I was unsure what to do last year I loved Dylan more then life itself it seemed, but I was a fool to think two stars could touch one another's hand and dance in the dark. He's so close yet I can't even grasp it like a firefly.
My sixteenth birthday is coming up in a few days, mom is now married to Hank and have to put up with Brittany. Can't complain about Brittany to much she did get my mind off of Dylan for a while. Yet she has failed to erase my childhood memories of Dylan. You can erase a line on paper but you can't erase emotions.
I stared at the ceiling listening to Evanescence
new CD I couldn't believe Adam wasn't guilty in court. People are to soft it seems sometimes. Kindness is a weakness some might say. Although he has moved to Seattle for a while which is good I guess. Andrew well he has stepped back since I almost died in the hospital I could of swore one night I heard these words whisper into my ear.
"Alice I love you."
It was Andrew I am sure, since he kissed me and was the one who set fuel to Adam's raging fire. I got up and looked in the mirror I had cut my hair to my shoulders it was dark brown I had purple on the side bang that went across my right eye. I had on a black tank top and jeans. I had lost weight I looked like a model Rose would always tell me. Well a new look a new grade. New drama. Kiss my ass.
Brittany knocked on the door then opened it there she was her hair was straight and long she had on a Hollister dress and white flats. She had a flower necklace on she looked at me and said, "Come on lazy let's go to school."
I exhaled and said, "Coming." I grabbed my jacket from the chair at my desk and went down stairs we took Brittany's car it was a Z. Mom and Hank were away in Paris for a month. The house was a mess and guess who was going to be suck cleaning it. We arrived at the school, people looked at us as we pulled up. Great why does it feel like I am the new girl. Brittany smiled and got out of the car and kissed her boyfriend, I got out of the car and grabbed my bag and walked off to my first period.
In my first class I sat alone in the back didn't feel alive much since Dylan had gone missing.
At lunch I sat alone didn't feel like hanging out with Rose and the goths. "Why are you alone?" Andrew said, coming over to me with a small smile.
"Don't feel to good I guess." I said, sighing.
"Oh? Want me to take you home." Andrew said, rubbing my back.
I nodded he got up and took me to his car it was a new truck it was black he helped me in and we sat in silence he looked at me and said, "I missed you when you were in London."
"My mom said I needed time away from what happened." J said, looking out the window as he drove.
"Adam is innocent?" Andrew asked.
I nodded he rolled his eyes annoyed and said, "I am sorry should never told him."
I didn't response to him I exhaled and said, "Can you take me to the graveyard?"
"Why?" Andrew asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Reasons." I said, rolling my eyes at him.
He nodded and drove me to the graveyard I got out of the car and looked at him and said, "Thanks." I walked to my father's grave I sat down infront of it and sighed.
No one remembered him...
Adam was on the ground bleeding he gasped for air a foot crushed his neck he yelled, "I am sorry for hurting Alice!"
There was no response from Adam's tormentor just a snarl, then Adam was thrown into a staircase of glass, glass came down and stabbed Adam.
"Say it like you mean it!" The tormentor yelled.
Adam choked on tears as a knife went through his heart, "I--'m sorry."
Adam dropped dead the knife dripped with blood Dylan glared down at Adam and growled low, "Enjoy hell. Your sister is there waiting for you."
I sat on the dry grass looking at my father's tombstone I remembered the night the police came to our house. Telling us he had been murdered. Two puncture wounds in his neck and he was beaten sensually until he passed out. I rubbed my eyes drying any tears that were trying to escape my eyes. "You miss him...don't you." A voice said, form behind me I turned around there he was...tall, stronger looking, compelling blue eyes. A black jacket on a white shirt under and jeans. Dylan.
He was more handsome then the last time I saw him, he looked down at me waiting for me to get up.
I slowly stood up and asked, "Dylan...is that really you?"
He smiled softly and hugged me in his arms, he was warm I missed him so much.
"Where did you go what happened." I said, all in one breath. Dylan smirked and stroked my cheek and said in a soft**censored**voice, "Doesn't matter Allie. What matter is I am here for you. I will never hurt you."
I looked into his eyes something was different about him but what was it?
That night I couldn't sleep even time I closed my eyes I saw Dylan there I wanted to keep dreaming but I felt sick every time I dreamt of him.
What was wrong with me?
The next day Brittany seemed busy when I came down for breakfast I yawned and looked at her and said, "What's wrong did the zombie infection happen? Damn let me get my shotgun."
She looked at me and said, "Working on your party since you won't do anything with it."
"Really why I dont want one." I said, annoyed.
"It's your sweet sixteenth oh Andrew left something for you." Brittany said, pointing to a few roses tied together by a white ribbon.
True I guess I sighed and left the house and went to Dylan's house, I waited for a while then it slowly opened it was Dylan.
"Allie? What are you doing here." Dylan asked looking at me then around.
I looked at him and said, "I missed you."
He took me into a fast embrace twirled me around taking me inside the house he closed the door all this happened in a matter of seconds it seemed.
He placed me down and looked at me and said, "I thought Adam...killed you."
"He didn't...Andrew and Rose visited me the most. Adam never visited." I said, shrugging.
I still remembered the voice whispering, I love you Alice
who was it?
Dylan stroked my cheek bringing me closer to him I looked into his soft compelling blue eyes, then there was a knock at the door.
He pulled away and went over to the door and opened it was the police.
"We are here to take Alice Gold to Adam Hearts." The male officer said.
Dylan stood in the doorway blocking them from entering.
"Let us in sir." The female officer said.
"Over my dead body, she is not going anywhere near that monster!" Dylan snapped at them.
Why would Adam have the law on his side and doing things for him like getting me to his house.
"We will force ourselves in if you don't step aside." The male officer said.
"Why should I even let you touch her, or step foot into my house." Dylan said, sounding like a wise crack.
"Adam Hearts has been found dead, she is a suspect in killing him." The female officer said.
What this can't be Adam is dead, this isn't happening life wouldn't do that to make me happy.
"Oh, such a pity but think she hasn't been in town for a long time. Most likely he's been dead for a long time. The murder hid his body then some cops came to arrest him for his wrong's and found his body. Now you bother to do justice for someone who should of been found guilty in court." Dylan said, smirking at the cops expression showing he was caught up to speed.
"We thought you were missing..." The female cop said, slowly.
"Ah ha only a fake cop would be afraid to ask, a real cop would react differently." Dylan said, closing the door.
The male cop stopped the door and said low, "We aren't finished yet."
What was going on, I looked at Dylan he said looking at me, "Allie go now, into Greg's study lock the door go now."
I went quickly to the hallway where the study was but I stood behind the wall watching what was going on.
"Get the hell out of my house." Dylan snapped at the male officer.
The male officer shot Dylan in the stomach my heart stopped for a second, the female officer walked in after the male officer.
"Now where is she." The female officer said, looking around.
The male officer grabbed Dylan by the shirt and said spitting in his face, "Where is she hiding."
"Pfft like I would tell you." Dylan said, smirking.
I went into Greg's study and looked around what could I use to help Dylan.
There was a silver sword on the wall, no can't kill someone human to save Dylan.
Then there was dead silence I slowly opened the door and walked out the cops were gone and Dylan was alive.
I looked at him and said, "How is it that you aren't mourning in pain."
"Because it doesn't hurt much."
What the hell...
"Dylan he shot you didn't he?" I said, coming closer to him but looking at his wound.
"Well yea---." Dylan started but I cut him off, "Then come on I am cleaning up your wound.
"It's fine really." Dylan said, walking to his room I followed him upstairs.
He took off his shirt, revealing a well toned muscle well groomed body. He didn't look like he was on steroids but he seemed like a fine athletic teenager.
He turned to me he had a six-pack damn what did he do when he was missing for over a year?
"Wow someone went a little over-board with the work-outs." I said, looking at him still in shock.
He smirked slightly and came over to me where was his bullet wound, it was like he never got hurt no blood. no scar no nothing.
"Why are you so afraid, looking in shock." Dylan said, coming closer to me and looking into my eyes.
"Why is there no..." I said, slowly.
Dylan looked into my eyes as he spoke, "I'm not human anymore."
Not human then what was he, I looked at him and said slowly, "Then what are you."
He pulled me into a embrace and picked me up and placed me on the bed he got on top of me and looked down at me and said slowly said, "You would be afraid."
I looked at him and said, "Fire away, can't be worse then finding out that my father got killed."
Dylan was silent for awhile then exhaled and got off of me and said, "I don't think it's a good idea."
"Please, why would you keep something from me." I said, sighing and looking right at the window.
Dylan got on me again and he opened his mouth exposing sharp vampire fangs.
I stared at how white they were how elegant they were, how dangerous they were made them all more beautiful.
"Any guesses." Dylan said low.
I sighed and said softly, "Vampire...you are a vampire."
Dylan nodded and said, "I got knocked me out...I woke up and then----." Then Dylan held his head in pain he groaned in pain he got off of me and held onto his head, as if he was having a horrible head ache.
"Dylan whats wrong!" I asked, not sure what to do.
after a few seconds it stopped he exhaled, "I'm sorry...."
I held his hand and said softly, "It's ok i'm here."
He looked at me and slowly came closer to me he leaned in to kiss me then he stopped pulling away and said, "You should get back I am sure Brittany would like to take you shopping to get a dress."
"Why would you say that you don't know her." I said, getting up and getting Dylan a new shirt.
"Typic girl mind, besides isn't it your sixteenth." Dylan said, getting up and taking the dark navy v-neck shirt.
"Yeah but..." I said, sighing.
"You should go Brittany will get mad if you don't find a dress that puts you out of your comfort zone." Dylan said, hugging me I walked home and closed the door to my room.
This can't be...vampires aren't real!
There has to be a logical explanation for this I ran my hand through my hair then there was a knock on the door I answered it was Brittany I was in my room she looked at me and said, "Time to get you a dress sis!"
Wow I hate my life sometimes I sighed and said, "Where are we going."
"JCPennies, come sis let's go."
The mall, I only go there to go to Hot Topic or me and Dylan go into the 'Fragile' stores and piss the mangers off.
Brittany took me into the dress section got a free looks from girls, we tried on ten dresses and tried each on twice, finally we got a short dress, it was strapless the button half was fluffy/ruffly. Then Brittany took me to the hair styler in the mall and we straightened it
Eight o'clock came fast it seemed it was never going to come Brittany cleaned the house quickly and a DJ came and set up his station and more crap happened. Brittany got a yellow dress it was short and she had her hair with volume and it was curly.
Half of the school showed up I ran over to Brittany and said, "Why did you invite the entire school!"
"I must of sent that text to ALL contacts."
"You have everyone number?" I said, trying not to slap her.
"No silly, I have 100 friends and they have a lot of friend we are all connected." Brittany said, tapping my noise then she went into the crowd of people. I exhaled and grabbed some soda I think it was.
There was a knock at the door I exhaled and went over to it and opened five people ran in before I closed it someone stopped it with their foot. It was Dylan.
He had on a black shirt and jeans on he looked at me and said, "That not nice to slam my foot in the door."
"Oh I'm sorry." I said, opening the door so he could walk in.
"Happy birthday Allie." Dylan said, smiling closing the door behind him and hugging me it felt more like an embrace.
"Thanks, sorry Brittany felt over board." I sighed rubbing my forehead.
Dylan took my hand and said, "Let's dance."
We went to the dance floor and danced for hours, my feet were aching I must of drunk 50 cups of soda I felt dizzy and passed out on the floor.
Wait...that wsn't soda I am drunk crap!
I woke up the next day my head felt as if I got kicked my a horse I sat up slowly and moved to the shower and took a long shower I felt sick to my stomach. Must have the flu.
At school there was rumor of a new student, I exhaled new students were not the type of people I tried to get along with I am not hating them, just they add to the hell the school already has.
In Data Management we were working with Power Point I sat with Dylan and then a new student walked in, she had short dark red hair, green eyes, a 'Within Temptation' shirt and jeans. She seemed about my age.
Dylan looked at me and said, "What's wrong with you?"
"Someone got me drunk last night." I said, holding my head up with my hand.
He smirked and leaned in so our foreheads were touching, "Want me to kiss it?'
I was holding back the blushing I smiled slightly, "Oh I dont think a kiss from your lips will heal a hangover."
"Class, this is Nicole. Who do you want to help you?" The teacher asked looking at Nicole.
She looked around the room like a hungry lion looking for the juiciest zebra. In this cast the hottest guy.
"She can sit with us." Dylan said, looking away from me and at the teacher.
"Alright you can sit with Dylan's group." The teacher said.
She walked over to us the way the tables were set up 4 to a group. So it was I, Dylan, Nicole and no one else.
I knew she had laid eyes on Dylan, which only met one thing....
"Hello I am Nicole." Nicole said, smiling at us.
This was creepy as a horror movie.
"I'm Dylan, and this is Alice." Dylan said, wrapping an arm around me.
"Are you two dating?" Nicole asked, with a slight British accent.
"Oh, no. Of course not." Dylan said, removing his arm from my shoulders. I sighed and thought to myself what the hell is up with guys.
"Oh ok." Nicole said, I knew she saw this as a open window to flirt with Dylan.
Dylan opened up his projected and started working I got out my I-pod and started listening to my music.
"Dylan can you help me?" Nicole asked, sweetly batting her eyelashes.
Dylan got up and sat next to her, "So what do you need help with."
She showed him what was going on, and somehow she got him to do it for her as she smiled and watched him.
The bell rung I grabbed my bag and quickly left the room I went to the school's Diner and sat alone no one ever sat with me only Andrew, Dylan or Rose.
Andrew walked in and sat with me and said, "Why are you frowning?"
"It's nothing." I sighed.
"It's about Dylan isn't it." Andrew said, sighing.
"No, it's fine dont worry about it." I said, looking out the window at the dark overcast.
"I'll be back." Andrew said, getting up and stroking my cheek as he left.
Dylan sat on a wall looking up at the dark clouds, Andrew walked up to him and said, "Seems as if Alice knows something about you."
"Only way could of saved her from Adam's servants."
"Didn't you kill him?" Andrew said, raising an eyebrow.
Dylan jumped down and said, "If you cared about Alice you would of killed Adam."
"I am not as hot headed as you, but tell her about me and my friend who is the killer. I will slaughter you."
In Drama Dylan walked in and said, "Alice can I talk to you? Alone."
I sighed and got up and followed him out to the hallway he looked at me and said, "Stay away from Andrew."
"Why." I said rolling my eyes.
"Why do you think I never talked about him, he is...not human." Dylan whispered into my ear.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes, "What the hell when did this become Twilight."
"Haha, no this isn't that but you aren't listening to me. He will kill me if I expose his secret." Dylan said, looking around to make sure Andrew wasn't ears-dropping.
"What is it?" I said, sighing.
Dylan looked at me and said, "Allie..."
He took my cheek and slowly brought me closer, were we going to kiss. Then I felt as if I was gonna puke I held it in as we could feel one another shaking.
I could feel his breath on my skin I closed my eyes to help enjoy the moment.
Then I heard Andrew voice right before our lips touched.
I exhaled and pulled away and looked at him, he saw us and he knew he walked in at the bad moment.
"Alice may I have a word with you alone?" Andrew said, smiling at me.
I followed him away from Dylan we went around the corner Andrew looked at me and said, "Allie I love you."
It was him in the hospital who said he loved me.
Andrew leaned in and kissed me on the lips, he held me close then pushed me against the locker as he deepened the kiss, Dylan came around the corner and watched he sighed and left us alone. Did I just do something I am going to regret?
One Month Passed
I still wasn't feeling good Rose looked at me and said, "You should take a test."
"What why?" I said, me and Andrew hadn't even had sex yet how could I be pregnant?
"Just do it." Rose said, handing me one from her bag. I didn't even want to ask why she carried about a pregnancy test with her.
I went into the bathroom and took the test my heart was pounding out of my chest as I waited for the test.
I looked at it..my heart stopped Rose walked in and said, "So?"
"I'm pregnant.." I said, slowly.
"What!" Rose said, shocked but she was excited.
"How this is possible." I said, sitting on the floor.
"What do you mean?" Rose asked confused.
"Me and Andrew haven't even had sex yet so if it's not his baby then who is the father?" I asked, looking up at Rose.
"Didn't you get drunk at the party?" Rose said, sitting on the floor in front of me.
"Yes but I don't remember anything really." I said, shrugging.
Rose thought about it for a bit then said, "Who do you remember last."
"Dylan." I said, not sure where she was getting at.
"Could it be him?" Rose said, standing up and helping me up.
It wasn't him not that I know of.
"You never know." Rose said, going into my room.
I followed her and she turned the TV on to watch some show, Hell Cats
Could it be Dylan but why would he take advantage f of me being drunk he isn't like that.
I got up and took my phone and left the room and dialed Dylan's number.
He picked up and said, "Hey Allie what's up?"
"Dylan I have something to tell you..." I said, feeling as if I was going to throw up. My knees were shaking.
Why was I so scared of telling Dylan I could be pregnant with his child.
"What is it?" Dylan said, sounding worried he could tell by the sound of my voice that I was scared.
"I need to tell you in person it's..hard to tell you over the phone." I said, knowing Brittany could hear us.
"Alright let's meet at the old tree house." Dylan said, hanging up.
I grabbed my jacket Rose looked at me and said, "Where are you going?"
"To the tree house where we hung out as kids. I have to tell Dylan before he finds out and freaks out that we didn't tell him."
"Are you telling your parents?" Rose asked.
God if they found out they would send me away to a boarding school.
"No, think its better if they don't know." I said, walking away and to the tree house.
The tree house was near a lake and in the woods by town I went to the old tree house, the memories of it came back to me.
Dylan walked out of the fog and said, "So?"
I sighed and walked up to him and sighed, "Dylan..."
He looked at me waiting for me to spit it out.
"I might be pregnant with....your child." I said, afraid he had a shock look on and said, "Your kidding right?"
"I dont know if its your kid. It cant be Andrew's we haven't had sex yet. And then Rose said I got drunk at my party and your the last person I remember." I said, leaning against the tree.
Dylan rubbed his temples and came closer to me and said, "Alice, you have to be joking."
"I took a test I can't be lying." I said, panicked.
Dylan leaned and said low, "I'll protect you. Who ever child it may be I will protect it as well."
Then a gun shot was heard Dylan groaned in pain and he dropped to the ground there were four guys.
Vampire Hunters...
I stood there shaking what was going on, they walked over to us. "Run, Alice." Dylan said, in pain.
"No I'm not leaving you." I said, trying to get Dylan to stand on his feet.
"Why you're a young vampire." One of the vampire hunters said.
"Why is a human here?" The other one asked, glaring at me.
I held Dylan's head in my lap he looked at me and said, "Alice, please."
"No!" I snapped, he froze at my tone and didn't reply, I looked back up at the hunters the leader said, "Get him and lets go back."
The other two walked over to us and went to grab him then they dropped in pain after a gunshot there was Andrew he walked out of the shadows.
"Its..its!" One of the vampire hunters said in shock.
Andrew shot the center hunter in the forehead blood shot out of he wound and fell backwards, Andrew put the gun in his belt the hunters ran off, then Andrew walked over to us and said, "Hey you ok?"
"Who?" I asked.
Andrew smiled at me and said, "You."
Dylan coughed it wasnt a 'oh I am hurt help' it was more of a 'hurry it up'.
Andrew looked down and chuckled, "Got yourself in a pickle now dont we cousin well. Come on let's get you somewhere not here. Alice mind if we your house as a slaughter house I mean a nursing home."
I had a soft laugh and said, "Yeah come on."
Andrew helped Dylan up and we put Dylan onto Andrew's back and Andrew carried me in his arms and we went to my house.
We laid Dylan down on the guest bed and Andrew ripped the bullet out and said, "I'll be out Alice keep an eye on him." Andrew smiled and kissed my forehead and he left.
Dylan rolled his eyes I sat on his bed and said, "What's wrong?"
His phone buzzed it was Nicole he looked at me and shrugged and answered it, I could only hear what he was saying nothing on what she was saying.
"Yeah I will be there soon." Dylan said, hanging up.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Nicole wants me to come to a party. Not my thing but I will go." Dylan said, getting up.
Dylan stroked my cheek and whispered, "I'll be fine, we will discuss the small problem later."
I nodded he walked out and I was alone...again
I was watching, "New Moon" I turned it off after I got sick of watching her being all depressed about a guy leaving her I went to cook some Ramen in the kitchen and I turned on the news.
"There has been more murders and missing people more close to town then last year." The reporter said, I slowly looked up and there was a scream and the news went off air.
She was screwed, I sighed and looked around the house and then the lights went out I took the pot off the stove then there was a crash in the master bedroom I went upstairs, there was a tall and buff figure there was a growl. I backed up and bumped into a vase it fell on the floor the figure turned around it was a werewolf it growled and turned into...him...Rose's brother.
"Why hello Alice." He said, coming into the dim light.
It was clear who the killer was her brother had gone to prison and I remember the prison calling Rose's aunt and telling her something that gave her a heart attack.
Her brother was charged of rape and attempting to burn the house down with me and Rose inside.
"Benjamin." I said, slowly.
"So why isnt Dylan or Andrew here?" Benjamin asked.
"I dont know why are you here." I said, raising an eyebrow.
Benjamin shrugged, "Well you were the one who called the cops on me.
He had shaggy brown hair, green eyes that glowed in the dim light.
"Revenge." I said, nodding.
"Correct." Benjamin said, smiling.
He came closer I backed up and ran down stairs he growled and grabbed me and threw me down the stairs, I pushed myself up and ran and grabbed a tool from the fireplace to use as a weapon.
"Now Alice no need to use weapons you will die either way." Benjamin chuckled.
I stabbed him in the stomach he glared at me then looked down and ripped it out I ran outside and ran down the streets. He came out and chased me he grabbed me and threw me into the street as a car came speeding towards me.
I rolled out of the way and got on my feet and ran to a neighbor's house and pounded on the door please open the door he came closer to the door. Then he grabbed my neck and snarled, "I'll finish you."
"Alice!" A voice shouted then my neck snapped I dropped to the ground, everything was blurry my senses were dimming slowly I saw Dylan running up to me. Then Benjamin's cackle.
Dylan held my hand and said, "Please Alice dont leave me!"
I coughed up the words that I wanted to say, "Dylan I love you."
Everything blacked out.
Book 3 coming soon
Publication Date: 10-29-2011
All Rights Reserved
My friends who always been there for me or who make me laugh. Or smile and ones I known longer it's hard to keep friends there so much drama you can go through. Then I have meant amazing friends in high school. They know who they are