Tyler ran and ran until he felt he could stop.A feeling of lonlyness rose up in him ,if he had tears he would most curtenly cry.He'd cry a river if he could.But,he had no tears.Then he heard foot steps behind him.A smell of wild things filled his nostrills.The hair on his back stood on end.He heard a twig snap. He looked around him self and saw four pairs of big yellow eyes stairing at him on either side.there was no way out.He was traped.
A growl erupted from the bushes startiling Tyler.
There was a flash of brown and then a huge over sized wolf was oll over him.Tyler's sences took over.
All of a sudden another wolf pounced and swatted and missed,only by an inch ,his head.
Tyler took down the wolf in a matter of seconds.
Two wolfs atacked this time.One had blond shaggy fur.The other had golden fur.They atacked the first set of claws missed,but the second hit there mark.
Tyler let out a scream of pure aggony.He felt him self weekining.Blood and venom stained the ground.
Then the wolves turned there faces tward the sky and let out a frustrated growl.Then ran with lightning-fast speed tward the bushes.
2 days later
He was getting hungrier and hungrier the more he ate.The burning at the back of his throat was getting more and more intence by the miniet.he thurst for human blood.he new it wouldn't be able to resist much longer.He finaly broke an hour later.
He found a couple of people hikeing.
He atacked the girl.
"AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!",the girl screamed
The man was gapping wide eyed at him.
That's when he decided.
He dug in with his fangs.The man cryed out in agony.
After he was done we lyed him onto the grass.
He looked like a porcilin doll.
Text: abc
Publication Date: 01-30-2010
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