"Please my lord, all I need is for you to save my wife! She's dying and she's about to have our child! Please!" Said Red
"Fine, but on one condition." Said Lord Yetan
"Anything my lord!"
"When your daughter turns sixteen, she will fall from the Heavens losing her wings. She must live amongst the people who populate the Surface World for 2 years."
Red stood there horrorfied. The Surface World was a place where danger was at every turn. Anybody who went down to the Surface world was never seen again, but ofcourse, there was no other way to save his wife.
"I accept"
"Done, I will save your wife."
"Thank you my lord!"
"But remember, you can not run away from your daughters fate"
Later that week Ariana, Red's wife had a beautiful baby girl, and named her Datenshi or Fallen Angel...
"Come on Datenshi! We're going to be late for the annual angel ball! Said Penelope, Datenshi's good friend.
"I'm comming. Just hang on a second. It's not like there won't be another one next year." Said Datenshi.
"Come on Datenshi!"
"I'M COMMING!!!!!! WHAT PART OF 'I'M COMMING' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! GOSH!" She was really irritated. As she finished putting on her dress and mask, she felt like she was forgetting something. Then she remembered. She walked over to her jewlery box and took the key necklace off the rack. She pushed the necklace rack over and inserted the key necklace into the secret lock in the back. She turned it and pulled it out as she heard the lock click. She opened the secret compartment and inside was her most prized posseion. It was a pure gold locket incrested with a beautiful dark purple angel that looked almost exactly like her mother. Her mom had gone missing 3 years ago and no one had ever found her.
A tear fell on the jewel as she remembered what her mother said when she gave her the locket. "As long as you wear this, I will always be with you no matter how far away we are from eachother. I even have a matching locket that I bought that looks just like you. Now we will always be able to have eachother. Just remember, to always wear this when something happens good to you. It will catch those moments inside, keeping them safe in the jewel."
Datenshi was only 5 when her mother gave her this, so she didn't really understand what her mother ment. Infact, she still didn't know what her mother ment by this.But she kissed the locket and put it on around her neck.
She went to the mirror to check everything then went to go join Penelope. As she walked next to Penelope she saw that Penelope had a very irritated look on her face.
"It's about time Datenshi! I was beggining to think you had went and bailed out on me." She said .
"Ofcourse not Penelope, I was just thinking about Mom." Said Datenshi, her eyes tearing up again as she clutched the locket in her paw. The tears soaking her fur.
"Oh Datenshi I'm so sorry. And tommorrow is the third anniversary, isn't it?"
"Yeah it is.", She said more tears streaming down her face. "I miss her so much" She said now gasping for air between sobs. Penelope reached out her hand for Datenshi to hold on to. She grabbed it and starting crying on Penelope's shoulder, while Penelope hugged her whispering in a calm soothing voice "It's ok Datenshi. I miss her too. Your mom was the most loved angel in all of the heavens."Her eyes starting to tear up too. "It's ok Datenshi, It's ok"
"I...M-m-m-m-miss h-h-her so...much!!!" She said sobbing and gasping for air.
She was feeling really light headed. She felt like she was about to pass out.
"Come on Datenshi, let's go. I'm goona make you promise me something, promise me you will be strong. It's what your mom would've wanted. If she was here she would give one of those great beautiful smiles, that she used to. She would be there as you went to your first ball. Come on Datenshi, do it for her. She would be so dissapointed if you didn't go." Said Penelope wiping away her own and Datenshi's tears. "Ok Datenshi. Promise." She said as she grabbed Datenshi's shoulders and looke her right in the eyes. "Promise Datenshi!"
"Ok, I promise you."
"No don't just promise me, promise yourself and your mom that you will."
"Ok I promise."
"Ok then let's go."
"Ok Penelope."
"Woah wait up" Said somebody behind them.
Datenshi and penelope turned around to se Gale, her best friend.
"Hey Gale!" yelled Datenshi
"Hey Datenshi." He said as he finally caught up with them.
"Hey Gale" said Penelope shyly. Penelope had a huge crush on Gale. And everycody knew it. But by everybody, I mean everybody but Gale. No matter how hard Penelope tried to get his attenion, he never notices her, or anybody really. Or atleast not in the way anybody wants him to notice them. And Datenshi she could see why. He was quite handsome really. But therre was never anything romantic between them.They were just really good friends.
"How've you been Gale?" Said Dantenshi.
"Oh same old same old."
"Well come on before we miss the ball guys." Said Penelope.
"ok we're comming"
"Come on Gale let's go."
"Ok Datenshi"
Penelope looked longingly at Gale. But he just kept looking straight forward not even noticing her. Datenshi pittied her. She tried so hard but always ending in the same way: failure. It was a shame. She wished either Gale would finally notice Penelope, or Penelope would finally just give up and finally accept he didn't like her like that.
But for now she just sat there pittying Penelope...
Publication Date: 01-30-2012
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