chapter 1: falling quickly
I road my bike to the dance studio after school. I needed to hurry, because to day was the additions for solos. I wanted to be chosen for the prima this time I was sure to get the part. I turned into the parking lot of the studio. I chained my bike up and ran throw the door into the locker-room.
"hey girls," I ran into the locker room and saw all my friends.
"Wow! Sadie's only half an hour late! an new record!" Claudia laughed at me. Claudia was the tallest and heaviest of us all, despite that she could pass as a model. Molly was tying her point shoes and looked up at me.
"Hey, Sadie did you practice over the weekend?" Sarah looked at me with her big blue eyes. She was pale and blond. She has always been very quiet, she was very petite so I doubt she'll get the part.
I undressed and slipped on my leotard and skirt before I answered her. After I had finished I turned around and placed my hands on my hips,
"well of course I practiced! My mother had to force me to stop practicing." My seven other friends all laughed at me.
"Sadie, if you don't rest ,then your feet will be so damaged that you'll have to retire early!" I saw Emily rehearsing in the corner.
"Whatever! Now stop twirling around so you can braid my hair!" I stuck my tongue out at her and handed her a scrunchy. Emily rolled her eyes and sat down behind me.
"Ooh! Could you please put my hair in a bun?" Molly hopped up and tip-towed over to me and sat in front of me. Before we knew it we had formed a hair styling train of all twelve girls.
Carolin, our instructor, came in
"girls please hurry up." she came in as usual clapping her hands and telling us to hurry. except this time WE had finished before she came in. We walked out proudly in our point shoes of different colored leaving Caroline bewilder. we all snickered saying she was thinking "they're early? how could the have finished early? wait...what?"
We were seated on the hard wood floor and one by one we were called up to preform. When Molly was called up she walked with her hands folded. She stood at the front of facing the mirror. I looked at her reflection. She nodded at me telling me to play her chosen track. Secrets by one republic began to play. she began teetering her feet back and forth. At fist I did not recognize the dance but then I realized it was an excerpt from the ballet Giselle. She had uniquely changed the tempo of the dance to mach the song perfectly. I was amazed at how perfect she had preformed it. When she had finish the class was silent and then the silence was broken from their applause.
"you we amazing." I gently whispered. If I was caught talking surly Caroline would force me to go next.
"you helped me a lot with picking my song." She smiled at me.
"What! No I only said I was going to use a One Republic song!" Caroline cleared her thought and glared at me.
"Miss. Brooklyn , Miss. Whittly has already preformed, and it seems you are eager to share your music chose."She gave me a hand gesture pointing me to the front. I tried to breath steadily as I walked to the front of the room and faced the class. All the right moves began to play. I tried my best to match the tempo of the song with my routine I had composed. It was going well. That is until I leaped into a jete (a jump in ballet. I had missed my landing and fell to the ground. I was humiliated.
After the class I ran to the locker room to change. I didn't want to see any of my friends. I quickly changed and then left with out a word. I rode home hopping that I wouldn't have to talk about it. Of course I knew very well that I was hoping in vain.
Chapter 2: devils and angels... all the same
I walk in to my house and slammed the door. My mother immediately came running
"Cassandra, Whats wrong? how did dance class go." she asked.
"I don't want to talk about it" I tried to run up the stairs but my mother stopped me.
"Cassandra! what happened?"
"I fell okay! and now I'm not going to get a solo!" I started walking up the stairs but then stopped to turn around.
"and please... don't call me by my full name." with that said I went into my room. I listened to my ipod until i drifted off to sleep. I was woken up by the door bell ringing followed by mom calling my name. when i got down stairs I saw Nathan and his mom standing in the living room. As soon as he looked and gave me a large smirk, i turned around and headed up the stairs.
"Cassandra, don't be rude." I turned around to she her with her hands on her hips glaring at me. I stiffened my jaw and walked down stairs. I looked at Nathan with disgust.
I hate him the most. he's insensitive, inconsiderate, and selfish. He knows very well that I hate him, but yet he insist on pestering me. He tends to act like hes interested in me and then pulls away and teases me. He ignores me at school which is the only kindness he has ever showed me. He likes to hang out with the popular kids, and he his somewhat like their leader. As for me I like to hang out with the girls from my dance team and other people how dance. To make things worst, Nathan is my next door neighbor, and our mothers are good friends, which means I have to look at him for around fifteen hours at most. Nathan was quite good looking which explains why Molly has a crush on him. He tended to get whatever he wanted. I looked over at him, and I caught him staring at me. I glared at him but he just continued to star at me. Ew! I felt like he was eye-raping me! What the hell is he thinking? I take that back, It's probably something disgusting.
I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall to the TV room. I heard foot steps behind me I turned around and just who following me. That's right... Nathan. I sat on the couch and started watching one my recorded shows. I watched for about half an hour before Nathan turned it off.
"Hey what the F-" i cut my self of because i noticed he was WAY to close. his face was inches away from my face.
"Sadie, i feel like you've been avoiding me. Why is that?" he had a displeasing glint in his blue eyes.
" uhh...ouais, parce que votre trou du cul." (translation :yeah, because your an asshole)I often did this acting like i didn't mean to speak french. His eyes widened in surprise or shock ,I wasn't sure. He pulled his face back and chuckled.
"What did you say?" he laughed at me,
and I glared at him.
"I said I've been busy." which was a total lie.
"What? With ballet? When are you going to quite that? it's girls in frilly skirts spinning around." He sneered at me. I rolled my eyes in disgust.
"well of course you
would think that. you have such a thick skull you wouldn't be able to appreciate it any way." I crossed my arms and mocked him. He smiled and put his hand on my leg and started to slid his hand across my leg.
"I actually enjoy ballet when the girls are pretty, and then they bend over just enough to see their..." he had trailed off. I looked down at his hand and back up at him around twelve times before slapping his hand. I push him off me and stood up.
"your a perv, you know that?" Nathan didn't react at all! he just sat there smiling.
"How is it that you don't have a boyfriend?"
"I do actually, I'm surprised you didn't know considering he's in your large circle of friends."
"oh really and who mite that be,"
"William." I smiled at him triumphantly and swayed my shoulders back and forth.
"Will? are you sure it's the same one? he doesn't go for girls like you."
"Yes, it's your friend Will, Cole."
"weird he doesn't like girls who have a chance of getting into collage." he was a bit confused. I didn't blame him, I was in shock when Will asked me out.
"who asked who?"
"Will asked me ,and I said yes. So you should stop the harassment." I said. Nathan got up of the couch and started moving towards me. He pushed me up against the wall with his chest, and held both my wrists in his hands. he started lean down to kiss me.
"If that means I can't do this then you should dump him." right when he was about to kiss me the door bell rang. I pushed him off of me, and turned around to walk backwards.
"that's my boyfriend
" I finally was able to tease him. I stuck my tongue out at him. I put my hand on the door handle to open it.
"hey, Sadie." I looked back at him.
"be careful." wait! is he worried?I shook my head at him
"whatever." I opened the door to Let Will in he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist
"hey." He kissed me on my lips gently and then hugged me. I glanced over his shoulder and saw Nathan staring at us, he had his fist clenched tightly, and his jaw had stiffened.
Mom, I'll be back before eight!" I closed the door behind use before she could protest. I got into Will's car . I looked over at him and saw that he was staring at me with a serious look in his eyes.
"why was Nathan at your house?" I started laughing and leaned against the car door.
"Nathan is just my neighbor. Nothing more." Will smiled and kissed me fast and rough. I pushed him away and bit my lip.
"okay whats wrong?" I could tell when something was wrong. He took a deep breath and looked back at me.
"I think your the neighbor girl that Nathan said he was chasing." I stared laughing.
"that doesn't mean it's me." Will finally started the ignition. the drive to his house wasn't very long. he only lived a few blocks away ( it was a pretty small town). we pulled up it the drive way, and unlocked the front door. Literally as soon as he closed the door he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him he pressed his lips against mine. This kiss was different from his previous ones, it was possessive, and empty. He stared pushing me towards the wall. He tangled he hands into my chestnut brown hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. he moved his lips down my neck. I felt his finger reach into the hem of my jeans. My eyes shot open and i realized he was doing it again. I tried to break away from him, and turned my head sideways to prevent him from kissing me.
"st-stop it." He continued kiss my jawline and pretended not to hear me.
"Will please!" I begged him. This was almost a weekly routine for him to try to sleep with me.
"it's okay, my parents aren't home." He was basically saying 'we can have sex'. I pushed him off of me.
"Will! I've told before that I'm not going to have sex with you! ever!"
"Sadie, why do you always do this? we've dating for about a month. It's normal to do it."
"exactly, we're dating
, and we're not married
.on top of that we're 18 and still in high school, if i got pregnant it would ruin my life and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't help!" I was furious with him. He never thinks about anything. He's only concerned about his pleasure
"you're thinking to much about this." and there he goes again... not thinking.
"well, at least I am thinking. I mean do you even have a condom?"
"no, but I could get one." I put my hands on my forehead and sighed.
"I can't take this any more." I pushed him aside and grabbed my purse, and made my way to the door.
"you can't take it anymore? so does that mean your dumping me?"
"that's what I'm trying to say." I opened the door and started walking out when will called
"your going to regret this , Sadie." i chuckled and looked at him over my shoulder.
"Do what you want ,Will." With out another word I closed the door. I yanked my jacket collar attempting to block out the cold South Carolina winds. I walked down the night road wondering why I didn't see this coming, and for once Nathan was right. I doubt Will will try to get back at me like he had warned me. He tends to give empty treats that help him to gain control over people.
I looked at Nathan's house to see that the lights were still out. Dammit he's still at mine! I walk up our steps and opened the door. I heard my mom in the kitchen call,
"Casandra, Est-ce vous? pourquoi es-tu rentres si tôt?" ( Casandra, is that you why are you home so early?)
"Yeah mom, it's me, and speak English" I walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of soda.
"so why'd you come home?" I heard Nathan ask. I didn't look at when I answered.
"we just needed to talk in person," I said. Nathan chuckled slightly and stared to play 20Q's with me.
"so did he dump you?"
"shut up!"
"so he did."
"No he didn't I dumped him!" I slammed my glass on the table and left the room. I heard Nathan say Ow most likely because his mom slapped the back of his head. I ran up the stairs into my room. I buried my face in my pillow and tried to block out the world. I was almost asleep until someone came up and playfully pushed my head into my pillow. I let out a loud shriek. I turned my head around and propped my self up on my elbow to see Nathan sitting on my bed with a smirk on his face.
"What?" i asked.
"So was I right?"
"If I say yes, will you leave?" He chuckled under his breath and looked at me.
"I told you he wouldn't have asked you
out so suddenly if he liked you."
"Why do you care anyway?"
"I don't know I just...I guess I don't like seeing you so upset." My eyes widened when he said this and then I remembered what Will said in the car 'I think your the neighbor girl that Nathan said he was chasing.' maybe he was right. Either that or Nathan is messing with me. I woke up from my beep thoughts and stared at Nathan. Nathan stared to lean towards me. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited for it to be over. I felt something soft and warm touch my forehead. I then opened my eyes to see Nathan leaving my room, and realized that he had kissed me! What the hell?
CHAPTER 3: Practice, Preform, and Party
I woke up the next morning and realized I was late. I rushed to get dressed . I winced at the thought of not showering, but I decided it would be best if I showered after gym class. I rushed out the door with my bag and a piece of toast hanging from my mouth. I hopped on my bike and haled ass down the rode. To my amazement I made it to school with about 10 minuets to spare. I got of my bike and rush through the hallways trying to get to economics class.
When I entered the classroom I noticed that only two seats were open, one was next to Nathan, and the other one was next to Will. If I have to sit next an asshole I should sit next to the asshole I hate the least. I stared to walk towards Will, and then glanced over at him and realized he was giving me the death glare. Maybe that isn't such a good idea. I stopped in my tracks and sat next to Nathan instead. Nathan leaned over towards me and whispered in my ear
"Good choice" I cringed as his cool breath gently grazed my ear. I looked back at will who was still giving me death glares. Luckily my teacher Mr. Burger walked in the room. The economics class bragged on and I tried to focus on the lecture and not Nathan's several attempts to talk to me. When the bell rang I dashed out of the room at full speed.
Text: book not finished
Publication Date: 03-28-2011
All Rights Reserved
to my eight best friends - you guys are always there for me