous scenarios similar to those that you'd find in a Science Fiction movie.
Captain Taylor asked; "Okay men...what happened out there?"
One marine offered; "You should have seen it Sir...we were surrounded by gunfire and explosions all around. Chappy just walked through the hail of bullets bobbing and weaving like he was Neo from Matrix. Suddenly Chappy took to the air and did this cool flip and he started slingin' holy water at those heathens and we watched them burnin' up. He grabbed me and two other men, flung us over his shoulder and took off runnin' to the Humvees..."
Another marine interrupted; "You're missing the best part my brother. Chappy used his mind-power and caused two of the enemies' missiles to stop and reverse direction and head right towards those bastards! They never had a chance! As we walked towards the Humvees he put up some type of force-field that protected us ..."
Chaplain Blue just shook his head and laughed to himself. Another voice was offered, one that he didn't recognize, but he continued to read while listening to the next tall-tale created from an event that he himself didn't understand.
"Chaplain Blue is a man of God. He prayed when the skirmish began and he prayed until the event was over. The Spirit of the Lord was upon him and gave him strength and supernatural abilities. He is protected by God and as promised; no harm will come to him and his enemies were crushed - never to rise again..."
Captain Taylor looked around and asked; "Who said that?"
RP responded; "It was an angel..."
The men laughed the event off as Chaplain pondered the words that were spoken. For several hours comments and statements like; 'bulletproof monk' or 'Ironman of God' or 'Sponge Bob Prayer Pants' were made.
Lance Corporal Rios finished the discussion by quoting a line from The Last Dragon
. His face was twisted and contorted into one that could not easily be explained or imitated. He added; Bruce Lee Roy ...catches bullets with his teeth?!
At zero two-hundred hours (2:00 a.m.)- it was "Go time." First and second platoon went from house to house seeking insurgents - but there were none to be found. Third and fourth remained at base along with Chaplain Blue. On the way back, although he was miles away, Chaplain Blue could feel that something was about to happen. He ran to the Communication Officer's tent.
"Contact first and second platoon, tell them to take cover!"
The command was radioed in and then the network crashed. Approximately one hour later First and Second arrived.
Someone yelled out "Corpsman!"
The corpsman wasted no time responding to the call as he and two other medical officers carried a stretcher out to the men. Chaplain Blue reported to the medical tent and waited for the Corpsman to arrive. A confused assembly of medical personnel arrived and placed the injured marine on the table.
It was Lance Corporal Rios.
Rios was suffering from a wound in his abdomen. It was a treatable but highly volatile injury. They worked on Rios until about zero six-hundred hours(6:00 a.m.). Chaplain Blue prayed over him for hours and when the doctors finished their work, he continued his. They looked at him and he could see that the Corpsmen felt that he was not going to make it.
They left the tent at zero seven-hundred hours (7:00 a.m.). They expected Chaplain Blue to administer Lance Corporal Rios' final rites. The weary medical team reported to the mess-tent for morning chow and sat silently at the table as the other men and women looked on.
They could hear Rios screaming in the medical tent. they ascertained that the morphine wore off and that he was in pain.
Rios screamed; "Chaplain! No!"
The Corpsmen and other marines ran into the tent as Rios held Chaplain up. Chaplain Blue's lifeless body slumped towards the floor. They lowered Chaplain to the floor and noticed that his blouse was saturated with blood. They tore open the shirt and were horrified to find that Chaplain Blue was suffering from an open stomach wound.
The men surrounded the tent and pointed their weapons in several directions, believing that there was a sniper nearby. Rios sat on the edge of the table rubbing the bloodied bandages on his own stomach.
Captain Taylor asked; "What happened son?"
Rios replied; "He was praying for me and speaking in a strange language. He pressed my stomach and..."
"And what?"
"He started to bleed...the blood was pouring from his shirt!"
"How? Did he injure himself?"
"No...I think that he did something else..."
An agitated Captain Taylor responded; "What did he do?"
"Sir, I think that he took my injury from me..."
Rios began to unwrap the bandages. The Corpsman removed the bandages and could not find the wound. They bandaged up the unconscious Chaplain Blue and left him in the recovery area. All of the men and women present were shocked and silent. No one could even understand what had just happened.
Chaplain Blue awakened as he was placed in a chopper and airlifted to a nearby airbase. As he recuperated in a large medical facility he was visited by Lance Corporal Rios.
Rios kneeled by his bedside and whispered;"Chaplain?"
Blue answered weakly; "What's up Rios?"
"We're going home Sir!"
"What are you talking about? We're not supposed to be leaving for at least four more months!"
"What do you remember Chaplain?"
"You and your platoon went on patrol and you returned with a stomach wound yesterday morning!"
"How could you have known that Chaplain?"
"Because I was there son..."
"Sir, that happened two months ago."
"Don't you remember, we came under enemy attack during Sunday morning service. You risked your life to save your RP, me and Lance Corporal Bass. A shell exploded as you helped us find cover. I took a hit in my stomach and you were knocked unconscious. You were in a coma when we were evacuated. I almost died myself but my injury...it...it just went away...but you were pretty bad. The doctors and nurses kept me updated of your progress and it was as if multiple injuries to various parts of your body appeared and disappeared at random during the last sixty days."
Chaplain Blue replied; "What?!"
"Sir, you've been out for two months in a coma...where were you?"
Chaplain replied; "There’s only one explanation. I was travelling with the Father my son, and there is more work to be done..."
With that statement, Chaplain Leon Blue removed the bandages from his body and walked out to a balcony overlooking a large body of water.
He looked to the sky and whispered "Thank you" to the Lord who had taken him on the first of many amazing journeys to spread the word and to do the work of God.
Text: Copyright 2009 Tyrone Vincent Banks
Publication Date: 11-06-2009
All Rights Reserved
Dedicated to God.